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Minutes 1972-08-29
V ~ ~t :"~r ~~.)l.~lt<i1L . - ~ . ~ . . . . ~ ~ . ~.l.;~~s~J~l .LGy 17A4. . ~ ur>a ~yr~ GI'iAI~TDE a CA`LI FQRNIA P[iC~ ~ . AL~~? ~it'.t~T?~NT ~ Un m~tion of C~unc3.lanan d~ I.~c~n, se~ond~d l~y Co~nc~l~°~~t i~I~.1.li~ ~nd u~.rx~~ni.,-~c»slg c~.rried, tY,~ m~,yeting adjou~:ned I1;~,i P.M, until, 4:00 P.M,, A~~gust 29, ~19720 . . ~ - . . ~ . ~ ~ ~TZ~sT. ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ D~PUTY CITY GLERK MAYOR CT'i'Y CC1~~~CT:C: AU~~75T 299 1972 hEtKi~Y~1 ~R1~~ B~ , Cr~I,I FOR13I1~ ~ t 00 P. M. ` ~~.~v G~*~.nc:,il. mnt i.n a~.ja~.~ii~ci r~~~t~~° s~s~ a.on ~aa~:t:~ Ma.y~a~ Schlegel ~r~:~iding. U~az~ xuli c~1l., Cc~~^.ncil MF~x~i~~rs Wo~d ~.nd cl~ L~on report~d pr~~~nt. ~E~~anci.l~~Rn Mi.~ ].is and T~.11~~ ar~ abs~nt. - I3I~GCTSSTU~f ~~.)'U"I~I~:Y WIDE WA1'ER t~iD SEWFR P~ _ cjv~.ncilm~n M.~.11~.~ join.~d t12~ Cc~W.~ncil d~x°ing fol~..c.,wing discA~sssian, G~=;n~~r~~.. ~.is~~~sion ~~,s h~13 on 1~h~ C;~~nt~- Wid~ ~T~.t~r and Se~~r Plan, ~ai.~~x Cc~~.ancil ~.nd Mr.. Bo~~n~ of C,D.I~I., ~a~t~,~;g~~ e.7rpo~atic~n prep~r~el th~ M.~ster _ ~i~t:-~r ~:nd S~~,r~rag~ ~7.~n for ~~e~ Go~.nt~ ~f S~n O~~sp~~ and County Engin~~rs Cl~.nt Mi.~n~: ~.nd W~.17:y Bcx~~ ~~re ~lsa~ F~°~~~n~o Ne~ ~~~~an ~as t~k~n ~t the meeting, ABJ~l?ItNNIF1VT . 4n mo~:~..~n of C~~tncil:x~n .cie ~~n, se~ored~~i by G~uncilanan M311is and ~:na~i~c?F.~.sl:v ca~,rri~W~., ek~~ :n~~;tizig ~djc~.xwn~e~ ~t 5:2a P.M. \ ~ - - 1 ` r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ES~~• `~J ~,~-'~e~> ~ DF~UfiY CITY CLERK OR