Minutes 1972-09-18 ~ ~ ~u~;e~;"~~. ~~t ~t. g , ~~a~~ ~ _ „ ~~:~3`~i~~iyi~ 'iv IiTHEIt ~IT~.' REPRESE'1VTATI.VE5 PRESf~;TVl ~,z i;i+~,i~;::i!~ < ~y::: _ Councilman Mi~lis ~clcnaw~.edged kYie pr~~~n~,~ nf' Ce~~n~i~l~ro~~an H~s~rn~y~~ of Pismo Be~ch and Gity Ac~~~nist~ator Sr.of~.~l~ of G~a`p~~ C~,~~ t~~ ~ven~.ng's Council ane~ting~ ADJOURI~]MENT On motion of Coun~~l~n~.r~ Mill~,s9 ~~~o~i~~ei I~y° G~~n~~~anan. i~~~n txnaniino~sly car~ied, th~ an~~tin~ adjo~~n~~ a~ 90~0 ~',M~ ~r~~~Y ~:~0 PaMo, September 18, 19720 ~ ~ ~i/ ~j , ATTEST.'. ,~;4~,+~fi~, , DEPUTY CITY CLERI~ MAYC?R CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMB~;R 1~9 19~2 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFQRNTA A:30 PoM. Th~ City Cotxncil m~t in ad.jo~xrned, ~~g~Zl~~ ~~~~~on ~aa~t~ M~yox° Scl~legel presidingo Upon ro11 cal~3 Cr~~,ncil Memb~rs M~1.~.i~g T~.l~~~ ~.nd e~~ L~on reported present, Council~nan Wood a~s ~bsentm REVISION OF LEASE BETWEEN CITY AND RADI.O STATTaN Th~ Co~,ncil ~~ce~v~d, cop~~~ of th~ ~~vis~~ A~~~.~~~nt of v~~~.s~ betr~een the City of Arroyo Grand~ ~ne~ Lar~on-T~in Ent~x~p~is~~ n ae~~lit~on~l cl~anges we~e made in th~ agre~;ment a~ prepa~°ed b~ Ci~3~ Atto~n~ti Sl~~ps~v~ ~s follor,~s : 1) 0~ Page 4, Section 10, the s~ction "or the bt~~lei~.ng loc~e~~ tYr~~~on" ~aa~ included; and 2) under Section 24, tt~~ tollowing w~s ~ncY~~~.~ ~s p~~°~ of t1~,i~ se~t~on: "tha~ u.pon app~oval of FCC ~pplication b~ ~~a~ C%t~~ of A~~oyo Grand~9 the Ci~y would contint~e to use t~e r~~dic~ tora~r ~n~ p~~ fo~ co~t of ~.ny por~rer provided". After Gouncil d~.scussie~n, an moti~n c~f Co~ncil.xt~~~ T~ll~y, secon~ed by Cotzncilma.n de Leon ~nd unan~,an~~sly~ ca~ri~ct, M~~~~ an~ C~~~ Clerk wer~ authorized to ent~r in~o t~e ~1gr~.~men~ of Le~~~ b~t~~~n tY~~ C~ty of Arroyo Gx°ande and Larson-Ix~af.n Ent~~°pris~s, with th~ co~°~ec~~ons as not~do FURTHER DISCUSSTON - IMPLEMENT~T~ON OF WATER STCTDY rOR CITY BY KOEBTG & KOEBIG Discuss~on of th~ implexnentation of x~co~itn~n~at~~ns m~de by Koebig & Koebig in their report on W~ ter S~apply ~.nd D~:~rt~nc~ fo~ th~ City of A~royo Grande ~ras continued at this time frnan th~ Cc~tzncil's p~'ior tn~~~~ngo Reg~.rding Recommend~tion ~~1 of t~~ ~~po~°~~ w~s ag~°e~~ by the Council that th~ C~ty retain its f~,ll ~°~ghtis ~o i~s i,op~~ w~t~~ ~n~~tl~triento In regard to Recommendation ~~'2, witl~ x~~.fer~nc~ to t~~ l~~sin~ of ~r~ter, the Co~ncil went on reco~°d agr~~ing to a~~~.r to yea~ l~~~ing ~f w~t~~ an~ ~h~g ~n analysis of the City's needs be mad.e on a~~~r to ye~~ b~s~s, ~a~~~ t~~ C~~y of Arx°oyo Grande always having fi~°st priorityo In d~scussing Recox~~n~ation ~~3, r~g~~'~ing ~r~t~~° ~~~vzc~ or~ts~d~ of the City, it tia~s the general f~~ling of tl~~ C~~n~il tk~at th~ C~~~ r~ro~lcl s~r~e water outside of the City on an incliv~d~~l ba~i.s b~s~d ~pon indi~r~,~~als rr~~.o h~ve existing tiaate~ probleanso Tn ~~.dition, th~ Coanc~.l r,~oulc~ cont~n~~. to x°~v~ew service for ~ach req~aest ovtsid.e of tl~e Ci~~o Recommend.~tion ~~5, r~r~iic'h ~~~,ls ~rith the v~~rio~s n~~d~ of r~~~~ro~r sites, the Council generally agreed t`~aat t£a~ Direc~o~° of P~a~1ic Wor~~ b~ autY~orized to check ~nto the costs of Sit~ and r~tx~~°n 1~~~ fzn~~ngs to the Cc~uncilo In dis- cussion of Recox~nendation ~~6, th~ C~~ncil agree~ t~~~ sogn~ t}~p~ of an ag~~~ment should be entereel ~nto betc~~~n t~.~ Sn s~~n I,~~~ C3~~~spo C~ o San.itation D~s~~ic~ and ~~a.~ ~z~~ whereby t~~ Cit~ coul~ ~~cl~i~, c1~~t~~b~E~~ ~nc~ sel~ ~,r~~~~ w~tex~ from ~.;~~~a. ~:a~ ag~~c~xl~ural pu~pos~~ an~ oth~r f~a~t;~s~~ ~~~s~~;~o ~~g~~c~~ng it~cc~nanend~.tian ~~7, it w~s nc~t~:d p~~~~n~1~ t~~ Ci~y has ~.r.~~: ~~u~r~Erl~ sampling prograan of ii~~ ~y~1~~, a'n c~nsidering R; ca~:~~:x~y~~;i.on ;~8, th~ Cor~ncil c~iscussa~~ tF~~ ~~co~~sn~ndation tt~ ~~~nove and store ~~~:~~~-:r:~°. ~~t° w~~.~.~ n~smber 1, 3 and 5o Af~~~ f~~~et'h~r Co~xn~~~ ~ise:uss~on, on m~atian~ ~f Gauncilman Talley, secondeel by Ce~~uncil~n~n M~11is and, ~ananimously carx°ied, Ti~°~e~~r ~r iublic Wo~ks Ande~°~on was autha~'iz~~. to ~~mo;r~ ~nd p~°operly stor~ the ec~uipme~r. for wells n~amber 1, 3~.nd 5 0 ,;-r t~~tyT?~ t°3 ~^,!~'d1m~'~rR.t~'7: 7c~ y+~'~Jr ~ , . _ _ ~ ~~_v e.~<;~~~~ ~ ~ECEIP°T C~F 1972 S~CO~'D QUARTER SALES TAX Administrator Bu~ch reported th~t the r~c~ipt of a progx~~ss report on the Sales Tax Revenue anel Cigax°ette Tax fox° ~1~~ 2nd Q~.a~°t~x° of 19~2 showed ~he Sales Tax receipts to b~ the ~iighest in the Y~~sto~~ caf tk~e Ci~yo REVIEW OF LOPEZ METER CHARGES & WATER LINE Ct?NIVECTIO~t CHARGES. City Ad.ministrator B~tch revie~~:d for th~ Counc~l ~ r~po~t on the va~°fous a.lternates that `aould effect eq~al ch.~rges for pro~~ci~ng water to n~r~a users inside and outside of this Citya The report cove~~d the cost of m~ter charges for unimproved property and the Council generally ag~eed on alt~rnat~ ~k2 after a great deal of discussion on the amount to be charge~4 On ~no~i~~ of C~uncilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously c~rr~ed, the inatter of tneter charges was tabled until the next regula~° meeting of the City Ca~ncil9 for further reviewe Director of Publ~.c Works Anderson reported an i~is stuc~y ~aith x~~fer~nce to the question of service main charges, distribu~~on charges ~nd. privat~ fire service charges. Iie further rev~ewed for th~; Coaxncil~ vi~ xnaps, the many ar~as in and adjacent to the City where the water sy~t~m w~~ld r~qu~r~ expansion, He also pointed out that any developer of an aanirnprov~eY pa~°cel of land does not pay any cost for water that is in existance, In ~is r~port, Dir~ctor of Pttblic Works Anderson recommended that values be establis:~ed for the service m~in charge as well,as the main di~tributiona Aft~r a gre~t deal of discussion, there was general agreement on the report and it was ~.gree~ that the Co~xncil would need additional information on this mattero ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Co~tncilm~.n de Leon and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 11:05 ~'oMo until 8:00 P.M., September 19, 1972, Y~'~. i~ ~ ~ ATTEST:~, t~~~11'N'i~~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MA OR