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Minutes 1972-09-26
, 1 ~ ''~qp~/7'~ p~) ~X.+. ~"'*J~~.L~11~''.J~'~ .~r.k.. .t~~~ ` " . . . , . i.. 'u~: t~~`=~r' i~a-~~~~~.:f rr~~a~ ~r~ ~~.~~~1~r° ~~~~~~n. c~~.,~~,, i~l~.g{~s~ ~>y?~l~~~i ~~~~~.c~~.ng, ~Jp~n x~i~. ~.u~.~, t~~~~~n~i~. M~;~^k`~~~~r~ Nl:il~l~~, T~.~~.~.~~ ~n~ ~l~~c~. r~~~~~~~^~ pr~~~nto Gc~aan~:~~.m~rt ~,~~~n ~b~~n~e ~'~EDG~ ~+F ~~Z~:~EGIAtiiG~ ~.~D ~:~°~f~~G~T~~~^b M~~ca~ Sc~ Tr~<xe~ t'~1;1~ F1~;=~~~~m~ c~f ~~1~~~,~.r~~~~ c~~n~ F~.~~$ ~n~ ~~~rY~~t~I~ tt~.~~°~~ft~~9 ~~av~.r~c~,~,r~~~n ~Ti~~~~:~ c~~ ~~~°~~,r~~~ ~r~:~r~~~~~.~:r;o aI~F~R!~tiAYs ~7F MZ1~"[.~TF S T~~ ~srtu~~~~~ c~~ ~ti~- z°~ ~~;~^t~.~~ a~f ~~p~~rl~~~~° 1~,, ~~`~2, ~ne~ tY~~ ~djc~~;~r~~~ ~~g~~~~ ~n~~~~r~~ ~~p~t~~~~~~° ~$s Sga~, ~r~~~ ~.pp~~~r~c3 pr~p~~edlo ~PPR~'JA~ ~JF W~.~.k~~VTS ~n~ ~~~~c~r~ e~f C~a~~cz~i].~~r~ T~,~~~~9 s~con~~~ ~y C~~.~r~~~~~a~.n T~Ii~~i~ ~nd ~r~~n~ne~a~~~ ~~,~°~°~~~~.9 G~r~~,~~.~ W~.~~r~nti~ ~'c~. 2~'~ ~~~~e~~~,~~ ~~a 2~~~~ i~ tY~~~ t~tal ~..~c~~an~ ~s~ ;.:3CD~~C:~'~a°~.1; P~a,~~r~rY. W~,r~~~~n+~t~ :~~~~~g~ ~~,A 49~, in t~~ t~tal ~?~~^~r~~ j1~ ~ c°~r~e~ T~~~~~c ~rnd .t~~;~~:ne~.g tiv`~.~~~.nt~;~ th~~~ag~a 1V~n in t;~~~~ ~°m~~,~~~:~~ S`~~~~:~~.d~?~ w~~~r~:~ arac~ p~.~~a TaET'T'F~F; Fkaf.li^~ f~'a.I~~~~~ STr~TI.~~:~ 1~~,~;f~~VE~ 1~€;m i~~~iT~~ PPsYMEi~~T G~Y~I~~T ~~.~~~,n~~~~;~~~r ~~~~,f~ ~:~~c~ ~ :~~~~L~~ c~-~~~~~ ~;~p~~~~~~ ~89 ~~~2 ~~~~n~ El~.z~~~~t~ ?,.no S'&~~.r~~~.~~f9 ~~~~i~~~ fo~ t~~ ~~~30 ~t~tg.~n~ ~~~ci~ ~~~~n~~tec~ t~~~ ~~nt.~1 ~~~i.r~ tc~ C`,~~;~ c~:~,~~.y-ag t'~z~ 3.er~,~;~^ ~n~ p~n~°c~~~.~~ n~~r~~~a~~~ns ~~ne~ A~~~~ r~~' L~a~~ 1~~~ ~di~,~r'~ p~~~r~nt i~~. f:~t.~ fc~ar t~~~ ~~lanc~~~ of 1972e Cif~~;° .r~G~~:~=n~~~7 S~~~p~~r~ ~~fr~~°~;-~~? ~~ca~,nt~ ~c~~ t~a~ ~c~~r~~.~~~~ ~~nsid~~r«t.~~n ~~~~r~~ ~c~k~n~ ~~g~ ~ct~~i~ ~n r~c~an~~~~ f~~~~~~ ~ta~~ t~k~~ C~ann~~.~ ~ i~ the t~°~~~~~~ ai ~dn`~I.~c: f~rs:~~ ~.n~ ~~k~Y:~-~f'a~r~.~ ~~fi~~ ia~t ta.~ ~~.v~ p~~i1~c f~ands; ~~:cc~n~~~~9 ~~:;~t ~f t~°~~:. C~~~ ~~e~, ~ra~~C~ ~an~ ~.t pa~ for th~~no ttapn r~~wi~~~a~e~ tFn~ r~~.L~r~~~i~n,~ ~~~1~ x~~a~°~~n~ ~c~~.~..~~~~.~~~~1~ L°~ th~ &~~.~e ~°~q~,,~;~~~,~1 hy° t~c~ r~~^c~~.~~~ s~.nc~ ~m~Y~ p~rc~1~~~ n~~~s~iat~~ns of th~ ~itgr t~ b~~y e~a~ ~~e~~ca s~~~~~~~. b~v,~..~eflir~g~ ~.t ~~r~~a~~ t~~~a~ tl~~ ~i~~'s prap~a~~~ p~u~cYaa~~ pr~~~~: 4~~a be~~n ~°~~f'~,~~.~ by t~~ ~~:r.~~.~;r~r.~ ~~i~~ t~x~ ~e~~zao ~e a7ls~ point~~. ~r~t t~~~t~ t;~~: c~~:i~~~y n~~t t'Ea4~ ~~°~°o~ ~ac~~.~f~~a~i~ns haac£ b~~zr rc~~~,-~~t~:~ t.~~, ~,:.>~a°~~e~~~~ Mr,~ o St~r„~°t1~,ff prE~~:nt, s~;~t~ng t~a~ t1~~ Cc~~an~~L~ h~d act~d on the ~.~:.~~~e rm~g~~~lr~~~ ~f p~nrcT~~,~~ n~~~a~i~~i~n~, sh~ ~o°~~ld ~.~,~,t~ Y~~c~ ~omett~ing ~ucsrk ~it~ ~n ~nt~~F}~~ t~,ng ~~:~aF~~° yax:~a~~~~:t~~~~ 1~~~~~~~ of th~ radio l~~ild~ng, Ci~~ ~.ttarrt~~ S~~~s~~~ ~~-°;;~and~~ t~~~~ ii~ ~a~s nat t~~ C~tyas duty tc~ anodify tl~~ Y~~~~~y b~~ ~dr~°~~c~~ ~ f~~~°~ in ~~n~:~d~ring th~ ~n~~ifi.c~.tions ~an~. th~ns no inj~.z~~T e~f c~~:~~e~ b~ Ge~~~znc~~o T~~ C~~a.rc.~~1 ~~n~r~11~° c~n~~~r~~~ wit~ At~te~x~n~~ S~a~ps~y'~ ~t~t~m~nts, E~~.~~n~st~~t~~ ~~G~h sugg~~te~ t1~a~ th~ ~ity &~as ~e~n ~n~~,ng ~th~ ~~°adio ~t~.~i.c~n':~ ~n~~n~~.~ t.~h~~ ~t p~~~ tli~-~ ~n~~~,~~i~~ ~~r~r~r° cc~~ts of apga~~xi~nately $~~a00, ~a~ p~~°~~~~c~ ~~cYc t~ A~~~1. 1.9 1"~~29 r~~en ti~~. bu~Yding w~s vacated, ~°~nd s~.id p~.~a~nt:~ ~s~ e~c~ntin~.~~ le~~i~ ~1~~ ~e~l.~c~ Departtn~nt ~n~kes ~se of ant~~r~n~.o A.f~:~x° f~~tk~.~~ Ct~~3nc~1 ~~sc:~~~:~iesn9 or~ ~~~ion ~rf C~uncil~n~n ~'aT~~;=~~ ~~con~a~~ C~°~~na;i~.~~ri M~,~~~,~ ~nd ~.t~~n~.m~~.sSg° ~arriecY, ~~thc~r3z~.tion g~~~n ~o:~ ~t~~ C~.t~y ~G~ ¢n~&~~ ~ p~~~nt~ of $~~PQO p~r ~ino~nt~n ~~r ~p~aw~x ce~s~s ~~:,~~~ta~n~ fro~ ~a~~~ of t~~ ~~c3i~ ~~~.t;~~n at~~~nn~~ b~~~.nn~ng April 1,9 1,~7~ ~nt~. l~~~ of t~.~c~ ~,n.t~nn~a b~.r t~~~. P~1ic~j ll~p~,r~rn,:~nt r~~an~n~t~s a AUT~i~7RI~,~ F~E EXEl`~1~T B~f~S d IC T(~ r~,~RTCA'~ ~'~'~GTC~N Fi~ST "~27 - D1~NT~Y BAI~L GA.ME Ad~i.n~str~tc~~° B~t~,r~ r~~,ci ~~~t~~,r. fro,n ~c~°~c~~ C~i~.i~~n ~f t~i~ A~n~~°z~~n L~g~.~n Pe~~i: ~~~a ~t ~'~,snxo ~c~~~~~ ~~q~a~~~~~~r~~ ~.ut~a~~°~~$tiesn tr~ ~pon~~r D~nk~~ $~~~:~~5~".1 G~.~~~ ~~t~~~in tti~ G~~~y o~ U~.~ob~~° t~~ 19~2, ~n~. ~lso the g~~r;tzrj.~ r~ f~.~ <~~r~nkp~ ~~,rs~in~~~~ ~~,e~~n~,~; ~o~e~r~ng t~~.~ e°,v~~nta Aft~r Cc~t~n.cil dis~aa~~~.on~ c~n ~~t~~~x~ ~f C~~~aca~lra~~,n G~ea~d.~ ~~con~1~~ b~ C~axrLCil~ra~ri T~,l~~y ~nd ~n~n~.zr,c~~s~.~~ e:~.~~i~;~y ~~i~ xn:e~~E.~t: o~ ~Fi~ ii~it~.ar~i,~~n L~~gi~~ Po~t 7~~ t~ ~port~~ L~~n1~~~~~~ T~,~~~Fs~~T G ~m~ r~~z (~e~~ob~~° ~4~ 1a~2~, ~t St~ P~tricl~°~ ~~ch.ac~T, -ur~s ~ ~ a~' t"r~f:b G~t~ ~',1.~:r.k ur~~ ~,~u.t~h~:ri~ ~~^d to ~.~~~~n~= ~ f~€~ ~~~.~~~,pt btxsiness 'ic,:~-~~. ~x.l~~r~ng thi~ ~n~: c~~~~ ~;vr~n~~ ~ _._.`_.m. _r ,~~s ' ~"F~.~tS, F?RFVF,NTI+~~ WH EK" - ~GT~:E~FR. ~ T~3RtT i`~ ~2 ~.;„T;:~:~ 5~1~7c~g~-~ ~,~c~~1~.~~r(:~c~ ~~.ej ~~:~~k ~zf i)~;t~~~~° $t~ tY~rt~~ag~a 14~~, 1~72, e~e~ 3.~ , E:€;a.c~~°~.s~n ~t~.F_~1~P1 ~,n ~~i~ ~,~,~y of t'~~r~~~ Gr~,:r.~~, ~.s ~~r~~est~~ by th~ ~~x' ~c~-,~~ $,~'.~~nc~~~ Firc~ D~~~,°~ k:~nc~nt m L~:.`v`~i i~~~3`:~ ~~J~ -"FtLTNT~iVG ~NLI F'ISIi.~1~iG T~A,Y~~ _ SEPTEMB~12 23 1972 '~~t~~e• 5~~3~~~,c~1 pr,oe;l~fi.n7.~d P~~~r~~h Satu~~~.y izx Sept~mb~:r, , = r, ~.~;~:~g ~s "'~i~ntirng and Fi~riing D~y'~ in t?~e~ Cii~y s~f A~°roya Grande, ~ ~~y ~~~ak 3_n be~~ lf e~f leac~ 3 act~v~ ~~po~tsme~! z , . io_~ ('T'T"Y t''t5'I.°~~(' ~F`P'{'E'',?~FR ~~e ~ ~ g J ~ e_ , , _ _ _.c-_ _ ~t'.:.: : __~.e 5 = Y JiS39 '°_i.)~..~~~~~. 7`~~.~51~ ' . r~;~~"~~~ .R.. ~§~,Ua~~~~ftti~':~ E~~`~~~ '~c,~~C z~.`~i7~,_:~ .dJ.~ . ~-~~".y ~~~~s ,v'._,~.',~C~~ ~.Sl ~;~i,a ~:7~`ti y' ~i~ z1.'~'~ C)+; C~ ~~~Il~~'. c~~ Yt ~e~, s i ~'c,~ ~S~y ~i G~~'~~Tl~m z~~i~~n~ ~rr. ~.~~KS~~~ G~;~~nr~c;~, ~I~:~~_,:~~ c~~ A~:~~~~ ~.=~~c~ ~,r~~ 5~.~~~~ M~,n~~~a UdY.zZ~C.~Y~ `e).L, ~Yllr? ~3-~}t. C~A'L~S'~tSLYL;~~1,6~Y62f7 '~5~,1,~'. ~3~. ,yCE~TI~ ~L1K1, rpSS,r'.a~C,CI~°"kP. ~C~ ~~C'6a, U~FS,IZ~~~ ~c~o~~~.gv ~,n~ ~n ar~~z~i;~~~~`~ f ~~~~5 ~~°:~~n~~,m~;~~~,9 ::::=~~Fb~.~;~~~ .~;y o ~ia~~,'~'CATir'~:v T~J E'Af~T~GIT~~T~.~• 1:~ t~~a~~'ii~,~:~~r:"~ ~;;i7~~~E~S ~:~EF''T~M:B~'ft 1~~ ~~y~, r~c~~i~e~~~tt;a~~a~ E~~~~~~ ~~,~:~e~~~~.~, ~;~~~d C~~e~c~c~~. ~~~~~:n. ~~a~~~~:a~ ~+~.~~~~~p~~~; ~n ~r~:=; f~~x;~,~~~c~n, o~ ~ 1°~~%;~°~°~;~i~~~ G~~~g~~_~~'° ~p~~x:f~~~~~~ t~~ A~~e~~~ ~~~.nc~~, t;~ ~°~~~r ~~f C~a~e.~~~-~~~; ~~r~~ ~~~Go & ~ao a ~:~~~L `P~~~~~n ~f~~~n~~~.~~.,~n ~n 5~~~~~r~r~,~,r ~9~71 ~e ~Q ~ ~.~Ia R.~«~~~ ~(3(~ ~~b~; R~~~ ScYsoo~ ~~~pa~~ ~ P~.C~C ~:r~^7~T~C~I1~~ ~ ~re~A'I ~k~:^~r~.;~ i"~'~'~I~ fp~~:~°Ei~ W'E:F'K'0 ~~T(?13E~. ~ T~~R:I~ 1~ A 19~2 M~~~a~ ~~~I.~°,,~~~ ~~c~~~.~~~~~~ ~:t~f~ ~~,~;c~b~~ 8~°~z 19~~~ e~~ 1°~`y~~'~.~1Li~~ C~`~ ~1~',~;~:81 :~Cl 1~,~3~=~ h~'°~'~ v3 ~.~;~1Zt~,~;r d~z "~'C~ ~1~~~C'4~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ' ~~,e„~S. 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C~~;ell~l~.. ~n1~~~ ~~7~YYIM~ ~ ~3`iL~S~ :LC ~~i.ac3Y°1,T`t~~ ~ ~,C1 iDC)~ I3 C "sx,.~ ~ R!+;w ~C+`Y' i~~ ~~AC)~".:~ 1 ~~"i y I4~ ~+n1~ ~ ~ T't~~'~~:~' ~O ~c;e;o~ag~~~~~~~ ,c~: r.:G r~.r'~°~~~°~~ C~'~,';p.n~~4: ._~,~~:~~.cp~~ b~~"~f~ ~,a'~1.a,~;~,~i.,~3n ~x~ 1~c~~ Y ~~.w~~C~r ` ~ : ~ ~~.~~~~~s~p~~° ~n~ ~,~~r~.~~; r2t~~~.c., .<~~-r~ ~.r~~ p:~r.i~~~~x~ ~e~r~~~e~n.~ ~n ~~Y~ CS~;j'., ~jL~~,~,~ ~:~`k~,3~1Cx,~S. QiL:aeW'~',as~1.~1T.,, 4Y1'~ rry~~~,:<;;Ti u~~ t.~~f~17~:':~,'_ia<~ri 7"d.~..~k~.°l~ *~!F:Y~i'~T}l'~.~~ e ` s.. . :i.L7C~i t [~;s'CY~,"T? ~ i.~.i` 4„`~'t°`3:7~*~".~,~ z~ j.7'd~:~~i LL ~~+€-.~'.~'~~l:l~ ~h'~ f0~' ~ '3',s~ ; ~:~~~1 ~r~.N`l~ rt: C~'i.t~ ;,I1~:1,~C ~~,.s~'ii?E"C;'~;~ ~S 'k_'.fL4`w Ilk1~~.~~`-' ~d~ p.`. ~'t ~t_' ; Sk ~.;~,y.; ~~~;~.s~~f?: .,,T9:~ ' cet~'~.7~~ :C°(7. ~'~,~+,:;"~~~~Pa~~,~ ~7.",`1'n~.u~ Y _ . . C1Y.~, ~~~~4,'l.iy,r~ Ea~ T?~?~~.~.,~. . ,aiTlk~ ._°,(,?T'cila~; .r~5 .'s-.' ~C'~; ='s ,t 5. "t7s, i;tL~';.,,. ~I'~~"';~C,~t~~. 1ir~Ci~{, z9.[l~ .l~i.uiE:%, ;~b i.+:~i,~ ~'~':~t~' '~.~"!W~ ~ _ ~ a ~ r , , _ ~T3~t Ci.~ tll' ~ „ 1 ~ ~ ~~°r~ ~o~~?~cz~, ~ s~:~~r~~~~. ~ 26 ~ ~ ~.972 `a~ o s",<~~. _ t'.~-~i.~t>l'~!'~Ir'1 '~~E~ ~ DISCUSSIUN - AGREEMENT W/DIV OF I~WYSo RE PREY.,TM; ENGTNEERo i~I" BZZc~.IVGii ST--HEI.D OVER Administ~~tor B~atc~a r~po~t~~ th,~t tl~e Di~r~~i~n ~f Hig~w~~~ req~ested that the City e~t~r into co~pe~~.tive ag~eement ~zt~ t~~an9 c~v~ring the prelirninax°y engin~~ring for Bran~~. St~~~~t9 b~~~~n T~~ffic Wa~ ~nd Cror,~n Stre~te Per the recarnm~ndation of D~.r~ctor of Pa~Y~lic W~~°lc~ And~~~on, how~ver, this matt~r r,aas held ov~r ~nti1 a la~er d.~te a~ tl~e ~nc~c~~cl~en~ pei°~r?its ha~e not been completed a~ ~eto NOTICE REo UEADLINE DATES TO RESERVE TOPICS FUNDS Adznini~trator Baztch rev~er~r~d a lett~~° ree~ived. from the S~at~ of Califo~nia Dep~rtment of Pt~blic Wc~rks rega~~ing cYe~dlines for reserving fune~s for TOPTCS px°ogr~ms, whic~i dates hav~ b~en mov~d ~.p, Acflministrator Butch noted that the ~raffic signal to b~ installed at Branc~ Street-Traffic Way, is one project b~~ng f~.nd~d by TOPICS an~ the next propos~d p~oj~ct ~s the channeling of t1~e Halcyon Road-F~i~ 0aks Aven~e in~~rs~ction, for which the City has alreaci~ notif~ed th~ St~te's D~pa~°tgn~nt of P~blic Wo~ks for funds. RECETPT OF BIDS & AWL~RD OF CONTRI~CT - STREET SEALe PROJo ~~90~72-6--PETERSON Adxninistrator B~xtch ~~~i~tiaed. that tl~ree bids ~~re received an~ opened at 2:00 P,M, on S~pt~gnb~r 269 19~~, fo~ St~e~t Sealing P~o~~ct No, 90-72-6, (for ti~~ ch~p s~~l~ng of A~p~n, Pin~, W~ln~nt, A1e~~~ anc~ Maple Str~ets), as follora~: BIDD~RS TOTAL BID Harold D. Peterson Po 0, Box 366, At~.scac~~~°o, CA 93~22 $~~2~~+000 Anderson Brosa Engin~ering, Tnc, 2609 So~ Fa~rfax Av~n~x~, Culver City, CA 90230 10,188000 Madonn~. Construction Co, Po Oe Box 910, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 12,729a00 Director of Public Works Anderson's report d.ated. S~pte~mbe~ 26, ~972, recommended. the award~,ng of the contract to Hax°old Do Peterson, After Co~.ncil discussion, on moti~n of Cottncilm~.n Tall~y, s~conded by Councilman Millis and itnanimouslgr carr~ied, the bid in the amount of $8,244000 fox° Street Sealing Proj~c~ ~10. 90-72-6 raas accepted and the contract awarded~ to Harold Da Petersony who submitted the low~st and best bid; and the Mayc~r and City Glex°k w~;~~ ~.~thor~ized to sign the contract doc,ument on behalf of the City, ORAi~ REPORT - ZONE 3 ADVISI~RY COMMTTTEE MEETTNG - COUNCILMt~N TALLEY Councilman Talley ~°eport~~ or~lly on ~he ~°ec~nt meeting of the Zone 3 Advisox°~ C~mcnittee, stating th~.t th~ following h~d be~n discussed.: the evaporation figixres, ~aha~c~r l~ad b~en taken into consid~~dtion wh~n compiling figur~~ for safe ~~ar-end yield of ti,rater; preliar~inary work has been clone on re-evaluating safe. annual ~~~ld.; D~ri1 W~.ite~s e~pl~.inecl the handling of the p~°oblem of d.ecompos~ng alga~9 r,~hich occu~°s annaxall~ at tl~e end of sux~er, r,~her~by wat~r is r~leas~^d into ~he creek ~.ntil it becomes ~lear, Tn answer ~o Councilm~n's questa~ons x~garding cr~dit fox° th~,s ~rater r~l~ase9 CounciY- man Ta11~g~ explain~d t~iat amo~unt is n~gligible, It taas faxrther reported at th.~ an~et~ng that monitoring of we11s in th~ vall~y w~.s continuing and a report from th~ Lopez Recre~.tion.Ar~a ~egax°ding ~t~ ~c~iviti~s ~aaill b~ availabl~ at th~ next Zone 3 me~ting, which r~po~t r~ill incl~c~~ inor~ concis~ and comparative fig~~~s9 as had been ~~qt~ested.b~ t1~~ Boa~do FURTHER DISCUSSIOIV R~o LOPEZ M~TER & WATER LI1V~ CONNECTT~N CHARGES Dix°ectc~r of Public W~r~CS And~r°~on stat~~. t~i~r~ wa~ not?~ing n~ba to report on the pr~limin~,r~ ~~po~ts cov~ring.r~vis~~ cha~g~s fnr. n~~,r Lope~ ur~.ter ~~~~°s and meter ~nd wat~r l~ne conn~ctionsa H~ requested approval and ~daption: or refinEm~nt aaf the co~ts ~.s r~vie~red ~n tkae ~~c~nt study~ of these xeports by th~ Ca~ty Co~nc~lo M~.~or Schl~gel sugg~se~d an addi- t;~~~a~ ~t~~.~ session on this matt~~° w~~n a11 Cauncil Mem`bex°s could be present, to make any decisions for actopfiion, ral~ich stu~iy session was set for October l1, 1972 at 7:30 PoMo Discussion proc~~ded regard~ng action to b~ t~ken on previously ~e~eiver~ r~quests for water~ until nEw cha.rg~~ ar~ established, Councilmen i?a~~ ~ ro~~ ~heir ~.nderstanding had b~en that if a d~f~nite hax°dship is ?m (~~a;.~ as existing wells not producing usable water), extensfon of :6, ~:~~.~i~ 'a~~: made ~o requestors outside of th~ Gity, a~: their expense, _ a lo~ f":_'lY ~;t.Js.ig.`~'T~. ~~,k~T'~~i~T"'~ l~, 1~~12 a . _ _ ~ . ~ .>.~;~~i3 _ W Thi~ pcsi.~~~ w~~.~d nc,ty ~~r~~~~, ~pp~;~ to~ ~~r~~~~~ ~,o ns~~~ ~,~~~~~~s~~n~~, ~uc~ a~ ~.n tl~~ of Te~~ U~f~a PROGR.ESS REPOTtr ~ ~RR~Y{7 GRA~IDE ~EC~EI~ ~.~SESSI~TEIVT D~~TKICT Ac~~in~~t~~to~ B~t~~ r~por~~;~ ~~a~ t~~.~ t~~c~~ fc~~ t~~ A~~o~r~ G~°an~~ Sew~r p~oJ~c~ h~e~ l~~~n ~~~~i~;°~e~ ~n~ t~~ ~pp~.~~nt lo~a ~~,~cY~~ S~~~t~, ~.n~ Compan~ ~~f Ce~vina, ~a~c~~~~ b~~, ~u~~ TO1 ~ 1~~~~~~ ~~~~~z~ c~n~~,n~~~'~ ~~~~~~t~ a~d ~hic~ ~le~~~~s~ ~~a~ll b~ r~flect~~ ~n t~~ ~,~n~iv~~~~.~ p~op~rty own~~~" assessm~nt~ ~ Ma~~~ S~h~~.g~Y pa~n~~~ c~~~ ~~z~s s~~~~ cont~~,c~or h~.~. ~.one r'4~e s~w~~° ur~~~ fc~~ G~~°~~~~ C~,~;~ ~n~ p3~~~~.~ eE~~s co~xt~~cto~'s wo~ko TY~~ Counc~~. w~~ ~~:~inc~~e~ of ~~e. publi~ 'h~a~~n~ ~~.~~~i~1ec~ for S~pt~tnb~~ 2~t~ lO:OQ AoMa ~n ~~p~r~~se~'~ C~~~nb~~s9 ~~gard~ng th~ se~r~~ p~o~ect an~ A.~~n~nist~~.~o~ 8~~~~ ~~g~~ ~~a~n~~l~rt~~n ~c~ ~~~~ndo PROGRESS REPORT RE, BI:GYCi,~ P~.TkiS T`~ C~TY - DA1~~ 1~C)~PER Co~n~~1~n~.n M~Si~,~ g~~~~:t~.~ D~n p~~c~~~~, 1~~~.~ ~a~~~ ~~~ic~Q~ x°~p~~s~nt~t~v~ to the co~nitt~~ s~~~~~,n~ tY~~ n~~~~s ~n~ Z~~~.t~~n~ t~~,~yy~l~ p~tlzs r~itl~in th~ C~ t~, Mr a Hoc~p~r ~ne~~~~~~e~ no~h~,ng n~~r Lo ~~~p~~~ on p~°o j~~~, baxt state~ th~t ~~not1~~~° ~~~t~ng .~f ~h~ co~ii~~~~ ~~a~l~ ~~~lc~ ~o~no Dir~c;tor of Public Wo~k~ Anc~~rson ~~~~nc~~~ ~~m t~.~t Bi~ri~~a~n ~f "F~~g~r~a~ys anx~o~xs to l~~~n of an~r ~n~~c.~~~t~:eY bi~~yc~~ p~~~~ 1~~fot~~ t~~~°~ ~~const~ct~on pTans for Br~.nct~ St~~~~ cQa~~le~t~do ~ E1DJ~URNMENT On ina~ia~n of C~~.nc~~an~n T~.°~~~~~ s~con~ec~ by~ C~~n~~Ym~n Millis ~nd ~nanimo~.s1~ c~~~i~~$ t~~ a~~~~~ng ac~jc~;~~n~~ ~t PoMo ~:30 1'oMa ~ Septemb~~° Z~, 1.9~20 , ~ ~ ~ ; _ ATTEST: ~~~-rrir~~,> I ~I~ DEPU TY C ITY C LE~ZK MAY~R