Minutes 1972-10-24 i~~ CITY COUNCIL OCT~B~R 24~, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNI~, Th~ Cit~ Council m~~ s,n ~~g~~,1~~° s~~sion ~rzt~ M~~~r P~o T~:~r~ T.~l~.~~r p~~~id~ng, Upon ro11 c~.11, Co~xncil M~mb~~s M~1I~s, Wood and d~. T,~c~n ~~pw~~~~ pr~~~~n;~a Mayor S~hl.eg~l is abs~nt. PLEDGE OF AZLEGTANCE AIrTD II~Vf~CATTON Mayor ~Pro T'~m ~'a~Ie~ I~~d. the Pl~d.ge o~ A11~~~~,r~c~ to ~1~~; ~nc~ is~n~diat~lg~ th~r~~.~t~x~, Rev~r~nc~ It~~nal~l~ Ri~c°gb~~ of C'~~~a~e~~~ of ~od, of Grov~r Cit~, deliv~~ed th~ invocati.on. APPR.OVAL -0F MTIVTJTES On motion of Co~.nc~ lman c~e L~on, ~econc~~d b~ Ca~~nc~.l,~~.n Wc~a~. ~.n.d un~n.~~ mo~z.sly c~.r.r.i~d, the minut~s of th~ regczlar m~:~t~n~ af Oc~o~er° 10, I972 and th~ regvlar adjourn~d n~~Pt~ng of October 11~ 1972, ~r~~~ ~pprov~d ~s px'~p~.r~d. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Co•uncilman de L~on, s~cond~d by Caunc:ilm~~ Mi1Ya~s and unanir~ously carried, G~n~ra1 W~x°rants No. 343 tnrot~.gtZ N~. 348 an~. No. 111,62~ througtt No. 11,666, in the tot~.1 azno~tnt of $31,726.fa3; Pa~~°~11 W~~'~'~nts l~o, 587 ~hrougl~ No. 656, a.n ~h~ total. amota.nt af $~6,:a~6,3~; ~nd 'I'r~s~ & Agency Warrants No. 1800 througl~ No. 1818, in th~ to~~T a~zo~,nt $/59,70~ wer~ approved and ord~rtd p~i~. PROCLANIATION - 1°COUNTRY MUSIC WEEK°' - OCTOBER 22nd - 29th 1972 Mayor Pro T~m Talley proclaiz~ed the week of Octol~~~ 22r~d t1~~o~gh Octobe~ 29t~., 197~, as "Couun6~y MM~.aasic Week" in ~h,~ City ~f A~royo G~~.nc~~, ~.s r~quest~d by KFYV radio station, LETTER ~x ORD~,NSR,,,,,, FROM LODI tTRGING SUPPORT TN PROSECUTIO?~ OF DRUG CASES City Attornegr Shipse~r commented on a le~te~° and. arclinan~.es r~c~iv~d f~°om the City of Lodi wn~~n r~qaz~st the support of other cities in ~zrging judg~s to impose maximum sentences on persons con~~cted o~ peddling drta.gs. H~ indicated that t~ f~:eling was that this w~.s not a inat~~r for fih~ Gi~~ Council to decade. Council discussion indicated ag~eem~nt in acknc~„~~.~dging ~ha~ they ~aere a legi.slat~.ve body and. not in j~.dicial capac~ty~ t`tie~^e~for~ no action was taken in this matter. LETTER FROM A G VILTaAGE MERCHANTS ASSOC RE BRANCH STREET ZIGHTING Administrator Butch read a l~tter ~rom R~.~ Scatt, Pr~sic~ent of th.~ Arroyo Gr~.nde Vi11ag~ M~rchants Association, indic~ting to tYa~ Council ~he Association's favox~ing of Town & Country light standards along Branch Stx~e~~t from the freeway easterly to Nevada Str~et, Co~tncilman Millis stated that th.e l~tt~r had been broizght before the TTnd~rground Uti1~Cy Coordin~.ting Commiss~.on, which had f~1t the decision sh.aulc~ be left up to the City Council, as znany of the Cammission's memb~rs are not residents of Arroyo Grande, Discussion contin~~d at grea~ length regarding the p~os and cons of the Z' & C lighting anc~ the M~rcury vapor ov~rh.ead st~nd~.rds, including safety factors and projected cost estimates of eacl~o Peggy Porter and. P.G, r~presentative Chuck Richmond were pres~nt, each commenting an ~he proposed lighting of Branch S~reet in t17.e Village, Cot~ncilman Millis q~oted some c,ost estimates prepared by P.G. & E. wh.ich k~ad heen presented at the Unclerground Utility Coordinati,ng Conunitte~ meeting on Aiagust 21, 197~. Council opa~nion varied on the type of lighting most desirabl~ for th.e ar~a ~.nd it was gointed. outi that no tiaord has yet be~n received from t1~ie State regar~ing ~~tei~° acc~gt- ability of T& C lighting along this route. L~,fter further Council cliscus~x.on, Administ~ator Butch was r~qu~st~d. to prepar~ ~ x°eport for Co~xncil r~vie~r cov~ring all com~~.rative aspects available of th.~ Town & Co~ntry 1~ght s~~.ndards and mercury vapor overl~.e~.d light s~andards, ~nd. ~o ~.ncluc~~ the St~.te's x~~qu~x'~- ments for lighting, PR4CLAMATION - 11CHILDREN'S BOOK WEEK" ° NOVEMZiER 13~h - 19th, 1972 Mayor Pro Tem Ta11ey p~oelaimed ~h.e w~ek af Nov~znber 13th thrUtxgh 19~h, 19~2, as "Childr~n's Boo~. W~ek" in the City of A~royn G~°~nd~, as request~d by the Arroyo Grande Br~.nch of ~he San. L~.is Obispo Co~n~y Fr~~ L~bxa~ri~s. ~ 11 CTT1' COUNCIL ~1C~'~1~3~R 2~~9 ~.J~~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORI~IIA PA~~ 2 PUB~IC HEARING - REZOI~ING GASE ~VO. ~2m63 . B~K 13 q WESTo (~'~1~,~~T~ ~ Ad~~~i,nistra~or B~tcl~ rc~~ri~F~aed. t~.at ~ ~~sol~~~on ~.~s r~~~~ ~ Pla.r~ning Cd~nm~s~i~an ~e~a~r.~nc~ing t~~ r~~on.~ing ~f~r~tr~ Li°~ ~~o ~3°~S~ p~o~~;~°~~~ ~,~s~~'~l~~c~ ~.s Block 13 of Gl~~t€~~n Acldi~a~on~ ~°~qaest~~c~ by t~~~-~ ~FP~.~c~~,~;a~c+~. ~~~~•+,a,~~;~:~ Ma~t~n Pe~l~n. Upon b~~ng as~~~~~1 1a~ D~p~,~~ C3,t~~ Cl~z°k ~~~~~FL ~;~.~.t~ ~11 ~°~c~,;:~:e°~:~~n~~ prov~,c~.ecl b~ l~ra~ ~~g~.~ding ~not~fi.c~~ti~~ o~ ~.~~~:~ng, b~:~~r~ ~aa~g~~~~ w~~~~~ .N~~dyc~~ P~°o '~~;sn Ta1Ie~ d~c1~.~ed th~ h~a~ing op~n and a~~ p~~~a~~ ~~~]e~. rs.c~~~r b~ ~~~~c~ ~o~ o~ ~.g~.ins t the proposed ~°ezonzng, Ma.~~in Pc~1in, 1026 Cl~o~~o, S~n L~,~s (Jl~:i~po~ ~.p~1:i~~n~ ~ar t~~ r,.~zan,~,r~g, spoke in f~vor of it. T~~~re b~~,ng no f~r~h~r da~~c~ssron fox~ or a.g~~n~t t~i~ ~~~on~,ng, M,~.~o.~° ~~a ~~m TallE;y d~cl~.red th~ h~aring clos~d. Af~e~ C~~.n~~.~ d1,iscus~i~n9 C:~~~ Ati~o~n~~ S1~ips~~ r~~d., for ~ts first reading, th~ ~Citle of ~.n a~d~nan.c~ ~tn~nc~i,n~ Municip~l Cod~ so ~.s to rezone .from Rm1 ko I~°So c~ri~~.i.n p~op~~°k~ i.n ~:t~~3 C~~`~ o:L Arro?~o Gx°ande; thereafte~s a mo~~on w~s mad~~ bv CG;~.~.nc~Lm~n M~~1.i,s, s~-:~c.ind~~. Councilman d~ ~~on and un~.nuno~.sl~ c~.rried, ~o ~~~p~n~~: ~i~~ reading b~1~.nc~ of. tk~is orr~in~nce. ~ORDII~ANCE AMENDa:NG 20NTNG ORDIN~CE AND MAP - FTRST KEAD~I~G City Attorney Shipse~ r~~.d, for i~s first r~~da.ng, th~ ~i.~1~ o~ ~.n ord~nance axnending ~he Municipal Code r€:la~in~ to t1~~ a?n~n.c~m~ri~s ~o t~~ Z~ning Q~°d~nance ~.nd Map; ~hereafter, a mo~ion was ~nade b~ Co~r~c~~.~.m~n M~:LI~~, s~.~on~~c~. by Councilm~n de Leon and axnanimouslg~ car~°ied, to cYisp~ns~ ~aith r~°:~ding ~1~P bal~nce of this ordinance. MUI~TI, CODE AME1~~D, - O~ZDINANCE ADOPTIO~T - AMENDII~TG UT~tTFORM BUT~DZ~3G CODE City Attorney Shipsey read the tiCle of an ordinan~~ ~z~~n~ing t3~~~, Mttnic~.pal Cod.e r~la~ing to the amendments to the ~"n.a~fo~.a B~.~ldzng Cnde; thEx~a.f~~r, a mo~ion Ta~.s m~de by Councilman Millrs, ~~cond~d b~ Co~ncilman d~ L~on ~.nd unanitnottsly ca~rizd, to dispense witl~ re~.din.g the b~la.nr~; of ~h.is o~dina.nc.~ . ORDINANCE N0. ~4 C.SB AN ORDINANCE OF THE CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMEI~DT~TG CHAPTER 1 OF TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRL~NDE Mty1T`I~ICTPAl CODE BY ADDING SECTIONS 89 9 t~ND 10 TI~RE~'0 RETJATI~TG TO THE '[1I~IIFORM BUILDING CODE. On motion of Councilz~an Wood, seconded b~ Ca~n~~,Iman Le:an a~ncl n~ t1~e following ~011 call. vo~e, ta w~~t: AYES: Councilm~n Mi11is, Woad, d~ L~on ~nd Mayr~~° P~o T~m T'all~.y I~TOES : None ABSENT: Mayor Schlegel the for.egoing Ordinance was pa~sed and adop~,ed Lh~.~ 24t~ c(~.y o~ ~~~ab~~~ ~972, FURTHER DISCUSSIO,~~I RE. ALLEYWAY ACQUTSITION BET[~EEN SHORT ~ BRZDG~ STR.~~'~S Cit~r Attorneg* Sh.ips~:y reported that ft~rthe~° r~v~~~ o~ t~~s tn~~te~ g~v~,-~~ th~ d~fini~~ impression that t~te City cov.ld g~t ~ pre~crip~~.v~ ri~~~ f;a th.~ r~maining portions of parc~ls ~o comple~e t1~e all~y x°ig1~t;-o~-r~a~ b~t~~~n Shsar~ S~r~e~ and Bridge Street. His suggested m~thad of ~pproac~ in ~cq~iring ~~~s property is for the Ca~ty staff to conCact the t~ao p~operCy own~rs (o~rn~ng the three p~x°c~l portions des~red), and ad.vis~ng them ttaa~ it is ~he G~~y ?.~~~i~ne~es opinion ~hat their property can b~ obt~ined b~ p~~sc~ipgiv~ ~°~g~aG by a 1~~t sxzi~ if' n~c~ss~.ry~ o.r if tlh~~~r woaxld conv~y ~he p~op~r't~T ~a ~t1e C~.t~ by d~~~. o~ gi~~s Cc~~xn.c~l discussion incl.ic~ted favor ra~~h this app~oacho Aft~r Cn~nc~l c~isG~a~sion~ on mo~ion of Cot~ncilman Wood, s~concl~d b~ C~uncs.lar~~,n c1e~ I,~on ~nd ~.n~ni~dc~~sl~ ~ carr~~~, Citg~ Ad~inist~~tor Butch was ;a~~~k~ori~~d. ~o ~r~it~ ~~o ~i~~ pro~p~.~t~ owners ~xplaining the Cit~ A~toxnr~y's opinians ~nd givin~ ~~x~~ a~ian~ 1~.~rc~~~.°~ eion of November 1°~, 1972, to com~ to a decisi~n o~ ~~k~~t~~r t~~.€~~ ~~i,11 d~di~~.~~ the neces~ary prop~rty or 1et th~ Ci~y bring si~zt for i~. 1.~~t~~ include a r~minder to th~,se own~rs th~.t the d~:di~ati~n of p~op~r~y ~~~11 ~~~d%~ th.em w~.th off~street parking spaces, ~~3 czzy couNCZL oc~o~~~ 2~, i9v~ ARROYO GRANDE , CALTF01~1IA PA~E ~ EL'RTHH~R DISCUS~IOl~f RE, EIVVTR~NNMENTA~ TI~~.CT REPORT ~7~I~E~~I~ES City Attorn~y ~Ships~y~ ~°e~ra:~Taed p~oc~~A.a~~.1 r~psa~~ ~a~ ~t~~ League of C~lifornia Cit~.~s. ~e r~p~r~ o~~~~,n~~ p~c~~r~~~,can~ ~,o ~on~~,in~d in ~h~ ox°dinanc~ o~ r~sol~~is~r~ to ~dopt~~. ~y~ ~z,~:~,~:~~ ~oo~~ as possibY~,, reg~.~ding ~he ~°~qv~~r~3n~n~: of Er~~~~orra~~~t~1 Imp~~~ R~~par~~ ~nd ~alsa o~~lined sugg~s~ed c~a.t~x°ia in ~s~~s~~ng n~~~ fo~ ~~re.~'~. ~ r~;por~ r~.n ~a~~i1a~~~ p~oj~cts. At~orn~;y S~~~ps~g~ ~lso r~~r~e~Ld a p~°~~,~c~a~~°~1 ~~~a~~ fc~r c~~~.Gk ~irt~n~ n~ed of Envi~onmental I~npac~ K~gox°ts as pr~p~r~~, b;~ t~t~ C~,~~ of S~.n C3~°~~po, ~'ro~sa the info~zn~.~ion rec~~ved abo~e,~ Attarn~y~~S~~p~e~ ~~n~i~~.t~d ~.~~1~~~ p~~~p~~~d a r~~ola~t:io~ for t1~a Co°~a.ncil's consid~r~tion9 in v:~~~ o~ t1.~~; ~~g~n~ n.~~~. to~ t~~ ~dop~ion of gaaidelines ~n this tria~t~er~, H~ st~~s~in.g th~~ ~~sol~~;~~ns nc~~ p~blished and can be easily changed, Administ~ator Butcka re°view~d. a proc€;d~tral ~°~po~°t ~°~g~~~.~ng En~~~onx~~n~a1. Impact Reports also prepa~ed ~y th~ Cit;~ af San L~is 0~~~pus la~aa~c~a o~z~la~n~d ~h.~ d.uties of the Pla.nnin~ Depa~~nent in pxep~r~n~ the ~~pa~°~, g~ving p~bl~c no~ic~ of sucY~ a report being p~~pared. on a propos~d p~oa~ct~ and ~h~ ~~.m~ Zi.~~~i,~~~~c~n~ involv~d. Council d~.scussion followed ~ri.th Coazncilm~.n. Mi11a,~ st~t~n.g ~~d~ p~o~~s~,~r~~ sh~~.l.d b~ included for a p~rson°s r~~g~t ~:o appea~ an.~ e3~ci~~,on of P3~nn~ng Comtnission or City staffti Councilman Wood sCr~s~~~ tl~.~ ~x~g~n~ n~,~.d soan~: sort of gu~dela.n.es be adopted promptly, ~.s soan~ c1~v~Io~~n~n~s ~.r~ b~i~~ la..~~.c~ ~p pend~ng th.~s ac~ion, b~t also indi~~,t~d hi~ fe~ling ~1~~.t t~x~j pr.~Upos~.d ~~~o1~z~ion sho~~3d m~e~ th~ r~qtai~~rn~.nts of 1~n.ding inst~t~~~.on~. C~~~ AttQen€:y 5~.~,ps~.~ clar.i~ied that th~ lending businesses n~ed on.1~* ~:h.~ ~a~~d. ~~.#:~a.~=r~ na r~po~~~: , ne~ds ~o be fi"l~d on a proj~c~y v-~ t~.at one has ~.1,~~~~.c~~ b~en f~1~~c~m Ma.yo~° Pro T~m T~11~~ s~sgg~sLed ~hat ~ st~clyP s~ssion t~~>. ~;~:i.c~ an ~~~~,s " subject, which w~s agre~able ~it~ fih~ Co~ncil anc~ caa~~ fo~ Man~~.~~ Oc~ober 30, 19~2 ~.t 7:30 P,M. , at wh.ich t~.m~ th.~: ~.d.opt~,on of a~°~:~oT~.~~on r~gar~ing the r~q~tirexnent of Environmental ~arapac~ R~por~~ on c~~~~~,ixi p~oj~c~~, ~i11 b~ consid~Y~d. ~UR'I~i~R DISCUSSI0I~T RE. JOT1Vi EFFORT ~F CITIES FOR. PR.EP, 0~ EI~i~IE~'~S TO GE1~ PLA1V Adminzst~a~or B~a.tch ~evi~w~d infoxin~.~cion r~c~i~~d from PT~.n:n.~.ng Dir~c~or Ga11op an,d. the consulting firin of Hahn, ~Tise and Assoc~at~s, 2ncn, r~ga~ding ~~e pr.epa~°ation and estimated costs of Op~n Spac~ and Con~~~v~Gzon Pl~.n~ of' th~ G~n~ral P.lan. The cons~.ltants indicat~d Ch~t t'h.~ cos~ of t;~~ p~~p~~~~~an c~~ ~'h~se e1~n~nts wotzld be approxim~tely~ $1000 Zess fo~ e~.c~ c~ty ~,:f p~°~p~.~°e~d ~n ~ thr~emcit~ jo~n~ effort .r~:ther t:han ind~.vid~tall~, l~d.~rn~.nist~ato~ Ba~.Cch ~ndica~~d that he has received no raord yet f~orn ~h~; o~h~.r° ~:wo Ci~s r~g~~~~ng a join~ effort~ bu~ point~cl. out th.at tYae Pismo B~ach City Co~nc~~ ~;~.~d ~Ch~.s sub~~cC or~ th~fr ag~nda for th~ir Co~tnc~1 me~~in~ ~.lso b~in~ h~I,d ~h~~ ~v'~ning, ~.nd ~~.at pr~sum.ably Grov~r Ci.~~"s Caancil ~ould consa.c~~~ ~:hP ln~~~e~° G~.~i~ m~etiz~g nex~ w~~ko Af~er Council di~cr~ssfan, Ad.m~nist~~.~o~ B~~c~ w~~ aut~.a~°i~~cl to contin~e negotiations wi~a th~ o~th~~° t~ao ci~~.~~ ~o~ ~oi.nt ~f~or~ in ~ngag:ing a~onnnon cor~s~.1~:~.nt to prep~.~e the n~c~5~a~'y ~l~m~n~~ ~o Che Gen~.ra'.L Pl~n fox° tk~~ thre~ ci~ies. 1~lJTI:C~ FROM PARK. & BUS INII'ROV, B~J.ARD R~ (JV~R7C~F9,PPT~]G ~.UTT~OIt, ~~Da C..S, Ad1~m:~nis~r~~o~ B~~c~ r~ad ~?~~m~ dat~c~ Q~~ob~~ ~~~~g f~~?~~ P~rk~.ng ~nd B~e~in~ss Y~nprove~a~n~ Area Acflvisox°y Board.q ~l~zcl~ ~~e~~~s~~c~ ~~di~~nc~ G,S. es~~1~5~sT~ing ~~5~ P~~king an~ T~°a£fic Comanis~~.on9 b~ ~~?~nd~d ~=,xc~~.c~~ th~ ~1~se~~~n~n~ ~ Di~trict ~rom t~~ Go~renis~ion~'s ~ ~~tY~o~~t~~ ~as ~t^k~ ~.~~a ~as b~~n thc ~ ~ pr~a~~r~ conc~rn af t~~ P~r~.ing ~.r~d. ~~xs~ne;;s T~p~av~~n~nt ~r~a ~~~i~o~°~ ~~~~°c~~ M~s. P~gg~ F'c~r~~r ot ~~e Ad~risc~r~ Boarcl r~~s p~°~~~n~ ~nc~, ~~,~~c~r~.~~c~ t,~~ po~n~~ mad~ in the an~mo. ~ C~t~~ t~t~ax~n~~~S~~ga~~y coz~~n~~d o~ ~?~.t~~~~ ~~el~ca~~~n~ ~ ~s t~~ C~a~~s~ior~ ~nc~ Bo~~°d r,~~r~ ~,ct~.ng ~~1~ ~.~~~€~~r~ ~~p~~~~i~~ ~ ~~nn~~ ~ ~ ~ ~r~ ~ao~,ld b~ na c~n~l~ct, b~~ onl~y g~v~ t~~E~ C~~~n~~l ~~d~~~~n~.~ ~r~~~s i,~ v~~a.~~~n:~, :x~;~o~~nc~~~~~ans :.~r~~a~~~~ .i~o~ ~~.~:~z~ ~~~~~a Co~i~n~,i.l c~.i,~~u.~~i~ra ~r~~i.~.~it~~1 agr~~;~rn~nt wi`r..?~ G~.ty ~.~to~n.~~ Sh~psc~~ B~ c~p~.nzc~n~ y~n~ ~c~~an ~ak~n ~n anat~~r. S~~ ~L~~. H~AR F~~t R~S~~ AD~F~T R~ _~1.VI?~RGR~Ui~D ~TT~~,~~` ~Z~`~ ~a~ 1 m l T~ l.~r~~d~ C~~n~~.1.~n~.n M~,11.~~ ~~pe~~~ci t~~a~~ tt~~~ 4~~~ok~~~° ~~~~ar~g c.f ~nc~~~~~m ~~ee~nd U~~l~t~ ~c~c~~°ci.~n~t~ng Cc~~~i~:~~~, i~ b~~n ~~~,~~a~~rA~nci~;~ t~~a~; t,3~~~; C~,~~~ Co~n.c~l ~dopt ~ rc~sol~~~.,can ~~tabl~s~.~n~ T~~st~~.c~ I~o. F4 ~r~~~y~~ ~,s ~n~l.~~~~ ~h~ f'~11o°~ri,ng ~ha.t ~ne convfi~^4.ct~on }~roj~~G ~~~,~~:n.~~ ori o~° Jr~i~, ls 19~3, ~t~~~ ~~s~; catis~om~~ conv~~~~on c~~~~. ~o ~~.K~~~°g~c~~n~ ~c~~~;~ai~~~~ a~c~> ~~~~bl~,~k~~e~ ~ov~mb~~ 309 19~3; ~n~ co~pl~~~~,c~n ~p~~o~~~t r~o~~ 1~~~~~° ~~~n 3~~°c~ ~ 19~~. ~1~ CI°I"3~ COUNCIL ~C'~~iE~2 ~~e~y ~96~ r~RR0~0 GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ~ ~ Citg~~ Attorn~y Ships~~ ~~~~i~wed. t~~t ~b~fo~~ ~d~~ ~~~~a~~~~ ~~~al~,t~,~~n~ ~ p~bl~.c hearing ~nust~be h.eld, wi~~. p~op~rt~ own~r~ ~n p~~pos~~ ~i~~~~~c~ ~o ~ ~a~ n~t~if~.~c~ of ~l~e h~aring at l~ast t~n cY~.~s p~~o~ ~~a Ccs~~nc~:1 ~:~,~~A~sm ~ion, on mot~.on of Co~snc~l~nan M~.11~~, s~concY~d b~ Cc~~,n~~1s~:~n c~~ ~~an. ~nc~ ~~,~~.~~m ~~~,~lp ~carri~d, ~ public h~aring ~ra~ ~et ~ for l~ov~m~la~~ ~9~~ 8BdQ ~,~Io ~ t~i~ ~do~ption of a resola~tion ~st~~l~shing Unc~~rgr~~unc~ U~~~~~~ D~~~~~c~ B~°~n~~? 5~~~~t No. Y, At~fi~ORI~E REmADVERTISE FQR BIDS FOR SALE & REMQVA~, S~~~RT ~T UF1~~E~ Adam~nis~rator B~tct~ ~°~view~d th~t as n~ b~c~~ ~i~~ 3~r~~r~. ~~~~~~~d1 ~n. ~~~i~ p~~vio~xs ac~v~rtisemen~ for bids fo~° t~ae sale ~ar~d r~:r~~~~l flf ~~p7.~;~ ~~~1€~~ng ~t 110 S~aort Str~et, it 1~~s b~~n reco?~nencfl~d b~ P~~b1~c Worl~s ~ne~ ~'l~n~a°~.n~ I~i~°~~~ors tk~at broader r~-adv~rt~,s~a~~nt fo~° b~d~ bc ~~~~c~~~,~~c~. A~~~~~~ Ce~~an~~~L ~ e~~.sca~ss~on, permission was g~anted for addi~ional ~e~~~r~~~ing ~~r ~~~,s f~~ sale and removal of th~ d~~plex bu~lding at 110 Skaor~ 5~~~~~e RECEIPT OF LEAGUE OF CALTF' CTZ'TES ~ BULLETI~tS & REP~R~' I~~~~L'~ M~~T'~~~ Adm~nistrator B~tch ~ r~port~cl. t1~at man~ ~b~~~~~~n~ ~~c~ r~~~~-~~~ ~rc~ the L;eag~e of California CiCi~s, primarily con~~rn~c~ ~rit~ ~,~r.~~~~~ p~~pc~~~.~ ~ons to b~ considered by voters at th.e Novesnb~r ~~~c~a~r~n. Coa~ncilman de Leon gave a brief oral x°~port an ~~c~nt tn,~~~~~~~; ~~1d in Anaheim, stating that it ~aas rnc~si~ ~n~~~€~~~in.~. ~~a,~~~~r ~°~.po~°~~;c~ ~~a.'~ p~'~ and con speec~ies w~re alloweci on Propo~~t~on 20, ~~s~~~ i;:~~ ~;~~a~~~ ~~~a.~i~id~xallg~ ~vot~d th~ir suppa~°t ox° ~non°~~pport ~ of th~ ~~~~~~r~, ~ ~ RECEIPT OF` TRI~COUNTY COASTL IVE PO~ICTES ~°~It CO~T~~RV~TS~~ S~ D~VEI~~MM,~~"~~ Ad~?inistrator Butch r~pox°t~d ~kcat tt~~ C~t~ ~°~~~~~.~rY ~~~po~~ p~c~p,~~°~r~ bg~~ tl~~ ~ Co~ntie~ of ~ Santa~ Cx~z, Monter~~ ~and ~-S~n Lu~is ~ O~~~po ~n~~~l~d r"~~~~Coc~~~~~ Coa~tlin~ Policies for Conserv~.tion and D~velopment"~ ~~~ic~~ b~ ~.~~.~~~b~.~ ~~h~ C~.~~ Hall for r~view bg~ ~n~rone int~~°~~~~¢~, C~~n~~~~~n ~c~~~c~~~c~ 1,~~~ ~~port, ~ro~ld. be b~n~fici~S to coa~tal c~ti~~, AUTHORIZE REVERSION TO ACREAGE AS REQUEST~D BY CERTIFI~I~ ~R~IG~T ~I~ES A~~inistr~,tor Bu~ch r~vi~~~d on a inap t~~ p~oper~~ C~~t~~~~c? ~~~igl~t ~~,n~s ~.a~ r~qu~~ted be reverted to a~reage; H~ ~.lso r~v~ew~d Pl~nn~ng C~~~s~~~n"s p~ior ac~ion~ on the matt~rf The a~g~ic:~,~ion by ~t~lson anc~ ~~~1vr r~q~~~~~ ~~ae #~~~~,r ~r~ck company propex°t;~, cons%sting of s~~re~~l s~b~~~ic~~~ lo~s m~~ ~b~.ncYon~d pt~blic rights-of-wa~, and a parc~l p~e~~~~s~d ~~ca~ ~~i: D~~~~~on of Higl~~ays, be rev~r~ed. to ac~eag~. Th.~ ]'lanning C~~~s~~~n"~ ~~~~~~~nd~tion u;r~~ th~t tl~~ Cit~ Council acc~pt t1~e amended map and ~~.~~acsri~~ i~s ~~~a~d~~~one G~~~ Attorn~;~ Sl~ips~y report~d that all legal r~q~z~,r~~~nts for ~1~~ r~,~r~~°~:~on ~~d b~~n compli~cl with and that tk~e Council co~ld pr~c~ed with tka~ x°~cac~~nc~~.~~ans Af~~r C~u~ncil discus~ion, on motion of Councilm~.n GToo~, s~cond~d b~ Gc~~rx~~~~n d~ T~~~an9 an.rY unani~o~s 1~ carri~d, the ~nag of Certifiecl ~r~igh~ ~,z.n~s e prQp~:~~g~ Bran~~ 5~;~~et and Wesley Avenue, refl~cting a r~~rersion of lo~s ~o ~c~~~~~~ s~r.~~ ~cc~p~ed ~ncY ~~cc~rdation of same was autho~°ized, Aii'~giORIZAT~(2~T TO CALL FOR S~ORM D~tAIN BIDS m~L~~I~'ER ~~'o ~0 CT.Z`Y ~'ROPER'I~ Ad~inis tra~or ~ B~tch r~~i~~a~d a~epor~ ~~nc~ cos e~~~ p~~p~,~~~i ~ b~r G~~~ ~ ~ng~n~e~ R.~be~t S. Gar~ng9 Jr. ~°ega~°ding t~e .7~;n~.p~~ S~r,°~~~ d~~~,n~.~~ ~~,~~,~~~~9 ~n~ a"Negativ~ D~clararion R~gard~.n~ 'Sign~.f~~an~ Env~,~on~~en~~.1 ~x,-.p:~~~~" ~ac~.~~ fo~° ~ tl~~ p~o~~ct, Director ~of Pt~blic W~~°l~s And~~°~on c~~r~fa~~d t~.~ ~on~~~°n~~~. ~n p~°o~~ct and no~~d t~at some o~ th~ s~r~~t i~ipro~,~m~n~ ~~1~ be c~~n~ b~ Ci~~ ~~~~s, bt~t installation of tkae s~o~zn dz~~in wi11 b~ ~on~ b~; ~~oni~x°ac~or~ r~Y~~.~~ ~PP~'ova1. ~s b~ing requested, « Mr. Garing was pr~s~nt ~t tl~e meeting and an~~a~~~d N1~~~~r P~~ ~~i ~ q~,~s~ia~n regard~,ng th~ diff~x°enc~ in cost estiin~t~~ b~t~~~n k~~ ~~a~o~ D~~.in~g~ S~~d~ ~ncl h~s pr~s~nt ~s e~mat~~ 9 indfcating ~hat kna~ ~~~~za~~~ ~s~ ~.~~a~~~. C~~~ farc~s would aecomplisY~ a gr~at~;r part of the st~~~a~ ~o~k. D~,~~:ct~o~ of P~,bT~c Works And~rson added th~t h~ did not think the Ci~y~° c.~~~~ ~o~1d p~~~ ~,n j~~nc~~c~n box~sm Mr. Garing furth~r cTa~ified th~ cl~nge in ~~t~~n~~~s, s~~t~n.g t?~~~.~: b~gi.nn~.ng estimat~ was tao low, b~.t t1~at t~e G~and ~.~~n~~.~ ~~~i~~~;~ ~r~~ ~oo ~~~~~y sc~ ~h~k pe~h.aps the costs will ~ven out. Counc~,~ ~,~,~ca~s~~~n ~nd~c~,~~c~ i~h~~ ~~e p~oJect ~1~o~ld. proceed; whereafterg on mo~a~on o~ Cc~~nca..lri~n M.~~i~~9 ~~~c~ne~~~, b~ C~t~nc~lm~.n d~ L~on and unan~,motnsl~ carried„ a~G~~c~~~~~~i~n t~~.s ;~v~n ~o c~~~ ~o~ b~.~s fox° the installat~on of s~o~it dr~.in`,~:nci ~.x~tz~ in?~~:~':o;a ;~~n%~5~~ ~~~~~i: ~.nd a..p~z~r~t~ -d~;~`~~tv~.y.:~s~~rd$ wi~~ °.~h~ b~;d. ~p~n~.i~g d~~~` s~t; ~s~: 1~~~~a~1~:r, ~1.9 1,9~2 : a~ : 00 P.Me . ' W . _ i~~ CITY CC~~~TCI~ ~ ~~`~~~ER ~~-g 1~~~ ~1R~t~YQ ~1tA~TDE, CA~IFOR~I.~ ~ . ~RAT~ REP'~RT ON RECE1~°~ Z0~5E 3 ADi1~S(JRY B~~.RD M~~'~l~,~G ~~~~1~~C7~~.~ ~1~Z~I~I~ _ Co~rxcilgn~.n M~.11~s ga~~ ~n or~1 r~pn~[~ an C~~,k~~~~.:e° i~~,~ ~~.~nc, ~ Advi.so~°~ Board m~e~ing9 s~~.~~ng ~h~~ ~.a~~ ~i,gn~f~,e~n~ r~~t~~~~.~ ~s~~~~~~s~ As~~mbl~ Bi,1~. ~I~o 226 ~nt~~°o~~,c~d b~~ f~~s~~r~~~l~x~n M~c~~1~.~vr~~, ~rq~~~ ~..,z~ ~h~ Gi~;~, ~a~icY~ bili cao~a~d p~o~~~~ ~~~~C~~~~~ ~~~a~~d ~~~~~a ~c~~~~,a~~~~~~~~~ ~t~tch ~~~bo~°~.tGd on t~is ~~abj~~~;~, in~~ca~~ng ~ ~L,po~e b~: I~~c~ ~a.f 19~3 ~~Tit~ t~e ~~a~~ Wd~~~ So~a~°e~s D~p~.~~~~~, ~~~^9~~ C~•~,a~~~ ~Y~.~~~~3~,~ °M~.~~.~~ ~1..~~ ~ad ~~~~~~ste~. t1~at ~h~ x°~po~~ 6~ ~°~c.~~~.~d~ ~ri~~ t~~~ ~~~~.c~ ~a ~i.~~x ir~ grc~~n~ ad~~.di~atio~o Co~,nc~.lm~.:ci M~.11z,~ ~~k,r~cr~:L~c~:~~-;c~. c~~~. ~r~;~~,~r?~ c~~ T~op~~ R~c~~a~~on Ar~aas r~~por~a w~i~~~ ~s~nt a~~o c~~~«a~ .~o~µ~, ~~~~.a.,:l~ ~~zr~ ~av~ ~o~sp~rati~a~ f~,~r~s~ ~f px°~vi~~s ~E~~~~, ~r~~~~ ~.v~~~~o~r~~rxs,ra~ ~°~po~~~ri~ b~~.~a. ~°~~~~~~t~c~ b~ Coi~n~il~an ~'~13.~~e Tt~G'~EW OF C0. EI~TGT~T~ER'S R~PL~' T~ RECOMME~I~t~'To B~ KCIEF~I.~ ~ II~O~~~G R.Ea fnlt'3~~R ~idm~nist~~.~o~~ B~~~c~ r~~~.~r~~d ~ 1~;~~~~° ~~o~ D~p~~y C~,~~~nr~ ~n~~n~~~ C1~ax~an M~ln~ 9~r~~.ich inc1~.~~~d ca~n~n~5 ~n fo~;r C~::~~~~t p~~ ~~i,;.y~s1~ r~~~~~~~.~=c~ ~on~ 3 Adv~sor~ ~o~.~~ to cons°ic~~rg ~~~arcl~n~ ~~c;~~~•>r.i.~;~t:1,~ns ~~s~~~ wa~.~ b~;~~~. ~nac~~ b~ Kc~ebig & IZo~bi~ i.n "T2~part on W~~~~ S~}~~+~.m; ~.n~, I~~~sr.;~rs.a, ~c~~ c~f A~~o~o Gr~.nde"o I~L~a M~.Sn~ ~.n.dli~~.~ed ~~~.t Uf i~~.~~ ~~h~.~.~ b~: ~~~~~~~c3 vo ~h~ W~~~~ R~so~~°c~~ Ac~~r~~ox°~ ~o?~ni~tk~: for ~ons.i~~;~~.G.i~~,~P ~1~~9 ~.c~op~~on o~ ~t~~, Co~n~~~s ~W~f~~ an~ 5~~~~'a~~, ~ ~'1~~~.0 ACCEPTAI~IC~ Q~' EASE~fENT DEEDS m ROBIS(J~ &~2.OSE Di~~cto~ of Pu,~b1.~~ W~~~~ L~nc~~~son ~~~vi~~~d. ~~a~ ~~~5.~~ Rc~'b~~~an ~c~~ Sp1~~, in~Ia~~ing a~~vi~~r of p~obl~:~ns c.~~.~~~c~ ~~~1 ~t~~~~~~ ~~,r~.~~~:~.~~c1:E~vc~ r~~ghts~ofm~a~.~, ~,11~ga1. lot spli~s~ ~tco, al.~ of. w}~°~~,~~ i,n~ ~o ~~r~.igh~~n oP~~a Ev~n kFgo~,g~ is }~e~~.G.~,n~ ~c ~~;ca~si~~,n~ ~~~<~p~~n~~; n~ ~t;~~~;~s not ~p ~:o Ci~~ se~nc~,~~d~, D~.ro af. P~t~e ~r't~~a Anae~~~~n go~n.~~.~ c~•~Y ~~~a.t; a~~m ~o d~~t1z of D~e Ros~~ on~, of t~~ p~op~~°t4y~ o~~n~3°:~: ~.~~~~r~ ca~~~~d ~~com~ ~o~°€~ co~npl.~~~.t~~d ~.nd. C~t~ w~o~~1.c~ n~~c~ s~~~:~~v~.~ ~;v~n~~~~~~~ro Coranc~l ~~sc~.~sion folio~,aeda i~~tF~ Cc~~,n~~1.~r7~n. Ma,1~~s i.ne~~~~~.~.rs~ F~.~,s ~.nrail~.~ngn~ss ~o ac.e~~p~ s~~bsf~anc@~~°cY s~~~~t~o F'~.n~~c~ I1~~~~~~x Rr~~~;ngr~n point~;d ,,t., o~~t~ t~~;~.t t~e stree~ leaacling to t1~~ ~~tt~;r D~.~ ~~.~nt;s C~~~~c~~ ~~.c~ ~c~~~a p~~~d 't~~ ~ go~d ~on~iti.on, b~.~ ~D~~~cto~ c~f P~b1~.~ Wo~lt~ [1r~.e~~~'~o~ ~~,d no~ ~~~n. s~~~~~~ sinc~ ~ts yanp~ov~m~n~ ~.nd co~~c~. not s~:~ ~ka~~:~.e~ r~~.~ ~.n f'~c~ ~~p ~o C~~~ stan~~.~dl~, o~° ~v~n ~iow +:~t~~l~ of was p~.~re~o Co~nc~,~man GJe~oc~ ~n.~~c~t~;~ ~~~a-~ th~. ~r~~otic condit~,on of lot ~plit b~~n ~ p~o~s~~~a ~o ti~~ C~~~ for ~a~e ~ini~ ~tnd ~g~~~d ~.h~t ~.s th~ cY.~~ds a~~ noc~r b~ing oiE~~~~d. ~o~ c~~di~~~~~?n ~~~y~ 1~~ a~c~pt~d ~n a~t~mpt~.ng to ~r?ak~ progr~~.~~ i.n ~~~~igh~~n~.~~ ~;Y~~,ng~ 07,~~> H~ f~rt~~~ s~gg~s t~d ~~.a~ fu~~ar.~ 10~ spli.~ aPP1.~c~n~~ in ~h~t b~; ~~qa~.:~r~~~ ~o b~ing t~~~s~x°~~ts ~p ~te~ ~~t~.ncYard~, -Af~e,r f~~~~~~r Cc~~~nc~l ~is~~s~~on~ c~n ~ mot~~n. of Cor~n~~ltn~n. WQOd, s~~on~l~cl ~b~ ~Cc~a~nc~Iyn~n d~. I~~on. ~~nc~ car~°~~c1, ~h~ E~~~m~nt D~eds ~~oan R~ber~ R, Rob~sor~s ~~n~ ~.nd. Gc~~~:~~~d~; r~o R~~t~~~on, ~~d I~~.~°r~ ~Lv ~nd Bl~nc~~ Me R~s~~ ~cc~:p~t~c~ ~.iz~ ~~th~ M~~c~~° ~~~n~ C~~~~ C1~~°~ ~a~~~ a,~t~o~~~~d to sign th~ C~~~~.f~,c~,t~~ of Acc~pG~nc~ ~.n. b~~~~~1~ o~ C~,~~%o P~(3G1t~SS REFORT. ~ ARROYO GRAIVDE SEW~R. DT,S'~RICT 1~~, 1 Ada~~n~s~~a~o~ ~~.~c~ ~e~ri.~r~~~ ~rit;~ Cc~~ne~~1 c~op~~~ a~£ not~~,c,~.~ ~0 1~~ ~~n~~ to ~acr~ p~op~~C~ o~ner in Dis~~~~c~~, ra~~c~u ~n~~~~l~c~ "~o~~:~c~ of R~~o~c~.~.tion ot A~s~~~m~n~ i.n M~~~~~ of A~'~'o~o G~°and~ ~~~~~~~~nt Di~~~~ri~~ lVoo 1 o.f Co~n~S~ of S~n T~~.is ~b.i~po, ~~.l~fo~n~,~."o S~.~c~ no~~c~, c1E~~~.~~.~,s ~h,~ms ~r~~r~ to p~.~ ~he ~ ass~s~m~n~ ~and. c~u~ o T~e ~.1sa ~l~.r~f~~~c~ t~~~~ t~?~~~ ~~1,1 b~ nc~ p~,n.~l~y c1a~.s~ i~ g~op1~ wis~ to pa~ po~~io~ o~ t~i~ ~~~~.~~~rt~nt ~~~n~ ~nc~ t~~ rezna~nc~~r next yea~°, ~°at~~~ ~~~~n pa~~ng ~,r~~~e~ s~~. a~ c+n~~ or~ m~k,ing pa~rn.~nts for ~~a~°s . REQLT~ST.` TO FT.i~E I~AT~ CL~.IM BY PH~T~DE:~PT~TL~ `~IRE C~~IP~~ I~~~V7~ED Ad.~inistrator B~.t~~ ~°~:port~~d ~hat an A~a~a1~c~~~~n ~~~~~~~~r~ ~c~ ~~I~ C1,~.~;m. has ~c.~.3n r~:~.~~~,~r~d f~°o~. etn~ ~.w~o~°n~-~~ ~-~,~~r~;s~:n~~n~ K~;n,dt~,~~ ~.n.~ K~~~~ Kl~rk€~y~~~~,an, db~ P~~.l.~dl~lp~:~~. T.~~°~ C~p~an~e Cit~~g ~~~c~~t~-,~ S~h,~~s~~ ~~~crr~ne-~n~~~. a,~n~;~.1 of t~~~ r~q~:.~~~. Af~~:~ C~~.ncil, d~sc.7~.~~a..anr ~n. ~c~~;~~;c~ ~f G~a~~,ra~.~~mar~. :~'Sx,~~.~,se ~~=:~on~~d `t~~ Ca~nc~lm~.~ dka i"J~on ~n~ c~.r~~ed.~ ~.~k~;~~ca~~~~ta~o.r,. ~~r~;~ ~~~,•~n. C~~s~, At~a~n~~ S~:~ps~~ d~n.~ ~~pl~caGion f'o~ tcs fi~~1~=: x~~.~~.~ ~~~i,~n ~T~~~~~ ~;r~,s s~b~a.i.~~~c~ b~ ~,~Gorn~y~ J~an~~ D~~no~;r c~n b~h.~1.~ vf T't ~.~~i,~ 'L~~~~~~ ~crzx~~.n.y~ o A~~Z`IiORI~~ NEGQTIA~Z01~ ~'OR. STC,~DY BY K(~~BTG ~ Kd~BIG Tt~ W~.'~~R G~~t~'E~S Ad~~ni~~x~~nx B~~~~ ~~e~~.e~~~~ ~ ~ 1~tt~~~~° ~~o~n ~~:a~~ ~~r.g~~~~~~n~ of Kc?eb:i~ & Ku~big ~~h~.c~ c~~~ ~n ~~spc~ns~ ~o ~ x~~~~.~,~°~: fo~ ~.~~~.~:~;~,r!~c p~~ap~.~~,n.~ ~ st~~d~ fo~ LcapF:z :m~t~~ ch~~g~~~ ~nd. ~r~~~:~ lin~ cc~n.n~~~G~on ek~~.~~~~.s p~~~~~A~~~.n~ ~c~ k1~~ Co~n~i~ a s s#~~dy ~~~s~on ~on ~~.i~ ~at~:~r on Qc~ot~~~° ~ 1.1.~~o T~~=~ ~ 1~~a~~~ ~n~1,~~e~~~ ~ ~h~ scop~~ o~ ~~n~;~nE~~r~ng s~rvic~5 ~o b~ cov~.r~~c~ I~o~ [~c~~Ub~g ~ K~>s~bi~ i,n ~ ~ ~5 CITY COiJI~CTZ QC~~7~ER ~9~2 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ~AGE ~ ~t~xd~~ ~1~e data to be provid€~d b~r the Cit~, t~~n~ a.~ co~~.l ,:€°.%~n~ $1500), and proposed optional Taork. ~ Af~t~r ~Cea~nca~1 ~~~~~~~~~~on~ ~rv~~~~~an Co~ncil~nan Wood, s~conded b~ Co~nc~.lz~an d~ Leon ~,n~~~~~~~~,~ ~~,~ra~~~c~~ t~~rninistrato~° Bu~ch raas authorized to nego~;~~.~~ wi~~ Ko~'~~,~ S~ K~~~i~g ~~o~ ~~ngineex~ing services in prepa~ing ~a s~t~ad~ of tiaa~~~ ~ost~ ~~1~~~~. ~a~~~~~~ to futux°~ d~velopers, at a pric~ not to ~xc~~d $1,~OOo AD.70URNMENT On motion of Coi~ncilnr~.n ~e T,~c~n~ secon.c~~d 'L~~ Ca,kn~~1~~,n M~1'Sa~~ ~n~. ~nanimotasly ca~ried, the me~tfng ac~joux°necl at 10v10 PoM. ~n~~~~ i'G~0 P,Mo9 Octob~~ 30,.1972. ~~r~EST~ . ~.~_e~ti~-~~~ , llE UTY CITY CLERK MAY~R. PR~ T.EM CITY COUNCIL QC~~BE~2 30~ 1~`~~ ~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 6s30 ~.M. Th~ Cit~ Council met ~n adjourned reg~.la~ s~s~ion ;a~ ~h M~.~c~~ P~a T~.11~~ px°esiding. Upon roll call, Council Member5 M~11~s~ y Wuoi~ ~.n~ ci~ T~~on ~°~ported presento Mayor Schl~gel is absento FLTRTI~R DISCUSSION & RESOL ADOPT RE ENVIRCIIVMENTAL IMPACT ACZ' T'h.~ City Cotxncil rev~e~aa~d a proposed r~sol~~~ona prepa~~:c~. ~y C~,t~ Atto~ney Shipsey, establishing an interian pro~~d~re fo~° ~~~~:r~~.~n~.ng r~~~n. Envix°onm~ntal Im.pact Repor~ sh.a11 be x°equir~d ~ai~h~.n th~ C~t~:~. T1~e Council discuss~d ~~a~ q~xe~tion of p~r~one~ ~~,g~~ ~ti~ ~pp~~.~ ~t,~.f~ d~:cision and requ~s~ed ~h~.t this ~ be incl~de~ in ~~~~1~~~~on.. In ~~.c~c~~~~~io~ri, th~ Counc~l discussed. th~ qta.~,tion of cl~finitians. ~~y ~~c~i~~~~~d ~~a~ t1~~ definit~on of "City sraff1° would be a commit~~e of tl~~°~~~ cc~nipos~d o~ zn~mb~~ of the following departments, as n~edeci: P1ann~ng, P~b1~c Tnlork~, F:ix°~, Poli~~y City Engin~ering, etco The C~.~y Council also ~°~q~~s~~~ ~ef.ina~t~on~ fo~° ~;~,lls~d~9 c~~ekside9 l~.keside; and flood plans. A defin~.~~,on fo~ "~.is~o~~ca1 s~.gn~,f~can~~" was also discussed. Counca.l .dis~ussicin :also' ci~:Iv~d in~c~ the n~~d fc~~° a f:i~~ ~n~mber committee to make determinations of buiTd~ng~ of ~l~~.s hi~~s~xic~1 sa~gn~,f~°~ cance. After further Council d~scussion, Citg~ Attorne~ Sk~~ps~~ ~c;a~ t~~ t~~1~ of a resolt~tion establishing an in~erzm proc~dur~ fox~ d.~t~~,min~n.g ~~~~n ~n En~ironmental Impact IZeport shall be r~qu~red and x°el~~e~ p~oc~~~i~x~s~ ~?~~r~~.ft~~$ a xnotion s,aas made by Co~uncilman Wood, seconded by Co~.n~.~l,xn~c~ cl~ L~o~ and ~nani,~ m~~.~1~ carried, ~o dispens~ with reading the b~.lan~~ o£ th~s re~ol~~a~crn, RESOLUTION N0. 1010 A RESOLIJTION OF THE CITY COIIIV~IL OF TI~' CT'TY 0~ ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING AN INTERTM P1t~SD~~F FOR DETERMINING WIi~N .~N ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAC~ REPORT SHA.LL BE REQUIRED 47ITHIIV THE CITY OF AItROYQ GRA~IDE AND FOR THE REVIEW A~TD EVALUATION 0~' SA.ID REPORTa On motion of Councilm~.n c1~. T~~on~ -~~cond~d lyy Cau~ca~l~~~n TN'~~c~ ~.ar~ o.~ ~h.e follow~.ng ro11 call vot~, to wit: AYES: Councilm~n Millis, Wood, de L~:on ~.nd M~y~°~ P~o T.~~ ~~11~~ I~OES: None ABSENT: Mayor Schl~g~l th~ fa~°~going resolutian was pas~ecY ~ncl adopted ~~a~s 30~~ ~~a.;~ o~ ~c~o1~r~°: 19~~. AUT~3~JRT~ED OPE1V BURNING WEEK ~ NOVEMBER 12 - 18 ~ 19~~ On motfon of. Councilman Millis, seconded b~ Co~ncilznan d~ T,~?~n ~~c~ ~an~n~.m mously carried, Novemb~r 12th ~hro~g~. 18~hy 19~~, ca~.~ cl~~~gnat~ed op~n ~~~n~ng we~k. cl~cring the fall period of 19?2, as r.~commencl~d b~ F~re C~~~:.~~ 1~~~~,l.~~k,