O 416 C.S. 3 WD>>fa .0. 416 C.S. 1M WD>>fCl or 'I'll cm COUJICIL or 'I'll CI'I'Y or 1II0YO GIWIDI: ADOPtING A IlGArIVK DaCLUl.'I'IOI 1HD 1JW/DIHG CJWI'I'U 4 or 'I'll JlUJfICIPAL COD' TO AIfIHJ) SKcrION 9- 4.2613. 1S'1'18LJ:SJWIG UClIl.TIOIWo VDICLB PAUlHG S'1'1HDUDS; AH1I '1'0 1J)D SIC'I'IOlI 9-4.2616, EST18LJ:sJlIHG S'1'IJIIIUDS FOl IIISIGH 01 PAUIJlG STlUCTUIBS. IfJ'II!DI!.', till City COllAc11 of till City of Ar&'oyo G&'ucl. ba. lIeld tbe &'equ1nd pul:l1:l.C:' IIlariDg at it. regular .IIUng o:t SlpUab8&' 26, 1989, to eon.ide&' a propo..d ordinane. vllic:1I ..Inda Artiel. 26 of the toning O&'dinance to ..tabli.1I .tanda&'d. tor &'.c:rlatiODal v.bicl. parking and tor the de.ign of parking .t&'uctu&'..; an4 pD'.', till propo..4 or41A&ul ... rl,1,w,4 in c:oapUance vith tile r.quir'.lnc. of tbl CaliforDia ED,iroD&.nca1 Quality Acc (CEQA), and CII. Ciey Council :tinda tll.t till p&'ojeet would &',.ult in no .ignificant effect on tile envi&'ODaent .nd, tlle&'e:to&'e, till a40ption o:t a Hegative Declaration is app&'op&'iate; ucl VJJII!1IBa.s. till p&,opo.ld o&'liin&llC:1 va. found to be consistent with the Glne&'.l Plan; &lid WB1lEIS, aftl&' 4uI .tudy an4 dlliblration, thl City Counc:il finds that the pUblic: interest and glnlral welfare does require suc:1I an ..endaent. ' 10V, tBIIIrOlB, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby ordain a. follows: Sec:tion 1: Chaptlr 4, Artic:le 26, SIc:tion 9-4.2613 of the Kunicipal Code is hereby ..ended to add the fOllowing: "(c:) Recreational vehicl'l. 111 off-Itreet parking facilities in c:o..ercial zones aay be rlquirld to provide reereational parking stalls. Such staUs aay utilise auto' parking .taUs placed end-to-end (for a eoabined length of 36 feet) providld thl widtll of elll stall is increased to ten feet 110'0")." SIc:tiOD 2: Cllaptlr 4, Articll 26 of till Hunicipal Code is hereby amended to inelude . nev section 9.4-2616, to read as' follows: flSeetiob 9-4.2&16. Parki~<< S~rn~tur... (al Pur_se. It iD the intent of thl C:Lty of A&'royo Grande by IIt.blishing standard. for thl dldgn of parking structure. to Insure thl arc:hitlctural coapatibility of such .truetures with .urrollDding nlighborhoods and to prot.ct chI environaent and health saflty and velfare of thl citillnl of Arroyo Grandi. / (b) Definition. A "Parking Bendure" .lIall .lIn any portion of a .trl&cture 4el1gne4 to be l&Ie4 for auto.obUe parking or any structure deaigned, totally for parking which includll, withoue li_itaUon .dei-level, luJlterrue&n, and rooftop parking. This IXc:ll&de. at-grade residlntial garagl. and carports. (c) Genlral Reauirement.. 1 partiag structure shall bl subjlct to the following .tanda&'ds in addition to tho'l requirld in Article 26 ot this chapter. (1) All parking Itructurel Ihall be luJlject to the is.uance of a conditional l18e per.it and architlctural rlviev appro,al. (2) RIgulations of the underlying zone on which a parking .tructure is locatld .hall bl adhlred to, including, but not li.ited to, .axiaua allo.abll hligllt, .iniaua buildin" site and lot width, .axi.WI building sitl COVlra"., and setbacks. Id) Loeation. Parking Itructurl' .hall be locatld Dot .01'1 than threl hundred feet (300') fro. the clolest ule it i. intended to ,erve as regulated by Section '-4.2612 of thil chapter. 1 -.--.- - '-"' -..,---.--- ---. -~'---""- 4 Ord~ No. 416 e.s. (e) ~esian~ J)edgn IDd plYill~ standard. shall be .ubject to those stated in Section 9-4.2606 of this chapter. in addition to the following: . / ,. (1) All interior and exterior wall .urfaces are to be treated or designed to re.ist graffiti. (2) All parkin, .tructures shall be serviced by a ainiaua of two (2) vehicular accesl points for In,ress and e,resl from the .treet to the .tructur.. (f) SDecial Off-Street Par~n~ fvDe.: (1) HandicaDDed Par'ina, Handicapped parking. .hall be provided ,--, on the .tr.et l.v.l .nd located in an uncovered area. The delign and provilion of handicapped parkin,. is regulated hy stat. r.quire.enta .a aet forth in Section '-4.2613. (a). (2) Bt;t..t~DD.1 Vehiel... ror a parkin, .tructur. wh.re the vertical dearanc., i. lelll than ele"en feet. six inches (11'6"). the r.quired lIuah.r of r.creational ..hicl. parkin, sp.ces Ih.ll b. ptOYided at street l..el and located in an uncovered area. (g) Clear~ The floor-to-ceiling hei,ht .hall he a .iniau. of ten feet (10'0"). The vertical cl.arance .hall h. 01.ar17 polt.d at all entrances into . p.rkin, .tructure. (b) SDrinklers. An auto.atic fire protection 'flte. .hall he provided in all parking structure.. U) pr~~~.L Dr1"'..7. .hall h. <<e.iraea to allow dri"er' to "i.. auto.obile and pede.trian traffic before .er,in, into .uch traffic. Exit. froa drivewaYI Ihal1 he clearly pOlted witb a. '.top' li9ft. (1) Vbere a driyeway interlectl tbe,.idewalk, refer to rigure 2. below. 'itbin tb. .bema trian,le. aD, Itructure. waU, hnce. or land.capin, .ball he .ubject to coapl1anoe with Section 9.4-2613 of tbi. chapter. rICUU 2 Street .......... . /' Sidewalk 6'-0" . ' , I I 6'-0" [ 11 . .. Any scUd wall. . fence, or land- .:0.. scapinq within - , this tr1.Mgle 1i:Id.t Driveway 1. ~ect to. Sec', 9.4-2413 12) K.mp slopes .hall be a maxi.va of fifteen percent 115'). For ramp .lopes o"er 10 percent. a tran.ition of at lea.t eiqht feet .hall he prod4ed. at each end of tbe reap. The transition .hall ba.e a aaxi.ua .lope equal to one-half of the .lop. of tbe raap (.ee Figure 3. below). . . 2 -'-,-~'-'-'._-- ---------- 5 Ordinance No. 416 e.s. noun 3 1'rAnl11d.on Slope · I:i RaIJp Slope . 'l'rAnUd.on Slope · I:i 1WI1@ Slope 8'-0" 8'-0" H.i.n.inun l-~ ~rlWl1t.1.on '.l'rAn.ll1 c.ion , (j) Ventilati.on.. Pukia, .trllctlU'" .lIall II. v.atilated to avoid the lIuild-up of exhalllt 'a.... Natllral v.acilacion, lIy ..Ia. of open vall. an4 tronca,., .lIou14 b. 111.4 vll.a f.a.ibl.. If a.chanical v'nCilaCiOD i. lI.e4, aoi..aitigatioa..a.llr.. .hall b. incorporat.d (i..., low-aoi.e faD', .ia'lIlatld dllct vork aad v1l1ration absorbing .ountiag .y.toa.). Dllct. .lIall aot .xball.t toward aay openings or opea .pace oa aay a4joiniag proplrty aor toward anyon-site or off- .ite, .tre.t, placl, 01' part acc...illl. to tll. pulllic. lid Pedestrian Movement. vi thin a 'arkintl Strueture.. Cl.arly aarked patb. IXC1111ivlly for )1'I.trian 11.1 .ball ). provid.d throughout a parkiag .trllcClU'e ilclll4ing, bllt not li.it.d to, .id.walk. .long the alltoaobil. ra.p. and yuticallaOv...at )y .oaas of .stairs and/or elevators. tl) ',dOltdIA patu &loO &utoaobl1. rallp. lAd throllghollt a pukiag .tructlU" .lIall b. pllyl1c&l1y ..tablisb.d by a paint.d lia., &Dd vll.I" t...ibl., by "aDS of . curb or railing. (2) J. .Cainay 100... to uu.t bye]. .hall bl provi4e4 IIhere partiag i. 10cate4 .ith.1' &bov. or b.lov .tre.t l.v.l. Tb. .tair. .hall II. locat.d a.ar tho u..r'. d..tination and ar. .ubj.ct co co.pli&Dce"itb tb. Unit or. Bllilding Code. m El.vatol" .lIall b. provi4ed in co.plianc. vitb tbe Uniform 811ilding C04.. (4) No parkiag spac. .lIall b. locat.d fartber tban tbr.. blln4red hee (300' ) walking 41stanc. froa Iny .ntrance 1:0 the .Cructur.. (1) security. Security ..a.ur.. .hI11'). incorporated iato tll. d..ign of all parkino .tructur.... 1 ..curity plan .hoving .ecurity all ..&lur.. including, b~t not 11aite4 to, lighting, visibility into - the .tructur., ItairvIY', .l.vator. aDd gates and fencing sball be revieved and approved ~y tbe Fire Departaent, pOlice Depart..nt, and the Planning D.part..nt, prior to tho il.uancI of a conditional use per.it. (1) ~ PartilO .tructur.. .hall be well-illllllinated to provide lecurity. 'h. lightino .ball be a .inill\lll uniformly di.tributed 10 foot-candl.. .0 tbat dark areas are not cre.teci. Fluore.cent ligllting sball be used vhenever feasible. 3 " ,_ ..'_"U~ .-... -, . -... 6 Ordinance No. 41& C.S. ., (2) Q\?m Front;.~ Open frontaqe to streets and buildings should be provided en as mmy sides of a par1dnq structure as feasible to faeilitate Observation from passing patrol cars and the general populace. (3) All stairways and elevator lobbies shall be well-ill\l1\inated, and if feasible. visible to the outside. (4) Any parkinq structure with more than 20 parking spaces shall be rn:mtored by either mattendant or video llmitors durinq the hours of operation. If the facility is not to be utilized on a 24 hour buis, it shall be seeured to prohibit entry by ~. both vehicles and pedest.rians durinq hours of non-operation. (5) other securi t7 measures includir1q, but not limited to, security gates and fencing shall be incorporated into the design of a parking structure, as deelll!d necessary. (1) ~dsca.P.!m~ 'l'he regulations set forth in this section shall supersede those requlaUcns in Section 9-4.2610 for all parJUnq structures. Parkinq structures shall be sub:lect to the following landscaping requi/:'1!llll!!l1ts. Prior to the ialNllJlce of a building permit. a landscape plm shall be subnitted and approved by the Parks and Recreation Director and Police Department. 'the plan shall shOlof the location, sbe, 8nd variety of plantings, water supply, and similar designaUcns. (1) A perimeter I andscaPf'd strip of a mininun four ft!et. ("') in width shall be provided to help screen the structure and/or parked vehicles from view. 'the perimeter landscaped strip 1T8Y include anr required)'atd area and shall be ClCint:l.nuOWl except for required access. t,andscapinq shall not conflict with safe visibility of automobile and pedestrian traffic. (2) All landscaped areas required for parking structures shall ccrrplY with the following standards: (aa) Planted areas &ball be served by an adequate irrigation system. (bb) All planted areas shall be continuCI\1!Ilyllllintained and kept free of weeds and debris by the owner or person in possession of such area. (cc) planted areas shall be protected with concrete curbs or other acceptable barriers. (3) tandscapinq nust be installed prior t.o occupancy or use of the parJdfIfJ structure." section 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage; and within fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published once, together with the names of the city council Members voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the city. ~on 4: The adoption of this ordinance hereby repeals Urgency ordinance No. 407 C.S. SUch repeal shall be effective on the effective date of the ordiMnce adoptee! heNin. ~---,. ~,..._,- ,- 7 Ordinance No. 416 C.S. "On motion of Council Keuer Smith ' , seconded ))y Council Hem.ber Dougall , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: lV1S: COuncil Members smith, Dou9all, Olsen, t-kX>ts and Mayor Millis HOES: None ABSENT: None the toregoing Or4iA&DCe was passed and adopted this 24thday of October, 1989. -::l:<.::Uat;i~ 17ft": ~I)~ O. ~ .NlHCY 1. J) S, CITY CLEU - AS TO POlK: IS to COI'1'IIft'S: CITY H1HAGER I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 416 C. S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular rreeting of said Council on the 24th day of October 1989. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 30th day of October, 1989. 71 Q. ~ CITY ~ I ,,- I 1 I