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Minutes 1972-10-30
~~~9 CTTY COtJ1VCTL ~G`~t~~~R 2~~ ~9~2 ARR0~0 GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ~AGE ~a s~t~ady, ~tl~e d.ata to be ~p~ovid~d b~ ~the ~Cit3~, ti°m~ a~ co~p~,~~:~~~~~ ~~~~~~.~.a~~~ at $1500), a.nd proposed optional wo~ko Af~~r Cc~~ne~1 ~~~~.€~s~a.ona c~n ~~~,~~i.~~ Co~ncilynan Wood, second~d. '6~ Councilman de Leon ~~.~e~ ~~c~n~~~~e~~l~ ~~~°~~e~cY~ Administrator Butch was authorized ~o ne~o~~at~~~~t~ Ko~l~~~ & I~~~~~~;~~o~ ~~~~~~r ~engineering s€:rvic~s in prepa~ing ~a st~ad.g~ of w~ke~~ co~~t~ ~~~~~e~ ~~~.~t~~ ~a~.~~~;~~~ to f~.ture d~velopers, at a pric~ not to ~xc~~c~ $1~~OOo• ADJOLTRDTMENT On mot~on of Co~n~zlrn~.n c~.~ Le~n~ seconcY~~d la~ Cp~,~,nc~ ~~~n M:°r I. L~,~ ~nc~ ~nanimotasl~ ca~°ried, th.e me~ting adjoux°ned a~ 10;10 PeM. ~rs~~~ ~~~0 P,M,, Oc~ob~~ 30,._1972. ~ ATTE~T~~. ~~)l~~i,(~- . DE UTY CITY C~ERK MAY~R PRO TEM CITY COUNCIL (~C~OBER 30, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ~:3d ~'.M. The City Cottncil m~t in adjourned regrsla~° ~~s~ion ~a~.tk~ M~,~c~r P~°a ~~a~ Tall~y presiding. t7pon roll call, Council Mernbe~: M~11~~ ~ Woac~ ~anc~ dF: ~,~on x°~ported present, Mayor Schleg~l is abs~nt, FURTHER DISCUSSION & RESOL. ADOPT. RE ENVIRONMENTAT~ TMPAC~ ~C~' The City Cotxncil rev~e~~d a propos~d resol~tion~ prepa~~;~. 1~;~ C~~_y A~to~ney Shipsey, est~.blisl~~ng ~.n interi~n proc~d~r~ fo~° c~e~~~~a.ni.n~ ~r~~n Env~~°onmental Impact R~port s1~a11 be requir~d ~a~,tn~n t?~~ C~.t~=. T1~e Co~.ncil discuss~d the qa~e~t~on of p~y~on'~ ~~g~~; ~tis ~.pp~~1 ~ st~~~ ~~ci~ion ~nd requested that th.is be incl~d~~. a.n ~tz~: ~°~~c~l;~~~or~a °ln ~c~c~z~ion, th~ Counc~l discussed. th~ c~t~~~tinn of cl2finifi.ions. T~~~ ~~~~t~~~€.~d t;`~a~ tl~~ definition of "City s~.aff1° ,~rould be a commi~t~e of tl~r~~~ ~oznpos~d of m~mb~~ of the following departments; as xxeedeci: Planning, Pa~blic Ti~o~ks, ~':ir~, Po1~c~~ City Engineering, etca The Ca~~y Co~.ncil also r~q~~s~~d ~ef.in~t~ons fo~° ~~,11si~.e., cr~eekside, l~.keside, and flood plans. A defini~~,on for~ "~istor~,ca1 s~.gn:~f~c~nc~" was also discussed. Counca.l discussian :also' ei~Iv~d: ~n~o t~e n~~d f~~ a f:i~r~ m~mber committee to m~.ke det~ ~ninations of buildings ~f thi~ hi~~~r~c~1 sign~fim canc~. After further Cou~ncil cYiscussion, City Attorn~~ Sha~ps~~ it~~1~ of a~°esolution establishing an interim p~ocedur~ fo~ d~t~~m~.n~,ng ~~h~n ~n Environmental Impact Report shall be required ~nd rel~.te~ p~oce;d~c~°~.s; ~?~~~~~ft~r, a anotion T,aas made by Cottncilznan Wood, second.ed by C~ta.n~il.Fr?a~ d~ I~~on and ~unan~.~ mo~.~l~ carried, to d.ispens~ ~aith reading tl~e balanc~ o~ thi~ r~~o1P~~:ion, RESOLUTION N0. 1010 A RESOLUTION OF TfiE CITY COU~ITCIL OF TH~~ CT'~'Y 0~ ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING AN INTERTM PROC~DL~R~ FOR DE'~ERMINING WHEN AN ENVIRONMENTA~ TMPAC~' RE~OR~ SHALL BE REQUIRED WITH~N THE CITY OF Al~R0Y0 GRA.~1D'E AND FOR THE REVTEW AI~TD EVA7iTATION 0~ SATD REPOR~'e On motion of Councilm.~n c~~ ~,~on~ ~~corid~d i~~ C~a~c~1~r~~n Gu'~ec~ ,~n~ o.~ ~h~ ~ollowing ~°0l1 ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Millis, Wood, de L~:on and. M~a,;~~~ P~o T~~r. '~~11~~~ NOES: None ABSENT: Ma.yor Schl~gel the fo~°egoing ~~esolution was pas~e~.~ ~.ncl ~.doptad ~thi~ ~ 30~~ o£ Qc~~:ob~;r5 19~2~. AUTH~RIZED OPEN BURNING WEEK ~ NOV~MBER 12 - 18, 19~2 qn motion of. Cc~uncil?nan Millis, second.ec~. b~ Co~xnci.lman d~ Ta~c~n ~~d. ~~,n.~,n~m mously carried, November 12th ~hrougl~. '18~h.5 19~L, ~a~~ d~s~gn~t~cY op~n b~.rn~n~ we~k. d~~ing the fall p~riod of 1972, as r~commencl~d bg* F:i~°e C~~~..~~ 1~~~~.1.~~a l l'7 CI'~Y COLTI~ICIL ~ ~C'~O~E~2 30~ ~L9~2 ARROYO GRL~NDE , CA~ I~OR~TIA FA~E ~ NOTICE OF CHAI~lNEL COUI~TIES MEE~T~~ ~N ~L?A,LiAT;cTI'E °~iC7V;~1~Fi~ 1Cb G~ ~ Ac~.m~n°is~t~ator But~h ~.dvis~c~ ~hc~ Co~nci~ ~h~ ~~.~.=~~~~.;u°:~~~, -~~~.ra~i..~~ ~f ~'h~ C~annel Cnt~nti~s D~vision of t~~ I.~ag~e of G~.l~~o~n~,~, C~~~~~9 ~i~~ b~~ ~3~m~.~.°~n. Guadal~pe. There wi11 b~ ~ st~,d~ ~~s~a~on ~r 4~:00 P.Mo cc~v~r~n~ c~~~~~~~~~ p1~nn~~g. Counc~lmen Millis, de G~on ~.nd Ma~c» P~~ '~~~n '~~11.~;~ a.nc~~~~~~cl s~n~~-~n~~~n att~~nd th~ me~tzng. ~ REPOR'T RE, R.EQ~ITRED ELEMEI~TTS TO THE G~NERAL PTFAN Ad.min~strator B~.tc~ r~~.d a r~port f'~am. P1ann.~.ng D~~~c~s~~ ~~1.~.e~p ~;r.~.~~ reference~ to e~lements ~ o~" ~h.e ~~~~~Genc~~~~~ P~~~.n t~~~~. ~a~ 1,1 ~b~ r~~~~.~~~cl ~,r~ t~~~ n~~~ fisc~.1 year. It was sugg~st~d ~~iat th~ ~:~~~~~.~ic sa~e~~r, n~i~~ ~.rid :~r~~~~,~ Yaighwaq el~ments be consad~r~cl an ~ joint ~a~si~9 ~,it~ t~~~~ C~s~,n~~ ~~~ng px°im~ ag~n~. Aft~x° a g~°eat ~.~al of Co~.nc.i1 ~i~~~~~ion~ it ~7~.s ~~~~r,~.11~ ~,g~~~~c~ that M~.~or Pro Tem T~.ll~y co~1d m~,k,~ t;h.~s p~opo~~.l th~ n-~x~ r~g~l.~.~° ~m~~~~n~ . of ~h.e County~C~t~.es Area P1ann~ng C~ss~c~zna~ing Gaun~i.l. `.f;s~ . ~ . . . . ADJOURNMENT On motion of Counc~l~aan M~ 11~,s ,~€~c:onci~c~. t~~' ~o~n~ i1.~~n d~ T~on ~rxd unanimously carried, th~ meetin~ adjo~,rned. a~ $.5'el PaM. ~ ~ _ ATTEST: ,\_uiti-~i~-y; ~~f `t,~~s DEPUTY CITY CLERK ML~.Y~R P1~.C? TFM: M~ e :v . _.x ~ ~ ~ _ ~ . . t,yL. ~ . .