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Minutes 1972-11-14
~ 1~ CITY COtJ1VCTI~ NOVEMBER 14, 1972 ~R~Q'YO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA The City Cour~cil m~t in regular eeeei,on with Mayor Schlegel p~~siding. Upon roll call, Co~ncil Membe~°e Mi111e, Ta11ey, Wood and de Leon r~po~t~d p~~a~x~t. ~ DGE~ OF AT..T. .[:T01ltf~~' pj~TT T'ti'nfM e mrnuT l~yar Sch18~e1 l~ad th~ Pl~d~e of Allegiance to cur Flsg; and immediat~ly th~r~aft~r, Cou~cilma~ Millie d~liv~r~d the invocat~.on. ~ s~rn~~~ ~~~~n„~r~~ ~~~~,~~~*,^s ~OUNCTL M~~'TTi~[~ ~~T°'~ ~~~~~~d Ar~~y~~ Grande High School teacher, Mrs o Fdx ~nd ~'~'~d~~~~~ w~re in attendance at the evening'e Co~zn~i1 ~n~e~in~ ~c~ ~b~~~~~ th~ ~~~c~~di~,~~ . APPRQVA~. M°r~rir~Q ~~~ting of October 24, 1972, and th~ re~ul~,r ~'d~~'~~~`~d ~~~Q'~~~ 3Q, 1972, w~r~ app~oved ae prepared. V'A~ Q~ ~TA~~e1~^~ A~ ~~~~e~ ~f C~~~~f,~~~~ ~~co~d~d by Cour~cil~~~ l~illi~ ~nd u~~~i~ ~'~~~~'~d, ~~,205 throu~h No. 11,313; No. 11,216 th~~a~~~, 11,~~21'7~ ~1~. ~~~bb9 ~~~~~h No. 11,724, i~s tha to~~,l ~~ou~~ ~f $5~,4~+~,~'+7; ~~d P~~~~~1: ~e. 4449 ti~rou~h Na. 4526 a~d No. 4601 t~ro~~~ ~~Q~~ t~~ $~~~25~.92, waro app~ov~d a~d oxd~x~d ~~id. r .r ~d~~~i~~~~~~~ ~~~~c~ ~d~~~~~ ~~~fi ~ lm~ta~c ~a• b~s~ ~~c~~v~~ C~~s~~l. C~~~c~l~ ~~~u~e~i~~ rsmitta~c~ o~ t~~ ~~~~a b~d~~t~d ~y ~h~ ~i~~ ~Q~ ~~~~~tio~al ox~mt~aas of ~'~0 P~~~~1~~ C~~~e~~ 197ZH7~s ~~t~~ C~~~~~1 8i,ats~sio~, o~ ~ot~o~ o~ C~~~~il~~~ ~~~~.a ~~e~~~~~ b~ C~~~~~~~~~ ~~~1~~ ~~~~~~ot~e~y e~~~~~~, ~~q~~~~ C~~.~~~~ ~1~~~~~ ~~it~~~G~ 1972-7~ ~~d~~~~~ ~~~~s ~~~~a~~ ~~7..~.OA ~~~~~~~~~~1 ~~~~~~~8, ~~e ~tpp~ov~d. `T•~'~FP ~~~~yl ~ ~i. ~i~~A~Y1~~~ f'l~ f?A#~HR~ ~aASSaaw ~a~~~~ ~ i~~~~~ ~~~~~~@~ ~~~n ~4~~~~e C~~~e~, ~Z,~00 ~~~~QO !o~ C~~~ C~~~~~~ ~~~2~7~s ~~0~ ~~11 b~ ~~~d ~~~~~~y C~~y C~~~~~~ ~9, 1~~~ C~~~~~y ~~~~i~~. C~~~~~~. ~~~~~il~~€~ ~~1~~, ~~e~~~~~ C~~~~~~~~~ C~~~~~ ~ 1~~Z~7~ ~~~~@~~~ ~~@.~~~~~~ ~Za~A~.O~~ e~~~~~~~~~~ w~~ • ~ • ~,~~fi ~f~~ b,'~a,~[~~~1fi~ A~~~f~ ~~~i3~ ~A~ ~~rfi 3'jlA~~ ~~.P~~~+A~~~e.L~`.~X ~fi3Y~ ~fei8 ~~~~~~a~~~~e~ ~~~~~~@~ ~ ~~~~~@ Vi~~~~~ ~@~~ ~1~ 1~~~t ~~~~~~~~~j ~~1~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~1~~ ~~~@ ~ ~v~l~ @~~~ ~ ~~~~~~1~~~'~ q~~e~~~~~ ~~@ ~~i~ ~v~1~ ~e ~~~~~1~ ~~~~~~~~~~a ~v~~1 C~~€~~i1 ~~~~~t~~~~~t ~ ~~~~e~ ~v~~ M~~~~s, C~~~ ~ ~~~.9~ @~~~, ~1~~~~ : ~t ~11, ~~i~i ~`~A~~ n9ii~? ~iv~~4~i~~i~ ~~36~ ~aA ~f6#~ ~~fi'F8 ~.Af~fi ~ ~~~~~~1~~~ G~~~~~s ~v~~~~ d~v~~~~~~~ ~11 ~~~~~a ~i~~ ~@~~~~~~ i~ ~~~2, ~~~LAiefi'~~'fiA~~nA#:p ~Q~~~~~0~ ~~~fi~~ . ~[i~~ra~~ 99 ~"@i~~~~@~ ~@~~~@ ~#&9 ~~@~ ~"@~@~i;@~ ~~@~~~€~~ c ~ ~~1~~~~~~ C~~~~~~~ c~~~ ~~~i~~~~~), i~ ~ ~o~~ 2Z, ~~73, ~ C~~~~i~~~ ~~~~~~@, ~~~1~~~~~ ~~~@~ ~y~~ ~~~v~~~~€~~ ~o~ ~~@ ~~~~i~~~~ ~~~~a ~ ~ ~~@~~~~ ~~q~~~~~~ ~1~~ w~~~ a~~e~A~~ ~3r ~ta~o~ ~~~1~~~i 11~ C~~`Y CO'~NCIL NOVEMBER 14, 19~2 ~.It~t.OYt~ GRAZ~TDE , CAL~FOR.~tIA PAGE 2 B~.~~.h. A~~inistrato~° B~.tch reviewed the intent of the coimnission for tl~~ b~n~f3t; of th.e visi~~ng Civ~cs ~elass. TREAS~R~R'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 1972 T'l~e Treasux°er's Report for the month of October, 1972, was receiv~d b}~ ~`h~ Cca~.ncil, rev~~r,~~d r,~ith Director of Finance Rosengrer~, and ordered filede Al~~ z~~~ri~~a~d ~r~~e B~xdg~t Suzranaries of Revenues and Appropriations as of 9~~0/7~~ prepa~ed. D~'~~~~:;,~~ of Fin~nce Rosengzen, which summaries wi11 be p~'+ p~.~~d and p~ovzd~d ta t.1~~^ C~uncil and Department Heads on a quart~rl~ b~.~ is . D~~AT~.'~MENTA.~ NI~N~i~~ K~P~TdT E"OR OCTOBER 1972 The D~partment~~. It~pc~rt ~o~ the month of October, 1972, was x°eceived b~a t~~ C;~~~nci1, ~ev~e~;aa~d. ~nd o~c~~~~d filed. S~t~~?i~D READING OF AI~~TD TO ~Q~~~TG ORD. & MAP - HELD OVER UNTIL 11/28/72 T1~.e secon.d ~°~~d~,n~ ~nd ~e~option ot the proposed amendments to the Ci~~'s Z~~`~~~~~; nrd~.n~.nce and. M~p w~,~ ~~~~i over unti;l the next regular Council meeting arL ~T~~~ml~~r ~89 197~, ~.s ~.dd~~:~onal time is needed in preparing the amended ~c,~~,rs~ ordin.anc~ ~nd x~~po 1~~F~'~R.T ~tE, TOWN & GC1~~'RY I~TC~HTTNG ON BRAN~H STREET - HELD OVER UNTIL 11/28~~2 Administrator ~~.t~~~ ~~po~ted that pursuan~t to the Council's request at 1~.;~~ ~°~gular m~~~in~ t.~~;~ he ascertain and compile all information avail- ~'bl.~ rel~~r~nt to Te~wn &~ca~ntry lrghting versus mereury vapor lights for Branch St~~~t r~rithin t~.e Und~:eg~ound~ng District, he is awaiting some replies and hopes to 1~~~re a1.1. information ~og~ther for the Council at its next regular meeting on I~o~~mbe~ 28, 1972. PR~~R.~,SS R~PORT iZ.E ALLEYWAY ACQtIISITION BETWEEN SHORT & BRIDGE STREETS Administrat~r Butch reviewed on a diagram the portions of properties the Ci~g~ ~~.s acqui~ed, for th~ coinpletion of the alleyway between Short Stree~t and B~~d~~ St~~et, and the three remaining properti~*s still desired. He further ~~port~cl tl~at as authorized by the City Council previously, he had written the sa~thholding property owners. He and Mr. Dave Loomis also had met personally ~7~th c~n~ of the property own~rs, Mr. Hendrix. As a result of that meeting, it ~r~.s r~~o~n~nded ~hat the ma~ter be referred back to the Downtown Parking Advisor;~ Ccman~ttee for the~r further review and study of the matter, taking ~,n~o consideration th~ results of the meeting with:Mr. Hendrix. The Council will cor.sider a method of procedure in acquiri,ng the;remaining portions of properties after furth~r recommendatib~.s are received~from the Downtown Parking Advisory Crsmmittee. MCJIVICIPAL CODE AMEND ORI~I.~AL~ICE ADOPT. - REZON CASE ~~72-63 BLK 13 WEST ADDT F-1 TO H-S (POLIN) Citq Attorney Shipsey read the tit~e of an ordinance amending the Muni~ip~.l Code so as to rezone from a R-1 Singl.e Family Residential to a H-S ~iighzaay Service District, certain property in the City of Arroyo Grande; the~~~fter9 a mation ~aas made by Councilman Ta~.ley, seconded by Couneilman . de I.~an and ~nanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of tl~is ordinan~~. ORDINANCE NO. ~ C~S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO,GRANDE AMENDING A PORTION OF THE 20NING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED ~0 TN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN_THE CITY OF' ARROYO GRANDE. On mtition of Cauncilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Millis and on the folloTa2ng roll call vote, to wi~k: AYES: Councilmen Millis, Talley, Waod, de Leor~ and Mayor Schleg~l 1VQES : None [~BSENT: None the for~going ordinance was passed and. adopted ~his l4th day of November, 1972. i~~ co~c~~ ~ov~~~~ ~~gz ~~~~a a~~~~ ~ c~~~~o~~ ~ Admi~~~~~~,t~~ t~~ C~~~~i1 ~ ~n~~~~~~~ ~~~~~r~d ~ix~~~t~~ P'i~~~~~ ~a~~~~~~~ ~~c~~~~~ ~t~~~~~d ~~~~1~~ ~~~~~di~~ 5~~~~~~ P~~~~~~n. ~1~~~~~~ fi~~ ~~~d~ b~~~ ~~~~i~~~ ~tc~ ~dv~~~~ t~~t ~~~~n~ ~und~ ~~~~i~~d by t~~ ~i~~ ~~~~v~~ ~op~~~~f~~~ b~sic i~GO~~ ~~d ~~o~~t o~ t~~€~~. ~~~~~~d~t~ ~'i~~~~~ ~~r~c~~~ i~ ~i~ ~~por~ a~r~ t'h~t t'~~ ~r~t~t~~~~n~~ b~ ~~ae~d i~ i~t~r~st b~~ri~g ~c~o~s~fi~ un~~1 n~act b~d~~~, limit ~~~d~ ~~~~~d c~,pi~al pxo~~ct~, ~o~ u~~ th~ f~~d~ ~o lo~a~~ p~op~~~y t~~e8 ~s it ~~~1 ~,~~r~~~~~y ~~~~et ~utur~ ~,llot~e~t~, ~~d if p~~~ibl~~ ~.dA~~ ~ five~y~~x~ e~pit~l ~.~~a~~~~~n~~t bud~~t :a~d c~?it t~~~~ f~~d~ th~~ ba~d~~~, ~Adz~~~i~tr~to~ ~~tch i~d~e~.~~~ ~,a~~ th~t t~i~ C~mu~it~ Co~~~~s~ ~r~.~1 c~ f~r~'~ w~~h ~o~~ id~~s to t~~ ~~titl~m~~,~~. Dix~cto~ of Fi~e~~c~ ~~~~n~~~a ~t~~ee~d ~~~t ~ud~t~ ~d~, t'~~y ~ill ~ud~~d ~n t'~~ ~m~~,~t tk~~ ~~~d~ ~~d~ ~~~~~~y a~d ~~t ~cc~~~~,bilit~ ~v~~~ ~~nte C~~~~i7,~~~ p~oe~~d~d ~~t~ ~~,~~r:~~~~~~A ~~iei~,~ v~,~yi~~ op~.~~.~~~ to t'h~ ua~~ ~~~d~~ but ~~~~~~~~y t~~~ ~~~tY~~~ ~~udy o€ t~,~ ~tt~r i~ ~~~d~d. ~U~ ~~~~~,~s~~, ~~n~~~~~~nfi~~ ~~~Tt~~v ~~?NC~ 3'~ ~k~ ~ ~.~5~~. ~~P~ Ad~i~i~~~~fi~~ ~~a~~.~~~~ t~~ ~~~~~~~~d 1~~~~~~ t~ ~~~t~~~ a~~ ~k~~ ~~d~~~~ot~~d t~~i~i~~ ~~~~~~~~s ~~tli~i~~ t~~ ~~~p~~~~ fi~~~~~~~~~~d ~ti~i~~ ~~~triet ~ra~ac~ 9~~~~t ~ ~~~c~ d~~~~ie~ ~~~~~p~~~~~ t~~t ~r~ G~~ ~o ~1~~~d~. ~~~~c~ 5~~~~t. Up~~ D~~~~y ~~ty C~~~~ ~t~~ t~~t p~~~i~~d b~ i~~, S~~l~~~~ ~~cl~~~~ t'~~ ~~~1~ b~~~~ ~~~eu~~i~~ ~~~~~1~~~~~~ ~t~~~~~ ~t~~~~ ~~e ~~~~~~a C~~~c~~ d~~et~~~~~~~ ~ ~~,~~i~~ t~~d~~~~°~~~ ~t~~~.~~ ~fi~. ~ m~~~~~ ~g~ C~~~~1~~ ~y ~~~~~~1~~ ~~~€~~~~~~y ~~~~~~d~ t~ ~i~g~~~~ ~,Q,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~@~~ ~~e ~i~~~ ~~~1 ~~~i W~~~, ~0~~ s ~i~~~ ~~~~~~o w~~ ~fi~~~l~s~t?11i ~l~'~A~~,~~i~~~' A~' ~~~'~~~~A~, ~if~fi~~'~~~i~~ ~A~~'~'~~ ~~~~~~t~~~ ~fi~. ~01~ d~~~~~~ A ~ ~~~~~~~c~~~~ ~~~t~~~ ~e ~~i~~~~ ~~~1~~~~~ ~~~~t~~ ~~11 ~~~~~g~~~~. A~ C~~~~~~~~ ~a~1~ ~~~i~~~~ k~~~ ~~~~~t~i~ s ~~~c~1 ~ ~~~~~t ~v~~~ ~~~~e~ 2 ~ C~TX C~'UN~TI~ NQVEM~ER 197~ A~RO'~~ ~~1~~, CAT~TFA~TI~ FA~E 4 ORAL ~EPOR.'~ RE. A~~~T~ C~. C~`~~E3' AREA PI~~T. COOR~~. COU~TCIL - COUI~TC~~ ~T~T~EY Cou~cil~na~~ T~,11~~ ~~~1 ~~port o~ ~h~ r~c~r~t ~n~~ti~~ ~f Coux~~~ Ci~i~~' ~r~~ P1~~ni~~ Co~~di~~ti~~ C~~t~cil. U~d~r di~eu~~io~, t~~ m~~~~~~.~ ~r~~ ~ p~~~o~~l ~a co~d~a~t S~~~ty P~o~r~m i~ th~ Co~r~t~ of S~~ Lui~ Qbi~~~ b~ S~~t~ O~fic~ S~~~t~~ ~~ic'~ ~~~~ra~a c~o~ld i~clud~ ~ ~tudy ~f ~~~~~y '~,n; ~~Xati~n ~c1~~~1~, ~d~e~ti~~ ~.~d ~~f~ty d~vic~~, tx~~,f€ie ~i~~~ (p1~c~z~~~~ ~f t~~m ~nd ~~~d f~x eon~~~~~~). ~~-~~i~~~h fih~ Ci~~ ~1x~~dy ~ T~~~~~c S~f~ty Offic~r i~ ~~t,~ ~a~ ~b~v~~m~~tion~d :~,r~~~, t'~~ Co~~~il, ~~~.c~d ~pprov~l A€ th~ px~po~~d ~~p~~,~~~ ~~~~~r~~. ` A~~~ digcu~~~d ~k~~ t~i~ ~o~~ib~,~ i~pact o~'P~~pe~~t~~~ 2~ ~~i~ CA~t~t~+'~ c~~~t~i~~. ~t~ t~ ~~nvixo~t~r~tal I~p~ct R~port~, di~cu~e ~~,on ~~1d r~g~~di~~ t~~ ~~~~~,~~a~~~y ~~t~bl~~~ii~~ ~ ~yp~ cou~ty , na1~~~i~~ k~~~~~" .~c,~ t~i~ ~~ti~~' tt~~ i~ ~i~,d~~~ ~~pe~t a~n~u~fi~,~,t~ p~,~t~c~~,~,~ ~d~i~i~~~°~.t~~ ~~~~~~r~~~ ~a~~e ~~om Pl~,~~i~~ ~i~~etor ~~llo~ d~~~d ~c~~b~~ 30t~,, b~ ~~~~~d~d i~ th~ Ci~~e~ ~~~~~al P~~~. ~~~~3~ ~~ti~~ ~v~ ~~~~~~l~y ~~~~~d ~o ~ ~o~~t ~~~~a;t ~~~~~~~ti~~ ~~q~~~°~d ~l~~~t~ t~~ ~~~~~~1 P~~~. ~u~~~~ ~~sc. .~ofi~~ ~~~~a~~. o~ ~~~~~~s A~i~i~t~~t~~ ~t~~~~, ~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~ Ci~~~~ P~~~ c~, G~~~~~ ~i~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~ " e~~~~~~i~,~ fi~~~~ ~~~a~~~t~~, ~~~u~~~~ ~1~~~~~ ~1~~ (i~~, ~~~~~~~~t~~~p 0~~~ ~~~~~a ~ v~~~~~~. ~~~~~1~~~~ i~t~~~~~~~~s t~~ ~ ~°~e~~~~~~~~~ w~~ ~~~~~.~~~~n~~~ ~~~~i~t~~~~~ C~ty t~ ~~t~ ~ ~~~~g ~~90, i~~~~~~~~ ~~v~~~~ ~~~~t ~~~~~~~~~~a ~~~~~~1~~~~ ~~1~~~9 ~y ~~~~~~~~y ~~~~~~~a ~~~~~v~~ ~~~~ye ~e~~ ~~a~~ ~ ~ a~~ ~a~t. ~~e~~~?~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~A~ ~~~o~,~~~ e ~~~~i~ ~~~~€~~~r~ ~ e~ ta i~ ~~i~~ fi~~~~~ ~~~i~ ~~i~~~~ ~~~~~~a ~~~g ~~~~~~~~r ~ 1~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~€s t~~~ ~ t~ ~~~~~~y~, ~a~~~:~~~~~~ ~~~~~1~~. ~ ~~1~ ~ d~,~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~8 ~~t~~ ~~~~~~1 ~ ~~~~~~t~~~ ~~~~~~~~i~~ ~~~~~i~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~n ~~~~~~~~~~a ~ ~~~~i~ ~~:~~~~~~y ~~~~~i~~~~~ ~fi9. ~ ~~~~~~~~@~fi ' ~ ~ ~ @~ ~~@~~ ' ~~~~i~~~~~~~~ ~ si~~ ~~~~~fi~" ~~~fi~ ' 6~ ~ 5~~~ ~i~~fi~~ 1~~ CITY COUNCI~ NOV~MB~R 1~, 1972 ARRQYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE ~ ~ On mot~on of Coun~il~~.n T~ ll.~y, seconded by Coaxnciltnan de Leon ~nd on ~he following rn11 call vot~, ta r,ai~e AYESo Councilmen Milli~, Tall.ey, Wood, de Leon and. Ma.yo.r Schleg~l 1~t0ES : None ABSENT: None tlie ~oregoing r~soltttion ~r~.s"~~-~:>~a~. ~.nd adopted this 14th day of Nov~mb~r, 1972a SET PUBLTC HEARTNG - REZO~VE C.PdS~, ry2~°~ 63 FAIR OAKS AVE - DECEMBER 12 1972 Administrator Butch tr~.;;~;s~ the Council that a public hearing h~.s been s~t .for. Novemb~r 28, 1972 ~.t ~'~'.T~1e c~n ~he Planning Ccmanission's recomgn~ndat~.on for approval of Rezoning C~sG-~ ",'~;rr,e a2p63, Fair 0aks Avenue (Miy~.ke, S~.~rada, M~.yake) from RA-B3 ~;o RG "l~'`q ~t:t°e B~°~.~c.~ Ad~.xns, 455 Woodland. Dr~v~, ~~a.s p~esent and ~eques t~d th~.t th~ pub ~.a.~ :iri; c~n t1~is mat~er `b~ pos tpon~ci izntf 1 ~ D~c~~nb~r T2, 1972. ::Mr. z~.c~~~.~ ~.L~<.fl~:~a~ed h.~ was ~~akirig t~i~,s req~.~s ~ on ° b~l~alf of r~s~den~s, incl.ucling hi~nse~~~W ~~°ox~mity of..tY~~ pzopos~d r~ezo`rzing; sa~.c~' ~e~id~nts ~rxsh~.ng ~.ddi~iGna~ ~zr:~L to rev~.ew the" znatt~x. ;_Sa~:~ r~qta~st Cias' approv~cl 1~~ th~ C~~:nc~,l ~nd fi:':~~ ~,~x~li~.'hearing .bn _Rezon~:ng:Case.I~~r~ Z2°.63,, Pair O~.t~s Aven~e; ~aas s~t for D~c~r~~~c 12, 1972 at 8:00 P.M. Discuss~,on fall~wed r~~~.r,°c~.i~ng the possibility of zon~.ng ch.ang~s be~ng gr~.ntecl and then a riegativ~ ~~~.i.r°orunental impact report being filed for the p~opos~d development, th~s rc:nr~r~~~ng th~ property unusable. City Attorney Ships~~r explain~d t~at th~ p~°~~p~.~t,y otaner can request a reve~se rezoning, and further explained the pr°oc~cl~~~c~~s c~f acquiring zoning changes and their app~oval o~ d.~nial, fo~ the ben~fit o~ ~.~c-~ visiting'.Civics c~ass. RECEIPT OF_ RECOMMENDATZOI~S ItE . Ni~)B~LE HOME & TRAVEL TRAILER PARK STANDARDS Actmin~strator Butch ~°evi.E~~,~~d a r~solution received from the Planning Com~n~.ssion setting out proc~db~~°~~ and policies for control of development of mobil~hom~ and travel tr~il.er pa~k~. Planning Director Gallop h~.d reconanended in h.is memo of Nov~mber 9th i~ha~ th~ Council adopt an identical resolu~ion, The Counc~l discussed the r~sol~~.t~nn`s contents at great length. and in answer to questions, Administrator B~.tc~. c.l~~.~if.ied that these standards do supersede the State's req~.iremen.ts and th~ St~te in.spector would be provided with the standards s~t out by ~he City, as ~ell ~.s applic~.nts for trailer parks, A~ th~ adopt~on of this r~~~oliztian ties in with the adoption of the amendmen~s ~o th.e Zon~ng Ordinance, fur.ther action will be taken by the Council on th~s m~tte~° at their nex~ re~1a~ meeting on November 28A 1972, REVIEW OF _PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF SHflRT STREET - AUTHOR RESOL PREP TO CLOSE ST Adxn~nistr~tor Butch. reva~~~aaed a diagx°am of the proposed development plans of a gazebo and parking ~.r~~ ~.t t}ie end of Short Stree~, as prepared by the Pa~ks ~nd Recreation Commis~it~r~, Tlie Cominission also requested the Council's cons~derati~n of a.ction nec~~~~.r~ t:o close the southerly 87+ feet of Shox°t Stre~~ ~.d.~~~~nt to th~ c~°~e:k t~ per.mit this development. City Attorn~y Sh.ipsey revieca~d th~ proc~d~~.res .r~q~.i~~d ~.n closing a public street, which include the pass~.ge of r~solutian of inteni~ to close a public street and 90 days notice to tl~~ p~blic of t~.e public h~~r~ng for same, said notice needing to be ~~co~ded. Aft~r Cov.nczl disc:a~ssion, on m~tion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Co~neilman de Leon a~d ~.nani~o~sly carried, City Attorney Shipse~ was ~.~x~ho~ized to prepare a~°~so'l~~.ta.on fo~ the Council's c~nsideration reg~.rding t~~ ~~os~~.r~ of the sot~tl~e~1.~ 8~~- f~et of Short Street adjacent to the Lr~~k, APPOINZ'ME1~T 0'F TOM SKELTON AS CIfiY'S TEENAGE RECREATION SUPERVTSOR Adznin.a~strator Butc`~ in~~c~dvac~d T'hoinas Andrew Skeiton to the C~~.ncil, stating th~.t Tam. was unana.~n.~,~xSI.~ c~sc~s~n by the Parks and Recx~eation Coaz~s?ission ~.s th~ City's t~Pnag~ recr~~.t~,un supervisor. Councilznan Millis cited a list o~ i?~a.pr~s~iv~ achiev~rn~rits accorr_aplisrr~d ~iy Tom in his part3cipation at the high school, wh~r~: he is n.ow ~~n~,c~~. REPORT. ON RECENT COLTIVTY R~SOURGES A.DVISQRY COMMITTEE - ADMINISTRATOR BUTCH Ad~~nistrato~ Butctx r~~aort~d or~.11y on the November lst meeting of the Cov,n~y R~~ources Advisor.~ Cc~~Y_te~, ~ndicating that the main topic of discusm sion had been the x~~clamat~.on o~ ~rate~ for fi.~~.E~ Sisquoc and Santa Mar~a VallPy~, ~2~3 cx~ ~~~c~~, ~AV~~~R ~4A ~972 ~R~A~~ ~R,~ND~ $ ~A~~~'A~T~~ P~~~ C REC~~;~~ Q~' $TTI~.,~, R~P~~T ~1~ ~ST~~ fi~ S~WA~~ PLAN Ad~~n~~~~~t~~ ~t~~~~i i~d~~~,~~d t~i~t th~ City h~~ r~c~i~~d t~~ S ~~~r R.~p~~~ ~n ~h~ 1~,~t~~ ~T~~~r ~~d S~~a~~~ ~1~~ p~~pt~~~d by CDb1a I~~. ~~~d i~ wou,ld b~ ~~r~.~,~.~b1~ ~~~b1~~ ~~~i~~v ~t ~h~ City ~i~11. ~~~1~~11~, th~ ~ ~t~ ~n ~~g~.~c~ ~o ~~,~t~ ~a~~~~ ~nd p~~~~ct~d cixculat~.o~, cos~ t~ ~fi v~~~~~ c~~~~~ ~p~,n$ tp ~1~~ ~~~~,~a~~~ P1~~~ ~~,d i~~~ t~~ cx~~~k. I~i~i~lly, e~~~ ~o~¢ld ~°~n $12~ p~~r ~.c~~ ~o t~~~fi ~~d ~~~a~;~~~a~ ~1~~ v~~t~r. t R .v°r~r Q~ ~ w~~~~o ~ a Q ~.~suL~s A~ Nz~a~~ ~~sa~s ~d~n~.n~~~~~ta~ ~~~c~ ~~i~~~d tn~~~ +~~~~cil ~~t~,l w~t~~° ~n~t~~ pr~~~z~~~~ b~~,~,~ a~~~d b~ ~1~~ C~~~ ~~,~~a ~~r,~,~~~~~ ~~lv~ b~ing f~~tur~d o~ ~~~r~~ ~~c~~ls. ~~po~~ ~~v~~~x 9t~~ ~~~~s~~,~~~ P~b~~~ Wo~~~ A~d~r~o~ ~~q~~~~~d ~,~~~,~~~.~~~~nn ~h~~ ~~cl~~~~~ ~s~' ~~~-~~~1 c~~t~?~~° ~~a~t~~f v~1~~ b~ ~~d~ ~~~d~~a~~ ~n ~~~a ~s~~~ ~d~~tio~~1 ~~~t $lO.QQ. d~~~1~;~~d p~~~t~~ ~n~~~~~ ~1~~~.'~ ~~~t~~~~ ~dd~t~~~~,~ i~,d~~~t~~ ~.~~~c~~ m~~4~~~ ~~~k~. ~~a~,~~ ~~,~~~~~~c~ t~~ z~~t~~°~ i~ $37 th~ m~~~.l. ~r~~ ~~Q ~~.~,~~~~a ~~3~~~~t~ ~l~~tic ~~t~~ ~~s '~~a~,~~ ~t+~d~~~~ ~r~~~~ ~~v~~~.~ b~~~,~ ~~°~~a~~ ~ ~c~~,~.n~.~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~t~~ ~t~~~~ttb~~' 9~~ ~'~~~~'t ' W~~k~ ~~c~~~~~~: ~T~. 4~ h~~~ 1~~~~ w~i~~ ~~t 3~.~2 ~t~ie~i ~a~7 i b~~.a~ ~~a~t~,~~ ~1~.?~~~ ~~~~~~t~~~ C~~~ C~~,r~c~~ t~~ C~~~ ~~~~r~~ ~ ~~t~~ ~~~~c~~ C~~~c~~~~~ ~~1~~~, C~~~~~~~~ ~~y ~ ~~~~~~~~~t~~~ ~~q~~~~ ~~~-~~~1 ~,~~~.~~.a~~.~ Q~ ~~~.~0. ~ ~~~~~~A~ A~ pf A~~~ c~~~.~~. ~~.i~. ~c~~ ~r~~~.~~ ~~Q~~~~~ ~~~y ~ ~1~ ~~i€~ ~v~~~~s ~~.b~~.~ ~a~~ ~ ~ ~~~~.c~~ ~a~~~~~~~ ~Q ~~9b~~~~Nkd .~\H/ ~ E~ ~~~N~F~#~~4~} F:~~ ~f.k~l li~~~ 4lLNF1tlt~~~ M~ ~fi~J Fl~t~ f3fi-EkFi~~ ~ ~@~'~~ ~~fi~'~~'~~~~ ~'@ ~~@~~~~ ~ ~~AV~~~~~~ A~ ~~~~~~~fi ~9~~@e ~3~~~ ~~~F fi~~~~, ~A~~ ; k~~ ~i~~~~~~~~ ~ ~e ~~~~s~~~~~ ~ ~I~ t~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~a ~~~r~~~~ ~~~~~~3~ ~ ~~g~~~~~~~~ ~~o~ ~~,~~°~~d~ C~~ ~0~~~~ ~T~ii~~~~ ~~7~ ~~A~~ ~ ~r~~~ 7 ~0. ~~~~~~~~O~fi 0~ CA~~~~~ 0~ C~~~ 0~' A~0~0 D~~~~~~~~~ ' ~~~3 A~I3~0 CA~~i~' ~s ~~~a~z~o~~ o~ co~~c~ ~o~ ~'iJ~T~S ~'A~ ~ f~~' '~A~A ~~Al~~~. 0~ ~notio~ o~ C~t~~c~~~~ ~ ~~~~~d~d by C~t~~~il~~ ~~11i~ ~~d ~k~~ ~oll~ir~~ ~oll c~ll v~~~, t~ 9 A~~S: -C~u~ci1~~~ ~~~~~,~m "~~~~-~y, ~~~d, d~ L~~~ ~,~d ~y~~ Sc~,l~$~1 NOES: ~fi~~~ ~~~~~~i~~ ~~~~~~t~~~ d~.y ~~v~b~~s ~972. ~~ii~~~~~~fi~~ ~ ~fi~~~~~~ 1~~~ ~~~~ct~~ ~~b~~~ W~~~~ ~~d~~~~~~ i~~~~~~~ ~~~t C~t~~~g~ ~y ~~a~~~~~~~, ~,~,A~~~~~ ~i~~ ~~c~~~d~~ ~~~~~t~~ P~bii~ t~~ ~~~~~i~li~ C~~~t~ t~~ ~~~~~v~~~~~ ~~~~y~ ~~~~~~t ~~~~t~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~a ~~~~~~1 ~~~~~~s~~~a C~~~~~~a ~~~1~~~ ~~~~~~~~1~ ~~~~°~~~.s ~~n~~~~~~~~~~ ~~t~~ ~ ~~~~t~ W~11~~~ ~~~y'~ ~~E~~~~~e ~~e~~ ~ ~a~~ ~~~~~~~~a~ ~ - ~e~~~ ~~~~~~~i Q~~~~~y ~~~~~~aa;~~v~ ~~~~~~~A~~~~ ~ 1~~~~~~~~~~ ~~1~~~~~ ~~~~~~i~~ ~~a ~~~~y ~~~~r~~~~ t~~~~~~ a~ ~a~~„~a~ ~a ~a~~~~~~~~. = a. ~ ~ ~e~~~~ t~~~ fi~~~~~~ ~~fi~ ~~P~fiv~~ ~t~~. ~A3t ~ ~~i~~G~ ~~A~~ ~Q ~Ai3i~fi~~~ ~ ~1~~~ ~~~~~~i~~ ~~v~~ i~ 0~ ~~e~, ~a~~~~~~~~~~ - ~ ! ~?i.~,~.a ~ ! / , k--~ .i ~~fb~~~b~~~~~~~ J .~~F~~