Minutes 1972-11-28 i25 W~rc~~: ~~s ~~~r~~r~ c~~~.~~~.~~~ T~~~ Ci.~y C~~r~~~,~ ~n~t ~.n ~~~u~~,~,~ ~~~~~~:c~ e~~~,~:~ ~ti~.~.~,.~ S~'~:~~,~:;~ p~~~~c~~n~. Upon ~al.l ~.~~1~ C~~un~~,1 ~I~~b~~~~ ~1.~~1;~~~ ~"~.~~~~~°9 ~~c~~~. ~r~~ ~=~~ci ~~~~a~~.~:d ~s~~~c~n~o P~EDGI~ OF AT~T~EG~A~ICE A~]D I~VQCAT~~~3 I~y~o~ Sc1~1~~~A1, ~~~d ~1~,~~;~~ ~:e~~:~~,~n~~ ~c~ a~:~ ~;T~ ~~~~°e~ft~x~, R~~r~~~~r~ J~~~~ ~'~,c'~.~~~c~~~ ~'~c~F~b~~~~~~,~n ~,~~~;~aa G~°~nc~~, d~:~i~v~~~~ t~~ ~n~o~~~~~~.. T U T~ ~ ~ ~ C _ ~ ~ " ~~A~~ T+~,~ ~.T~ ~~~'Y ~ 1~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~c~r ~~~1~~~~ ~pc~~~ ~ ~~~c x~ ~~~t~~~.~ ~~~~~r~~~ ~ ~ti.'~.~ ~,~~r~ C~a~~f Eld~n ~Q~aa~~ ~ne~ ~~c~~~~~~ ~~p~~l~~ af ~'i~~~~s _m..r.r~ ~i.~~~rc~ ~~zn~ly i~ ~l~~~r 10~$ C~~~f H~~~~ c~n ~~~~~~a~~~~ 2~~ ~.~~R~vaz~ M. ~~s T1~~ ~~n~,~~~ ~f ~~;~°~~ng c~f ~~~~~~5~~~ 14~s ~~J~w ~~7~r~~ ~~g~°c~~~d pr~p~.r~~c~ p ~~~~V~~ W~A~ S Qn ~~~fca~~ ~f C~a~~c~~,~n~.n d~ ~~~n, ~~c.c~~d~~ ~a~ C~~,r~~~,`~r.~~~~ ~~c~ ~n~n~mr~~~~r ~~n~~~1 (n1~~~~~~~ ~T~+. ~~,2~,~ ~~~~1:~~ ~a~~ t~~$d~~ t~ro~g~ N~4 1~9~U~, ~,ns~ ~cso ~,~~AA1.~ ~,n ~~9~q~~.4~; W~rr~.n~s Nc~. ~~~9 ~k~r~~~~ ~T~. ~~~~R ~5~0, a~~. ~~~Q ~`k~~~~~~, ~w~~~~ th~ ~ca~~.l~ ~,~~~n~ c~f $~~~~9~.~~~ ~n.~ ~ ~~~r~~~ ~1~~~~ni~~ ~~e Z~~9 ~~~u*~~~ No. 18~~~ ~,n ~1~~ ~~~~1 ~~~~n~ ~p~a~o~~r~~ ~.ndl c~~~~s~~d p~~d, Fiz~~n~~ ~~.~~c~cs~ ~~~~n~~~r~ ~aa~~~~~.~d ~~n~,~ ~~~~~u~.~.~ ~k~.~ ~~z~~~~~ T~~~~~~~~ ~ot~l ~m~~cx~~ r~~~ f~~ p~,~~t~~~~ c~~ ~~Y~~s~~,~~ ~~~,~d~~,~ ~n ~~1~g~~~ ~~~d. C) ~ - ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ ~~es~~ S~t~1~g~1. ~~~~~~w~d ~~~i~t~~'~ ~~,~~°,~~~~~s~ I~~'~~~' ~s~~~ing ~~:Yd Y.n ~i.~~~ 13~~.~~~ ~'~~~~a 1~~~~~~~~ A,~~~~n~~ S~t~~~ ~r~~ ~nr~ d~,~~~~~~n~. t~.€; ~~.~,a~~~~~~~~+~~ ~~w~ 4.~~ ~~~~~~~~~~n ~Q ~ Co~~~~Y ~n~t~~t~~~, ~ r~: Ad.~~~~~.~t~~.t~~ ~~~e~l~ ~~;~~~~~d 1,~.~,~~~~ ~~c~i~ A~~~~~ ~~b~,c~~~~$ M~~o~ a~ ~t~~ C~e~; S~~ M~~~~ I~,~~~~~~ ~R S~~ 2lbi~po, ~~c~ M~.~~~° ~~'~.n:k, r~~ ~~~c~lla f~~ ~o th~ ~~l~ct~.on ~o ~~.e~r~l~n~ Cc~~~,s~~,~~,~_ , A~~~r C~~.nei1 d~,~~~~~a~n~ ~~~~~~c~ I~~~~~ 5~~1~~~~ ~~~a~d b~ n~~min~t~~n fc~~ ~;~n~ ~~~~~~~~~e ~~g~ ~~sm ~~~~n~ eh~ 4~~. ~t~~~~,~~ S~~ ~o~~.~~~ 1~~~~~ ~ ~nd p~~~~~~ j"~,~c~~" 5~~1~~~~~1~ ~~~,~i~~~~3T7~ 4n~~~~~. ~ £c~~° t~h~ Co~n~.~~~,on. ~;~~~1 b~ ~~d~ ~~c~ ~~~~~~~~i~~?~ Adm~r~~~~r~~or ~~tch ~~v~,~~~~,d ~ b~~9.~~~~~ ~~~~~v~d f~c~n . C~l:iforn~~ C~.~~~~ c~n ~~yz.~ ~~h~~~~ ~?f ~~.~~..~~~n~~ G~~~~~1. ~k~~~ ~ €~arksl~op ~a d~~~~.~~ b~~~ ~c:;"~~at~~~l,~d ~r~ A~~~~~~~ ~~~@ ~nd ~~~~d C~r~~.~~1 ~~t;~~d~~~~ ~~~~~~~~o ~.~T . T~~J~ ~ ~ ~ E - ~~._~,~r~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~d ~~~~t~r_,~ ~~,d ~ ~r~~?4~~ ~~~~3~~,n~~ ~ ~~~r ~ ~ ~ ~3~~r~~~~~~~ ~~a~ n~nta~~ g~ ~ ~ G n~~~~~~~~ ~t~ ~t~~~~,~' ~ ' ~~~ta~a~.;~~ ~~~,~h ~ ~ ~ ~;x~~~~ M~~~~ Q~~~ ~~~~~a ~ ~ ~ ~.~.~~~~r~~ b~ ~ ~ ~~~?~~~~~~~r~~ ~ k~~~~~~, ~k~~~~ ~~c~ 1,~~~~i~~ ~~d ~t~ ~ ~ pl~n ~c~ ~~~1~~~~1~ ~~~5~~~ ~~i~.:~~' ~4~K~~~~~;~'c~~~i~~~,~i~ ~'~~`C'L4~.Y"~~ ~C~'Hll~,t~~.~~~."~~'~}~,° ~~~,~4~'~~ G1~~ ~'~~~~`''~`~~~4~ ~~~a ~'k~'~iT`i~~~_ ~'C°~ ~C9 G?~~'a~~'tt C~.E~~~.n~.~~ ln~~~"~1~.~~,~~1 ~~°cS~tY ~}3~~ ~l~ ~$..i~~°a~~;~`~ ~3~~~~'~+ Ti~~~ ~A~~9~~~~. r~~~~~~~ ~r~ a 4~ ~v ~ ~ 9~~I ~~~~d~~~ ~~K~~~~~~ ~a~ Z~~~.~~ C~~~in~~~~~ ~ra~~c~~, ~~c~~b~~ ~,~F ~€~d~.~~~r~~ d. ~F-r~~~~a i~~ ~~~L ..~iuis~i.~ 1'~~~~i"~~~~. a.~r~l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c~~z~oRNrA ~ CA ld1.A _ lY q'1J . LP.~ 1 0.a ~~.FLr. ~MAAJ Administ~atca~ Bu~tcl~ r~~i~~u~a p~~v~~eRS n~gat~,a~~,~ns ~ait~ Cit~.~~ o~' Pisma Beach anci G~9v~r City to ttfi.r~ ~ co~arc~c~~ ~c~~.a~1t~n~ tca p~~pa.~~ ~eq~~~~c~ Canservata.on and Op~n Sp~c~ Elem~n~~ c~f t~~ ~~.t~~~° ~~n~r~l Pl~aas. H~ ~~po~~~d . th~t th~ City e~f Pisano B~~a'~ Z~i~~d ~~can~~n~.~~.n~ ~s~~ u~~s abl~ ~a g~.~~ a, i~~t~~:r price for their pac~ag~ of ~1~m~nt~ A~xpl~ini~~ t~~t t1~~y n~~c~ ~dc~~.~~ ar~~1. ~~pv~t~ . Grover City had Yair~d the cons~alt3.~g fa,~n of ~dal~n ~ Wises and Ad.~3,r~a.~t~~t~~ ~~tcta recomm~nded the Cc~~ancil's ~.ppraval a~ ~lso k~3.~ring tk~~.~ fi~n, at co~1~ ~af $~,OQQ to the Gitgr. r~po~ts will be g~~p~~~d b~ H~1~n & W~,~~ ~o~ ~k~~ Citi~~ a~ Grc~v~r City and Arroyo Grand~ in ~~a~n~t ~£~a~t anci in,~o~~.t~,an. w~,1~, b~ r~~~1~~.n~~d ~~th Pismo B~ach, Aft~r C~unc~.l d~~cus~~,on, ~n rnc~~ian ~f C~~ne3.~.:~~~ '~~9.1~y, ~~c~~a~~d by Counc~,lman Millis ~,nd ~nan~,~~u~ly ~ar~i~d~ ~.~~hc~~i~~~ic~n v~~~:, g~,~~~. ~a ent~~ into an agree:ment ~~tl~ th~ consulfiin~ fix~n o~ ~hn & W~,~~ ~,~^,=q p~~p~x~~~ia~ raf t'he Conserv~~ion El~m~~t ~nd (~~~n Sp~c~ ~1em~nt of ~~i~ ~~n~~~~ ,~~,~n a~c~s~ of $4,OQO.QO, ~,nd th~ Magror ~nd ~ity C1~rk w~~e a~s~~.~a~i~~d ~a ~~~z~ ~~,~d ~~r~~m~~~ ~n b~k~~~,~ of the C~,ty. AUTHORIZE PZACEMENT OF BIK~ RACK ON BRANCH STREE~ SHORT STR~ET Administrato~ B~atch r~~~~~~d th~ reco~ncn~nc~~ti~r~ ~~~~i~r~d p~°~~ai~a~sly fo~ the plaeement of bik~ ~~.ck nn t1~~ n~xth s~d~ ~af 8~~~~~ 5~~~~t b~~~a~~~ ~hr~ S~ort Str~~t ped~~trian cr~~~walk, ~nd ~h~ fir~~ ~~,st~~1y d~iv~~a~~9 ~1~~~~ t~~ Parking a~.d ~raffic C~i~~i~n h~d r~co~nend~d a"l~o ~~,~~~n~~~ ~c~r~~ b~ ~~t~bli~h~d. He r~port~d tha,t th~ Divisic~n oP H~$hw~ys k~~s appro~~d t~.~ p~c~gos~d p1~c~~~nt a~ a b~,cycl~ r~ck in tt~~t D~sa C~arzaz~ af t1~~ D~r~r~~~~ ~~r~~~~,t°s ~s~~ac~,~tic~n was pr~s~n~ and point~d ~~~t ~la~~ A~~~~~.~t~r~n ~a~d p:r~vi~~~l~ p~axeh~~~~, sev~r~.l bik~ r~,ak~, ~f ~hich ccattld pe~k~~p~ be f~~xr~d Ci~~ ~t~~~~~. Aft~~° Council dis~~ssion, z~otio~, ~f C~uncil~n~~ M~1~.~,~, ~~~v~d~d by C~c~r~ci~.~n de L~on ~nd unar~i~nc~uely ~~r~~~d, tk~~ pl~e~~~~x~ ~ bi~y~le r~clc ~n ~ta~ na~th sid~ of Bx~~,nah St~~~t~ b~t~a~~~ tt~~ Shor~ St~~~t p~d~~t~~~~, e~all~ ~nd ~h~ firet ~~st~a~~.y d~iv~w~y, w~~ ~~t~or~z~d. REC~IPT IEA~U~ ~F CAT~TF'ORN?.~, CITIE9~. ~,~0'~T RE REV~~t~~, s~zx~ Ad~a~,ai~t~~tor ~utc'~ r~vi~ca~d ~ r~~~~r~ r~~~i~~d t'h~ o~ C~1if~x~ni~ Ci~i~~ r~g~~dir~~ ~~~,~~~1 ~~v~nu~ 3~i~,r~~,~~ ~al~ich m~~~ t~~ s~sn~ in~caa~?~t~~~ ~~~~~~t~~ ~~~~i~t~~ly bg~ ~'i~~~~~ ~i~~e~fior R~~~~~~r~~. R~CETP'~ OF SAL~S TA~ A~1~. Cg3~ ~~.~~i S AT~ ~OA~n QP' ~OUA~IZAT~p1~ ~ Admini~~tx~t~r ~~tc~ ~~~ri~~~d ~~tt~~ ~~~~i~~d ~h~ St~t~ ~~~rd ~qu~~J,~.~~.t~o~ adui~in~ t~~ Cit~ ~ $13~.~~ ~~~u~d ~t~ Ad~i~i~tx~tiv~ C~~~ o~ ~017,~~t~~~ 3a1~~ ~,~d ~~x. C ~ V ~,d~ini~~a:~t~~ ~~t~~ ~~v~~~~~ ~~c~~,~~d C~~~~y C~n,~~oll~~ ~r~d W. C~~i~~ ~~~~~d~~~ ~~7~-7~ ~~d v~l~at~,ar~~ £a~ t'~~ C~~~t~ S~~ Ab~~g~. Ad~i~~,~tx~~~~° ~u~~~ ~k~~ $12~.91 ~~a~ C~~~ ~ BA~. ~°~~~~~i~~ y~~~. r~v~~w~n~ t~~ ~~~u~~~~a~~ ~A~ ~~~~r y~~x~~ k~~ t~~ t~x ~~t~ ~~c~~~~~~d ~~.1~ ~~62 ~~r t~~ ~~~~~~t $~2.~~, ~~d ~~~t aa~~~~~d ~r~1~~~~~~~~ ~~v~ ~i~~i~~ i~ ~9~2 ~~2 ~i~~~~~ ~~72. ~ Q ~ - ~,~rr~~ S~k~l~g~~ ~~~r~ ~~~~~t 22~~ 5~a~~~ C~~~~ ~Iu~n~.~ C~ai~t~~, d~~~~~~i~~ ~st~bli~hr~~~t o~ t~~ C~i~~~~~, ~~~~~~~1~ ~~~~~~t~~~ tian~l i~~~~~,ti~~, ~~~n t~~ C~~~~~~~~~ C~~~~~ t~~~ pow~r~ c~~ b~~~~~ ~~~i~~ te ~~~~~e~ ~~d C~u~ailm~~ Milli~ ~tt~~,d~~ 2~~~ ~~~~i~~ th~ p~e~~~din~~. ~ Ad~i~~~tx~~ox~ ~~~~h ~~v~~~~ ~ ~~~i~~~~ '~3~~t~ G~Qw~~" ~~~~~~~d by C ~~~.t~ ~~~~1~~~~:t C~:t~ 3~~~~, ~~i~, whi~h ~a~~ c~~~l~~ ~~~~~~t~~~ ~~~ld~~~ ~~~~t~ ~~~~a~~~ P~~~ ~~~ic~ ~~c~ipt~, ~~t~~ ~l~s~~~i~ ~~~t~l~~d 1~ ~u~.~ Obi~p~ Cot~nxy ~~d ~~~t~ S~~~~ ~~~b~~~ C~~~~~ ~~~„~d A~ ~.972 ~n~ ~~mp~r~d t~~ t~i~d ~.~7~,e 12f ~xa~ ~,t~~~~~ ~ ~972 ~~~IU~, C~~~~'Q~~ P,~~~ ~ RES~L. ~,A~~ AAt~i~1t1'A~ CQOP.. PL?RC~S~ ' W~`T''~ S~C~, CC~~T ~X A~~,A,~,I~ED ~.d~snin~~tr~t~r ~ut~~a ~d~r~~~d ~'h~~ ~a~~~~ 'b~~~ r~~~~~r~d ~~a~ ~~~;z~~y Pur~ha~3~~ A~~x~t t~x~t th~ Co~~~g~ 8~~,~d S~~p~,~~i~c~~~ ~~~,~.n ~~~~~~iz~d C~op~r~t~v~ ~u~°ch~a~~g of G~~~o1~~~ ~3~ P~a`~~~„~ ~n.d C~~k~ ~o caz~tinu~ wit~ t1~3s pra~r~s~ ~k~~ Co~~~~ ~t b~ nc~t~~~~d g~~anp~~~. C~F~n~~t~ discussi~~n~ Cit3~ A~t~sn~~ ~~ip~~g~ ~~~d of ~~a~~~~i~:~ ~~~~~.~d~.n~ ~1~~ coop~rativ~ purc~,a~~i~~ of ~~~c~~,i~~ b~~kvva~~n C~.~~ ~f Ar~e~y~ ~~~~d~ ~n~ ~kk~~ County San, L~ai,s Qb~~pc~; ~k~~~~~f~~~~ ~a~t~,a~ ~a~~ ~~,d~ b~ C~^~r~~~~,~.~ d~ ~~~n,~ s~conded by Cor~nc~,l~~~z~ Mi11~~ ~,nd ~n~,~iz~c~~~1~ c~~~~,~d, ~o di~p~~,~~ c~~~~i ~~~d~~~ th~ balanc~ Qf ~hi~ ~~~ol~t~,on. RESOZU'T~O~ ~T~. lOla A RE3~T~LTTTO~T 0~ T~E CI"~Y` C~ C~~ ~E CT'1.'~ AR.~~v~ ~RA~TD~ ACCEPTII~G T~E 'TEIt1~fS AlVD CQIVDIT~Q~S °THE S,A~ LU~S OBISP~ COU1V"I'~' BOARD OF S~P~1~V~S~T~SS' ~~SO~T~'~~Q~T N0. 72-6~6 ~tEGARDTI~G ENT~R~~T~ IN'~ Cpp~'EItAZ'~~1~ P~RC~.~~~G AGREEMEN'~ WI~fT '~fIE C~UNZ°~ Q~ S~~T I~~T~S ~~~SP~. ~n mra~~~n of C~un,~ilm~n Mil~~~, ~~cc~nd~d by Cav~z~Gil~~,n d~ T~~o~ c~s~ the followi~,g ~~1~, call vot~, ~i~e AYES: Ccat~ncila~~~, Millis, 'Tall~y~ Wc~o~~ d~ ~~~n ~nd M~y~~ 3~1~1~g~1 ~TU~S ; l~~n~ ~BSENT; ~1~n~ th~ fc~r~go~n~ ~~~alu~io~ p~~~~d ~nd ~dAp~~~ 28t'~ d~y o~ ~7~v~b~~, 1972. RESO A 0 - A~z~i,~.~~~~~t~~ ~~tc~ ~~por~~d tt~~t t1~~ ~~~~tic ~~l~p~~n~ b~ildi~~~ ?~4 North I~.1~~on ~.e~~,d C~~~~~~~ Av~~~~, r~~~ck~ ~k~~ Ci~y i~ ~ur~'h~,~in~, Po~.~.c~ D~p~,~~~n~~n~ h~~dq~t~rt~rg, i~t~ ~~d ~~ao~~nd~d tk~~,t Cou,ncil ~c~~pt t~~ d~~d to t1~~ r~~1 ~rop~~ty b~ ~~~olutio~,, x~q~~~t~d b~ P~.ci~atc T~l~~~.~n~ C~~~~~. A~t~~ Cg~a~cil di~~~u~s~~~, City~ Att~~~~~ ~~i~~~~ ~~~.d ~~~1~ ~ ~~~~1uti~~ ~ut~~~izi~~ ~1h~ Cit~ C1~~~ t~ ~~c~~t a~~ ~~e~~d a d~~d Q~ ~~~~~r~ty ~r~ t~~ P~c~~ic T~~~p~~~~ &~~~~gr~~~ C~~~~g~~ t~~~~~ ~.ft~~, w~~ ~~d~ b~ C~~r~ci~~~,~ ~~~~~g~, ~~~~~d~d b~ C~~~cil~?~~ d~ and un~.ni,~n~~~1~ ~~~~i~~p d~,~~~~~~ ~~~h ~~~,di~~ ~~i~ ~~i~~~~ ~t~~~ ~~~~~~~~.~~s ~SO~~~~4`~ ~Q. 6 A ~.~S~~~1TI0~ A~ C ~~~1C C p~ ~~OYA - ~~.~.NA~ A'U~O~~~I~~ C~~~ Q~~~ ~C~~~'~ ~~~Q~.~ A A~' P~nP~~~ ~~G~~~C ~~~F~~T~ C~~~~ e an C~u~~~l~~~ ~i~~,~~' C~~~c~~~~~ ~~~1~~ ~~ilavain~ ~c~~~ ~~~1 v~t~s ~i~; A`~~5; Ca~~ci~~?~s~ ~~~~o d~ 1JA~S~ A~S~'NT: tl~~ £~x~~~~i~g x~~~1~t~~~ p~~~~~ ~~~~t~~ 2~t~:~~~ ~~7~0 ~.d~i~i~t~~~~~ ~ute~ ~~~~~t~~ ~~~~~~~fi~~ ~~c~~. ~.n ~1~~ ~u~~r~ka~~~ ~,~d ~~~1~~ b~~~~~~~ ~'~~~t A r~qu~~~ ~,dditi~~~~ t~~~ ~~~~~rt~~~ ~~~c~~~ ~~~~~~1 build~.n~ w~.~ ~,ut~i~~~~~d by t'~~ C~~t~~~~. S 0 _ A,dmi~i~~~~t~~ b~i~~~y ~~~t~~a~~ ~~~~1~~~~~ ~~e~iv~d ~~~n ~1~~ P1~~~1~~ ~ cont~~1 ~~°~~l~~n~~t ~o~~~~ ~~d « diseu~si~n~ ~~tg~ ~~t~~~~g~ 3~~~~~~ t~,k~~ ~ d~v~~Q~~~i~~~ ~~~~d~~d~ ~o~ ~~b~~~ ~~~n~ ~~~k~~: ~~a~~~~~~~~~ 1~~~ ~z`~~ ~4~~~te7~, ~~~~M~~~. ~8, 1~72 ~RRf3Yia ;,'~CAIV~°DE, CAI.,I:~'QRNI~A PAG~ ~ a~o~~e~n b~ G~~~~~~,~~~ ~~l;~r~~~ ~~;~~s~~,~~, ~r~~~~~;~~,~~~~ d~ ~,~ca~ ~,r~d ~a,~a.n~,~e~~a,~~~ ~~~~~,~d~ d~~~~n~~ ~~~.d~~~ ~1~~ ~k~~,~ a~~~c~a,~~~~n. ~E~~~,~`~~~~t ~Cle 1. 1 , A~~spz~u~x~r~ a~ c~~ c~~~~~:~ c~a~° ~~Q~~ G~~~~ ~~~~~~s~~~~ ~ ~~~~c~ ~.~~~z~~ ~~v~~~~~~ s~~,~r~~~s r~s~~ ~~~~s ~cc~~~.~~~ ~ s~~vG~,~ ~a~~z~~° ~s~D~~~r~~~ w~~~~ aa~~ ~s~a~~zsx~n ~o~, ~~~PC~s~ a~ ~~r~~~a~~ xc~~~~~~ ~~~~~A'~~~~v o~z~~t~~n v~~~xc~~ ~~~~~n ~qt~~~~~~:. tJn ~otataa o~' Cca~nci]s~~,r~ de L~rar~y s~GCS~,d~d by C~~,n~~7.a~~. ~::~,~~~.s ~nd on fo7.lowin~ ~01~ c~1]~ vok~y tc? ~ri~: A~a: C~,~anc~l,~i~~, M~1~~~ s Ta~.~~~A Wc~~d, d~ L~r~n ~,ns~ M~~ Sakzl~g~1 N(~~3: ~c?z~~ ABSEI~T ~ N~z~~; ~he fox~go3,ng ~~~o1~t~,n~, w~,a p~~~~c3 ~nd ~dop~~d ~~ii~ ~£~~1~ d~~ ca~ ~Vcsv~~,b~r, 1972. s~T PuBL~c ~~,z~r~ - ~~zQ~~ c~s~ a~~~~n ~~r,~o ~s ~ z~~~. ~z~, ~.s~2 A.dm~n3.~t~a~~~ ~~t~k~ ~~l~rl~~d t1~~ Cc~~~.~~1 ~ p~`b1~~ h~~rin~ '~e,s b~~~ s~t fo~ Aec~mb~r 12, ~.972 c~n P~.~.n~~.~,~ C~~~s~~.Qn'e ~~co~xn~r~da.~~oa for agp~rov~~. c~~ It~~c~n~,~~ C~~~ ~ta. ~2~~~w~ Q~,k~ ~v~Yiu~~ ~pp1~,~d fa~ by A~royA Grand~ Ccm~n~ni~~ ~I~+~p~.~~1, f~~ ~a~~a~~,~in~A ~~ar~ ~~~~3 D~~t~~c~ to P-C D~.~tri~~. 0 ~ ~ ~ P~~r~~.~n.t C~~z~c~.~'~ d~~~~t~.~~ ~fi~ 1~~t f~~ th~ p~~~a~°~.~ tic~n of ~~~o~.~~~can, ~~~~~~i~~~, ~c~ a~.c~~~ ~~?~,t`~~~1~ ~7+ £~~t Sh~~t St~r~~~ ~d~~,~~r~~ t~ ~1~~ cr~~k, ~~;~c~r~~~~de~c~ b}~ ~~x~ P~~~~ ~~d R,~~~~~ti~n ~ammies~on, C~,~t3~ ~,~~~~r~~sy S~x~p~~~ ~~~e~ ~h~ ~ ~~~c~~~~~~r~ a~ i~t~~t~~~ to ~s~abl~,~h. a ~~d~~~~r~~~ ~11 ~7~~~$ ~ ~~~rt~~n S~i~~t St~~~~ ~~d ~~ttin~ t~~ publi~ k~~~~i~,~ ~o~ ~.~c~~ ~~A ~97~ ~RAQ P.~. m~~~~~ ~d~ by C~uncil~,~, ~I~l~~~s ~~~~nd~d b~ C~~~~i1~n~~. ~~~,l~y ~,~.d ~~~,~x~~~t~~1y to di~p~n~~ ~a~t~ ~~~di~~ ~r~~~~~~ ~~~~~,~,t~~r~, . ~,~5 A~,t~~~~~ ~1~ . 0 ~ ~,~5~~~~'~Q~i C~~ C(~~CT~, ~ C~,~~' :A~' ~~9~~ ~'~T~~ 5~~~~~fi~ ~1~~~~~~~~T ~5~,.~~~~~ ~ F~A~~~~~ ~~,I~ A~~~~~ ~ ~~9~~`~~~T ~~fi~ ~~~~T~ "~I~ ~0~ ~.S P~~?i~~~~~ ~`~~~5 ~~~~1,~~ CO~~ S~G~~~~T ~~2RQ, ~~f~. 0~ m~~~4r~ !~r~~~~~~~~~ t~a~~~, ~~~~~d~~. ~3~ ~~~~~~~n~~ d~ fa~11~~n~ v~t~, ~e ~'~~~a C~~~~~~~~~ ~~~1~~, ~fi~~~, ~~~1~~~~ ~~~~e 1~~~~ A~3~~T~'t th~ f~~~~oin~ w~~ ~9~~ ~~7~. ~ . ~~~~~tg~ P~b~i~ ~fi~~~~ ~~d~~~~,~ ~~~e~t~~ 1~~ ~~c~ ~.v~d ,~r~r~~~~~ S ~ D~~~~ s ~0~ 71~ 7 ~ ~~~,~1~ ~~d ~g~n~~, ~,t 2.OU P.~s ~~~~n~~~ ~ 1~7~. ~~~c~~~~ ~~,d w~r~ : ~ ~ 1'~e e 6A.C,~~M#~.,~ ~#M4f s P, 0. $t~~ ~~7~, ~~.~~i~:~p C~ ~~~k~#~ ~~~~~.~~s~~ ~7~'i~R/ d.,~ ~ . ~~i `~Ed,El~.~ V d'~ _ . P, Q, ~3caX ~6F, ,A~,~~~d~~@~ ~`~~~~2 410,$~~k„A!~ i2`~ ~~T'S' ~'C3'~'~~~:~~ ~Vt7~E~~~ 28, 1972 a~.Aldli.7~iJ L~dilS.~lLli 9 ~~3:~.A,~14ltld,L'# ,CCA~~ J B~DDERS (Cax~t ° d) ~'OTAL BID (Cant' d) ,7AMIESON C0~'ST, CQ., INC. 2233 S. Depot, Sant~ 1~~i~~ CA 9~45~ $11,175.20 PFLEIDER°GRTMONT C0. 323 Brook St,A O~e~no, CA 934~+5 $13~735050 A. J. D:LANI CONST. C0. P. 0. Box 636, Sa~,t~ M~ri~~ CA 93454 $1;3,$~~.OQ ~'ED WA,TK°LNS P. 0. Box 200~, P~,~ Robl~~ ~ CA 934~w6 ~$1~,0~'~~.QO R. BAKER CONST. CCI. ~ INC. P. 0. Bcax 996, S~n, T.uis Ob~.epop CA 93401 $~,~~v~8.62 R. R. H.A INC. P. 0, Box 4565, Saticoy, CA 9300~ $1&,905.00 WAL~ER BRfJ~. CQNS'~. CQ. P. 0. ~ox 9Q8, S~n Luie Obi~pc~, CA 93401 $17~05~.00 G. & S. CONS~. C~, 1261 w. ~uy~.~ ~a~d~ Q~~,i, C~ ~~02~ $17,96~.00 R . BURICE G OR~' . 0. B~~ ~57~ ~,u~.~ Obispo~ C~, 93401 $24~779~Q0 D~.r~~~or o~ Publ~~ W~~~~ ~.~,d~~~o~ f~z~th~~ ~~po~t~d ~h~t tl~~ 1aw~~t b~d w~.s b~1.ow ~l~e En~i~.~~~'~ E~t~~t~ £or tt~~ ~r~,~~c~~ wahi~Y~ h~d b~~n $12,Q00. ~ furth~~ st~.~~d ~l`~t t~i~ lo~ b~,d of 1~. Ii~~m~~e~l~ h~d co~~ i~ ~itt~~~tt: tl~~ a~~qu~~~d li.stin~ o~ ~~pplf,~~rs ~,~d ~ub-co~t~acto~~~ but ~o~t~c~~~g ~~~~~~c~ ing th~ camisaiQr~, a~e~~t~i~~d t~~,t it ~a~~ ov~~si~ht ~.~d t'~~ l~:~ti~~ obt~ined and acc~p~~d t'he d~.~ ~~t'~oriz~d b~? City+ A,t~t~r~~y:S`~ip~~~. ,~i~Q no~ed cass ~1~~ ~ n~~~,tiv~ ~~i~i~~~uun~~t~l ~~~~t ~~d ~~l~d t~~ ~~ro j~c~. Dir~~~or P~b1ie ~~rk~ ~~d~~~o~ ~~~~~~~d~d ~w~~,~d~~~ cont~~ac~ ~q M. ~~~r~~~, T~c. ~~t~~ C~~~~~1 d~~~~~~~,c~~,, ~n Councilman Waod~ ~~~~~,d~d by C~t~~cil~~~ d~ ~t~~r~i~c~~~~~ ~~~~~,~dQ ~1~~ bid ~.n th~ ~mcaun~ ~~0,2~6.22 ~o~ t~~ J~~i~~~ St~~~t S~~~n A~~~n No. 90-72-7 w~~ ~~~~~t~d ~~d ~~~~~~~t ~~~~d~d t~ ~~~a, ~1~Q submitted ~k~~ ~.c~u~~~t ~~d b~~~ Ci~~ ~~~~r~ ~~~~~~~,~~c~ to sign ~h~ c~x~~~~,~t ~~~~~~t Cit~. In. con.~+~~~t~.~~ 3t~~~~ S~~~ ~~~,~~~~A Ada€~~~~,~~~~t~~ Butch ~.~~a~xn~d k~~ ~~~~c~~ t~~t P~~~~~ 5~~~~~ ~~~g~~~~~. r~~~~~s~,~y ~r~~ ~ t~~~ ~~.t '~~g ~~~~~v~~ D~~ M. C~.ud~~l. ~~b~~~ fi~~~~~ ~~d~~~~~ ~~~~~~~d~~ ~~.~em~~~ ~,~~d ~ ~~ld ~~nl~~~ t~ ~~~y S~ip~~~y ~~q~~~t C~~~~~~ Co~.~~~~~~r~ W~~d~ ~~~~~d~d b~ C~~s~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~t~~~~ ~1~~ Ea~~~n~n~ ~~~d ~n, C~~d~~~ P~~~~~~~ ~o C~~~~~~ ~.y~~ ~.~a~ G~~y~ C~~~r~ ~~r~ ~~~t~~~~~t~ b~k~~.1f C~~y; ~~d ~~~t~~~~ C~ty ~~~~~~~y ~~~~~~y ~~~~~~~~~d ho~d ~~,~nl~~~ ~~~~~~~t ~~~d~~~~. ~~,~~~~o~ ~~'P~b~ic water qu,~.li,~y ~~~.tral C~~~~~1 Ce~~~ ~~~~e~~ ~ p~~~~~ 1~~~,~~~~ th~ S~r~ ~.u~,~ 4b~~~~ C3ty C~~~e~1 C~~~~~~~ ~~c~~~~ i~72 ~-a~0 ~.i~. stat~d ~1~~ ~~~~r~~$ ~~c~~t~,~~ con~t~~e~~.~~e ~~.~~~~~~,e~, ~b~~~~~n~~~ ~~~t~c~c~~~~ Coun~y. ~~~~~~~~h~m~~~ ~t~~~~~~~ ~i~~ ~i~ b~~~~~ ~~~~~d~ ~.~~p~~g ~~d avoid c~n~a~n~~~.~~~~, ~~~~~d ~~t~~. ~ ~~c~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~v~ b~ ~ar~~~~~ i~~~c~t~~~ ~i~~ ~t~~~~ C~~~~~,~~~~ s~~~~d ~~.~i~ i~,~~~ti~~ t~ ~t~~~~. ~ITY ~~~r~~IL ~T()V~~~R 2$~ ~.~7~ ~~1~(~~t~.$ ~'~AI~I~~ ~ CA:L,:~k QF,~T,A, ~A.C~ ~ ~ " C~ ~ S~ ' ~M ~ Q' .~I ~ GQ~nca.~,z~~n ~~~,~~y g~v~~ ~a~~7~ ~~p~~~ ~1~~~~b~~ 1~~~ ~~~n~ '~~~e~ Advi~or~ Ca~nni~~~~ r~~~ti~~, ~~i~k~, t~n~ f~~,9,c~~r~r~~ ~~~d b~~a~ dia~~c~~~d ~~,d x~~port~d: Lqg€~z ~~k~'~ ~a~~~~ ~~v~l k~~~ ~a~r.~ a~p ~~kr~~~~~i~~~,~ ~a~ r~~~nt ~~alnsa f~~~~~~~ d~,s~~~~~~~ r~,~~~d~,r~~ tk~~ ~~g~~ G~~,tic~~,~~~~~~ c~.tion, th~ s~~~~ ~~~ling ~~~t Z~r~~ 'Sk~,~~~ s~~~1,r~ ~~,k,~ ~ at~~d ~~~s ~~,~n~; i~ v~,~~w of Cong~~s~z~~.n '~~~~n~ W~l,d~~r~~~~ ~~1,~ ~~d~~~~~~ ~~,~,~~a~~:i~~~~c~ slight~y. ~'h~ z~~,,~~~~ty o~ tk~~ ~o~i,t~~~ t~~~C ~~t~~d ~~~~.r~s~ b~~~:~. p~apos~d Wild~rn~ss A~~~, t~~1,l,s, ~t~~l supp~~t~r~g t~~ Sc~r~~,~ A.~~~ ~~~,~~~,~~~~t;i,ca~ ~op~~ Canynn. Al~o pr~~~~~k ~t t~~ m~~tis~~ 1~~d b~~n pl~~.n~re ~nd ~~.~~r~~~~~~ ~a~ ~h~ Ranchi,~~ Cr~~p4r~~~,~~ ~~tk~ pl~r~ ~or ~~lci~g e~~~ of s~~~g~ ~c~~° ~~~aa~o~~:d Ca~~sta camp sa~tes, th~ ~~w~,g~ b~ing eo11~~t~c~ ~.nd ~p~~~d ov~~ f~,~xds .~,~~~~,~~ly th~.t b~~n~ don~ by t'~~ L~p~z ~t~~r~~t~.an Ar~~ ~.~,d T~ap~~ ~'~~~~a~n,~~ ~`3,~nt. ~ca ac~ion had b~~n r~qta~at~d. - ~'O~T G0 SE ~F P CS S~QR ~ FTSC~,`~,. HELD OV~~ D~recta~ o~ ~~blie Wa~1c~ A~,d~~~o~, ~~q~~~~~d ~1~~ ~~~c~~~ ~.n~d ~~coman~nd~° tions fo~° us~ of ~O~ICS fuz~da ~o~ t~~ 197~-73 £~~a~~, g~~:~,~ b~ h~~,d c~v~~ ~n~~1 t~~ nex~ regula~ Cou~~il m~~~in~, as h~ ~iad be~r~ ~n~~bl~ ~o $~t ~,11. ~Ya~ infca~~,tior~ to~eth,~;~ ~.s yeta S~~d ~~quee~ v~~s ~~~~at~d by tl~~ Ca~n~~.a.o ~ 0 p E S S T~t~G~" ~Ct 1 Admini,s~~a,toa~ B~tc~~ di~trib~t~d a~~ui~~d s~~i~~l+~l~ ~°~~~~din~ c~~v~lc~p~ m~nt w~ ~h~ A~~o~o Gr~nd~ S~~a~~ As~~se~~~t Di~t~~~~ N~. ~~Sa~~~ ~n~~,~~~d th~ call f~~ b~ds c~~ laoz~d~ ~~d aw~~d. E3~ ~l~ea ~~~r~ ~,r~ ~~~1 ~~~o~~ t~~ ~T~v~~nbe~ 22nd m~e~in,~ in T~o~ An~~l~~ ~a~,tt~ ~~pr~~~n~t~t~~~~ ~TDg 1a~n~ ~a~,~.~~~,~~ s,~d t~~ , Cc~~a~ty. i~~ a~~.t~d ~k~~t $192s~~8.~1 ~a~d ~.l~~~dy b~~r~ ~~~d ~~op~~ty w~.~hin th~ d~~~~r~c~~ ~~d~~~~~ ~Y~~ boc~d ~,~~~n,~ ~PA~~~fi;~bly~. ~~~r~~~a~d n~~ct prog~~ss~.~n of ~v~n~~ ~n ~k~~ ~~,11~~~~ f~x b~~~ ~c~~si~ f~~ ~~z~~,i~~~~ $1,~642p521~02, u~tt}~ ~~T~ ta ~~~~k~~~~ bond~ ~ar ~ny~ ~~~i~~~~ ~m~unt~ ~A~ b~d by p~iv~.~~ ~,~~n~3,~~. ~3tFD ~~~~~~~~~~ti~~~ ind~c~~~d 1~e~~ p~o~~c~ ~a~s ~~~c~n~?1~.~~.~d f~~fi~~ tk~~~ ~~y c~t~i~r ~,tT~'~ ~~;~~~~y. Gov~n~i.],~a.~. ~~x1~y ~~,q~i~~d t~ ~~a~ s~~~~~ ~~q~~~~ t~ ~~~~.3n ~1~, w~~:l~* ~~~t ~ ~~~~~~t. Ad~~,~~~t~~,~c~~ ~~.~e~ ~~~~~r~d~~ th.a~ in l~is d~s~~.~~~~,~ ~vit~ C~~~~g~ ~~,~i~~~~ P~~~~~~~~~ ~ 1~~ ~~~~~~~i~~~ ~k~t ~1~~,~ ~,tt~s~ ie o~ '~~ir~ C~t~t~~~ 3~~~~~~~~~~ ° ~~~t ~~~~,d~.. M~. ~"~Q~~p~p~.~ ~d also ir~d3.e~.t~d e'h~ t'~~~ ~x~ ~ao~~d ~~,~~y~ b~ ~v~a~~~.~1~ ~e ~~i~ ~i~y , and t~iis p~p~~c~~ ~t~~~ ~u°~t ~~v~.~~~~. h~ i,e ~~~~o~~~-b~~ ~o~ many Qth~~ p~a~je~~~. ; Adm~n~~t~~t~?~ ~~t~~ ~~~~~~~d ~~t i~ ~~~~~~~t~,~r~ €~~~1~ ~'~~~ov~l ~ra~~ No. 41,~~ a $3~~QA d~~~~~t ~~~~a~~^~~ p~yn?~~t c~~ ~~r~~~~. ~~se~~~nen~ ~~d p~~~~.d~ ~~r~~a~ ~~~~~°s ~h,~ i~.~~ , the dist~~~~ s~w~~~ ~~~y ~1~~ c~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~a~ ~nded on N~~r~znb~~ 1~~~~ t'~~ dr~~~~~~~a~~ Fx~~~~~ l~~d o~ ~1~~ b~nd~ ~z~ ~i~ ~~~~~t~~ ~r~~1~~ ~a~k,a t~~~..~~~a~ r~c~n~r~d~~ a~~~~~,~~ ~~~AQO.OA ~€~~d~ ~~~t~~~~~~ ~~QO.QQ can.n~~t~o~ e~~,~~~~. d~~~~~~~~~~ C~~~~~~~~ ~~a~~ Co~.~.~~~.~~~.n ~~d ~~~~i~n~~~~:~ ~~~~~~~e ~t~~~~~~~~~~~~ t~ $3~OUQ.OQ b~?~d ~~~~~d ~~~~i~~~, ~SD~.Q~ ~~~~~b~~ ~a~~~ ~~~fi~~~~ ~e?~~,~~~~, ~~p~~~ I~~~~~~ ~p~~ 3~~e~ C~~~~~ ~~~e~~~ ad~~~~~. ~y Ca~,~~~1 5~~~~~~~~ ~~a ~9~2~ ~v~~~ ~~v~~~~~e ~ n , C1~~~ ~ by tk~~ ~~~,i~~ ~~~~~t~n~~t ~d~~~~~~,~~~~~~" ~ ~n~~ bn~r~~w z~~~~,~~.~~ ~~~~Cir~,~ ~ i~,s~~~b~ ~~.~3~~ ~~iv~x'~ ~i~~~~~ ~~,~i ~.~.d 1~ ~~c~v~~~' ~,~~s~~ ~t~~~~:;~~~ ~~~~ne ~i~~~~ C1~.~~ d~,~p~,~.y~d p~~ ~~~r~~ t~~ ~y tk~~ ~~arn~~~~~~ ~~~,~t~ v~~~~~~~~ ~n~?~~~~. U~~ ~h~~n~~~~~°~ ~ e~~~~~ ~1~~ Pa~i~~ ~~p~~'~~t~~t~. 13~ t~a'~r'5~;~ ~ 1., y ~Rlt~`i~ f~' ~t'~ui3~, Ca3I.~~`~~.»~1,r~ J INV~TAT~OI~ F1t4M ~~,C!'V~:R, G~T.'~ ~1~5 ~~~~~~C~~ ~'~,~."1"'~C ~~S ~A D~-1,~ ~ A.d~in'~~;~~~o~ ~~po~~~d ;~.r~~s; ~~~:c~n ~~~~.~~,=~d ~ta~ G~°ove~ Ci~~ B~~in~~~ ~a~st~~~, ~n•~~,~~ny~ .C'~~~ C~.~:~ ~~~~a~~3~ ~~r ~~~~,P~~.~.~,p~~~ ~r~ ann~x~1 C~.~ri~~~~ ~~~~d~, ~~~3~~ w~l~ b~ ~~~;~c~ c~~ S~.~fl~~c~~~, D~~..~~b~~ ~9 Co~.nc~1 c~3,~c~~~~.~n,, .~d~~,n~~~;~~,~~~ ~~,~~1~ ~~~~~a~~~~~~ ~.c~~~~~ B~ns~n~~~ G~~~ Cr~p~cy,~~,~. ~:~1~, ~~~~~.~~~a~G~ ~.t~ ~~,~~.dc~o NOTTC~ AND R~VIEW QF OT~ES~°~Q~"~. R~ 1~~~"~"~.~BU~~I~ B~ ~f~MNS~,~~~~'1' C~~~~~.~~> ~ ~~~~~~.on~~i~~ p~~g~~~d b~ C~~;u~ni,~~ ~~r~g~~~~ ~r~~ ~~~r:~~~~d~ ~~~c~ questionn~i~~ '~5~3~~~ c~i~~t~ib~~~c~ ~.:i~~~~;~~~ cs~' ~~~z~~~~.~ ~~~~c~~ ~.~~.c~ r~~:~1~,ng ques~ions ~~g~~°d;£~,~ tk~~ ~~t~,~~n~ 9 c~~~~,~~;~ ~~~v~~~ ~~,~~a~ng ~k a_~ ~~~r~~n.~t~r. Tl~~ n~x~ m~~~~~~ ~~~~n,3~}~ C~ang~~~~ b~ ~~~d c+r~ ~~~h~»~~~~~ ~Ot~r,~ ~z~d th~ J~.n~.~.~~ ~9a~ Gra~a~~n~.~~ Crsn~~~~~ ks~ la~~~d ox~ ~~~~~.~s vf the r~~~a~~,~cl q~a~~~i~~~.~3~~~~. ~1~. ~~.3~~C ~1.~r~~,~~1~~;~~~ C~v~i~~r~ C~~~~.n~t~r Congr~~~~ p~~~~n~ ~.n,d ~o~z~~~r.~~~~, g~ac~d ~,~~~,c~d~,n~~ ~n.~~~i~g~a AUTHOR.I~Z~ S ~ ~ ~ SCH~A A~:~J~' ~~'~f,~ a~ ~Q~~ ~1V Ci1R,P,S T,~1~~ ~no~a;~~9 s~~~~n~ ~~~r~~~ ~~~n~~ ~~g~ ~~~~~~~1 ~n~ ~.~~?b~~ e~~ ~h~~ar K~y C1~,b9 w~s p~~s~n~ ~z~~ ~~q~i~~~~d C~~~~~,1°~ cc~a~~~d~~~~~,~n ~a~tk~~~~,~~n~ ~'h~ iss~anc~. ~f ~ ~a~~~p~ b~~~~~~~ ~c~ t~~ C~.~~h ~~n~ ~~~~~n~ pro~~ct ~f p~.~.n~iz~g ~c~~~~; ~~~~nb~~~ ~~~a~'~~ ~~a~ ~ ~~.~Q ~~p~~~~ ~c~ ~~e~, p~~~~a~p~,~~ ing ~~~~d~~k~. ~,nd~~~t;~~ ~~~a~a~~°~ 1" ~~.d p~~~~~d b~~~?~ ~~~i~a~ whit~ ~~.~.n~~~ b~e1~~~n~nci. A~~~~ C~~~~~i~ c~~.~~°?~~~~,~r~~ ~~y~ ~~~~~c~~~ ~a~ ~~+~~~~~~n~,n T~.ll~g~~ s~~c~sn~~d G~~~n,~~~~~~ d~ ~~~a~, ~r~~ ~~,~~~,~~,~~~~,~~9 ~~~~~~,~d~ ~p~~~~~~.. gr~.nt~d ~o ~1~~ A~~~~ca ~~~~d~ ~3~~~, ~~~a~a~~ It~;y~ C~.2~b ~ £c~~ ~~c~~p~~ b~~~ir~~~~ lic~ns~ ~a p~~~~ n~anb~~~ c~~, ~,~~b~ ~~ac~~ ~.~p~~v~~ ~,nd p~~~~~ ~f $1.00 b~ i~nd~vidu~l ~~~~,~.~n~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ ~It~ ~ , ~ _ ~ ~ A~ C~~i~RA~I ~VD C~~.nG.i~lr.n~~ ~T+~~c~ ~~~.~~~~1 ~ ~~~n~I~~~,t ~ra~~~wd ~~a k~~;~a 1a~ ~~~~~~n ~n Br~.g~t~n 5~,~~~~ ~~~~~d~n,~ ~~~,d~~~~n caf 5~~~~~ ~,h ~e~~l~v~,~d~ wh~.c1~ eo~.c~iti~n h,~.~ ~~~~~a~~~ ~~~~n~ F~~~~~ W~~~e,~ ~~nd~~~Q~ ~a~pl~.in~d t~.~~ ~ pc~~~i,~~ Q~ ~~i~~~~~ S~~°~~~~ r~~~~~~ C~~~ b~~ ~h~ ~1.~~~~ 1~~~~ ~z~ ~~~a~ ~~.~~c~~,~~~~~ k~~ b~~~ b~a~~~~ tq C3~~~ ~~~.r~d~.~d.s~ 9~~~ ~a~~~ ~~~~~~~~d ~~~s~ C~~y~~ ~t~~~~ s~~t~m~ l~~u~ ~.s ~r~~~ ~ C~~~~~1 ~h~ p~~'~~~ 1~n~~1~~ ~i~~~~~~ F~~~~~~ t~~~'~~ ~~~~~~Q~ ~a~~~~~~~ ow~.~~r~ o~. ~~~~~d~ ~~p~~~~~a~ ~1~~ ~t~~~~~ ~nd ~~.~th~~ ~~~,K ~~~~~a~~~ ~~~~~d ~~.~k~ ~i~~ ~n u~gir~~ ~~~~~n~ ~,~d ~~~~~~c~ c~~~~~~ r~~ ~c~ ~.~~~~v~ ~ C~,~n~il~~.~ W~~d ~kx~,~ ~i~~ ~~~~~n~~ S~.a~~lin~ C~~~~~~n ~a~~~~ b~ ~~=~~~~n~ ~~~~~,blg~ m~n~al~,s~~ c~~~sS.d b~ ~~,€~c~°*~c~ ~~z G~~~~,~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~t~.~~~~~ ~r~~~~~~~~d i,n th~e St~~c;a~ ~c~~~x~~ c~~,~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~c~~~~d ~ b~.~.~~~~~ ~ r~~s ~f ca~~~~ ~~a~~„~~,~~,~~ ~~~~~~i~~~ ~~d ~~~~o Ch~$~~r P~~~~~ ~a~~~~~~~ ~ _~;~t~ ~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~,i~ C~sn~~~~,~s~a ARQGR~S ~ R,~E , , ~ ~~w~ ~ ~~d ~~g~~~~~ t;~~ ~~a~ ~1s~~~~~~~,~n ~c~~~~r~~~~~ r~~~~ ~~a~r~~ o~ ~v~~~1~ ka~.~~~ ~b~~~r~~~a 1~O~IC~ ~~~A~~ ~N ~ ~ ~f~,~.~ P ~ ~ . M~~. ~c~~~~ ~~~~1~~~~ ~~c~ ~~~~~~i~~~ of a ~~~~~~c t~.~~ ~~ac~ s~~~~~1~~#~~~ ~~~~~a ~~~c~ th~ z~~~~~r ~~~~~~fi~~~ n~seuss~~~ s~~s ~ M~,;~~~ ~~k~~~~~:~ ~4~~~~,~~ ~~~~a,~~, ~~r~~~~ Dri,v~ ~.~d ~,~~~~~~~~~3~~~ ~~~~~~a ~ r~vf~~~r~c~ t~ 5+~~;~~~ ~a~,~.~7~ ~~~~~,~~d ~h,~~ w~.~ ~~~r~~~~~~ ~~~1~ p~~~~c~~ i,~ ~~~~.~n€~~~;~ ~8~.~~~~~~ T~~~~.~ ~x~~~ir~~c~ ~~a~ ~~~~1.~~+ ~~r~~~~~, p~~~~d c~~ t~~ str~~t~ ~n~. r~.~ r~~ b~ ~~~~~c~ ~b~~~ 1~" ~5~~ ~~~N~I~ NQV~M~~~ 28A ~972 A~R~~~ ~RAN~E, ~ALI~OR~IA PAGE aw~y ~~am cu~b t~ p~~~~~t d~b~~~ ~a~~~~g ~~~~n~t t~r~~ ~nd d~~ing ~p wate~ ta ~~e p~i~t ~h~x~ it ~v~~~1~~~ ~~~a ~~~v~t~ ~~~p~~~y. Co~~~~l dis~~~~~on contin~~d, ~iCh Maya~ 3c~1~g~1 ~u~~~~t~~g ~h~~ p~~~~g~ s~m~ af R~v~n~~ Sh~~ing F~nds s~ould be us~d to sp~~d ~p co~~~c~i~n d~~inag~ p~~b1~~ ~n 5~~~~t, but Co~nc~l~~n d~ ~~an ~ t~t b~~~f~~s ~f ~he ~~n~~ ~~a~1~ ~ar~ ~~d~spre~d over th.e City. ACCEPT GRANT DEEDS - PACE & STMPSQ~N T,~T SPI~I'T - N~3~SON STR~E'I' ~Admin3str~tox~ Butch r~view~d that in ~~a~,j~nct3,an for ~pp~ov~1 of ~ lot split creat3ng a e~c1-d~°~~c at th~ ~~~t~r1y ~n~ o~ 1~~~~an S~~~~t~ a~~q~~st~d by Pace and Simpson, Tnc., it is r~qui~ed to d~d~c~~~ ta ~~a~ Ci~:~ ~ pox~tic~n of t1~is land for a creek maint~n~.n~ce ~as~~~n~nt. Adz~~,nist~ato~ B~tc~ p~~~~r~~~d ~a~ d~~d~ in th,is regard, one fa~ ~ 10' ~r~~~C m~~.nt~nan~~ ~~s~;~~~t ~nd ~.~a~~a~~° d~~d to th~ creek area, ~rizi~h w~~~ b~ing d~d3c~t~d to t1~~ City by ~~c~ ~nd S~p~o~, Ina. After Couneil discussion, on ~~tio~ Co~sncil~~n 'Ta1~~y, s~c~~,c~~d by Coun~,ilm~n Millis an,d unanimo~sly c~~°ri~d, th~ G~ant D~~d$ f~o~a P~~~ ~.nd Si~pson, Tnc. fo~ the ded~.cation o~ a 10' c~r~~k zn~~.ri~~n~nc~ e~se~n~n~ ~nd ~o tka~ cr~~k ~1~~ east~rly end of Nel~on Stre~t, va~x°~ ~cc~p~~d ~x~d t~i~ M~y~or and City Cl~xk were authariz~d to sign th~ C~x°tific~t~ of Acc~pt~nc~ on b~h~lf of ~ka~ City. ADJQU~tT~N,~„NT On motiQn of Co~n,cilm~n 1~3111~, ~~cond~d Coun~~~zna~~ d~ I,e~~n ~.~d unanimously carri~d, ~h~ m~~~~r~g ad~ou~n~d ~,t 9:26 P.M. ~ ~ ~~ar~s~.` _ ~L~_~ ~ a~~r~ ~~~Y c;z,~~~c _ a~