Minutes 1973-01-09 13~ CITY COUNCIL JAIV~TARY ~.9~3 ARROYO GRAI~TDE , CALIFORNIA The City Cauricil ~nn~t in ~~~a1~x s~~~~~~ ~^it~ S~k~~,~~~~, p~~~~.d~,~~. Upon roll call, Council M~a~tb~r~ Mi11.i~ ~ T~X3~~y~ W~~ci ~~~~~t~~ p~~~~~a~. Council~~n d~ Leor~ i,~ a~s~nt. ~LEDGE OF ALLEGTANC~ ANn T13VACA'~TON Mayor Schl~g~l l~~d th~ P~~d~~ ~f Al~~g,f~~~~ t~a Fl~~a ~~d ~a:~~c~~~,~~~,~ th~reaft~r, R~v~r~r?d St~nl~~_DurY~~ t'~~ Se~~~~'~~;~~ ~~~~i.~t ~1°~~~~ Grover City d~liv~x°~d tl~~ i~v~~~ti~r~r APPROVAL OF MIN'U~ES T'h~ mi~u~t~~ Af t'h~ r~~a7,~~ ~~~~a~b~~ 12, ~.~7~~ ~r~r~ ~,p~~~~r~~ prapar~d. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On ~nQti~~ af C~~ncila~~n Mi11~~, ~~~~~d~d b~ C~~~~i~.~~n T~lb~y ~~d un~r~imou~ly c~~r~,~d~ G~z~~ral W~,~r~~t~ N~. 1~~~~ ~'~~~~~h ~T~a. X1~~~7, ~1E~71 through N~. 11919, and N~. ~~oaa th~~~~~ ~T~. ~,~q0~$ t~~~1 ~c~~x~~ ~f $18,131.04; P~yroll W~r~a~t~ N~. 4592 ~~d ~T~. ~'+~9~, N~. 4~~7 ~~~~a~~~ ~T~. ~~~?~9 and No. 4965 t'hr~u~l~ NA. 9022, i~ ~1~s ~~t~1 s~n~~~,t ~f $~~~~~+A.~~s ~,~,d ~ Ag~ncy Warrant~ N~. 1848 t'~rou~~ N~. 1~OQ, tk~~ t~~~~, ~~~r~~at $~~~~~O.A~~ w~r~ approv~d a~,d ~~d~r~d ~~ir~. COVNCI~AN DE L~ON '~NT~~~~ T~ ~~T~NG ~~I'~~ ~OV~ ro~~rm~R 0~' GOi~N~..~~~ON `~0 ~~.i~~~'G W~~t~S ~~~T„~ ~ L~Y~~~ ~ ~~P~.~~3 Ad~n~.~i~tr~t~~ ~~t~c~ ~~~d ~ ~~tt~~° d~~~~'D~~~~~~r ~9~ ~972~ a~~~~~~~~~ ~I~1~~ ~nd ~~u~:~t~r~~~s 201 ~ld~r ~t~~~~~ F~b~~~ fi~~~~~ D~pa~~aii~~t ~n~~oy~~a ~o~ ~~1~ ~t~~~~~ ~~~~~b~~ ~972 s~w~r ~y~t~m b~c~~ ~ltt~~~~d. . Ad~i~i~tr~t~~ ~~t~'~ ~d~i~~~ t'~~t t'~~ '~i~~~ C~~~~~~ invit~d tY?~ Ca~~~~l ~o ~~~~i~i~~~~ 27~~ ~~~~~~1 C~~ March 3rd ~t 11 A.~e C~~~G~~ ~~~~s~~~~~~8 ~~~~~~t~~~~~ instruct~d to ~~t~~y •Pi~~~ C~~~~~ e~ ~t~~~~~~ Cou~eil ~si~l ~~~~i~~~~~~ t~~ ~~~a~~. AP~~~ANC~ 0~' ~~~,~~O~fi ~ A t~~ ~~~i~~~~~~ ~ by C~ty~'~ x~~~~~~~~~t~~~s ~ ~ot ~r~~~~~ dt~~ t~ ~1~~~~~e ,~~Ott'~3T'~'A~. ~~i~.~~i~~ ~~~i~t~'~ ~~L~~ A~ 922~.~~ ~ ~~i~fi ~Qi~~~.V~, ~~~fi ~d~i~i~t~~~~~ ~~~~~~r~~ ~ 2~~ ~~I2 P. D~ ~1~~ C~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~y ~~~~~~e ~g~~~~~~~ th~ r~~~~~ ~222.~~ ~ ~~r~~~~~ ~~k~ ~i~~~. i~~lud~~ ~ ~~~.2~ ~1~~ ~~~~1~ ~p~r~v~~ ~ ~~7~BQA t~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~s a~ m~ti~~ W~~~~ ~y ~~~~~~:~~~~y c~~~~~ds ~~v~~ ~~A~~~ ~~~~.~6 ~ t~~ ~1~t~ C~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~e o~ ~at~~~~ ~a~~ ~ ~ ~~~~i~~~~t~~ ~ A~~~~~~ ~oo~~, 1~i0 ~r~~~~~~, ~~~y4 ~~y~ ~~t~bli~~~d i~ t~~ ~i~~~ ~ ~ l~tt~~ t~ ~t~t~ D~~~~~~~ fin~?. t~i~ ~~t~~s i~ ~~~g~ €~rt~~x° hi~ ~~~~n~~~~~~~~~. C~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~p w~~ d~r~ct~d ~ 1~~~~~ f~~ t~~ ~~~~~~i~~~~t ~~y~ ~~d ~u~~~~~`;di~~~t~~ ~~~a - , City'~ r~p~~~~~~~~~v~ ~~A-~~~.~~ ~p~~.~ ~ . 9~~~~.~~,, ~ Th~ T~~~~~~~~'~ ~~73 3~~~i.~~ ~~e ~~7~, r~c~i~~d b~ t~~ C~~~~~~, 14 CITY COUN'CII~ ~7,~'~A~~ ~9 ARROYQ GItArTDE, CAIa2F~kN~, ~p~,~ ~ ~E~A~t~~'trA~. ~r~~mwr,v ~RT ~~C' ~R H ~ 47 ~ - ~ Ttz~ D~~a~.~~~~t~~ ~,~~c~~~ ~1~~ ;~~a~~~ ~a~' ~~~~~~~~~a~ ~ ~r~~ ~~~~~~r~c~ b3r tl~e CAUr~ci1, x°~~~€.a~~d ~~~~~k~ei f3,~~~. A z~~~tir~g ~1~c~ J~~~~~;~ ~~d'~~ t~~ G~~~ ~~a~r~~~~ ~i~~ D~p~r~a~nt ~ ~c~fi~~~ +~~q~a~~~~,~~d. ~$T11TT~TP[J~,T..C90D~ AiMk'4liT1- " 4`'a Ci~y At~o~~~ ~~d~,~~~~~ ~~~r~~~;c~~ C~d~ eo t~ ~°~z~~~ ~r~~~ ~~~~~~~t~~~, ~~~,w Gard~n Aga~~~~~ ~~~~d~~~i~l ~r~;t~ ~ ??~n ~~~~~3~~ the City o~ Arx~y~~ ~~~~d~; ~~~~~~~t~~r r~~~ C~~t~,~~~~~ ~~~1~~, seaond~d by C~~~i~~~ d~ x~~~ ~r~s~ e~~~~i~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~d~ c~~,~~~~~~ v~~~~ ~~~d~~~ ~h~ b~l~nc~ ~f tl~~.~ ~x~~,~~~~~. t~~,i9~1"~A.~1C~ 7~ GeS. AN O~.D~IVA~TC~ C~`~~' ~~,~1~~ ~ ~~~TD~~~ Pt~R,~"~~?~1 ~F Tk~ ' ZANIPT~ MA~ C A,~f~~'~3 ~~~N~~ ' , ~ ~ ~1~ SE~~IA~T •3~+2 '~~'~"T,~ ~ ~ G~~~~~ ~ ~Q~ T~ ~T~:~'~F~~ ~~~E 30 AS R,~~A~~ C~~.'~~~~' C~~~` p~" '~~~~A e On ~c~~~~~ ~f G~~~~i~~~~ ~~?z~, ~~~~~r~d~~ 1~~ C~~~~~~,€~~~ ~fi~~~ ~~d follawin~ ro11 c~1~ v~fi~, ~~~a AXES : C~~ene~~~H~ ~ W~~~r~~ d~ ~~r~ M~y~~~ NUES: C~a~~~~~~~ ~~~,l~;y A~SE~t~': N~~~ tha fo~~~~ir~g ~~d~x~~~~~ w~~~ ~dc~~a~~~ ~~~~~~~a ~~7~. r~~?zcrPA?~ con~ ~ ~ Cit~ ~t~~~~~~ S~a~~~~~ ~~~~~~~w~ Municip~l Cc~d~ ~~~~n fi~ PbC P~~~~~~~~~,~,~ C ~~~^~~i~ Gxa~d~g t1~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~e~~~.~ Cou~ci r~ ~ill~~ r~~~~~~~~~~ bal~nc~ ~~~i,~~~~~ a = CE~~~~~~~ ~fi~.~ e ~ . . ~ ~ A~' ~i~~~~'~~ ~~~~~J Q~ '~f~~:~~t~ Q~ ~:~t~l~~~~ ~i ~'S1~C~~O~fi ~ ~~~e~~~ ~~~~~e ~~t~,~~ H th~ ~'~llc~~~~ ~°~1~ ~~~R A~'~~ p ~~~~~~i~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~e ~J~~~ ~~g~ ~T~~S s 1~~~~ ~ A~S~1~'~ c ~~~~a fo~~~~~~,~ ~~7~. ~~~i~~~t~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~a~~~ ~e ~a~n, C ~~~~~1 ~~~.~~t~~~ ~A~fa ~ ~e ~ ~v~~~~ i~,fAx~~io~ ~~~~i~.~~ ~ wi.th ~t ~~.~~~~~:s~~~a~~s ~~a~~~ r~vi~~d d~~~~t~ ~,~~~~~~~~,;~YE~~ ~.~~~e ~ta~d~~d~ t~t ~;t~~ ~~c~~~~,~~~~~ ~~~~~~i~~~~~ ~~ti~t~~ ~~~4~~~ ~~~~~t~~~~~~~ e~~~~~ ~~~.~~a di~cu~sio~, s~~~~r~~ ~~~~3~~~€~ carri~d, ~~,~~~~y ~4~ , " C~TY GOUNCIL ~~tia~~k~ .:~~:"s ARRQYQ GRANDE, CALIFOR1~lA ;3 , Ci~y r~?~.1~. w~tt~ 1~" ~ica;~~. ~,.r~~ t w'~:> . ~,p ~ . a x ~q~ ~ ~ s w~, c, 43.. 4~ x;;'r,. ~f s'w .°-.C~- `y l., " P. ~ ~ k .6l~~Jti~rE lk (~'OLICl~Y°3711 1„L~}.1~5~~~ 1'LL:s~;s~~~.a?:~, ~',ud:'~' p:;" ~a7;5~ ~ cat° t:,'44t,,;:` P,~"~a'.i~:C'_ .~,~'.i:`bl. Y.l! .e}:.' und~~g~c~~i~da.r~g d:~.~~~~~t;d ' . ~ ~ n,..,,. . .9k,~ ~,i. ~Vv+.) ~~°.~1~.~ " f~'~na~x'..~-~~t#. ~1 Y .a..+ ~ ~ d~~1f1~,T1~E3~.']~$~:~"~ ~'t~7~C~~ ~t`~~+u~.+~€~;'C3. ~dls: ~a'r1~:~.i3~,°~Y ~:~~:i.C ~~~1.. ~~C<: ~1S3,:s ~5rvt?TI ~TrC y~, L~~t. ~ ~ ttl@ ~~$~ll@ Q~ ~'~1~,~.~C~~L1~,;~ 4,:a,'~~,i;~ ~~a~: ci GJ()~'~{.~~7~7j3 ~1s~4 I;,_F.~1 ;+,'.r +~tlt' .~d~Il~e'~~`y ,G=~4~.t~'t 1_~t Berkeley and Febru~ry ~.st in S~a~ A,~~~1~~~ r~~~rdin~; N~i~~~ Gcan~real and ~~~fca~c~~~~tm Non~ af t~h~ Caunci.l~r~n iz~d~.~~~~~ ~xa~~i~ ~,~t~~~t~ca~ ~c~ ~.~t~nd ~ith~r wark~Y~s~p, .~s~. ~~F~. - 'T~~.~~, " ~ ` ' ' ' A ~ ~ s'~ C~~~ A~;tc~r~~~~ SB~~.~.~~~,~ x~~v~v,~Y~~:c1 ~~i~.~ ~r:Q< ~r0~~r1~~~ ~a~~: ~n~;~,~:~,er~~~ci ~~a~: e~~ pr~p~r~ a r~~sc,1~t~~,a~ ~;~~~n~,~t~sa~.~~~r ~Ic~,~~;~ rrt;r+.~,~.~'k~~ ~~~.t~.~~ .,r~1;~, t~}~:~ sou~~~~rly ,5.~ f~:~:~ ~~fi ~ka~; ~~;rt f.~~,~>~ ~~;,:,~~~°~°~r.~~;~~ c~~ ~r~c~ ~~~j~,,~~:r~t ~a I#,~~~:~~r ~ build~,n~ a~ ~i~^x~~ r~c~~~~i:~Z ~4~~. ~ba ~~~;~~r~~.t~ ~~..c.~$m,t,~.=r~~~a ~~~g; T~~.r~zxi~ ~~~3 Busin~as ~~'.p~~~~~c~n~ A~.,ri~c;~~~~4= ~`~~ap~~4 ~~v. f:;~~._,~ i.Tid~~.~~;~,c~ C~~~T C~UE;~B C?9A7"k~ dl~„~4`;~r'nttL,i~r ~:~Vr~ ~~+~.=1:d;E:~' ~#'g~'4~4 ,C~°~:;;'t, ai~ n~-~'~~.7F~7~ ~i'«~a $.I~.,°±~ t,1~E~C~a ~~t.~~ Cca~z~,~~,;P, +~,~,~c.,.~;,.~ t,~~t~ ~ C i ~_,~,~:~;.~~r~ ~3,._~~~-~ r .~,a~ t.i~:: ~a~l.;,. ~~t ~ ~'@f30~,~~;~,QI`1 Q~, :~,'t'3."~4,:91,'~`;'~.5~11 ~,~3 .ii~~~'.~* ;;l }?4,F1"±; `'.,,i(1 ~ 1 ~~..3t~ ;@' ~ ~ ,~c' ~1~t~ '~t e:~~~~~ k';`G,, pu'~~~,c 1~~~r~~~~ i~a~ F~~1~°~~~,~a ~:i~ ~~x~:~ ~C ~°c1(f i?.~~, ~'td. k~t~s'¢:;~= ~ ~;~.~:i>r~ C[l~d~: G'C7'd,S,~'1~,~~~,tl1~~'`E ~~d~~~d,E~;~s'~ ~§.r°tr.~,i~:;~ ~7° (~;.1X:~1'tts,. ~t~i ~.ii.~'l~- ~,itci ;ax:F#1.i?~~~?" 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C'3,;:. ::3~ ;~:.p;~_ ~.e"S~.~r~a~`w~~~ .~A_ t$~-'t~~ ~w>e ii::.~'::,, R.T1f~ ~~-~i1:G ~~''Vx-€:,iAr°%'!t~ ~°lY'F ~%~~`i;tst~3','t~~~ $t.~_i:,.:'ff° =4. .i=#.~1"",~f`,' . ~~y_~: ,~+"t"$„' Q;~ rl, ~4.s~`~°~~~j~ ~~~'~kTi~~~,~~ €~~.g~.:~~C= lc;k ~s_',€~~r~,.Ft~: ~:..~a~,~"3e':~k.a..,; ts~[ t.s':.` ~~}el~=:e t'~:~i'n~', ~~~L"B~k~~~~t. d ` ~-~at~C° :,~~%ti i'aC'j~: p ~.,'i;ii'' „i;~ E}r c'i ~ s.s~ic k'1:, ~3i> t ~Ct'sa<: k~EiA ~;1.4 ~S-~ly~,~ F-~';:~.~, ~1~ 't"F,,.:~~`~~ti.~ +i~ ~0'}"'~i~£.~{;; ~:ti~~.".3~;`y`t +.;:.~l1 .b€3~~ }~+~~~-'1',c ~~`~:-~..~.~'~j~ ;;s ~„<;,a~ ~~~~~.~4, ~~~~~4~`~y,~, ~f~~~7ei~ ~f.~~~ ~~~N. ~,~..ir,. d~~~s~~~,..'p~ ~ f~a~ ~.~~,~.k~~-#~:<!§ .~:'J.~ ~:,~d~...~~y ~[%.k. t ~~1$~ ~7f3~~# ~ik"C9~j~~:i` ~i~fl ~„K t' ~t t~; x~T 4' c; k 'm~'~ r ~ Fw t: ` ~~.,di.; , s~ w'T~ ~~`s': - ~ ~l~ 11f~i~t7 ~'~~~.i~~ ~-(;1 4':~iC~t k~£ S",s~;e_"., ~~'f`..3Yii~„ 4.` ~ ~:tt,`":s.l> ~ 'tL~ 1` ~ ,'`-s1~i: . ' ~z'". 3~x' ~~~C1~f~~~C?~~ ~T~~ ~~2'+~.t.~j s3, ~a , f:;3ft~ ~,'~ar:.,i~ ~:~`s 4u i~d .~~,1';ie jaA~~.,4 ~~,~ti._Y~~.A~;,, i~~ ~ CIZ°Y COi1~VCTT~ ~t~«V'~'a~~Y ~ ~ ` ARROXO ~RANDE, CAL~~~RI~TIA~ FA~~ Mayor Sch1~g~1, ~e~~a~.n~.~t~°~~~~ ~~x~~:~, ~c~~&~ ~W~t a~ ~o~~~~~,~rsrc o~' exp~n~~ ir~cr~a~~~ ~~d ~~°~~~t~ ~~s ~;~~,~r~~3~rx ~~4~~;W~~~;i.;~ ~~a~°~~~~~ is j~sti~~able. R~~~xl~~ c~~ ,~~~~i~~°~ fa~~~~i.r~~~ ~W~~,F p~~~~~,~e~ ~~a Counc~.1 f~~ eon~~d~~~~~r~r~. RECETPT OF ~tEVENU~ S~AR~ ~~F~R~A~'~1~~ ~I~~` ~E~C~M ~~;~T~~~R Ad~~,~~.~t~~~t~~ ~~~~~h ~~~~~~~~~d ~~a~ Cs~~~c~~~ ~ ~~~~rz~~~ ~~:~G S'heet, r~~eiv~d fr~~a~ T~. S. S~r~~~~~ ~~s~~r~ '~+u~~ai~;;~~ ~~,~c;~ 1~,~: ~~c~~~~~~ freqa~~nt ~~k~d q~a~~ ~i~~~,~ ~~c~~~ ,A~:#; ~r~d ~ka~ ~~~~~~~r~ . T~ETTER OF REST~G~IATI~1~ -~'A~RTN~ ~`I~F~1~ C~N.~`LS~T.~?~~.- ~~CY~RD T~~ Ad~,in~~t~a~~r ~~tch. a~~~r~ ~ 1~;~t~~ ~~c~~,~,r~~ "~~r.k" ~~~9 ~°~-0~~~g~a~d January 3, 19~~9 atn ~w~i:~~~~ C~ai~ar~ ~~c~~ ~~~~srY~~~ r~;~~.~r.i~~a.~n ~~°aa~a ~~e ~~~c~~~ Graad~ Parkin~ ~.~.d .~'r~f~~.c. Cc~~~,~~~ur. At~~~ ~ca~~~:~~ ~.~.~~~a~,~~.~~ny ~j~ ,~~~t~a~ ~s~ Cvuncil~~n d~ T,~ars~ ;~~~ond~~:c~ b~ C~~,~~s:~,~.~ee~.~ T'~.~~.~~ ~rx~. zNr;a.~.z~~.x<~~tn~1~a r,~~~ir~d~ r~signatior~ of R3.~;~~~~:~d ~~~a~. ~'~:~.~r~x:~ & ~'~~.s;:~':~~. G~~~.a~.~~~.c~~ ~.~~~:~t~d~ with regx~~ts; ~nd .Ad~a3~z~~,~t~.~~~c~~ ~3~at~~u d~~~~:rc~~ ~ ~.~~t~~ ca~' ~~~,~~~c;~ and appr~c~.at3on to M~. I~~~ ~c~~ ~Fr~~ra,c;~:~ e~ ~x~~ Ca~9ry~, APPOIN'T'?~~T~° 0~ PAR T~'C &'~"E2A~~`r G2`~ TC9~..1~~.~. ~12AN°~ Fr~an ~~ie '?R~s~~•ac~~~~ c~fr. ~~cc~ar~~~c~~;~. s~s~~~ R.c~~. G~ar~t~ be appoi~x~~d t~ tYa~ P~~~.izig ~'~~~~f:C~ Cc~~zuni~~~,~~n ~,c~ ~~,~i~ ~~a~ va.c~r~c:~r c~r~a~~d the re~3.gn~.ti~n ~f Rick . q~,~~t~~~! tc ~~.i.~i1~~1i,~y ~f M~. ~~~nt to the Cc~r?i~~~..~n t~~ li~~~ ~~~~~,d~ C~ ~.3ar~~;~ y~~C c~~~a.f~,~d that Mr~ ~r~~~'~ ~~pp~.aL~~~~,a~x ~~sr ~c~~~~~,~fi~s~a, ~,~,el~~~~~;~ ~.s ~ ~~;~~.~~~~~d voter wi~h ~k~~ Ci~ty uf A~a^c~y~~ C~~~r~d~. Gsa~;~~c~..~, c~~.~r~a~~~ic~r~,, e+n x~;c~~~.~~ c~~ Cc~uncilznan T~ii~y, ~~:c~nd~d b~r C~;~~~,r~e~:~~s~,z ~~~r,~~~: ~.~c£ ~.a~a~~~,~~a~s~~ c~~:r~.~dg ~.~a~. Gra~.t, St~r R~aa~~ 34B, A~~dysa ~r~~d~,, ~r~: ~~~;~i.zx~~c~ t.c ~c~~vv~ p~ ~~.~~~i~xg ~nd Tr~ffic .Car~~s~~~axt, wi~k~ ~is +~~~r.~ c~~ c~~'~°~~c,e; ~~'~a~.~s~n~ ~I~r~~ ~U, ~,~'~5. k'IFTH ANNidAL CA~7E'~RAT111~ P~RCII~ASE ,~I~' C~A~a W~~~ a o~.,,a,f~~ CC?~''~T' Administr~tor B~c~c~. r~~ri~w~d, Ja;~~~~~ ~~~~.c~~n~~z~ Cc~~a~~~~~ P~:~t~r~1~;u~ta Prada~cts r~po~t ~~c~~,~a~r1 ~t~~ C~a~n~~;~. 1~a~~~~~a~3~~~ A~~~n*g li~t~ successf~l bid~c~~s r~~e¢1t~n.~ ~~c~~n C~+Z.ti~n~L,~°~ ~n~~,t~t:~~~n ka bic~~ pertai~s ~o t~~ G~tty, ~s £cs~,1~~~ : Gasoline (R~~sl~r) ~.1~.a~~a~ Q~~ C~s~~~r~~ .x`l~ ga~ll~n Ga~olin~ (Px°~~~t~) Lliiia~ (~i~ C~p~,n~ .2,~3 ~~r ~~~~c~n Di~:s~l Fu~l ~Jn.~on ~a.~. C4~na~a~n~ . ~p~~ ~~1~.c~r~ Motor Oil (55 g~ d~an~j L~n~c~~. ~c~~p~~:y .~i4 g~~° g~~ ~~n Motor Oil (ca~~s, 24 q~~.) ~n~~+~, C~s~~r~~~y g~r c~s~ " RECEIPT OF S~.~-1~NTH FpT~IC~ R.F~~4~.'~ - C~i~~~° C~,A~K ~ six-mA~,tkz p~o~~~~~ ~~pc+?~t t~~~ ~c~l~~~ D~~p~~~~~~~~~9 ~rc~ T~s~~ 1 thr~ugh D~c~~nb~~ 3l, 1972, p~~~~.~~d t~~r Ct~~,~~' ~af ~~a~.~c~a T~~ C~~~ky c~~~ ~~c~3v~d by the Co~an~~.l, r~;tii~wc.d ~nc~ ~~c~w~~~l ~:~l~d. ACCEPT :OFF~S~TE~Mg~QVj,°~~ SP~T~' 72-~'~9 &,~C.~~°~- F~SF~~V'~,~ - SC~~~'EI~D~R Ad~ni~i$t~~t~~ ~~t~~ ~~~;g'c~~3,n.~ C~~~~~1 ~ r~ ~~~t~~ d~ted Dec~anb~r 19, 1~72 W. ~e Sc~i~~~~t~~d~~, ~~qe~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~t~~~~ t~,~ ~ str~~~ c~ff S~?~~t~ A1p3.n~A ~a ~i~ `~r~~~z~ C~~~~'cj V~~~~ ~,~r~~T ~~a ~~~~~i~ct~~~ ~aifi~ ~c~~pt~~c~ th~ ~x~px~~av~:a~~~t~ c~~ k~~,~ 1~at ~p~,~~ ~a~t~t~ ~~~~in~v~ ~a~ ~~.p~,~~ Stree~; ~ ~~pa~t d~t~d ,7~r~~~~~ ~~r~m Cf~y~ Cc~n,~~~~~~~~,o~ ~~~g~~c;t~~ ~1,~~, Felmlee, r~~~,~d~.~.~ his in~p~~~~.~~ .~~d ~~~n~~~d~~~.~~~ ~k~~ 5~~~~~~~1d~~ ~m~na~ subdivi~i~n~ a~.d ~~~pcr~~ d~t~d :J~x~t~~~ ~9 ~.97~ ~~°o~ A~~~~~~~° P~la~,~~ Wc~~k~ Anders~n gi~ving ~.is r~ac. ~r~d~c1 ~p~~c~~r~,l c~~ ~c~~p~~~n~.~ p~sa~~ct, ~~b~j~~t ta nin~ ~ond3.~t~csn~. T~~,s~~~~~~an ~a~ ~,~t ~~a1~,~p ~,~~~~ad3~~ ~~q~~~°~d c~~~t~^~n~~ tior~ and condit~r~x~~ ~a a~~lin~~ ~n Di~~~~~c~~ ~a~ P~~~~G~ A~d,~~~c~~'s ~~p~r~~ ; ~nsued at g~~~~ l~~x~~1~ ~mo~~ C~•~y C~~c~~i~~~ C~t,~~ ~nd ~Tal~~~ Scho~nf~lc~~r, ~ah~ p~~~~~,~. M~~r>~ c~~,~ ~~~d ~~~~~c~~~~~ ~ra~lr~~r~.c~~ i~ems, numb~r~d'3, 6~,~.d 7~~ l~e ~4~,d~~~~~~.°~ ~~~~~n~s~~ J~~~~.~~ 9~~d, tt~~ ~~a~i~j~~~ and a~tca~~ ~~c~~ b~in,~ d~~;~~ra~.n.~c~ fn~;~,~~r~ : ;~~t~~a ~~g~~d~.~~ t1~~ g~~p~~ completian ax~d pl~c~sn~r~~ c~~ t~a~ ~~q~.~~cr;r~ ~~~~t; ~wd~~~~ ~ t~~ Ci,~;~ ~31~, ~ra~~. wi~h Mr. S~h~~ri~'~~~,d~r ~t~ ~a9~~~~ t~~a ~c~ c~~b ~~;c~~~.~~d b3~ tt~~ ~ire Chi~f and .~a~ d~~~~.a~a~r b~ s~r~~~r?~:~~~5~~~ ~c~~ ~~,~,~tn~ ~,~d~~n~ ~,nd placing it on, ~~d. T~~;~, 6~ ~~~~~d:~~~ ~cz ~c~~ p~1a~~.~ ~~:~1.~,- ties and. dr~,i~nag~9 it ~a•~~d t~~~~ ~`~L~ ~~.~~y~~~~~~ dc~~,~c~ ~~~j~ :M,~~. ~b~~19 NIz. Schc~en,f~ld~~ 1~r~d cabt~in,~$r~, c~aa1~ ~~~nt~~~ ~~~~~~n~ ~~w~~ 1~~~~ ~n,~, no~ draina~~, tl~~~~fa~~~ S~~a~~~~,~'~7.d~~ ~a~.~ ~~q~a~~~~~i ~`bt~,~,n d~~d gra~nting th~ Ci~y ~ d~rs~~i~~~~ ~~~~,~~~nt ~~~~n M~~. ~b~~g ~~3~Y~ d~~d v~~,~s].d 7a~ ~~~b~~c~ to the C3.ty At~~~~n,~~~~~ ~PP~o~•~1. 3, ~~~~~d~,~~ ~c~~~~la~.~ C~,t~ ~.,~~bil~.~g~ i4v , " CITY COUNCIL JAN~~~' 9s ~.g~3 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PA~E ~ action by adjoining propertie~ ° C~.~~ A~~~~~ae;~ Ship~~g~ ~.ndi~at~d ~~.e~e ~~a~a~.~ be no Citgr liability i~.~olved, as ~r1y ~~c~k~i~~i~ ~.?~a~ ari~~ ~~rc~~.ld 1~P b~~~~.n t~~ property owners only. After further Counail diss:uss~.on, c~n an~ti~sxi c~f C~tanciTar~~. W~ac3.s s~~and~d. by Councilman de Leon ~,nd a~nani~o~nsl~ carri~d, trre W.G. Sch~~nf~?d~:r I,~st Sg&~.~t Case No. 72-159 at the south t~raninaas nf A3pine S~r~~t, ~a~~ ~.ccepited, s~a~a~~c~ ~d the following requirements: 1. Comp3.etion of street l:ight. 2. Installatio~, of reqa~irec~ s~r~et sign~~° bgr deve~.c~p~~. 3. Proper plac.~t of fire ~ydrant ta Fire Chi.~~'s r~qaa~.r~m~nts ~nc~ . _ .'.raising anr~'.placin~ hyclr~nt on pad. 4e Street ~rees - a payment caf fee af ~3~.50. 5. Drop inlet at the e~st e~ac1 c~f ~he s~ree4: be construc~ed with a curb opening, as shaw~n on the appxo~,~es~ de~r~~c~p~z~~:t plans. 6. A deed granting to th~ Ci~y easeni~~.ts fox publi~ ~.~il~.ta.es ~.nd. drainage a,cross Mrs . Abel ° S prope:r_ tg~, s~~.d ~~~d ~s ) tc~ b~ a~proved by the City A~torneys 7 e Ncst applicafile upnn City Attorn~gr's : advice tY~a~t liabz~i.ty pr~blenas would be betw~en adjc~inir~g grop~rty a~rn.~~s only. 8. That a labor and mate~r~Eal relea~~ b~ fileci. 9. That the cost of water and setaex~ b~ pra~°r~ted and that benefiti~i~n~g; properties l~e ch.s.rge~. ~kheir pra°rat~d amcaunt ~ahen cc~nn~ctic~n. ~.s requested and refunded t~ t1~e l~~v~loper, aver a ten-~r~~.ar geri.ud. Administrator Butch fu~~Ck~er revi~;~d that i~n. co~ajunc~i~n~ ti1i~i~ acce~tanc~ of Lot Sp1it Case No, 72-159 on th~ south te~mint~s of Alpine Stree~, r~qu~~ted by Walter G, Schaenfelcler, he w~s requfr~:d tn deda.c~te ta ttae Ga.ty an e~s~~n~~nt for utility and drainage pur~poses and ~ s~ri~ af ~mnd f~r ~treet pur~poses. ~~t~r Council discussio~., on motion af Ce~uncilmm~..n Ta~ 1Py, ~econd~d by Councilm~an We~od and unanimously carried, ttie gr~.nt deed frcrcn Mar~+xerite Ab~l, fc~r the d~dicr~~i~an of utility and drainage easemerats tQ ~~:P C~.~y of Arreayu Gra~~~ c+n .a~ p~rtia~ af Lot 107, the R.anchos Corra.l de Fi~clra, Pi~anc~ & 3~n;1sa d~ C~a~mis~~.,. ~~zd tl~~ g~°~~at deed from Walter G. Sctio~n£~lder, d~dica~ing to tih~ City ~~wex ~~.d dra3.na~~ easemEnts and a str3.p of land for ~tre~t purpos~s on pc~rtion of Lot 107, th~ Ranchos Corral de Piedr~, Pismc~ & Bo1sa de C'hami~~l, w~r~ ~ccept~d, sub~~ct ~o Requirement No. 6 abave, ~nd C'~~ Mayar and Citiy Cl~rk were a~.~~r~riz~:d ~o aign the Certificate~ of Acc;e~t~n~e an behalf of 't'h~ Ci~y. T.F.TTF.R RF _ RQA~ BT.OCKAGE C1N WTLTON ° P. VI Administrator Buttc~x ~ead .a l~~ter frc~xn Pau3. Vinc~nt of 251 Larcl~non~ Drive, which was aacompanied bq a pha~C~gra~h of a di~t and d~b~is pil~ bla~cking a portion of Wilton P1ac~, a~id ~~t~~r rec~u~~ting ~h.~ City' ~ actior~ ir~ r~ai?~v~.ng this blockage and re~torin~ ~ul~. righ~-c~f-way t~ reeidents in t~:e ar~~. -A report dated January 5, 1973 ~ar~p~,x~d by I~ix~~ta~ of Publi~ W~rks ~Ar~d~r~on w~~ reviewed, which ~.ndi~ated tha~ W~.lt~~ Flac~ h.a~ r~~v~x b~en iznprr~v~d nc~r ~ accepted by the Ci~y a~d th~t t'h~ p~blia ~ightp~~-~aay wa~ not a~xiou~].~r 'h~~,p~~~d by th~ pil~, but that drainag~ ~n th~ atr~~t was ~ p~abl~m. Aft~r CAU~~il dis- cussion, Admin~.~trator Butch was dir~ct~d ~:o wx~i~~ a le~~~r M~. Uin~~z~t ~xplaining that Wilton P~ac~ 'b~as nc~t b~~n ac~~gt~d b~ tY~~ Ci~y ~nd th~x~~for~, because af established City policy re~~rd~.'ng t~a~~.~prov~d atr~~ta, c~nn~t b~ improved by the CityA _ PROGRESS REPORT RE, BRANCH STREET SIGN~ INSTI~LI~,~IO~T Administ~rator ~u~G'h r~por~~d t"~~,t th~ City h~s b~~n nr~t~~i~d by c~nt~~at~r Lee Wilson thati th~ si~n~,1 sy~te~ to b~ i~stt~],led at Bxa~c1~ S~r~~~ has b~~n assembled and installat~on sh~uld b~gi~, .art~u~,d t1~~ 29~h ~f J~r~u~ry, w3th co~ple- tion of the pro~ec~ to ~ake ab~ut tw~ ~t~ th~e~ w~~ks. PO T- Cn TY W TE Q~CES A V~'GO T~.` E ° C~ C ~N Councilma,n d~ Leox~ gave ~,n a~~l r~pQ~~ ox~ ~h~ .J~n+a~ry 3rc3 ~~et3.ng of th~ County Wat~r R~sottrces Adviacary Ccrm~nitt~~, ir~~li~~ti~~ th~*~ D~~auty Attox~n~y General D~biel had be~n present r~vi~wri~n~ w~at~;~ r~~k~t~ to ~L~e S~lin~~ Riv~~. Administrator Butch h,ad ~l~o r~tt~~d~d tk~e ~~;~~3.~~, x~p~artir~~ tZx~t it ~i~d b~~~ suggested that wa~er ~~ing b~c~. intc~ ~k~~ t~~€~ix~ ~~~n ~tr~~fi ~,t~~a~'f, ~tc., b~ measured. 14~ CITY COUNCIL ~TA~"t.TARY 9y ~971~ - ARROYO GRANDE, CALZFORy'~T~A P~~~ ~ RESOL ADOPT ° AU~HORI2~ T~1PI~S ~"I,~DS Z°1~~~"~R ~"R0~1 MCIRRQ 'F~A.~' '~t~ A~tR(sY~ ~~D~ , Adsninistrato~° ~~.~;c:~ r~go~~€~c~. 3.n ~~c~~.~l~ t~.~.1~i,~g i~~ M~~~°~e~ s~~.ff, it was asc~r~tain~~. th.~,t t~.~~r Y~~,~r~ ~PIC~ f~:n,d~ n~ fc~~° °~s~ tP~~ before the deadlin~: caf Febx~~a~ 1~ ~.9~3. A~ C~,~:~ ~f A~~a~~ ~'Y~~n~~ a~ project _ of a new signal at ~3~.1r.~on ~nd Gx°and g~~:~ ~ng~n~~r~ ~.~.a~ ~~~t ~aa~~ the City's T~PICS b~.l~n~~ ~f a~sp~°ox~~~.~~1~ $~,OOO,OQ, th.~ G:~~t~ ~T~~r~ B~~ ~ff~~r~cE to loan their pr~s~n~ ;~~.I~c~.ti~ri Az ~°cti~~~ ~~~r~.d~;, in~c:~~~ ~ f~cy~~, ~~p~:~.c~ ~.z°5 the next fisc~.l yea~. Aft~~ Cc~r~n~il d~_s~~s~%c~n~ ~~i,t3~ Atfia~neg~ ~~i~p~~~ title of a resalutica~. ~~aresf~r°~3.ng TOPI;G~ ~~nncP.~ tn ~t~~ Ci~~ of Aa°~°~y~ ~~~~c~~ from the Cfty* c~f Morro B~~, ~~ic~ ~~~a1~t~.c~r~ ~~.~~~~°~~ir~~; ~}n~ M~~~r t~a ~xr~~~~~ the agreem~nt with ~h~-C~.ty c~~ M~~xo ~~,y for t~.~ ~~~.~i~:~f~~ of TOPTCS f~~nnds; ~1~~~~° after, a motion u~~~ ~~d~ b~ C~vsncil~~a.n Mi1~is, ~~:c~~.~.~d bg~ C~~n~~i1~,~n c~~ Lc~~ and aananimouslyr carxi~d, t~ di.~~~:n~~ ew~a~t~n ~e~e~3.rag }sal~nc~ ~f resolution. RE~OL~J~'T(~I~ ~Q. 10~fl A RESOLi~°TIO~i ~F CT'1"~d Ct7ti'~T,GT.L QF T~ GZ`i`5~ QF AR,I$~~'~ GRANDE TRANSF'EEtRING TO~ICS ~DS TO ~'~~E CT°I'~' 0~ t~E~].t~YO GRA,NDE ' FROM THE C TTY QF MU~O BAY. On motion of C~o~nne3~~maa~. d~ I~~n~~, s~~ond~:a~ ~i;~ Cc~ua~.c~.1an~.~a Wc~~d ~nd a~n t~Y~ - fallowing ro11 call v~t~9 ta w~.~: AY~S: CGUnr.ilm.~n Milli.s, '~a~3~~r, T~~~~~.9 d~n ~;~a~x ~.n3 Ma~~~ S~~~.?~~g~.1 NAES: None ABSENT: None the forEgoing resol~z~Cio~n wa~ ~a~.s~:cl ~ra~ ~a~apt~d t~.3~ 9t~a d~y~ of J~z~.~n~a~g~~ 19~3. REQUEST TO DRr?.?. WAT~R WET~.P~, O?~ TAT•L~ HO ROAl~ C.~ L~'VINE Administrator~But~h revi,~~E~ ~ 1~1.te~ d~~~~i Jr~ra~a~~ 2, ~.9~3 frr~m ~~~n~ra G. LaVine, ~.41 Tally Ho ltca~d, reqixe~~tir~g pe•r.!ni~sia~~ ~c> d~31~. ~a~l~. an proper~ty at: ~:1~1 Ta1,ly ~ir~ Rc~ady ~e~~ ~.rr3:gati~ari u~ ~ ~~c~pA~~d ~.g~icultural . project as we11 as daanesti~ us~. : Dir~ct~x caf P~bli~. Warlcs And~rsan r~vi~w~d his report dated Jana~~,~ .5, 1973 regarc~atn~; tYse~ ~at~er, inaicating t1~~~~ he sees no prabY.~m !.n alle~wic~~ ~h~ c~ri]~1ing af tl~~ ~r~l~. fcar ir~igation purpo~~~, but £eels that as serviae fra~n th~ M~x~nir~ipal W~.t~x Syst~m t~ ~~ail~b~.~ tca t~~t area, that it shauld b~ ~s~d ~c~x d~an~;st3.e p~~pa~s~~ ~~s~~~d o~ t1~~ w~11 ~aat~r. Leonard ]GaVl.ne wr~t~ gx°~o~~nt ;~nd ~:1~,bzir~,~~d a~, t~~: m~~t~.r~ ~l~o ~.nc~i~~tin;g his willingn~s~ ~o ~ay ~h~ xnP~m~la~7.y L~g~~ ~a,t~r f~~~ ~v~~n t~av~~h h~e wcat~ld nca~ benefit from it, h~,s p~a~o~crd ~r~11 ~nr~ i~s ~a~~ ~or dc~m~~~ic ~urpas~~ i~ approve:d. The Cauncil d~.~cat~s~d uF~~ :~~a~ i~c <i~:~r~tM~, °,T1~~: f~llowi~g p~x~~~.s ~rer~' present'.and al~a cc~az~m~~n~~~d ~n ~~i~ x~~.•t~~r ~n~~x~ d~.~can~a~~ane Ma,ltfi~ic~~r Gallagher, 520 L~an~a Driv~:; Rc~b~~~~ ~r+n~l~~rt, ~0~, Og~t7. C~.r~~~; P~,~l.l~.g k'c~l.~;r, Arraye~ Grande Hi~~ Sc~~o~, ~~t~~~nt; ~~tid Mrs~. ~s~b~r~a ~c~~1~~, 9~a ~i~l~~c~n ~,e~~d. A£t~r fu~rth~~ Ca~un~:~1 d~,~c~ss~~i~~,y ~PP~~v~l w~~ to T~~a~~~d L~V~n~ to proceed with drillin~ a u~~7.1 ~c~~ ~gx~i~~~.t~a~~1 ir~~~~~i~~ pu~pa~~::s, b~,t ~k~~~ the matters rega,rding ~ns~ A~ w~1~ ~~t~~ d~~~~~c ~~~pas~~ an,d ~h~ 1,~,~~lit~ of paying the Lapez f~e ~a~uld a~~11 ~~v~; ~ca'1~~ ~~~~~,~7~d by C3~ty ~n;c~ . attorn~y. RE EZPT 0~ JAN[TARY. 1,~~3 T~(~PEZ T9'~~~..~Q,~,f~a ~]~~~~Z IiLTT~ET Administ~~to~° B~tc~ r~pa~~~c~ ~:~.~.~t t~~ C~.~;r ~~~e;~.v~r~ a$~.0},31~ r~~~~td c~n, i~s 1972~:73 Lapez W~t~r. 8~11,ing, wh,~,ch ~~ttnt w~,s c~~c~~~~d ~t~ th~ T~~p~~ W~,~~r bill d~ae c~n. Januar~ 1, 19~3. A~sra ~~c~~,v~d v~~.~ t'.k~~; T~~p~x W~~~~ C~n.~~act Billi~.g fcar ~he ~iscal ~nd~.n~ J~~~ 30, 1~7'~+~ ~apx~.~k~ i~xd~.c~~~c~ ~n ~,nc~~~~~ of $2,500 to ~he Ci~tgr fa~ ~~n~ n~xt ~i~~~1 g~~~~, fra~A ~982~°73 ~.r~a~aa~~. PT q M F~E S Y E SI~J~,:$E~' JA,~,. A5, 1973 Administ~rator Bt~tch ~~g~~3 c~,~ cc~~3.~:~ c7~ th~ ~~~1%ar~~n~ry ~~a~d~ water system fe~e ~o~ tka~ C~.~~~, ~a~~p~r~d 1a~r K,cs~~rL~ ~~.~;~~:k~3.~, ~nd ~+~~~~~~~~d a m~~~:ng bp.',sah~dule~d fi~s ~~~,d~* t~a4 r~~c~~~. .A~~~~ ~~~;~~xc~.~. d3,~c~.,~~~.c~~n, ~t s~.a~ty session was set for MQrxd~y*e ,7~.~sa~~ 15, ~~'~3 d:00 P.M. ~ 9 ~9~~ 14 5 n _ PAGE ' 7 CI'~Y CQiTN~T.L ~RR.OYC~ ~~.Aj'~DE , CAL~FORN7A . F.~,~~MEN~ D~~~ 6EW R DIST" & DISC . ~ . , ~ ~~~~~:c~~, ~,,1,0 ESS REPOR A G W j~~~ u~f~c~ far ~~~.~.~A~~it1~ a la~~,l 1 ~~.1~. b~: s~~ 'u~a ~.0~. S~c~~t Str~ - ~ ~.~:~~~.~n~, Ad~x?inistra~or B~atch ~.dv~~~d ~ ~ ~~.~~,y ~~~i.r q~ Sewe r A s s e s s m ent Diatrict No. in g r~~t ca~,c~11 ~p hone number, wh€:r~ resiciEnt~ ~:,,es~~~:~. ~~a~ Cc~~~nc~.~. c~ i v~ ~~~~t~.~.y4 p etc. ~.~ox S~hl~ga> x~ct ~ ~~d~.n.~ t~a~ c:~~a~~~c~a.care a~~ ~~~~c~ ~:~9 complaints, ~~,g Offi~~ progress repo~ts f~roYn th~. p~h~.s ~~~~~'W~~~.~n ~I.~.~. d~~~4~~~s~d ~ri~~ ~~Y~: p J complaints received, engineers to b~ lacat~d ~.n CY~~ loc~.7. aff~.e~:. ~~,~~~~,t c~~t;~:r~ ~ha~ bca~ad~ n~,t3~~.~1 `~~~k.~~~g~ Adxniais~r~~o~ B~atcka a1s~~3.~ra~, ~'~n~~~ ~nc~ Sax~3,~~~ were bo~aght by MerrillA ~yn.ch, ~,ent ~~'~~a firm, which came in wcost~~of1 h~ prraj~ct~ to ~r~~~-d~n~s o reducing the ove~~.11 ~ MQ~,r~, 121~ ba~~ c~ d~~.~ ~tc~ ~r~.~a.a~a.~ f~~~~s~s, dmir~istratar R~.teh ~.dvised ~~a~str~.~3.1 tl~~,~ 1~~. J~c" c~h~i.ch A 1 0~~ . s Montego, was exc~.ud~d fro~ ~h~ s~~a~; c~~ar~~ ~ 9~,o e~rt~ c+xi ~i~ H3.s ~.ss~ssas~~n~t wc~a~5.d ~ 'M~or~'s P ~ wished to be 3,nclraded. ~g~,i~,st M~'. would pay and recapture ~~~~1a1~ tc~. F~ax~~~~ ~~3.p~~~rio~. ~f City which Mr. l~.aor~ 3.~ ~g b Citg~ A~tarn~~ 1973-74 tax bi11, ~ndin~ f~x~~'~`~x s~~'~'~ ~ matter was h~ld o'~~r P ~~.nc~x~~ ~C Q~ v ~.s ~r~qc~~st- ~nt ag~~~~~n~s ~ak~~,ch th~ ~~~'~~~~~~x~t~ Adminis~Cratar B~.tch r~v3~~asem ~t~~~ r~~~3.~~d n~~ David, 227 E. Bxanch, x~g~rding ~h~r~v~~ di~t~a~~~ . own~x~~ ~c+ :~i~~~ ~ M~. A~v~.d ob~~~.~~d ~o ~h~ ~o~zn ing certain proper'~~rty far ~Ch~ ~~w~r p~c~3~c~ Q~ ~~~~n~nt ~.~ad ~3 9 e~on~~in "~1o~t~.ng~, ~~fr~;~ ~~~~ss across priv~te Pr°1~ ~s alau~es. Al~~ x~~i~w~d~ ~ ~ ;~t~~r ~~co~ ~t~`~~~ ~d of deed being us~d.as t'~~y ~x~~ w1~i~k~ ~~f~~s ~Cca t~a~ waiver of futux~ d~.mag f~~~x3.n~ D~P h~~-c,£ w~y ~ R3.ght-a£-Way A~~nt of th~ C~~xn~y ~~~o.r ~C`k1~; ~cq~ai.sitia~n c~£ ~~.g ~ e used bgr the Caun~~ tt~~ Sta~~ Di.v3,si.ox~ .c~f Hi~~~~' documents b~ing indicating ~h~t the~e s~m~ forms ~~~d ~ . ~~scil. ~~.d p~~~r~n~ pr~;~~nt 3r~ ae~di~~~~ ~~~~~d the Co on m,~~~G~r: Discussion amar~$ exsan~~ ~a'~~n~i~~ ~a~~,~,~ w3.th the fc~llawrin~ P g~7 S~. ~1c~,~,n~ at graat lengths, Qr,~~~. . 1431 N~wpdrt; M~. and Mr~. Fc~l€~~', Davis,. and Dc~~ie~ O1~on, Sa~~~~ M~~i.a T~.m~~ ~~P 520 Leanna Drivea w~~~ f~~s~ ~on~~c~~d ~y ~~~m~nt9 th~y w~°~e r~q~es~~d fc~r Mr. and Mrs. Fowler indi.cated tYiat ~al~~~ they ~~~id $~~~~~~nt9 the County r~~ard~ng ~xz e~s~~~nt ~,rson~:lly ~to si.~ phone by bu~C ~p~~x b~ing can~act~d~ P ~~ig~~"~~°s~~,yy ~~:lci,x~~ ~ a 15' rig'ht° af-way a t~e ~ip~ p1~s t'h~ 15 ~ix~~ tk~r~~g'h th~ middl~ it iaal~xded a 16' ea~~s~ent t~ ~-ay ~old~ ~~r~~ult~r$1 whicl~ in.cl~ad~d 3 ~~~~~1~~~~ indic~~t~.~~ total of a 31 f~. eas~an~~ent~d to and ~s~d 1~c~~~,~ of P~F~~' of their prop~rty being ~,1ong th~ ~r~~~; Th~ir ~ain co~nc~r~n~ v~e~~ : ~~A ~f-wa~ ~a~3,ta1~ d~~ag~~ pu,rpos~s. 1~c~d in th~ f~.aad c~n~xa'~ rig $~n~C of 1 theg would be be~t~r P i~~n ~hQxn di~d no~ pr~~~d~ ~ox P'Y~ that the agr~~m~nt as ~ ~~i~ ~e~w p~'ym~~t af $305.Q0 fo~ th~ 31 f~G. ~~~e~n~nt. to Mr. R~ynolda' ~ropa; an~ tl~~ Ceau~cil ,a~~~~d ~h~~ ~h~ ~~s~~xx~~~~ d~~d~ After fur~Chex diacu~~~,an~ in t~ie .A~rayo Gr~~d~ S~v~~r ~~~~~~~.ps~y ~~~~ict xo ~~r~y ~ane ~0 1~. C~~y A~t~~xa~'y ~irc~a~.~ted being preaerited to p P d~ 'b~i~$ ~~q~c~~ ~~,n$ No. 1 w~r~ no~t i.n to~~ ~SDist~ic~gA~~~rn~y ~~x" i a~~~~~.a directed to writ~ g . ~t~°.:~~~<4~~c3~d~, by the CounCy ~nr :~.et~~~.'~~.~ ~b~C~~r~~d ~~~nd~d to e~ec es cl~us~, ~rid th€~~ d~~d~ alr~~c~ future damaS clauses. S ~ C ~T S~ S~ PRO RESS PO T ia Qbi$p~ Cc~~n~y ~ani~C~~~,c~n D~e~~i~~' ~ Gl~i~~ P1€~xa~ ~f D~~~snb~~ ~~,972 a w~s ~~c~~.v~c~ by tk~~ The South Sar~ Lu Q~~~d ~la~~ '~h~ pperator's Report f~r the ~on'~ Admi.ni~t~~t~'~ B~'~~~ '~~p Council, r~vi,~w~d and o~d~th.s ~rio~ei~~ ]~3:s~ ~h~A~~~~ e,c~x~~~~~ ~~~k~ ~.r?d x~~~~. Sanitation Di~o~r ~h~ p& ~n P , ° funding rc, ~c~ wil~. c~m~ f~nm ~~d~~~.1 a~~. f3 1+ 87 /a ~I ~'~B ~ ~ WE K- J ~ ~ ~ Ca~~~~.1~~ L~~~, ~n~ p Z AP s~~a~d~d ~97~, ~r~.~ d~~~~n,~,`~~d On mot~ion of Counei9.~n~28 ~1~~r~~~~ F~bru~~Y 3~d9 ~~.d~~ `~Y carxied, Ja~~~ry ~rio~ of 1973a ~~c unanimously w~~~ during win~~~' F{ as open burning Fire Chief Maraal~k. ~~a ~ CITY COUNCIL <J~~.Y 9, ~.9~3 ARROYO GRANDE, CALZF~RNTA F~4.G~E ~ .FT7R~HER DISCT~SSION RE. SA~E OF WATER ~l PI:1~0 ~3EAC~I Mattheta Ga13.a.gfl~~ s.nquix°ed t~ ~i~~ C~:~gr°s i~~~r~~ic~n~ ~~~~,rdi~g anticipated r~qu~st frc~~a th~ C~.t~ of I'~.~r~c~ B~~.c~. fia~ b~.~ ~~.t~~ fr~y~ a~~a~~ Mayor Schlegel indicated tlha~ ~khe ana~~~r aa~.~ not c~r,. fi~~ ~~r~ni~g°s ~g~~c~~.,~nr~ n~ repres~ntatives £xoax? Pisana Be€zcta ~r~r~ pr~~~~~, a,~ k~~d bc~~~~. :~nd~.~~.k~:~. by~ ~oc~~. n~~s, It was clarified that ~h~ City Adariin~,str~.fic~~ an~ D~.~~cG~sr c~~ P~aYS1~c 1Jc~~k~ 1~~,d. b~~n authorized to nego~iate wi~~^a th~ Pisa~aa B~~.~~ ~t~..f~ cs:f w~.t~r ~k~~ ~~.t~ of Arroyo Grand~ ° s T~op~z cos~ts 9 pr~-r~~~d y b~nt t1~~.~ ~a~ ~r~~ n~ ~x~u frer~ P~.~sraca Beach has ccnne forward ta ne~cat~a~e £aart~.Fs~ ~~.nr~€~ ~~a~ ~~.m~ ~k~~y wa~x~: ~ir~t apprised of the ame~unt th~ C~.~y: d,r~aald ~~a~e t~a ~~~~x°g~ F3.s~~ Be~.ch. p~r ~.c~~ fe~ct of water. ADJOURNMENT " On motion .af Co+ancilman ~~.~.1~:y, ~~ecs~,d~a 1a~ Ca,~aan~i3,a~~n d~ T~~c~n .~.nd un,animous].y carried, th~°m~~ti~.~ :~djo~arra~d ~.t 1~:20 P.M. ~n~i1 7.OC8 P.M.9 January 14, 19~3. . .i ~ ~ ~''t~a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ATT'ES'~. t ~ DEPUTY ~~C~~ ~CI,~R MAY(~~. ~ CITY COUNCIL JA.NI~'A~'Y 1,5, 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~"ORNIP, ~:QO P.M. The Citgr Cauncil met ~x~ r~~:~~r ~c3jca~a~n~d ~~~~ic~ix ~itk~ Mr~~~ar Sc;~g~g~1 pre~idin$. Upon rall cr~ll., Cpuancil Me~bers M~l~i~, x~1~,~~, Wcs~a~l a~.c~ d~ I~~on reported pres~nt. A1ao :tn att~n,da~~~ at t~e ~t~ady~ ~~~~:i~~ ~aer~ D~r~c~taz of Public Works And~rsan, ~fark T3adg~s nf Kr~~big ~.x~d K~~bigy and Adana,na~~t~~~A~ ~a~tch. - STUDY SESSIQN - PRELIMIN'ARY REPO~tT ON WA~"E~ SYSTEM FEES ~ KQE~~~ & K~7E~ Mark Hodg~s, r~pr~s~n.~ative of Kc?eb~g ~.~d K~ebi~, r~vi~w€:d ~a~th ~hc~ Council the. Ka~big and Kaebig r~p~rt o:n r~cc~~n~n,d~d .~a~~te~ $ys~ez~ ~~~s ~ reviewing the report ~.tem bgr iti~m. After a g~'e~.t d~~l, of dis~c;~z~s~.~x~' it ~gx~~d tay tk~~ Cau~cil ~k~a~ ~n additional study ~e~ssion ~~~uld b~ 1~~].d. C~~a~,c~3.:~~x~ T~11~y ~ri~l b~ ~1~~~nt until the 2nd of F~bz°uary, ].9739 lt ~~s ~~~~~d tgn~,t ~k~~ n~~~ st~dy s~ssion w~~1,~ be held on Monday, F~bruargr 5, ~.97~ ~,t 7 t QQ P.:~I. ADJOURNMENT On motiAn of Cc~~u~.eilm~~. ~T~.1~i~, ~~c~zld~d 1~~ Ca~tz~c~lx~~ d~ ~r~d unanimously c~rr3.ed, tY~e m~~~i~,~ ~dja~~n~~'.a,t 1Q:S~ P.M. ` ~ ~ a ATTEST• ~\~+``~~->~~I= 1~~'~~~-~~ D~PtTTY CITY : CL~RK MAY~R