Minutes 1973-01-15 14~ CITY COUNCIL .7A~Vt3AR.Y 9, 19~3 ARR.OYO GRANDE, CALIFt~RNIA. PAG.E ~ FURTHER DISCUSSION R.E. . SA~:vE OF Ws~.TER TCl PIS1~1b ~3~AC~I Ma.tthew Ga11~gR~x~ ~.nq~.i~ed ~s t~ ~t~~ C~.~~r°s ia~~~nL3.c~n~ ~~~~rdir?g a,nfiicipated request fr~asn t1~~ Ca.t~r af P~.~rt~c~ ~~~c~. t~~ b~.y ~a~.t~^r f~c~r A~rU;ys~ ~~~~:u~~. Ma.yor Schlegel indic~ted ~k~a~ ~the an~.~~er~ no~ ~r~ t~~: ~:v~ni~ges ~.~~~~.~.,~nd nc~ repres~ntatives from Pi~4na ~~~.~~s ~rer~ prc~~~.rc~, ~ad b~~~. ~,nd~.c;~k~:~. by~ loc~~. n~~,rrs e Zt was clarifi~d that ~h~ City Adsnin~str.~tcar ana~ I~~.~c;~csr c~f F~abl~.c ~J~~a°k~ '~~d bc~en authorized to negatiate wit~^. ~h~ P~.s~a~ ~s~a~,£ caf ~r~.t~~ ~t~~: ~~,C~ of Arroyo Gra~nd~°s Lop~z costs, pro-r~t€~dy ~~n~C t~~.~ ;y~~ n~ o~.c~ f~~ Pa.~s~ac~ Beach has come forward tc~ n~gat~~.te fur~t~.~r ~~,nz~e ~~i~ ~~n~ ~ka~y ~re.r.~ £~.~°~t apprised of tta~ am~unt th~ Ci~g~; ~a~~.1.d ~Sr.~~e 1~~a c'~~~°g~ 1'~.~r~~ Be~~~ p~~ ~.c~°~ fcac~t of water. + ADJOURNMENT ~ On mat;i.on nf Co~ancilm~n T~11~:y ~ s~e~x~d~d b~ Cc~~nncilan~n d~ T~~c~r~ ~.nc~. unanimous ly ca.rr3ed, t~~ m~~t~.~.g r~dJoaarn~d ~t 1~.: 2Q P.M. ~.xa~i.~ 0i~ P.M. ~ January 14, 1973. ":i ~ ATT'ES T.> ~~`ti ?~a ~ c~~ 4,~f c. DEPUTY CI~'Y CI:~R ~ MAY(~R CITY COUNCIL J~AR.Y ~~s 1973 ARROYQ GRANDE, GALI~"~ORN:LA a:(~CD F.NI,. The City Caazncil m~t ixa r~~~~.r ~~i~ca~n~r~~c~ ~~~~~~n ~~t~. I~,~c~~ Sc;h~~g~l pre~idine. Upan ~ol~. c~li, Ccru~zc~.1 M~b~r~ Mi17,i~, ~~lr.~~, Wc~~ad arid d~ ~~o~. reported present. A1$o in at~~n.da~xc~ at t~~ s~~ady~ s~~~~,o~ wer~ A:~x~~G~a~ ~af Public Works And~rson, Mark, He~dg~~ c~f Kra~b3.$ :€~nd K~f~b~~y a~d AdY~~.~~,~t~r~~e~~ ~astch. ~T~TDY SESSION - PRELIMTNARY REPORT ON WA~'E~, SYSTE'M FEES KC1E~.TG & K~F,~IC Mark Hodges, r~pres~ntatf.v~ af Kc~~big ar~d Kcaeb3,~9 r~vi~w~:d w:tt'h t~~ Council the Kc~~big and Kcaebig r~~cart ~n x~c~s~~~.d~d w~t~~ ~ys~e~a f~~~ 9 reviewing the re~ort ~.t~m by it~xn. After a~re~.t d~al nf dis~euss~,~n, it ~~r~~d tay th~ Caa~ncil ~k~at ~n additional st~dy sessi~r~ s~i~tnld b~ 1~e]:d. G~t~~c~3~~n T~~l~y wi11 b~ ~1a~~nt until the 2nd of Feb~°ua~y, ],97~~ t~ ~ras ~.~~~~d t~~~,t n~xt study ~~ssio~t ~ail~ be held vn Monday, F~bx^ut~r;~ 5, 3.9?~ ~,t 7: QO P.~i. ADJOURNMENT On moti.An of Cn~tn,cil~a~~ M~,11~~, ~~~~x~d~:d b~ C~+~axzc~,la~r~ d~ .~~d unanimously c~rriedA tk~~ m~~~i~.~ ~dja~~n~d.at 1Q:5~ P.M. ~ I - ~1/ ATTES T : ~~~4 "i ~ ~ t ~I 1~~,~ ~ DEPU'P'~t C I TY : C L~~tK MAYQR