Minutes 1973-02-27 1b~ ' . , .+~~TY COUNCII, FEBRUARY 27, 1973 , ARROYO GRANDE, CA~IFQRNIA The City~ Cc~~.nci~ ~a~=~. in r~g~xlar sessi~n wit~ Mayor Sch~egel presiding. Upon roll call, Co~nc~1 M~rcabers Mi3.lis, Talle~, Wo~d and de ~ean reported presento PLED~E AF AL~E~IA~iCE ANI9 Iio3VOCA°TI0~1 Mayor Sc~leg~l l~ad. the ~~~dge of A11eg~.ance to o~r F~ag; and immediately ther~after, Co~nci~~n~n Millis ci~liv~red. ~~e ~.nvocat~.on. ,APPROVAY~ OF MINUTES C~unc~l~n~n Tal~.~y correct~ci *th~ ~?ina~tes ~:f ~~ebruar~ 13, 1973, Page 1, under the Y~eading NOTTCE ~F P~TITION REC~IPT QPP~SING ADOPTION OF ORI3INANCE 77 C.S., last sentenc~ ~o r~acl "Cit~ Attorn~y Shipsey expl~~ned that the City Clerk has thirty da~s fro~? th~ rece~pt of said p~titi~n to c~r~ify tlaat the p~tition is sign~d by t~n p~r c~n~ (10%) of the electors residing within the City Limits of Arroyo Grande, a.ft~~ raP~a.c~a the Caa~n.~il may plac~ tflie anatter on a special election ballot or x°ep~a3~ th~ ardznance." The~eafter, on anotion ~f Councilman Talley, seconded by Cottnc~~~~r~ M~~ ~is ~nd i~n~.ni:r~s~usl;r carr~,~d~ ~~x~ mfn~tes of the regular meeting of Febr~ary 1~<, W:a~;l~ ~pprc~~~~ ~a ~y~~pax~~. ~~ci ca~x°~~~-~d. APPR~VAL OF WARRANTS On Tnot~on of.Counci~man de I.eon, seconded b~ Cc~unci].man Wood ~nd unanimously carried, General Warrants 1Voo 12021 thro~igh No. ~2025, Noo 12027 ~nd Noo 12028, and No. 12107 thro~gh No. 121~3, in the tc~tal a~ount of $9,979083; Pa~ro11 War~°ants No. 4620 ar~d iVo. 5234 tl~roaxgh Nmo 5~90, an th~ total amount of $17,032.~0; and Trust & Agency Warxants Noo 1934 th~o~gh Na, 1965, in ~h~ total an~aount of $11,296.26, were ~gprov~~ ~nc~ o~dex°ed paid. RECEIPT QF PETITTON FOR PATtK ~T RESERVOIR NG. 2- AUT~30R NEGOTIAT FOR ACCESS Admini~tra~o~ ~~1t~~ read a petitiun dated Febr~~ary 139 1973 and signed by 27 resident~ in th~ N~~ap~r~°NI~~.tego area, req~esting the C~ancil's support of the Parks and Recrea~ion Co~rani~sion.'s ~~co~nmenda~ion tc~ develop a park at the Reservoir No. 2 si~e. It was not~d that this ~°e~a~siendation had previously been discussed b~ tY~e C~~.nc~l, baat th~ problean of acc~ss to the site had been encounter~d. Counca~.l discuss~on proce~cY~d at length reg~.rc~ing the site, parking space, and access pro~al~~s. Dir~ctor ~f Pixbli~ Works Anderson d.isplayed a map of the Reservoir 1Va. 2~rea, expl~ining that th~re is ~pproxfmately an acre of land available for p~rk ~tseo Mrs, N~ncy A~n Dav~.s, 1~431 Newport Avenue9 was present and c~~ment~d on tne matt~ro Cou~cil disc~ssion continued regarding necessary impx°~vemente t~ ~'~°~e proposed p~.rk sit~9 and it was generally agreed that the ax°ea wQUlci b~ left in it~ natura.~ sta~~ ~ith a few areas leveled off far picnic ar~a~. After f~art~?~r Cduncil discussion, on nnotiorc of Cotanc~lanan Millis, seconded by Co~ncil~nan Waod ~.nd a~nani~nously carried, a~thorization was given to the City to n~gc~ti.a~e for ~~,.c~ purc~a~~ of a vac~nt lot Qn Montego Street, to providc: ~deq~.at~ a~c~ss ta ~h~ progo~~d park at tl~e Tteservoir Noo 2 site. R~GEIPT OF CERT, OF SU~°FICIEIVCY RE PETITION PROTESTING ORD NO 77 C S The Council r~c~ived a Certificate of Sufficiency, clated February 22, 1973, and signe~ by City Clerk Kingsle~g wl~ich certified that she had checked the Ref~~°endaam Pe~;ition pro~~s~ing ti~e adlap~icsn of City Ordin~nce No. 77 C.S., rezoning fro~ R~,-°B3 to RaG,°D, an area bc~rdered on the west by Arroyo G~ande Creelc and on tYse norrch by F~ir Oaks Aven~e, and tt~at to the best of h~er know+- ledge, the Petition is signed by ten per c~nt (10%) of the electors residing within the C~ty Li*nits of Ax°x°oya Grande. City A~~tora~ey SY~ipsey advised that the re~oning 0~°dinance No. 77 C.S. is subject to R~feren~u?n Petitbon, th~.t ~n his opinion the petit~.on is adequate and that ~he C~ty Co~.n~il co~xld ~i~her repeal the ordinance or sub~xit it to a vote of the peopleo Th~ C~~nc~l disc~ssed wh~,t c~~trse ~f ae~fon tl~e~ st~oanld take at this ti~ne, a~.d. r~.yo~° Sc1~3.~gel ~ead a prepared. st~:~emer~t ~which included the recommenda- tion that a C~tiz~ns Cc~~n°~tt~e b~ form~d of 1~ tc~ 15 of the petition signers, who will wortc ~aith t1~e Pl~nning Staff anc~ Planning Casxm~i~sion ~o re°evaluate the Land Use Elernexit of ~'he ~enex°aI Plan, Aft~r Council disc~sssion, on motian of Ma~or Sc~legel, se~conded by Cauncilrnan Millis ~nd. carried, ~:~t~r Att~z°ney Shipsey was authorized to prepare an ordinance ~°escin~.a.ng th~ adaption af O~d.in~.nc~ No~. 77 C.S. 16~ CITY COUNCI~, FEBRttARY 2~, ~973 ARROYO GRAI~DE, ~.~T.~~"OR~I~A PAG~ '2 REQUEST FOR ~YISEii^1A~I~ ~~T THE PIKE ~ iVO. OCEAN~ ~3~M~NT:~RY SGZ~OOL Ad~~n~~tr~~o~° ~3an~ch x°ead ~~ette~° d~~~cfl F~b~°~~n~~~ T6, ~9~39 from t~e Chaia°~an of l~~r~~ ~~~~no P~r~n~ St~.d.~ ~ra~~ ~n~ t~,e Cka~i~caan t&n~-Oce~.no Par~nt 5~~~~ G~~~p~ 3tar~~c~t~r~g ~~~ace~n ~a~r~t~ c~f ct~il~r~n walk~ng to anc~. froam ~c~iool ~~.~n~ Tl~~ Pike tia~a~~~ th~re ~r~ no ~~,d~~~.~~s. TYs~ lett~x° ~eq~ested cons~.~er~.~~.on ~f ~~~c.~.~~p wal~s ia?~.. ~nd ~c~d~~i~nalY~ ~~~~~~t~d a cros~- walk to P~~a~ P~~~~9 s~~~~~. icfl~~ll~ a cross~~~ ~~a~~d. ~h~~~.d ~.l~c~ b~ p~ovid~d. Ad~~n~s~~a~~~ ~~tch inc~~cat~d tl~a~ ~a~t~~ ~.a~ b~en ~~fe~red to Polfc~ C~nie£ Ci~:~i~ ~ncY D~r~~~o~ of P~.b~i~ W~r~C~ And~r~on for t~heir r~vi~w. The Co~ancil di~~a~s~~c~ t~~ ~ra~~t~~ bri~f~~~ C~~xnc~,l~an !°~~~i~y a~so po~nting o~n~ t~.~ hazardoa~~ ~o~n~r c~f £i~.~.c~ron ~nd Z°~e Pik~. Coa~~~~l ~ction on this ~natter was helcl in ab~~~,n~~~, p~nd~.r~g x°~ceipt of repc~rts from Police C1~ief Clark and. Diir~~to~° of F~~~1~c W~~ks And~rsoxx regard.in~ ~l~~~r ~indira~s and r~co~r¢n~ndations. PROCLAMATION m 1°~1NIERTCA~ ~'IE~D SERVICE WEEK" ~ FEB. ~aT~3. ~'HRU MARCH 5TH Ma.~~x~ 5~~3.eg~l p~°~~l~,im~d t1~~ week. of F~b~.ary~ 2~th ~hro~gh I~arch Sth, 1973, as "z~~~~.c~n ~~~~.d Servic~ Week" in th~ Cit~~ of Arroyo Grand~ 9, as requesterl. b~ Rcas~~aa~~ °~~ll~yv a, sponsor of th~ p~og~am. TREASi3RER' S REPORT F~?R THE MONTH OF JAIV[~ARY 4 19~3 Tkae Tr~as-~~~res R~pa~°t for t1~~ Mcant~ of:3an~~ry, ~973, v,ras recea.v~d by tl~e Ca~nn~il, r~vi~~~d and o~de~°~d fil~d. M[TNI. CODE AN1~Na, °~RDI~ANCE AUOPTION - GARBAGE CO~.~ECTION RATES Gi~~ A~~c~~xa~~r Sk~~.pse~ rea~ th.~ ~itl~ of ~n ox~inance amending th.e Ma~.nicipal Co~~ ~~~~,~~n~ ~o garbage call~ctiar~ ~at~s, c~Y~~c1~ c~ill become ~ff~ct~~e Apr~~ ~A 19d39 th~~r~after, a motion w~.s rna~~ b~ Councilman Millis, second~d b~ ~~~.nci~rx~.n c~.e L~on and. unan~.xn~usly c~rried~ ~o dispense with reading b~.~.~.ne~ of t~nz.s ordinance. ORDINANCE N0. 79 C.S. AL~ QRDI~AI~CE OF TI~.E CITY OF ~RROYO GR~NDE ~MENI2ING CHAPTER 4 Q~ T~TI,~ 6 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MIJNICIPAL GODE RELATIN~ TO GARBAGE COLLECTION RA'~ES. On anotit~~ c~f Cat~nci~,a~an Talbey, second~d bg~ Councilman Millis and on the fnl.'lo~~n~ rcl~ call vo~es to ~ait: AYES. C~P~.ncil~~n M~llis, Tall~y9 Waod, d~ ~:,eon and Mag~or Schl~gel NOES : I~r~r~e ABSE:~T: N~n~ the fox°egc~i~g Or~~.n~,ne~ was passed and adnpted t~is ~7th. day of Febr~.ary, 1973. REAPPOI~TT. QF PARK:. & BtTS , IMPROV, . AREA ADVIS . Bf~ARD MEMBERS m R~ITSE & MALIS Ad~n~n~s~ra~o~ Bzntc~ advised ~ha~ th.e Parl~ing and B~siness I~aprovez~nt Area Aclv~.sor~ Boaxd Y~~.s reco~a~nd~~ tY~~ ~°~appc~a.nt~~r~t~ c~f Mx°s . Al~ee Rouse and Mr. Bev Malis to t1~e Ba~rd, ~~°b~s~ ~€:rins ~xpir~d F~b~°~n~.x~ ~973 and each ~nas indieated willingnes~ to s~~v-~ on ~l~e Board ~.gain: Af~er Co~ncil discus~ion; on motion of Coun~il~r~ T~lle~, s~cornd~d lb~ Councila~an a.~: L~on-and unaninno~zsl~ carried, Alice Ra~xs~ and B~v~rl~ M~.lz~ c,~~~~ reappoint~d ~c~ ~~;rv~ can tY~e Parking and: Business Improve~~nt A~~a Ad~r~.se~ry Board.S ~riti~ ~ae~n of tl~~ir *~eran of office to ~xpir~ Febnaary 1, 19~~. NOTICE RE. PR~~~7S~D 1~J~ 130ND ACT T~ FUND ACQUISIT. (?F PARKS, BEACHES, ETC, Admin~st~~.tc~r B~.tc~x r~view~d a l~~t~r dated F~br~ary 13, 1973, received f~ogn GTilli~.~ri P~nr~ M~t~t, J~.9 Director of t..h_~ Sta~~ Departanent of Pa~ks & Recrea~fon, ~~g~rd~.ng a propos~d 19~~+ Band Act ~fl~ich tiaf11 b~ s~abmitted to voters in J~ne of 19~4a TE~~~. A~t ~ai~i~. provid~ grants to c~~.nties far th~ acqxtisition -and establi.sht~n~nt of b~acYz3 ~~rk ~nd ~ecrea~zon~.1 f~c~li~~.~s. SET PUB~,TC HEA,R.~]~~TA$., .,~'DERGROUI~TD t3TIY~ITY DIST~, 1°A MAiRGH 2~ ~ 1973 A~.mina.st~~~c;r Fi~a:~c?~ re~or~~d th~t t~.~ F~br~ar~r l~th ine~ta.ng of the Undergro~nnc~ U~i1~*y C~o~cfl~n~.~ing Co~it~ee9 i~ ~~.d be~n r~commencied that the City Co~nci~l ac~o~a~ a~°~,sc~Y~tiQn es~~blisY~ing Dist~ict l~o, 1°A, wh:~~h will extend the u.nclergro~ndin~ fro~, ~T~vada Str~et ts~ th.~ P~.~ific Coas~ Railwa~ rigkt-of°w~.~ a.~ C~oe~rn I3f~,1. CITY COU'NCIL FEBRUARY 27, 1973 ARR.OYO GRANDE, CALIFORNTA PAGE'3 " After Co~.ncil d.isca~ssi.on, on motion of CounciZyn~n Talleg~, seconded by Councilman Mf11~,s ~nci ~.naniflnously carried, a public hearing w~~ set tor March 27th, 1973, at 8:00 P.M, foz trze ae~option of a resoluti~n establishing Unclergrot?nd Utili~ty D~.stric~ N~, 1-A frorn Nevada Street to the P.C. Railway rlght°of-way. AUTHORIZE PUR~HASE NEGOTIATI~NS FOR HENDRIX AL~LEYW~Y PROPERTY Cd~ncil~san T~1c~od r~ported on the recent rn~~ting h~Id by h.imself, Mayor Schlegel ~nd. Ad~,in~s~ratar Butch with. Mr. Hendrix, regard.ing the City's acquisition c~f 3~I"r. "Hen~.rix's ~.ll~y~way property for the developan~nt of t~.is alley, He indi- cated that Mr. Hend.ii:x is willing to sell the property ~to the City fn'r $3;000, but will not d~~.icate it ~o the City f'or free. Th.e Co~ncil disc~tssed tt~e matter at length, aft~r s~ahich a mo~ion was made by Cauncilm~n Wood, second~d by ~auncilman de Leon and on t1~~ fvllowing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Wood, de Leon and M,~.y+~r Schlegel; NOES: Councilmen Millis and Ta11ey; ABSENT; None, authorization o;~~.~ gi~~n to negotiate with Mr. H~nd~rix the City's purchase"of his property in t~ae alieyway between ShoXt and Bridg~ Str~ets, at a price noti to exceed $3,000.00, ~5~.ic1~ amount is to be btxdgeted fnr. this purpose in the 'next ~ fiscal year. . RECEIPT OF C L4.TM FROM ~USSIE HARWOOD RE. PER80NA~ INJURIES - DENIED Administx°~.tor Bt~tch advised that a Notice of Claim has been filed"against the City by Utn~~ie Harwood. for person,al injuries sustained during a fall on City sidewallcs. The City!s insurance agents recommended that the claim be denied b~ tl~e Co~ncil, as it had not been filed witl~in the timerallowed by the Statute of Lir~i~~.tinns. After Council discussion, on motion caf Councilman de Leon, second.ed by Councilman Woad and unanimously carried, the claim of Gussie Ha.rwoad was denieds RESOL, AD~PT. ° IN`.rENT. T0 APPROVE CONTRACT AMEND. RE RETIRED EMPLOYEES ALLOWANC,~,, Adma.nist~ator Bu~ch reviewed notices received from the Pu~.lic Employees' Retirement S~st~~ regarding recent legislation which granted a 5% allowance incr~ase for r~tirPd. employe~s. The inc~ease to the City for its two retired employ~es is $56~.GO, which is refiroactive, covering the period from January l, 1971 to tl~~ p~°~~~nt. Afte~ Council discussion, C~ty Attorney Shipsey read the title of a reso'l~ta_on of intention to approve an amendment to the contract between the Cit~ an~. Public Employees' Retirement System; thereafter, a motion was made by Co~~ncilx~~,n. Talley, seconded by Councilman Millis and unan~.mously carried, to dispens~ with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 1023 A RESQLIJTION OF THE CZTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAI~DE SETTING FORTH ITS INTENTION TO APPROVE AN AMEND- MENT'T~ CON'~RACT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF TkIE PUBi,T.C EMPIAYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE CITY COT~3CTi, 0F T'HE CITY OF ARRQYO GRANDE. _ On znotion of Ca~ncilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Wood,and on the following ~oll ca11 vote, ~o wit: . AYES: C~aa,n~ilmen Milliss Ta11ey, Wood, de Leon and Ma.yor Schlegel . NOESa Nc~n~ ABSEI~TT a I~Io~:e the for~going r~sal~.tion was passed.and adopted this 27th day of February, 1973. .LETTER FR~DM WO~DS [~NIN1~L SI~ELTER RE. ' 73-' 74 BUDGET Ad.mini~~rator Butch reviewed a letter dated January 2~th from Mrs. Harold E. Lee. of th~ Woc~c~'s Ana.inal Shelter, advising that their proposed budget for ~he fiscal year 197:~°19~4 would be available to the Council ~.pon reqt~est. The budget has been req~.~st~d ~.nd c~*i1.1 be presented to the Council for their consideration upon receipt. SET Pi7BLIC HEARING - REZ0IVE CASE 73-66 RA-B3 TO R-G°D HUASNA RD - MARCH 13TH Adininist~°~.tnr B~rch advised tha.t a recommendation has b~en received from the P1ann~ng Corranissic~n to amend the Municipal Code by rezoning approximately 7 acres an H~zasna Rc~ad across from Rosewood Lane f~om RA-B3 ~o R°G-D with a 62 unit per acre density. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Talley, sec~ncicd bg~ C~~.~ilynan de Lson and unanimously carried, a public hearin,g . CITY COUNCIT~ FEBRUARY 27, Ig73" ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFqItNIA PAGE 4 was set for 8;00 P.Mo, M~rch 13, 197~, on the rezoning application submitted by Mudge, Fel~y and ~~.~gford. LETTER OF° RESICrVr`1~~QN - PLANNING COMMISSIONER ROGER ST DEDIIS Administ~°~.tor B~atch read a letter af r~signation received. from Roger A. St. Denis, to b~ ~ffective Ma.rch 1, 1973. After Council discussion, on motion of Council~nan d.~ I,~on, seconded l~y Councilman Wood and. ~.nanimous~.y carried, the resignation of R~ger A. St. IDenis from the Planning Coanrnission, effective March l, 19~3, w~.s acc~pted with regrets; and Adminxstrator Baxtch was i,nstructed to write ~ 10t~~r of th.anks and appreciation to Mr. St. Denis for t~.is service to the City. APPOINTMENT OF PI.A~T~dING COMMISSIONER LOWELL L CALHOQN Mayar Scl~leg~T r~coamnended that.Lowe11 La Calhoon be appointed to the Planning ~o~nission-~o fi31 the vacancy created by the resignation of Roger St. Denis. K~n ~~tian of Councilman Mi11is, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carr~~d, Lozaell L. Calhoon, 3SO Catxrtland Street, was appointed to serve as a Com~aissioner on the Arroyo Grande Planning ~orrmission, with his term of o~'fic~ to expire on June 30, 1974. APPOINTM~NT'OF'PARKS & RECREATTON COMMISSIONER GARY EVAN DAY M~.~or S~hl~g~ 1 recoiranended that Gary Ev~.n Day be appoi,nted to the Parks and Recreation Cc~Yrnnission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of James Bellot. On ~n~tion af Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman de Leon and un~,nimnusl~ c~.~ried, Gary Evan Day, 177 Pearw~ood, was appointed to serve -as a Commissioner ora the Parks and Recxeation Commission, with his term of office t~ e~pi~°~ J~ne 30, 1973. ORAL REPORT - C~4 WATER RESOURCES ADVIS COMMITTEE MEETING - COUNCILMAN DE LEO1~I C~r~ncilx~an d~ Zeon gave an araT report on the February 22nd meeting of the County W~.ter° R~~o~~rc~s Advisory Ccmimittee, stating tha,t a flood damage report was given by C1~.~.~ Mi~.ne, and Mr. Ken Woodward gave an in depth report regarding a~.audic~.tion of water rights. NOTICE AF MEETII~TG TO DISCUSS ADJUDICATION OF WATER - FEBRUARY 28~H Ma~or ScY~l~g~l informed the Council that County Supervisor Mankins has scheduled ~.st~eeting at 7:30 P,M, on February-28, 1973 in Room 100 of the Arroyo Grande High School, for the discussion of adjudication of water rights with the City Co~ncils of'Pismo Beach, Grover City, Arroyo Grande and Cov.nty service Area ~~~3 0 ORAL REPOR~' - ZONE THR.EE ADVISORY GOMMITTEE - COUNCILMAN TALLEY Ce~uitciim~,n Talley reported that the scheduled February 15th meeting of the Zone Three Adviso~y Committee had been cancelled due to the lack of a quorum, but that two ~~po~ts had been received regarding l) Grover City's blending of their well w~t~r, ~.r~d 2~ an attendance report for the winter season at Lopez Recrea- tional facili~~~s. INFORMATION RE. S4~L~JTION TO TALLY HO ROAD DRAINAGE:PROB~EM Admini~tr~~or B~ntch read a letter dated February 9th from Deputy County Engineer C1i.ntor;. Miln~ regarding the City°s requested cooperation from the County in ~olv~.ng t~ae d.rafnage p~oblem in the vicinity af Ta11y Ho Road.` The letter sugges~~.d ~Ys~ formation vf a flood ccantrol zone and included informaG~on regard~,ng reqaa~~°ements for this type of formation. After Council discussion, Ad.minist~°ato~° Ba~t~~ w~.s requested to look into ~he matter further. Administra- tor Butch ~.1a~ inc~icated that the Gorps of Engineers has been approached for possible help ~n t1~~zs matter and that hopefully the County, City and'Coxps of Engineers c~.n ~c~rk tagether in correcting the drainage problem in the area. RESOL. ADOP'~. AUTHORTZE APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FQk FZ00D DAMAGE Admina.~t~~.~or Butch reported that he and Director of Public Works Anderson had rnet with f~:d~r~l x°epresentatives regarding federal financial assistance for flood dama~e ~.nd ~aae application forms tor this purpose. He r~commended the Council°s a~.optf.on of a resolution authorizing him and Director of Public Works Anderson to sig~. t~.~ necessary documents for this application, which eould result in t'he City°s recove~ing between $12,000 and $15,000 which was expended for flood ~naint~na~.c.~ and debris cleanup. . ~ ~ CITY COUI~CIL FEBRUARY 2?, I973 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF~RNIA P1~GE 5 Afte~° C~~anca.i e~isc~.ssion9 Cit~ At~orn~~r Sh~ps~y read th.~ ti~l~ ~f a resolution aa~~&~or~zing t1~~ Admi.nistx°ativ~ ~ffice~° ~,nd/~r D~rector of Pu.blic Works to s~gn tl~~ applic~.tion for da~nage clafa-~~ t~i~reaf~~r, a anotion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded b~r Cc~~ncilman d~ Leon and, txnanimotasly carried, to dispens~ wi~h. r~ading t~~ bal~nc~ of th~~ r~solaation. R.E~OLU~I~N N0. 1024. A RESOI,LTTZ~Z~ ~F TT~E CITY COUNCIL C3F "CHE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AU~~ORIZING THE AbMINISTRATIVE OFFIC~R AIQD/OR DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORIiS T~D S IG1V APPLICATIO~ FOR DAMAGE CLAIM WITH THE OFFICE 0~' EMERGENCY PREPAREDIVESS . ' On ~oti~n caf Cz~°~ncilman de Leon, seconded by Co~anczlma.n Wood and on the follo~aing x°o~~ c~11 ~ot~, to wit: AYES: Cz~~;;ncilmien Mi11is, Tall~y, Wood, c1e I~~on and Ma.yor Schlegel NOESo 1Vo~a _ ABSEIVT: N~n~ the foregoing r~so~.ibtion was passed and: adoptzd. this ~7th day of February, 1973. CQI7NCILMAN W~~D EXC~SED HIMSELF ~'ROM THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, STATING HE HAS A FINANCIAd~ INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING MATTER. ACCEPT IMPROVEMEI~T'S I~d TR~,CT N~. 409 AND RELEASE OF INSTRUMENT `OF CREDIT Director o~ P~:i~'l~c Works Anderson revie~ed th~e completed irnprovements made to Trac~ Nr~. 409, at Myrt3e and Gard~n Stre~t, and reco~ranended the City`s acceptance of the ~.mprovements ~.n this tract and the Instrument of Credit be rele~.sed, subject to comple~tion of the follcwing itemst 1. Co~pl~tion of installation of stre~t ligh.ts; 2. Slap~ plan~ing on Myrtle Street; 3. P~.rk Fee of $392.50; 4. Filing of Notice of Completion; 5. Correction af gtt~ter g~ade on Lot 13. He further r~coxnmended t~at with the acceptance of this Tract the following items be approveda Payrnent bg~ the City of $1,639.25 for difference in cost between and. 12" ~aat~r line on Cherry Avenue, 2. Ben~fit cost of $3.16 p~r front foot to unimproved property on the s~~th sid.~ of Cherry Avenue to be ch.argeci wh~n th.is property connects and refunded to the Developer over a 10°grear period; 3. Ben~f~.ting cast of $3,90 per foot ~o unimproved.property adjacent to ~rat~~ li.ne on Myrtl~ Street to be charged. to this property when connection is requested and refunded to the Developer over a 10-yeax ~ pe,r~oe~; 4o B~ne~i.t~.ng ch.~rg~ of $~-~.90 per foot to be ch~rged to the uni.mproved p~°op~rt~° ~.dj~~~nt to the sew~r 1in~ installed on Myrtle and refunded ta ~he D~v~laper~° e~v~x° a 1Q-year p~riod. After Cc~aan.~il diseussion, a motion was made by Cauncilma.n Mi11is, seconded by Cauncil~nan T~.1T~~ and ~nanimously carried, that the improvements in Tract No. 409 be accept~d b~ ~1~~ City and the ianprovement Ins trizment of Credit be relea~ed, subject to t~:~ a]~o~e conc~itions9 as r~commended. by Director of Public Works Anderson. GOUNCILMt~N WC~~D RESUNIED HIS PLACE AT THE COUNCIL TABLE AT 9:43 P.M. _ 1~~ . ~ _ - _ GITY COUNCZT~ FEBRUARY 27~ 1973 AR:ROYO GRANDE, CALI:E'O1~TIA ~ PA~E 6 . ~ , ~ ~ , . ` • ° . . . . ' . . . . ~ ~ ~ . ~ r.~t ~ { . ~ s ~ l~1ir~ !~t»~EI' I~o ` 1 ~3 1 . ' ~ .~w w +~r ~r +~r~ w~ ~r? ~wr wr Nr~ ~ w~? ~Mr }~r' a[Mr ~rrr'MMi ~ ~ 4tIM? a~? . > ~~i~~~t„ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~"~`s4 e~'~`~Ir'~r - t• .~rws~r,. ~ ~~~1~~~~f ~,~~rwr~r~rii . #iirir,r.nn,wy ~ ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : o- . . _ ~,~r , . Lr!'` , . ~ ~ " - ~ . - a - ~ . , . : ~ ~ . ~ _ . ` , ' ~ - ~ . , , . ' , : • : .y~ w~a~ ~ ~ : ~ i ~~3 . - ' . . . . ~ ' ~ . ~rsairar+lr~Yr+ir~~~+~irr wr+r~.r~r ' - ~ ~ Y :J~~ ~ _ ~ ~=s~.~a i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ 1l~~ ~ , . . ~ ~ . . ' . , . . - _ : . - "~~~~r"'~' • . '~"~~fi'~` ` e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~r~wr•~ ~~il~ - - ~ i ...r„ ,..,,,w,..,w,,,, ,M,~„ - ~7~~l~F~~~~~~~i~~~ M• y~~~M i~? ~ . ~ y~ i""w'~r ~ ~ ~ ° ~~r~t ~MIM?.i~i~ aw W~I~w~w.uMrr+~M.M...l~.i? ~ . . ~ , ' .r.w.'+..'+r.~iir .rw i..+e ~rr ...rr. . . W~ ~ : : ~ : : ' • . , , +~F+r. ,~r?` ~M~M+? ~~Kwu• M4YMtifi~Fr~Y~ ~ ~ ~ a ':e. . • ' ' ' . . ~ . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ , . • ` ~ ~ ~ ~ . . , , n ~ ; . : ` ° . . . - : . . _ . . . , , . ~"f ~ ~ ~ ~ x~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , x ~ y " ~ ~ ~ ~"rr , s = ~ ~ r. ~ ~ ~ `~C~Z~x.~k~.~ ~ . , ~~~~~3n ~+,wrme a,d~,~'~"q k ~t~; ~ H,., . . ~+~M, ,xf n . . , . . . . . . ~ . 1 b CITY COTJNCIL FEBRUARY 27, 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CA~,IFORIQIA. PAGE MAYOR SCHLEGEL RELINQ~TISHED TH~ CI~.IR T0 MAYOR FRO TEM TALI.EY, DiSE TO A POSS~BLE GONFLICT OF TIVT~R~~T TN TI~E FOI~7AWING Ml~~TER. ACCEPT IMPRO~EME~`TS T~i TRA.CT ?VOa 4~5 AI~D RELEASE OF IMPROVEMENT BOND IDirec~o~ e~~ ~u~~1ic Works Anclerson r~v3ew~d t~h~ co~npl~t~d. improvements ma.de to Tract ~€1:~y ~a~+~~€~~n Ela~ S~r~~t ~nd ~~.~.r Vi~c~ D~ive, indic~ting th.ey have been installed acco~c~,~,n.~ t~.~ acc~pted p1~.n~ and sg~~~fica~ioras, H~ r~cotrunended the City's aeceptan~~ af t~e ixnp~ovex~ents in thf5 tr~.ct ~.n~ t~.e ~p~ov~Ynent bond released, sub.je~~ ~o ~~c~ fol7.owing it~~xnos b~ing a.cc~mpl~.shed: l. Fil.l slop~ on Lots 16 th.roug~. 20 h~v~ b~~n ~.nad~q~a~.tely graded and p~~.n~c~~. anei some additi.onal work is nec€ssary in this area; 2. Tl~e ~~~e~ ~nd water line extensions to T~aet No. 109 fall outside of t~.e e~,~~:~~~ts sv~bmitted. We wi11 n~~d. corr~cted eas~xnents in this area; 3. Fi1.~,ng caf ~Tdtice of Completion; 4. P~y~a~ixt ~f r~~naining fees of $5,337.~9; a. Drainag~ f~~ $3,500.00 ~a ac. @ $700.00 ~o S~i!~~~t _t~~es 202.00 27 Cd . 50 ~ . F~.rk fe~ 296 . 33 ci. Znsp~~t~.on Fee 1,338.~+6 ~~~,922.71 x 0.02 $5,331.29 He fv.r~h.er r~~o~ranen.d~d that with the acceptance of this tract the following items be a'PP~a~~d.: 1. T~~a.t La~ts i~, 7.~ and 1$~ which Taer~ held for ponding, be released; 2. Th.a~ t~.~: prorated cost of th~ wat~r and s~wer lines be charged to the pc~~~ti~ns of ~xndevelop~d property on Bx°ighton Avenue when connection a~~ r~~~:,~~~t~d. and refund.eci to th~ Developers of Tract No. 415 over an ~igk~t (8) y*~a.r p~r.iod be approvc~d; 3. Th~.~ th~ee deeds for drainag~ a.nd. utility easements over the prap~~~;~ b~d:ww~€:n Tr~.ct No. 415 and Tract No. 109 be accepted; 4e T~.~t ~~.p 7.a~p~ovem~nt bonds on this development be released. Co~ncxlana~ M3.11a~s b.rought up th~ flooding problem now occurring at Brighton a.nd. Fa~r.° Vz.~r~ since tl~e tract's development and questioned the City's liabilit~ i..f gh~ ~r~~t~ a.~ ~ccepted. Director of Public Works Anderson clarified that the drainage g~c~bl~an is due to two existing dr~.vewa~s at 1235 and 1239 Brighton A~~er~aae b~~.r~~ in~.deq~.ate. Ci~y Atgorney Shipsey indicated that the City would b~ liabl~ for ~.ny damage, as tnere was no major flooding in the area befor~ developxnen~ of Tract 415, d~.spite the exis:t~nce of the two inadequate drives, and x~comm~ra~.ed ~h.at the City either fix the drives or cooperate with the otaners tY~~~. Director of Public Works Anderson stated the cost of fixing eacl~ cira..v~raa~ wc~~~.ld be approximately $150 to $200. Aft~r Cc~~a.n.~il ~:iscu~ssion, a motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Council~nan c~e L~~r~ ~.nd unani.mously carried, Gha~ t~.e iznprovem~nts in Tract No. 415 b~ ~.cc~p~~:r1 1~~ ~t~~ City and the ixnprovement bonds be r~leased, subject to the abovu c;and~_~:z.nris, as x~ecommended by Dir~ctor of Public Works Ar~derson, i.ncluding ~ccep~~,ne~ caf t~ree easement deeds ~,hen corrected, and further avthoriz~d Director of P~.blic W~rks Anderson tc ~Gak~ ghe responsibility of s~eing ~hat t~.e in~.~.~;q~~~.cy of t~ie t*,~o driv~~a~ys ~.t 1235 and 1239 Brighton Avenue is correct~d. MAYOR SCHLEGEL REJOINED THE C~UNCIL AND RESUMED THE CHAIR AT 9:58 P,M, 6 6 CITY COUNCIL FEBRTJARY 27, 1973 ARR.OYO GRAI~DE , CALIFORNiA PAGE 8 PROGRESS REPO~T ° ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT ~ISTRICT Administ~~.t~r B~.tch req~aested the Coaxncil'~ aaa~~.orization ~o enter into an agreem~n~ witka ~~17P amending the present contr~.ct betwe~n the City of Ar~oyo GraMde ~.nd the 1`J.S. Dep~r~en~ of Hous~ng and Urban De~relopment. S~.id ~.mendm~nt increases the governrn~nt fie13 ~xpenses fro~a $3100 to $F200. Aft~r Co~,n.cil discuss~on, on motian af Gottncil~~,n cie L~on~ s~conded by Councilman Waod and ~.nnanunously carried, the Maycar and Ci~~ Clex~k r,a~re aufl~orized to sign, on b~1~a1f nf the Citg~, an amendm~nt to tne contract betwe~n ~he City and HUD. NOTICE OF MEETINGG RE. LOCAL GOVERNMENT REF9RM ° L`T. GOV. RETNECKE Ad~inis~~~.tor Bvtt~,l~ reported that no~ice ha~ been received from Califox'nia"s iie~~~~n~.n~'Governor Ed Rein~cke of continuing meetings to be held rega.rd~n~ loc~l ~overnment reform, to which Council Members ~.re i,nvited, on b~hal#' of t~~ Gcr~.r~~nor's Cottncil on Intergovermnent~.l Relations. NOTICE RE. PROGI3AM TU SET GUIDEI;INES FOR REVENLTE S~'ARING EXPENDITCIRE Administra~tor Ba:tch r~;viewed a H[3D News Release, which notifies that th~ Department of Hoasing and Urban Development Y~.a.s awarded a contract ~o specialists who will work ~ncle~ a ne~a program entitled Urban Techr~ical Services, which program will a.ic~ ~.ities in implementing President Nixon`~s proposed Community Develnp~?en~ Rev~na~~ Sharing program, which is a guideline for revenue sharing expenditia.r~, INFORMATII~N :R~. It~-RQUTING OF HIGHWAY ~27 ~dminis~ra.tor B~xtcl~ informed the Council that he has u.nofficially heard that the ~°~~°~outing of Hight,aay 227 project has been tak~n off the Division of Highwa~'s project lis~, due to a shortage of funds. Ae reconanended that letters be writt~n to tl~e State Senators,,Asse~nblyinen,.Division of Aighways, `e'tc., req~n~sting r~consideration. of the projects which the Council was in agree7nent ~o, INVITATION TO COUNCIL T~ ATTEND PUBLIC WORKS BaB-Q ON MARGH ~ Administ~~kpr Bt~.tch relayed ~.n invitation to the Council from the men in the City's P~ablic Warks Department, to attend_a barbecue at the Corporation Yard orl March 1~ 1973 at 6 P.M. ADJOURNMENT On mo~i~n raf Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman de Leon and ~:nanimously ~~.~r~ed, t}.~~ me~ting adjourned at 10s10 P.M. ' J 1 > ~ r l 1 ; ~ ~'c ~ ~ ATTEST: , ( AEPUTY CTTY CZERK MAYOR y