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Minutes 1973-04-24
18~ IJ~eS.I {S~J'$Fx~SS~'s`..,~~ ,~`~S8k~,3.~.S.A En`T~ ~~~~~'L ~~1`'~~ j ~~a~iE`~`~."~~~i.~d~. The ~ity Coux~cil i~ re~ul~a s~s~~.~r~ ~si~~ M~:~u~ Sch~.~g~2 p~esa~rling. 1lpon roll call, C~ouncil Members Miili~, Talle~r ar~d Wr~ad ~~go~te~ pres~~t. ~o~sn~i~nan de Leon is absent. PLEDGE OF A~LEGIAN~E A1VI~ I:~T~~ATIf}I3 Mayor Schlegel ~.e~d ~he ~3~r~g~ e~f ~.11e~~.~n~~ to ~ur ~'l~g e an~i i.r:~ediat~ly thereaft~r, P~s tor C~~ 1~., . S~~.r~ a J~. , of ~he S~.~'s~k~~ °~~u~i~erar C~ure~ i€~ Grca~rer City, delivered th~e ~.r~vo~~t3.e~x~. APPROVAL QF MINiJTES The minutes of the ~~gular ad,~o~rrze~ m~~t~.s~g; of Ap~i~. 3, 3.~73 and ~h~ regular ~aeeting of Apri1 R~l~ 1~'7~, w~x~e a;p~~u~r~d ~~°ep~r~d, APPRQVAL 0F WARRA:~TS xn~t3au~ ~t CQ~~~~knaa~ ~3~od, ~~~o~~~r~ C~au.~~~l~~r I~.i~.li~ ~nd un~n~.rnou~~y carried, T~ust &~,g~n~p ~'~~~as~ts ~s~. ~.~~2 ~?a~r~a~~~i No. ~Q~3~ in t~e tata~ amount of $21a149.19; ~ene~cal W~~rar~t~ No~ 101 t~~aaa~Y~ I~o~ ~1~~+ z~nri N~v 1~2~~ thr~u;gh N~. ~2~84, in the total a~?aur~t ca~ ~47,6~1.13; a~d P~~r~°oIl Wa~~~n~~ i~~~ ~r~c~ Nca. t~i~°o~x~h No. 5579, in ~~e tat~,l ~nra~xr~t af ~158Q~.~.1~~ ~~~e ~~~~~~~d ~~d ~icd~r~d p~i~. 0 S~" . Adm3nig~r~tux~ ~c~~~1~ a:~~r3~~d ~ ~°~~~~,uti~~ ~ce~ei~r~d ~r~ ~he Cit~ of Long ~e~cta urgin~ s~.ppt~r~ ~~a~ ~~i~ pa~~~~~ S~~a~~~ ~~11 Nao ~02~ "~i~ l~~d~ra~~- Aid Iii~hasay A~t n~ 1973!'a ~v~,ich ~~e~el~ d3r~~t ~~a~~~i~~ o~ rarl~~~a t~i~Zz~a~.~ fund~ for rail e~r bus !m~~a tr~r~~p~a~t~~~ea~~ ~r~l~ f~~ ~?~~~?~~.~a cQ~~~truct3.ana ~Adm~~$~trato~ Butch claxifi~d th~t t1~3,~ w~.~ i~t~~~~~~.~~ p~~~x°~~~ ~n~3 ~ra~ald eff~~t th~ Gas Tax fu;nds r~ceiv~d b~ C~,t~r £~r ~t~~~~ ~i~ir~ :~~~r~~~~ A,fter Cot~ne~.~ di~~~x~~ion~ C~.ty ~t~c~rix~v ~h3g~~~y xeaa th~ ~~.t~.~ o~ a resolution ~~ging ~~ie ~rsa~~t?~nt a~ ~tnai~~ ~~11 Nc~. 5~~a ~`h~~~~ftex, ~ ~?otion was made by C~un.cilman Wc~od, ~e~or~de~ by ~ou~~~f,~,m~r~ ~I~11~.~ ~,nc~ un~n~Z~ou~ly ~~x~i~d, to ciispense w~.th r~~d~r~~ tl~~ b~~~n~c~ ~a~ ~l~is ~~~~lt~~~,~ara. RIES~D~U~'IDN NQ a lq A RESO~,~TT2QN Qk' '~E CI7.~~' ~OU~VCI3~ 0~" ~F ARR(DY~ GRAl~TDE URGIIV~ T,~ ~?~AC~I~DT7.° ~F SJE~`IA~E BI~,~ NQ, .~02, "'TfiE FEIDERA~-AID I~IGHI+~A~' ACT C1~ 1971"~ ,;~ERTAI~T~I~G ~ UR~A.~t PUAL,I~ TR~.~1~~~RT~T:~4~tQ On rnotioc~ o~ Coun~:i~.m~.tx T~ll~gr, ~~cor~,c~e~ by~ CouYg~ilm~.r~ Millis and o~. the fo4lowir?g ro~.l ca11 va~e~ to w~,t: AYES: Cca'~n~ilmen Mi11~.~, Z'~~.3.e~, W~~~ arid l~y~r S~hA~~el N~ES : IVdne A~SENT: Coun~il~n~n d~ Leon the foreg~ing resolutiorc w~s ~a~ss~d ~,nd ~dop~~~ t'~~.~ 2~a~~ d~~ of Apxil, 1973, PROCLAMATT.OIQ -"CO~FtECT PO~+~'URE MON'x'FZ" - MA~Y„~, 1973 Mayo~ ~chl~gel~ re~r~ ~ p~c~~:~.azna~ic~~, aai~l ~~o~l~~rned ~~e mur~fih of Ma,y, 1973, as "Correct Posture Mont1~'~ in ~h~ ~3.ty o~ A~:roy~ ~~m~~l~, as ~°~c~~ested by ~he California Ch~.ra~prac~~c ~'ro~~~s~.~~. PROCLAMATION REQTJEST F~1$ ~~NA~~lQ)~~T~~ ~~ST CSF'~IGE n~~~T~:r' WI~HI~R~'~t~~' The rec~ue~t f~r ~he pr~c~3Am~t~.o~. caf ~rN~,~~.pria.~ E'q~t ~~~~~.G~ YnT~C:~C~~ was withdrawn. at. thi~ tim~, as ~he ia~for~ma~i~r~ fo1 sr~rn~ w~*~~ made a~vailable„ RESO. ADOPT. - PROTEu~. 0 ` Q~' ~ad7NCT.L ON IN~"~]2Gq ~~~~,AT,~~~TS AT 3/ 15 MEETING Adm~n~.strator Bu~~:h c~iatr~buted ~o~i~s ~f ~n~.z~.~.~e~ c~f t1~e N1~zrch 29t:~ meetircg of th~ San T,u~.s (~bis~~~ Gour~ty tx Citi~r~ A~~~ ~~~nz~3~r~~ C~orc~i~.,~~3sa~ Coun~il, at which ti.rne the eventa of i~~°~1z 15~h m~e~in~ es~t~ ~a~~.~.~~i°~t~ c~£ ~he Cvaz:~~iZ on I~t~rgQVe~rnnental Rele.tio~s wA~ di~sctis~~~;~. ~n ~t'~~~ ~~n~ta~ic~n aaad d~.s~°e~~rd shown lacal representati~res at t~he ~.r~s~ 1~~~ ~~g~~~i~~~, ~b ~~~~~~i ~3~t~ ~ nc~T agreed prcat~st the anee~i,~~_a~r1r~ r~qu~a~e.l ~~h~~ ~~~~.~i~~ d~ likewieea P~sx~uarat ~o this, the County Eoa~c~ nf Su~>e~°v~.~c~~~ ~~~~i3~~~~.~~ ~daasnaiieh~r~~ Cca~n~a.~ cs~. I~t~r~uv~r~.m~ra~€~1 F~~~~.~~.rans ca~ ~°~x~~~`~~Q~ 1~?~~~~i ZS~~, reg~al~~ ~,et~.n~, ~`~~n~~ ~.z~ara ~°~11~~ ~~~k>~srat~~ ~~e u~,cm~~~~~~~.~u ~a~~~~~~~~,. ~nci u~~~cl t~a~ C~icil to ~.~o~~ a ~esc~luic~.uzz ~ir~:~.l~:~ ~~~z~~ ;~~~~~c~ "~y ~i~~ C~u~~~ty ~a~~~l c~f Supar"cr3,~ ~~s . 1~~~ ~~~c~~ ~~~~~a z~a ~~i~~?~.~ ~s~"~.L~~~, GPsI~IF~s~E~~.,~ ..`'r ~F s ~r~~:sc3.z ~i~c~i;v a €~a.t;y ~.~.~~a' ~a~~s~.ps~~ ..~.~:~i~ ~ r~~olu~ie4~r~ p~~~~~~i.~xg ~h~: ~on~a~c~ ~f ~he t~~~tn~;~~ ,;s~a ~~~~.~~rz~~;~ a~ i~s ~rch 7.5~~a m~~~i.n~; t~~e~~~~~~~, rr~~~~.~rx ca~~ ~~~~.~i ~~~ri M~:11~s ~ see~n~,ecl by Ca~x~ci.~.n ~'a~.le~ ~.nd ~a~.~r~~3.anc~~s13~ ~.~,~~~.c.~9 ~c~ ~~.~~~ns~ c~i~~a r~~c~i.ng the balance t~iis r~:~c~1~~ic~ra. R.~~~L~J`~T~1~ N~.. 1~~~3 A RE3~Y,~TT~~N ~ C~'I'~ C~i~CII. ~F TH~ CI"3"Y ~F ART~.~1Y~ ~~ANDE PR.~`~ESTII++~C fiHE C~ND't,JCT mF ".CI3E C~~.TN~I~ ~3N ]~TER- . GOVEItNI~lv~"AT. RETaAT'I~DNS AT I'~~ 1'~lAI~.CH ls, ~973 MEET'?I~TG, On naotion Cr~u~a~i~n l~illis, ~~ca~nded by Cc~~n~~i n Wr~od and on the follaw~.t~~ ~o~.l ~~i1 v~te, t~ w3.C; AYES; C~run~31~~~ M3,17.i~, '~~~1'~~;•, Wc~~~ ~~,~1 N~~=~~ s~r~1~~~i rto~s : r~~~~ A~s~~~: c~~~~~ ~ the for~goin~ r~s~l~~t~r~a~ ~~~~~d ~d~~t~c~ t;~ai~ ~~~t~ d~~ ea~ ,~pri1, 1973. NOTIGE 0~ 0 1tT'~RL'i~ . ,~.Af:ik~ ~ ,~''~T~ T~T .k Pi~ ~ - ~a. _ 1 Adm3.~i~t~~te~r ~~t~rh 3~a~~a ~d t~~; ~~~~~~.Z tk~~~ a~~~~ ~~~~~~~1~ m~~tin~ of th~ I~~~~ ~~I3~~~~3~ Ci~~~~~Ct~~~~Z (~r~~~ti~~ ~~.~3:~~.~r~m ~ill t~~l~ i~n Ventura ~r~ Erid~~, M~~ 4, ~x~~ ~~a~~t~~~t~d ~r~ i~a~3~~~3r~r~ ~~r~ plannin~ t~ ~tt~x~d; w'~~~~~~t~~ M~~~~ S~hl~;~~~ ~ne~ C~~a~~~~~~,r~ '~~11~~ ~e~ ineli~at~d. Z~e_~tntLR ~ ~ gFp~It"~ Fo~t ~r~~~ ~i~~~~ g~e~~~~~ 'I'~e Tr~~~urer'~ ~,~p~~t ~c~~ ~~a~ ~~~~t~i M~~~hg 1~3~:~, received by the Council, rev~~~r~d ~~d c~~~~~~d fil~cie .~?13~ ~.anE Ar~ap~ - Es7~g~ ~~~~s°r~.T~~ r~T~ o~ pn~~T nx sg~a~~, ST City A,tt~rn~y S'~i~a~~~ ~~~d ~h~ ~itl~~ ~x~ ca~~i~s~nce ~~r~d3.ng th~ Municipal Code so as te~ e~t~.blish ~~~iesGri~n ru~~1 c~n ~ p~rtic~n af Sh~srt Street; there- after, a moti~n w~~ m~c1~ ~y~ C~r~ar~~ilm~n ~'~1~.~:y, s~co~.~l~d bgr Cnun~il~n Millis and unanimo~sly c~rri~d, t~ disp~n~~ with r~~ding ~h~ b~l~nc~ c~f ~hi~ resc~lan~ion. C?ItDINAlv~~ l~T~o $x C- :.o. A~T ~ItDINANCE OF TH1E ~I°I'Y (JF ARR.O'~(~ ~I~AI~IDE ANl~NDING ~'IT~ I~1 0~ `~HE ARRbYQ GR~ND~ M~'IC~P~L GOD~ BY ADDING C~iAPT~& 4 ~REmO ES`~'ABLISHING A~~D~STRTA~T ME~~,Y, ~N A F~RTI~1N QF SHOItT 'STREE~ P~dRStTAN'I° T~ CA~,~~l~R1~T7'.~, -STREETS AND I~IGI~4JA.YS CODE S~C'~IQ~' 1]Ll~i~~. 0~ mc~~ion ~f Cr.ti~sn.ei~rc rTi~.13.~, ~ec~nd~d tsg~ Ce~unc~lxma.n Wnod a~ad o~ t'he follctiwiag ro~.1 ~~.1~. vea~k~, ~rito AXES: C~~ar~ci].m~n Mil~,i~, '~~1~.~:g~, Wc~nd ~r~c~ M~g~~x° S~k~l.~gel NOESt Nr~~e AB~ENT: G¢~~~.~ilnn~.~n c~~ ~~c~n the £or~go~ng arcfli~n~~: ~~.s p~s~~~ ~x~~ ~dc~~pt~d itk~~.s ~4~~~ d~y of A~p~i1, 1973. OR). ADQP~;,,. - CTRt~,N~~ 1d.E~'~~~-~.-~-_'~ 'Y :~~~5.'~~~ A~~1T~A.~~C~ IleTCIt~S~ Citgr A~~~rn~y S~ri.~ar~e:;~ x~~~d L~a~ ~:it~.~ cyf s~~x ~~~ec~ix~~n~~ ~antlaaa~~.~~.n.g ,~n am~ndme~.t tn th,e City°~ Pu~a~.3.~; ~~apl~y~~~° ~,~tir~r~~ra~ Sg~~t~~n G~~n~~~.c~:, ~rar.atfa~g a 5% cost of livi~~ incre~.~~; in ~~.?c.s~an~c~ ~s~ C~~~ ~a~a~~.~g~e~~ i~ti~~d pr~.~r ~o Jan~ary 1, ~.971a t1~~r~:~.~1:~x~, ~~acsti~~x wa~ a~~~~.~ b~ Ce~~nAZ~:~~~.r~ MiI~~.~, se~esnd.ed by Councilx~an T~a3.~.~y ~,nd ~~.~~,~.ar~~a ~.y~ ~~ar~.c:d, ~i:~~~~n~~ ~ra.~C~x x~~~c~~.a~g ~t~.e balance of thi~ c~rc~ir~ancc. 19~ Ci 111 ii4Jt/tit.~ iiee YaL ~1.1r 9 i°3 t~ ARROYO ~~I3D~, C:A~T~'f3~+IA 3 ARDINANCE'N0. 83 C.S. AN ORDINANCE (?E 'I'~IE CI~ ~OUN+C~L OF TH~ ~I`TY ARItO~'~ GRANDE AUT`~TORI~~1~G AN AMENDMENT ' TQ ~H~E COtV'~R~4CT BE~~TT THE CITY COUNCIL AND T~ BOARD OF ADMI~TISTRA~'I~N ~dF THE CALTFORNIA Pt3~L~C EMPL~~EES ` RETLRENiEN'T SYS'~~M, On mation ~f Ce~uncilrn~n T~1~.~y9 s~e~nded b~ C~t~n~i~n~ra ~~~d ~.nd c~n t~~ £ollowing rall c~ll vote, te~ ~it: AYES: Councilmen Mill,is, T~11~~, W~~d €~~d l~~o~ S~hl~$~~ NUES: NAn~ ABSENT: Cae~ncil~n d~ Z~o~ the fore~oing ordi~~~~~ ~r~~ ~as~~d ~~d a~d~gt~d t~~,~ ~~~~~i d~~ ~~ax°iI, 19~'3. DISC ~ RE PROP(?SED '~TRTITH IId°1~~?RCFT~S~~' Q~It~ FR,O~G~~D 1~IT `I'~ BL~YER Adminiatr~tor ~utch ~~~i~~a~d ~~~I~ ~h~ Cc~~~s~il ~ ~~u~~x d~~~t £~~c g~°apos~d ordinanc~ pr~par~d ~y th~ st~f~ ~?nd l~d~i~i~~r~ti~~ C~b~]~1. S~id propo~~1 wauld furni~l~ a~ot~~~3~1 buy~~r ~r~~~aet~r, C~,t~, ~ r~g~~t of matters e~f Cit~ record ~~~~~dix~$ Ii~n~~ ca~ ~~~tr~~~t3~~~~ ~r~ ~k~~ ~s~?p~~ky~a ~~id report fu~nish~d upon r~q~~~t ~~d f~r s~ f~~. ~'I~~ ~~t~ ~~~a~~i~, ai~c~~~e~ tla~ report at len~th, ~iv3n~ ~dd~tian~~ id~~~ ~xtd a~c~x~d~~~~~ ~.~Y~ic~n ~~a~u~,d included ir~ the ~rdin~nc~. ~it~ At~c~r~ey S~ii~~~~ ~ ~~at~d can t~~ "Nc~r?-~ia~bility of City" claus~, indic~tin~ it ~,la~ n~~d~d ~1~,~ific~t~c~~. ,A~t~~ fur~~t~~ CAUneil discussion, it w~s ~gr~~d ~h~t this m~~t~:r ~r~~ld b~ h~ld ~b~~~nc~ f~r f~xrther study for the purpos~ e~f ineorpo~r~,tin~ t~~ re~ end~d;~m~radm~nts. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONE CA~E 3~°67. PD ~D Rl, S~ELM S~ FII~ (C~,~S'~ALI~ItL~Y CONST. ) Administrator Butcl~ s~vie~~~d that a r~s~~ut~.an h~.s be~n rec~ived from the Planning Commnission recoxmmending the r~zaning fr~a ~-Dy P1~nn~d De~elo~ment Uistrict, to R-1, Single F'amily R~sid~nt~~l DisC~fct, approximately 20 acres at' South E1m Street and The Pikey as:requested by th~ apgl3~~a~~.on submitted by Coastal Construction Co, and Re D. Gray Constr~acgi~n, Upan being assured by Deputy City Clerk B~xtch tkaat a13 reqa~irements prov~c~ed b~ Yaw had been complied with, Msyor Schl,e~el d~clar~d the h~arirc~ ~pe~. ~nd all p~x°sons would now be heard for or against t1a~; propos~d rezonir~go Local newspaper report~rp Dorie B~ntl~y, r~i~ed cy~a~~~ioms ~°egarding the acreage and reas on for rezoning, wtaictn q~n~s tic~ns ~ere ~n~r~~red by Adsn~.nis trator Butch. Roger Himovitz, r~prea~ntativ~ af Co~.st~Y Ccsnstruetion, ~r~.~ present and explained the rezoning applicanta A pra~~osed d~;~~lop~~nt pTa~~ ~c~r tFie proge~°ty, Elizabeth Jackson, 998 Sy~~mor~ Driv~~ ~~ked ~rh~t ttn~ p~~~~ range of ~h~ singTe family homes would be. Mra H~mov~tz ~~gli~d t~ae r~n.~e i~ ~nticipate~ to be between $28,000 ~nd $37,000, There being no further discu~airan for ~r agm~.n~t t~~ rc~~s~n~.n~, fi~a,y~r Sehlegel declared t~ne h~aring clm~ede Aftcr Cr~~nrac~~ disc~a~s~a~a~, Cit,yr A~torn~y Shipsey read, for its fi~:st r~ad~.ng, tl~e ~it~~ of ~a~ ~~d~.n~~a~~ ~~aending ~~ae Municipal Code ~o ~s to r~zon~ f~aAn P-YD to R°lA c~~t~i$n p~~p~r~y a~a~ ~ka~ City of Arroyo Grande, th,ereafter, a motion. ~r~~ a~~.de by C~~r~~~.l~ra ~'~11~~~ ~e~and~d by Counc~lman Millis and unar~i~aoansly ~arri~d, tm disp~~,~~ L~i~~n x°~ad~n~ t~a~ balanc~ of this ordinaneee D~SCUSSION RE. UPDATING PRESENT FIRE CODE Administrator Butch repox~ted that i~x cunjv.nct~,~n w~,th. ~tYne r~g~ading application of the Fire Department9 Fire Ckai~f N1~rs~.~,~~e .1~~~ r~quested consid~ra° tipn for the updating of the City~~ 1965 Fire CodQ ~h~ ne*~a 1~73 Uniform Fire Code. Chief Ma.rsalek's me~no dat~d Apr3.1 18~~~a r~g~~dir~~ 'aan~r~dme~.ts to be incorporated into the new ~'ire Cc~d~ S as r~zview~s3, ~tem ~~4 ~f ~1~~ memo, ~egarding restricted storage of bulk I..P.G. g~s, wa~ di~ctz~e~d a~C I~r~~t~r b~ ~la~ C~u~x~il, after which it was agresd that this matter sksosald b~ ~~~~r~~d b~~k t~ Fir~ ~1~3.~f Marsalek for further stiady, as ~Y~e trend of e~~in~ ~w~a~ a~~~ ~c~ vehi~l~~ m~~r grow a~i~ res t~ict~d s~o~ag~ of t~Ya~ ~a~ ~~E~ ~ r§ "s-~~n. 19~ ~ ~;~u~~~:a:: ~~~~~a Y4 ~~A~~~ ~ ~,~T~~~~~17[~ ~ - , , ~ . ~ , A1~LS4~.~.'~1~1 ~'~'~Q~"~~i~ A'~"~ '9~ ~4~~3~~ ~l~N~'~~,~~ ~1~~~'~~'~~~~t~ ~~~~~1~'~' ~i~A~~~~~~C~~ ~ ~~'~~~p ~~~~'~~~1`~~ ~~~~~~~~~11~ ~~~i1~ 1~~4t~~~"' npg~~~ s~~~v~~~ ~9.~~~ ~p~ b~q~~~ ~~ksd ~~~r~~,~~~~~ d~~~ ~p ~pq~,~~. ~97~ ~~~~~~y ~kF~"T~ kds~ ~~'1~~?~~l~ N~'~ s~dr+~~kf~~~a ~'~~wpr~ ~kb~~~ ~~#b~~~1.~t ~~0.~"~ ~b~~k "~~sy +~~~~~'r d~~~~~a~~ q~~~~~~~ ~~1~ d~ t~~~~ A~~;~~~~~ G~~~~ w~.~~ ~~y ~a~ ~1~~~~~. ~ b~~~ ~~~p~~~d ~~~~y ~~t~y ~,~'~~A wh1.~~ ~i~a~ ~~~p~~~~ ~ ~ka~ t~~~~~~~~~d~~g t~~~~ ~~v+~ ~u~C~~ ~pp~~~r~~~y ~4k ~u~~~~~n~ q~~l~~~~d ~~p~~~~~~~~~v~~ ~~d~~~~~s~~d~.~;~. Ra~~a~~~~ ~~~~h~~ ~h~ Q b~~~ o~t ~a~ ~~7~ ~~d ~~~,~d ~,~~~~~ri~~d ~~~~~~z~~ ~a ~~~~~d ~~~~i~~~~ Ad~~~~~?~a~~~~~ ~i~~ ~~p~a~t~d th~~ ~a~,~~~t~i~~ ~v~,~~.. ~ ~ ~~a;~~~ ~I~~A~~~Ag~~~, ~~~t~~ ~~,v~.~~,~~ K~~~r~y~ s~~~u~.~;~~ ~~v~~~~ ~~~ht ~'+~y ~~.d ri~h~ a~~~~~~?~~ p~~~,~s c~n ~i~y par~~~~fi~r, w~~ck~ ~r~ s~~ ~~'~3~v'~R ~1~.~~ ~x~ C~ ~~a~~+~~~~; ~k~~ p~~~iat~ ~h~ ~3~~ ~A~~~~~ ~5~~~ ~d p~~r~~Q~~ c~~ p~~p~~~~ Qz~ ~~a~c~ 8~~~~t i.~ ~~a~.~ ~h~ ~~,a~~ ~t~~~~~, Pa1~c~ ~~p~~.~~~ a~d ~i~y ~~.1.. ~~~~x G~u~~eil d~~au~~~~~n~ ~n ~~sn~~. ~ ~a~.~~~~ ~~a~s~d~d by R~u~~~l~r~ W~c~d ~~d ~~~~~us~y ~~~~~.~d, ~h~ ~~~x a~.d ~~,~y C~~~~ ~~~~c~~~~~ t~ ~i~~ ~~~~a~ W~~? ~~~~r~c~~ ~~d Gan~~~u~t ~~~~~i~d~~ ~y A+d~~,~~~t~~~~a~ , , ~ ~ A ~~~~~~~~c~~ ~~~tt r~paz~~ed ~ ~t ~~.~y 'k~~ ~~s~ ~,~fo~d 'b~r ~C~~ . ~h~ ~ppa~~~~ th~ ~~1~~ h~~ r~i~~ b~ ~~7~b~~~Q~ ~~d x~q~~~t~d ~k~~ ~~~~~1'r +~~th~~i.~~~~osn ~ ~h~~ ~r~~~'~ w~iX b~~ ~~~d ~~d~v~~.~~~~~ A~ ~~a~~ ~~~~~G, ~A~~~~ ~c~~a~~ di~~~~~~a~~ ~i~y A~~~~r~~~ 8h~~~~y ~h~ ~~x1~ ~ ~~~~~~Ciac~ ~~p~~v~~~ +~~~u~~ ~~~~~parz~~~~~ c~~i.~ a~d ~u~h~~~w~~~ ~~'~ii~~~~ ~A !O~~~pa ~~d A~~~ ~'~~r~~~~~ ~~~~~i~~~~~~ ~i~~~~~~'C~~~ a ~~~i~~ w~~ ~ds 'qy A~~~a~1~~r~ T~~~~y~ ~~a~~~~d ~y Qa~~~~~~ ~~1~M u~~~~~ou~ ~,y ~~~~~~d, d~~p~~~~ ~~~d~~~ ~h~ 'b~~~~~ ~~~c~~~~~~r~. ~~A~L1~~A~ ~0, ,A R~Aq~I~~'~~IA~ 4I~G CA~iC~~ Q~' Q~ G~A~PA~ A~~~AV~~a A~~1~A~ ~'AA~~BA~t~~~A~ Q'~11~~i A~A ~1~'~A~~~~~~ ~V~~l~~'~1~~ ~0 9~ Q~~~~A ~~~fi~"~' A~A a ~~~A ~ ~x~ a~v~~z~~~~a~~ cQ~~ ~ A~ ~a~~~~~r~~ W~~ds ~~~~nd~d ~y ~~~~~~~mm~~ ~~1~~~ ~~d ~~~~.crw~~~ v~~~,' ~a w~~s ~#Y~~ 1 Cau~~~~m~~ 1~~,~~.~~, T~l~~~?~ W~pd ~r~~ ~y~~ ~fQ~~ ~ ~~N~~s G~t~~a~lz~~~ d~ ~~N ~~wA~~~~~~ p~R~~~ ~~d ~d~p~~d ~k~~,~ d~y l1~~~~, . ~ r~ ~~a~a ~~v~~w~ ~ ~~~~~s~ d~~~~ ,A~~~~ A~v~r~~~ Q~ ~~~~1~y~~ w~~~~~~ ~~ia~ w~~1~ ~ha p~Nw~~~ a! ~~r~~~~ ~b, ~ ~~.+~y~a~~ A~~~~r~t ~~~~bl~whed ~~r~d~.~~ ~,~~a~ ~~a~c~~ ~~a~~~an~, A~~~~k~n~~n~~ ~v ~k~~ ~~,~~~~~.~d ~~t~~dm~~~~ ~~d k~~~t~w~~~ ~~d~ ~k~~ ~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~ ~h~ b~~~a~~~ ~~~~~~m« C~~a~~~lm~~ d~.~~~~~~ad ~~a~ ~~~~t~~~~~ t~~ ~h~~ ~~~~~'a~~~~~ R~tau~c~ r~~~~~°~d ~k~t~ ~ ~~~~~,~.~i~~'~~~~~~?~~~~~ ~~d ~t~~`~~~~~ ~r~~~~~~ ~~p~~ ~~~~~~~~1~~~ b~+~~a~~ l~r~~~, ~k~~a~~t~ ~~ty~~~~~~~ '~~~Q~~~, i ~1~~~~ ~~~~v~~ Q~~~ A~~~~ ~~~~~a~ ~~,~i ~~ra~~ ~~~~r~ ~~~~r~~ i~3 z~~ ~11~~?~t~ CAL~F't~rc~dL~ ~~GE FURTHER DISC RE . WAT~R S~° a'I~M a~ TU"D~ S~~S I~~ a~ i~.~A.~I i ~ Ad~ini~~r~~sar ~a~ec~ r~°c~~~~~a ?~i~ d~~`~~,~.~y~ :~~~~~~,~~g ~~sC~~ i~~~s, . dated M~rch 19~~, w~3,~~ 1~~~ b~~~, ~~c~~.~~ b~~ ~~~~a~~.~. ~~tYz ~,c~,~~~~~.e~ xneeting. H~ st~t~d t~~t ~~~~t~~~ ~~~a~~a~n ~~~.~a~ r~~~s~~~~i~~ t~ 1968, ~nd th~~ ~x~ ~~t~b2i~~~~ ~~f~~~~,~~ Iy ~ fi~~~~ ~~r ~nd accumul~ting y~~~r1~ ~l~~r~~~~~~ ~~;~~°~~~~~~s ~e~~x,~~.~~~ ~,~.li~ ~~~~~~~~d ~~i~t a ~eilir~g c~n ~~c~x~d ~~^~~u~~ ~~~~~~.~,~~a~~,, ~~~r~~ii agr~~a~nt t~. C~~n~i~i~x~ G3~~~ t~~~~ ~~a~ct~ t~~ ~~~d b~f~r~ ~ de~i~ican ~a~d~ ~ ~ ~~~1 ~~~~x~3.1 ~are~~~t, to f~rth~r stt~c~~ ~~t~°~~~~3~~ t~,~ c~~~t~~ st~.a~d~y ch~?rg~, ~nd ~~t~b~i~ ~a~ ~~a~~~~~. ~a~~~~~~~~ t~a~t a public n~~r3,~a~ b~ t~~ld ~~ia~~ ~~~~&1~.~~~d. ~'~~ry° ~~~~ar~, 3~.~ ~,~~z~~ ~ a~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~3 ~ ~a~ t~~d p~rson~.Il~. e~n~d~~t~~~~A ~~~c~.~~~~~,~ ~~a~~~~~, ~~'b~~~i,~~~.r~ in tk~~ Ci~~ ~a~~~ t~.~~ ~c~~~~~b~~~~~ ~~a th~ ~~p~~ ~~t~~° ~3~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~c~~~Ca 3~~ ~Ail~~ 5~~~~~, ~~~~o~~ C~~a~~~~ d~~~~~~~,~~~, ~ ~a~~~a~~s~ ~~w~~~ ~~~~~~r~ ~~~~~3£~~ syste~? f~~~ ~~t ~ ~ m:~~ ~~~~~E~~ ~33I b~ d~~~~in~c~ C~~~~t1 ~~r~ ~~~W~~~~ ~c~~~~r~~ 3~~~. a ~ ~ !~S , 4^ F . . . . . @~ C~u~?~i1~~x1 ~~:~$e~~~~d t~~~ 1~~~~ ~ta~a ~cax~~ 3 Advi~ca~ C ~ qc~~ z. ~,~a~~~ T~~~t~~r~~ Plant is n~t ~ ~e~i~~b3~ z~~~~~,s~~ ~~~~c~~~ ~~~~~a~~~ ~~~a~ ~r~r~~~ t~e Ca~rmiet~~ ° ~ ~~zz?b~x°~ . H~ ~ ~~~i~~=3 C~ _ ? t~~~ ~c~ ~a~:~fi ~t ~h~ ~1~~~~a ~r~,nd~ Caun~iY Chax~b~~~ f~r i~~ 1~~~~ ~~~~i~z~ ~~~d ~~~~~~~~c~ ~~n~3~~~~~~.~~ be given t~ th~ c itte~ z~~~~:~n~ y~~ c~~,~~~~~:~.~ ~~t~ c~~~~?~3,1 ~~a~n~~~s ~~c rota~ion ba~i~. ~.1~c~ ~~~~~,~~ri ~t ~~x~ a~~~;"~.~~~ k~~:d ~a~~~ ~-~p~rt~ ~rerm 13~~ril W~iter~ regarding ttr~ amc,u~~ ~f c~~=~~ t~a~ ~~s~.ll~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~a~~ ~L ~h~ L~pe~ Recreati€~nal ~r~~~ ~.n3 ~ ~a~~ ~ti~~i~~~. ~~ing ~~x~si~~:~~d fcs~ in t~~ w~t~~° treaCmen~t . AUTHORIZE HIRII~T~ ~d~' T~E~P,~~I~I~J~'EE~ ~"e~R t~.4'T~~t `1`~S~"T~~ Fi~(~Rf~M Aci~inist~~~c.yr ~az~cl~ z~~~.~w~c~ ~~~:pUr~ ~.s~~~~. .~pril 1~~tz frc~ Dire~tor of Publie Works ~4nct~r~son, ~eq~ae~~ix~~ p~rrni~~icsn tc~ tai~r~ ~ac~ t~z~~o~a~°S~ e~nglc~y~es to ~ assist t~.e depar~tan~r~t irs ~~a~ ~~~~;skn~n~ `~f t'~~: G~.~~° ~ w~~er z~r~d se~r~r ~ys~~ms, which progr~m~ ~r~ ~r.citaL~3g~~~d ~s~ ~~n~ ~i~~ Aaa~an.~~ s~~ S~pt~~ab~r o~ 1973. After Council discusW ion, ~r~ m~~:~.~ar~ Cc~~en~~3.~.~nn~~~ M~~.~.3~, ~~:~mr~c~~d~ bgr ~c~~n~i~a~n Wood and unarsime~c~s9.gr ~~rri~:d, ~t~t~i~a~i~.~.t~~r~, :~r~~ I~~.~e~.~~r esf ~ab~.~.c Works Anderson to 1~~~e tur~ ~~~cax~.~~° ~mn~~.c~g:~~~ ~c~~ ~1~~ ~J~~~r 1?~~~~~:~n~n~, to as~is~ in the abov~ s ~at~d pr~s~r~~~~ . AUTi30RIZE CLF.A.N ~JF Gl~~k - I~3° ~ MA,~ ~x. 1~73 Qn mc~t~.c~n ra~ G~a~~a~i~tt~~,n 'Z`~~.~,~~~, ~~c:~r~c~~~ b~ C~a~a~,~~.~.a~~.n. W~~d .and ~nn~.~.is~~usly carri~d9 M~~ 7~tn ~?a~~u~~a 1~I~~ ~,~t~9 ~:~7~, c~~.~ i~~~~.~~~~~~ C~.ty C~~ssr~-U~s W~~k~ as recc~anended b;r ~ir~:~~~~ s~~ Pba~~~~ W~~rk~ r~r.~dex~~~~,. PROGRESS REF~R~ - ~°~~IC~ ID~;PA,E~T'M~~°~ „~~~I,~„~,,,~~~. ~~~~fi~ Ae~~~.ni~~~~~ar ~~z~~~a ~~a~ea~~~~ ~t~s~t t~~ ~r~~~~~~.n~ ~s~~s,j~~~ ~f ~&a~ ra~~s ~po~.~.a:~ faci~ity l~cs. I~~leya~~ ~.~c~ G~+x~zaw~~~ i~ aQ;o ~~~A~~pr~ ~r~.t~a ~~a~ ~ra~~.c~tp~.t~d re3oca~~~n a~ thr~ ~°~a13~~ D~p~~:~i¢~~d~: ~e, ~~~~a~~ kT~ ~~a~~k~~;~^ ~~^wi~^~~d sew~~~~l change ord~~ r~qa~~~~s ~.xa ~1~~ s~~n~vd~T~.~~, ~~e,w~~~;~, ~~a~.~~. 3.s.~a~las~~~ ~fi~~ fe+~.~.aa~ain~: a~. ex~ensic~n mf ~he anr~~n~€~rd ~°~~f ~~.~,o~~ af ~~.fa~(~; ~co~~n~r~ t~p~ ~~c~ c~binet~ i,n the kitcl2eLZa and ~~tc~r~.~~ ~~.~~,r~~:~ i~a tt~~ ~~e~°~ r~:~~xc?~nxs, z~~ c~~~t af $250. Th~ ~ouncil d~scua~ed t&~~ ro~f ~~k~Y~~~~~a. r~a~sae~t ~,~c~ ~;~~is w~.~ nca~ vit~l at this tizr~ in va.~~a c~~ ~~1~ a.c~~~c~ ~~a~~a~z~;~c:, t~~•~ ~~~t~~x coa~a~.d b~ recox~sider~d ~t a later ~:irne if ~.tc ~~r+zr~d fi~ 1~~ ~3r~~,~~~k~:~g~. ~,~1:~~:x~ c~i,~~a~~~ican, c~n m~~ic~~. of Cnuncilman Mi11is, ~~~~xad4c~ C~~na~c;iia~~.xt T.'~.~~.~~ ~r.c~. ~~g~x~.~.rno~~~.~ c°ax~:i~d, authorizati~n w~.~ gi*~~n ~:c~ ~~~r~~~~R ~r~.~~+ ~t,~a~: :~.m~~~,ry~°~~~:~^.~~s~~ :~~:q~a~~~~d ~csr t~~ ira~e~ic~r o£ the b~i~dia°~g, ~t a, ~c~ui: s~f ~~~~.a(~. L?'TER R.E_ UOG B?~N ~}D~ S'1'A'.C' .~S F~~~~ a':~"A~~; PA~~~ ~~~'a~. ~i~.. '~~ze C~~zn~3.7. r~~L~w~.~ ~ ~~~~r r~~ 1Ev~~~;~ ,~~~e,a.~r~c~ ~.~°h,~t. ~€~z°k~ ~.xssa ~te~r~a~ic~n. 173.re~~~r Wil.~.~~~ ~~x~*~ ~tr~~~~ ~~~~3~~ ,~,~A : ~ ~.~~~i~~ ~ca 4~~~ ~~°c~m , aL°GVr?," ~~''r .~.f'"~~~~`s.'~` ~`~~°£:~s~`„~`t't ~,',€",v~~.o `~'.°`;2~? ~,~A'~`~`~< ~a~a:."s,,~.~z; ° ~`~'~a~`e3Tl~ ~~.'~1 ~i~E, uuia C q~,... . " .z, „ . X.v,x. . ,yb_ u ~.,..~.a::~ '.r'~~iGa:L~ p y ~.e..;~:3 a„ t1~ iN~'"x.~.i."~~, '~"`e?~+~a@?z'~~i ~ ,`,~,.~;i:(!, ~l'x"i~`;i,~ c'.°J :~'xc':? r~"~fl5.'~11 . County beaches. : _ , , GITY IL A~'RIZ. 2~+, ~.9 o. ~3YQ GRANDE, CALIFORN?A ~~~E 6'~ P U P OF D ME S T D _ Director ~f Ptnbli~ W~x~ A,n~~~~c~n ~~~~.~~~rl t~~.~ in ~~~jax~~~i~~a wit~ ~~p~~val of Lot Split C~~~ 72-~~r"+, ~~i~~ ~~~~ix~d t~~~ ~s~~~~,~~,~~ ~f N~l~~n Street9 requ~st~d b~° P~~~ ~~~~t~~ti~~, i~ r~~a~~~~c~ ~I~l~~n 5~~~~~ b~ ,extended, f~ill~ i,~pr~~~d .~nd ~~~i~~fi~~ i~, ~ ~~al-~~-~~~, ~~t~nsi~an d~dicat~d to th~ City~. Zi~ ~~g~a~°~~:~i ~I~~~t ~a~~~ p~~3n~ ~~a~ ~~~°~~t and install~ti~~ ~ ~t~~~t l~,~h~~ ~~,1 ~~la~~ x~~~~,~~~~~~~ b~~~ ~~~l~~c~ ~i~~ to City st~nd~xd~. ~i~ r~~ ~nd~d th~t t~i~ ~it~ C~~an~~,l, ~~~~~i~ d~~d I~~~.~a~ Stre~t ext~n~~~n, ~t~b~~ct Ce~ ~ d~p~~~,t ~ ~~~~i la~nci ~n~ ~f er~c~3.~ -in th~ ~mourit ~f $2,OOa ta ~c~~~~ tt~~ cc~~~ th~ r~~n~~,~ ~ip~~~~a~z~t~. After Co~,r~cil eli~~u~~~~an~ o~ ~~t~.~n ~~~~~il,~~~ ~~~d~ ~~c~r~~~d Cour~ci].mxn T~Zl.~~ ~r~~i~a~~~1~ ~~~~~,a~a ~a~ t~~ ~3~l~~xa St~~~t ~~t~n~ion o~~x~~ ~c~~~t~d by t~~ C~t4~~, ~nd t~~ ~ 3~~~ ~~d G~~~ ~~~ta~~°i~~ci to si~~ tt~~ C~~tifi~~t~ ~f e~a~ ~e~~ t~~~ D~~d f~~an ~ic P~c~ C~~~~~~~i~~ ~ p~~t~,~~~ 9 ~~~~~b~i~*i~~~r~ tlx~ R~a~nhoa C~~c~~1 d~ Pi~~~a~ Pi~~~ ~~d E~1~~ C~~~~~~. A~~__~~n~~~ ~a~ sA~~nr~~~~~ ~a~~ Ad~ai~ni~ t~~t~~ ~u~~~i ~h~ S~x~u~~t~~i~, ~at~ict~ C3~~ A~~~,~~~y 5~3~~~~ c~~i ~~.~a~~. ~~~~~~c~~~~ ~3~~ ~~3~ ~~1c~ Ave~u~ ~i~~i~ ~f ~r~~ disput~. ~~~a~~il d~~~~~~~,~~,~° C~~~ci Ta~ll~~r, ~~~~~d~~ b~g~ C~~~~i~~~ ~~Yli~ ~~x~~~a~~~~~~ t~~ ~~~~t D~~~ fronn 3~~n~ S~~u~~t~ri ~r~d A~~I~~ ~~~~~~~~i ~~d ~~~~t ~~~d ~t~a~~ 3~ ~t~~i, Ay~ko Sa~a~,?~t~ri, Aki~~, S~ ~t~ri ~r~cl ~~k~ S~ ~t~~°i, ~~rt3,~~~ c~f T~~t~ 107 and .Lots 104 ~f th~ ~c~~c~~I d~~ P~,~d~~~ Pi~~~a ~~d~ d~ C~ ~.s~1, w~~~ accept~d ~nd th~ I~yo~ ~r~d ~it~ C~~~1r ~r~~~ ~~cthc~~i~~d ~i~~ ~~i~ ~~~:~~f~~~?t~s of Accegtan~~ c~~ ~~t~~l£ ~f tY~~ Ci~~. RF~Nr~~R ~E COL3NCTL'S Q~Er. m~n ~T S~~~r~~v~ Adnninistx~t~r~~utch ~~inded C~i~ C~un~i1 ~a~~~~ti~°~ ~~s~~~n t~ follow the ~v~nin~°~ m~~tin~, ~~c~ c~~ ~h~ b~d~~~ ~~~d,~ ~~~~ian b~ h~ld on May 7th at 7:30 P,M, OL ADOP - V E Y S~~T 22 City Att~rn~g~`Sk~i~~~y ~~v~~ra~d .th€~t pe~ ~ r~q~~st re~~~.ved by tY~~ C~~xncil at its last regular meeting and the C~~xncil's ~n$~in~ i~~~x~uction, la~s pr~pared _a =resolution ~f intenticar~ ta vac~~~ an ~ll~y ne~x Al,l~n. ~t~~~t, wh3.~h ac~joins the property of Dale P~t~rson, ~rho ~~q~ne~t~:d t1~~ ~~e~~~an, ~nd t~~znin~~~s a~ :the Pacific Railro~d ~i~ht o~ wagr and Cr~~~ S~t~~~~. After Council discu~~i~n, C~ty ~ttc~rr~~yr Ship~e~ ~~~.d t~~ t:itl~ of a. resolution of `int~~,t~.an v~cat~ a pe~~t3a;n o£ ~l~~y n~~r All~n Stre~t and setting th~e public he~rin~ £o~ $~id v~~~t~,c~n ~n I~~r ~2, Z9'~~ ~t 8 a 00 'P.M. ; thereafter, a m~ti~r~ ~r~,e ~~d~ bg~ C~t~nc~3.~n T~ll~y~ ~~~~~ci~d bgr C~axnci.l~n~n M3:1bis and .unanianou~Ly a~rx~i~d, ~a d~~pen~~ wri~l~ ~~~dir~~ tk~~ b~,1~n~~ t'~i~ ~~so~.uti~n. RES~~L~~IQN Nt~. q Q A RESALtTTIQN ~F' THE Cx~' C~L~TCI~, ~'H,~ 'CI~X Q~ ~7.t~~0 . GRA~TDE SET~ING T+'~RTI3 I'TS I1~T'E~TTIO~T ~ V~C.~~E AI~~~S TN BLOCK 2~~ TI~EE WAT,~TUT ~ROV~ El~~~~T~1~T ~ND FI~tI~T~ `TI1~ ANA PIACE FOR .I~ARIN~ ~S 'PRQV~D~U F~R ~~~t~~TS A~A HIG~WAYS COD~ SEQTIAN 8~20, E~ ~~C~. On m0tion af C~aan~i'Lr~i~n Waod, e~~c~nd~d by ~~u~~~.~.z~~n M~.11~~ ~nd on the follaw~.ng .roll caAl ~r4te, tc~ wit: AYES: Councilman Milli~, T~11ey?, W~~d €~r~d M~,~c~~ S~kal~~~l NOES: Nane ABS~NT: Couz~ci].~t~n d~ L~~n the foregoing reaolution ~aa,s ~sa~~~d ~.nd adc~pted ~h~.s 24~k~ d~~r s~~ ~gril, 1973. ~ ~3Q0 Y w5 5 / 3 ~ ~3 ~~~ion csf ~~~n,G3.l~s~n T'a?~~y, ~eccanci~:d ~~~~,zt~.;~~rE:~~ Mi.i,~.~.~ ~nd a~ra~~~.r:~usly c~.rr~.~c~, ~c~~~cilr~a.n Wood w~s gr~x~~~d ~~;rsni~~i~t~ t~ a~~ S~~t~ ssf California frc~ Apri~. 25, 1973 ~hraa~~a Mk~,y 3, 197~3, ~~q~s~~~~d hy C~unnc~:lman Wood. 19~ v:ll.i ~Vl\4t1L ~~Y+ ~d~~°Fy ~ 1~~,~ ARRd~YO C'sItA13DE, GALIF~D~TTI~ ~AGE 7 AI2JOURNMENT TO EX*EC~T,~IVE 'SES~IQ~N FOR FER~QNNEL MA'TT~ On motion of :C~uncil~?an M3.llis9 s~cor~d~;d b~ C~a~nci ~ T~Yl~~ ~r~ a~r~.nian~usl~t carried, the Cotaacil ~cljo~rn~d at 9.3~ F.M. t~ ~~~c~~i~~ di~~a~~~ personnel mat~ers. ttE~ONVENEMENT The Co~xncil r~c~rn~~n~d .~C 10~28 P.M, r~i~ ~r~b~~~ p~~~~nt ~h~ ~~n . roi~ ~~ii, ~ ~ ~ A~,TOURTTMENT On motion of Cotxncil~~n Wo~~s .~e~~nd~d ~y C~u~acil~~ ~i1~.i~ ~~d e~na~ni~~as~l~ carried, th~ m~~ting adj~urn~d 10;30 P.M. ~~t31 9;30°P.~t., ~:9~3. ~h~ Council will att~nd th~e ;re$aa~~~ a~~~~i~~ e~~ ~h~ ~Pa~~l~s ~nd .R~~~~~~ica~ is~i~~ on Apri2 25, 1973 ~i 30 'P,~i, . -y\ ~ ~ ~ ATTEST:~ ~ r~_~ f ~ ~~r~ ~ ~ DEFU'~Y CITY CI~R~ I~~R