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Minutes 1973-05-08
19 CITY COUNCIL Mt~,Y 7, 19~3 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNT.~. 7:3~ P.Me Tta~ City Ctauc~cil xnet in r~g~l~r adjo~rned s~ss~.on ~i~h Mz~yor Schle~,eP presiding. tTpon r~o11 ~a~.l, Co~nc~1 Memh~r~ Mi1~~.~, T~.ll.~g~ aa~e~ W~c~d x~pcsrt~d present, Councilm~n d~ i~~~r~ is ~b~e~at. A Qi1RNME 3 A FQIt E~ E l~ T~~ On xnoti~on af C~u~~~,1zn~,n ~~~,l~gr, ~~ccsnd~d lay~ ~c~u~a~~~.~a~~ M~.1~.~.~ ~~d van~.n.i- mou~ly ear~^ied, C~u~~~.~ ~djc~~rn~d ~:~3 P.M. t~ ~ac~~~a~~~a~ ~~~~iQxa ~ca discuas per~can~e~. ma~k~~a. R~ONVENENlENT The Counc:Ll r~a~nv~~ed a~ ~:1.~ P.M. ~r~,~k~ ~11 r~~~ata~~~ pr~s~n,t a~ ~heswn ~sn roll ca11. R~vzEw & ~iscu~srorr wA~ER s~s~~,}~.F~~~ The C~uncil reu~.ewed t~h~ ~aruge~s~l te~ ~s~a?a1i~h s wat~~ ~g*s~em fee ~~a~ dir~cu~~~d v~ri.ous c~a~ng~s in th~ ~,o~ez fee dist~~.baatic~n fe~o ' It wa~ ~gre~d by the Council thaC ~ gubl~.~ he~ri~?g will be lneld r~:garding Me~~r, Distributic~n, 8ervice Main and Lope~ Ck'tax'$e~' ~ahiCl~ he~xix~$ ~ril~ ee ~et by~ t~~ Coaancil a~ its next r~gul~r meet3.n~ ax~ ~y 8th. BUDGET STtTDY SESS~7,QN City Admi,nis~~^~~c~x~ Bu~~~1n ~r~~sn~~d th~ 1~73-7`+ Px~li~ins~y Bud~~fi to ~he CouncaLl ~,nd s~n.narized th~ ~c~~a7, bud~et. Tt~~ G~~e~.~il and Ad~~.mistr~t~r Baatch reviewed the ~irst ~~etiaa~ R~weau~~, ~~~pp~~~ ~Yae C3.ty Council's Bud~et. A tent~tiv~ ~~h~dul,~ ~f feart~a~~ b~~~~~ ~~ud~ s~~sica~~ was s~~ a~ follc~ws: M~y 8th a~t~x th~ ~r~un~i~.' ~ ze$~la~ me~iti~:g; ~nd 7:30 P.M. c~n th~ ~a~lr~in$ da~~s; ~'ta~~~day, May 7.Ot~, ~z~~day~ Ma~r 29~~a; ~+dca~rl~~~ ~'a~ne ~+tk~~, ~tzd Mo~d~y'' Ju~ne lltk~. ~j~s~,QURN~'lENZ' On ~not~on caf Cau~cil~.~r~ ~iae~dl, sec~nd~d by Cown,~~l~nan M~llis and unarni- mou~ly ~~.rx ~d, t~~ m:~~ti~,~ ~.d,jau~z~ed r~k T.Q:Q~ F.M, ~ ATTE3~ t ~ ' ~ ~ ~ .d/1~ :,1 . • A~F~J~'~ CI'~`X CI~RK MAYO ~ITY CQ~TC~T~ MAY 1973 ARRQYQ t~R~1,NDE , C~I~IFARl~~'# Ci~y C~uncil zn~t ~,n r~$ul~r ~~ss~c~ra with May°or Sch~.e~el pre~idin~. Upcan xol~ ca11, ~c~u~nil M~~l~~r~ Ntillis, T~1~~~ a~.d W~~ad r~~a4r~~d gr~s~nt. Caun~ilzc~,n d~ L~~an ~,1a~~nk, FLEDG~„Q~ AI L~G~NG~ ,~D N ~a,~rc~x ~~h~.~$~1 3.~~d tl~~ ~l,~d$~ ~.l~~~f.~~~e tp ca~x Fl~gp ~,nd inanedi~t~ly the~~~aft~~:, Cc~~n~~.~an~~ M~11i~ d~liu~red ~k~~ in~rc~~~ti~~. APPROVAI. 0~ MT1~ILLTT~S ~i~4a~~~ +a~' ~h~ ~~~al~~ ~n~~t~~,$ Qt Apx~il. 24, 1~7~, ~~r~ ~pprc~ved .a~ pr~p~~ed. A,~PR,OV 0~ W TS ' Q~ ~Q~~a~ c~~ Cc~~x~~~l~r~~ ',~~,11~y, s~~c~~ded bg~ C~~r~~~lr~a~n Mi,llis aa~d un~ni- znous~y car~i~d, ~~z~~r~,l. ~i~,~°z~n~~ Nca, 10,~ thr~~~~lh N~. 11~ ~,r~d N~. 1~~~Q thr~+~a$h Na. 12925, i~. th~ tca~al amaun,~ of ^~22,128.62 ~nc~ P~y~^a11 W~rr~z~t~ No. 46~5 throu~h N~. 4G9~ ~~d N~. 4799, ir~ tl~~ ~ca~~l ~QU~.t $~7,4~2.5~, w~r~ apgrc~veci and ~rrde~red g~id. R~CF~,I,~'~Q~' I~,~TE ,~,~e~0~ ~AN F~~FA 1~TT & GQy~QR° 3 OFFICE A l~tte~ da~~~d Apri~. ~4~ 1973 fr~'m Stat~ ~~a°k~ ~nd R~cre~ti~a~ D~~~~t~r Mot~, Jr~ gutlir~i~i$ mad:~~~e~,~ian~ t~ tk~e da~ b~n. c~n St~~~ b~~ck~~~ in ~tl~~ C~cantY, and a let~er f~om Edwi~ Wq ~h~~?~s, Ad~i~.i.~tr~~~v~ (~ffi~~r ~f ~t~~ C~ti~.n~t ~f th~ Governor'~ Offi~~, d~t~d ,~pr~9, ~Q, 197~, ~~~~~a~r~~ ~he ~~a~~ne fc~r th~ e~~g ban, were briefly ~~~~~w~d 1ay th~ Caunci~. ~~.~~t~r d~,~~d ~A.p~~.l 2G~~ ].~7~ ~rc~ ~k~~ Az~~y~a Graz~d~ ~kza~~nb~~ o~ Cc~anerGe Mana~~r, A~]. Ccax, ~~,a~~€~,r~~ tk~~ C~un~i1' fc~~r it~ ~u~~parct dux~.~~ ~he 1572-73 fi~eal ye~ar, was r~c~~v~d. COUNCII.~NN~A,A,N DE ~~0'~ ~N~'~~E~ 'I~~~ ME~~TN~ D~TRI~i~ 'C~ A~t~V~ MA~TER. 1~~ C ITY COUNC I~, 1~~ 8 9 ~ 9 a~ ARRJYO GRAiVD~, GAL~~OR1~3r'S. PA~~ ~ INVITAT.IQN ~`0 ~PEI~ H~ti aE ~F ~6~MMQ~~~ITY C~~1S~~,II~~~ C~~~'~R m ~ ~ Adanin~s~ra~c~r B~.~c~. r~~r~,r~a~d. ~n ~n-~~~?~a,~~.~n ~~a~~ ~o~~~ ~f th~ Coa~a~unit~ Ca~n~~y~.~~ Ce~~~r9 t~ 1~~ l~~~c~ I~~ :~~9 ~'~~r.ha YC~~A.~Ie 9~Pe~o at theix new facil~.ti~~ ~.t bQ$ ~rid~~ ~ S ~c~c~~*,~, _ ~ Il.~~ ~:E ~ ~~~.~c~.~~.~c~ a,~~~~~l~~ps of~ered by th~ C~:nt~~ ~~a~ ~.ls~ ~~~~~~,a~d., i~ETTER OF C~MMEND~~'I~~3 T~~ P~b'B~'~C G~C~R~ IA~P'~ Da ~~~~~~IZ. Adaninistrato~ B~s~c~~ ~~~.d a~.~~f:~:r r~~,~i~~c$ I~..c^T~~~~btE~ D, . S~~~ncFz, 375 Coach Rc~ad, co.s~s~nd~.ng D~~°~~~~r ~s~ Pa~i~l%c W~~k;~ ~ra~l~~~o~ ~.~d ~~a~ C~ty c~~c,~ for the~,r time~~ ~.~d go~d ~c~b :~n ~.T2v~~.ati~.g ~.~~5.~n~.gp p~~~~~~ ~r~ C~~c~S Roar~, `~Befor~ ~ar~d "af~~r`r phrat;~~;ra~~~ nf ~~.~e~. ~ ~~~4n~~~~~ ~~;p ~Mr. ~ S~~~nck, DEPARTMENTAL REP~R~ ~OR '~I~E MnN`TH OF APRI~, 1~7~ The D~p~.~°~~nt~.l. R~per~ fUr c~f A~ar~.~., ~9~3, ~as~ ~°~~~iv~d b~ t~a~ Council, r~vi~aa~a ~.rd ~r~~r~d. fil~cla TREASLTRER' S REPf~RT F~R T~~ MOl~i?~ 9~ APR~I~ ~.9~3 Adm~n~stratea~ B~e~~.kx e~~~trib~a~eru ~:Q~ie~ c~f ~~~~:1~~ ~~~~.~~~.~~r°~ ~.~p~a~t ~f~~ ~tlae rzonth ~f Apr~l~ 1973, wtzi~.'~-~ ca~.~ n~~ ~:~~~c~~. :~~a ~.~;~~~c~a, b~a~: ~~a.c~ ~ecn c~~r:ga~.~t~d. in time for ~Y~~ Coanxac~.l a:~e~~in~. T't~i~ ~~pa~°w ~aa~ ~~~~::~,~~c~ ~g~ ~~.c, C~~~~~.3~, ~~~i~~~~ci and ord~red fil~cl. MUrdI COUE A.~~D - Q12D AD(~P~' - ItE"~d~~E C~S~ 73-~3 ~~~'I &~i~JE P~KE ~COASTAL/GR.Fi%' C~iVS`l'.,2 City A~~~rn~y~ S~i~ps~y~ r~~~ ~h~~ t~.~l~ ~f ~n e~~°d~n~.~a~~ a~~~~eE-~r:~ M~anicipal C~de to ~eez~r~~ frcrn~: P°D,. P~.~~~.~~ D~~~~la~crs~za~t I33.st~°~c~, +~o R-1, Sirgle ~ar~i1~ Re~~~.en~i~l T?i.~~~z~~9 ~:~~°ta~.n ~~op~~~5~ ~ya~ Cit~ c~f A~~rc~y~~ ~rand~y th.~reafte~, ~ zr,e~ti~n. was ~nad.~ by C~~.r.~,i~a~~.n M:~~.li~~ ~~~~r:d~~. G€~~~.~il° man dp Le~~. ~.~d. a~n~.ni:~~as1;~ c~~p~i~d, mc~ dL~~~ns~~ ~i~?~ t~+.~ b~.1~~.~k' of this ordin~.n~~. ORDT~dAALVCE N~ . G a 5~ . A.N ORDI1o3ANCE (~F 7CHE C 1 i'Y ~F A~tt~S~~ ~~itAr~I~E ~.ME~I~I~~~ A ~ PORTIQIV ~F THE Z~~VIIVG MAP OF ~.'"~E C~T.`~ ~1F ARRQY"~J ~RA~VDE REkERR~D IN S~C'~IQ:C1 .3Q2 OF TITT~E C~FAPTER 4~~ TI~EE MUN~CTPAI, C~DE SQ A.S TO REZONB GERTAI~3 PR~I'ERTY IP3 T?iE C TTY OF AItR~Y~ GRA~'DE , On an~~i~n c~f G~aa~n~il..~a~.n cie L~~n, s~e.and~d 1~y C~a~ncf~~rsan Wc~crd and ~n the following ro1~. c:a11 va~e; to w~.t: AYESa C~~nc~lr:len MiI?i.~, ~al~~~, W~~sd9 d~: I~eo~. ~.r~r~ ?~.~or Schleg~l NQES : Nr~~.e ABS ~'NT o ?V~~~ tl~e fox°~~a~.rg C7rdir~anc~ ~,r~.~ pa; vec~ ~.nd ~d~~~~d tk~~.~ ~~~~u day af Ma;~, 19~3. REVIEW QF LE~IS~TI'~E BiTLb~T:CI~S ~'1t(~M L,._~AG~~ C~F GA~T~(~Ri~~. CT`TI~S Admin~.strator Fa~t~~. r~ ?i~ua~d ~r~.~~?~ C~~u~~i~. ~~~~:~~,1 s1~.tiw~ B~.lletins r.e~eiwed fro~ri ~th.~ Le~.ga~F nf Cal~.fc~r~.~~. Cit~.e~, ~m.~~e~a~~.L~.~~ ~~a~ f~l~ca`a~n~: i) AB 973 re. ann~xation c~f un~n~orgdr~~ed i~l~.s:c2~ ~~.~.~a ~u~a~.~e~? ~nx~%n~~rpo~~~ed but surr~~anci~d by ~an~ wi~hi~a a cra~go~~.~e ~~.ty~, ~.B ~.i~~ ~P~. ~ ~~~~1 ~acc~.~a~.cyp tax on ~ransi~nt ~:ra~.~.~r ~~aa~~s; 3~ aB r~. ~~.x~.~:na~~z~ ~r~.~ r~t~; ~B ~94 mandatc~r;~ Plan.rain~ E~~;;;~~:nt~, w?~ie~~. ~~c~za~ci ~x~~:~.d c~~ze ci~'~~ c~~ ~~~~e ~le~~nt~ from ~7~.ne 3~9 ~~73 to S~p~e~ab~r °,0, I~~~, ~nr~ 5) ;1~~, z~~. s~c~rl~ar~n's cc~pen~~.t~.on ben~fi~.s. Aclgn~ni5f:~atr~x B~.~cka ~.T~r~ revie~~~~i. 4~ ~.~t~~r f~c.~±a T~~~~°~ ~~a~s~~r~k~d~~~., Executive Dir~ct~+r c}f ~t~:~ I,e~,~~~ +~f ~alifc.~rni~ Cits.~s; re:~~~nse t~€~ Ci~y°a lett~r re~~.rc3in; ~kae: ~a~a~.i,~y p~~i~ic~n ~f t~.~~G~~.x~~i~ ~zn ~.~.~:~rgca~r~:~~aana~~.~~~~ 1Z~^~.~.t~.~n~. ORDTNtANCE~ UPI)ATII~I~ F~l3.E PRE~1~N`~I~IV CODE - FI~T ~~.~TN~ ~ldznin.a.strato~ ~a~t~~. rev~e~~~d tai~1~. t~.~ C~~a~~°~.~ ~rti;c~ ~~~~?~a~F ~ar~e'.f~~~r~ :P~~~~~~ng Director Ga1~.~p an~. ~t~.~ ,r~~.€~~r ~~orn Fa.x~ C~n:~~f M~.r~~.l~~~ b~~~~~. ~~~~.rdin~ ~t:~.~ ~ Council's q~e~~i~n;~ abs~ut ;~~r.s~~.ge c~f, L.P. B~.11c ~~~a~~g~ ca~ ~,.I', ~a~ allowed in ~.zi M IDi~~r~ict~, ~a~b~~~;t tc~ LT~€~ P~r~i~ p~~:~c:~~.tn~~, FJ;r~a~~d b~ ~.~Z~wed in abcave ground stora.ge ~za a PM Da~~r~.c~, in ~~.ich ~;ren~ ~cs~ir~~ Qrd~.n~.r:c~ would need to be ~~.a~~.~ed to f.a~~:~;.tat~ ~:z~s. l~~j CITY COITNCIL ~Y 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL~FORNIA P~~F 3 T'he Council dise~tssed th~ rna~~e~° f~.r~h~r ~.nd ~.g~r~~~ ae~~yp~ an ~r~~nan.ce updating the 1965 Fire Gad~ t~ th.~ n.e~ ~973 Unifar~:i F~,~~ Co~~ St~.~d~.~d~, a~d x°efer the matter of L.P, gas storage ~.r P~I D~s~t~icts ~h~ P1~.~i~~~.~ ~o~-~ ~~~~n for their recoiTmtendation. After Co~an~~~. disc~.ssion, A~~~~~~~ SZ~.~.p~~y ~~~.efl ~l~e title of an ordinance a.~nending ~th~: 1965 Fire Go~.e~ t~~r~~fte~, a~c~tion ~as mad~ by Councilman Tall~y, seconded by Co~.ncilr.~~.n a~nc3 ~~~nunc~a~s1~ ~a~~~.~d., k~ disp~nse with reading the b~.lance of t~~.~.s ~rdina~c~~, On motion of Council~an Tailey, secox~dp~. by G~~n~.~.~.~a~. 4~c~~s~ ~nd. ~.nar~~so~n~ly carried, the matter of L.P, gas s~orag~ being g~~cn~~~ed in PM Di~~rfc{~cs, ~a~.s referred to the Plann~.ng ConaY±ission fc~~ their re~sr~P~ a.r~d ~ec~~rse~.~.ation. PUBLIC HEARING - ST. NAME CHANGE OF F'RONTAGE RD. ~0 EL GAMI~T(3 RE~3~ ° RESQL. ADOPT. Administrator Bu~ch reviewed t~a~.t a resal.~tion h~.s b~en r~~~i.v~d fraar~ t~i~ Planning Coimnission reeananending that Frontage Road9 ~~.t~.in the ca~rpc~rate limits of ~he City, be renamed to E1 Gamino Re~.l; wh.ic'~ na~e c~.~.n,ge ka~s ~~~n ~.dopt~d bg~ the Coun~y and Pi~mo Beach for portions ~f Frontage Ra~c~ ~r~ th~~r r~spect~,ve jurisdictions. Upon being assured by Deputy C~g~ Cler~ ~~at~h ~t?~~.t aIS~ reqttire° ments as pxovided by law had been complied wit~!, May~r S~.~il~gel c~ecla~ed the hearing open and all persons would now be h.ear~. far or aga.inst t?~e stx~et na~e change. Glenn Cherry, Huasna Road, representing Arrc~yo D~vel~p~aaen~s, wl~ich is pres~ntly developing pr~perty on Frontage Road, sgo~e in favor of the name cha.nge, r, ~ There being no fur~her discussion for c~r a~~.i~.s~ ~hange, M~.~or Sc~tlegel declared the hearing closed. After Ca~.nc:i~ d~.~~~ns~i~~., C~ty At~csrney S~;~psey read the ~itle of a resolr~ti~n changing tl~~ n~.r_ae of F~on~a.~e Roa.d to ~1 Camino Real; thereafter, a anotion was made by Cotznc~.lm~.n Ta~,~.c~, second~d bp Councilman de Leon and un.animously carried, to dis~?~nse with xead~ng ~:he ba.lance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. I04~. A RESOLUTION ~7F THE CITY COUNCIL 0~ TH~ CI1°Y ~F ARROY~ GRANDE CHI~NGING THE NAME OF ~HAT STREET Kl~OW1~T AS F'RON~AGE ROAT~ LY~NG WITHIN TFiE CORPORA'I'E'I,IMITS OF T'HE C~T~' OF ARROYO GRANDE, TO EL CAMINO REAL. On motion of Councilman Mi11is, seconded by Coannci~ian Tnl~od a~.d on the ~ollowing roll call vote, to wi.t: AYES: Councilmen Miilis, Ta11ey, Wood,.d~ Leon and Ma.~or Schle,geT NOES; None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was pass~d and a.dcap~~ed ~h~.s 8th d~?~ of M~.y~, ~933. SCHEDULE SET FOR COiTNCIL BULIGET STUDY SESSIONS Adma.nistrator Butch. recc~zmnended and ~he Ci~~ Coaa~.c~.]. ag~~~~. ~o set tk~e following budget st~nd~r sessions: after the conc~aasfon of t~~ ~res~nt r~g~elar Couneil meeting, May 8th.; az~d at 7:30 P.M, on tl~~ foTlc~wing dates : Ma.y ~.Otrb, Ma.y 29th, June 4th_and June 11, 1973. I~L~TICE OF NEW ANNEXATION FI~ING & PR~CESSING'FEES - BOARD ~F EQUA~,IZATION Administrator B~~ch. revi~wed a~.otice r~.~eiv~d. tr.o~ar. t~.e S~~.t~ Bc~~.rd of Equaliz~.tion regarding n~w fees t~.at wa.ll be char~;~~ fc~~ t~.~ £il~.ng aracfl proces~ing of annexations, which will go i.nto effec~: Jt~lgr 1, ~.9~3. v~.sca~~~ion followed reg~.rding who should pay the fees, cansis~~ncy in. t~.~ Ca.~y°s pa~i~jr of cl~arging these fees; and wh~.t ch.ar~e~ ~th~ City its~lf sh.~~5.c~ ~r~.k~ i~ cc~nrae~tion. with annexations, for 3.ts work involved. T~ze Co~ncil ag~e~d t~at th~is maicter b~ ~turned over to the City staff for furth.er study. SET PUBLTC I~EARING - REZONE CASE 73-68 R-1 TO R-~.-D, P~ONTE~ ST. - MAY 220 1973 Administrator Bufich advised that a p~.blic h~aring ~.a~ b~en set for Ma~r 22, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. on the Planning Cc;nrnnissi~n°s r~c:ox~n~;r~da~inn for appr~ual of Rezoning Case No. 73-68, Montego Street, frrnn R-1 to It°~°I~, t~~ "D r~v~rride" for height lianit control of elev~n feet ~11°) f~oxrF top a~ c~arb tc~ l~ighes~ peak of the house, excluding any chimneys and other appurtenances. 19 CITY CO~tCI~ g ~ ARI~OY~ GRANDE , ~~4LTFC91~i"~ ~ PI~GE ~ SUPPORT OF ~,E~ISI:,ATI.~~V 1~~dDI1~~ ~~~YG~L~ ~~.`?"S~uS ~dmini~~x~~~t~r ~~~.~c~ r~~~~e~~~~. ~ r~~~~ ~~~~~.~~r~ ~~-.~~d~ ~~r~ Pa~~~ ~.r~~. ~~~~~~~~~n C~i~s~c~?~ ~r~.~iYC~t~~~ ir~ar~:~~ ~~.p~~ar~ ~f p~~~~~~~~~. ?~~~~.~~~,~a,~r~ ~~;LL~~ b~~~~~c ~~t~~a It ~.rge~ ~he Co~.nc~l ~6 ~+r~i~~ ~ ~~,~a:~~~~ ~.~i:~~r caf ~~~~~~~~e ~?~c; ~~3~.~~~~r~ ~°x~d9 cc~py ~f. ~a~.ic1~ ~.~t~:~~ ~a~s ~.ls~ r~,~:~~~r~~c~, ~~~.t~: D~;~~.r~€~~~n~ ~~~t L~~,l~:~~.v~ Wor~~o ~ Afte~ C~aanciT c~i~~a~s~ion, Ad~~ini~~~~.~:~~ ~~~:~h ~~a~~,~~~~~~~1 ~ ~ the 5~~.~~ D~p~.~~ra~~n~ 1~~~~:~~ ~c~~~.~ ~c~:~~~~~,~~ ~~:.e~ ~~~a~,>~~r ~,~f #-~x~ r~~~x~t~.~ ~~assed 1~~i~1~.t~c~a~ c~st~blish~rc~ fa~rad~ f~~~ ~.~5~~:~~~g~~~~~ ~f °b~,~~,°~~~c~ W~~o LETTER FROM C0 E~]~IDTEER`S D~Pi 1RE I~~I;"v~~E PR~~:~'~vI ~~V It~A.D Adminis~~~.ta~ P~~.tc~. r~vi~~~d c~~~h C~~.~~~~, ~~~:~~re ~~~;~~~~c~ ~~e~,~ Wallace Ba~r~, C~~i1 ~n~inc.er fc~r the Cc~Aan~:;~ En~~.n~~~~~~~~; I~~~~.~~:°~s, ~~~,~.~c~~.ra~ thei~ res~xlts of :a p~el~r~inax°~ ix?~;~~~~a.~~.~a.e~i~. ~f t~~ c~~~.~~?~.g~ ~~'~b~~~~. ~n TaI~.~% Ho Road. The recan~an~n.d~d s~l~.t~:nns ~~~.~~aa.~.~.~ t~a~~~ ~~~~a~~~~l;~ ~~~~~~~cY by th~ Cauncil fr~m c~tYz~~c aganc:~~~, DISG~dSSIC~N REo PRQPH~SED C?RD ES'rA~ ~'C~,.NT~ARI~S ~i"~dZ. [nTE~~~ M~. J~.m~s Ga~:~~, I~ire~~c~r c~f E~~~rc~r~?~~a.~.~Y ~I~;e~.T.~~ f:~~:~ ~tY~~ C~~:n~'~ ~f 5~.~. Luis Ob~.?po5 was pr~se~~ ~.nc1 ~'v~~~~,~~a ~~h~ ~.a~c~~~::~~~~. ~f ~~.:a,~~ C~TFa~a~~~: (~5~.~.a.~~ Cantrol. ~c~ard t?~~~ ~z~i~~sx~°. ~~~.~~.~.~.3~ a,~.~~t~~. '~;yy ~~.~~~,r~ <,~~.~~m~~ ~:,~~~~z b~.sin, in reg~.rci ~o th.~ d.~iTl.in~ ~~ncl ~at~~r~.~~~n ~-af ~~~1~9 ~~~a~ ~r~s~~~~~,~~.~ia~n~ of ~saane. Th~ Cob~~t~~Ba~.r~. ~f S~ap~r~~.~~rs ~i~.~ no~ ~~.c~~~~~d. a~~~n~.~.~~, copies of wt~i~~i ur~re s~.bs~?z~.t~c~ to ~k~~ C~~aanc;il. Mx .~~,~e.~ ~~~~d t~~.~ ~~a~a~~ standards ~.r~ ~0 1a~ ad~pted by M~y 23~d, b~.t t~~~.it ~sr.~~i~.~l;~ ~;x~°~ra~i~s~.~ c~~ ~a~~^~e will be gr~.nted ta~.thc~~s~ p~r~ala.~~.t~.c~~.e ~b~.~a.n~.~tra*~~~ I~;«~e~Y~ ir~c~~.e;~tc~c~ t~~~~ discu~sing this a.~~.tt~~ ~a:~tJ~ I33~r~~;~.o~° ~'r P~b~.ic ~uT~:~rks ~~~~Em~~~n, 2~nac~ bc~xa t~is recc~r¢z?~nda~i~n th~.t th~ Ca~~.nty H~~l~~a D~~~.~~.°ari~n~ b~ a~~ci~.~.~W~ ~.d~:~;x~.~txa~~rs of i~~es e~,re I l~ t~.nd~rcYs . M~. ~ G~~kc~~ rPV~.ewec~ f~.~rti~~~ ~ ~~~~.t ~.f1~~r ~ ~k~~ ~ G~~~a~li~~~.1 a ~ ~.~.~g~i~n c~f ~ an. ordinance9 it xn:~~st l~~ submitr~;d fir~t t~a tgze Wai:~~ ~~~.~.it~ G~.~n~:x°R~~ Bc?~.~ci ~~1~. then to t~i~ Wate~ R~s~au~c~:~ Con~r~l ~~~~.rd., f~~ ~h~~~.~° a~=prc~~~,1. ~3E~ r~.l~u s~~.~~d that if t~.e H~aZt~ ~ep~.rta~~~a~ a,~ r~ ~ed ~r~ ~.d.~~~.~~a_~ ~~a~ af ~r°~~ W~~.1 ~rdin~.nc~, that an ~z~~.~~.~.nc:e b~ ~.d~pt~~ ;~~s,~a~~r tFa ~4~a.«~ ~.d~~a~~d ~5;~ Ii~~,rci af Supervisors, fc~r ~.1~.~.fc~ ,~:~~.y c~f ~n~c;rc~~~~.~; ancl al~~ l~~u.~~ .r~qu~s~ing that Mr. G~.tes b~ ~c~•ninistrai~csr c~f t1~~ card~nane~ b~ d~.~°~c~~:c~ ~LL~ Dx~a H. ~Tc~~r~l Kusumoto, Dixector rrf the Ce~~:nt~ af ~~n ~,a~i~ Ob~.spcr ~-3~~.3.~~~ D~g~~+~r~~~g. Council ciisctassion fo~llc~wed. ler~~~1~. Ci~y A~~c~rn~y Sh~.ps~~ in.die~ted tl~at as ~he Cit~ a2.read~ laas a~ae11 e~rei~na~.~.~, c:~~~~.~n p~°c~~~~.~ie~n~ o~e~lap ~.nd would k~a~a~ to b~ wortZed aut, incl~ad.ing t~.~ Ci~~es r~t~rc~ien a~ aut~.c~ri.t~ in contr~ling ~e11 drilling tait~a.n i~~^.~ Ci~y l~~:i~a. Aft~r f~.~~her C~u.n~il discus- sion, ~t was ~g~e~d t~.a~ f~zx~her:st~ad~ ~f t~a~: ~~.tite~ is n~~~~sa~~ ~~d. Ca.ty Attorn~y S~i_psey's re~on~n~ndati.on~ r~g~.x~ding ~1~~ ~~~,gsv~~d. ~~dinane~ ~i.11 b~ reeeived by t~.~ C~~.nc11 dt i~~ n~xt r~ga~la~ Yne~:~~ing. SET PUBI.IC II~EEARI~aG ItE: ~S~'AB 0~ WA~~~e S~'STEM FE~ - JIl~T~ ~2, ~9?3. 8v00 P.M. Administrat~r B~~t~.h d~s~rib~~~d copi.~~ Uf ~ r~~i~~~a af t~ie ~~n~r~.l di~e~ssion held b> th~ Co~n~i1 ~.t ~t~ M~.g~ 7t~. ~~~.dy ~e:~~~c~~. ~^~g~~~.~.~,~ ~~~r ~~t~.b1~~Z~~nt ~f water sy~tean fer~:;. ~x~ mcstion ~f Coa~n~il~.za Tall~y9 ~~~ra~c~°d Co~Anc:i~~.~a MMs..llis and un~.niino~.~1.y ~arYaedS a p~.bl~c ~-~~~.r~n~ ca~.~ s~~~ f~r T~~n~ 1~, ~~~3 ~~d0 P.Ma to ~ cc,ns id.~r ~1~~ ~ ~a ~~.b lis~~~.t ~f w~.ter ~ ~3~d ~e~a ~ f~:~s t~~ ~,~~.~g~ , dis ~Gx°~.b~at~~xx charge9 serv~.c~ rnaiaa ~ta~~g~ ~.r~d ~c~~~~ clzar~;€:~ tcs b~ ~.pp~.~~d. a~°~~.~ n~:~~ n~tia being ~erved b~ Ci_ty ~~~.~er, RENT~NDER RE. A. G. WATER &~.SI~1 ME~TI?o1G - ML~.Y 9. 1~37~ ~~]~,M. Adsr~~.nistrafic~r B~.~cY~ reanind~c3 ~l~r C~~ra.c~I of ~A~~~°oy~ G~~.~ Wa~:~:~ ~3~s~rn nieeti.ng to b~ he~.d ~.t ~t~.~: Pi~zaac~ ~~~.~~ti V~~.~r~.ns ° H~.l~ ~n S~T~ci~.~~ci~.~, M~~ ~t~. Fa:00 P.M. Cc~~ncil~ner~ Wc~n3 and c~~ ~.x~.da~ca~ed. ~r~~,~~d. b~; ~.~~~r.d~n.~ ~k~~ din~.er me~~ing, PRQGRESS REP~RT - A. G. S~nIER ASS~~~~N'1~ 1~~ST'RI~T ~.~1+7~:. ~~~K Iie~ident Cc~~n~g~ E~gin~~~r I~~.~ .13~c~. ~a~ p~°~~~r~~ ~~r~ ~~,~~.~~~c~ ~k~~a ~~o~~~~~ ~f th~ , ~*w~:r di~t~ict ~n xn~g ard ~~~~.~ti~~~~~~.I,1~, ~.~.~~,~n~.~~~xi~, ~~~t ~~.°fA ~a~ work has xe~~s bee~ ~.cccm~.~~.i~~.~d ~_n. ~.°+~.~°o ~f *~a~ ~~:~gnr~ ~,~.?~~~~e.c~o Ix~ ~c~~t~~a~~e ~~a Aclniin~strat.~r B~.~sl~° s gc~~.~~ M~. ~~~c~C ~r~.~:~ ir~~:c~ 9~°.~~n ~,f ~ involved in th~ cons~r~.~~~~arc c~f ~~~~a~r~. Tlz.e c~r~.~~e~.~~ ~~~~~~~~.~n. ~~.t~ af tkre ~ proje~t was s~t f~r Apr.~? caf 19?'F, b~x~ ii: -~.s x~c~a ~~t:~~~~~~c~ ~:~~~.t 3:~~e pr~aj~~t ~a~.ll be cc~mpleted a.n IVov~aca~~~, ~~~30 CITY COUNCZL M~Y 8, fl973 ARR,OYO GRANDE, CALIFQRNI~ PAG~ S PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH 5AN LUIS O~ISPO COUNTY SPaNITAT7C~.~ 12I~'Ta2IC~ Tl~~ Chief P~dnt Op~r~atoras repc~rt for i:he ~r.c~r~~Ea ~p~~~, 19~~, ~~,s ~e~ei~ed by the Council, revieYa~d and card~r~d f~.led.. Administratar B~at~h regorted tlzat x~pai~~ ~Yae oc~~n c~~~f~l~ ~~.~n~ j~a~t about compl~ted, COUNCIZ SUPPORT 'OF 'PR~FQSED Cd:LTNTYWIDE MIJNICIPAL G0~'RT DYSTIZIGT Acla~?inistrator Butch revi~~sec~ r,~ith tk~e C~an~~.Y. ~~fa~~n~.~a.a~. ree~a~~a~d fr~ Williard V. Waggoner, Gotanty Aclminist~a~ki~a~ Otfic~~°, ~~~ardi~~ t~;~ pr~pcss~~. countywide an~anicipal ccaurt distri~t, which ~,n~luded g~oj~~~~d ec~~t~ ~f t~~ s~ste~n. Administrator ~u~ch also reported that tla~ M~r.n~.cip~~ C~u~°t District had the suppor~ of ~he Count;~ Bar Assnciation and Pa~ice C~nf~f CTar1c. Cc~~.ncig d~.scussed the matt~r ancl ICouncilman M~,llis incdica~~d ~up~ort ~f tl~e pr~posal as long as a crnxrt was retained in th~ So~.tl~ G~~.n~y. ~4f+t~:r f~r~k~~r G~a~ncil d~scussion, on mc~tion of Coaaneilman Mallis, se~~nd~d b~ C~~~ci~.s:~a~.n d~ T,eon arad unanimous ly carried, sazpport was g~.ven to ith~ prap~s~d c~az~.t~aid~ ~a~nicipa~ co~,rt distxict, subject to the retexation ot a c~o~~rt in ~~e Sda~t~~ C~a~n~y. COUNCILMAN TALLEY GRANTED PERMTSSION TO BE ABS~NT FR~M STA~E~ ° 5/2~/~3 On mption of Coa~neilm~.n Miliis, seeonded b;~ C~~.neiiu~a~. W~od and ~anan.i- mously carried, Counci~.man Talley was gxa~ted p~rar.?ission t~ tae ~a~t c~f tfie State of California from May l6, 1973 t~~.rough. Ma.y 25, 13~3, ~.s ~°~q~~~t~d bgr Co~nnc~.1- man Talley. CANCELLA.TION OF'MAY 8TH BUDGET STUDY SESSION Due to t'he svening's m~eting being prc~longeci ~o~.g~~ ~~.~n as~.~i~ip~.t~d, Admina.strator Butcka recummend~d, ~:and the Ce~un.c~.l ~.gr~~ds t~ ~~.nc~~ tlae ba~dget study sessian scheda~led to follow the evening°s reg~s~.a~° C~a~nei~ rn~~~~.ng. A~JOI~RNMENT On m~tion of Cat*ncilma~. Mi11is, second~ci b;~ Cdaxne~.~.~.n d~ ~,ean and unanimously carried, the m~eting adjourned at 9:20 PoM. ~.nti~ 7:30 P,M., May 10, 1973. ~ ~ , \ Q1~`Y'~..~ ~Y r ! ~i 1 ATTEST:' DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY CAUNCIL MAY 3.0, 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CA~IFORNIA i:30'P.M. The City Council met in adjo~.rned regular sess~on with. Ma.yor Schlegel presiding. iTpon roll ca1~l, Counc3.l Members Millis, Talley, We~od and. de Leon r~ported present. Bj~D .T ST[TDY SES_„SIO1V The Council and Administra~or Bu.tc1~ con.tinu~d ~e~ra.e~ ~f t~.e 1973-7~+ preliminary Municipal Bta~dget, starting with the C~.t~r Coune~.l°s ia~ad~get ar~d continuing through and campleting the '~~affic Safety Off3~eres budge~. AI~JOURNME,~,T On mo~ion of Cc~uneilman Woad, s~conded by C~tsncilm~.n T~.lley and unanimous ly earried, t~.e mee~ixag ad j ourned: at 10 : 00 P.M. c' ' ' - ~~T~s~: -~v~ ~,`,1 l~ . ~ ~ - DEPUTY CITY CLERK 1~4Y0