Minutes 1973-06-18 21f~ _ _ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 12~ 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 9 REQUEST FOR STRICTER CONTROb -OF DOOR-TO-DOOR s~LICI`~QI~S m De . CdJRZ~N ' Don Curzon, local resident and busin~ssin~np _ qazestion~d if th.ere a,re coiitrols or regulatians on solicitors from organizations oa~tside of t~ae City, religio~as or othersaise, He w~s infor~ed that tl~e Police Depar~m~nt does acco~plish sancfl~ screening; however, that religious groups are ~xegnpt from t~is, and may sol~.cit freely. Mr. Curzon sugg~s~~d that perhaps a11 grou~ps ~h~~~.ld b~ r~q~ir~d ~o contact th.e City Hall befo~e ~o~.iei~in,g and be r~qan~.~ed to obtairc a l~tt~r of approval from the Gity, whieh. 3.e~fier would only be g~.ven aft~r ~ la~~k~round review of the organization requesting to solicit in. tl~~ Git~. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Co~.ncilman Millis, second~d by Co~nncilmars. c~.~ Leon and unanimously carried, the m~eti.ng:adjottrnzd at 11:1~ P.Mo i ~ ATTEST:~I \:YS~r~~, ,~,~u~~C--, DEPUTY CITY C7aERK MAYOR ~ CITY COUNCIL JU1VE 188 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ~:30 P.M. The City Council met in special session with Mayor Sch.leg~1 presiding. Upon ro11 ca11, Council Metnbers Millis, Tall~g~, Wmod and de Lec~n report~d present. STUDY SESSION ° WATER S~STE~ ~'EES The Council ftsr~her studied Items 2 and 4 r~g~.rding dis~ribtntion and Lopez charges, based upon Ci~y-Administrato~ Ba~tch°s report ~f M~.y 8, 1973 entitled "Review of General biscussion on th~ Establishment of a Water Sg~stem Fe e'.' . • After a great deal of ~iscussidn, the general eonsensus of the Council, upon a recoarnnendation of Mayor Schlegel, ~aas that the Distribution Fee should be set at $150~~0 g~r 3/4 inch me~er and higher for larger size nxeters, based upon the Koabig & I~oebig study; and the maximum aact~m~lation of t~.e inonthly Lopez charge to be set at $35Q.00. Councilman Wood expressed his objection . , . . to these proposals. : - _ , It was agreed that ~Che matter of amended fees would be placed on the agenda of the regular meeting on June 26, 1973, for possible action. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilma.n de Leon, s~cond~d by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, the meeting adjo~.rned at 9:00 P.M. _ . ,2f ~ ATTES T ~~'~'s , ~ DEPUTY CITY C7~ERK YOR