Minutes 1973-08-14 23~~ CITY COUNCIL ~.tdGUST ~.4, 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular ~ession with Mayor SchYegeY presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Tailey, Miilis and de Leon. repor~ed presen~o Councilrnan Wood is absent, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Schlegel lead th~ Pledge of A11~giance to our Flag; and iz~~diately thereafter, Reverend Wickstrom,from the Presbyterian Ch~arch of Arroyo Grand~, delivered the invocatian. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman de ~eon, seconded b,y Councilman Mi~lis and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 151, No. 156 through Nu. 160 and No. 1~2 through No. 191, in the total amount of $229225.28; and Pa}~roll W~rxants No. 195 through No. 3819 in the total amount of $60,480.09, were approved and ordered paide RECEIPT OF APPRECIATIQN LETTER RE CHEERFUL-HEI,P FROM GARMON STEVEN . Administrator Butch read a letter fr ~at James F. Racbe of R~dondo Beach, California, who had written a le~t~r to the City expressing h~s agpx~~ciation for the cheerful as~sistance Carman Steven., Account Clerk, had given hi~n wh~n he was passing through the Ci~ty. I_NVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN ROCK-~-RAMA PARADE, MORRO $AY, 9/1/73 An invitation from the Morro Bay Chamber of Ccrcrnnerce was r~c~ived, imviting the Co~xncil to participatz in 1~he an.n.taal Rock°00Rama Parade on Septeniber 1, 1973. Several maeinbers of the Council indicated they ~ould participate in this event. INVITATION TO WATER FACILITY DEDICATION, PASO ROBLES, 9/14/73 An invi~ation fro~ the City Qf Paso Robles was rec~ived, in~riting th~ Council to th~ dedication of its new wat~r facilitfes on September 14, 1973 at 10:00 A.M. Several Council Members indicated they will-attend this event. APPROVE ~UII,DING PERMIT REFUNI2 ° DEL BROWN Administrator B~.tch revi~wed with tl~e Cov.sncil. a l~~ter fro~n Del ~rc~w~, requesting a refund of $3,924.34 for Building and Installation Permits purchased for a project on Farroll Avenue, which was cancelled. Also reviewed was a memo dated July 31, 1973 from Planning Director Gallop, recommending a rebate of $3,741.90, inasmuch as pl.an check, micro and SMIP fees should not be refunded. In the memo, Mr. Gallop also recomcnended that handling fees for reimbursement of permit fees be establ.ished. The Council discussed the matter briefly, agreeing with the breakdown of costs and refunds per Planning Director Gallop's npemo, and directing that a copy of the memo b~ sent to Mr. Brown with the rebate. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimo~sly carried, arxthorization was granted to refund to Del Brown9 P.O. Box 432, Santa Ana (check payable to Sandbrook Development Corp., 123 Ee Lincoln Ave., Anaheim, CA., per the request of Mr. Brown), the amount of $39741.90 for Building Permits not used. INVITATION TO HARVEST FESTIVAL KICK°OFF B-B-Q. 8/19/73 An invitation was received by the Council for the annual Harvest Festival Kick-Off Chicken Barbecue on Sunday, August 19, 1973 at the ~1m Street Park. INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN HARVEST FESTIVAL PARADE. 9/29/73 An inviltation was received bq the Council to participate in the annual Arrayo Grande Valley "Gay Ninetaes" Harvest Festival Parade on Sat~rday, September 29, 1973. ~h,~ Council Members indicated they would participate in this event. NOTICE RE. FUNDING OF HOUSE CHECKS ON 7-DAY BASIS BY MID-S~ATE BANK Administrator Bu~tch read a let~er dated July 1.8, 1973 fron2 Dary1 Flood of , Mid-State Bank, with which a check i~,,,the amount of $120000 was submitt~d to ~he Arroyo Grande Police Department to comple~e the vaca~fon house check program by Cadets from a 5°day to a 7°day basise The Cobsncil praised Mid-State for its action, and directed that a letter of apgreciation be sent to the Bank for its help in funding this program. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of July 24, 1973, were approved as prepared. 24~ CITY COUI~C~L ~,~'~US~ ~.49 ~973 ~OYO GRANIDE, Ct~~IFORNIA PP,~E ~ RECEIPT OF PETITIQN FC~R GUR,~3~ GU'~~~RS ~TG a° D~~ S~e °~C"~°~~~ti ~~I~ 63VEi~ A~~~r~istr~.tor ~aa~~:~ r~ad. ~~~p~~~ c~~~~~ A~g~~~ ~.~~3 ~~~a I~~~°~~~or af P~bli~ T~~r~~ A~derson.9 ~°~~~.r~a~~.~ ~°~c~~.~~ ~f ~ p~~i~~~~ ~~~x~~~d. l~;r ~~r~ ~~.jox~~ty of prop~rty o~rm~~~ or~ bc~~~ of D~~ Sc~~. 5~~~;~ve~ ~~~~~~~r~~ to ~a~r~ c~rb~9 g~.~~~rs, d~°b~~~ay apx~a~n~ ~md sici~~a~lr~ ~r~s~~l]L~de A~~~.~.n~~~a~~~s~~ ~~:.~~~i ~~~ri~~~~ ~F~~ pr~~~ss ~f ~nstal7Lin~ t~~~s~ x°~q~,~s~~cfl ~.~~v~ar~w~~~n~~ by~ ~n~~.~~ ~~~a~~ of I~~prov~m xnent Act c~f 19T~. Aft~~ C~•~.~.c~~ d~,~c~~,~~~~r~9 C~~~ A~~~~r~c~~ S~~ps~;~ ~~~c~ ~~k~ tit~.e of ~ r~sol,ant~.dn o~°d~ri~g ~~~~S~p~r~~~~~d.~n~~of S~~~~~~ ~~~~~~c~ ~i~~. t~z~ ordering s~.id c.orestra~c~~.s~~; t~~~:~~~:~~~r~ a~~k~.c~rc ~a~.s ~~.d~',~ ~agY Co~e~.c;a,l~:dan M~9.lis~ s~cond~d b~ Ce~~.aa~i~~a~n d~ I~~~~ ~,~.c~ ~n~az~~~r.~u.~~y ~~.r~~~c~9 ~o d~sp~r~s~ ~~.~fl~ re~d~~g th.e bal~nce of this ~~,s~~~~.~a~cs~. R~SO~~'I"T~lti N0. ~.0~4 A R~S(JLUTI~IV C1F TT~ CI`~Y CO~;rI~iC~~ 9F CI`~Y 0~ A1tR0Y0 ~RA.l~TDE ILVSZRUC~~NG TI~.E S~lP~KI~`~E~TB~~~T~' ~F S~"R~~`CS T(~ ORD~R C~N~~"~Rd~C~~Q~ ~O~Gl~.&:~~~ C~~~~~~ ~ G~~T~R~ a DR~~~(n1A~' ~P~~~T~ .~~TD SII~~JA~,KS, t1.~ID TM~~2d~~~MM~~~"~ ~OR PR~PE~. ~~I~C"~I(~T'1~1~'G '~HE TNSTAI~L~D CT712~S, ~'~~"~~R~ ~1~13 DR~V~~t~.Y APRW'~~ ~~T~~AI~IZS, Qn ~mc~~iw~~ ~f C~ar.~ra~~:G;:~r~n `I`a~~~~9 ~~c~~.c~~~~. by° C~~~~.c~~~:~~~ M~~.~~.~ and. c~:a ~h.~ fa7L7Lo~ring ro~~i c~~.~. v~i~~:, ~s.;~; AYES o C~~.nc~~.~~?~ra M~~.~:is e dc-~ ~,~ar~ M~:~~~° Sc~.~.~g~1 NOES : N~n~ ABSENT: C~~un~i~~~ ~'~w,~d t~e fcar~going ~~~so:~~.~~~~n p~~~~~. ancl ~~~~~ga~;~~. ~~~es ~_4~~h c~~.~ ~r~ ~~g~.~~~~ T~~3o Dise~.s~~~n ~r~:ga~d~.ng i~~;~~~~?v~.~~n~~ c~r~t~.reti~fUd< ~t g~~in~~cY. ~~~~t t~ec~ prop~~~.~ c?~aa~ers ~~a~.~= ~i~~e~, t~r'~.~s~~~ ~~~v~ ce~~r.~~°~c~~~~' ~~a ~n.~ ~~~a~ ~~a~p~~~r~~a~n~s Yaith~~ t~~ 60 c~~.;~s ~.f~.~r t~~~ pc~~~r~.~~~ o.f r~tz~ p~c~p~~~~;~~ bwi~ ~~,s x~~c~~;a~:rrc~~d 1~'h~.t t~x~~ ~ait ~fi~ ~.F~~~e Ci~;.~r f~r° ~a~c~:s c~xn ~~~n~1,~ p~~a~~c~9 as ~Y~~s co~.ld ~~axa ~ s~~;°ir:~:~ t~ Af~~rM~~~ c:~~~~.~;;~~a~~. hf c.o~s~ruct~.m~~ ~aabl~c ~.~~~°i.~m~ ~.s &;.~~.d r~~ardl:~~x~ ~~t~~ c^~us~~~ ~racfl a.~ sa~:~f:~~~~~~~'~~ p~c~~~~;~t~~.~~anci ~ th~ C~~u~c~.l coi~.f~r~ e.~s~s, ~he prc7p~~ty~ p~~.e~° r~a~ pa~ ~'h~ as~e~sFrn~x~~ u~~th~.n fiv~ da~~ 9 ox° ~.t c,~~~.1 ka~ pla~rv~., ~,n c~~a~ ~~~.:~~p saa.s~ p~.~a~ irc~~r~~~t, on his tax bill fc~r the follpwirig y~:~.r. W~l~.i~m C. G~.~1o~,a;~5 6~.1~ I~~~ S~~ arad Co9~~.~ M;~~r~9 F~2~. D~1 So19 were g~°~~~x~~ and e~s^~~n~~d on ~.o~ t~~~ ?~ad ~~r~d~r~t~od ~h~ i~n~ro•v~s~~xats and ass~~sm~~t ~a~u:~d. la~ handl~d. ~~L~ Ia~.p~ov~gn~nG Act c~f 19~~9 s~.art foran and asses:~~?.ent dis~~tric~ plans ~~re c 1~.ri~i~d to ~1~~~ T~~° Dir~e;~c~~° ~f Paablic Works Anderson an.d Ac~.xnin~.s~ra~a~ Bv~~c~a. T~~ Ge~r~nc~.l c~i~cu~~~c~. ~.~.~+~~:r. f~~~~c~e~°, agr~~eing t~~a~ ~.n v~~~a of the assess~a~nt spx°e~d c.~mfu~i~r~ ~,~id a~ui~~.rad~~rsta~d.ing~, ~.~at R~~ol~xtion Noe 1054 sYaould b~ r~sci~d~d and ~~~~~:r~ c~f cl~.ri~ication l~e s~nt to a7L1 ~s~o signed th~ petition fo~° c~.~°1~~, gb.~~~;~~s, ~~c. anc~ ~1~0 ~o ~e.maining p~°ap~rtg~ own.er~ on 8~:1 So1, wh~ kxad nmt sa~gr~~d t~.~ p~ditiors.. A~~~r~ C~~aan~il ~.~scus~ianr City A~tor~.ey Shipse~ r~~ad th~ ti~1~ af ~ re~~~~s~;~F~rx x~~ ~~a..nding R~~c~:~~ct~a~~. N~. ~.054; thereafter9 a motion ~as r.maci~ by~ C~~.nciB.~n~n T~1~.~~, s~cond~d ~a;~ Coux~cil~.n M~~.~.is and ~.nan~mo~sly earr~.~d, ~o dis~~n~~ ~~.~h r.e~.d.ing th~ b~.la~.c~ of ~h~.s resolution. R]~SOT~UTYON N0. 1055 A RESQI<YlTION ~E '~~E CTT.Y COYJ~VCZI~ C1F ~`~E CI~Y OF ARR~YO GRAND]E RE~SCINDTNG RES~~,~7°~InN ~TO, ~Oa~± RE~ARDI~TG CONSTR~CTT.QN ~F CUR:l3»S , GUT~'~RS , I3RIV~1~"Y APR~NS ~3ND STDEGfA~KS ~N D~~ SQ~ STREET, Qn m~tion o~ ~c~~.rnc~,~.m~~.n M~.~~.is 9~~,~:~~~~d by C~a~~c~~.~n d~ ~,~~n and csxa ~th.e f~l~.oya~ri~ ro~.l c~1~ votc:, ~~.Y_: AY~S: Cc~».nc.i].~~r^Y i~.~.~.~;~, Mi.~..~.i~, d~ ~~~c~ ~.nd M~y~~x S~h~~g~~ NOESo No~~ AF~SENT: C~s~..~~~.~~r~~.~ ~7~a~d t~e for~goixng ~~~~l~a~:icsn ~~~~~cqc~ ~.r~d ~.c~.~p~~d. ~Y~~~ d~.y~ ~f A~g~~i:, 19~3. 24~ CT~I' CC~~,i~Gl~l ~~.~~NJ'~~ ~~9 19~.~ ~RROY~ ~R~~DE y ~r~T~~~I7:i'~~ P~~~ ~ PE`T~fi"I.~~~ FI~It C~iR.~S~ ~~C_,_~~ _~'K~~?A~~~~SP~T~=~,~~R:~"G~ ° °~~I~o P~~~'~~~~ED °T~.i~ ~~~w ~,~~t;~cs~~~r~ ~r~~ ~.~.~~~t~ :~n ~k..~ ~.~.:~~~~~A~~ ~~~~.~~~~~~cl M~~ ~ ~ ~.~:1~~ r~ ~ . C~1V~I'~'~3.~'~~~~~V UF F''~'~e~~~.T~,~~~s.TgE ~~~_~~~Y 1'~~Po .~:I_ ~~M ~~"E~]CR m~afJ~a AD~~''~o ~~li~~~~~_s~~~~~~~° ~~u~~,:~a r~.~ ~.~~r~~.~ ~ L~:~~~C;~~~a~c~c~, ~~y~.~ ~~,k;~c~~ ~e~g~~~.~n~ ~~I~ G~r;~ ~~~~S~~P~~ c n:~~cy~ i~~ ~~L~~. ~~.c~. ~~~:~,e° ~~.1~.~0 ~ paxbl~c Y~c~~~~r~~ b~.~n e~~~~.~. ;T~,~~T ~N~a ~~~d ~-~~,c~~ ~:~:~.d ~~~~~~r~d 1,18 Y°~~~?Q'C~~~ ~,O ~~:1~, ~iC~,~J't;5~^~'A,~C.ivr..M~~ti~.~ it.hL;k:: ~Yr~`~,~':F.T~.~ "~~,5 ~k~ifi~~;.~~LC:'6J1~;C~, `1',a.'Z.`1~~ '~'.?~l~ ~,a3?,~~• ~dl~~,r~~.~~~°~~~~° B~.Lc~ rE~~~°~~~c~. ~ ~a~~ ~~~c~~ ~~:c~:~~r~~. f'~~~s~ai A:~~.~. :~o ira t;~~:: ~.~?.s~~r~~ ~~:~1'9od~, ~~.~v ~~sw~ ~~.c~ c~~~a~' r~.~~~ ~~i~Y~u,dcy ~r~~c;~e~~,~~:t~. °~~;q~~~c~.~~~a~ ~f p~~~as~,n~ ~ pr~~~3.i~~e ~t~r°~~.~; ~~,j~c,~n~~ ~?~~p~x~~o A~a~~ `~~~~~~~.s ~a~.~ pr~~~~n~ ~a~cf ~.t~~ ~~f~.~~~~~~ t ~s~~~~~ ~~.~,a b:~~ ~~3.e~ ~~.s ~c~~:~e Di~~w-c~:~~ ~f ~~~.b~:~,~ ~~~k.~ ~~dl~~°~~~ ~ ~af ~x~~. ~~c~a i~ e~ps.~~~~r~r~~ c7.~ri° f~~.~~~ t~~~ p~.v~.rc~; ~u~~a~~~:rrx~L~~;~ ~;~~,r~~ ~~~o ~~~a~:~~~,. ~.n.d. ~'~.~~0~~1. ~f~~~ f~a.r~~~r c1.i~c~s~~.~» ~.~°a~ars.g Mr. T~a~~-~~~ ~.~:c~ C~~~c~.~:~~~9 ~a `~?~.~~~~9 ~o ~~~~~;~~d .~'~'L:~ C53.C~. ~t7 °1LT1L.~~~',C.~.:; $~~lC~'. ~w~'iuw~~: t.4:1~'~ '~~+.'._.!.~'_K~. ~'~'?`V~s. ~:g~:D~Y1,~1: 6~f ~~,C'~..~~ r~~4~~:~.~:.~~~ 'b~ t~~~:~ c°.F~~~h_ ~~sr 1~~~c~~~, ~~~E~.r_c w~~ J~r-~.~a ~+~r~,. ~~r~.~;~ ;~.~~a~,:~~~c.~ t~ys C:~.~µw ~~3;o~n~;.;~ ~k~ips~~. [ij~scsII+. ET~,'.°iIY~ d_;;~`~4x1.=;K~. lw:i,`~~~ 4r.u.`'~`'~~t; 'l,~ : ~'c~7J~h~~:~; '~:~~~1~~ e`d ~t~,~:~i,x1,G'E:;~?~E^,~.'~:~ u~.u ~a ~av:~u L~~y :~a~~~ t~~d ~i4 s.~~. c°..+~a.~a ~ ~i. ~r~ ~y~~ ~ ~ ~ ~.1~ cir,a~ 1~~~:c~ :~~°~e: ~a~~.~~,~~ c~p~~ d.Lia. ~y~r:~~';a4)R~~ ih~~S~.'' 4(~. '~lCrvu' I`~`eY° C;"~' 7aI`~~e. ~~C~ ~a~3~..~' C)~ '~.@1~.~ ~JC'tiD'j1~:'Y"~?j~, ~a~:i~~g n~~ ~.x.~~;~~~;~i~~,~ a~~ ~~z~~~u~x~; M~~~~ ~e.~.~.~~re'~, ~.~.~~~,,~~~:c~. ~~s:~.°~in.~; c~c~~c:c~.. T~e- C~y~~~.~~:xey. ~~.:~~~:~~~-~r° ~.i,,~~±~~~,~„~~~ ~~W;M~ a~W; ~k.~~:~aa~ac,,c~ an.cY ~,~~.~~~~:c€ ~:~a acc,,v~~ ~~9k~~ ~.~~E~nc~~vc~ ~5~..d ~.tuza AY~.s~~ ~o '~~~~..,~~a,;~ t~.~. ~~5+.~^~~,~~~~~. ~-y#"' $3~0.~0 (~nc.:~~~~~r~g t~~ x~~:r~~:i.~~~re::c~~ ~'h.~~ ~a~c:~;`^~~~,~:~ e~~,c~c~~;~ a~nrl~a~.`iu~.~ #~o ~x,'~y ~~~r~c~~rc~~9 c~.r~a~, ~~~,~~~~s, ~:.x.~1~u.~ ~~.~c~~ s~d~:,~;~~..k.;~ ~.r~d ~;c.~ ~A~.v~. ~~:x.~:,,il~ fr~~~~~ g~~,4~•~~~~ ~a ~.~x~.~s~:z,~~ ~~.~~i~.~~9 ~OY.' cl F107°~e?i,4:^i1. l?~ '~~:Lr"CS'4-~~.Y'~,:.Y' c~.~,. '~;~'_t.,;, 5~~:s.1'~~.:~:a."9.~~.`'~ C~SY'7"~E;::C' ~f. ~G?~u~.'?~~?. ~`'~i.L~~P. .~T'tfa°T'~.;Cd'S" i'Y.IIC~ ~''e~.1C.' ~J~k.,~ Av~~~r~~.~ A~~.:~~~ pc,~`°~.w~c~W r~.ty y.:s„ ~f R~.r.c'~~,cy~ C~~: YaI cfl~: ~":~~_~c~~,~, Pisa~o ~nc~ ~aa~s~. e~~, G~a~,:.~is~~o C°~~~ ~.~~r~~r~~.c.n:~ S~;.~.~~~:y r~~~.d ~~:f: ~ x°~A~c~~~.~.~~~r~ ~.~~~F.~~.g..Y~.~ b~r~"a: ~:TG~.vA.F~ ~11. ~~,~6.!+.~~.n..~~ ~~~;,w~,~ ~~f.%~)C:.~~.E~~~ E.~.'F;.~1~.:.,'~C~.~L.I~P,.S',~~~ ~ltl~U,.~.C?~~~ ~G~.~ ~~.5~.~~ I.~~ . G~a~.~~~c~~~c~.n 'I'~.~:~~~y'~ ~~c~~rxc~~,~ C~a~,;~~~~ ~%,,.~.n ~m~,a~rs. ~~.lc~ ~u:ar~~t~~,w~a~~as~'~ c~.~~°:~~c$., ~c~ . ~ ~,pcyn~~ ~~.F,. : r°~~.c~ing ~_k:~,~ t~~!~~~~..~c~; rf ~~:~~~s e~;~~~~s:z~~;:~.~ra., E~~-~S~~aa~<;~;'~~i;~i~ ~~f~, A R~S~Ii~~'T~14 ~7F' ~'~3.E C.I.`TY C~~~CIT~ ~F `TH~; CI~'Y OF A1tR.d~YO G~~TDE CDR.D~R.I1~G ~AiE ~7F° C~RfiA~~ PROP~R~Y ~'QL~~~WI~d~ PiIFSLTC HE~R~N~ ~C~a;<~~;r°r~rg~n~ Cc,d~ S~~c.~:i~ir.~ 3~'~`LO :ri~ ~~q.J ~r~ ~rr..~?~~.~r~ c,f CU~:~w;~c:~.~-:a~~,~a. ct~. ~,~~rn.y ~~cor.~.d,~d l~y Cc~~..nc~:~~z~ar~ ~nd on ~~a~ fo~lc~~~rag ~~a~.:~. c~.Y,:~ src~~k: a ~;c~ ~~i,~~: ~YESo C:~a:a~~~°~Y.m~.n. "C~~~~~~ M:z~.~~.~, c~.~ ~Gr;c-~n. ~.nd N1~~~r° S~c~il~g~l Z~OE~ : I~]c~r~~ ~BS~N~": C~u~.nc~.~~~,~~s r~T~s~c~c~ the. fc~r~goirs~ r~~~a~p~t;iUZ~ w~.:~~ ~~~~~,~c~ and ~~c~}~~~~.d ~~:~,s ~a~~x c~~g~ c~f Aug~.sfi3 7L973. R~C~IPT ~F° P~"~ITTG+3~T ~~1R. C~"'R.B~~ ~"~"G ~N.Pf~~~41t AS~~N S~PRI3CE & ~t~GE - ~~E~,D OVER Ad~.nn.~,ri.~~~r~~o~ B~,r.~~~~. ~~str~~.t~~u,~~ct c~a.ag~~.~ri~ to t~npa C~~a.~.c~,~. in c~nne~ta.c~n wi~h ~t~e x~~.~c~r.t d.~t~el ~~.~i~.~~ b~ ~~~:i .~~ca~ D~.~°~~~~r. ~~f ~P~~~~.c Wcar~.~ And~~°~ran. ~~g~~~.~.ng ~xfl~ r.~cP~~~~ c~f' p~:ti..~~~ans yr~~. ~a~rage~~;~ ~,,~n~-~.r~ ~n S~.,g~ ~.~.d Sp~~.c~,, r~~~.e~~~ng si~~r~~t: ~.~~Fraa~r~:~~r:~se T'~h.e ~~~a~~~; ft~r~~'Pr~~~r :recc~n~~~~d1~*d. s.ns~~~.~~_~.t~.~~. o~ c;~.x°b~ ~,~.cl g~.~~~~.~°.~ on ~J~~~~~.g~~°, ~~~1~~° ~r~d ~~~Z~,no Cc~tanc~,~.~a~ Ma.~~.~.~ ~~cc~~~~nd~d t~~~r ~ this~a~:a~~~~~r ~.I.~o~b~ k~~1<fl ~+~r~dr~ ~a~~c~~~g s~~b~~a~~~~. c~f c;~~.~~,~~c~.~~,o~n ~.~~t~~:r~ ~o p~°~p~r~y c,w~~~~ :~n ~.bG~ti~~~ ~4~~:~.~~c~ ~.~~~~~.~9 r~~~,~°d!i~g ~~e s~r~.~d ~f ~.s~~~s~~n~n~s. F~d~?irii~~r~.~~,~ I3~.tc:~ ~n.d:'~~~t~.d C:a.~.~ A~:~Q~°xz~yr S~~p~~T;~ ~ar~nt~a.d ~:o ~x~~vi~~a oth.E.~ gosua~b~.~ ~TM~r~~,~~~~~ fc9~° ~5~~~~~~~i,r.~.~a e,f a~~~~~~~~±~~;~.~ ~:~~.rg~~9~y ~i~~ide-,~ ~~a~ ~~.~~°t f~~~ Y T;~~Sx~ov~z~~rc~ .A~w c~:k 1`~~_~ ~.nc~. k~~ ~~~a.Z'~! Az~: o:f ~~~~~.c~ ca3~~i.~. SG~S.~e~~;~~1 i~~~:~~ic~:~=~.bc~ ~.~.t~, C:~~~ s:r~t~.~'f~ ~.~-a ~~~:n~ Y~^.~~~,~~ c~~ c~.~.r:~,£~.c~~~.~~ ~~a p~og~~~~ ~~~rn~:~°s ~.n ar~~s p~c~p~~c.c~ ~'cyr 4 ta~,e~~t z,a~~~°~°~c~~r~,~~s.~~ ~ x°~~~~d~,~~.~ Lx:~~:.~~c~ds d:f ~,rag~F~n~~ ~~r~ ~:h.~.3 :ur.~s~~~v~°~:a~~n~s . TREASUR~R' S REE~()R`I' FC~R aTH~ MQ^y~?'I~ _,T~3~a' ~:~9~~:~ fir~~~.~.x'e,~°' ~ R.~:~,~a~-~°ir_ £c~~ ~,~A.~a ~r.~a~.?~~ti of J~~~~r-:, :~,~3;~~ ~ ~'~:G~vi~~c~ b~ ~o~.n~ ~ 1. ~ ~~~~:i~~~d. ~n.~. ~;;:re~~: r°~~e~. f ~ ~ ~.u . EPARTMEI~TA~~ R~T?QI~T ~'C)R I°N~ M~~_~~:. Ct~"~.71tib;~'"q l 9:~~ ~}zF,: Dk:~~r~.~r~~;n.;~~3. R.c~.~~z~C~ ~c,~: ~:,~a~ ~:ncr~~_~~. c;f Jtai.~,~~ ~.~~:~9 ~r~.s ~°~:~~c=~a..=~~~. ~y~ Cc~~.r~c ~ 1.9 r~sr:L~::w~~c~ .Mnci ca~d1~.~°~~<~ f i~~~~. m 24~ CI~Y COlT~TCI~ A~TGUS'~ ~ 1~9;~3 ARR~YO ~R~NDE, CA~IFOR1Vr~ PA~~ 4 DISC~3S5IC~~3 RE PAItK & TRAF~°IC C~MMIS~I~N REGOMM]ENI~A~°I(3NS ~ T-~T~ ~'~ER C~,t~ At~c*~m~~ ~fl~ip~~~ ~~qa~~~~~d ~a~~~~~r c~.i~c~~~~~n ~~~~rc~ir~; t~~ p~'~~o~~c~ ~~°c~inan.~~ r~.~;arc~~.n~ cc~rn.~~ ~~,~x.bi~.~t~5 ~e h~~.d o~r~r ~n~b~~ ~i~.~r~ %ill~~'~ '~~Il`d~'. ~O Y'~t7'1~'dn7 ~~i4~ IIC°'n°~.'~~C^Y.°e ~~50~. ADOP~ ~ t~LT~f~OR~ZE ~~'[JD~ ~OR ~C~~TIC ~~1~' ~'~ROi~G~d CITY Ac~m~.ra~~t~~tU~ 8~.~~~ x~~~. ~ 1.~~~~~:~ ~da~~d. 8/~-/~3 f~r~~a Rc~b~rt C. c~.~,~c~P9 S~~~~~~~~ C~a~~a~. TJ~.~A~~ P7L~,~r~.ing C~~ar~ci~.9 r~c~y~~+di~g C~~.n~~,~l ~s ~dal~~~e~~ o~ ~i ~~~o~r~~~.ox~ ~:~~~:~~.t~ ~~a~c~g~ fca~ ~ pQ~~ ~b~.e "Sc~~~c H~~~.~~~~rr d.~.~~,gr~a~~~~~ ~f po~~~c~~.s r~F ~~~r~c~ ~~~n~~9 Bra~c~a S~t~~~t, ~~zasn~. 1~c~~cY. ~.nc~ T.c~p~~ D~~.~r~, ~r~cx~er t~~ P~~ific 0~~~.n C~~.~~ ~o T,~p~z I,~k~ ~n~ra~~~e A~rop~s~c~ ~~~~~~a~~.c~n ~.t~~c.1~~d. ~.nd r~~~~~~d.. ~Tr~ci~rgr~~.nd~.ng of ~.q~il~.~~ ~~q~,a~r~d a~.d cLr~ain ~~p~~ ~f c~~;~~~?~t~.~~~ ~.nd ac~ver~:ising ~~gn~ ~~~~~~.c~ec~ ~n Sc~~s:~~ ~ig~~r~~so A~. Spi~r~~~.g~ P7l~nna,ng Cos:a~.is~foner9 c~~s gr~s~n.~ ~.~d cam~t~n~~d on. ~he propos~.l, Af~~r C6an~.r.i1 cl.i~cussion, Ci.ty A~torn~~ S~.~~~~~r x°~acl th~ ti~~~ nf ~ r:~s~la~tion x~q~~s~i.~g th.e Depart~m~n~ of T~~.nsport~.ti~n ~:c~ co~~l~ct ~~p~»dy f.'oa~ ~1~~~ po~s~.bl~ d~;~iga~a~:~~o.~ af ~c~:nic higk~r~~.~ ~:~~rc~m~~~ C~'~~'; ~1~~^~e-~ a~'~~:~', a rn~~~~n ~a~s ~ad~ ~y Cc~~r~c~.~~an T~.1.lc.~, s~cond.~d. E~~ Co~,i4ciwlxr~~.n l;~nn ~.:~.d. ~n~z~,~~~~~.s~..v c~,x~~a.~d9 ~o cii~~g~n.~~ ;~a.~t~ ~°e~~ing the balanc~ s~f re.~ol~~a~~an, R~~~~L'`CI(7N :~I~. 1057. R~S~~~;7'~.0~ OF `T~3E (;TiY (o04~~GI~ (JF THE C~`~Y OF ARROYO ~RAiVI)~ R~Q~~S'~'II~~ TH~ C~T~TFORi~ITA S~AT~ D~PA,R`TI~~3T OF TI~N~P~R7~A~'~OIV T~ COlVIDT~'G`~ A~I'~'D'Y I1V ORD~R '.l~ C~F~'IC~LZ~Y Q~TA~~~'~ ~~:~SE P~R~~~~TS ~F GEt.t~~3D ~AV~NCT~°~BR~1~C:~? ~TR~~~° ~A~S~~T~ :R~3~D-~,~2P~~ DR~V~ ~ROM PACI~'~C OC~A~7 GS~A~`~ ~ 7~k~~~ 7[~~ EIV`TR~~C~ ~3~~til?~ °~H~ C~~'Y ~RI~~1Y~ G~tAIVD~ .4,5 A SC~~TG :~~G~-i~nT~,T~. ~3~. r~~~~i.~n C«~a~~~,~~~~.~~ M~.~~.~s, s~~ca~td.~~. b~ Co~raci~a~. de~ I.Q~can a~~Ld ~1~~ f~~.~.c~~~~a.~~ ~~,11 c~.~k. ~ro~~9 ~a ~~'~S~ G~~~~,~c~.~.tt~~~ '~'~~~~y;~, M~.~.~.~.~, c~~ ~~~r~ ~n~d Y~~~~~ ~c~~.~.e;~~~. ~~C~~S : I~~rz~ ~ C~~.~~ci~.~:~~ P~'~~d ~~nr~ fc~~~~~ix~g r~~~~~n~a~~~. ~~.~~~c~. ~nd acY~p~~d t1~~.s ~F4t~ c~ay ~sf ~A~~~.~~9 19~~3. ~~`~~S~1TZ~E Bt7~~,~T"IIV'S FRaM I~EAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITI~S Ac~anz~.is~r~~or ~~.tr,l~ x~~a~~.~r°,~~d ~ait~. ~he Co~.ncil s~~rer~.l I,egis~.at~z~=~: ~~~-~.~~:~r~~ r~c~~.vE.d f~or~ th~ ~,~~~an~ of C~.lifornia Ci~i~~, emph.~.sizing ~;ro biYls p~n.ding wtxicl~ c~aca~n'~d a~~;ncl SB ~0 ~,nd r~strict c~.t~~s in f~.nancia~. cnat~~~°,, a~d ?~~~.~~°g~.rck~as~s. Cd~°r.°~~pr~~.d~nc~ al~o rec~iv~d. on ~hes~ bi~.~s fro~ Mv.nicipa.l F~.nanc~..ng Cons~.l.~:ants 9 St~on~.g & Yc~u~g~~rg, whic~. was x~evieraede M~1~TCTP.4.~, CODE E~.ME~ID ~ ORD ~?DOP~ m~XICAB ORDINAIVCE C:~.ty Atto.r.n.~~ ~~~.p~~~r ~1~E~ tzt:~~; o~ an ord~nance~ a:!n~nd~~g th~ ~~nnic.ig~a~ cod~ so ~s to Y°e~u~~.~t~ ~:~.xic~~a s~rvic~s ~n ~he City; ~F~~r~~.~~~~y a r:~at~.~ra m~.d~ b~ Coan~.c.~~.~~m M~.~~~,~, second~~ bg~ Cau~ci~.k!r~~~ d~ L~o~ ~.nci ~a.~a~n~~ae~~~~ c~x°~~.~~., f~~i c~.z~p~~~~ cv~i:l~ r~~:d~.n~ t~Y~~ bal~.nce ~f th~.s ~rcl~.nancc~. ~RD.T,I~I~C~ ~G~ . ~9 ~ C . S e AN ORDI~I~~TC~ 6~F '[°~iE CITY ~F ARROYO GRANDE AM~lVD~N~ T~E AR~ttQY~ ~1~~D~ M~~TICTP~~ CODE BY ADDI~G CHAPTER ~.0 TO ~I~~ ; R~~~T~~~ T'~ '~T~ ~ICENSING OF TAXICABS . 0~ m~t~.on o~ C~~a~~c~~~,~n c~~a ~,~~n; s~conde~ ~a~ Co~n~.c~.~,r~~.n T~.11.~~ anc~. or~ th~ i:~~~ic~~aing rol.~ c~.~.~. va~~;, ~7~.t: ~YES: C~~.ric:i.T.a~.~n 'C~i~~~,~~ M~.~~l.z,~, d~ L~oa~ and Ma~~~ Schl.~,~~1 P~O~~ : I~~sr~~ ~ A~S~1VT: C~~.bnc~~.~a~ W~~d. f~~~:g~~.ng c~rcflz.n.~r~c~ F~~~~~d ~,nd ~d~~~;~d. t~is I~~h d~.~ c~f A~.ga~.a~~ 1~~3~< _ _ 24~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 14, 197~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFQRNIA, PAGE 5 ~ , .X: . . T ZE N OVER . p , , : ~ . u ~ Administra~eir Butch reported that ~~y haa reached.its capacity-in phone lines and reviewed with the Council~ o~port pr~pa~ed by Pacific Telephone and Telegr~ph Company regarding-a caapmuni~~~ ~~:proposal to change over fio the "756 PBX". The ~eport listed the various~.~d. ~~,ges .a t: this s.~s~~~ and c.osts, which would run around $85 more a month.s€;o'r ~~City, but gives,ample room for future expansion, After Council discussion, on ~otion of Counci7.man Tal~.ey9 seconded by Counci].man de Leon and unanimously ca„~~i;ed, autho~ization ~aas given to claange over Che City's present phone ~~stem tq<.~he 756 PBX. 0 ITH W 0 S The •Council brie£ly revi,ewed prev~ous discussions regard3,ng negqtiati~ons with Woods Animal Shel~er for the renew~l of its conts~aEt. After Council disc~ssion, on mofiican o~ Council,tpan de Leon, secon,ded by Counci].m.at~ Ta~lley and unanimous ly carried, th~ '~tayar and City G~.erk were ~,u~Ghorized ta s~,gn, on beha~l~ of the City, the contraat }~etweea the City-and Woods Ani.raal Shelt~r ~o~r animal control in the City during the 1973-74 fi.~C~1 year, at a cost of $616.66 per month to the C~ty. ~ ` APPROVE 'DRAFT ~F ~Ttv~et~ TT Tr ' ,,~,~~,~j~Q~S COMMIS$ ~ } A('RFFMW'hTT ....¦v..s,~.~ Administrator Butch reviewed witta ~,u~,cil.a~prapkos~d draft of an agreement and by-laws re$a~ding the South~ ~q Human Rel~xtions Corsanission, which were amended when the County withd ~m partieipation in the Coz~niss3.on. Councilapan Millis indicat~d his und~rsta~~ ~r~d been~th~t~ the school distri,ct was to be an associ.~te'~m~~?ber, which.wa,~~n~'t ~.scted i;n ~he agraement draft. Gouncilman de Leon commented on the de~~t~pn o I~~ference ~o the C~unty under Section 2 e. of the agreement. After ~ uneil di~~uesion, on ~notion of:Coun~il- man Ta~lley, s~eonded by Councilman Nti11~~'`and un~t~~.mously carr3,ed, the draft forrn of the South Caunty Human Relationss~onumission's agreemen~ was approved. -~TOTICE OF NEW OFFICERS -~T,ANNING . COMMTS~QN.,,,,~POPF~ SP,~~ Nc^ Administrator Butc'h reported that.at the Planning Comanission's recent election of officers, Hugh O..Fope, Jr. was elected as Chairman.and A1 Spierling was elected .as Vice Chairman, fnr the fiacal year 1973-74. ~ ~4TICE OF NEW OFFTCFRS - PARKS & RE R~A~T~.I~. Gf~~ S~~T.S~~ ~~iN~LE.Y ~~L~S~ Ad~inistrator Butch reportEd ~ha ~~t ~he,~arks and Recxeation Ca~nmission's recent election of officers, Frank Ber~t~ey v~r~s electe~d Chairznan .and .W. A. Hubbard was elected Vice Chairman, for _the 1973- /~,~i~ al~.~e~r, , _ . ~ _ LETTER OF'RESTGNATION =~P & C 3 ~}~Y6S 0 ~ RY Y Administrator But~h read _a Iettery; ~ grt~tion from Gary E., D~y, who will be leaving the City in'~August. Aft~~~" c~.l dis~ussion, on motion of Councilman de Leon,, seconded by Counc~lat~~,~ "s and u~animauely carried, the resignation of G~ry E. Day:fram the Par~. ~n ~eation C~sriiaeion was accepted with regrets; and Adminis~rat~x~utch w~~ inatructed to write.a le,tter of tk~anks and .appreciation.to Mr. pay ~~i~~i~,s ~~~~.ce to the City. AFPOINTMENT 'OF PARKS ~c REC ~REATIQ~j~QMM ~ ONER "„~,i~j~~, 1MpOg,E On motion of Gounci].man M~Ilis, seconded by aoun~ilman de Leon .and unanimously carried, J.,L. M~ore,. 200 Nelson S-treet,vw~e appointed as Commissioner on the ~arks and,Recreation Canuniasion, ~s recammended by Mayor Schlegel, to fill the vacancy created by Gary D~,y, his ~erm ta ~xpire June 30, 1976, BEOUEST TO INSTA .T. D ATt~ L~E AT 1 59 r~A~.AYE~IE„ ,~I~ 0_ V~~ , Administrator Butch advised Chat a~squee~ h.as been made to ho~,d over ~he matter regarding iastal],ation of a 36~'~c~x~in lin~"at 1p52 Grand Avereue. ~:1 _ , Administrator Butch reviewed-with~ nc3,1 ~ rpugh dra~t of Ct~e , proposed'Articles af Associ~~ior~ for the,'. $n Luf,~,Obiapo Caunty Water Association, pointing out.,the Iatest~rev A~ter:Cat~ncil discussion City Attorney Shipsey was requester~ .to ,p~ ~,~~ouater dra£t of the articlea, t~ clarify those points brought out by,~~i~C, c~~l, ~naluding c~,arification of Article V Sectio~ 2 regarding ,producer,zd ~iex~ " :.~s:.~`~~ f.m~~ ~ ~ LETTER RE. CU~ & C TTE ~ x~ V ~~,~QN AT n, T+`R `1~'RC3M A'~,~~ ` nn ~ HELD OVER Administrator Butch adv~,sed that~~~oxney Orris ~Iedges has requested that discussion of his demand'lette~ reg~rding~curb and gutter work on Alder Street be held ov~r. ` - . s ~ ~ xy CITY COUNCII~ AUGiJST 14~, 1973 ' ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ` , ; PAGE 6 ~ , _ FU THE DISCUSSION RE FIAOD CONTR ~L,.C~ EL A VALd~EY At~torney James Thwaites and='~~,~ ~?Smith., bot~i representing H. C..~llzot, ' Inco, deuelopers of a proposed mobi~ h~me park at Valiey`Road, u-rere present ~nd`='' reported that th~ir breakdown for r~ ~seznent was as foll.ows : $4f7;9D0 froan futur~ develc~pers along the channel,~~~,d\~~he El~.iot firm would pay $15,000 for a~otal building cost of ~1~e channe~. bei~g $539000. Mr. Smith pointed out tha~ additional costs for the channel ~.ave already been expended for easements. A great d~al of discussion continued regardi~ig the cost breakdown according to benefit to propErties in the area, of thq;~roposed compacted earth channel. After Council discussi~n, it was agreed that the City staff shau.ld st~a.dy this matter ftxrther with representatives fram H.C. E11iot, Inc. and regort back to ' the Council as soon as possible. RECEIPT OF ANNUAL PROJECTION ~EPORT RE. LOPEZ CONTRACT FUNDING Adminis~rator Bu.'tch briefly reviewed a report he had prepared, dated July 30, 1973, regardi,ng the annual projection af cash r~quirernents for Lopez Contract fv.nding for th~ next five years, The report recammended, and the ~ a.a - Council agr~ecl, that th~ monthlyt'~qpez ra~e' would remain tlae same and continued anntxal reviews of the contract wil~.,be-,m~'~,e. k. . . ,~~,~.!'.i . . . . , . . . . . RECEIPT OF E UESTS FOR WATFR SERVI }-rT ~DE OF CITY.:~IMIfiS~`o ~[TLARTE & GRANT Administrator Bu~tch read a~e~; raated August 1~73 from Marruel R, Gularte, requesting City wa~er servi'~ r~3~: his existing ~h'ome outside, but iimn€:diately adjacent to the City 1° ~:~;~,,,Addit~anal requests for: Ci~y water service in the sam~ area Y~.ave als~ ' n''.~ceive.d by Dir~ctor'of Pisblic Woxks And~rson, which he is study~ng to se~e if~~:'~i.~.y are located in Zon~ 3. k Ron Grant, represent~,ng s`iame of th~ parties in need of water at their houses or property, caas pres~nt and comm~ed further on the need for water, pointing out on a diagram the locati.on of existing homes and proposed home sites, The Council disctassed the matter at great length, inclu.ding the suggestion that perhaps this part~cular area should b~ considered for anne~ation as it seems logic~.l in rounding out the bordPrs of the City. Ron Grant ind~cated that an application for annexation has rec~ntlv been submitted to ~he Ea.ty. Ma.yor Schlegel al.so reported that he had`'received a call before the evening's meeting from Nellie Gularte, who indicatec~:that tk~e3r were now without any water. The Ci.ty staff was requested to study this matter and give its recommendations to the Council at the next regular mee ting,. ~ _ _ : - . . ~ PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER' `~~SSMENT DISTRICT'N0 1. _ . Administrator Butch revi~wed crr ~~'the Council a~eport dated July 20,; „t: 1973, prepared by Daniel P. Beck, Res~ ~tit~ Engineer on the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment Districto The Council wa~~~''l.eased with the progress and cost reports, excep~ for the high cost of~~ourity Administrative Services, which the Council requested Administrator Butc~i to look into, as they have far exceeded the Eng~neer~s Esti.mate. - PROGRESS REPbRT - SOe,SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Administrator Butch gave a detailed report ofi the laCest comglications. encountered in trying to repair ~he Sanitation District's ocean outfall line. A restr~ining order has been filed against the Distxict by the Attorney Gener~.l, and a hearing is set in the San Luis Obispo Superior Court on August 16, 1973. RESOLe ADOPT. - CONI~4ENDING HARDIE RICHEY FOR 23 YEARS OF SERVICE TO CITY Mayor Schlegel introduc~d aiYd read i~`f~11 a resolution coimnending ~ rEtired Public Works Superintendent;~ Hardi;~` H. Richey, for`his 23 years of service to the City. _ ' ' _ ~ , , ° ~ ~ ~ ~i~~ ~ ~ ~ RESQLU~I~Q~~°. lOS8 ; f A RESOLUTTON OF THE C ~DUNCIL':OF THE CITY OF ' ARROYO ,GRANDE COMME "{'`::HARDIE H. RICHEY FOR HIS ` , SERVICE TD THE CIT~.'' b:~ ~1R.~t7Y0 GRANDE. On motion of Councilman Mi-11is, seco~iii~ed by Councilman de I~~on and on the following ro11 call vo~e, to wit: ' AYES: Councilmen Tal.ley, Millis, de Leon and Ma.yor Schlegel NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Woc~d the'foregoing resolution was gassed and adapted thzs 14th day of A~ng~ast, 1973. 245 CITY COUNCIZ AU~US~ ~4, 1973 ARROYO GRANDE , C~.ZI~'~RNTA pAGE 7 REOUEST FOR LTD. PAItKIN~ AT N0. H~II,CYON ° BATES Councilir~.n Talle~ -advis~d t~.a~ Ed B~,t~s of B~.t~~ P~iv~anbing.a~ 106 N, H:~.lcyon, has requested consid~r~.t~on fa~~ a g;:een I~i~ed. parks,ng zs~n~ in fr~n~ ~:f h.is b~siness. Tl~e mai~~t~r ~r~.s refe~~~d tv ~~P P~:~king and. Traff~c C~ission, NOTTCE RE . T,AL,LEY' S EI~ECfiIO~ AS PRES OF CHANNEL :COiTNTIEB DI~ OF' ~EA~UE Ccruncilman T~.l~e~ -reva.ew~d a press r~Iease rega~°d.~ng hi~ r~c~n~ r~lection as t~.e new presid~nt of the Chann~~ Counties Divis~csn of the ~~ag~.e of Cal~,fornia Citfes, ADJOURNMEIVT On motion of Councilman d.«~ Zeon, s~cond~d by Cc~~xncilman Mi11is and unanimo~.sly carriecl, th~ m~~eti,ng adjo~a.rned ~.t 11:03 P,Mo until d:30 PoM,, August 20p i973, . ~ ~ ~~r~~ ~.~r~~s T : CITY CI.E1tK ~R CITY COUNCIL ~1~GUST 20, 1973 ARROYO GRANBE, CALIFORNIA ~:30 PoM, T~v City Co~.rscil in r~g~.Y.~.r adjox~rned session with M~.yo~ Schlegel pr~s~.c3ir~go Upo~. roll cal~, C~~.nci~ M~ml~~~s Tal~.~~, M~.11is, Wood and de Leon r~port~d grESent, DISCUSSION RE. F'ED~RAL REVEIVCTE SHARING FUNDS T~e Cur~ncil ~~:c~ive~. a~~por~ f:ra~?z Ad.ministcator Butch, dated Aa~g~v.st 17, 1973, rega~din~; r~port~ requi~~d by~ th~ F~deral Gov~rnmenl~ on tl~.e ~xp~ndi~a~re of R~ven~.e Sharing fund~. ~ener~:l disc~xssion :was he3.d on th.e tot~.1 ~.~?o~n~ that m~.st be;r~pcrt~do' Mrs. Kinne~r~.a~ 1'~0 So, E~,~?r., r~pr~sent~.ng Gric~ ~oa~th Cc~~.ntjr S~n~.~r~~ which now has m~mbe.rs]'nip af ~.b~~.t 4309 ~r~q~~ested sam~ ~.ssistance from the Ccaas~.cil for a new facility far th~ group. In ans~aer t~ Mayor Schlegel's q~estion, Mrse Kinnebrew stated t1~at members~~ip of t~iz grc~up includes persons from Avila to Nipamo. After a great deal of discussip~ r.egarding this request, it was agreed that a represenfiatti.ve from the Cxty meEt with th~ Seniors and Supervisor Howard Ma.nkins and also repr~sentatives fro~n the other'two cities, to discuss a building for the Seniors as a joint effort bet~een. the County and the Cities of Pismo Beach, Arroyo Grande a~d Grover City. Tne Council then Tis~ed the ~xpenditur~.af Federal Revenue Sharing funds as follows: T. Reservo~.~° Site $15,000 2o Drainage 50,000 3, Curb and Gutters ' • 15,000 4. Com~tt~nity Bu~:lding 30,000 5. General I,~.nd Pu~ck~as~ 50,OOQ 6. Cla~.rnbex° of Co~aurier~e Building 5,000 ' 7. Fir~ Statzon Lcsca~i.an 22.000 ~ TOTAL $1.8.7,000 COUNCS~,MAN MTLLIS GRANTEb PERMISSION TO BE ABSENT FROM STATE• 8~22 8/25173 ' On motion af Co~tncilman Talley, seconded by Corsncilman Woc~d and unanirnously carried, Councilanan-Mi11is was granted pexYnission to be out of the State of California from Atag~.s~ 22, 1973 throv.gh August 25, 1973, as req~ested bq Councilma.n Mi11is, ADJOURNMENT On motion of Co~:v.r.~cilman d.e Zec~n, se~onded by Cc~uncilan.an Mi13.is and unanimous ly carri.ed, th.~ m~eting ad jo~xrned 9: OQ P,M. ~ ~ ~ ( ATTES T : ~ r~.~,. ~j~ , ~.t e-'f ~ . . DEPUTY CITY CLERK YO