Minutes 1973-08-28 ~4~~ CITY COUNCIL A~JGUST 28, b973 ARROYO GRAND~, CALIF~Rl~T.A Tl~e C~ty Coa~ncil ~r~~ ~n r~gul~.r° s~~s~c~n. with M~~or 5~~~..~g~l pre~id.ingo Uporx ro11 ca~.l, Cou~.c~l M~mber~ Ta~~ey9 Mil~.~.s9 Wc~~~. ~.nd d.~ I~~o~ ~~port~~ p~°~~~nt, PI,EDGE OF ALLEG7ANC~ ~ND II~V(DCATIO~T Mayo~° Schl~g~l l~act t~n~ P1ed~;~ of Alleg~anc~ to o~r Fl~.g; a~d, im~ed~ately ther~after, R~v~~~nd B~.~.ck f~os~a Fir~~: M~~~,~di~t CY~~rch in Ar~~?~~ Gr~nd~ deliver~d th~ ~.nvc~e~~~~r~., APPROVAL OF WARRAN`~S On motion o£ C~~nc~.~.xxnan ci.~ I,~on, s~concl~d b~ Cour~cilrr~an Wood ~.n~. a~n~.rai~ously carried, Pay~o11 W~.~rants No. 283 ~hrough No. ~65y a~n the ~ot~.1 ainoun.t of $199525,53; General Warx°ants N~o 1~9, Np, 16~., No, 165, IVa, 16~ throug~.lVo. 368, and No. Y92 through No, 2~8, in tha total ax~ount of $209449.5~.; ~.nd Tx~tast & Agency War~ants No, 2129 through I~To. 2,~42, No. 2I91 and No, 2~.92 i~. the to~a1 amount ~f $1,208.80~ were apgroved and ordered paid. PERSONA.L INVTT~TTO1~ TQ PARTICIPATE IN MExTCA~ TND~PENDENCE CET,EBRA~ION° 9/9°9/~5/73 Jol~n Mor~no9 x°~pr~:~~n~ativ~ of th~ Uni~cx Civica Y C~Yt~aral Mexicar^~a, va~.s px°esent and p~r~~ara.all~ ~.nv~~~d t~E. Ca~.ncil ~o p~.r~i~~p~.~~ a.n th~ ann~~~ Mex%c~n Independ~nc~ fe~t~.v~t:~e~. Ad~in~.stra~or B~;tch r~~:~a.~c~~d scl~edaxle ~f ~~ent~ dt~ring this c~l~bratia~ F~ah.ich inc~.~d~; ~ Cor~n~~~un I?anc~ ran S~pt~.mb~r 9~h ~.nd Fie~~a Par~.d~ on S~ptemb~r 15t1~~ w~a~c~ fih~ C~^~nczl sa~.~,l pa.r~i~~~sa~te in, INF'0. RE. SOLID WASTE MEI~AGEMEIVT & pLA1~TING C(~NLMT`~T~E ° KREJSA Ad.~.ir~i.~tx°~~or° B~.tcl~ r~wie~r~cl ~~.et~~r fro~ Sa~pervi~~r Kr~js~.9 regax°ding the forcnat~.on c~~ a S~lid Was~~ M~na~~m~nt and P~a.nr~.in~ C~iit~:~~ p~r~~x~.nt ~o th~ pass~.g~ of Scn.~.~~ 8~.11 N~, S ent~.tl.ecl '°Sol~d W~.~t'~ M~.nagem~nt ~.nd R~~va~rc~ R~ccavery Ac~ of ~.972". M~.yo~ ~~h~~g~~ ~r~~~~nt~~r~d to ~~g.r~~~nt th~ Cit~ c~n ~his Co~n~:i~tee, RECEIPT OF APPRECIAT'2C~~V ~ETT~R ~0 POLICE DEPT, m SL~P~RVISUR MANKINS Ada~~nistrat~~° Bt~tc~ r~~d l~~t~r dafied A~g~.~t ~39 ~,933 frc~ Chairman of Coa~nty B~a~°d af S~.F~;rv~.~o~s, Ha~,~~rd M~.nk~ns, ~a~.ich c~~.s ~.i~~ct~d ~o the Ax°royo Gra~cl~ Police Depar~:r~e~~ ~h.~.~zk~,ng ~h~~ for vax°ious s~:rwic~~, C~~nc~1~.n Millis not~d that the burglarl~: rat~ in ~h~ City has d~creased 25% sinc~ the initiatinn of the ~ vacation ho~.s~-eh~~~ prog~aa~. COMPLAINT L~TTER RE« B~AC~N OIL CAR WASH ON GRAND - RESOLVED Administx°~.~to~ Bt~Ge.h ind~.~~.t~d th.a~ a complaint x°~c~iv~d ~~g~.rdi.ng the car wash at th~ B~~con gas sta~ie~n on G~and Av~x~~~~, h.ad b~en r~solv~d b~~za~~n the parties inuolv~d lba~ior~ ~h~ ~v~z~mr~g's mc:e~ing. _ZNVITATION ~U ATTEND CIi~3MBER Q~ COMMERCE ' LU~TCHEON°WM KE`TCHIIM - RESOL ADO~T Adzni.nistrator I3~.tcYa r~vie~~cl a l~~G~e~ fro~n ~he Chamber of C~erc~ invi~ing ~he Council to it~ no-~hos~ l~n.c~~~an ox~ A~gust 29th. at which Congr~ssman Wil~.iam Ketchum will be th~ sgeak~r, Discus~ion w~:s l~~ld re~ard~ng tlxe ~doption of a resolution hanor~ng Congx°~ss~n Ketch~zin fo~ h;~s dedicated service, After Council discussion~ City At~orn~y S~.ipse;~ x~~ad the title of a resol~e~ion proclaiming August 29, 1973 as "Cong~°~ss~~ n Bill K~~chuar~ Day" in the City of Arroyo Grande; thex°eaft~r, a~otic~n was mad~ b~ Council~man Mi~.l.is 9 s~conded by Co~ncil~na.n d~ L~on and unanimo~sl~ ca~ri~d~ tcs d.isp~nse wi.~h r~ading t~~ b~lance of th~s r~solution. RESOLUTZON NO., 1059 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCZL OF THE CTTY OF ARROYO GRAIVDE PROCLATMING AUGUST ~9~ i9739 "CONGRESSMAN BILL KETCHUM DAY" . On m~tie~n of Co~~ncilm~.n M~11is, s~cond~:d b~ Co~ancilman '~alley ~.nd on the following roY1 cal~. vote, ~o wit: AYES: Cc~~~cilmen Talley, Milli~, W~od9 dc~ Leon an.d M~.yor Sc1~I~~e1 NpES: Non~ ABSENT: Non.~ trie for~going ~~solx~tiun ~aas pass~:d ~.nd adop~t~d. t~i,s 2~th d.ay e~f A~gu~~E, Y9~3, APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of August 14, 1973 and the regular adjourned meeting of August 20, 1973, were approved as prepared. 24~ CITY COUNCIZ t~UGITST 28, ~973 ARROYO GRANDE , CALIFi~R~TiA PAGE 2 RESOLUTION ADOPTION ESfiABL~S~IZIV~ ~.9~3- e4 rn~ICT~~Z ~ x~°r~ Adzninistra~o~ B~xtch. ~°~:~~~r,~ed a p~~csg~s~~ ~~~~~c~~.~.~~,~n ~s~~.b~~s&~i~g t~.~ tax rat~ necessary to derive gen~:x°a1 f.ax~ds fo~ t~~ =:~r:~c~~.~ c~p~ra~i~ns o~ ~h~ Ca~ty. The proposed ta.x rai~e wo~zld b~ t~~le ~~x~a~ as last yt~.r, at $~.96 ~g~on ~ac7i $100.00 of assess~d valuation. Aft~~° Co~.nczl d~s~azssi.on, City A~:~o~n~y S~~ips~~ ~~ad t~e title of a resolution fix~.ng tY~.L r~.t~~ of ~~.x~s for ~hA 1973m~~ f~.sc~.l for s General Government Op~r~t~ans; $0.;9 for Emplay~~ R~L~r~~n~n~, ~.nci $0.0~ fa~ Recreation; th~r~after, a m~ti~n ~as rnad~ by Co~.nc~lman '~a11~~, s~~~nd~d b~ Councile ' man Millis and unanimousl~ c~rr.iedo to d~sp~nse ~ri~~ r~,~ding th~ bal~,nce of this i~ 1~;;~; resolution. RESOLUTION ~TO. 1060 A RESOLUTI~N OF THE CITY COtTL~CI~ QF THE CTTY OF ~RROYO GRP,IQDE, CAZIFORIVIA, F~'XING THE AMQUN~'OF NI~NEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY Tt~X2,TTt~~I FOR 'TFiE CURR.EI~T'~ F'LSCA~, YE~R BE~IN~~~;~IG JUp~,Y ~ 97:3 9 r'1ND FTX~NG TITE RA'TES OF TAX~S ~OR SUCH FT~CA~ YEAR. Un m~tican af C~~.nc~l~n~.n Ta:ll~g~, ~~c~i~c~~d Cc~r~~~iTa~~~.n d~ L~~an and on t1~e follow~ng roll c~ll vat~., ~o w~~o AYES e C~uncil.z~~r~ T~11ery9 M~.i~.~.s ^ W~~~ ~ d:,~ ~:~c~n ~nd M~.~ar S~'~Y~gel NOES : N~ne~ ~BSENT: I~c~ne the for~gc~~ng ~esol~zti~n wa~ gas~~~ and adopt~c7 i~~iis ~8t~i da~y~ of A~~~~st, 1973e ~PPROVE REVE1Vi3E SHt1RTNG FU~1DS FOR CURB & GUsTTER R~FAYNNtENTS OVER 3~-~'EAR PERIOD Adrninistr~~or B~xt~.h r~;rittaa~d h~.s r~pa~t c~~.ted A4~~~st; 21.0 1.9~3 rr~g~rding the Council's stud~ sess~on on revc~.r~.+.~e s~i~r~ng funds. He r~comm~nd~d ~h.~.t $15,000 of ~rh~ funds b~ s~t as:~~.~ in a r~:vclL=ing ~cc~~~n.t ~o ~n~.bi~ ~°~:payan~nt of curb and g~tt~r ~~prov~m~nts l~y prc~pEr~~ orai~.~rs a~v~r ~ t~a~~~°y~~r p~riod.o Th~ Council d~scrzssod the mat~~r ~~r~gtr.~9 a~~~~in~ ~'~a~ 1~?~~ ~nng~r x~~p~.~n~nt m~thod might encoux~age installa~~,~n af th~ ixnprov~m~nts and if fund5 became exha~.s~d, a waiting list would'be establrsh~d. After Ccunci.l discussion, an mofion of Councilanan de Leon, s~-rconded ~by Council~tzian Millis and unanimo~.sly ca~ried, it was authorized ~hdt $15,OU0 of th~ Fe~deral R~v~n~~ Sharing funds be s~t asid~ as a revolving account for cu~b ~nd gutter improv~m~nts, enabling prop~rty owne~s to repay improveinent as~~~sm~nts in on~-third install~n~:nts ov~x~ thr`~ (3) years, at 6'/o interest. REVIEW OF LEGISLA`TTVE BULT~E~TNi FROM LEAGiJE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Administrator B~~xtch revi~~a~d with. th~ C~?~nnc.~.l sev~x~~.l Legislativ~ Bulletins received fram th~e L~ague of C~.l~.forni~. Cit~.~s, ~xnphasizing SB 528 which would allow senior ci~izens a on~°y~ar, pastpone~n~•ni: o~ p~.ying th~ir pr.op~rt~ taxes. ORAL REPORT ~ COUNTY-CITIES AREA PLANi~TNG C00RDINA`~ING COUNCIL MEETING ~ TALLEY Councilman Tal~~y r~ported on the A~ezgust l6th rn~eLing of th~ Co~nty-Cities Area Plannfng Goordinat2ng Cc~~.~ci1, ~.t wY?ich the fo3.lowing ~xac~ be.en discussed: 1) the Sei.smic Safety El~~~nt ~f the Co~.nty's G~~n~ral P~.an, to b~ done b~ Envicom; 2) partial funding of the Transportation P1an by the St~.t~, ~h~ balance b~ing funded by 3% of gas tax sal~s; 3} So1~d Was~~ M~.nag~ment~ and 4~) flood control. AUTHORIZE CALI, FQR BIDS - FTRE VEHZCLE - SEPT ~0, r9~3, 2:00 P.M. Fir.e Chief Marsalek w~.s presenr and d~tail~d th.~ type of ne~u fire vehicle he is requesting authorizat~on to purchase, w~ich would r~:p°lacc~ th~ 1941 Engine ~~2. The approximate cost of the v~hicl~} w1~ic1~ wi.ll b~ ~rr,~d~ to sp~cificat~ons : comp2led bgr the Fire Dc~par•tm~nt pex°sonnel, is $25,00~. Aft~r Council. discussion, on motion of Caunciln?an Mi11is9 s~~ond~d by Co~ancilaxnarc de L~on and unanzmously earried, au~hox~ization tiaas given t~ call tor bids for. an~ fir~ patrol and x°escue vehicle, with ~he bid op~^n~ng d~.~~ ~~t for Sep~:~mber 20~ 1973 ~t G:QQ P.M, LETTER OF COMMENI~ATIQI~ TO CHIEF MARSAT~EK AND CREW FROM CHP CAPT. ~RTPKE Admini.s~rator Butch read ~ l~tt~r addr~s~~c~ to kh~: Counci~. fro~a California Highway Patrol Cap~ain Tripke, camrea~nding Fix°E Ch~~f M~~sa~~k ~ncl h~,s rescue cx°ew for their assistance in a re~~nt collis.~o~.. Ci~i~f Marsalek c~asren~Z~d f.~.r~h~r on the extr~~atian znaneuv~r nec~~s~rg% :in this aecid~n~. 24~ , CTTY COU~CIL At~xG~S~' 2$m ~9~3 ARROY~ ~RAD1D~, CALIF~12l~T.F, ~~GE ORAL ItE~ORT m U1~TD~RGRO'~~D ITZ°I~,~~Y CO~T~DT1Vr`~~'IN~ C~~I~`~`3°~F M:~~Ti~~ ~ ML~,~Y~ Cor~~.ci~~.n M~,~.l~s r~p~~°t~d ~n Aaz~~~~~ ~ 2Q~h. ~a~-~~~i~,~ o~ ~~h~ ~`~nd~rg~o~nd Utility~ ~C~o~dinat~,ng ~C~i~~~~~ 3n~.~~~,~i~~g ~t~Z~~t ~ ~~,~f~~c °~~1eg~~ane and ~'~l~grap~ ~ h~.d ~~~n ~~c~~~r~d. ~~~.ting ~ t~~~g~ co~x~~. n.cs~ ~n~~~ ~ ~k~~ d.~~.dl~.nes s~~ ~ i~n t1~~ Ci~kg~a~ r~~aT~,t~c~~.. A 1~~~~~~r ~a~ ~r~cn ~~z~~ ~~og~~t~ ~ ~i~.~~~,e~rs ~itl~in tl~~ U~~~x~gr~~nd. ~ D~s t~~ic t~ , r~g~.~d~x~~ i~.fe~~m~~~c~~~ ~~.ng s~:~ £or A~.g~.s ~~~0 9 19~3 at ~:00 PoM., at ;~~a~c1~ t~..~c~ x~~~~~ry~;n~~.~a~~;~~ fatc,~ ~i~~ C3~~~ ~n~. ~~~I~~~~~ r~ail~, b~ pre~~n.t to ~.nsurer an~ q~~~~k~o~~~, D~r~ctor of P~bl~.c Wox~Ies A~.~e~r~~on ~~v~~~~c~ ~~.a ~~por~ ~a~e~~ A~g-~st 28~ 19~3 wh~,c~ o~.tlined fata~ ph~s~s of th.~ r~~onst~~zet~.~re c~f B~anch Str~~t, to b~ ~ccompl~shed in abo~x~ thr~e mc~n~'~~5 ~im~. H~ f~rt~~~r r~qu~~t~~ ~.i~t'h~a~~~~~ion t~o eng~g~ Garing & ~a~l~r to d~v~lnp p~.~.ns for th~ laG~.ticsn c~f w~.~~r~ i%n€~s ~n Br~n.c~ 5~~~~t< Aft~r Coa~~.cil d~~cu~s~on, ~an t~~~~~n of C~~.x~~fi:~~rs. i~~r~c~9 ~~.~cand~cl b~ Cc~~nc~lt~n ~'al~ey and ~~~~an~.~na~.s3.y c~.r~~:~d, ~utl~csr~~ati~n ra<~s giv~:rr, tca D~.~~c~ea~ of Pv.h1~~ W~rk~ And~r:~a#n to ~n~~.g~ ~c~.~:Lng 'I`~.~~.~~r ~cAx° ~:'~,_y ~~°3~° ~~~r~~~.~t4i~ ~~f ti~rc~.~~~ ^r:~n~: d.Fms:~gn. on B~ancl~ S t~~~:~;t. DISCUSSION - PROPOS~D ORIl7~~.NC~ :RE, IN~BI~.S~G'~1~~:~DR.~V~F`6n~~,1' OBSTRC~C~~~1L~S C:it~ Attorxx~.y Sl~~.~s~~ r~~~ri~,w~~d p~~p~s~d c,,~dlira~nc~ r~~~~z°s,c~ing v~sib~Zi~y e~bs~~v~ct~,c,n~ ~t int~~~~~~~yc~ns and dr:~~°~~~~~~.~~~ a. F~~ c~~~c~,~~~a~cY .~~~~a~~.~: tti~ ~ lack of fl~x~~bili~~ of ~his ~~°d~:x~.n~~~, s~~ta,n~ c,n~ ~r~..:ic~~, v~u~.1d. g~-a~~ Go~~an~i~, more ~ 1~~w~.y ira a~~ing ~on t~~ ~~:s~.~~+~~,1 ~f ~~~tai~. ~b~~~~~~~d~~car~~ na~~?~~~ b~ cc~~nsid~~~d. T1~~ C~,~z~cil ~~~c~s~~d in ~.~~~:~~`l C~.t~ ~.a~~i~~.~,i~.;~ ~ft~~° p~.~~~g~ ~f th.~.s c~~d~.nar~c~, pcas~ible Y=ac.e~.e~~::~ uf prc~p~~ry ca~rnv~~ ~nd ~d~p~;.~ ot ob~.:~~.wa~;~i~n~ ~o b~ r~a~a~r~;~.. Aft~~° ~c,~~c~,1 c~~,sc~as~~~ir.~ G:~~.;~ A~:~~~~r~~-~ S:~i~gs~~~ w~~ d~.r~~~~.~~. to ~~d.raf~ ~he carciin~.nc~;, i~a ~,~~~.~cl~ ~an ~.g~g~~L ~n~~~~~c~~ ~~~~~~~~~~t~ca~ r~f ~t~~ C~~s~ci1's ~ d~.~c~~~ic~n an ~-~rd~riri~ ~~~~acse~l, ~f ~~al~~~r~.~~~~c~*~i;~, ~.nr~ ~pa~~~b~~ ~~.~it~i~ ~~e P~~~.ing anc£ 'I'x°~.t f ic C s~i~a.s ~ i ur~ ~.~c ~ r~vi~~w b~~.~~ o REC~IP~' OF T~ETTER R.E o EXP~SED .~~GREGA.t°E S TDE~n1ALK C(~~`IS ~ L1~P i. ~F TRANSP~7RZr`1'~TON A l.et~~.~r ~raar~ ~Y~~ D~p~.~x°~~~i~n~ c~f T~~,n~~c~~ta~;~.~:~ ~ d~.t~~~~. A~a~g~s~~ ib ~ 1973 r~gard~ng pr~vic~v.s and c~:~~~x~t ~~~~.ma.tes fcir th~~:~ ~xp~s~,~. agg~~:~~.t~ sa~d.~w~alks an ~~anch S~re~t, T~hich sha~~d nn m~.ac:~r ch~.ng~~ ~n co~ts, w~~,s r~~.c~iv~d by the Co~.nc~.1, revi~w~d and ox°dered fil~ci. AUTHORIZE'INSTAL3.~ATTON OF 36" DRAINAGE PTPE AT 1052 ~RAND AVE ~ BT~NKENBi3RG BLDG. Da.r~ctor of Public Wr~~1cs And~rson re~port~d th~.t d~~;~ Y.ap~n~xxt f,or a proposed b~ilding at 1052 Gr~.nd A~r~nv~.~ h~ve k~~~n s~abrna.~:t€~ci and that as ~ri~s a~~a is with.in the City's Drainag~: Pl~.~, ~hat ~.~~:h~~°iz~.tic~n L~e gf~~~.n ~.t thi~ tim~ for the City to ins~all th~ requi~~d 36" ~Ein~rax•c:d concr~at~, c~~°~.in pip~ riow ~~fore. constx~a.c- tion ~f th.~ bu3.ld~n~ b~gins to ~.«cc~id f~f~~.r~ ~c~nfl..icG~. A1so r~q~ired. cao~ld b~ a ~,O}' stprm d~ain eas~an~~n~s tor wh.ic~ dG~v~l,c~p~~ D~.ck B~ank~nbt;~x°~ ha~ r~r~~a.est~d some cosnp~ns~.tion from. ~th.e Ci~~. T~:e~ d~v~~.cap~~°s cir~.in~~~ a~~e~sxn~nt ~.s $~,085.00. The Co,~nc~1 di.sca~s~~d tY~~ m~.it~:~r° ~.t 1~ngi:h, ~gr°~~.:~.ng ~Fiat. thr; p~pe sho~~d Y>~ i,nstall.~d at tfiis t~m~ b~farc the c~ns~r~sc~e:ivn beg:~n~. Aft~r C~~.r~c:~l cii~ct~.~si~n, on. moti~n of Cc~tanc%l~nan Mill~.s, s~cond~~. b~ Cc~~.nci~ma.n d~: Lca~7r~ ~.nc~ un~.n.~~nc~sl.g~ c~.rried, ~.uthori~~~~.c~n w~.s giv~n. ta D~,~°~~tp~° of P~b~.ic Wm~~ks Anc~~:r~Qn fa ~~°oc~~~. z~ith ~h~ install~.tion of a 36" R.C.P. ~t 1Q52 Gr~nd Avtn~,~, a,nd ~~~rt1~~x° ~a~.s ~.~s~1~c~rized to n~:got3at~ w~th t~i~ cl~v~lop~:~ for th~: ac~u~.sitic~n of ~.n ~~~~~~n~nfi and cos~s for same. LETTER RE. CURB & GUTT.ER WORK ON ALDER FROM A`TTY. HEDG~S ° HET~D ~VER Adxninistr~.tor B~tch ~d~i.s~d tha~ a~e~que~~ h~.s lae~r~ r~c~:~ev~d to hold over discussion of th~ l~tt~:~ of. ~.~?na~r:~ f~o~n Attnr°n~~~; HFwd.g4~~ ~~;~~rding cz~rb and gu~ter work ar~ Alc~~r Str~:et. ? DISCLTSSI~JN REs WATER ~E12VICE OUTSIDE CITY LIMT`I'S ° TFMP. POSTPQNED Tha.s itezn Ta~.s post~pc~n~d ~~mpor~.x°~1y ~r~~~~~~t~~ Y,d~ T~~~x. Sch.l~g~:~. ORAI~ REFORT ~ ZQi~' ~ ADVIS~IRY CCIMM~TT~~ MEE~I~IG °~r~,~3,~Y Coun.cilsnan Tall~g~ ga~r~ r~port orr. ~h~ l~~~g~~~~ T.~, T9~3 ~n~~ting Qf t~e Zc~n~ 3 Advisor~r Ccr~rmig~~~, i~t.d~.~.~ting that ~a~~~ht~r d~.sc~~~i~n h~.d be~n held regarding lar,a ~~n:Eorc~~~n~t ~patr,o~ af ~h~ Ia~+p:~~ ~Its~cr~~~,~i~~n ~t ~r~.s~ ~alsc~ r~po~r~~d ~ha~~th.~ und~r,~~a~~~.n.d ~~~v~;~ w~.a~3~a~gh~~ ~h~~. ~.n~ta.c~.p~~t~~., and the 1983-~ 3~ b~agdg~ t for ~h.F^ L~;~~.z R~:~~~~ ti~rr Ar~~~. $~.9:~ , Q~O. ~C?, ~T~iich is v~ry c~os~ ~Q lr`~S t jTf'.t~.Y' e S. . COUNGILM~N WOQLI ANNOL~i CED ~TS T~V'~'~~TI(~l~ TO I~BS~'AITV FROM L~'ISGi;S~I4lV I~T '~HE F9LLUWIN~ MATTER D4JE A POSSI~T~E CCINF:L,TC"L' ~?F ~~'1E;~~ST. 24~ CITY CO~T~'CI~, A~GUS~° ~8, 1973 AR.ROYO t~ItANDE, CALIFOR.~T~ PAGE 44 DISCUSSIO~T R~ WATER SERVICE OUTSIDE CITY LIMIT~ t~~'~~"~~ PROP~R~Y ~ AUTHORIZ~D Di~cu~sion co~~in~~d ~~g~.rding ~h~ p~°~t~~~~~Y~~ ~~c~°~v~d r~q~~s~~ fc~r water service f~°c~zn prop~~°t~ ~~~n~r~ ~n an a~~~. Uah~.ch ~.b~~~~~ C~,t~ pr~~o~~d ~r~~.~ b~.t is not withixa th~ Cit~ 1~~n2t~. ~h~ C~t~ s~aff ~n~ Ron ~r~n~ ~~~~.etia~d tl~~ l~t~ex°s r~c~~v~:d fr~m s~v€~x~.l ~°~~~,d.~nts i,n ~~i~~ ~r~~ pl~~.din~ ~i~x~.sh~.p c~°~.~ ~o ~acl~ of w~~~x°. Annex~.tion of th~ ar~~. ~~.s also d~~ca~~~ed., J~~n K~.d.~n and R~rc G~~nt cc~r~an~n~~ng additionall~ an tha.~ xnat~~r. D~.r~ctc~r ~f P~.b~~.c ~~rk,~ ~~d~r~on g~;v~ ~ x'o~gh. revie~r of emerg~nc~ sn~as~a~°~~ ~rh~,ch co~ld be t~lc~~ ~o s~agpl~ th~ ~cs~r~~ of Man~a~1 G~larte9 Jun Aclaans anc~. A1 Sra~.ti~er ~~~h w~t~~o Af~~~ ~~.x°th~~° C~~~,nc~l d3~~c~.ss~.on, an mo~a.on of Counc~.lman Ta~~.~y, secc~nd~cl b3~ Counci~~~ c~~ ~~~n ~.n~. ~n~na.nao~z~l~ c~rr~,~da ~aater service, on an ~fm~~g~;n~~ b~.sis, w~s ~.a~~~oriz~~, ta ~ 26+ acr~: p~x~cc~l abast~ing ~h~ City lim~.~s along Corb~~t Canyon Road, ~n th~ condit~.~an th~g a~~ti~:i~a.~ for annexation is pre~~n~ed ~o the City signed by al.l p~op~~ty a~aners in said. ar~~o 0~. ~n~t~on of Cca~.nc~,l7n~.n T.alle~, se:cond~~ k~~ Cc~~unc~.lrraan de L~on and unani° ~ous l~ c~.~ri~d y ~a~,~ti~c~~.~~.~~, Gir~~ ~ g~v~n ~ t~~ ~ Gi~;~ ~ E f.r~ ~ s~d~b~°~~~ ~ ~~q~x~~ ~s to the Co~.n~;~ Bc3~~c~ ~f S~.p~~i-~.so~~ 9~nd t~.: Cic~~~ c~~ ~rr,~~~~° C~~t~ ~r~d P~.~r.~~~ Be~.eh., to supply Fa~,t~:z c~~,~t~~.d~ e~f Z~~r~~ ~ 3. TREASUREIt'S REPQRT ~~7R TH.~ MO~TTH ~DF JUZY~ 19~~ & BUD~ET SU_MMARIES T~.~ ~'~°~~.s~.x°~r.~'~ R~~o~i: fos~ th~ mon~h ef J~~eY~y 19~'3 and. B~.dg~~ S~ar~.~s of Reven~ze~ a.nd App~~op~~ata.csr~s of J~x~~ 309 19~~~ e~c~~~ed b~ ~h~ Council~ rev~.ew~d and u~°d~ r~d f. :~.e:d o RECEIPT OF BIDAS & AWARD F~T~ POLTC~ DEPTo VEHTCI.~ M. ~R~lu?~TAN FQRD ° Bt~DGETED ITEM Adm~.n~.s tx~.~~r 13~~.~~ri ~~a:vvi~~~d. 1~ids ~~c~.iv~d. ~n r~~p~~~~ to ~~~q9~~s t by Polic~ Chi~f C~~.~k fo~ ~'l~.~ b~do~t~:d Palic~ v~l~.fc3~y, ~t~~~ inform~:~ ~~.ds r~ceived are as follc~w~ a M~~r3 ~~°~:nr~~rn F~rdS Inc, ~~30 'I~~~'f~c G7~.~3 Ar~o~o U~~.nde, CA $3,~.50,~6 p1~~.s ~~,1~s ta.x; ~.n~. C~i~~~ti~.r^~~o~. Chevro7.~t, 303 T~~~fa~c W~.;~, A~~°c~y~ G~a~.c~~y CA $3,45U.00 p~~s s~.~~s t~.z~. The. b~ds r~;c~ived w~re slightlgr les~ ~han th€~ cost of v~hicl~ b~u~h~ through the St~.te and it ~ra~ recacc~?~nded ~hat the I.v~a 'bid of M~.~rST Brennan Ford be accepted. Aft~~ Cou.nc~l discttssiong on mo~tfan of Co~.ncilman M~.11is, seconded by Ccau.ncilman Woocl and unani~ously carried, the lc~ra bid of Maury B~enn~.n Forc1 in the amo~nt of $3,350.76, p1~a~ tax, for a 1974 Fox°dy w~s accept~d. ACCEPT EASEMENT D~ED - TRACT 463 - L DEVELOPMENT Admin~s~r~.t~r Butch ~~~ietaed a report d~.t~d Aaxgus~ ~8, 1973 from Director of Public Works And~~rscan, r~cams.~ending ~he acc.~pt~.nce of ~.n easement de~~d ~thich had been in~dv~~t~ntl~ c~mitt~d wher~ ~.ppx°ov~.l of ~h~. f~n~,1 naap of Tract ~+63 was granted. Aft~r Ca~ancil disc~zssion, on ~~~i~an ~f Caunc~,lman Talleyp s~conded by Council~an Wood and ~.nani~o~,sly c~.rriecl, the G~an~ De~d to ~he City of Arroya Grande from L,ynn~ D~v~l.op?n~nty Inc., ~~a1g g~~.n~in.g ~~~.s~m~n~:s for public use and stre~t purposes and publ~c ~i~il~tz~s, ov~~ po~tic~ns of T~°~.~~ 46~, w~.~ accepted and the M,~~o~ and City Cl~~k wer~e aa~thariz~d. ta s~,gn t~~ G~~ta.~ica~e of Acceptan~~ on behalf of tl~e Gz~y . RECOMMENDATION T0. REC1'CT~ PAP~R ° COUNCI~IAN TAZL~Y Co~ncilman ~'all~y sugg~sted. that in. view o~ th~ ~.pp~.~°~nt~ papex° shor~age, ~hat a newspaper~ ~°ecycZing gro~~ct be sta~ted by i~~.t~r€~st~d organiza~ions in ~his area. COMPLATNT RE. DRAII~GE "DTP" O1V ALLEN - COUNCI'LN1AN d~ LEON Cotznci:l~m~.n d~ I~~;.on x~comm~nded tha.t th~: d~~.~.nag~: dip on Allen Str~et be shallowed, if possibl~, in vi~w of an aecid~nt 1~~ r~~.d witne~~~ed r~cen~ly whereb~ a vehicle hit ~h~ d.ip ~c>o f~.~t and. as a res~l~ sraerved th~ c~.r a.n~o a power pole. COMPLAINT RE. CONS~'EtLTC~ION DEBRIS IN 7~tA.CT 4f:~ E. JACKSON Mrs . El.a~zab~:th J~.ckson cnznplained abc~~.~ ~~e ~~aGt~r~d constx~a.ction debris in Tract 463, w~Z3.ch 2s 'blo~a3.ng onto priva~~ prop~r~y~~ and r~co~~nd~:d that developers be requ.~r~d f:o k~~p d~laris ~nd~r control, and clean~:~ ~p ~~~n appro~~.l is given for the d~v~lopm~nt. Directo~ o~ 1't~hlic Wa~k.s And~rsor~ wras d~.x~~ct~d to ch~ck into this matter. 25[~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 28, 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 _ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Councilman Talley, second~d by Councilman Millis and ~unanim mously carried, the meeting adjourned a.t 10:08 P,M, to ~.n executive sesszon to discuss personnel matters. RECONVENEMENT The Council reconvened at 10:29 P.M, with all anc~mbex°s present as shown on roll call. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Cou.ncilman Woad, s~conded b~ Councilman de Leon and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at I0:30'P.M. ~ ATTES T CITY CLERK ~ ~y~R