Minutes 1973-10-17 C ITY CO~C TI~ ,~.9 G:~ ARRf:3YG GRA?~TDE' Cc'~.LII+`ORN~. ~ b ~Q ~`.~"M. The City Council m~~ in ~egul~.r ac3.j~~xr~.~~ ~~~~L~~! f~r j~io~~~ ~~~~i~:~ with ~h~ Dor,ant~ax~ Merchant~ ~~~c~e.i~.t~rsx~. 7'1r~ f~~.~~~i~g C~a~x~ci~. M.~?r~ae~~ ~r~~.~ pre:~er_to Me~.yAr Sch7~egel, Cc~sa~.ci~nern Ta~.~.~y, Ma~.l~.:~ ~.~.c~ d~ ~~~o ~~t:~r~~~.:y:a>.^~~ Wo~id is absento Ray Sc~~t, Presi~.~n~ of ti~~ Dcawn~~ 1~~~~~a~~n~~ As~~~i~~~.~~~~ ~~~c~ ~~i~ disc~.ssi~n r~~arding ~th~ r~~;~~.~s~~°uc~~~i~~~. ~f I~~~~.~~. S~~~~~. ~DaTQLTRNr~NT On znotion of C~uncilm~.~a d~ ~~e+~, secox~~i~d b~ C~u~c~.~~n Mi.~.~.~ ~,nc~ unana,moa~s 1;~ caxried ~~he xn~~~ing ~d j oa~rn~~ 9: 3~ ~,M, as.~~°~.3 ~ o~~ :~oM, a October 17, 1973 for jcint s~~sion at the r~g~.l~r a~~~ta.n~ of ~~i~ Pa~~~ and R~cr~a~ion Cotmnissi~n. ~ A~~~S~: ~ ~~J ~ DEPUT~.' CITY CI.~RK ~ MAS~~R CITY COUNCI~ ~C:CQB~R 1.~, ~9d~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA Aa30 P.Mo The C~.ty C~~nc~.1 m~~ ~n r~~la~ adjoi~xn~~ ~~~~i~n fo~ joirt; m~~t~'.n~; with the Parks and It~cr~atiesn Cc~canissiran. Th~ fs~1.1.c~-r~ng Co~ancil. M~rnb~:r°~ ~a~r~ pres~n~: M~,yor Sch"le~~l, Co~~ncilrn~:n Ma~1Tis ~ W~c~c~ de L~on and Gs~~.n:c~.~.m~.n Tal1e~ art~r~d the me~ting 1,at~. Aft~~° t~e r~gul~ir m~~tin~ of ~the P~.rks ~r:d. R~e~~~.tion Gc~m~i.~s~~n, t~.~ Council discuss~d the f~Il~*~aa.ng ynatt~rs and t~r~k. a~~ior! ~,s f~,11c~~~ : ACCEPTANCE OF BLT~JE CROSS PI.~N FC~R CITY EMPLOYEES e MAJOR MEDICAZ C4VER?.GE Ad.m~:~ist~ator B~itc1~ briAf~d th~ C~~r~~iZ on t~.~ n~~a ~ajo~ ~ied.~.c~.1 zns~~~anc~ ra~es, stating that the C~,~y9s pr€~s~nt ~Ya.n witk~ B~.n2ctr~ I.:~f~ ~~~n:~n~.t~s ~n Nc~vember 7, 1973 and propos~s to r~new ~1~e p~an at a 2~% incr~as~. H~ rt~orted that ~n rev~.ewing other plans, the Blue Cross propos~.l appea~s tc~ off~r the ~cast to City empl~y~~s, ind~.c~.ting that Blu~~ Cross is the only othe~ cornpany beside~ Bankers Life zah~.cr~ ~~11 ca~~r px°e~existing condi~ions, rahich w~u~d ef~e:ct 8 to 10 e•mploy~~~. After Co~xncil dis~~ssions an m~ti~r~ ~f C~a'~znc~lman Ta11ey, s~c;c~nded by Cotnncilman de Lec~n and un~.nimousl~ carri~~cla thc: B1u~ Crass P1an ~,ras acGept~ci for the Ci.ty emglog~e~s ° m~dical ~.nsiaranc~ ca~?.en ~he pres~nt Bankprs Life gol~c~ termina~es. DISC, RE. IMPROV. ACT OF 1911 FOR SII?EWA7LK INSTALL - N. ELM, LINDA, BRIGH_'~'ON Adanirc~stra~or B~.tch r~quested clarif~.c~.tian b~r the Counca~l af th~ in~~nt of its motion on S~ptember ~3, 19~3 in setting a p~ublic h~.aring for Octob~r 30, 197~ regarding ~nstall.~~a.,c~n of szdewalks nn bUth sid~s af N~rth Elm S~r~~t, Linda D~°ive b~~aeer N~. E~m and Oce~n Vi~~+ Sch.oal., and Br~ghton Av~nue wittzin Tract No, 16~o Tl,~ Coun~il a,gr~~d its a.n.ter~.tiQn w~.s tha.t the Swxp~rint~nden~ of Streets of the City be irestr~~.~ed t~ not~fy thc~ c~aner~ or p~rson.~ in. posses~~.on of th~ properties :Ernnting on th~ aboz~e°n~.med str~Pts, in wfiic3~ n,o sic~~walk~ have be~n crns~rizct~c~r to cc~ns~r~c~, ~r caus~ tv bz cc?nstr~xc~eci, concr~:te s~cle- walks, and that sa~~. hr~~°ing se~ for 8:00 P.M. Un Uc~ober 30~ 1973 is f~~ tl~~ purpose of hearing p~atests to thP cUnst~c~ion c~f sidew~.~l~s in th~ ~.b~u~ s~.~:ted: areaso COUNCILMA~' de LEOI~ ~R~'~TED PERMISSIO:~' TQ BE ABS~NT FROM STA.TE: 10/24°10 28 7~ On motion o~ C~a~nci~_man Tall~y, s~:ec~rided by M~.yczr Schleg~l ~.nd ~nan~,ma~sl.y carried, Cc,~xnci~.nian d~ L~on was granted pexmission ~°o b~ out of tn.~ St;~,t~ o:f Cali.fornia f.rom Octob~r 24A 19~3 Ghrough nctober 28, 1903, as r~qtiest~d b~ Councilma.n d~ Leon, 02`~~ c~~ c~~cT~ c~c~~~~~ ~.a ~ ~x~to~o ~~~n~ ~ c~~~~c~~~~ ~ c~~cE~~zc~~r aF ~~~r~x ~~u~~cr~.. r~~~:~~,~~ a~ c~~os~~ On. ~ria~~~,c~n c~f, C~~~~~~~,~°A~n M°C~,1~.~ w~~~c~n~`~c~ k~~ G~~:~n~~~~~~,n ~T,,~,~~ ~n4°~ ~,~,~.rci~~~s3.~ e~.~~i~c~~ r~~~i~~.~r G~:~raci~~ ~K~;e~~;~ng d.f ~~~r~+~~~ ~;~9 ~,9iI~ ~~nc~11~~, t~~ C~~~~ca,~~n -c~r~.~,~ 1~~ ~t~ke~r~:~n~ I~~.~~~~,~ c~~ G~.~,:~~~~n:~~ ~n~c ~~,ng in S~.n Fr~.r~~~~~e~ c~~ ~~~a.~ ~a~~. aD~a~~raT On m~~ic~n c~~ ~~~:~n~~.~r~~n 1~~~Y~~; ~v~eaxs.c~~ilc~ b~~ C~;~~~r~.~~,:~fi~a~a~. d; ~xe; ~rTa ~unani?~~s~.s1~ ~~~°~~~~.s ~a~~~:~~~~ ~~~j~~~n~d _at ~9a~0~P.~a ~~~~a,~~-71e~~~~o~1m9 o~~~~~~ ~o, i~~~. ~ ~~T~s~.~~ ~~~:~~,y ~~'I. DEPU~`~ CTT~ CL,~RK N1t1~~R -