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Minutes 1973-10-30
J CI~~ ~~U~~'~~ ~~~~~E~ Ii.~RQY~ C°x1~IV17~, ~A~,~F'CC~1~~,~~1 - ' ~'h~ C.~tc~ G~~~:~.Z rcr~t ~;n ~~~~~~s~ r~z-~h .1~~s~~~ ~~°~~,~a".~~sgo ' Y~~~i. - : . ' ' roZ~ ca.~~2, C~~a~~,i~r~~z~ ~~~~~e~, 1K.~~.~.~~~ c~~ ~e~s~ ~~c~ T~~~ ~e~~~~ ~a~°e~~~a~o ; PLEDGE fl~" ~1"dL~E'~r'C`~IIf~E ~1~ ~11~Tl~JCA1B~OIV ' . Ma z~oz° ~ch1 ege~ e~d ~h~ ~I ed , , _ , , , ~ ~f `~~~~g°,~~n~~ ~rmn~',~~~~.~~ .~1~'~~.~~e~'~ _ . everend John G~~m~~n~ i~~' ~?~e F~~~~y~~~3~n ~h~a~h ,~~i ~~~~c~~ ~~~i~3~~ e~~.~~~+~~~c~ he znr~oc~ t~~srz ~ , PPROVA~; O~° M~'NiTl'ES : . ,1~in~tes of ~1~~ ~eg*~~~~° me~~~.~~ ~~~:sJ~e~ 9~ ~nd ~eg~1~~° ~~jc~u~ed me~~~a~gs _ . Oc~ob~~ 1 ~ and ~ ,Z 9~.~ ~ r~~~~ ~pp~~~~d g~ a • APPROVI~Zr C~F" W~R~711iT5 . I~ r~as mov~d bz~ ~'~un~~.~rr~n'.de I.ec~n a~~ ~e~~~~~ b~ ~at~~~~,,~m~~ t1~a~ ~n~~:Z Wa~°rants 1V~a ~Xz.~~r~g~ 46.~, ~,~d ~~9 ~tl~'~tt~h Y9~, ~aa ~he ~~t~1 ~~~r.°~ $76,3~7a~:3° Pa~z°~~~ C~a~~an~,s 1V~so t.h.~o?~gl~ 7~~ ~n ~i~ ~rn~~r~~ r~~ $~~,36~oa~~: ~n~ 2'~~~ . - and ~gen~~ Waz~~°an~~ 1~4~ o ~15~ ~I~~u~~ ~~8~ ~~~a~ ~rr~~a~a~ S5L~~ o ~0 ,be aFP.~°~~+~' , ' an3 gaid ~s ~~bm,~~~ed, l~fe~~ti~n ~~a~n~rr~us.~~ car~.~ed ~ .TNVZ°TAZ"~0111 ~t~ ~I~E &'l°FI .~11i11~ZJ'~i~ ~~t~~~E`R ~~2`~' C'FP~'~REIV `v CIi~,ZSI'1~~1~ ~~R~E" ° , Adm.~~~s~~°~~~~ B~°~ch r~g~z~~ec~ ~h~~ ~~e C~°~c~ C'c~c~z~~~,.~ ~r~s :~n~.~t~c3 °t~r p~.~~.~~:fp~~~ the E.zg.hth ~~~~e~ ~h~~dr~~ "s C~1~~.stm~s .~,~~~d~, f'~z~ ~S~~u~°~~~6 De~eml~e~ ~a „c9~.~e ~t.~t~~ d`~~~u~~.~o~a C~tzne~.Yrr~en Ta~Z~e~o 1~I.i1X~.~, f~ooa ~~xai d~ ~~lr ~°e- poz°te~ t~a~ ~h~s~ c,'~~~d a~~~nd o LETTEl~ F'RC`~1 ~,E.~yiPE" f5F" 6t~~~1E1V L'~~1`c~ O1V r R~'~~,5'a~2°~ .~jIV X Aa'~~a~sst~a~a~ ~;s~~~ ~~e~e~ ~ ~'~~r~ ~~e Leag°~s~ ~orner~ ~~~e~ ~~g~n~ ~1~e G~i"ft~ ' Counc~~ to oppo~e Pr~pezs~,~~.~~ ~'p 1~rso J~m Dc~ve~, ~~°e~iden~ a~ the ,~~n ~us~ O,b~~p~ , League o~ .G~omen ~~~~~s spoke ~r~ ~he ~agr~~~~ ba~i,~ appa~~~~~n Prope~~.~tf~n T. ~°t was ~vec3 ~iy ~or~~r~.~~m~n ~'~3~ec~ ~ac~ s~cc~n~ec~ bz~ ~~un~~,lman ci~ ~,e~~ ~ha.t °the C.z~t~ C~u~~~~.~ should ~ake ~he p~s~~fesn ~h~~ p~op~~.i~~~r~ is no~ ~~ci fo~ ~h~ City c~.~' Ar°z~o~o Gr°a~c~e, ~h~ .~~s~~owfng .~8~1 ~~2a ~~~e~ t~ ea~~: . AYE~: " 2`a3,~e~a~ ~ 1~i~~~~s- anci a9~ ~1~ Nt3E°S. Wc~d and ScIzI egel AB~EN~a 1Vone , ' . Mo~~.on ~ara~n.~mau,~Z~ ~~r~~c~a ,TTER g°R(3A9 .S2'~1fiE° C[~1?1Z'E11iSe`~TI~IV ~IVS°I71~~NCE F°tJ'1Vb - 1~t10PJ~~°~C~~°~'~1V O~° D~V.2°DE'1VD P7~°,~~.Z'BU~.'~`~1U` ~dmin.~s~~at~~ ~aat~~i g~z°~~e~~e~i a 2e~~~~z° ~~°csnr S'~~~e Compe~s~~~,on .~r~~et~`~n~e .Fr~naT . sc~e~ss~ng .~~~~ra°t c~h~nc~es .fn the F°s~nd th~~ we~°e bxt~~s~h~ ~bo~~ be~ ~the s~abz~ ~~a i~B` . case, wh~~°e a~ita~ w~s Ize.Id 1~~b1~ d1,~a~;~;Z~~~ ~~~a °C~m~~~~y anct g~e~n~n~~ Pa~men~ ~o a .~~~emax~ wh~. ~~s~a~zied h~a~~ ~x~rat~ble ~a ~t~n~hs hss ~~~~.~~rn~~t~~ ~n~ a~k.~ng ~hat ~he Ca~~ ~oa~n~,~~ zr~~~ ~he.i~ ,~~a~~1 ~°eg~~e~~r~~~~,~tr~s an~ ~egfs~~~~~~ ~4~x~ a~ t1~~s ,~,z~~a~Ci~n an~' 1~0~ ~~e C~ua~~~1 s~~~nds oa~ ths~ m~~~~x°o ~fte~ C~ur~~i2 d,~~~~~~~;~~, Adm,~nist~a~o~ 8~~~~ wa~ d3r~~t~d ~~e~~~.te ~e~~e~°~ t6 ~~~~~c~n D~za 1~~~'~13~a~°y ~nc~ Sena~tc~~° Don~.~d ~~u~~kc~, ~a'~~~,~~ng ~herr~ ~1~~~ o¢~~ C'~~~ .~s ~~n~~~°n~~`t~s~h this mat~e~ ~nd ra~su.~r~ ~~~e ~r~~o~~~g~ ~~e~.~ ~~~~~t s~rrre s~~~~~~r °~o ~e.s~~~e th~s addz~ianal e~`p~r~~e ,5~~~~ C~rtap~n~~~~~n ~ns~~~~~e ~~1ad.~o NO~:T~E RE` o fl~E~ 1)A~`E`S' ~111 ~II11lF°~'~~~'1~ E~~~'~'~d4`S . Adm~~.zs~r~~~ar Bu°t~~ p~e~~r~~~d t~ie 1~~~~~ ~~°ogn 1K~~°~~~ ar~~ ~hapma~r ~da~i,~,~r~g' Counc~~ c~~ ch~nge o~` aa~~n,i~~zp~1 e~e~~~~n~ ~'c~.~ ~~s~e~~.~ l~w ~~~i~s ~o ~F~e ~',~~°~°t Tuesdae~ ~a1~c~wx~~ t~e fi~~~ M~~e~~e~ ~a~ M~~~h ~~~~a ~a~rcab~rec~ ~e~~, ~~e~ ~la~~ the C~.tz~ rafsl~~s t~ ~s~ab~z,~l~ ~ :~~I.~~~ .~e~ ~c~~° ~a~zr~.~n~~~c~~ ~pe~°~s ~~t ~~d.~~s~n~e rai1.~ ha~°e to b~ ~~~ptec~ no ~a~~° ~h~n Na~~~rrbe~° .Sm ~"I~e ~~a~n~,~~ tana~~mesu~la~ ~g~°e~a -~~S~t~ ~s .~n pree~~,s~czs ye~rs, ~he~°e w~:~~ n~~ be a fx~.zn~ ~°o~ n~rrt3n~t~~n g~~p~.t.~°°s~o _ e`~ ~ C~TY ~~UP+7~~~ ~G."L~,~~;i~ _t~c c ~RRC)3~O ~~~NL~~~ ~~1~.~°: i~~l~~~~l ~52°AT~; OF Ct`~bT,~~C~~Z11~:I~1 ~'11~''~Z°~~t1Ys~~iV'~~.I, ~`~r~1L~ i9AU°.I~' ~C~~,~'~"~ R~'~'~~`'~ Adzre~r~~~~°~~~~ ~~~~~5 <xf' ~.~_y~~`~~T~~~ :~~~~~~~~~:a~~~ ~~i~~'~ ~~ad Pv~~~~ ~~pe~.~°~ , ~~~~~,~w ~.~..t.~ ~n ;::r~ ~~.m~ is av~~labl~ ~.~~~:t~"~ c~~~;,, .~~~~.~~z ~R~~r ~r~~~~~~ ~~,$~a ~~~z~ ~~c~~c ~~~~~zv~~~ ~ :~9~a~~ ,~~~r~ .~~zar~~~.~~~:~~~o~ ~€~~:~i ~ ~~~a~~~ ~Y~~ ~~~r .~°~~~x~~'~~~?~ ~ra~aon ~~s~ ~ ~~~zy ;~r~~~~ ~~~~~~~rz~~t~ ,~.~~~:~-~~Y.:~°~~, :a~~ ~s~~~ ~~~m ~a3c~ised p~~~~,~ ~i,~~~~ .~r~~~:~z~~~~,e~en~~ .~r~~F~.~.~:~~ ~1~~ ~~~~~~~~~hzr~~Yx~ ea~ an ~~~e~~r~~~~ r~~~~~~b~~ ~~~ci ~.~~~~x~~ ~~r ~c~a~}~~~.~~ S':i?F1i,~ ~s3~~ ~1;5~ ~~"~'Z_rt;~".Y~ ~.'°B ~~S"~'~3~..e~_;':~,'~'~`. .~+6 ~~~~y ~J~? ~:y„=~'~ e_ .~~3i:;'~.;.~L't~ ~~'4^ ~~S • COO, pxopext~ i~X':a r:T°d~ ~~5~.~7 ~.z.>;~~;~T~~c;~~s; e'l.~~.~"s?'"_,,.L'~, ~,.A'~ ~~.~~~:r~~ ~3C(~ ,P~'." ~~~.~~.,;~g~~:. ~~e°~~t~ .m;=:s'2 be ~~ke~ L°~~,~ f°zP,~~~ .REC~Z`~19 CI'F ~E~`'~~~ i^,£<v.;?t 5~.~%~ir?;~'~~s~a~' ;t~`K~~~~ P+'ilr."}l-~~':=~ .~~.x~~ e~ ~~7N.~` ~:=~F",~a .~:`d+~ ~.9°:m~l`,Fl' ~ v~S~~"~ .t°~f~x~.LY3.L~'~,'~a-3~.`ti:'Z` ,~i.s~:,"~1 ~;+~~y'.a~'~e.`_`:~~ .3~.rF~~>°~„ .~.t.~~'22 ~`c.~''.Y.."$" ~k~~"1~}~~d >.°'i"u,~7~ tf".d.~~:~' ~°~i~~~(.~n ~1S°~,L°~~~ 2~~ .L$.~~.,~ ~«~~1_b.~2% &~_~3.~m,:~,^ y.1~3Ee? ~'~~'e3~"t~".4~'a;, ~S~'u,l° .lr~a",~"e:'_a s?~ Q'.c33~' ~~,u~~ ~'.'.`~+~,f:~~`..p°' d~°~~~ ~E`I'~"~F~ k~ii'M ~J%.'~:..`~ ~""....~`?':~`?"t ~ ':'??f1~~i"'~` ~j.,`t~x"V'.~~"'t~1~ ~T~3t1+X'1P~~"r`i~a.IV ~?~:'~T~.. ~.a.~'~tu~`~~ ~~t~'.~°~~ 3•:r.~~~w~xi~..C ~ 1 a ~ ~~;c~A~ ~~~~~~~~~u~ ~~r~~~ra~Fw ~33~ ,~itt~~`".t°.d9~~'it&~~r"`. ~ 1-,?'~'~.a#'~::?° ~ ~'~r'.~'~ai~~ f~'.~ r2~~ ~~a~C~ .~b~ &>'t`>'~~:P~~i ~"~;t'dY~'~n ~.,s°3 :~a"`a~ '~:i~E~ ~i~~ ~3.b°i7~'~;:" G~°~.~aa~o ~T~~ 1~~~ ~~%:::~rY .~~~a~ .a~~.~~~t.~~~ a~~:~~;~~~~a~ 3°~3~~ ~C°sa,~".~~e=.~~:s °^°~~v'?~`~ `~~:1`iJCn~-; 'rVtr:'dx„~ u~'~ i"I~C:'t~~..~~r'f.~;? 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Recess called. See corrected minutes of No~e 3, 9~? , F'PdBia_T'° gl~~'i£~.~li~~ C.''N (;~'111~~~~Y~~~"~~1V ~~$~E°~W~1~Z~a~ n~~~ s~R~ ~~~'E°12S ~111~17 ~FZ~~~Gv'~1~'' ~lF~'~~1~°,~ i~AF D1C7RTFI ,~~I~~" rY~' ~E~~°~`I11 ~'~~1 AIV~ TNE~~' C~'`~S'' ~~~ZT~ .~cYr~~~s~,~°t~~~~~ Bs~~~;~~ ~~s~~:~i~~~' ~~a ~1~~ r'~a,~r~~~~ ~;h~ ~~a ~s~~~~~~~a~ a~r~ ~a~r~ ~a,t.~g~~mar~~ ~n r~h~:r~ ~~~~~~k~ 1~~.~~ ~~~~c~ ~~~.,t;~~~~~s ~.~r~~~~c~,~t~.~~ i;~ q'~~~~~~~s ~~a.~ ~~~°b~v ~~r~~~~~ ~~°~:w~~~~ ~~~°~~~:y ~;a~ ~°:zvry ~~a.:~~e ~a~~ ~~f ~°i~ae ~~ke ~~~r~~e~ va~a ~Y. .~im ~h~ w~~~ C'~ ~ ~.ra~~ ~ ~ o t~~a~r. ~~~a,~~~a ~y~ ~~~~.:k~~ ~~s~~~~rra~~~~ ~~~~v~c~'~~ bz~ , Z~w ~Sa~~ ~e~~z ~~:rra~.~i~~ ~~~I~A .~1~~~~ ~~1~.:~~~~~ e~~~.s'~~~~ th~ ~~~~~~~~x~ ~~~a~ ~~e~ ~~l ~~~sr~r~~ ~~r or ag°~~.~~t ~;h~ ~e~z~m~~~.~n ca~.~ ~mp~a~~Yn~~a~ c7.~~~ Z°~i~ P~~~ w~~~c~ ~~e~ Y~e h~a~°c~. 2°h~ faYlowin~ ~~~=~~~v w~.~~ ~~~;~er~~ ~nd ~p~aak~ ~.~~~.1~15~' ~~~z~~~°u~°~~~~o ~a~~~~ ivJ~~e3~ ~~1 ~6.~: n2~~~ E~°~~~~~~i~~ ~~1 I~r~~a FI~~~~~, ~8~ r=:~ ~r'~s'~~, ~'~~-~~c~~r~~ ~~~~~rar~~ 1.~'~.~ 2~h~ P~ke; M~~.~i~~ra~ Z~~n~h, 12~~ 2'~i~ ~~~w~~°c~ 1~~~.~:~;a~~~ ~59~. D~~ I~c~. ~~a~r1~ ~~Y ~ V~~t~~ ~~i~ ~c~1.c~~~r~~ ~e_~~~~ e~a~ pr°~~~~t ~~a~ spe~~e ~o~ ~~a~n~~~°~~~~~za c~f' ~a~~r~~I~~: ~~a~~l~.~ Ha~d :.ri~$ ~,a~~ ~ 14c~.~°t~ ~~~~~A~ ,~~hc>~~i I#~ w~~ rca~~~~ ~~~x~~~~cr~~~a ~~ac~ ~~~~~~~e3 ;by ~~~n~i~m~r~ ~e ~~~~a ~t~~ a~n~n~ma~zsl~ ~.~r~r.~~~~ ~~~rade~~ ~1~~ ~~~~a~~~~ ~f t~i~ ~~~~~~~a~:,~.~s~~ ~~~~~r~~k~, ~ur~a~, ~~~°~~e~°~ and e~ dr~;~~c~~y ag~~ax~ ~~~~Iz ~i~~ o.~ ~i~~ ~~~ra~~n fl1~~°°~h ~,m ~~c~ ~h~ ~est ~~rnat~, and th~~t ~1ae p~~~~~.i~: ty ~a.f ~~n~~z~~c:t~ing~ ~ gem~a~z°~~°~ ~e~~~,~.z~z s~~' s~d~w~~1~ ~,Y~r~~ ~hi~ ~~°~a exgZ~.~~a d ~rzd p~~te,~°t~ ~f ~Fa~ dissenters ~.h~~ ~p~~la ~ - T'REA, slllt~IZ s~~E".~~~~ ~OR S~F'I°E~IBLR R73 Th~ ~r~a~ct~~~ ~ r~~aa°t ~1~~ me~ratl~ e~~' :~epM~an~~~ ~ ~ 9 r~a~ ~°~~~~.~r~e~ 9 r~~a~s~~d ~nei orcie~~d f ~ ~ e~ o ~'t3S'2° ~°t?~ S~e~E"~~' ~1"~F7~~~ F°~R £`sR~i1~~H a~~'FtE'~~° ~~2~1~~'~~]~$'~`lV'Z"~ ~c~~i~i~~~;~*~~r 8~~~;1~ ~r~~~.~.~~~~ ~1~e ~~r~;r c~~' ~he ~~vst t~~ ~~~~e~ ?~g°h~~ ~o~ ~1~~ ~ra~~h ' S~~~e~ ~.m~a~~~~rrp~~a~~j c~~~~~~~~~ei ~a3~~~th~~ ~,~e ~e~~~s~1 ~.~sh~d' ~o ~~~e ~~~~~t~ ~~~~~~~~.3~ ~n ~~~T~~ p~~~~ ~~b ~a~~~ ~~5 ~ ~~t~~° d~i,sz:~a~s~~r~e ~t rm~~°~u b~ C~unc~,~maz~ T~~1~~ ~~sd ~~~~ax~~c~ ~y ~'z~~n~~.1r~~~ d~ ~~r~n tha~ C~t~ :~r~e.~ ~ac~~°~ ~op 1~qh~r w tras~~~ s~;~~~f~ ~ i~~Z~ e~~a~.~~~s~ ~1~~~.~ne ~n~n~°:~~~us~ ~~~~°~°~.~e~ o N1I1t7U~'E°S ~ Fc~'x=~Ft ~ t3t~ ffZE~~'rii1~ ~e~'~T l'.FI ~5'A2~ ~i1I ~ C'J~~ ~'~~IN~'~ FI~TI~'IA1V k2~~`~y~ iiflYS ~~`1f~1't~~,~~'~~.~1 A~m~~.;,a*~~~~.:z~ ~~zt~h ~°e~°~~w~~ ~h~ 1~.~ra~at~~ t~a~ ~c~u~.~ ~'~ri ~'~~~;~y Hurnan R~1a~~.;~~,~ ~~~zra.~~~:i~z~ ~~~i ra#~~r~ ~h~~ I~~r~c~ D~~~.~ ~r~~ ~pp~~r~t~~ ,5~~~~~~~~~ ~he vommz.~~i;~n ~ ~ ~.~g CITI' ~'~i~'1VCIL ~G'~°~BE°2Z ~ .I9~~ P~GE 4 ~ ARROYO (~F<~IU1~E~ ~~]~~~°~J.~ili~.t~ AF'~EAi, ~Ida~'~'1 ~'F~~;,~~Y'I`~'~~'I~N' ~~~~~'gl, I~E,, 1°1~~~"F`l~ ~~~Gt~ ~s'V B~~I~~E ~'"1'~E~2" 1~~°m 1~3~.~~i~ Fi~z°°~~r~g~ ~~~~~s~~~~~~~e o~ the P~es.be~teri~n Chu~~~~, ~~~~e~seei ~~n~e~a~ o~re~ ~c~:~~s~ ~~~e~ ai~~~°~~~e ~l~e ~spe~d ~f ~rz B~~d~e ~~~e~t~ ~r~ ~~a~ ~f tempo~~~°a~ .~~~~~ae~~o a~d a~~~e~ ~1~~~C ~~e ~~c~n~~l ~xp~~~r~ °~h~~~ a~~~~ra~ 1~'~~~~ ,~'~~~e~~~' eacpla~ned b~~o~°~ ~he C~.~~ rr~ke~ a de~~n3t~ ~~~~~s~~ hocs ~~n~r~~ the ~~°~~°fi~ flor,r o~ B~i~~°~, ~ev~.~~I ~~°~~~n~~e rn~thod~ u~~~e be~rsg ~~~ed, ~c~ ,~udge ~~~~1~ ~c~~Yd be tl~e ms~st ~~~`~~~~r~~~ RECF;IPa1" OF" g~d7A~i'E°RI~~' ~E~~14~ F9~Zd7M W(5~135 AIVTMA~ :HE~"1'~R: aJi7iaT'~ gldJ~rlY'S2° d°e SE~I°E'1~BE27,~ ~~7~ ~'~e q°uart~rl~ ~°~p~~t ~~om W~~eis Azz~m~1 She.~ter ra~~ ~e~e~~ed~ ~~~i~w~r1 ~~sd orele~°ed' ~z.~ ec3 v M.ZIi'OR°S' ~~:E~'J~~"~ ~1~ Fi~~E'dV~' ~~1"~' ,SE.Z,EC°2'.~'O1N ~O1K~~~".'~~'~' 1~'IE~fi~1V~' M~y~~° ~c:1a~~~e~ p~~ser~~eci ~~i~ C~~~~z~ ~ ~°~p~~~~ ~r~ w~a~~ ~~~r~~~°~d ~h~ Zast S~~e~°~~~an ~~mm~a~~t~~ rne~~~~ag he1~ ~n f~~~~be~ ~G~e 19~~'~ r~~~~rry ~~a~~ B~z~ra~~ S~hr~a~t~ ~~~a~~~ ga~~ ap~.~~i~~d ~s ~~x~: ~~~~e~~n~~~~~re ~he ~r~arr~~,~~~~~o Har~evex ~n a~~e~z~~~~ ~t~~.~ l~~a ta ,~e ap~~~n~~~ ~o ~he ~~mm~s~~~~zo Or~ m~~s~~ a~~ ~~~~z~i.~r~~~ ]ti1~~~s~, se~~na~d ~y ~'~r~~z~:i~~r,~~. a~e ~~~n ~~~d ~r~~~.~~so~~~,y ~ar~~ec~, 1~F~~c~~ S~h~~g~~ as z?~rr:~ c~as b~ ~~~~~~c~ ~h~ rrn~~~:rsg o~ ~1:~ ~r~~ars,~~°~ee as a n~mi~~~ ~`e~r ~1~~~n~~e ~°~p~°~~~~~a~i~e ~he ~,AF~o e:~~~~s~~s~a PROC~RE,sS I~E°~t'~~~` ~1V ~1~~<~Y~ (i'R~i1~ill,E; "S WCJIK~IIV C~,~'~ fi~~l~31~1`a~'1~~ ~'1~ ~~1VI'~`F2 Adm.~.~,°~~tr~~o~° ~~~~i~ ~ep~~~~e~' tTa~~ ~'~~~r~.~~~ ~S~.~ld~a~~ c~d,~ «m~rr,~ng d~~,=~g ver~ c,rell ~ anc~ ~a~~~~e~e rw~~k r~~~~~i p~~s.~:bYc~ ~~g~z~ R~~:srrr~~na~ec~ ~p~a~~n~m~r.~~ ~he Be~~~°e~ ~he G~rnerac~~~ ~y ~~nte~ ~a~k,~ ~ R~~~e~°~~ca~i Comtr~,~ssione ~~d~~ T~~~~rn~r°~ ~a~~ ~'~~~r°m~rs ~'~a~~ B~nt~.e~ G~ome~s ~9~~~ ~~~~~~Z~ ~o~~~ ~rad M~~so ~'~~~~~r~ 5~~~.f o Bc~.~ Y~~n~~.x~g Dz~e~~~~° c~n m~aticrz~ o~ ~°~a~~~~~man 2'~1~~~, ~ecc~ndea 1sy Co~an~.i.~m~~ de ~~ort ar~e~ z~n~n.irr~c~~t,~l~ carr~ed, appc~~.nt-me~t~ c~.~ ~ep~°e~~rn~~~~~~s tlae Cc~rnrnani~~ Ber~~c~~nr~ C'c~m~~~~~e, recommendec~ ~,ba~r~~ r~~re ~~px~er~d ~ RECEI~~' ~JF T3~A1A~"~~1~3 F'R~CI? 1K~.~'~ F2L"~'FI F'xiT1~]~Y`11~'~ -~OMI~IIN~fiY ~C.ENTER P~'~lIV~ Adrn~n~~~~~a~~~ ~~a~~;~ ~e~~:~ f;~~ ~~aa~ ~.~,s~ R~~h t~~~; d;ryg a~r~a~~d' $~CI~C t~ ~he pur~ha,~~ of ~ pi~n~ .~'~x t-he r~ee~ c~nun~n~~~ ~~~~c~a~g ,2~ Az°~~aa~o ~~~nd~~ ~r~ zr~~~;~r~ C~~rrvi~rr~ar~ de L~c~~, ~~~e~nd~~ ~c~unez~ma~~ 1~3,~~~.is, as~d ~na~~m~~s~~c~ ~~~~iec~ ~~e c~~r~~~~~~ ~10~0 fs°om M~s~ R~~.h ~~uZc~~r~g cc,ra~ ~r~~~p~~ci ~h~ pa~~~~h~~e cs.f ~ p~a~~ .f~~: ~~mYrauni~~ c:e~~~r r~i~h the ~t~~p~u~ of ine~a~ey ~~~~~n~d te~ M~s p~~x~dzng: and th~~ ~ z~°~~~~ ~r~~' ~~~r~>~.T ~~a~~ of corram~nd~~~c~n be ,~~~a~ t~ 1~'~~~ Par~~c~~n~ .ta~ 1~e~ ~er~~e~si~~~ E sTAB~.ISHM~t~~` (~F ~l~1T ~1R~Z~"lY'~ ~RAZVDE ,!~C~~~CE E`~I~L~RER I't~.S'~' Adm~n~~~~at;~r Butch r~g~~t~d it:h~t ~h~,et" ~a,~,4°~~c~ ;1~.m ~'~azk,~~ s~~~_i~~ r~~ Explorer S~°~~~ Po~~f ~s a~~s~l~ s~~ an~e~~e~~~ a~ ~u.~ ~~~~i ~-r~;gX~ ~~h~~: ,~~~~~a p~~~. The Scoa~~~ ws11 b~ ~nst~~~~cd ~xsingr th~ .~eg~.~~r p~a~~~~~~ t.~a°~° g~r through ~nd mea~ f~°~m ~u~ pc~1~~e cd~par~m~x~~ b~ u~~d' a~ ~he ~a~p~r~s~ ~~r~a~c~ that ~c~me tl~e ~ac~e~~ ~ai~1 ~e ~rsed ~r~ ou~ ~a~~~~~n 7~~r~~e c~l~~~k ~~~eag~~xn~ ~h~ ~~s~: the px°e~gz°~m ~ppr~~e~m~~e~c~ ~5~ ~nd ~r~s b~dg~t~d for t3~~:s ~e~~ o ORDIIVAN~E E'~2'~8~,~~HZN~ AN ~1B~l~~s~IV~l3 (I~Fi~~°1199E` k~RC:G'f2~ ° F`~R~7' 14~'1LI1~'~11C~ Cx~~ A~~e~~r~~~ ~h~p~~~ .~~~~~3~ f~o~ r~~di~g6 ~he ~~,t~,~ c~~" ~n oz°e~~~z~~~~ r~f the C~~y ~f' A~°~oya ~~~r~d~, ~~~~~.i.zs~a~ng ars at~~~do~~d ~~hi~1e p~og~~~ ~~th ~~e ~a~.~.~~~°r~z~ Hsqhwac~ Pa~~~°r~.~. T~Se~~~~~'~~~ ~ m~r~i~~a ~a~~ ~a~r~e b~ ~~~~a~~~lm~r~ ~"a~l~~ ~ne~ ~~~~~c~~e~ Counc~lm~n M~~~~s ~sad a~n~a~.~m~~s~'.~ ~ca.~ri~ci dsspen~e r~v~~1x ~F~~ ~'~~a~~~ o~ ~.~e :~al,~n~e o~ this ~~°d.~nar~~e o ~ REPORT AN~ ~~~~7MIs1~11~13~~`1°~1V" ~°F~~ll~l ~1~P)E°1~~~~~7~iD ~I~~"~~~~5~ ~~trl~l~'~'~`'~'.E` Acimzr~~.~~x~~~~~ B~~c~h x°~~:i:ewe~ t:l~~ x~~~t ~~~i~~ng ~;1~~ r~m ~rr~~nd'~t~.~a~ ~ha°~ an Under~~°rc~nrT ~lt~.~z~~ 13~~~~i~~ No~ 3' ~~.r° '~~~°aa~n S~rr~~~,, r~~a.~~he~~r~ ~f ~7~~t Br~n~~ ~ar~nue, R~_ . , a~~ CITY COUNCI°~ OC7'OBER ,~0 9 197~ PAGE 5 ARROYO GR~IIVl?E,~ ~~1~,IFORNIr`~ r appxox.zmateZ~ 300° long and t~ae w3~~h of ~he rig°h~~t~f--w~z~o It wa~ ~a~ved b~ ~~un~ilmars Ta11ey and seconde~d b~ C~san~~Iman M~l1i~ ~h~t ~ pu~lac I~eax°~ng be ~e~ fo~° Nov~anbez° at 8:00 PaMm on es°t~bli~h~ng t,~e t3xxderground U~~.~ity D~s~r~~°t Noa 3a Mo~tion unanz~nous3y carrieda Admsnistz°ato~ Butch a~sa xev~ewed a le~fez° frc~m M~~ Chuck Raclimond of Pac~.f~c Gas & EZectric, notYng the concern c~f the companz~ w~~h refe~°ence tl~e s~~eet 2~ghting ~nd use of existing waaden p~les a~~er convex°sion aa~d duz°i:ng re~on~~tz°uc°tion of cux°bs, q~t"ters and sidewalks o i~Iz° o Richmond stated that he ne~aed a cez°tain d~t~ rahen ~hese ' temporary overhead fac~li°~ies will be removed~ anc3 he needed °~en days after compZetion of the cusbs. guttez°s anci s~dewalks for installa~~.an of ner~ 1~g1~t~ befoz°e ~he old facilities can be removedm ' On the mntic~n of Cot~nc~lman de Leon, se~onded by Caunci,r'man Ms1.Y~;s and axnan~it~ausly carried, Citr~ A~~~rne~ Ships~y r~as ~ns~ructed ~o p~°epare amen~.~~ent~ °~o Res~lutions 1066 and 1067 °to inc~axde the f~1lc~caa.ng seratencer "The s~z°ee°~ Zights on ~vood poles ~erved with or~er~ead wzr~ng s~aa11 be r~mo~ed by December ~1, 1974, o~ ~en da~s follow~ng ~omple~~on of ~uz°b, gc~~~~z~ ~a~d s.~oewall~s o~i ~he n~r°theyly sicle nf ~3ran~~ S~tz°~et within Underr~round i7~t~:litc~ D.~s~.r.ic~~s 1 and ~ o DISCUSS.~ON OIV Rt)I)KEY S':r13E'WALIC INSTAL~12'Id111 O1V f~lEoS'T SIDE OF° AL~I9E"R .~T~ZEE1' Admin~~~~°~~a.~ Bc~~~h repo~~ed ~hat a~°te~° discuss~ng the s~dewal~ sn~tallat~.on on A1der wi~l~ ~9rs, Rodkea~ °~hxee solu~ions ~ez°e po~s.rble: 1 e ~'o .t°~~ge t abott ~ ~ . 2 0 ~'o c~a~i~r~ ~he rad~~s nt the sidera~al.k poz°~i~n come ~.n ar~d remove t~sa.s ~rea ~n ~ier prs.~a~e propertc~, 3, Th~ Ci~~ would buy the partion ~f ~he side~valk tha~ is an her prs~pert~ if ~h~y ~rc~u~d deed ~ha~ ~rt of. Iand over ~t~ ~he ~i~ga M~°s, Rorlkey s~ated ~that she would not deed ovex° any of he~° prop~xtz~ to ~`1~e City and that she ha~' gone~ ahead and paid the bi11 o Sin~e she haa~ als°eady ac~ec~ on the ~tter, the discussie~n was d~c~ppedo MUNICIPAL ~'(7DE AMEIUDMENT - ORDINANCE AD~PZ'ED TO ELIMINATE ZO~ PENALTY ON DELINQUENT WATER A~C'0~1112`S City A~°~~~ney Sh~.p~ey xead ~1ae ~itle af an ordin~nce amending ~he M~xnic~pal Code by eliminat~ng tl~e 10~' penaZ~~ on de.Ya.nq~aen~ w~~er a~cocants; thereaftex°, a rriot~ar~ was made be~ Cou~~a~man Ta11ey, secoraded ,by CounciZman d~ ~eon ~:ha~ °~he r~ading of the ba~an~e o~ the ordinance be d~spensed w~tho Mo~ion unanimocas.Yc~ car.~ied~ 014131`_NAN~~ IVO o 94 C, S. An ~~D~NAIVCE ~F° TFIE CI2'Y' O~° ARROi~O GRANDE" ~iNtE"ND.~~~ ~'ECTION m 04 OF° CFiAP~'ER 7, 2`Y'TLE 6 OF' 2'HE ARFtDYO GRANDE MIINICIPA.L CODE PROT,IDING FOR ~'tiE ELII~INA7':ION OF`. T'HE TE1V PERC'EIV1' ~10~~ PE1VA~~'Y CHAI2GE ON ~ATE WA7'E`R PA~MENTS~ On mo~%c~n ~f Counc~ilman de Leon, seconded by CounciTman Ta11ey ~nd on the fo1l~w~ng ~~~1 ca11 vate, to w~t: AYES: ~oc~r~c.~lmeza 2~aYleys Mi11is, de Zen~,: `Wood and Mayo~ S~hYege.~ NDE"S : I~~ne ~BSEN7" r 11ft~x~e the foregc~~nq° ~~°dYnan~e w~s pas~ed and adc~pted thi,~ 30th da~ ~f c~c°~~1~e~, i~73a RECE.TV~' BII,S UN ~H~1ZRi~ S'2"REE2' P1~0~7`ECT - CON2'R~I~T ~WARD FiELD I~ITER - RE,Sc~~,U~'I(7N Al>C~FI"ED Aami~a~°~rata~ Bu~~°h ~°epc~rted ~ha~ e.~g°h~ ~iids ha~ been du1r~ re~es~rec~ ~nd opened at 2:00 P~M~ on C~~~abex° 25, I97~3, for t~ae Chez°xy Arrenue ~mp~°cv~m~n~ P~o~ec~u .~i.~~ctor of Public ~c~~ks Ande~°~on r~~c~anrtaended halciing off °t~a~ ~r~~~°c~ir~~ ~f ~on~rac°t c~ue to certain un.~eso.lved pr~;bYems in ~ha~ c~~~~~.n p~opez°ty ~~1~e~ ha~Ye no~ ye~ be~r~ r~ce~.~ed, and four p.ze~~s of proper~t~ s~i'll ne~d tn .b~ acqu~~ede He f.u~th~~ ~~p~~:tea' tl~«t he , . ' ClTY COU11~ClL OC~°O~E'1Z .38, 1~~3 P~IGE 6 . ARROY~ GR~lNDE e CA~,FTR~NIA could get three ~l~e pie~es of pr~perty by the erad r~f the cveek, l~oe,ye~°er appears that condemantzon ~~o~edu.~es wzll har~e to ~e s~tarted e~n ~he Lu~e prc~pe~~~, at ~25 Tx°~~°~~c [~IayO A~~er Coczn~°i1 d~scu~°s~~no Cs,~a~ At~torr~ey ~'~~.pse~ read °the t~t1e ~f ~ reso~~xtion d.~rect~nq °the .f~lang a~ ~ondem~n°t~on a~tic~r~ ~'or street pc~~poses of . a portie~n of Z,~~t 28 of Wood's Add~t~on ~o the Tora~z of Arroz~o Grande; ~tlaez°eafter, a motion eaas made by CouncYlman T~lle~a ~ec~ndea b~ Counc~~lman Wood anc3 unanimouslc~ c~rried, to ~ispense c~sth z°eading the bal~nce o~ ~~ie re~~l2~tfond RESOLUZ°~'O1V NO o 10~~ . A RESOLUTI°ON OF" TFPE C'~Z'Y COURTC~L OF° TFIE C~!`Y OF .~RROYO GRAIVDE, ST.~1'E OF CALI~°DRIVIA, I)~'RECTIIVG ~°HE FILTIVG Ok° ~OIVDENIANZ'I(~N ACT~ON F"OR STREEI' PI712PO~ES o Qn mo~zon ~f Coun~~,lman de Le~n, sec~nded b~ Cc~~zn~3~man T~11e~ and on °the follow~,ng ro~.1 ca1~ vote~ to ca~.~t: AYE~c C~un~ilme~n ~°a1.le~e 1~1~.11.i~o W~e3, cie ~eoaa and 1~I~z~or S~hlegel NOES: None a ABSEIV2': None ~he foreqoing resol~xt.~~n ra~~ pa,~~sed arsd adopted t1~is 30~~ c~ay of ~c~~b~~°, 1573 m Coun~~3man M:i1.~s~ and Counc~~man Wood stated tha~ °thes~ eae~°e no~ ~ra ~~rroz° of the candemraat~~~s~ even ~hc~~gla it ~,s the on1~ poss~.ble step ~n ~h.~,~ rreatterm COUNCILNIAIV ~°l~~~~Y "S t`~~`~OR2' ~1V ZO1VE .3 ADT~TS~RI' ~~MMTZ9~'E~ MEETY°1VG Counc~lr~~n ~'~.~i~~ ga~e a report on ~he Zoa~e ~ Aci~~sory Corrsrnit~ee meetinq af October 1~, 197.3o H~ .~eparte~ tha~ Ize r~eeded kn~~r tl~e CounciZ °s stand on the atndertak.zng a s~~x~'s~ to de~~~°mYn~ ~~e ~o~~t of add~t~e~azal raa~~z° ~t~~°~ge .~n the Lopez aream The ~as~ t~ rnak~ ~1~~ ~t~~zda~ ~uZc3 be a~praarYm~tely $150~ anc~ r~r~ul~' be paid o~t of the O. & 1~1o accea~zrtt, and u~hen ~~n~shed the repoz°t wou~d gs~e the cos~, benefits and affects o~ derr~lop~ng ex~~°a re~e~°r~~.~~ starage at Lapez Lake~ On mo~~on of CounciZman de Leon, sec~nded be~ Counc.~lan~n My11is and ~nariimo~zsl~ carr.~ed, the Co~nc~1 went on record as app~°arr~ng the ~na~iation mf ~tl~is stud~o C'ounc~Iman Ta~~ea~ ~lso ~°~por~ed on the e~pe.rimenta°tion of usYng new chemicals for purifyxng ~~e r,rater in p1~ce of alumo Thz°ough the use of some of these chemicals at cer°~aiaa p1~n~s cond~c~t~ng °the expez°~men°~s, ~tl~e capacit~ of the plant was ~ncz°eased about .35~ o REPOR2` O1V ~'d31VD~NG BASIN O1V F°~lRROZL, ATrEIVUE' - HELD 0[TEIZ Adm.~nzs°trator Butch z°epoz°~ed that f°iz11 ~nform~tio~ e~as not yet compZeted on this sub~ec~, so it was the Councsl's z°equest ~hat this ma~ter be ~abled until a,later mee°ting e PROGRESS FYEPORT ON AF2FZOT'O GI~ANDE 5EWE12 DIS2'RICT Dan Beclc pr°esented a rep~r°t on five p3ece~ of praperty on Tally Ha Road that are not able to hookup to °~he system, unZ~ss pumps were to be inst~lled at the propert~e~ tc puznp into the ma.~n Zine from tl~e proper~y Zineo Pz°opertses ~nvolved arer Soto.~oovooemdo~~~~ooooa>~oo>om~omo o,ooaoe120 Ta11~ Ho Road Duc~Izworthmo~m~~~a~~ooamom~o ~oomooaoo~o.~~a136 Ta11e~ Ho Road Wal.lacemoo.o~o~ovoaeoooo~ao~o~oo.oooo~e~ . , .•.1,4,6 T~~1c~ lic~ Road ~ Reedomoooooooooaoa,oom.a ooooo, o000 0 ,150 Ta11~ Flo Roaz3 . L~oneooeoo~av~va~oomooo.omoo9oooooo.e,ooomao168 Ta31y Ho R~ad A sewer mazn 1~ne .~n an easem~nt beh~nd the propert~es front~ng. Ta11~ Ho Road wouZd. provide g~avi~e~ sewer s~r~~~e tc~ ~hese res~~.en°ts witlaout ~sing pumps, but the estimated cost of s~~h a proje~~ .~s $20~40~ ar~d c~ould be spread on the sewer ~ax bi~1s a~sessment rateso Second ~olut~on c~e~ula b~ fe~.r each propertz~ tc~ ~i~~e an inci~v~.du~1 pump for h~~ line and would cost ~ppxr~~e~un~~ely $1,OOGo A~°ter ~ g~e~~ deal ~.f c~~scus~sxon,; it was requested °th~~ AamYn~s~~~°~~or Bu~t~h s~a~dy tl~~ possib~Y:~~c~ ~f ex~luding the,~e f~ve ~6_ ~ ? \ ^ 2~~ R. . . ~ o . . ' . . G°~°TI' C0~71V~`~'~ < • , A1~OI~O ~R~14R1~~` (p~~1''g~~~IV~'~a ~ " " ~ ~ ~ < . , , - ' , ~~4 ~es~d~~c~~ ~~~m ~a~I~~~~ ~F~t~~ ,~i~~, ~c~~~~ ~ ~~`~C~~.~~~ . ~ns~. ~~a~~,~.~~~~ ' , . ~ • s~I~t~on ~e~~~~o ' ~ , . . . " ~ ' , ~ 4•~1~~ ~.~r. . ik ~i~ ' ^ . . . ~ ' M~~ ~.~ext ~~p~~~~c~ ~ ~~~,r~~~~. ~s~~ ~~a ~aznp.~~~ee~ Z~a ~~~s a ~3 , . . o ' , ~r' : . ' , a ` . ~ERT~'~~E" ~H~~~~ ~FTE~ ,~~~3i'~ ~'~'F2 , Z?~~'~~'~` • , , a . , ~ ~a3rras~~~~~~~~ ~3~~~~ . ~lz~'; ~~~5~~ 8~, _ , , ~~5~ A~°~~a~~ ~~°~~de' S~~~r~ I~~~.~~ ~r~ ~''~~'~i~;~~~e~` ~~,q~,~ ~°.F~~ - . ~~unt ~~c~~~:i~ ~ . , > fi ~ P ~ ~ ea~,~~ H s` z~~ . ~3~ , 1 . . ~ . > F ; , , , t.. ~ r , PR~ItE`,S',~ RE~~R2° ~N ~'OlI1~Fi ~'~1~' ~~'1~~ ~8,~'~'~~ ~°~11~2~ ~1~~'9°'~~~ 3S~''~~~ ? - _ ' . . ~dl~ c~~~bd8 S~~ ~s~~.~v,`~ ~fJ~o~°~ 4~~~~~~ x.~.¢,~~~~~~$~~ ,~~r~7i~~'~~~~~u ~11~~~ ~~8~`a~~ .~~.~°¢~~~~°.P~ , ~ ~ . Repo~°~ ~1~~ ~ne~~sfl~ ~ep~~~~~. ~~q~', ~~d R~~~~~~ ~~ac~ L~~~a~~~.~~ ~~p~~ts ~7i~ : . ~ ~Iz~~°d e~~~~~~ ~f 99~, ~~~e ~~~~~~e~ .ba~ ~~e ~~~r~~.~ e ~~~ie~~ f~~~c3 0 ~dm~.n~.~~~~~~r B~~~Iz ~d~.~~e~. ~1~~ ~ p~~~~°~d ~~~t~~~ 1~.~ ~~x~lc,~ ,~~sci . Ac3~m~~n ~ng~.n~e~~ng° ea~.~Y ~ae g~~~~r~t~ ~~.~'a 1~~~~~~~~~ ~r~ ~~~~~x .~~a ~~~".~o . ` ~°eg~~d,~ng b~°~ke~ e~~e~r~ ~t~~:~~ ~Y~~s~ro ~ RE°S~Iatd~"I'~1V ~~~~~~'TJ ~ ~~E1VI~~i'2°~+c~~ ,~'~S,F~ ~E°1~~'~~~ ,~0~1°ff~ ~~~Pfl~°~ ~fE~ ~~~I~Egi' , As ~ec~e~°~~~ ~s~ ~h~ ~~~~~~s ~.~~c~ A~~~~°a~~~ ~h~~a~ee~ ~.~~~~~d an~ ~eae3 °tP~e `°~~~C.~~ . ' . - o~ axs o,~ci~nan~~ ~~rmner~d~zng ~.~c~~ez° C~zt~ ~o~n~~~m,aa~ I~e~ ~~~k~~e ~i~~ ~e~°~~~e ~ ~~ie So~~h ~'~~n~°e~~ . ~l~e~e~.~~e~~ z~~~~~~ w~~ ~d~ b~ ~~8~rz~~,~~~ 2"~~.~es~~ ~~¢~nde~ b~ ; ~o~r~~~~~~ W~~~ and asa~~r~~~a~~a~~y ~~x.~.~~d ~ a,~~'p~r~~~ ~.~~~5 I~~~ss~e ~~~~~~~~~~a 1~~'0~~7~~~~ N~ o ~ R~~~"~~iT~~~F~P ~~~'X`" ~~P~"Z~'~'~L ~FIE ~~'2°~ ~~~NI~~ ~~~El"~~.~""~+G IC~~ i~~IC~1~ ~~R li~~ ~'~R~~'CE' ~i~E ~~17i1~ ~~U1V~~o . 0n mv~.i~n: ~~~s~~~z~~~ ~~~s~ ~~~~xsded .1?~ C~~~s~~~rrr~~ I~I.~~.Y,~~' ancl ~~s t~ie fe~Z~t~ca~~t~~` ,:~~11 c~a~~ v~t~:, t~ ~3~: ; ` r ; . ~i~~s: Co~nc.%1~ri~x ~~~~e~.,: ~~,~;~.is~ [~~~i~~, ~e ~~a ~r~~ Ma ~z~ S'~~5~ ; : . ~ ~ NC~~,~ m 11~e~s~e ~ , , ~8~~°IV1": 111~1~~, " ~he fo~egoir~g ~es~~ut~~~z ~~s ~s~~c7 ~s~c~ ~~a~,p~~ ~1~~~ ~~9~~5 ~~oIae~°~ .~9~T,3. , . . APPRC~T7E" ~111~T~.~~2''Y'~1~3' ~~E'~' :Ca.`~~ WA~~.~` ~E. A~'~19 E~t~~~N1° `g'F2~~1 F1~1~EFF~lIPZ't. . , , . , : . t . . . . . . ' . ` . . . , . . ' . . . k ° ~dm~.nz~tz°~~~~ ~3~x~~h ~e~~~~er~ ~ e~~~~c~' ~~~b~.~ 25, ;~9?~0 l~e~ D,ire~~.~ ~f' . . Pub1~c ~r~~k~'~lnde.~so~ ~°eg~~~°a~~g ,,~1~~ .~ns°~~~.~~~:~r~ ~ w~~~~ ~sn or~ ~rrr~ee~ t~t~m ` ~ : , 1~9ra H~b~~~~r~c~, <wl~ ~~~.~~~c~ ~ m~~r~ ~ ~'~mes f~~z~, ~'~~e~.~ed °~hr~~ b~dse the ~,~wes~t ~i~~g ~~a~ir~ `.Y~1~~ ~.~c3 6" m~~r~ .w~'.~~`~2~'~,a~fl; , aazei ~o~ ~ 12« rra~~n, wf~,i~~",~1~~ ~s:. ~~~~~~~~2q, `~P~~' a~xi~` ~f a2l~b ~ Di~ec~to~ ~f ~b,~.~~ W~~°ks Aa~~~~tz~a e~~ed~~ ~pp.~°°~`~;~~~° ,.~ra~~~~~~~~a ~~..,~'~~:,~r~ ma,in ~ ~~ia ~ ~he dif~e.~~n~e ' ~ ~ ~ 8~~` , ~ae~ p~xe~ X~~ • ~1~. ~~r~d "t~a~`, ~~ena~a~~ c~e~t~ ~ : fz°~m Habe~l~na ~o~ w~~~e~ 3~:~e p~s.~~~s be ~~e~~~c~o ` Af°~~~ ~~~rs~~,y .'e~f~~ss~,i~s~~" r~ri , mc~~t~or ~f ~c~un~.~.irr~n ~°~Z~e~, ~~~~~aa~~d: ~~~sn~~~~~s c~~,,~e~~ ~casd ~n~~.~x~~,Zy ~~~°~~ed`. ~ _ aPP~°o~~1 wa~ gi~e~ .~o~° ~~ie ~.n~~~~~~~:~~~. ~ 'ir~~~~~' ma~~3i w~tli ~~he: . : - d~~'.~~~°enc~ b~twe~n ~~ae '~i~ ~z~d, °h~dre Z" rrr~~n ~ ~~i ~Xa~ ~a,~~ : o b~ p~zd ~o ~he~ ~~nt,~~~t~~° ~'~°~°a~ ~c~~~.~~~~ ~~sd ~~i~ e~~em~~a~ ~~r~~ ~~r~~~ , ~ ar~ci rr~.in~en~~s~~ ~r~rn 2'he~~~,~~ E o. ~r~e~ f~~~e~ ~ ~ ~I~~~.~~r~c~ ~~°e~ ~ . p~r~ t~n ~f . a ` ~ ~9 and 20 ~he g~~~~~~~.b~.~~~'.~,~~ ~o . F~ H~,~~~k~~ ~~e~ ~Q W~odbas~-~. Ya.~~ t3~~~p~er~ arad the M~~~~ ~~d ~~~'`~i~'Z~~'k e~~~'~ ~~~~1~~~"~z~~ ~~~~s ~`~he ; A~cep~ance~ t~n ~~h~~f ~f ~la~ . - , , , , ' REk'f)RT R~" a,5L71~~~t7~ C'~~ 2~C&~~R~"~. S'~~~ : Adrr~~n~is~~~~o~ ~~`~~?a ~~~.~~ec~ t~sa~ ~Fie ~~~~a~~ .sa~~.;~`f ~h~ C~,~~.`~ g~.~~~~t~ n~~~; ; ~ . abo~s~ $2,OO~o , , , , ~7~ . . _ , , . , _ , , _ _ . . . , . ~ . ~ ~ . . ,.ax.w,r, +r, .,.Mrw,... , . , . . ,i i,~. ~n „ . .m w. ~ p, ~~~M~ ..wa, r.~.a x , a.i, n9 ` . e . . . W i ~ w . , ~ r w., . . . ~ , ~8~~ ~0~ . . C.2'~'~ ~~II1VC~'L ~'~~~~`OI~~A A~OY~ GR~1D~ ~ . i~~CE ~DE~~22°M~~"~°~~ ~~11T I~~~~~~~° ~~1~ E~~J~'i~di1E11~1° ~~~'R~~~d3 ~`~C~' , NfYT°~'~E RE o ~~ri~~#~~~ ;,~~~t~~e ~dm~n~,~~~°~~~~ ~d~~~ ~~s~ ~~me~~a~. fe~~ ~ .~~a~z f~~ c~~~~ ~°~~m ~c~~ ~ . c~as app~~~ed m ~11P~ F°~~ ~~ISS' - ~I~IV~1~ ~°l~~L~`2" YJA18~R ~~'I~i"E' 1V~9~E`i~1~EFt ~~a ~~~e~ AFPRCIVAIo OF° ~gl~~ ` ~ r~~d ~n ~~~a~~n~~~~n ;r~~~d~ ~h~ ~r~~~~ S~~°ee~~ r~~~~m Acimin~~~,~~~~~ ~~t~~i A , ~ j round~.n9~ ~ome ne~ w~~~~' m~s~ be ,~e~~e~d~ar~c~ p~~~e3~~t~~,~~s~ ~~Y~~~ ca~°~e~° g r~~~~ h~t~ b~ m~e~~ng w~~h ~~%~.~~y P~ ~A~d ~~~Fs~.~~~~~~I~n ~o ~~~1~n B~~~z~Y~ ~°~~e~~ b~M r~~~Z~ecim Di~~ ~~~a~~~ ~~~~~c W~~°k~ ~ad€~~~e~r~ o~s c~r~~~° ~ ~o,~~ ques~Ged ~p~r~~~~ ~1~~ p~~~~ ~nd ,~pe~~~ed~~~.me ~~~r~~~a~~ 1~~~ ~ ~ aciver~~~e ~h~ l~~d~ o ~1~~ , ~ , ~~I~~FT s~'R~~'~" Gt~~.~~IZ ~.~dv~ ~~~xn~~~ ~~p~~~~ g~~,as~~ ~~c~ ~~~~:~~~~~~~.~n~ 0~~~~e~ ~~~.~m ia 2, Ad~e.~~~ ~e 1V~ ~rn~~~~~~ o~~~~ ~ o , ~ m R~~~~.ve b~°~.~ ~ 4 a Aw~~~ ~~r~~~~~~ t~'~~~a~~~ o~9~.~ b 5 v ~~a~~~~~°~~~ ~.~g~ b~~c~~~ ~~e~~~d~~~ o~~'~~ a 1~ ~ ~ ~ 6 m ~ M~a~~~ ~~,~~z De~~~e~° ~ ~ , ~o ~~~.~a~ ~~r:~ ~`~a~~~~~~ ~,~7~a . ~ ~ $ o ~¢~a~~~~~~t~~~ .~~r,se ~ 4~ ci~~~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~~r~~~~~~ p~~:~~~~ ~~'~~~h ~ ~ ~7~ a . ~~~n~~d C~~r~~~la~a~ A~~er ~.~:~~~~~~s~~a, ~s rr~°~~.~ra~~~~~~~~~~~'~~r~ ~~~~s~ ~pae~~,.~.~~~~~~n~ Mall~~ ~~sci ~nan~m~~~~~ ~~.~'~.~ec~a ~~.z~~ ~~a~~~~~~~,~~ ~n ~r~s~~~ ~~c~ ~h~ ~a.~.~ f~r b~,dsB . eaf ~he w~~~~° ~~~,~~rra~~ ~ ~ sa~d bic~~ °~o be ~ : ~ oi~1 ~ ~ - i~ ~~~M~~~ ~ ~ N~~M~EF~ ~ 9 ~ 97 ~ AtI3°fl~~~'~E O~E~ ~~J~211~~~~ f C~c~n~~~ra~ra ~°aT~~~~ s~~K~r~~i~ .bs~ ~~~~~,lm~r~ 1~1~~~~~ ~,~d unaz~jzr~a~s~~ c~~,~.f~~~~d ~s ~~n bu.~n3ng ea~~~ ~n m~~ian ~ , ca~°~ied, N~~aembe~ 1,~ °t~~~gh l~~~err?X~~~'. ,~9~~~ ~i~e ~h~e~ Nla~s~~ek~ du~sng ~he ~'a~~ pe~s~ ~~~3, ~~mrr~nd~c~ b~. E~REPA~A2`~~IV ~F° Y~ES~°~1ti7 FY~ff~ E'T,N~' S'~~'~' ~"~~~P7 .IJ~~~'1V k~'~~IV,SX'O1V . 1..` APPROV ~ ~~d . ~~e ~1~e p ~~ing x~ sr~f Adm~.a~is~r~t~ar Br~°~~1~ p~~~~~~~d ~~~~~.z~ w~~t~s ~ ~~~~5~~ P ~ ~ ` cc~n~~:~u~~~~n ~h~ ~.~m, s~e~~`m d.~~~ ~a~~~~i .~f ~ :d~s~gri . ' c~m~n~`st~~~~ ~~~~I~a ~~~~rr~n~~deci ~l~t ~~e c~~°~~ra 3~n~ be ~n~~a~~eci ~a~ ext~°G.~aa~ ~,a y, ~ ~~i~ . pub~i~ ~~ght~ was~ ~~i~ ~~~~,~~~~T ~~s°~ht~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~C f~ ° ~ ~~ci : ~~:ra~ ~~h~a~Y~' ~ ~~a~~ ~s~°~.~ ~ ~ g ° ~he p~°~je~~Ca ~'he p ~P~ , , ~'~1 5°~~~t~'1 ~&~~1~ ~3PT~'1~$~'~°~11~ , , Rt 4 C~~~~3~ f~~° ci~~3gn ~~~.~e~ .~~1 1~~9~~3 0 ~ - ~ t ~o ~~sig~a c~~~~a , ~ N~~'~rn~e~ Z~. 1,.9~~~ ` ~~r~r~~:~.~ ~~p.~~~~.~ , ~~s~~_ : ; . ~ , . . , , . , , . Ac~~ex~~~~~ago ; . M1 ~ ~,9'~,~ ~ a,. aaad; ~w~~c~ ~wra~~~~~ P~~~~e~ l;~ 8.. 5G I~~~eae~e b~d~ D~~~~ ~0~ Y9~~a .~9~~o M~~a~° ~~9'~? c~~~~~~": 6 0 ~~r~~~~~°~~~ ~~g°x~: ~~~~~~~t :'be~~~~ ~~~!~~e~ ~4. ~a~~~~~ D~~~ara~~~ P Z97.~ o . ; ~ ~ ~ ~ o . ~~r~~~~~~°~~~~a ~s~~~x~~' ~~riu~~°a~. ? ~ . ' ~ , , : r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ' ~o~p~~~~ ~~~zs~~°.~~~~~rs d~~~.n M~~~& a . : ~ o ~~~~°~p~ 1~~~~~ ~9~`4 b : ~'~~ara~~~rr~~ ~fi.~~~~~ - - ~,~t~ , Wo~r3 ~ ~~~~r~c~~c3 ~ ~ ; , A~~~ ~w~n~~:~ d~~~~;~~~,~~~ ~~~t ~o~' .~3 ~ ~ ~~~~o~~.z;~ c~~~~~r~3.~i and ~ixi~a~~ ~ d ~ . ~ . ~ Z~sa ~~a~ E~.m 5~~~~ d'.~a;~~ ~~~~`a~~~~a°`.~~'~~ , . ~ ~ t . , , . , ~ ~ py~ ~~t ~~i~.. ~ ~ ALJe~~~VBwdtlt'l~Gtl ~ . . . . , o'.. ' . . y ~ ~ . b F~ '~~%~"yq°~~~3'an~ . ~~~+a~~~~~~ ~:~~~.~`~~~~~~~~U ~~~1 5.. ~r~ ~ ~ ~~~i~~~~e~~ ~~s~~5 ~~l~I~a , ~ ~ q ^ ~~~`~°~,ed B 3 ~ _ . s ~ { ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ' ~ \ . ~ j~ 'ii~r'4 ' . ~T66bL r . A'1''TE~aleo~ _ t~, , ,~F- ~ . ~ ~ ~ `'t I~Ea~L»"5` a~c».~«~a~. . : ,.wr.,~.d..,..a w.ww.h4,G.W.M.~.,. ~ ,,J~~w:~ro,. . . . . .,;.M..... . bv. a .i_.,. . ~ e t ru4i. t4i ~ ~ - . ~b1~i ~1~, Hx~ .