Minutes 1973-12-11 295 C ITY COUI'~C IY~ D~CE~IBER Y 1 a 19 ~ 3 ARR05~0 GRA~IDE e C~~~FORI~T~, 1'~e Git~ ~Ce~uncil~ an~~ in r~g~sl~r s~~~~.~n ~a~~~ Ma~.~a'~r Sc~~,~g~;~ ~r~s~,~.ingo ~ ilpon ~°oll c~Yl, C~~nci~~n~~ 7'~.1~~~~ Mil~~~ ~nd ~~L~c~~s r~po~~~~ p~~~~~~~. C~~~e~~~ ~tan Wood is ~bsent, ` PI~D~E QF A~,~EGIANGE A~,'D I?V~OCA'~:IO~ M~~or ~~hl~g~l l~~d t~i~ ~~~cig~. A~~.~~~~~~rv ~o c~~w~ ~~~~,i~~~l~ t1~~:reaft~r, C~~:nc~l~t~n Mi1Ti~ d~~~~~~r~~ t~~~ ~m~;¢~~~~~ca. APPROVAL -OF MI~3i1T~S The min~t~s of th~ re~~:l~r r~~cy~~~n~ ~?~~~a~bY~ ~i~~~~ ~~~'~~~~c~ prep~.x°ed. APPROVA OF WAR ~V~S ~ On ~no~~,c~n of C~unci~.~aan ~'alle~, ~~~~ncl~~.~ bg~ C~~:ne~3~a~n c~~; _an~ unareimo~sly carr:~~d.a Gen~~~.l ~i'a~~ant~s t1~r~g~C ~V~. 2~~ ~.nd through I~~. 6~89 ~n t~.~ tot~~ ~.sna~~~~ ~f $~~09~~90~29 ~nr~ P~~~~~1~ [~°~,r~~r~~~ Nc~. 884~ thro~.gt~ N~o 10:~.~9 ~n t~~~~ ~.~~.:~~.r~~ ~f ~3~~~~~.~~, ~F1~~~+~r~~ and ord~~ed pa~.d. NOTICE RE. NEW FIRE RAT~N~G ~OR C,I~4' 5B ~~A -~`m^~SUR~,~C~ ~~~~TC~~ ~~`F°IC~ Aclaninistr~tar B~.tcl~ r~~ie~~~. th~ n~~~fic~.ti~n In~c~m ~,nc.~ ~~~v~c~~ Offiee of Califo~na.a r~gard~n~ re~~n~ r°~~~~.~~ng of C~,~~°~ ~ir~ p~°~~~c~~or facilitie~, whic~. q~a~lif~ed ~~e Ci~~ ~n~~~~ ~~~n ~p t~ ~ ~A r~~~~,ngm AY~~ revie~~d ea~s ~:n~r:~~ ~ro~ Fir~ C1~i~t M~~~~l~k ~n ~~g~~el~~g~ °~r~~~5.~,~~. ~~dic~~~d th~t b~ t~~ o~d g~ading ~c~~d:~I~~ Ci~ma ~~,^~~~r1 ~.~v~ ~~~~~f~~c~ fc~~ ~ CI~s~ ~ rating, b~t sinc~ 19b~ t~.~ g~ac~~.ng ~as b~~a~;~ ~n~~c ~~~~.ng~~~. AUT~FORIZE FEE EXEMPT BUS I~ICENSE m XMA~ `~RE~ SA~:~E~ m B~`Y S~~U~ ~t2~P ~13 On mfltidn r~f Councilman T~~1~~~, s~:c~nc~~d b~ C~~nc.i~„*~a<~,n Mi~,~,~s ~nc~ ~.~~a~~,~ anorasl~ ca~°riec~, ~.pprt~val ~ras gran~-ed t~,~~ f~~ ~~~.~p~ b~x~~,~e~~ ~~,~~r~~~ b~; iss~n~d to t~a~ Bz~~ Sc~~t~ ~f Aaa~~r~.ca ~'C~~~p ~i~ 9~~r Ci~r~,~~~~s `~r~~:~~ 601 Grand Av~x^k~~, f~c~ Dec~~`ka~r 1~~~e~~~~~ I3~~~~1~c~~° 259 ~9~3~ ~~~~.~a~~~. b~ Mr~. J~sepl~ ~c~~1~9 Tr~~.s~r~~ of ~1~~ T~~~p. COI'+~FF'IRMAT~O:~ OF° REPS TD TECHl~ICAL, P~'i '~II~G ~~1~fITTE~ ° Md~`~~ A lett~r f~o~ Di~~c~or ~f t~~~_`~~~p~.r~~n~ ~f ~.nc~.~ R~~~~at~.an9 Williaan P~r~n M~tt~ Jr., c~n~i~nin~ ~h~ ~ppd~n~~~n~ z~£ T~~an~~n~ D~r~~~~~ ~~.il~p and M~.~or Schl~g~l a~ th~ Ci~~e~ r~pr~;~v~nt~~iv~~ tra '~~~1~na~~;~.1 P3~.nn:~ng Coa~nit~~~9 was r~c~iv~d ~r°~.d c~~~~~~d fiZ~dl. DISGUSSION RE. AF'F~CT ON CI~"Y ~F P~t~P~SED OCEANO ~~TCORPORA2'Zl~1VW ~ letr~:~ r~~ ~°~v~~~~c~ f~~ii D~~x~:t~' Ex~~;~.fiv~: :~f~i~~r C~~~~~n c~f :~~:e ~~e~cal Agencg~ For~na~ian C~~~~~~~~c~n, r~e~~~~~~n,~ a r~p~r~ f~°~ ~;h~ Gs,~y~ i:ndis;~t~~.g ~rtaa~ affect the pr~posed inco~°po~~.ti~n c~f Oc~:~no ~~~~.Id Y~~~r~ ~r~ ~1~~ G~~~ ~.nd its sphr~re~ c~f infl~a~nc~. Pa~r~a~~n~ ~o t~?~s ~~~~~a~~ ~~p~~°~ b~ P~~r~n~x~~ Di~~~~ox Galb~p ancY P~.blic i~~~ks Dir~e~m~ And.~r~on W~T~~ ~~~r~~~~d~ ~~~r_`~ inc~~,~a~~~d~ ~~t th~ inc~rpo~~~ion raa~cld hav~ no af~'~c~ A~~~~~ G~~~.c~~a~ ~~~r~~!5. b~~ ~1~t possib~.~ tta~ a~ni~~~rpo~~.~~c~. ~.r~a l~a~n~ ~~~°~?~~~.rl~ '~kn~ F~k~ ~~c~~uld an.~~x~d to Ar~°o~o ~~~nd~ tc~ elimin~~~ in~~~i~~ ~~f. n~~ citg* ~ra~~ b~,~;i~~n Grcav~r Cit~ ~.nd E1~°ro~~ Gr~nd~, Tn r~gard ~o t~~v ~.n~~~~~a~~~~.~r,.e~ ra~;f~c~ r~~ ~1~~` City"s ~ph~r~ of inf~~.~nc~$ r~p~r~ s~a.~~;c~ ~~.~to "oeot;l~~~.incc~~p~°~~~~~n af ~~nch ~ larg~ r1~.r~1 ~.~ea ~s px~~po~~d c~n b~ ~n~.~n~~~n~c~ ~r ~w~~~~~c~~,ct ~,n. ~~r~n~r which wo~Id b~ b~n~~fici~l to Arr~;~~ G~~.nc1~ ~~d G~~~~~: x' G~,t~„ f~~n~~~.~n ~f ~.ra additi~nal ~nc~rpor~t~d ~,n ~r~~ compa~ax~d tl~~ ~7~r~~~cY~ problexn~ in the ~n~~al~i.pl.~~itg~ o~ gov~rnJ°n~~,G~," 'I"~~ Co~.nci~ dis~~~~~d t~a~ ~~~~sosed inc~s~pr~ra~i~n _~~c~. ~1~~ ~~p~r~ ~ ~ Mr. Gallop and M~°. .4nd~r~o~, g~~.~r~,11~ ag~~~~ng t~.~~ ~~p~~~ ~~f~~c~,~~t and sh.~~sld. be fo~~.rd~d ~o ~~CO, ~,l~ng ~~,~h ~n ~r~~'.~~~,~.~n~ ~h~~ Cc~~.~~~~~~ concern regax°d~ng p~ssibl~ ~~t~r sg°~~~~ p~c~lal~zns. DEPAR.'I'M~1~TA~ R~P~DRT FOR TII~EE MON~i NOVE~ER A 19 T~.~ I?~p~.rt~~ntal R~g~rt t1~~ ~~csn~~ ~~~~~a~~b~r9 19`e'~g ~~~~s ~~~~i~a~~c~ th~ Cc~~.ncil, r~~ricca~~. ~nc~ c~x°c~~~~d filc~c~. RECEIPT OF REPORT RE. I~W ~~~GTI~~3 ~GJ~ 1V~M. ~Se 1~(~T ~F~~C'~e ~~1t :~f ~~'u~ ~L,~~T. A re~ort b~ Ci~;r C~e~k e~~l C~mpo x°~g~.r,da.ng ~l~.c~i~~ T~;~r~ ~~~~a~e~l~ ~a~11. affect th.e City~'~ Ma.rch 5~ 19~~ ~~n~r~1 ~~n~~ip~~ ~1c~cY~~~. ~~~~~.r:~~;c~ b~ tl~~; Council, a.l~x~g with a legasla~i~~; b^~nll~~:~~ d~.~:~d D~~~m~h~~ J7~~i ~~ich. ~~v:~~~d ~.he p~°ovisic~ns of S~cfii~z~ 22$40.5 (AB 42~) ~.f ~1~»c;~~~~~ Coc~~~ ~~1~~~,~g to th~ ext~nsion of nc~ir~aka~~n p~ri~d f°o~ r~~n.-ine~?1a~~:t~ inc~~&~~.n~s ~~v~ ncs~ filed tsy D~c~,a1~~r~27~~~ ~~11 nat~~~pp~;~ fi~~€~ M~.~'~~~~~9 19~'4 ~i~~~~e~~.~. ; } zs~ CITY GOU~CII, D~C~MBE~R 1~5 1~d~ ARROYO GRAi~BE, CALIFORl~TA P~~E ~ RESOL. ADOPT. ° R~~tIEST BOARD O~ SUPERVISORS TO P~RMT'C ~~RVI~~~ It~. MC~~I.. . EI~EC~o Citg~ Attorney Sh.ig~~~ re~d the ~i~1~ af .a ~~~~l~~a~~n ~~q~,~~~m~~ ~t~~ ~S~n Luis Ob~,~p~ Cot~nt~ B~ax°ci of S9.~p~rvf~~r~ g~~~~ C~~.nt~~ CI~~1c ~c~ ~e specifiec~. s~rvi~~s r~la~ing ~o th~ ~~n~x~~I M~,n~,cipal E~~~~~..~~, t~~~°~~f~~;r~ ~ mo~Gion ~aa~ m~d.~ b~ C~~.nc~lm~n Millis a~~~ond~d b~r C~~:~c~l~~.~ 3~~~c a~ci ~~a~nim mou~l~ c~.rri~d, ~o d.isp~n~~ ~it~ ~e~d.3ng ~1~~ ~a~1~nc~ caf t~h~,~ x~~oY~t~~~o RE~O~,U~T~~~ 1~0a 10~8 A RES~LUTIpI~1 OE TT~E CI~'Y C~~;a~~CII., ~F Z'H~ GZ~' OF ARR~~~ U~t~~~D~ R.~Qr~EST~.'.~G ~°~iE BOARD OE` SUPERVISOi~ ~HE C~~T~I' OF SAIV LUIS QBYS~~ fi~ 1'~RMIT COUN°TI' CZERK OF SATD GOITi~TY TO 1tE1VDER SPEGIFI~I~ SEItVIGES 'T"~ T'~IE CIT'S' 0~ ARROYO GRANDE, . RE7~ATIN~ TO THE GOI~DUC~ OF A GE~TERAY~ MC~T~IGIP~L ~3~EC~I~~T TO BE H~LD IN SAID CTTY Q~V MARCH 5~ 19~4. On motion of Counci~man Talle~, s~cond~d. b;~ Cr~~.nc~l~~~ Mi11is a.nd ~n followfng ~oll ea11 vo~~~ to w~t: AYES: Co~ncilmen ~~.T~.~y9 Ma~l~isa T~~on ~nd May~r Sc~ale~;~l NOESo None ~ A~S~1VT: Ca~~.ncil~~.n W~~d the foregoing re~~l~tion ~r~s p~s~~d and adop~~d ~~.is l~g~± d~~% ~f D~~~:~be~, 19330 RESOd~~~TIOlV ADOPTION - CAI,~I~~ MI3IVIGIPF~I. ETmEC~I~1V ~N MARCH 5 m 19a~ Ci~ty Attorn~y Sl~ig~~~ r~ad th~ ~~tl~ ~f a rc:~~I~.:~r~~ ~~~lixa~ a M~.nic~g~.T Election to b~ h.~ld on Marc1~ 59 1974; th~r~~.ft~~', ~ ync~t~.~n. raas mac~~ b~ C~~ncilm ~nan Ta11~; 9 s~conded b~ C~~n~il~aan Millis ~.ncl ~:~~nf~e~~.~l~ ~~~~i~d, ~o ci~,~p~nse with reading ~~e balanc~ ~f this r~~ol~.ti~n. RESOLiTTION 1~0. l~ A RESOLUTION OF TNE CI'~`~ COUI~CIL OF 'THE CITY OF ARRO~~ GRAl~DE~ CALIFOR~TIA, CLa.~,I~ING ,AiVD G~VTIVG NOT'ICE OF ~'HE HOLDING OF A GEI~ERAL MU~ICIPAZ ~L,EC'~'TON TO BE HEZD IN SATD CIZ'Y 0~~ fiUESDAY, TZ~ 5TH DAY ~F MA1tCE~9 19~49 FOR TfiE ELECTIOI~T OF CER'TAI1V OFFICERS 'Q~' SAID CI7°Y AS REQUIRE~D BY Ti~ PROVISIONS OF THE LAWS OF THE STA~E OF Ct~ZII~ORIdIA RELATI~TG ~ GENERA~ LAW CITIES . On ~n~tion of C~t~.ncil:nar~ MiTlis~ se:cond~d. bg~ CcatanciTman d~ I~von ~.nd on. th.e followin~ roll ca11 vat~, to wit: AYES: C~uncilmen T~ll~y~ Millis, ci~ L~~n and Ma~c~r Sck~l~g~~ iVOE~o None ABSENT: Coa~nc~.L~~n W~~d the forego~,ng resa~l~ti~n ~a~~ p~.ss~d. ~.nd ad.op~~d th~s 11th d~.y~° af D~c~~rnb~r, 19~3. APPROVE CONINI. BI~DG. N~ME & AWARD ADDI~':~ WQIZK CONTRACTS ° OXF~RD b~ DO1V`S ~LECT. ~Fa~ a~aint~t~s o~ th.~ Co~nas,nit~r Bv,ilding C~~nit~~~'s m~~~ing~ ~f No~~~nb~r l~+~kt and. 29t~. revi~w~d9 wi~ic~a incl~d~ci a r~coa~un~nd~ci nam~ fcax~ ~~5~ b~ilclin.~. Aft~x° Go~ncil disc~.~~~,ong c~r~ mot~,c~n of Co~nn.cil~an Mi11i~ ~ s~~on~.~~ b~ C~s~nc~l~~n d~ T,~an and ~.nan~~n~~.~T~~ carri~d, th~ co~~.~it~r b~x~lding ~ra~ c~ffici~.Il~ n~,m~d "`1"~~ in3~n~.n'~ Club of Arra~ao Gr~nd.e Ca~ns~nitg~ Cen~~r". A r~pox°t fro~n Planning Dix°~c~or G~11np `aas r~vi~~~~d ~~1~.ting tr~ ~,nf~sa°~na1 bids recei~~d for concrefi~ p~.tio and sid.~~~lk ins~a3~.~.~ican an~. c~~~cfr~,cal ~c~r1~ for t~a~°e~ post ~top lights and ~~.nd~rg~~9~ind~.ng of ~~.~~.l~t~.~s xn cc~n?~~c~~t~n ~i~l~ the pati~9 as f~llc~~r~ : BIDDERS ITEM A~`~VT' Oxford Constx~,p.ction Cc~!~pany Concr~~~ G~ork $~58a0Q 198 P~arwood Av~, ~ A~°r~~,~o Grande ~ CA 93420 Oliver Fc~l~ (v~:rbal qax~t~) C~nc~~~~ TnT~r3~ 920,0~ 2391 Pas~ Rabl~s~ Oc~ana9 CA 93445 Don's Electric El~ctric~.l 230.00 1183 M,a.p ~.e 9 Arre~~ca Grande 9 CA 93420 29'7 CITY COUNCII, DEC~M~~R 11, 19v.~ ARR.OYO GRANDE , GALIF012NT~ PA~E ' 3 After G~~.ncil dis~~;~si~n9 ~r~ m~,ti~n o~ C~~nci1~~~ T~~.~~~~~ ~~s:~nd,~c~ 1~~ Co~.ncilm~.n Mi~lis ~,nc~ ~:r~.~~~no~.sl;~ e~.~~a~~~.~ ~h.~ 1~id~ ~~~r~~~~e ~~~~.00 ~~r concr~te krork~ and. $2~O,Q0 for ~1~~~ric~.1 ~~~~e, ~~~~~a~e.~ ~~:e~ ~Yc~; c~~r~L~a~~~~ aw~.rded to ~~O~fc~rd C~~s tr~~~i~n Ca~~p~n~ and D~~ 9~~~~p~~~~~~l;~s A let~ez° ~a~~ a~.s~ ~~~~:~,~r~d ~rom M~~~ R~~t~ ~~.~~~~r~gG ~~~,n~.~~~ t~h~ Cu~aa~x~~1 for tkt~ plaq~.~ ~~~~~n~~d h~~ ~c~~ ~~r g~.~n~~t~~~s ~?.~n~.~~.o~ ~~~~~d i;1~~ p~~rc,~~,~~ a piano for t1~e Ccr~~ttnF~ni~;y ~~nt~~9 ~ncY ~~~da~~~.f;~,ng ~~~unc~~~~ (~a~S~ ~a~ I~;~~ fron? th~.t p~.rch~.s~ ~o~aa~d ~1~~ p~~~~.~.;:~: of. l~~~d.~p~~?1~~~ ~~s~c;:~ ~~a~ e;~n~~r. On ~motfon of C~a~n~ilr~~n de I.~~n, ~e~~nc~~~ C~«.:~~~.l~~i~ ~T~Iiil~,~ ~n.d. ~n~,r~~~~~?sT~ earri~d, the don~.tion of ~$5~.~ ~~a~n M~s~: Pa~.1c~~ng ~~rar tYs~ ~ of lo~~.~° ~ spealcer ~~ystexn for ~h~ C~~n~ni~;~ ~~nt~r ~c~~pt~~, ~~d d3r~~~3e~n ~r~.~ ~ giv~n that a lett~~° of ~h.~nks and appreci~ti~n ]~e. sr-yn~ ~o M~.s~ ~~.~~cYing fa°~ ~:.~x~ g~:rapvr~~~t~, Mrs. E~l~~n ~~.~1ors Chai~man t~~ C~~.n~t~~ F3t~,~~cfling ~~:s.re~~~ ~r~~ presen~ an.d list~d. n~z~b~~ ~of it~:~~ ~r~i~~. ~ s~~.11~ n~:~d. b~ ~~r~~~~c~ cs;~~ la~ ~~1~~ Co~un~~t~~ reg~.rdin~ ~h~, of b~,iZcY2n~ ~..~.d. s t~r~,g~ pr~bl~~s . AUTHORIZE HIRIN(s OF EIVVICC?M Ti~ PREP~RE C~~.'aS SET~~'IIG SAF~TS' ~~MEi'V`~ 'OF ~GE~1. FI,A~ Admin~~tx~ator B~at~~: ~evi~w~d. a~~por~ by`Planr~~ng D~~~~~o~ C~al~.c~ x°~~ardrng the Seismic S~.f~~;~ E1~~n~nt wh~c~ cY~~~~ ar~ r~e~~ir~d by S~~~e ~,~~~,~1~,~~~;n t~a ~.dopt to their General P1an by S~p~exn~~r ~0; 1.9~4. T~~~ C~~~.ty h~.s ~ng~.~~d ~h~ fi~n ~f Envicom of Encino to px~ep~r~. it~ pl~.~, Mr. G~.11c~~ con~icl~~~c~ ~nv~ce~m ~,nd c~tl~er firms fo~ the elemen~'s p~~:p~x°~t~.on ~.nd ~.I~c~ disc~~~~~i pc~~~ibl~ j~sint e~~ort between this Cit;~ , Grcav~~ Cif~ ~nd Pis~,~ B~a.c~.9 in r~yr~ng on€~ fi~n tc~ pr~pa~~ ~~.e el~m~nt and sa.v~ costs. Ad:~ni~is~tr~.~Go~ B~t~h ~c1~~s~d. ~~~.t it ~.pp~~~~ th~: c~~1~~r two citi~s will nut make a d~ca:si~n on the ~.irin~ a:t a fi~n a~nti~ ~ft~r.° t~i.d f~.rst of next year; and reco~ene~edl t~~t C~.t;~ go ~.h.e~d ~n it~ c~~n ~o ~ng~g~ t1~e fir~n of Envicoyn at an ~.p~rox~n~:~e cast c,f $~s800 t~ pr~p~.r~ ~1~~°~«~n~ ~.nd if ~h~ oth~r cit~~s cY~cid~ to go ~s~th. t~°~v sa.~t~: f~~, th~ Ca~t;~ w2~1 r~~lize som~ r~dvction ix~ tt~~ s fiat~d cos ts . Aft~r Cdunc~.~ discr~ssion, csn m~~ir~n ~f C~a~.nci`1~s~n Mi11i~9 s~c:~nel~d b~ Co~ncilm~.n d~ L~on and ~n~nima~asly ~ar~i~cl, a~th~~~z~.9ta.on tia~s ~iv~:n to eng~~~ the fircn of Envicom of Encinr~ to pr~pare th~ C~.t~°s S~i.~~tic S~.fc.ty El~~:~~~t of the Genex°a1 Pl~.n ~.t ~.n approximat~ eos~ of $2,800, and ~.~ithoriz~d. t~P Ma~~r and City Cl~rk to ent~r ~tl~~ agr~ement c~n hel~alf of th~ Cit~. NaTICE RE. DATE CHANGE FQR "YOUTH GOV~R,1~'ME T DAY" ~ JA1~1UE1RY 8., 1.9~4 Adgninistrativ~ Int~rn J~m C~npb~11 infa~ned the Co~ancil +_°h.at d~e ~o several me~~ing conflic~s, t1a~ pl~.nn~d "Yd~atYa a.n Gov~rngn~nt Day~~ ha~ b~~:n chang~d f~osn J~.nu~. ry ~.O~~Y tea Jan~a~~- 197~ a H~ t1~~n again ~°~:~ri~,~~.dl ~h~ plann~d ~c~i~ri~ti~s for L•1~~ d~~. PROGRESS REl'ORT - CI~RRY AV~I~ILLTE ST'R~~T P~.~D<J~CT D3.r~ctcsr of P~blic W~r~,s .4nd~rson r~~~~s~ed ~~at ~h~ C~~~~y A~i~n~~ Improu~m~nt p~oj~c~ b~ d~layed uri~fl April ~3~ 193~, ds h~ 1~as l~~~n axnabl.~ tc~ acq~air~ prop~rt~ on C~.~x~r~ A~~n~~ t1~at ~,s n~~c~ss~.xy for ~h~ wici~;ning, ~nd h~ is k~esitant to pr~c~~c~ at t~~a.s tizn~ in ~rie~ ~he ~°ain~ seasc~n. H~ f~~rth.~x° indi°° caCed th.at ~h~ offie:~ yn~n~g~r of B°~t~°k~ Gonstr~.cti~r~, ~ppaee~r~t 1ca~a b~,dd~r f~r I th~ pro~~ct, ha.s_ a.gr~~d ~t~ t~~ ~~i~°~~~an~ni~~. clel~.ya Af~~~ b~~.~f d~~c~zs~~,on5 ~C~ae Couneil ag~~~d ~.o tF~e d~la~ ~ r~q~.~~~ing ~h~k tr.~ ~.g°~~.^~an~n~ ~~i~~ B~a.~k~; 1~~ obt~.in~d in writing, AUTHOR7°ZE PIZIVA'~E CONT N~~~TI~ITIONS FOR B~S REM~VAT. AT P~K~ S~ I~A,I~C~'O1V P~blic Wcark.s Dfr~c~c~~ And.~rson r~portad t~at nca bicls hacY b~~ri r~~. ~~ti~~d in r~sp~nse to th~ ~dv~~t~s~d ca11 fo~ b~,ds for B~.c~~~b~-~~ l~t'h.9 :f.~r ~h~ p~arcl~~.~~ ~.nd. re~noval of th~ Ci~~-own~d hous~,~.nd g~~~.g~ ~t th.~ n~~°~~~~:~.s~ eox°r~~~ o~ S~. H~.Tc~~~ and Th~ Pik~; ~nd, l~~ ~eq~.~s t~d ~.~.Lh.ar~,~~.~i~n ~o ha~~~~ ~ p~~~r~,t~ ca~,~~~~~~~° fc~ the d~xnolition and r~moval of ~h~ b~i~ding~o G~~~c~.I di~~a~.~~~on, on ~ao~~on of Council~t,~.n T~.lley, s~concl~cl b~ C~~nc~l~n~;n d:~ ~.ncl. ~.nan~?~r~~a~ly c~~ri~d9 Public Works Di~~c~or And.~rson ~as ~.~.~h~~iz~d. ~o n~got.~~t~~ ~~~~~h p~~~ra~t~ con~ractor~ for ~h~ r~moval ~f ~he Ci~y~°~z~.~c~ b~.ild.2ng~ ~.t Se~. ~~~~a~n ~.nc~ T~.~ Pik~. APPROVE N~W SCHEDi~LE ~OR E7~,M S7.'REET ST'ORM DRI~IN E~T. PRQJECT ~~APR.T~~ ~.97'~ Pizblic W~~ks Da.r~c.f~ox~ And~~°sc~x~ x~~po~°~s~d ~~t t~.~ Cc~a~~ca~~.6~ pr~~:~ric~~~.~~;~ approved bid ~:dv~~tisean€~nt dat~ fo~ t~e Elan i t~ y~~t S re~~-~m D~~.~n Ex~~n~fun pre~j ~~.t had nat been met and addiGional prap~rt~,~ n~c~~~~.r'~y h~.d. n.pi~ v~~ 'be,~'n acqaai~~d. As the d.elay ~ill ~~t~nd th.~ p~aj~cf: irito th~~ ~'~t~~a,ry ~~.~n.~r s~~sc~n, kie req~~~st~d approval of ~ n~w ~ch~d~l~: for t~~ p~°oj~ct; as follo~rs; ~a~ i~h ~~a~~ ~pprov~d b~ ~h~ Co~xncil. CI~Y COU~CI~ ~~C~~B~R ~~9 ARROYO GRLL~I~DE 9 CA~IFf~:R~V~. ~A~~, ~ Sc?~~d~.~.~ ~o~° ~I.rn S~~°~~=; t S~~3x°~~ ~r~~r~ E~~:c,~~~.~s,~n_I?~~.~"~ ~,Pprav~.1 ~o ~ ~dv~~~i~~ ~ n 19 ~ Ad~~r~~z,~~ ~~~:%Y ~.2 ~a a ~3;~~~ ~p~n B~,c3~ ~911~. A~~~cl Gc~~.t~~.~t ~4~ i~~'~ _ 5~~.~t Tn~~~ic J~~.::n.~,~ ~ E AU~H~RT~E CAT.T ~OR :~,~D~ e ST(~,~ SYS'I°~M A`~ F~.~~ OAA~.S,~~~T~~(~J~ ° l~/~"u r~:~~, ~0~0 P,~ P~~b i~~ kT~~~~ Di~~~ ~~r An~~~~:3 ars ~~9~~~ ~~c~c~ ~?v t~~~~ ~~~~s~~~ i. e~ ~a~~ u- i.~,~~~~ 1y app~osr~d bi~. ~~.v~r~~;s~,°~.n~~.~ d:~:°~: f~a~ ~~~.~ru~,~ ~~~~t:7~n. ~~~€,:~Y:~~~,~~.~,r~ ~r ~~a.r ~~~~mH~.l~~on in~~~°~~c.~~or~ ~,~c~ n.~z~ L~~~n ~ne~ ~rz~ z~~~~:~.~~~c~ ~.p~~o~y~:l, c~f ~ ~°~~~~~,c~ scl~~dax1~: far. ~~i~ p~~oj~~~~ a,s ~o~`~~~~e App~ov~l. to ~.c~v~~~a~~~ ~~c~~b~z '1~.~ ~9~~ t~d~r~r~~s~ ~ ~ I~~c~r~~,~~r 1~ ~ -3.9~ ~9~~~ Op~n Bids Dt,~~cr~1~F~r~ 1~`d t~~a~rd Contr~.c~ ~T~n~;~~~ ~9~~°~ _ St~.r~ W~~°1~ ~~b~~~.~~ ~.~~4 ~Campl~~e W~r~. ~ ~ ~.~~~-i 2~ ~ ~197''+ Pa~ks and. R~~~~~~~~~n ~~r~~.~~~.~n~:r Mc~~~r~ px~~~~n~ a~.~ r~qx~~:~~~~, ~~ns:~c~~ra~ ti~n be giv~n that ~1t~~naC~ b~,d~ b~ ~~~~u~~d ~o~ ~a ~sig~n~.~ ~a.g~~~. a~~i~r~.~~~~ ~~iglgil~.r to ~~hos~ axs~d b~ p~cY~~~tri~~~~, ~,~~.1~1~ cu~ld b~. ~~ach~d bc~ ~r.ai~~~l~ ~~d~~~. ~ l~i~. Anderson indi~~.~ed h~ ca~a~le~ lo~k ~x~~:a tl~~~. Aft~r C~unci3 rYis~~.~sion~ ~~a~a~~~ ~f C~~.~~~lrn~.n ~~,~~~~y ~~~o~,~,~~~ by C~~ncilman Milli~ ~.nd ~,n~n.~nc~s~~lg~ ~~.rri~~9 ~~.r~ ~~vis~d. ~~.~5~~~1~ n~~~:~c~ was ~pprov~el, ~.nd ~he ca.ll. for b~,dl~ w~.5 ~.~.~:p~ari~~.~d o~ ~}i~ ~,n~~:~.:i_~.~ k.~~a~, af ~ signal s~~~~an9 tc~ incl.u~;~ a~ ~.~~~,~~.~ar ~or c~%c1i~t~, t~.~ ~n~.~rs~.c~~.cn vf ~ Hal~yan R~a~ ~nd F~ir ~C~a1~s Av~n~a~, ~,rf~h bid e~~~~~ng s~~ f~~ ID~~~rnb~~ ~~~9 ~.9~'3 ~.t 2:00 P.M. S REP(3R:~ ~ C~fi~TTY WAT'~R RE50LTRGE~ A.DV~.~,Y _CC~MM~~"I'~~ Nf~~TT~U ~ D~ I~~I~ Ce~~x~~i7:~an c~~ ~~a~~ r~port~:cl on t~~.~~ D~~~v~nb~r ~~h ~m~~~~n~ c~f th~: G~u~~~ ~W~.~~~ R~sou~c~s Advi~s~x~~ Cc~x~n~ttc~~, ~ t~t~ng tl~~,~ ~1~d R~~~~S~r~~ an~d~ ~ r~p~r~ on ~h~ Gen~ral ~l.~gn~nt of th~ C~~~n~~~s G~~e.x'~.1 P1.~.n. D~f~x~~n~ of ~~Y~ S~~.t~ ~T~.t~~ F`r~je~t (Fe~.~h.~~ River) fo~ ~ro ;~~~.rs tia~s ~,lso dz~cax5s~d, ~~.~th t~F~~ ~~~t~ ~~r~n~i~n~ ~h~ Cotxnti~~ nf S~.n I,~is Obisp~ ~ncT Sa~~~. B~.~ba~~. to go ~n G~g~;~e~~p~ an p~oj~c~, but ~~n ~~is Obispo G~~nG~ ~rbngt n~~:d ~h~ p~Qj~c~ unw~,l 198Q, ~s i~ ~.s t~s~ of N~.ci~n~en~~a w~.~~~ ~.nt~l ~h~n, b~~~ S~n~a B~~1~~.~~. Cu~~~n~y tiail.~ n~~;rl ~r~.t~~ b~~:fore ~h~n, DISCUSSIOIV 1tE SIDEW~T~ AS~~SSi~1E~'~ DIS`~RIG~ (~~T ~RAI~~CH 5~~~'~ PubL~c ~1~Y~l~s D~.~~t;c~r And.~:~x°~c~n ~~vi~.~~:c~ ~~port p~P}r~r~:d ~~g~rclin~ ~~lz~ ~neecl fo~° cu~~°b~~ ~a:t~C~~~~ ~.nd ~~.ri~~~.l~s a~ BY~.nel~ S~x~~t T~~~ R~l~~.b1~ Bl~cks~ith~n~ pr~~p~r~*,~; '~r~~~~~°as A~cti.an p~A~p~:~~y; ~nci ~eC. ~.~c~ma~~ t~ S~na ancY sid~c~~,ll~s a~ 1~~~, ~.39 ~.n~. B~~.nc~~~S~r~~~s ~.11 n~.c~~~~~yT ~.n ~o~.~r~~.~fii~an ~i~h~ ~C~~ Branc~ St~~e:~ ~~~on~t;x~sc~~~~n, ~3~ ~~q~.e~t~d th~; fa.rm~.~~~a~ of ~~.c~x°~ ~~~n 19~.1 Ac~ Ass~~smen~ D~stric°~~ ~.~W~r~ pa~:n~n~ b~ aff~e,~~.~~ p~~p~ri~y ca~n~~s of ~h.e i?np~ove~a~n~a, ~:s ~tk`~e ~ork ~~~1~ ~.~.v~. to b~ d.on~ b~ th~ ~~xn~. co~~~~~.~~'~r will b~ r_°~pl~.c~ng t~i~ ~x~st~,n~ ~~,cY.~~~.lks ~n ~~c~ns~r~~~~~n p~~,j~c.~o As having concr~~~ wor°k ,~~n~ b~ ~~n~~ c;ontr~:c~or uaitT?out l~t~ir~g ~~.y i,ncl.i~'~c~~~l prop~~tg~ c~,ane~~ ~.~r~ ~I~'aa.c~ c°on~:~~:~;~ ~;o t~~ p~~~r~~a~~~.s 0~1~ ~~ti ~1~~ Y9~.:i Act~ Ci~g~ A~torn~:y Sh~pse~ x°~c~~nc~che~ ~~.~t Mr. And~r~c~n sg~~ic ~a ~~i~ ~.nda~vic~n,x~1. propext~ o~an~~°~ ~o asc~~°ta~,n if th~y ~,r~.11 g~s ~1c~ng ~i~~~ t~i~ 5~~~~'~ ~nst~.~.lata.~n TI'fl of ~1~~ irrap~c~vein~n~s arcd ~~i~r~l~~~,~s~ng t~~ Ci~~a ~ ~ ~a~d ~rorke `~rbAu C~;~~.c~,1 ~g~~~~. ~hat ~1~is s~a~g~~~~d eo~.r~~ ~af ~,c~~~n ~c:r~.T~ b~ b~.~~ ~pp~o~~~~ b~fc~r~ ;~~~~in~ a~p an as~es~~z?~nt c~LS~x~ic~ fo~ th.~~ ~~~~:s~~~;~ ia~pr~v~m~.n~ ox1 ~-^.~~h ~n.d c~f B~anc~. S~~~~t, and au~h~~~.z~cl. s~.~d ~on~~.ct~ 1~~ D~x°~cto~ t~~ P~xbl~~ t~~a~k~ ~~~.~r~on, PROGRESS RE~OT~'~~G. S~'WER AsSE~S?~1~T DIS~'_ ° HIR.~ D~~H~°1~V~.~~ ~°~R A.~.~DTT Ads~~ni~t~°~.~~r ~abc~~~ r.~go~~~~ t~i~ l~n~~~ rc~ ti~. ~.n~~~i~~~3 by~ ~eG. ~ E. to the ~~~ro;~o G~'~~z~d~ S~~a~;~ A~~~~~~~~~~ D~.~~.°~.ct~s p~a~?~ ~V'~a 1_~~~ P~.~~C Blv~., and Highzaa~ ~ 101 zai~l b~ ~~and~rg~~~~nd~~. ~i~:~ C~~~x~~ lt~~~n;~~ ~ 5~:~.~a~ng f~n~~ ~Co p~.y fc~r c~st cE~.f£~~:rcn~~ i~.~~~.~~~d b, t~a.E~ r~:~~~~?:~~c~ ~b~d~~~x~r~.~cl:ira~, ~ A~.rr~inis ~tra~o~° Ba~~cl~ ~ advis~d t~~~ ~~Z~ Ci~~ n~~~.~ i~~~ ~ ~.n ~u~d~,~s~~ ~c~~ ~ the A~r~~c~~G~~.nde As~~~~m~nt~T?ia~r~cG p~~oj~;~~,g ~nd ~~~~.t~fr~an g~~~o~~.ls rec~ived far this p~a~pcss~, t~1~~ f~rm r~f Di~'h1., ~v~n~ ~.nd C~r~a~.n;~ ~az~~~.tt~:d l~w~st propo~~.l. Af.~~,r Go~ncil ci~scd~ss:ic~ny an m~t~i.~~~ C?~. GOt117.~1,1LTlr'~Tl M~.l:~.z~ 9 seconded ~j Cc~~.nc~l~~~ d~ T:,~~c,n ~nc~ ~.~~n~.~n~c~a~~1y ~~xa°~~d, ca~.s ~.~xCl~~,~~.z~~. ~:I~~ 29~~ CITY GOUDICIL 1~EC~IIi~R. 1~; ~9'~3 ARROY~ GRL~IV7DE, CALI~'OR~1IA , tl~e f~~tn of Dieh.l, ~~~.n~ ~rcd G~~p~~t~~' 't~e ~~:rcg~.g~cl ~o d~ ~ r~~car~t on t~~ City'~ ~~~r~r ~.s~~~~~r~~n~ ~~~~~~ic~~, ~.nd ~.~.~~~~~iz~c~ t~.~ ~NI~~~~r C;~~~ ~ t~ sign the cont~act an b~~~~lf ~f C~t~. A le~~~~ fr~~~r~ ~Y~K~ D~p~,~~~~n~ ~?~~a;.~i~~g ~nc~ ~~~°~~~.r~ 1~~~~~-1~.c~~~r~.~rL~ ~,1~c~ ~°~vi~tia~d e r;~~~~~ s t~,tQc~ nc~ c~b j~~c ~:~~n~ ~c~ t~a~. ~°-~r~npL~~~.~ c~~:~ 1z,~ ~.~n csf ~~,~b~ Y~~~s~~ on T~1~y Ei~ R~~.~ ~~~%n ~~~s~~;n~ ~c~ n~,~~ ~ ~A~~:~ ~~~~~~_r;,a I3~ri B~c~.~ R~~~.~,rYn~, C~m~nGy ~t~g~~. fc~~ j~c;~p ~~r~ ~zpc~at~ ~~p~~t ~:~a~ a.ns~~T~.~~a~~~~ ~~~,:~.~~~~n~ c~r ~T r-;~~;!~:-~~• 1~.~ ~f ~he ~ao~°k ~~d l~~t;n ~cr~rpT~t~c~ i.n bvl ~~f t~~~ ~,T~.a ~:i~~;~~~ ~~c~ ~4,t,~;;~° ~~at~~ ~v~xyt~n~.ng ~~~a~h ~'rr~nd A~;=~;n~~~ ~~~~~~.T~ l~~ ~?p ~ca ~~~~F,;,~~ and. th~. ~xt~-~nd~d ~,n~~c~p~~~cl ~c~~n~:~~t~4~~ c~~,~;~: f~°~ ~~c~ ~~~S,E~ ~~o~p:c~~~ Y~~~ ~a~~n a~ Jan~.~,~~~r 1~9 ~.9~4. In ~.n~~,r~a~ ~o ~~~.~~.~.L~n~r~ ~F~ ~~vn.e~ e~~~~~~~~~na I~. s~ated ~I~at ~~i~ ~ontr°~x~ta~ g~~.~~nt~~:r~ p~ca~~~~ ~~r ~n~ ~~6~,.~. NO~;T . R.v A TT Q C~,I'~S ~~dJI) DAN11~~~ R.ETNI~ITIL~~~l~T APpTI_I~A.°I"I~~ Adznini~st~r~.~c~ `~~.~~.i~ ~.ctvi~~d ~~iat ~.n ~:~Rc~i.~ ~~pc~rt ~~a~ b~.~n ~~~~a~.v~~d f~o~n tT~~ S~~t~ Cc~nt~°o1~:~~° re~~.~c~~n~; ~'1~~ a~pl~c~.~i~3~ ~n~.d~ b~ t~~ Cae~~~ f~r ~F~c~~,r~l Dis~s~:~r Assi~t~nc~ f~ll.cs~~~nb t~~~~ f~~~d ~.a~.r~i~.g~ c~a~~~n.~ t~k~~ ,T~.n;~~~~~ ~,nc~ F~;b~~a~~ ~ain stc~rbrrs. T~.e C~t~ ~ppl~~c~ ~o~~ $~,~~ao'~l~g ~a~icb~ ~~~~~r~.c ~1~~ ~~.c~i~~~°~ de~~:rmin~c~ $1~053.95 ~o in~~~,~~.b1.~. ~.n ~.~~a~ri~~, ~~p~t~Cl 1~~~ ~1.~~::~c~~ b~~n ~ec~~,v~ct b~ ~17~ Citv, ~.nd ~n ~~.di~ir~n~,~ p~,~a~nd c~f r~~~~. ~r~ ~o~'~'~~s~~nge RE T 0~ F 11~~C:I,~,', Q~4' Sr~.1V ~T~TS 0„~~SPO CO°~NfiY'! m BAii~lKK. d~~ ~1~RIGH T~:~ C~>~nc;i1 ~e~~.~~~a~, ~e~~~~.~~~ ot ~~~~pox~ ~;n~~,~1~.c~ un ~san T.;~~,s Ob~.~p~ Co~sk~~d,~" 9~rh.ic'h. ta~.~ d~,~ ~~a.b ~;~.c~ b~ ~r~ B~.n1~. A*~i~:r~~~. ~rzd, g~~rv~~ ~~~r~~;~s~ c~~ econc~~.c: ~~c~~~l~ t~.~ C~~~;~t~;~ ~.n~ ~.nd.a~vid~.~~ ~~,~i~;~ ~,n C~ ~~~y • R~C~IPT 0~ TNFO F~C~M I~GLT~ ~1F Cc~~,I~(~~~I'7:~1 C~~~ 8~11~tin~ ~~o~ ~~~e ~,~~.g~F~ of C~1.if~~zl~,a ~~g~~d~z~~ EPA ~ ~En~ir~r~~~nt~3 Pres~t~~~~an ~.~~~~y~ P~opc~~~l ~nd. ~,1~~~~.~~c~~~ r~~*~~~v~~, ~ RECOMMEIVD. FTtOM PARK~& B~,YS IMP~QV BC~~RD REo D~~~~~V(~[;'F'~~ t~~~~S?~~'~~ A r~po~~ f~oin ~ P1~.~nni~g ~Di~'~c~or G~.Ilnp e+~~.~ ~~v~~~r~e~, ~~h.ick~ ~~1~.~~~d _a recoYr~x.~nc~~.~i~n f~om t~~ P~.~lca~ng ~.nd ~~a~~n~:~~ T~n~~~v~zn~n~ Ar~~ Ac~.~Pi~~sxy Bc~ard that "nc~ Cit~~ B~asin~~~ ~a.c~,n~~ b~ a5~z~~. t~ ~n~° p~~°~on c~~ b~si.n~>~s *~rho, ~.s ~a~ J~.n. 1. 19~4, `aas d~Iixlq~~nt i~ ~ith~r Ci~;r B~~in~~~ ~i~~ns~ ~r A~~~~~m~n~~ ~ ~:n~il s~.ct~ k~,me ~h~es~ p~;~Zrfl~nt~ ~a~x~ curr~rz~" 6 Cit~ A~~arn~=.yr S3~:~~~<.~ ~nc1 th~ Cotxn~~1 ~ppr~~r~d th~ r~~~s~n.n~nci~~inn. Af~~~ C~~.nc~1 c~~~c~~~~ia~n, ~n ~n~ ~~on of ~ Council~nan T~I1~~9 s~cond~c~~ bya C~~.nci.l~~.n d~ ~I~~~n ,~nd ~zrs~ni~~r~~~~1~ c~~~~~~., ~ ~ Ad~ninist~~.t~~ B~tc~ ~a~.s di~~~t~cE ~:o ~~~~1 1~;~~e,~~ ~o b~a~~~.~~~~~~~ d~1~.nr~~z~n~ in tY~~z:~ ~v~~~s:n~nt~ ~~.d~a~s~.ng ~1~e~~r. a~ ~.b~~~~ and ~~a.~ cc?~np2~,ints ~r~.11 be filed ~g~inst th.~~n ~af~~r ~h~ first o~ t}~~ ~~a~ ~ €e~~ ~~r~g~.~in~ ~,r~ baa,~i~.~~~ ~i~T~~° ~ ~ enit a G~.g~ l~c~v~z~s~. RECEIP~ QF ~i.N'IMA,1~ C~~TTROT~ PR~~RA.I~ I'R(~P~1S~~ I3`1 SLTP~R.VIS~1~ K3~D~TE~°~L Ce~~nci1 r~v~~r~r~e~ p~~po~~.l ~ C~np~~~.~~s~iv~~~fi.ni.~~.:L G~~~~ol~ ~ P~ogr~.~n ~p~~p~.r~d b~r C~a~ri~~ S~.~a~r~~,s~x I~~,c~.~~IY, ~r~.~,~~. p~o~r~xn ~~~axlcl. b~ ~~r~.n.~~~c~ by ~h~ C~~~ntg~ a~d p~o~7~d~ t?~~.~ ~v~nt~.al~.y nc?x~m~c~~ o~rnP~~ ~,~~~r~l.~ n.o~; ia~,w~~: ~;o pa~T fo~ ~nim~.1 cnnt~°ol t~,xE:s . M~.;~~~ Sc~~~:~~ 1~~~~.~~?~~c~ ~~ca%rr~an~n~~m~~n~ ~~~s~ C~~.nci.l ~.s sa~~. pc~s~il~~~~ r~~~~c~ing ~a~°o~ao~~~.o 1VOTICE ~ e~nD~~~~~, ~°rE~s ~.o~ o~ J,~r~s ~r~~ ~~r~R r~z~ Adzna.nistx~~.t~~ Bastch ~~pcar~~d ~s ~fi°~~'~~~ c,f ~,n~r~Yryn~.t~ira~ t.1~~,~ p~cs~r~~°i~y. ~~ane~s ad~~.c:~nt Go th~ T~~b~r].~~.ds ~.~.v~ -r.~:c~~~e~t~d t~i~ Je~~?a~~~ W~~ ~~~~~r ~m.ain. b~ ex~~nd.~d ~o th~~,x~ p~rope~t~. NbTICE ~1~' PERS N1~E`TING TO REVIEW MEI~~l.2.SH~P PRO~RL~M &~1R~AC'~T~T~ C~~~BUT~:ONS Aei~a?ir~~;~ ~r~ tca~ B~~~~. ~°~v~ox t~:e3 tkil~ :~.h~ lic ~n~ Ica~~~c~~ H~~ t~,r~:ra=:~>n~ G~an Bo~rd ~r~.~.l ~~vi~~,r9 ~t a.~~ ~~c:~ming ~n~~~i~.g~ a.~s ~,^~~~~~~~~,g ~~og~~,Yr. ~.nd c~1~.~~.t~on of ~°~~r~~ctiv~ e~rbp~~~~~-~~~1.~~~~~° ~an~~~b~~z,~ns e~~. -~~rp~,~y~~:;~ ne~~. t~ra~.gT~~ in~~i m~~b~r~hip~ ~~r~ic~. w~~~d in.c~~.c3.~ p~~~T~r,~~ ~~ripl~.y~~~. ~,c~°v~~c~c~ ~:~h~.~, i~a~i~ ~~o~.~ci prQlaabl~ ~3pe c~~.~ ~1~~ s~z?~~~ ~~~ac~~nt ~-:~~~nplr~~°~~: ~~~g~~,~~ ~;1~c~ ?;~~~~~f.~~~Y ~.u~~ic~riz~~ by Ftie Cca~~anca,l ~a ~rit~ ~o ~:`~a.~ Bc~~.rc~. ~.na~ ~~.~;h ~~q~,ir~~z~nL. NO`TIC~ RE. ADM. BU'I`CH3S I~OMI Z`,~r'1.S R~~o MC.I~b Dl~ie ~F ~('i~~ ('3F 4~,. GI~~ES Ad~ninistr~,tor ~~.t~~ ~.dvised t?~a.t ~h;~ ~,~~.g~.~~. ~ f G~.l~~r:,rna.~. C~~:~.~s la~.~ reorganiz~d ~nd ~P. '~~s ~~~zx n~~n~.~a~~~.c~ ~~prE~~~nt~,+~i°~;j~~ ~~ie~ C~t~n~~~l Ce~aan~ie~ Di~risic~n to t~e Ma.n«~~F; ~s Ds.~r~~~.~n ~~f t~s~a T~~~~~.~a d~ C~.~.~.f~~r.7.i~ Gz,~i~:~. 3~~(~ CITY COUNCIL D~CENI~ER 11, 19'~~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE ~ NOT CE RE. RECEIPT OF FUNDS FOR POLICE DEPT. CAMERL~ EQUIP'~. ° C.C.C,~J. Administ~°ator B~etch advised that funds in th~ :ama~n~ o.~ $1.,~~~.UO 1a~~r~ been rec~ived bg~ the Palice Departmen~ from th~ Ca.lifo~ni~. C~s~aneii ~zi Gri~a~n.~l Justice, for the purchas~ of c~.mera and dark ro~an ~s~axipyn~nt for ~h~t ~~g~.~~i~n~. COUNCILMAN DE LE01~ GRAIVTED PERMISSION '~0 BE ABSENT FROM _S'I.4.:TEe Y2/~1 ° 1~/2~/~3 On moti~n of Counc~lanan Millis, seco~.d~:d b~ Cc?~.ncilan~.n T~.2.~.~y ~~c~'. ~.~.~.ni° motzsly carried, Cc~uncilman de I,eon ra~.s grant~d p~rzr!ission ~o l~~ c~a~~ ~f t~~~ S~.t~ of California from December 21 thro~agh D~c~mber 28 ~ 1933 5~.s r~qa~e,~~~:c~ by hinno CANC~LI,ATTON OF 12/25/73 REGUI~R MEE~G & ADJOURNME~YT' On motion of Co~ncilman Talley, second~d by C~~.ncLlman d~ ~on. ~.nd unanimotxsly carried, th.~ regular C~t~' Cc~uncil meeting o~ Deceml~~~' 2~, I9s~~, w'~.~ cancelled and the meetxng adjourned at 9:25 P.M, tsntil 7:30 P,M. c~n January 8, 19~4. ATTEST ~ ~P~. ~ CITY CLERK MAYOR • ~ ,