O 412 C.S. - . -,. --, ORDINANCE NO. ...i!.~ c. S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE 'ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ARROYO GRANDE CITY WA~B, RAtES. BY AMENDING CHAPTER 7 OF TITLE 6, SECTION 6-7.01 (A), (B), (C) AND (D) ANQ RELATING TO LOEEZ RAIEa BY AMENDING CHAPTER 7 OF 1'ITLE 6, SECTION 6-7.01 (g) AND SECTION 6-7.22 (a) (4) . , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS ,h FOLLOWS: Section 1: Title 6 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is amended by amending Section 6-7.01 of Chapter 7, as follows: Se(!tion 6-'1.01. Chnrll'eSa (a) Basic monthly C!'h8tt~e.SA Whenever water is supplied and meters are used or instaUed, as provided in this chapter, a basic monthly charge shall be JIIIIde to each user. Such charge shall cover the cost ot water used for each month up to aDO cubic feet for 1/2 to 3/4 inch meters or larger cubic feet for larger meter sizes. . , MINIMYM_MONXHLI~HARO~ Maxlmwn Cubic Feet Size of Md.el. QL.Woter SUDolied Inside CUt Qutside 9ity 1/2 to 3/4 inch 800 $ 5.25 $ 10.50 1 inch ,,1,200 8.30 15.30 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 Inch 1,600 11.10, 17.55 2 inch 3,000 20.85 28.90 3 inch 6,000 41.60 60.15 4 inch 9,000 62.45 77.50 6 inch 27,000 187.35 208.20 In addition to the above charges, eaoh USe1' 8JuI11 be oharged for water used above the basic minimum rates, In accordance with the following schedule (aU rates are on the basis of 100 cubic feet, or fraction thereof): MINJMYM_MONXHl.LC<HARQES. Inside ~ Outside Qi1y. For all water in excess of 800 cubic feet, rate per 100 cubic feet $0.90 $1.10 (b) Sin~le family dwe11in!!'S and l!olMlOn ownership businesses. Where two (2) or more separate buildings on the same parcel of land are used for a single-family dwelling and/or a business owned in a oommon OWRe1'shlp and are being furnished weter through one liorvioe cOMectlon, there shall be charged and collected trom the owner or person in responsible charge thereof,in addition to the established minimum monthly meter rate set forth In subsection (a) of this section for water furnished to' the first single-family dwelling and/or business, an additional meter minimum monthly charge tor eaeh additional single-family dwelling and/or business furnished water through the same servic, as follows: MINIMYM..MONXHl.LCHAROES. In!dde City Outside Qi1y. $5.25 $10.50 (e) yultiDle dwel1inn and mobile homes.. Whenever a single meter serves multlple- dwelling units, as In the oase of duplexes, triplexes, apartments, mobi1ehome parks and travel - trailer parks, the 800 ouble teet minlmwn, set forth in subseotlon (II.) of this section, shaU apply to the first sueh dweUing unit, and the minimum eharge on each such additional dWelling unit, which wW entitle the consumer to an aUowanoe of 400 cubic feet of water for each additional minimum charge each month, shall be as follows, ~INIMYM_MONXHl.I~HAROns. Inside QiU Outside QiU $2.85 $5.70 _d_ . - . ----- -<.._-- ;7./)11 , ,.&.,., ~ .' - ORDINANCE NO 412 C.S. -2- . ---- (d) MpJgJ~om1-Mn~s.. In the case ot motels, hotels, auto trailer camps, auto courts, and/or housekeeping units wherein Individual units, cabins, and spaces are served by a single scrvice conncctlon, there shall be chnrged to'the owner or person having the manllgement and control oC the some, In addition to the prl'scrlbed monthly meter mlnilllllm chllrge set Corth in subsection (a) oC this section Cor each cabin, unit 01' space In excess of one, an additional monthly mlnllllllm meter charge, which will entitle the consumer to an additional allowance oC 200 cubic feet oC water Cor each cabin 01' unit or space per month, as follows: MINIMUftU/lQHIULI..QUASOIm, Inside gu QIDJi,<;I-LClU $1.45 ' $2.85 ~{;IJ.QIL.l1 Section 6-7.01 (g) of the Municipal Code Is hereby amended to rcad In full as follows: (g) LoDez Wf.ljU-c;g~LCbI1J'ies# In addition to the monthly water charges set Corth In this chapter, each City water user shall be charged on additional sum each month, to be designated "Lopez Water Contract Charge," In accordance with the greater of the following schcdules: SCHEDULE I - WATER SERVICES ON INDIVIDUAL IIfETERS. ChBMes Siz:g....QLM~~r.. ~gSlU Q1WiJ9.!UJU 5/8 to 3/4 inch $ 8.15 $10.65 1 Inch 11..70 14.25 1-1/4 inch to 1-1/2 inch 15.25 17.75 2 inch 18.80 21.30 :I inch 22.30 24.80 4 Inch 25.90 28.40 6 inch 33.00 35.45 SCHEDULE II - UNMETERED OR MULTIPLE USES ON ONE METER. Charlles lm.i1tLc:lU QlU:Me_~.Y. (1) ~.i.rufu1.::lM1i.ly dwelliDJC!.. $ 8.15 $10.65 Each additional slngle-tamlly dwelling on the same meter 8.15 10.65 (2) Mobile home Darks and travel trailer Darks One space 8.15 10.65 Each additional space on the same meter, except 89 provided in subsection (I), at this section 8.15 10.65 (3) lYIultiDle dwel1in~s. one unit 8.15 10.65 Each additional unit on the same meter 8.15 10.65 (4) M~JDd hotels. one unit 8.15 10.65 Each additional unit on the same meter 8.15 10.65 -' (5) HQJ!Di t~ conv(l1g~ent hp.nm"..J!.D!1 !;.QDL~~ per bed on the same meter 2.15 2.80 (6) ?.!WLW~g~ not otherwise provided for in this section I!!WDess on seDarate nm!!:.t 8.15 10.65 , ( '. .':-4V~ , ." I , " , \. ORDINANCE NO. ..ilLSS. -3- Multiple businesses on one meter Each separate water service, such as restrooms, kitchens, etc. 8.15 10.65 SECTION 3; Section 6-7.22 (a) (4) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read in full lIS follows I (4) A charge referred to in this subsection lIS a "water supply charge" or "water availability charge." Pursuant to the provisions of Section 38743 of the Government Code of the State, water availability charges shall be levied in accordance with the fOllowing: (j) No water availability charge shall be imposed upon any parcel of land owned by the government of the United States or by the State or by II political subdivision thereof; provided, however, no piece of land sold to the State for delinquent taxes, by operation of law, but not deeded, shall be considered as being owned by the State and thereby exempt from the applieation of the provisions of this chapter. (ii) Water availability charges shall be imposed upon each parcel of property not served with City water. (tij) The City shall collect the water availability charge, lIS provided for in this subsection, by billing the charged land on an annual basis. In the event such availability charges have not been paid at the time a water service connection application is made for such parcel, aU accumulated water availability charges, to the limit of Nine Hundred Fifty and no/l00ths Dollars ($950.00) per dwelling unit; motel,hotel or hospital room; or commercial unit developed, shall be paid. (iv) In the event the plumbing or structures are modified by an existing water user, an additional water supply charge shall be assessed with the building permit for each additional dwelling unit; hotel, motel or hospital room; or commercial unit. Failure to pay additional water supply charges with such improvements may result in discontinuance of water service to the entire property. SEQ'D.QH-!: This Ord.inance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage, and within fifteen (15) days after its passage, it shall be published once, together with the names of the Council Members voting thereon, in the Five Cities Times-Press-Rccorder. On motion of Council Member __~~h ~_, seconded by Council Member _D.ou<iJall____, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Smith, Dougall, Olsen, MOots and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the City Council on this __lli!L day of _J:!!~______, 1989. ~~~- ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,- c.~ - . -- --..- ---'-