Minutes 1974-01-29 31~ CI'I'~ COUNCIL JA~ARY'22~ 1974 ARROYO GRANDE e C~1I~IFORI~IIA PAG~ 6 me~t~.ng be s~~ ~np wit~. Mr. P~t~~~ p City ~ngin~~r G~ring9 C~~i~~~~s~tion Inspe~~~r ~~lYn1~~9 Ad~nix~ist~°at~r Butch~ ~,nd ~f~~~l€9 to r~~ie~ t~~e ~a~~~~ ~.nd p~pa~~ a re~oa~enda~ion for ty3e Council; M~. Pet~rs w~~ pr~~~nt and ~~po~.nd~d on the p~~bl~~n ~.ncfl 3~d~~~.~~d th~ C~ty ~ad approved l~is g~ading and d~~.in~g~ plan. Bob Go~l,a~t indi~~~c~ri ~hat his emplo~~rP ~h~ D~par~z?~nt of Tr~n~por~~~~.on, a gr~d.~,n,~ pl~.~ cara ~zle fxo~ Mg°, Peters w~aich had be~n ~pp~°ov~~ b~ th~ C~.t~e ~~.ialic W~rk~ I3ir~c~kar And~rsc~n replied ~hat th~ p~an submit~~d b~ M~, P~t~rs s,a~s a pr~po~al and. not a definite drainag~ pl~.n~ ~,nd fur~l~e~or~e i~~:~.t t~!~ co~rs~ of th~ F,a~t~r raa~~-off i~ n~~~r~.l and not b~i~.g ~iv~rt~d ~n~o th~ prop~x°t~r a~n q~~s tion, '1'he Co~ncil discus~~:d ttae Znat~~r ag length, s~ggesting tYn~.t t~ae ~lboca pip~ p~.t in by Mro Peters be c~~ ciotian to l~~lp d:~ain tl~e water o~at, and g~n~rally ~g~~~ing tY~a~ som~~~.ing Y~aci b~ d~n~ abor~t drainag~ in t~i~ a~°ea, a~ ~t appe~red th~.t C~~,lton St~~~t ~r~.s b~g~~a~~ng to be ~nd~rm~.ned. After Cm~nc~.l d.rsc~~sion, it was agreed tlaat m~~~in.g sh~~lc~ l~e s~t up ~.~anong tl~~ parties in~cr~vec~ ~s recoi;~tnend~d. by P~ablic Wo~ks Di~~c~tor Arade~~on. NOTICE RE. CO.ASTAI, VAI.L,EY PIAI~II.VIIV~ CO~PI~CIT, SEMII~AR CHAI~T~E m 2/~/~4 Min~nt~s of th.e D~cear?b~r 3rc1 r~~~~ing nf tl~e Co~~tal Val~.~~ P~.~.nning Council wer~ x°ec~iv~d and revietia~d, It w~.s not~d tl~at ~l~e Goaancil°s f~.ll seminar had been canc~~led and ~ r~~n~~r seminar s~h~dT~sl~d fc~r '~ki~nrsda;~~ Febr~~.r~ 7, 1974 ,and a spr~ng :s~~n~.nar caf11 b~ ~~~~ci~lecl a+t a. 1~~~~° d~.t~ for som~~i~~ in M~.rch or Apri1, LE~TER 0~ TI~NKS RE,. YOi~TFi IN GOVE~.i~NT DA'Y PAR.TICIPA~°TON m MILLIS Aclministrator B~tc~ read a, l~tt~r from Mark Mm Ma.l~is 9 w~iich, on behalf of the stud~nt partica.p~.nt~ c~f tl~~ ~~cent Y~u~h in Goverxs~~nt Da~, t~,~.nked t?~e City Ad.~ai~i~~rata~r, City C~~n~~~,l and. depart~n~nt ta~ads fo~ ~t~~ir ccaop~rati~n in tl~e a~~ivit~~s . REPORT RE o COSTS C~F ALI,~~"WAY BETWEEN BRIDGE & SHORT STREETS TY?~ Council r~viewed r~port fxcsm Pqxbiic Wox~ks Dir~ctor Anderson; which g~~e a l~r~akd~n nf costs fox° i~prc~vem~nt of the ~.lle~ betw~en Bridg~ S~reet and S~tort S~~ree~. To~~.l costs ~ not includ:ing labor9 eq~aipment o~° cta~in link. fer.ce, is $2,~31,94. STAZ'US REQtJESTED REe WATER SERVICE TO CORBETT CANYpN ROAD - L~OOD Co~anc~,l~nan W~od indic~ted he ~aad. rec~ived a call this even~ng froan Jim Adams of Cox°bett Cany~~n R~~.d who h~.d. staf~d h~ still had no water at his home, ev~n tho~ngh ~h~. l.~.ne had been approved by tYr~ City* some t~n~ agoo Public Warks Dir~ctor And~r~on indicat~d tlaat ~1~~ lir~e m~xst first be approved by Zone 3 and tl~~r~ acc~p~ed b~ th~~ Cit~, b~fnr~ wa~~r can be r~leased into the line, ADJOURNNIEl~T On ~no~ion of Ce~~nci7.~n~,n Talle~, second~d b~y Councilman Millis and unani- mously carried.p tt~.c~ gn~eting adjo~r~~d at 1~:43 P.M, ungil 7:00 P,M., January 29, .19749 to in~ervi~c,~ ~pgflicant~ for kY?~ Pl~rcn° ~n ~zking & raffic Conanissions. AT~ES T CITY CI,ERK MA~'(~R CI~Y COiJ1VCTL JAl~'AR~ 29, 197~+ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORI~IA 7:00 P.M. T~e Ci~y C~~xnc~~, me~ in ad.jo~rned r~gular s~ssion caith Ma~~r Schlege~. presiding. Upon roY~ ~~.1L, C~~x~.cil M~mb~xs Ta11~~~ and Mi11is r~ported pres~nt. Council M~~nb~r~ W~od and. d~: Zeon ax~~ ~.bsent, Adnninis~ra~or B~.tch is alsca in at~t~ndanc~ . ADJOURNMENT ~ EXECU'~I~E SESSION On moti~n o~ C~~a~.eilYn~.n Ta11~;~, s~cond~d 1~;~ Co~~ciZ~,an Mi3.~.is and un.anim in~~.sly carrieds th.e Coa~ncil adjo~,rn~d to an exe~~6ive session at 7:01 P.M,, to intervie~,r ci~tiz~ns wh~a h.ad submitted. applicati~ns tv serv~ on th~ Plar~ning Coamniss ion v RECOI~VENEM~~T 'I'he Council recQx~v~~ncd at 9.45 P.M. with a11 memb~rs pr.~s~xxt a~ sho°,an on roll ca11. 313 CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 29~ 19~4 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAG~"2 AUTHORI~E WI~TTER OPEN BURN WEEK m FEB. 4 THRU FEB. 10, 19~4 On mo~ion of Co~ncil~an Mill~s9 ~~conded b~ Co~nc~l~an 7,'~~1~~ a~d unani~o~sly carried, F~br~ar~ 4th t~r~~gh F~b~a;eary ldt~~ 19~49 ~as d~~ig~a~~~ as op~n b~rning w~~k d~r~ng t~e wi~t~~ p~ri~d of ~9~~p a~ ~~cos~~n~~d b~ Fire Chief Ma.rs~l~k. APPOINTMENT OF REP~ TO A~T~L GO~TROL TASK FORCE m SCH~GEL On moti~~ of Counc~l~an ~al~~y, second~d by C~~~cilm~n Mi1~is a~d unanimo~~ly carried, Ma.yor Calvin H. Sch~~gel w~~ appoint~d.~s ~he C~~yBs rep~esentativ~ to gh~ Ani~a1 C~n~ro~ Task Forc~~ which ~ill ~tudy th~ f~asibility of a County man.~.ged ~n~mal control progr~~, wit~ i~s first m~eting:sch~d~led for Febr~ary 8, 1974. ' ADJOURNN~NT On motion c+f Co~nncilman Millis, s~conded by Go~zmeil~an Tal~.~y and unani- mous ly carriecl, the regular' Ci~y Cca~.ncil me~ting of Feb~aary 12, 1974 was cancelled and thi,s meeting adj~aar~ied at 9:50 ~.M. until 7:30 P.M,, Feb~v.ary 13, 1974~. \ ~ ~ -o. ~ ATTEST: \~~r~-~~- D r DEPiTTY CITY CLERK MAYOR