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Minutes 1974-02-26
~i~ CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY°269 1974 AR.ROYO GRANDE, CALIF(1RNIA Th.e C~t~ G~~n~c:il an~~ in ~~g~n~~r ses~ion ~~~h I~,~~~ Sck~~..~~;~1 p~~~~din~. Upon roll e~11.e C~~nc~l M~b~rs T~ll~g~, Millis, Wc~~ci a~.d d~ ~~pcrr~eci pr~s~nt. FZEDGE OF ~4L~~~GIA.I~TC~ Az~ID I~1VO~A~ION Mayox° Schl~g~l. 1~ad th~ Pledge ~f All~~~~.nc~ t~ ~v~r ~l~g~ ~nd ~~d.~~~~1~ ther,eafg~r Co~nc~l~.n M~1~,is ~~l~ve~~d t~.~ inva~~:~~o~.o APPROVA~ OF MI1~i ~ES Th~ xnin~~es of ~~n~ ~~~ula~° m~~~ing of F~b~~~~r~ ~.3 ~ 19~~ appr~s~~d pxepareda APPROVAL OF WARRE~I~S On ~a~ti~n af Go~nciT~nan de L~on, s~cond.~d b~r G~~sncil.~~n M~l~.is ~,nd ~nanb° mously c~~ried.9.P~.yr~1~. War~ants Nc~. I~3~ ~hr~~gh N~, ~.5029 irc ~eotal ~.~a~~nt of $30 ~ 705 . 68 9~.nd G~n~ral ~1'a~x^an~s No r 1114 tYtroa~gh N~, 11~0 9 a,n tka:~ ~ot~.I amount of $7~636.559 w~re ap~r~a~ed and ord~red pa~d> PR~SENT. OF SERVIGE REC~G, P~OU~S TO '~ORMER Pl~lle3_ COMM.. ~ G~.FT,~ICKSON„JQI~TES .PORTER Niay~or Schl~gel p~~~~n~~~ pl~.qr~es of ~pP~~c3o~t~.~n tp form~x° Plannia~g Commission~r D~n Ga~llickson~ in r~cogni~i~n of h~~ s~rvice t~ Ci~. ~~rm~r Planning C~nis~in~.ers Ch~~~~r D. Por~~r and R~:3~ J~r~~s ~af1Z ~.1~~ r~c~~v~ these appx°ec~ation p1~~~es, bvAt ~a~x~e noic present. _~P~~~~,AMATIOIV -~~EAS~ER S~AL C~IIKPAIGN T~N1E" ° M~RCI3 2, 19~4 T0 A.PRIE, 1.4. 1974 M~.~~r Sch.l~g~l pr~clai~ned. Ma:rch 2, 1974 to Apr~.l 149 19~4 as ~"~.4STER SEAT, CAMPA~~1V ~~ME" ~~:s ~~d by the E~s t~r S ea Y S mc i~ tg~ . LETTER FROM S0. CAT~~. GAS COMPA1~tY RE,~GAS "SERVTCE TO CI~Y ILV Y~ 2000 T~e C~t~ncil ~eva.~~a~d a~~~t~er from Howard Ne~rby9 Dis~r~.c1t M~.x~~.g~r c~~ the South.~rn C~.l~.fo~nia Gas Comg~ny, s,~hich was writt~n in ~e~pons~ ~o a q~:estfon put to hi~ne ~~G~.n tti~ G~.s C~npany px°avide service~ fo~ ~h~ Gi~~ of Elrroya ~~°ande in t1~~ ~~~r 2D00?~~ In his letter, Mr. Newby ~utlinecl th~ s~eps th~ cc~xr?p~.n}r ~s talzing a~gr.ient its g~.~ s~pplz.~s. NOTICE ~E. PROPOSED TIVCRE~SE REQUESTED BY GREYHOUND LINES T1~e G~uncil r~ce~ved a notice from th.e Gr~yYaound L~.n~s-W~st indicating they h.ave fil~d an ~pplicati~n fo~° increases in th~ir pas~~ng~r bus f~res and package express rates by 1~.%. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JQ.NtJ:ARY. ~9a4 The Tr~as~tr~r's Report for the snonth of Jan~a~.r~9 1974, w~.s receiv~d by the Cc~~neil., ~~~i~tia~d and orci~r~d filede REVTEW OF I~ATEST LEGISY~~ZVE "BiT~3~ETI1vS - LEAGUE OF :GAY~FORN]`A CITIES Ad.~n~n-~stra~or B~tch x°ev~ewe~ ~aith ~1~e Coun,cil t~ae lat~s~ l~gisl~.tive bulletins r~^~~~~~d ~~°~an ~~ie I,~~g~~ of Californ~.a Cit~,~~, ennpl~~.s~.zing the follo~ing bi~~.s: 1) SB 1340, whieh clarif~es the pre~ent Gonfl~ct of Inter~s~ an~. Disclasux°e of Asse~s las~r, fac~s posaibl~ `~eto b~ th~ Gov~rnor. Af~~r Go~ne~~' ~~~~us~i~~9 t~.~ C~~~ s~aff ~r~,s in.~truLt~d ta wi~~ tk~e Governor vrging ~,im not v~to SB 1340. Also discussed wa~ AB 294~2 ~,~~.~.i~h wo~lei reduce th~ Ci~y"~ ~ncl ,c~~n~3r's sk:a.~~ of mo~or ve1~~c1~ licens~ r~v~n~~ (i~. l~~v~ tax) b~ 5%, Tti~ ~taff ~ra,s ~n~truc~ed by t~e Cot~neil to ~ari~.~ to the p~og~r legisla° tiv~ r~pr~senk~.ti~e~, c~n 1~~1~alf of tla~ Co~an,c~l9 opposing AB ~94~0 REVIEW OF 1~ECE1~T HUIKAl~ RE~ATIONS COMMISSfi013 MEETIN~ MI~TiTTES Ttn~ Co~a~~i~ r~~~iv~d and revi~Taed th~ minaat~s of ~l~e J~n~~.~~' 16~ Y9~4 ~n~e~ta~ng of ~k~~ ~i~~.re R~l~.tfons C~rissi6n of So~~.th San 'L~.~s Ob~spc~ Cc~~nty. Adm~.nis ~r~t~r B~~ch ~~po~~~d th.a t ano~~.her ~~e ting b~ ~he C~~ss i~n ~~,d heen ~e ld on Febr~.ary 13~h~ at c~Y~ic~ ~r~~~ cons~d~rati~~a ~~.s giv~n ~a asl~~.r~~ ~~.ch p~rticipating agency to select ara al~~rn~~~ r~pr~sentative to ~l~e ~~~ssi~n9 b~~~:~s~ of ~f~` prob~eYn~ ~n g~tting a fr~ll q~o~~a, Vari~s.s co~~.ttees ~r~ll ~.ls~ be ~~~ablis~~d to ` tnandl~ sp~c~fic i~~gns o REPOR'~ ° R~CL~fi AI2~A PI,~1IV~TI~G C(~OItDI1~TTNG COiJI~CIL :NIE~~'~N~ ~ Ta~~L~Y Counci~an Tall~~ repox°teci on ~h~ Feb~ary 2~, E974 ~na~~:g~~.g of t~.~ ~re~ Pla~n~n.g Go~srda,n~~~.~?g C~~ancil, s~ating that t~~ Tx°~nsparkati~n P~~.~ ~.nd t1~~ problems being ~nc~~nt~~red ~rith ~h~~ consul~ants l~ad b~~n d~sc~~~~d, _ y ~2~ CITY COUNCIL F~~R~~R~`269 197~ ARR0~0 GRAND~ 9 CALIFORI~IIA PAGE 2 DISCTJSSIOIV REa PL~C~SE ~D~ ~VEtnT ~ICI~JP ~:R.LCI~ CI~~ m~~I~~~'~~D ~°~~'I m~~,ID O~ER Ad.rnini~~~~~~~ B~t~tn r~~~a~~~~c~ ~~ru~~ ~c?~,~~~~ b~ ~~~Y~ o~;~~ f~r~fiy~~ i~nv~~ti~atic~no H~ ~~~,~~c~ t~~~ ~~n~~~ or~~.~ a$~0~ e~.~.ff~~e~~~~ b~~~~~n t~?~ '~~g~~ pick~aps and. ~maYTc~r ~r~.~l~~, b~~ t~~;~ ~~r~.~~ ~i1~~ ~.a~c~~ ~~r~~.Y~~~° v~~s~,~~,~~ a li~~l~ ar~~r~ fc~ ~ri~,l~~~~ ~,~.°~~n~~:~~s. APPOI~fT R~PS ~~Q I'~1N~ GO~1M &~~RK,I1~G d~ 'L~A~~°~C C~MMIS~:L~9~ m I~ZZ~D. O~T~I.t NI~g°c~r S~h.l~~~l ~~~~~d kn~ ~~~~~cc~r~c~,~.~~,~~.~ f~r t~.~ ~.ppo~n~n~n~ r~f ~ar~ra~s~~K~~~:~r~ i~ ~i~~ i;~c~ v~~~~nc~.~~ ~r~ ~T~zc~ ~~~x~~.~.~a~ :C~~.~~~.~~ and P~.rkin~ ~.nd ~~~,~Ea,~ C~~ns,~~~onP DISCt7~SI03~ R.E. TR~~~~C SI~~VAT, ~1~5TAL~.A~I~~; ~'1' UAK P~RK B~~> & G~~1I9 AVE1~.J~ Ad~n~nf~ B~tc~i ~~vi~wr~d ~k~~ ba~k~~o~n~:d ~f ~~i ~ ~~q~.~s ~ by _s~~~ra 1 citiz~ns fo~° g~~ pl~~~~~n~ c~f :a t~e~~f~,c ~i~~~l at ~Y~~ ~~~ve~r Ci~~ ~n~~rs~c~~~n of Oak P~.~°~, B~~.4~~~~d anc~ G~~a~.~ r~~a~n~~~~ ~h.icEi ~~~n ~~~~rrec~ to ~he Parking ~~d ~affic C~a~i~~~,~r~o '~~c~ ~~~i~~~~na~ w~:,~ tY~~.t pa~ticip~t~~n b~ t~is C~~~ in ~n~t~lla~i~~ ~f ~~g~~l ~~r~~~:an s~.~d int~r~~ct~~ra be l~i~~~. a~~~°~e~~.rtfl~ of t~a.~ c~~~ ~f tfl~~ in~~a9~4~t~~n. Th~ Coun~fl ~~~c~~~~d. ~h.~ ax~~. ~:g~~~ci za~.~~, ~~~~aa~~n~,~~~on ~f ~~a.~ C~nis~ion9 ~r~d f~~~~~~r ~~~ta~s~~z~d. tk~~ Ci.~ ~~~ff ~.~~c~~~~~~ ~~~h t?~e Ci~y of Gx°o~~r C~~~ on m~.~t~ro RESOL, t~~~'Pa ~~1ZD~R GI'~'~ CI~~RK TQ C~AI~VV~SS l~I[,~i.IGIPAb~ ;~Y.~~~T~N - 3/5/74 Cit~ A~t~~n~~ S~.~.ps~~ ~~~c~ tit1~ ~f a~~~o~r~~~o~ ~rd~r~.~ag th~ Ci~y C1~r~C to can~~s~ ~k~~ G~r~~r~1 Mu~z~~ca~pa~ E1~e~G:ion; ~~~~~aftex ~ a~~t~~n ~,a~~ a~?ade bgr Ce~~x~ci~,~n~.n Ma.llis p s~c~nd~d. by Gc~~n~~.l.~raa~ d~ ~,~~n ~.nd u~.~;an,~~~~~l~a ~arrfed.9 to d~~~~n~~ c~i~~ ~°~ad~.~g ~1~~ bala~zc~ o~ r~sc~b~~~~z~. RESOI~i7TLON I~~. 1(~83 A KESO~i~~TA~ ~F `~Ii~ C~TY CQU~CTd~ OF TH~ Ci~' OF AR.I~OYO G~RANI)~, CA~~I~O~Vf~A, ORDERING T~I~ CANVA~S pF T'~ ~~~Rr~L NtM~T~VIGIPAL EI.ECTI~N T~! ~E ~LD 0~ S~~I DA~ OF MARC~9 19~4, TO BE MAD~ BY fiZ~~ CIfiS~ C'LERK OF THE CI`T`Y OF ~1RI2.0'~0 GRANDE . On m~~i~n c~f Co~.nc~,l_~n~r~ d~ L~~n, s~confl~cl b~ G~~.ncil~raa~. Wo~d and an th~ fol~owing r~1~, ca~l. ~ro~~9 tr~ r,a~~: AYESe C~~nci~~:~n Tal~.~~r~ M~l~.is, W~c~d9 d~ ~ec~n and M~.y~r Schlegel NO~S e Ns~n~ ABS EIV'I' : I3~n~ the fox°~going r~~o~~~b~n ~~,s~~d ~n~. ~d~pt~d th~.s 2C~~~a d~.y ~f Fet~r~arg~9 19~40 PUB HEAR ~ RESOL ~4~PT m ALd~I~~RI~E '~XI SER.VICE B~' S L TI~AL~SPORTATION_ GO> Ad~inis~~~:~~r ~~a~cl~ ~~v~.~e~~d wi~~ Cb~~.ncil ~fl~~; appl~c~.t~ori receiv~d fr~? San I~~~,s T~~.n~po~k~ti~~ C~mpan~9 Ir~co tca t1~~ Git~ c~i+t~ adcii~tiona~ ~axi ~ab se~~~c~~ ~n~ ~.l~o ~~~i~~~~ ~fl~~ ~~~,~ntl~ p~~~~d f~rdi~xan~~ Nao 91 C.Sp r~~~lating ~a~i ~~~v~c~~ o H~ also ~~p~~t~d ~~~t ~~i~~~ applic~n~ ~.~.ci ka~~n znad.~ b~ Poli~~ Chi~~t Cl~x°k and t~.~ 1~~.d ~.pp~o~a~d tlac~ ~~~vic~e Up~n. ~b~ing a~~~a~~d b~r Cit~ Clerl~ d~l C~mpo th~G ~lY ~~e~~sir~~nent~ p~o~ici~d. bg~ 1~.~9 r~gard~ng n~~ific.~tion of he~.x°ing~ had b~~n c~pli~~ ~r~~1~9 M~~e~r Sc~l~~~l d~cl~~~d. ~h.~ ~~~~~.ng; open ~.n.d ail persons c~oa~ld. n~~ be h~~~°d fc~x~ ca~° ~.g~ins~ th~ issza~,~.c~ of a G~r~ifica~e of P~ublic Conv~ni~nc~ and 1V~c~~~it~ to S~.n L~~,~ Transp~r~G~.ti~~ C~~c?parcy, ~~c. Doyl~ Gr~,ff~~~, 12~:~ M~r~ne~s C~ev~, S~n I.~is ~b~~p~9 Vice P~~~~.dent and Gener~l Nl~.nager af t~s.e ap~l~~~.~~~ s~o~~ ~n f~~~r ~f ~1~~ z~s~~n~~ of th~ Cer~~.fi.cate. Mr. J~.c~CSOn9 20$ ~~.ir V~.~~9 c~Y~~~~ ~erv~c~ e,~Y~.~ b~ ~ta~~,on~d, M~e G~iffith r~pl~.ed. t~a~t ~n~a~l ~k~e v~~a~sa~ of ba~~~.n~s~ r~q~:fr~s ~t~.~iox~ in Arroy~ ~~~.nde9 taxis ~i~~. b~ d~sg~.~t~~~c~ to ~h.~~ C~~~ f~om th~ ~~r~ie~'~ ~~anct in Pist~ro Beach. Th.~re b~ing n~a fa~r~h~r d~,~~~~~i~~. f~r o~ a~ai~~~ ~~.~s xa~~t~~r~ M~:~or Sckalegel declar~d tka~ l~e~.~~ng elos~d. Af.t~r G~~~nei~ d.~.sc~ns~iony c~aY~~c~ g~n~rall~ favor~d. ano~~~r c~b servic~ for I~~ro~~ Gran~.~, Ci~;~ ~,~t~r~~~ S~~ps~~ read. ~~ae ~it1e of :a r~sol~ati~rn gr~.nting ~ C~~ti~~c~.t~ of Punblic C~nv~n~.en~~ and L~~~~~sity ~to S~.a~ Lanis Transportatior~ G~p~,n~%9 Inc.9 I3BAe Y~llo~ ~~b C~n~~.n~; ~hea~~.f~er, ~ motion xaas ~n~.d~ by C~~nncilg~~.n T'all.~~9 s~c~n~.~d b~ C~~nr~cil.m~n ci~ ~eon ~nd. ~.x~~.niin~a~~ly carried, tc d~.spense ~ri~f~ ~~~.din~ th.~ ~~~an~ce ~f tka~s ~~~c~~.ax~ic~n. 32~ CITY COUl~CIL F~B12~L?~~ 2~9 1974 ARROYO GRANI~~~ CA~r~ORNIA ~ RE~(J~U"PION 1VQ e ~ A R~S(?~~TTIUi~ 0~ °T~ CTT`~ CQU~TCI~., (~F Tk~ C~~Y ~F ~iZitO~~ GRAND~ GRAl~~'I~1~ G~R~I~IC~~~ CJF P~TBL~C CONV~~~I~~~; .41VD I~~~ESSIZY ~OR T~I~AB S~RiFIGE PUR~~~AN`T '~0 ~lt]~0~0 GR~1~~ MITI~TIGIP~L C~D~ ~~C`~I~1~ 5°~ 10.02. On ~~ti~n of C~~,n~~~~n~.~a d~ ~.,~~n, ~~c~n~.~d h~ C~;~x~~~~~~,n T~o~~d a~nd. on ~Yn~ fal~~ri~:~ r~~.1 ~r~t~~ t~ ~~,t: AYES: C~s~neil~a~n T~:1~eg~, M~,11is~ W~ae~c~~ d.~ ~nd M~;~ror S~k~legel 1VOES : ~T~n€~ ABSENfi o Nf~r~~. the fo~~g~~n~ r~~c~l~ti~an ~r~s pa~s~~ ~.nd a~.m~st~d. 2~~~ d~:~ ~f ~'~br~~r~9 19~4a REPORT - TASK FC~RGE M~~~"I~~ R~ COiJI~~Y ~,~'IMA~ Cf~Z~T"I"TtO~ STQPDY _m SLT~°CH Adm~,nistra~o~° ~~~~1~ r~pc~rt~d an ~h~ r~~~n~ zn~~~~n~ :csf '~~~k F°o~c~ ~tudying C~~~.nt~ Ar~~m~~,1~ Cont~~l p~og~~mo M~t~t~~°~ d~~~~~~~d ~.t t~c ~n~€9~in$ inc lud~d ie~,s in~ v~ ,~~~°chas ~n~ ~f th~ W~~ds Ani~~ ~ S~~ ~.nd 1~~, :ec~s t~ neutering cli~.i~. ~T~ ~o~~ ~~~~.~n~.~~:~ to ~:~a~ fo~° ~a~r~ic~p~.t~~n ~n Cotznt~ Ar~i~~,l Gc~n~rol p~~g~~~ h~~~ yet b~~;x? ~.~.tsl~sh.ec~, tt~~r~far~ ~h.~ G~~ancil declined ~o xna~~: ~~~r ~~c~~~~nd~:~~o~s ~.s ~re~ a~ ~~~tc~~. RES~Lo ADOP~. - 2aLrTk~R.I~~ :Af~I~~~~I4~2_4~1IT~ 5.~~'i"~E BLtA~'G~ S~, _R.~~~~S.~iTCTIOIV' Adrninis~~~ta~~ B~t~ka ~~,~is~d t~~:t ~.l.t~~v~~ ~Y~~ C~?~x~~:~.~ ~ac~ pr~~a~~~sl~ aPProv~d ~n A~r~e~?~a~~nt ~ri~~ D~par~ment T~~.n~port~,~~a~ ~~g~rd ~o th~ r~cans~ra~~~~on ~f ~~~xLe~. ~~~~~t p~oject, ~~e 5~~.~e x°~q~~r~~ appx~~v~.l ~ay r~sol~t~cana Cat~ Ai:~c~~n~g~ S~ip~~~ ~~ad th~ ti.~le ~f r~~o~~.~~~x~ aa~~l~c~rizi,ng ghe Ma~o~ aiid G~.~~ C~.~~k ~o ex~c~~~ an ag~~~rnerv~t €~i~~~. tr~ S~~t~ on b~l~alf of the C~~g~; ~?~~r~~f.~~~, ~io~~c~n ~r~:s ~nad~ ~b~ G~~.~c~l~.~ "~~.11~~y s~~cnd~d by Co~.nc~.~~~n d~ Le~n. anrl ~.n~n~m~~sl~ carri~d.9 ~o d~.s~~n~~ ~~k~. r~adin.~ ~~*s~ balanc~ d.f th~~ r~solutir~na RESO~~~zoN ~ro. io8~ A RESQL~~TION U~` TF~F CITY COUIVCI~, OF TZ3E CITY OF ARRC~Y~ GRANDE AI3TI~~R~ZING fi~E MA1'OR AND CTTY CLERK TO EXEC~`~E AGi~~l~~IT ~l'~. 74-9 WTTH THE STATE 0~' CAI,IFORNIA. On mo~ion of Cc~W~ancilxr~~n d~ L~on~ e~:c~n.d~d b,a Coa~n~ilan~.n Millis ~.nd on the follo~ing ~a1.1 ~~LL vc~~~9 to ~ri~: A~ES : C~uneil~~r~ Tall~;~~ M~llis, Wo~d, d~ Leon a~:d Ma.y~r Scl~l~g~l iVO~S : Nc~n~ AB~EN'~; ~~n~ t?~~ for~g~~n~ ~~~ol~e~~.~n ~r~;~ p~.~~~d: ~nd ad~pt~d ~~~s 26th d~~r of ~`~b~aa~.x°~, 1974. REC~IPT (~F' BIDS A1~D ~;TnIA1tD (~F' C0~1"TI~,CT°-N ELM SZDEWAI~. ~~90-74°:~. ° DAUG3~.S C:ONSfi. Adt~fns~str~,t~~ B~~~h ~~p~~~~cfl t~+at £o~r ba.d.~ h~.d ~b~~n ~~~~iv~d ~.n~l op~n.ecl at 2°00 FoMm on 21, 197~ for Px~J~~~t I~~ao 90°~4v1, S~d.~~~.3.k~ c~n 1Vor~ka Elm S~r~~e. `Th~ bid.s r~c~ived we~~ ~.s fcalfl.~c~~ o ~ COS~' :P~lt BIDD~Tt SQT~P~.Z~.E F`Ta TOT.~L BID G. I,o DOL~GLAS g P.~D. ~~x 5~3 ~ Arr~yo Gr~.~~.~5 CA 93~~0 ~ 0$2 $2~554.30 FRED NLIEIV, 11,4~. F~~~~a~l~ B1vd.m ~ San Luis (2bi~pa~9 C~i ~3~wQ1 .~8 ~9~'~1.20 TRI°VALLEY C~1VST. C~o, P.O, Bc~~ 342, LoS 4~.~.~:g[lo~ 9 CA 93~~~0 T.OQ 3 y Y1.~.On RUSSE3~L A. WHT~'AKER, P.~. B~x 51~ San L~i~ Obispo, CA 93~Q1 3,1°~ 3 9 6~'~.:~.~ ~ After C~v.ncil disc~~ns.~fon, c~r~ rr~ca~t~,~~. o~ Caun.ci~n~n T~.3Y~y, ~~~~inded b~r Council~an d.~ L~c~n ~nd ~n~.n~.m~~asly car~i~d, tl~e bicu in tk~~ ~aan~~n~ a£ $2,554~.30 at $082 p~r sq~nar~ fe~t w~.~ ~~c~p~~d ~.~d coxxt~~.c~ for f~a~ Nc~> El~n St:~~e~, cons t~uc~ion of s i.d.~~a~.lk~ s Px°o j ec t 1V~ . 90- 6~+° 1 was ar~~.~d~d ~a~ G. T~. D~~gY~.s 32~ CITY COiTNCIL ~'~'~It~~ARS~ :26, 1974 ARR03~0 GRANDE ~ GA~I~'t~R1VI:.SS P~~~ ~ Crans~:~ct~c~n C~np~n~, ~,rl~~ ~~.b~n~~t~d ~h.~ 1~~~~ ~nd l~~r~~~ bid~ ~?r~~, M~.yr~~ ~;~d Gi~g~ Cl~~°k c~e~e a~a~hc~~~z~cl t~ ~i,~r~ ~h~. co~tr~.~~ on b~~~lf C~~;~. REPORT R~C~I3'~ °ZONE 3 ADC1IS012.Y C~N1MI~'`T~E 3~1E~'~~I~T~ m`~A~~ Co~,n~i~lman 'Ta1~~~ r~~po~~~~. ~n F~br~^~~~ 2~.~~ ~r~~~ing ~f ~k~.~ -Z~a~~ 3 Advis c~~g~ ~~~ni~ t~e ~~~at~n.g ~ J~n~~,~~ ~~~a~nu~ va~.~ b~,~~~~ ~h~,n 1~~ t~~~.r B s at th~ L~p~~ R~cr~~.~~,c~~.~.~, A~~~. ~~~Y~ 6~.~~ngri att~n~~n~~ 3,~ ~1~g~.~b~r ~,~rac:r ~:~~a~ la~t ~~~r. D~s~u~~i~n ~~~.cl ~~~a t~~;~n ~.c~ld ~~~~.~d~~.g; cl~~frag ct~r~rn of L~p~~ lin~s fa~ a c~~,~~ ~n~b1~ ~ri~~.~,~. ~~.~~k o~t p~,p~~. PRESEIV°TATIO~T R~. GOL"lVZ`Y TrIAT'ER M~.S.~~R P~1~ Ci~Z1VT MIL,Y,xV~ M~. C1~,n~ Mi1n~9 G~~:~*x~~ ~I~c~~~a~~.~c En.~in~~~£ smd~.~.s ~~p~~~ ~c~ ~~n~ C~ur~ci~ ab~~zt tY~~ C~~ney T~Ta~e~ M~~~~e Pl~~.n9 ~rh.~c,~~ cc~v~r~ tl~~ C~~.s~~ ~.c~~.ed.~act St~.t~: Wat~r Pro~~ct. B~r M~s~~~ 1'~an, ~kse Gi~;~ of S~n ~~i~ Obi.spo w~s a part of ~h~ S~a~e pr~j~c~9 b~~ ~:pp~.~~r~k1,~a San I~is Ob~sg~ c~ill ~n o~~ of ~a~.ter fi~r~ y~~,r~ b~fcr~~ ~h~ S~~~~ %t ~~.s s~ag;~e~~~d th~,~t S~.n La~~s Ob~sp~ pa~t~.c~pat~ i.n ~k~~ 1V~.~im3~r~~c~ p~a~~c~~ ~~n~,c~ p~.~~ic~pa~fo~ ~h~,~ c~~.~ d.~clin~d as a f~ll p~r~t~€~r, b~t i~ ~~t;~r~~t~d in buy~~~.~ s~rp~a~~ 1V~.c~~~~~~ Wat~~ ~to ~ide ~,t ove~ ~xn~il ~t1~e Stat~ p~~a~~~ is ~~a~.~,1~.b1~a S~.n~~. B~~b~,x~~ d~c~cl~d to def~r on ~1~~ Stat~ p~~jec~ f~r ~e~o ~~~.~s ~ b~nt M~. Mfl~,~ p~~~.~~d. ~t~.~ ~ngi.nee~s n~~d ~ 5~°~~~.~° 1~~~. Fr~~. ti~~ p~.~.n~ cl~~~n ~n~~l ~~.t~r ~.an b~ ss~ppl~~d:. If Santa B~r~i~zr~ is f~rc~~ ~o ~c~.;:pt pr~j~c~ b~~e~r~ ~h~:~ ~~n~ a.t, th~y ~r~,11 g~all o~t a.~ p~~~~~r. `P~~ ~~~a~n.d b~:s~r~ ~it~.~.tion is a,~ g~s.~d9 f~ na~ b~t~~~ ttaan ~.r w~:s 30 ~~~r~ ~gc~, an~. ~~.e~~ n~ l~~v°~ls now b~1.~c~ lev~1 sinc.~ th~ ~:s~ of L~p~z ~a~~r. In ~~ga~ci ~ca tl~~ I~T~ci~ienta pro~~~t9 a~n ~rd~r ~o ge~t ~aat~x° t;o Mor~~ B~:y b~ 19~~, el~.b~~~.~~ ~ons~~~~~i~n ~~~1 be nec~s~ar;~ ~h~ch would r~quire a B~nd zss~e b~~ng pa~s~d by~ t~.e ~~~~~s at t~~ Nc~vm 5, 197~~ ~lect~on. A q~es~ian and ~n~~€~r p~r~od fc~llc~~~:d Mr. Miln~a~ p~~s~nt~:~~.~n, as follo~rs: In ansr,a~r to Adminis~r~~o~ F3u~cn`s ~~x~~~~on r~g~.rd~.ng costs ~f th~ Coastal Aqu~duct S~~te Wat~r Prc~j~c~9 M~°. MiY.n~ ~~plied tl~at two ;y~~~~ ~go the cQSts f~r 25 ~ 000 ~.c~~ f~~t raas $79 ~~:r a~cr~ foot, ~rhe.r~~.s th~ l~.te~ t~~g~zx~s indic~.te the cost to be~ $134 p~r acr~ f~~r~. Tl~~ Ci~y would l~~~e pay fc~~ ~v~x~ acr~ of water ~,t contraets fc~r, ev~n iE ~.1Z of it is ndt us~d. M~.yo~ Schleg~l ask~d cah.~th.er cou~iry x~e~id~nts ar~ p~e~~n~ly pa~ring an~~k~in~ on ~h~ir ~c~~antg~ t~x~~ for Nacian~entc~ or ~:1~e St~.t~ W~.t~~ Pr~ject. Mr, M~.l~~e r~pli~d t~.xpayers are pay~~g 4~ now to~r~rd th~ tc~o w~.t~~° facil~ties. M~a.~or S~hlegel. f~.r~h~r asked if the ~~.x for I~Z~.cim~.~n~o ~,ra.~~ r~ c~ropp~d. frcmt th~ t~x~~ of Soa~~h Co~.n.ty tax° payers since th.~~ ~ill n~t ben~*f~t fro~ Nacimi~nto. Mr< Mrln~:°s rep~~:~r~.~ that ~~t would n.ot b~ dropped y j~: t a~ tax to tY~~ N~rth C~ar~zi~y fdr th~ ~~at~ Water Froj~ct wcauld nc~~t b~ dropp~~ ~v~n ~h~~.gh ~h~y wi.ll not b~nefit fro~n t1~e S~tate proj~e~e It ~~~,s p~int~d o~.t ~h~~ L~p~~ 1in~ lzas ~.l~~adv b~~:n d~sign~d ~o hol~ so~n~ of St~te P~oj~ct r~~.t~~. Mr. Jo~ Mo~r~, 2(~(~ ~3~1~~:x S~r~~~9 as2~~d if a.t c~~unld b~ anyr c~.~ap~x° to tap f~oan ~h~ ~qn~~:c~~.c~ ~s fr~ d~s~~~~t, wl~ick~. M~°. Mil.n~ r~spa~nd.~d th~t it ~aor~lcl ~~~9 ~nnl~~~ ~v~~°~~~~ ~ara ~~n~ ~~~t~~° ~t tla~ ~~~r~ ~~,~~o ~~c~~n.g no puanp ~~ata.~n~ i~ac~~~~.t~d on ~ka~ d~,~igr~a~~ M~~ I~Ii~n~ ~aad p~°~s~nt~d.9 M~o AY Sgi~r~ing ask~d ~f ~q~~~~c~ c~n f~nll ~~~~$~~y fl~~. M~o M~.fln~ ~t~~~d tt~at ~~a~~~ a~~ s~v~x~~l p~~~ s~~~~~an~ ~a~~.~ I~~t~~.~~nara Ci~~. A~TT~Y~RI~E G~dA~~G~ O1tD~R CQkV~It~C`T W/MI~~BERRY RE. B~.NGH ~T. T,~AT~R ~I~E D~~°~c~~~ c~~ ~~b~~c W~rcks P.nd~r~on ~~v~.~w~d ~ x~e~a~~~ p~~p~red. r~garding C~~~t~~c~or 1~~"~~rr~~a~ ~~°~t~l~~,~ caa~,~~ Br~~.nc~n Str~~~ W~~~r L~~n~ con~~x~a~~ta~c~n ~.nd t~e n~~d fc~r ~ c~aa~kg~ c~rcfl~~ ~r~ c~n~rac~ ~~~c~~~d ~r~to ~a~.~Y~ th~ Citi;~o Th~ ch~ng~ ~rcfl~~ is n~c~~~f~~~~cB. l~~ca~n~~ ~af ~~d~fi~~.~~~~~ ~fl~~ ~c~~t~~~ctc~r wi11 k~~v~ to r1ak~ ~n ~1~c~ ~.a~in~ c~f t.~~~~ t~~~au~~ ~~n~~ fu~a~d tc~ ?~,~.~r~ b~~n pla~~d d~,ff~~~n~~~ ~~i~r~ ~.n~i~~.~~~~~ ~h~xa fik~~ pl~r~~ ~~~~r lin~ g~,ac~° ~~nt ~~r~ ~r~.~n. Af~~r G~1~nn~~~1 d:~~~~n~~i~n~ ~~a C~~x~~i1~~.n T~~1~~9 ~econcl~~. b~ G~u~nc~~.~~~n d~ ~s~~. ~n~. ~n~~~a~~~n~l~ c~~r~,<~c~9 ~~~~a~r~~~~~,~n da~.s giv~n f~r C~a~n~~ O~c~~r T~~, P~~ a~~~~s~ c~f $9,~Q0<(~~ ~o t~n~ c~ra'~~~.c~ b~~Td~~~n tk~~ Ci~y and ~;~b~~°r;~ P~~a~~~n~ C~n~t~~c~~.~n C~npan~% '~or t~~ ~r~.~cs~ S~~~~~ W~~~r L~n~ Pro~~~~a REPOR'I' it~, A~,~~~~I~ ~l~~~i~.~J~ ~a~~~bd~ AL~~7,~~~~T T0 .~:R~.i~~~ ~~~a~.~dD~ G~~,~K I?~r~c~~x~ P~.t~l~.c A~~~r~~n g~~~ r~g~x~t ~f tn~~ ~.n~$~:~t~~~.t~.~n rega~°d~n~ t~a~ al~.~g~d ~lfl~~a~ d~a~~r~g ~~.j~c~~~ tfl~e t1rr~~o ~~and~ Cr~~~~ w~~cfl~ was rep~~ted to ~fl~~ C~a~rac~l ~t ~~~t ~~~~~.ng ~a;~ ~7r. ~7a~~ ~1~a~r~. Mr. A~.c~ex°~on st~,ted t~ha~ ~h~ pl~atc~~ ~~~~~r~~d b~r M~o M~~r~ ca~~~ ~n b~~~aind Dr, Sl~os~er o~ fic~ 40~ ~ o B~°~.n,c~°~. D~ o S~~,~~~ t~~i~g to ~n~i~.za~~: t~~s ~i~r~~caalar porti~.c~n of ~x~~~k ~x~~. ~a~~ ~~~~~~~axg £i~Y fr~~ t~~ cre~a wo~°~~.a*~; ~~~.ncl~ S~r~~t reco~~tr~~t~o~9 ~.nc~~~ p~~a~.~ i~~~s~d b~ ~~ne Ciity. 5~~~ of ~~v~ f~~l 323 CITY COU~CI~ ~~~R~A~~ ~~9 19~?~ .~M~l~ VL~L'9LMlNd:~y V~J6a~di~R&M.A~ ~~~'lT~ ~ ~~~.d.~n~~~ c0~~~~~~~~ c~~b~~,~~ ~r~.~ ID~._S~.a~~~~ ~~,~~~~e~ C~~~~~~~_~f~ ~~~.at d~br~s ~a~1~ b~ ~~~~nc~~ ~po A ~~s~. ~~.d ~~~ru~ TnF~,~~~n ~~~c~ ~~~~~c~c~d ~r~~i ~r~~ ~r~fo~iri~d, C~~~ ~~~,ff ~E~~.~ p~~;~~~~ r~c~ ~~~~~1Pc~c~ ~~c~ ~h~~ ~~~,~v C~l~f~~ni~ ~r~ci I2~g~~~t~~n~ f~~ ~.~c~ f~~,~s ~cil~~~~~.~ ~~~c~~~~ ~r~~~;~? ~~c~s~~~~~~n~ tYa~ Ca~~~ ~~lY ab~d.~ bg~ ~~~~z~~~ ~f~~Y p~:~~~~~~ ~.~~~c~e~ o _ PROGRE~S R~1~ORT ° A~1Z~~i'~ ~~~D~ S~~R I?~~~~C~~" Ad~~ni~~~~~~r ~~~~~~~c'd c~~~~~~~,~~~.~~.~h~lc~ ~~~~~~Co~~c~3C~~ ~A~~t a~~~ti~g x°~g~.rd~n~ ~~r~~in gs~~g~x°~~,~~ ~n T~,T~~ l~~~d th~~~ ce~~lc~ n~t ~ao~~ ~nfi~ the As~~~~~~nt Dist~~,~~ °b~a ~~~~i~~ fY~~9 3~~~ c~~a~l~ ~~~1~ ~r~ b~ in~~~l~,~~~.~~ ~f p~s~~~ . A $3~~ ~r~c~~c~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~nt b~~r~ ~~.7L1~~~~d p~op~x°~3~ o~n~rs . Ak ~~n~~ ~~,~as~ _ ~~.c~ p~~p~~~~ ~,~,~~l~~d i~d.~~~~~c~ d.~~° ~ati~~~.~~~~n a~ra~~~ ~1~~~~ p~°~'b~~~ b~~~a~ ~~t~l~dl ~E~~s ~i~~n~r, C~~nnt~ ~~x~~xa~~r B~c~, ~~.d ~~~~~~~~d ti~~ gs~~s~;~~~.~~~ ~n~~~~,~~n~ ~~i~ ~~c~~~~i~no Ad~~n~~~~~~~~~ B~~~~ r~c~~ r~:~e~~~c~d NI~. Eic~~k k~~c~ ~~~~~~~~c~ P~:~~~~~;~~n t~h~ C~~n~~ Engi~~~~a~ ~~~a~c~ ~,r~~ D~~~~ic~~ A~~~r~~~a~ ~an~eR t~.~r~ go~~ib~~itg~ o:~ ~n~~~~,~~~~ ~~d:~,.~~~.~~;~. t;~~ ~=~~L~~ur~e ~f $7~~aCiO fm~ e~cl~ of the f~~~ p~~p~~~~ ~~~~~~~a ~~.~~~~~~~r~~~~ ~gr~~.~ ~~~~~~b~~ ~~c~~.d~~,,~ ~~~Ya~~° prop~rti~~ ~t~at h~~a~~~ ss.~li~.~.~,~ Y~e~a~,m~.~s d~£f~,~~~~~~~ o Af~~~° Gc~~nc~,1 r~~~~~~~~~an9 ~~r. ~~~i~~ ~f C~~.~c~~~~n ~n1~c~cB.~ ~~c~nd~d. b~ Gounci~.man d~ ~~~n ~.r^~a ~m~,n~~~~~~Y~,c~~~~~~.~ C~~~g~ w~,~ ~:~x~~~~~z~d to ~r~~~~ 1~~~~~° C~~a~~~ E~~~c~ ~~.p~~~~~o~s ~~c~~~~~~r~~ ~ ~~~.~.~~~c~n ~~~a1 of $~25.0~ 1.~g ~f ~?°a~ A~~~~~3n~n~ D~,~~~~~~ C~~r~~~ ~~r ~~.~k~ ~k~e foll~~~ng ~i~~~~ ~.~1~r~~~~c~ p~~~s~~,~~~~~ ~~Q ~3;d~ 13~ ~'~12~ I~~4 1~0 T~.~bg~ d~o; 1~6 T~lY;~.~Ta~~ .~~0 T~.~~~.~~., `~`~ln~~ °~~~r P~i~~; ~~c~ ~~,9 P~~a~to D~~~c~car c~f l~~nb~.~~ F~~m~~~~ ~,x~c~~~~c~~. f~.~~l~c:r ~~por~:~c~ ~~a~t k~.d ~p~nt ~h.~ d.~~ ~r~p~c~~~~.~ ~~i~ ~~~~a,~~s t~~ ~~~r~~ ~c~n°~~~~~~~° ~nc~ ~~.1 s~~~~.c~~.~ a~~ ope~~.~~.n~ ~nd 100% ~.~ag~ ~f ~,y~~~~n ~~~,r a~r~~,E~bl~. PRO~~i.ESS RE~~RT S0 ~A~V ~,L~IS O~~S~~ C~~1`e°IY SL3~TITAT~~~~ DISTR~CT Ad~n~n~,~~~a~o~ B~a~~1~ r~vi~~r~cY t~.e prng~°~~~ b~ing ~n~.d~ bg~ ~~~t~ac~or Gr~~~aold. in his r~p~.~,~ o~ S~n L~i~ (~b~.~p~ C~~~~~ S~,n~,~~.~3.~~ ID~.~~ri~~°~ ~c~~.n ~~.tf~.ll 1in~. A 1~~~~~° fr~~ Of~~~~ c~f ~~rg~nc~ S~rv~c~~ ~r~~ ~.Y~~ ~°~v~~~~d. r,~1~~~h advis~d t~~~,~ ~he ~°~d~ral D~.~~~~~~ A~~~,~~~nc~; Ad~n~~~~~~~~ia~ ~n~,s ~pprov~ci tl~~ ~g~~a~n~ ca~ $~~.92SYo00~ ~~~~xrg ~Y~z~ ~~~~.1 ~.nno~.~nt r~~~ ~~~r~v~c~ ~n ~h~ ~p~li~~.~i~n of ~1~~ D~s~~~.ct $8~9~3~9a00, R~QUES`T T~ r~B~~D AT,I~~~ 1`1`~~AR DODSOI~ Tat~~ ° R~~ERR~D T() P~.~~TIN~ COMM~.SSION A 1e~`~~~ ~~,s ~e~~r~,~~~~d. fx~~ G~r~~n ?~Iv F~~.~r ~~q~~~~t~~g ~l~t ~.n all~~j~~~.~ ~o~~ ~&a.~ ~c~i~~~.~~l~a b~~.nd.~~~ o£ ~p~~y €~~.c~i~~~n ~~i~ Ck~~.~.~~.as~~~ As~~~1~~.y Gro~~.d~ (~e~~~'~ ~f D~eY~on. W~.g~ b~~~~~~ ~I~~~n Rc~~d Ald.~r Str~~t) b~~~ aband.on~ed by~ tk~~ Ci~y t~~.~ n~;~a~~° b~~~. ~p~r~~d or ~~~d ~n o Af t~r C~~.nr~cil d~sc~~~i~~~ ~n ~se~~~,~a~ a~ ~c~~~,;nc~~~~~n T~11~;~9 ~c~~e~n~.~d b~~ ~~~.nci~En~.n de ~on and ~,n~.nim~~sl~ ~~r~i,~c~, r~q~~n~~~ ~b~nc~~n ~r~ ~.1~~~ ~n Aps~~°~ Adcii~ion. tc~ the ~~~~ka~nqc~~ A,~~~~r~l~~;~ ~r~:~~~cl~ ~°~f~~r~ci t~ ~1~~ Pl~n~.~n~ C~~.~sion. AZ~P12.O~T~ TnT~,`~~TZ R~P~G~N]E3V°~ ° CT~12:R~ A.V~~~ m E4 TAI'~,~R ~1~~ C~~~.~~1 ~°~~~~~~~c~. ~ppli~~~sc~~ ~o~ ~ TnT~,t~r :T~T~Y~, P~~±sit s~.b~i~~~~d by Ec~~in Mo T~,~b~r9 t~ ci~~~.~L a~~~~ ca~1.Z~ f~r i~~~g~t~~~ p~r~~~~~ ~~.n ~~i~ ?~00 block ~f E~.s~ C~~~x°~ Av~~~e~~ ~~p~,a~c~, ~.n ~~~~ting ~~~~k~ 1~~~ f~~~.~do Also x°~vie~a~~ c~~s a ~~~t~~ ~r~+~~ ~~a~ D~p~r~~n~ ~f ~u~`~lic ~i~~~.~~. ~~iic~. ap~~~~i~d ~k~~ ~ppl~.c~.~i~n~ and E~ r~p~~~ I?~~~c~o~ o~ P~~,~l~~ ~nT~~~s A~c~~~~c~n; r~~,icd~ ~:ls~ reco~s~nc~~c~ ~~p~~r~~r~~.. A~~~~ C~~nc~l cl~~~~~~~o~., ~f G~~nc~].~?a~. Ta1fl.~yp s~c~n~~d b~ C~~n~il~~n I~3~.fl.~,~ ~~n~~~,~~~~~~ c~~~~~~c~~ ~~~i.~, ~~,pp1~~~~~~a~ caf ~Ed.~in M. '~a~~~~ ~o d.~3~.3 r,a~~~ ~00 bl~~i~ c~~ C~a~~~~ A~~n~~~ w~,~ ~PP~°~~°~~9 ~,r~t~ t~~~ g~~~,~ ~~s ~~~~~p ~~~:p~l~.~:~~~ ~a~~.~. ~o b~ t~s~d fc~r ~.x~~~~~g~.~~ ~ua~p~~~~ c~~~.~o REC~IP`I" 1~7~T~CE ~ROM PASO R~B~~~ T~~ fi99~~~°~:.~G ~.A.~~ m~/2~ Ad~~~i~ ~rag~r 3~a~~~,~g ~c~~~~~~. ~~~.t :a ~~~i,c~~; }s~~~ ~~~.~~~~d. ~~c~ P~~~ 1L~b~~s t~h~.~ ~a a~~~~~,n~ b~ 1~~~~. ~ ~~'~P~~~ R~~1~~ ~~e~b,r~n~.r°~~ ]L9~/4 ~ri~~n i~he ~~ci~~°ab Av~a~i~x~ Ad~fa~~st~~,ti~~~x t~~ ~~.~,c~~ p~~~,n~ii~~ ~~i~~~..n~ E~ir. t~~ff~~ fac~lit~~:~ ~,n Sar~ Q~~~p~ C~~n~~, ~ , CITY COIJI~CIL ~~BRTJi~RY 2f ~ 1974 ARR~YO GRANDE, CALIFORZ~I~ PA~~ 6 NOTICE FROM GOV~R~R RE ~~~~C~1~4~, G~S ~'~I~~TI~T~ 'P1t~Tt~?~I A n~tic~ frc~n G~v~rnor R~~.~~~ c~~~~c~~d G~ coa~r~~~~ ~~g~~~~~~r~ ~a~~ ~~~~etiaed9 which r~q~a~~ted c~~nn.~~ g~~r~~r~~~~~ ~c~ p~~c~,~.~,~. a~ta~~ ~f ~~~~~~~.c~ in ~~.~ir respecti~re co~~.t~e~ ~,n ox~ci~~ ~o ~x~~c~~~ ~a~ac~~~~n~~ p~~~~~ e~~~b~i~3~ a m~~~ order~.~r c~r~s~n~x~ p~.rc~~ing of ~~:~ca~in~. If p~~~c~~~c~ p~~n ~,c~~g~~d. by th~ county, ~r~nda~ory prog~ax~ of g~~ p~x~ha~ing, b~:~~cl ~an ~;1~~~~a~~ d~,;~s of ~he anon.t~a arac~ ~dd and ~v~r~ T~.~~r~~~ pl~,t~ n~b~~~9 w~~1e~, b~ ~~pY~~~r~~~ds ~nd g~.~~lin~ will na~ b~ so1c~ tn v~'~ic~~~ ~~~se ~~n~CS ~.r~ ~,~a~~ ~~~a~ ~~~.f f~.~.~o ~~n Lufs Obispo C~~znty B~~.rd of ~~a:p~r~~,~~r~ ~~.s c~;l1~c~ a~a~~~~.r~g f~x° 100~0 A.M. ~n Febr~nary 27~ 19~4 to c.c~n~~,c~~r tl~..~ a~~.~~~~°. An ~nf~~rd~l su~~~~~ ~~d.~ b~ G~~y st~.ff of 12 gas ~t~tio~s ~t~~~ C~,~~ x~v~~;1~~ ~1~~ f~~Y~.ng ~~.~.t t?~~ p3an was nca~ n~~ess~.ry in ~th~~ C~~~.~~a An a~nfor~aal pc~111in~ :~f t~~ C~~anc~l M~;anb~r~ also indicated, g~nera:~ ~~~~.ir~~ t1~~,~ r~~i~n~~g ~f g~~ i~ ~~i~ Co~nty Ta~s not nec~ss~.ry. REVIEW OF I:1~FORM.4TT~~3 SH~~T Yt~. B~~G~i S`TREET I;NI~It(~VEME~d~ PR.OJEC~ Th~ Co~ncil r~:~ie~~ei an i~£o~n~~a,nn paxnp~~.~;t p~~p~r~d f~r D~~nt~n M~rcl~ants x°eg~,rda.n~ t~.~ ~ckz~da~~.~ and ~rork to be acc~~ap~~.~~~d. d~~ing t1?e B~anch S t~°ee~ Ianprov~an~nt P~o j~c ~ ~ . ADJOURIVME~IT On ~~tion of C~~.n~il~sa~.n ci~ ~on, s~~~nc1~d l~~ C~~.n~~,7.m~n Tall~y and unanixnc~~sly ~arri~~, t~h~ ~n~~ting ac~j~~.x°n~d ~,G 9.50 P.M. ~ ATTEST:~t=~ CI~Y CI,ERK MA~'OR CITY COUNCIL MARCH 12, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, GALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session and in session as required by the Elections Code of the State of California, with Mayor Schlegel presiding. Upon roll ca11, Council Members Talley, Mi11is, Wood and de Leon reported presento :PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AN,~ INVOCATION ~ Mayor Schlegel lead th.e Pledge of AlY~giance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter Councilxnan Millis deliverecl the invoeation. RESOLUTION ADOPTION - RECITING FAGT OF THE GENERAL.MUNICIPAL ELECTION - 3/5/74 City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution reciting the fact of the Ger~~ral Mu~i~ipal El~ct~.can; t~.ereafter, a motion was made by Cotancilman Talley, seconded by Cot~ncil~an Wood and. ~.nanimously earried, to dispense wi.th reading the balance of this reso~.ution.