Minutes 1975-04-09 34~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 9, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 AUTHORIZE BURN WEEK - APRIL 28 THRU MAY 4 19?4 On motion of Councilman de T~.on, seconded by Cou.ncilman Millis and unanimously carried, Apri1 28, 1974 through May 4, 1974, was designated as open burning week during the spring period of 1974, as reconmiended by Fire Chief Marsalek. AUTHORIZE REFUND FOR BUILDING PERMIT OVERCHARGE s Aq W00D On motion of Councilman M~Tla~~ 9 s~c~nd.~d. by Co~.ncs.l~aan de Leon and unanimously carried, a refund to Addison Wa~c~d, cont~ac~or for the Dairy Queen construction, in the ~~txnt of $19~.~5 ~aas ~.~thorized., T~h.icl~ ~aas an cavercha.rge for Building Pennits i.ssued. DISCUSSION RE. WATER LTNES WT~°HI1V BRANGH STREET SIDE4TA7~K RECOIVSTRUCTIQN City Engineer Garcia displayec~. som~ water pipe taken out of sidewalk areas on Branch Street in conjunetion wi~h t~.~ r~l~cation of water meters for the reconstruction projectq which shozaed de~~rio~ation. Corr~sian has catnsed hol~s in some of the pipes, which. caused no problems until the pipes are cleared of corrosion "barnacles" to facilitate houking up to the ixndergrounded me~ers. City Engineer Garcia r~quested dirc~ction froYn the Council regarding extent of replace- ment of the pipes, pointing out that mc~st utilities take care nf maintenance up to the meter and anything beyond that is the owner's responsibility. The Council discussed th~ matter and generally agr~ed that since the City is undertaking this reconstruction pro~ect which inclu.d.~s the t~aring ~p and replacement of the side° walks, thus disturbing the pipes, that where necess~.ry the City will replace faulty pipes within the sid~walk area and notify th.e property owner ~f defective pipes found, as the defective condition wi11 probably also exist in t~.~ owner's building. NOTICE RE COMPLAINT FROM CITIZEN RE FLORA STREET - DE LEON Councilman de Leon notified the Council that he has received a written complaint from a citizen on Flora Street, that the street has not yet been blacktopped as anticipated. Administrator Butch indicated that a letter regarding the matter was also received by the City and has been referred ~o the Director of Public Works. COMPLAINT RE PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS - SCHLEGEL Councilman Sehlegel r~iterat~d his complaint regarding the public address system in the Council Ghambers and requested that in the future it either be" turned off or fixed of the noise interferences heard from the speaker systems. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Ca~.ncilman d~ Leon, s~conded by Councilman Millis and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. un~Cil 7:30 P.M., April 15, 1974. _ ~ ~2.~ ATTES T .~,~0 E~3%~' C C ITY C LERK~T MAYOR CITY COUNCIL APRIL 15, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, GALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Cauncil met in ~djoazrned r~gul~.r session with Ma.yor Talley presiding. Upon roll call, Co~.ncilm~n Schlegel, Millis, 5pierling and de Leon reported present JOINT MEET W/PARKS & REC COMM - BUDGET AND LAND AC~UISITION STUDIES The Council anet in jofnt meeting ~rith. the Parks and Recreation Corntnission to discussion the propos~d Parks and Recr~.tion budget and park land acquisition proposal, ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjo~.~ned at`1Q:30 P.M. until 3cOQ P.M., Apri1 18, 1974. ~ ~ ATTEST: DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR 1