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Minutes 1974-04-23
343 CITY COtTL~CIL APRIL 18, 1974 ARR.OYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 3:00 P.M. The City Council naet in adjourned reg~l~r sessi~n ~r~.th Mayor ~alley presidinga Upon rull ca119 C~unci9.m~n Schlegel~ Millis9 Spierling and de ~eon reported present. DISCUSSION RE. POTENTIAL PARK SITES ~a~ Th~ Co~ncil discena~ed potenti~l park aite ~.oe~~io~s, including a 7~+ acre site (?~~gford p~r~aper~y) .uf~ .,~i£ ~iu~er~~ R~~il ~.~~ca~~ f~~~ ~tla~ Rmsev~~od-P~arw~ood Tract; ~nd ~ 17~ acr~ ~r~~ nort'~CUr~~~~rl~ af ~Ya~ V~ll~gr G~rd~~a ~r~ct. A atudy seaeivn s~t ~or ~ P.M. on Ap~il 23, 197~, t~ l~~k ov~rc th~ t~~ aite~ ~nd put th~ m~tt~~ ~n ~t'he A~~nd~ f~r th~ Council's r~g~l~~ a~~~ti~a~ ~f April 2~, 1974, fe~r ~pp~apri~t~ ~ctiond ADJOURNMENT Or~ ~ao~io~a of Cou~~il~ra~n Schlegel, ~~~ond~d by Cor~r~cilman de ~eon and ~n~ni~noualy c~rr3~d~ th~ me~ting ~d~Arar~~~1 ~t 7:50 P.M. unCil 4:00 P.M., April 23, ~974. ATT~STt ~ ' DE~TJ~ Cr`T'~ CLERK MA'~OIt GI~Y COL~~?CZ~. APItIL 23, 1974 AIZROYU G1tA11~1DE , CALI~OR~17A 4: n0 P@ M. ~e Cit3? C~u~nc~l m~t in ~djc~urned reg~alar ses~ion at City~ Ha11 with Mayor Tall~y pr~siding. Upon roll cally Councilmen Mi.llia ~nd de Leon reported pre~ent. Councilm~n Schle$~1 and.Spi~rling are ~bs~nt. ~'he Cou~r~cilmen trav~el~d to the Valley Gard~ns ar~a wtaere they wr~re met by Council~an Spi~rling, VISUAL Ii~TSPECTION l~F POTENTIAL PARK LAND SITES Z'he City Co~xr~cil made a visual inspection of a 17± acre,area northwest of the Valley Gardens Tract, kno~an aa th~ P~ince prc~pertq. The Council the•xc traveled to th~ east~rly por~tion of the City t~ a 7~+ acre are~ sc~utt~ o£ Pearwood . Stree~ off of Huasna Road, kno~rn ae the Lsngford property, anc~ m~de a visual ,,,~fn8pectian of it. ADJOURNMENT Om rno~i.c~n of Ct~uncilman,S~~.erling,, seconded by Counci7.naan ~iillis an~ct; ° ~ unanimc~us Y;y carried, the meetircg ad journed at 5:00 P.M. - ~ ~ J~^ ~s~~ , ATTESTt y?^~, ~'PI ~ DEPU~'Y CTTY CLLRK MAYOR , . CITI,' C~UNCIL APRIL 23,.1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA . ~'h~: City C~uncil met in regular aeesion wi~th Mag~ar Ta21~;y p~eeiding. Upon roll ca11q Councib Members Millis, Spierling and de Leon repcrrted pree~nt. Councilm~n Schleg~l 3~s abeent. P~.EDGE t~F A?.?.EC?ANC~ AND INVOCATION Mayor Talley le~d tYae Pl~dge ~f A13egia~ce t~ o~r Flag; and immediately thereafter, Cc~~rncilman Mi1T3.~ deliver~d th~ invocatier~n. APPROV I, ,OF MI1~Yf1T,~S, The minut~es of the r~gular City Council ffieeting of Apri1 9, 1974 and the minutea of the regular ad,~ourned s~eet3.ng of April 15, 19749 were ~pproved as prepared. , APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion c~f Councilman de Leon, seeonded by C~uncilm~n Mi:llis and unanimousl~ ~arried~ General Warrants No. 1354<throug'h No, 1415, ia th~:,total.,,; amount of $10,465.33; and Payrall Warranta Nn. 1789 throug~ No. 18b0, in tk~e total ~mount of.$20,397~30, w~re appro~~d.and ordered,paid. > r~r,, ~ , , . ~ ~ ~ ~ , w,. , , ' . . . . . ....~l~ . . . . . . ' . . . , , l u,r, . . ~ . . 5 . . • . . ~ , ~ ~ ~ . . . . . , , , . . . ~ . . , , . . . : , ~ , r . . , . . . l.. ~ . , . „ . , . ~ . . . , ...l;~ . . . . . , . . . . . . . , 34~ CITY COUNCI~ APRIL 23y 1974 ARROY~ GRANDE, CALIFORI~TIA PAGE 2 PRESENTATIO~I ~F ACHIE MENT CEI~.`~"$CAT~~ ~OII~I.eE~.°'T_ _F~d~Kg'~~`~~T & 13 IITbS~A Mag~or Talle~ pr~~~nted C~rtific~t~~ csf Acta~~v~me~~ ~o t~~ F~r~: Dep~~t~.ent°~ Capt~in C~s~.~.~tt ~nd R~scase Offic~:~~. Pil~k~.ng~o~ ~~d ~~utis~a, wh~ have cornpl~t~d a sp~ci~~ized cca~ars~ fo~r ~s~~~eg~n~~ an~dic~l ~~cl~~aici~ns at Alan Hancock C~11~~~. On m~tion ~f C~~na~.9~nan Mill~s 9 secand~d b;~ C~a~ncil.~~n de 4~eon ~nd unan~.a~~su~~g? ~~rri~d9 t"~~ Yc~~n~'~ ~r~~ng e~f ~Clx~ Un,~.t~d P~n~~~sa~~t~T`Ch~nr~~ in Grover City v~~e gr~nt~d ~ f~~ ~x~aapt B~a~~.n~~~ L3,c~n~e far ~.~s pro~~ct ~f p~in~3n~ house numb~~s on ~uxb~ ~n ~h~ C~,~~ s~~ Ar~°~~~ ~r~nd~ it~ fc~nd r~i~ing proje~t, as r~que~t~d b3r Ji~~r A~.l~op~p: ~c~~u~'~ Min~.~~~re AUTk0~i2E A'Pp~~GAi;~ON ~0,~„ lt ~?G~,1~NraT. rpT~t~rtnsl~ On ~n~ti~ra ~f ~ota~a~iltn~n de I~~n, ~~cm~cl~rl b~ C~u~~ilin~n M3~.lis ~nd un~nimc~~~l~ c~r~i~d, ~utt~~~~~~~~.~~ ~~~~t~d ~h~ City rm~~~ aPPlic+~t~.on to b~com~ ~ b3~~n~~nr~~~1 ~~~~~~t~~, ~ill ~.~~n~l~ ~a~~~.~u~ ~ct~eri~tin~ in th~ Cit~r o~~r ~fi~ n~~~ ~a y~~~~r~ ~,n ~~l~b~~~~,b~ tY~~ Uni~~~ S~~~~~' b3~e~iCen° ni~l in 1'37~. N~ co~~~ ~1~~ C3ty* ~~vc~Zved ~nd ~'l~~ ~pPlic~tic~n w~~ r~qu~~t~d b~ Ck~ lae~ ~~~f G~zx~n~~c~ C~i~?i~~n ~1~n1~~nbur~. AtT'~'k'~R~'~~„~~YO a,~~•w~V~R1~~~tfi_~,~~'" ~ 1~,Y 2~ ~ 197~+ A~l~~n~~t~~~~~ ~~~~I~ ~~p~~°~~d ~t~~~ ~ ~~~a~d "~'~ut~ in ~o~~rrr~~n~t Aa3r~~ ha~ bee~n r~q~~~~~d, ~Ya~~ ~~i~ ~~~~~d ~~~n~~~e~ go~~~a~~a~~ ~~ud~nC~ ~a~y ~1~~ b~n~fit £~~cn ~~~a ir~~~l~ . ~~~t, ~`i3~ ~~c~r~d ~em~9~n~aaa~1 c~~~~ ~rill b~ h~ld at ~x~1y ~n~ ~i~yr ~ ~i~n~ ~nd w~il~ b~ rot~~tec~ ~mc~t~~ Gr~v~r C~t~ ~nd P3~~?o ~~~ch, ~a~tl~ t'he f~~~t k~~,~~ld ~r~~3~. T'~~ C~~x~~i1 ~~~~~d t'h~~ ~ ws~rthw~i31~ ~~~iv~.t~ ~r?d ~a~t~n~~°~,~eci ~ Yo~th i~ Ga~~~~'r~~n~ D~y ~o be: ta~3~d on Tan~~d~~ 9 Nt~~ 2~ y 1974~. R~OUEST TO AN~E~2Q ACR~ B~~ Va4~T~E`~ GAR~~1~1'~ fPRII~TC~) ° R~FERRED TO I'Lpal~. SLp~ ~'h~ ~s~~ncil ~°~:vi~~s~ci :a writt~n r~:~~a~st fxa~ Mildred Princ~, ~wner of a 20 acr~ pa~°e~~. ~dj~,c~n~t Lr~ V~~1~~ G~~rc~~ns Tr~~tp ~nn~x ~his p~rsp~rtgr to ~he City. The Council gen~~r~l].~ f~~~r~d th~ progo~~l. D~s~u~si~n wr~s also k~e~d re$arding the imm~dia,t~ n.~~d to ~rc?gs~o~~ V~~.~,ey Roacl in vi~~s o~' ti~~ n~w d~ve 1opm~nts already unde~w~y ~n th~t ~r~~. Aft~:r C~~r~~~.~. di~c~s~sidn, s~m me~~ion of Councilm~n de Lean, seconded by C~un+c3.~n~n Spi~rl~ng a~x~d ~nanim.c~~~~.gr c~~ried, th~ annnexatian r~:qu~st af Mildr~d Prince ~a~~ r~f~rr~d tc~ th~ Pl~nriing C~i~si~n for i~s r~view and r~co~~ndations . S TREASURER S 1tEPAR,T ~OR ~I~E MOl~"T~i~ - M~RGH~y. Y974 9 a ~'he Tr~~~anr~r s R~~aar~t faac M~snt~i af MarcY~ ~974 ~aas rec~•Lved by the Co~ncilp ~ev~~w~d and ~rd~r~d ~~b~da , $EVIEW OF UPDA~E Fi.EPqRT RE k C~LJI~YT~' Al~~]L CqN'~RO~ PRO~~ ,M Th~ Co~nci~. r~vi~~~c~. t~ne I~t~~~ ~pd~~t~ report on tta~ C~nCy°a prop~sed . Anim~1 G~ntr~~ Program9 ~~~c~n~ i~ ~ta~ City ,j~i~x~d ~he program, coti~ld c~st around $249000 ~ns~u$llgr, ~a,ncp~r~d te ~Clze $7}000 ~he City i~ now p~y'ing, . Af~er Coumcil di~c~a~~3.~n, th~ Cc~~anai~ ~~~°~~d ~a ~ncslc~ c~ff ~n~ ~a~~mr~ oa~ tFa~ ~?a~ter until f~nrtt~~r d~t~iT~ ~re r~~~ived ~~g~rdi~ig s~r~~c~~ ~~a~ Cnuntg~°s program wi11 off~~. NOTICIE RE REGIONA~ TRANSPOR'TATI~~ MEEfiI~'G 'o.~~?R~~ 25 19~.4 Notic~ of ~ R~g;~.can~l '~r~n~p~r~C~~~.c~n m~~it~.ng on_April 25, Y~74, ~r~s . r~ceived by the Cocax~cil. Ad~a3~ni~tr~ta~ ~~at~h ~~~~~c~ ~L~~ a c~rpgr ~f the Preli~n~.na~ry ~r~~n~p~rt~t~.nn P1~rz kn~~ b~~n r~c~~.v~~ and will be on fi~~ in City T~al~. for`~ny~~.~ B~ z°evi~~~o APPRQVE BidDGE~ ~p~' HT~MA~T R~~~~~~s c~~[zss ~r~ ~ Au~~~zz~ F~r~na~r ° i974°75 Mrsa 1~~ne~ D~vi~, t?~~ City~°s r~~~~s~n~~~~v~ t~ tk~~ i~c~s~ar~ R~l~ti~n~ Co~srn~ssi~n af S~a~th S~n I~rsi~ ~bi~g~ Cm~nnty9 r~e~~.~~~~d t~a~ C~ni~~ion°~ p~opnsed 1974-~5 budg~t ~rith tl~~ G~~rnci~e Aft~r C~uncil die~a~a~~om9 m?oti~n of Councila~n Spierl3.z~g~ ~~car~d~d ta~ C~~r~c~.3,~t$ra NSi~li~ and u~a~.n~.m~~n~~g~ carried, City p~rtl.cip~tion i~, ~h,~; Hv~an~n R~Y.~~i~ns C~s.~un~.~~~.~a i.~n ttae ~~n~~xa~ of $250.00 for t~ae fi~c~x1 y~~r 19'~4°75~ ~s~~ ~~n~~nor3.~~c~. . REPOR~ TECH~iIGA~ PLANI~I1~~ C~MMIT`T~~ Nl~~TI'~G . A r~port on t1~~ ~~~en~ ~~~~i~g o~ ~ki~ T~~1~~~ca~1 P1~n,a~ing ~G~m~it~~~ ~ m~ the Stat~ Parke ~nd B~~elice, ~s~s ~h~~.d av~r ~h~ C~.ty~°~ r~~+r~~~n~~ti~r~ t~ ~h~ Committee, CounciX~n Sc'h~.~~m~.A i~ a~ot pr~~~n~. 345 CiTY COUNCIL APRIL '?3 > 1974 . ARROYO GRANDE, CAY~IFORNI.A FAGE 3 REVIEW OF T,ZEGTSLATIV~ BUL~~TII~i'S ~AGUE Qk' ~A~~~'~~NIA GITTES The 1at~st I,eg~sl~t.iv~ Bu11~~in~ f~°~m tYi~ i,~agu~ r~f C~iiforni~ Citi.ss were revi~wed, witt~ emiph~tsis ~n the f.~llae~i~g bi1~1~: AB 3215, ~rhicl~ ~roa~ld extend the law prokaiUitir~~ us~ nf 1~Le d~~~ctc~r~ ~s condi~i~~ of employar?enr; and th~ Fair ~a'bor Stan~~~d~ Act a~n~nd~n~nts ~hich ~x~~nd ~ov~r~age of min,i~aum w~g~ provisions ~o emplc~~r~~s of a~l publi~ ~g~nc~e~, ~s~d m~y n~c~s~ariLy r~duce the C~.ty ° s~p~~t~.cip~at3.~ri i,n gtcad~~s~ ~or1~ p~~~r~rns a ~f~~•~t~ ~r~11 b~ ~n~.d~ hav~: a City r~»r~se~ntativ~ ~tt~n~, t~~ wo~k eh~ag ~n M~y 3~d ~n A~xg~l~~ r~$e~rdiaig th~ A,ct, $~c~TPT oF c~o~~s .~rt~, s~~x~~ o~~~~~ Th~ qu~r~~r~~ ~~p~~t ~~~v~:~in~ J~~~a~t°~ ~~~~ugh M~~~'~, 193~, f~~an th~ Woods Anim~l S'he~t~r ~ra~ ~~~i~~r~d b„~ t~~ C~~zn~~l ~nd n~c~~~~d f~~~d. SrpROV~ ~u?~s ~rrn ~o ~ • Th~ ~rn~r?d~d r~~ral~t~~~~~ ~r~~ ~'a~r ~a~~ ~f C~sm~n~rn~t~r C~~n~~~° ~er~ r~vi~s~~~, wr~~ch ~.nc~rad~d ~t~n~e~ p~~ t'h~ C~e~~YC~1'~ p~~r~i~~~ ~~q~a~s~~ fallc~wa : It~m 1S pl~e~~ ~~~p~r~~~b~l~t~ ~f d~t~x~~~~ti,~r~ fr~a~ f~~~ ~a~~ o~ t~~ bu3ld~n~ ~r~ ~1~~ C~~~refty ~~a3.ldi~~ C~nm~.tt~~; t~a~ c~~~~~it; fc~~ b~i~,d~.~x~ us~ wh~n l~,qu~~° ~ai11 b~ ~~~~~d ~x~ ~n~~d~~ $100.Od ~e~ $50~0~~ ,~~t~~ Ccau~cf,l discua~i~~, o~ ~n~~~,~~ C~~c~~~l~n~c~ 3~~~~~,ic~,~~ ~~~~~d~d b~ C~~n~i9.~.+~r~ ~r~ i~~~n and un~nim~~t~1~ c~r~~~d, tti~ ~~?~~d~+i ~~1~~, r~~rz~~~~.~n~ ~~d f~~~ r~~~ tt~~ Commranity C~n~~~ wa~~ ~~p~o~~c~, f~llo~~: fo~.lawin~ x~~~r~~~?~~~~~ ~~~r~rr? ~~x~ r~~ ~n~ ~~a~~ C~amn~~tni~~r C~n~~~~ E~~h ar,~~r~i~~~i~r~ ~h~ll ~~ar~n~ t~e r~~po~x~~bi~it~r n~ b~i~~ ~or~re of all rul~e ~s ~p~~~v~e~. 1. All ~pp~~catihns for ~€:~~r~~~ian~ fro~an gra~.p~ ~1~~,11 b~ ~cie ~n fo~n~ grav~,d~d bq ~Yg~ Arre~~ Grand~ F~rl~s D~p~~rtm~n~ a 2. For~ns m~,y be abtained fror~ t1~~ P~rkS D~p~~:tm~n~ (D~fi,c~, 214 Ettst Branc~h Stxe~t. 3. Gr~ups ~rsing the f~.cil3.ty° ~r~ regpon~ib~.~ to pay for a~~ dam~ge Cn property or loss of prap~~°fiyd T~ae a~pl3.ca~ion ~rill canst~tut~ ~ cor?tract. 4e No privil.e~e of using t~~ b~ai,ldir?g or ~ro~xnds ~ha1.~. b~ 'grantPd for ~~°p~rtocl exc~~ding a~.~ ~r~ar. ~o tiase ~h~l~. be ~r~~?tec~ in s~ch m~nn~r to coris~titute a mnnopc~~y fvr th~ ben~fit of ar~y person or org~niz~tican, 5. Repe~~ ~~e~rv~tia~.s c?f ~n~ g~v~aa gra~p w~.l]. b~ cont3.ngent upo~ car~ a~ . proper~y ac~d e~q~u3.prn~nt and, e~bs~r~rance a~;~~ppri~~r~d ru~l~~ a,nd r.~g~zl~.t3cans: ' 6. Youth gra~p r~s~rvati~r?s ~nr~st b~ cca~npr~t~d t~y ~,n ~du1~ s'ponser. For ~very twenty-~~.v~: (25) ~nincare ~sing a giver~ faci~~.tg~, ~rn ~a~it ~haperan~s will be pree~nt ~t ~,~.1 ~ti~tee, ~nd nam~~ a~f such cY~ape~on~s sha1~ b~ fur~,~.shed tn th~ d~partment forty-eight (4S) '~au~~ pric~r t~ ~u~~ of f~ci~ity. 7e Permi,te m~y not b~ iee~ed or r~newed by tel~phan~. 8. Fee charg~~ ~r~ tn be p~id ~~C the tian~ of r~~~r~atioti~ ~unl~sa ~pec~.~l arrange- menta have beexi gr~nt~d by the Director c~f Parks~ , 9. Th~ City~ of Arroyo Gr~nd~ and ite ~rnpla;~~~~ ~are not ree~pon~ible fo~ as~y accid~nt, ~.njury ar 1as~ ~f p~reo~a~~. prop~rty. 10. Th~ uae ~f n~il~, at~pl,~~ y taCk~, t~p~, or ~nythirsg ,th~~C c~i11 dam~ge ~ny . , part af the ~quipmmn~, be~ildirag or .f~r~~sh~.r~g~ 3~e prohib~t~d. 11. Reeervat~,ons r~ay b~ r~vok~d at ~ny time s~'~~n~~s~r there has b~~n ~ viol~tion o£ approved regulatione. . ,y 12, Under no cir~u:nstan~~e ~~.11 ~qu~ipm~nt t~~ rem~ved tram t'h~ f~cility. 13. Facilities uaed muat b~ 1~~~C in a cl~an and axd~~1~ c~ndi~Ci.a?~~ Equ~.~am~at maved eh,al'~ b~ repl~.c~d in th~ cu~tc~ma~ga ~ 1.c~c~~~on. „ , Kitc'hen faailiti~s av~ilabl~ ~nd m~.y b~ ~e~c~. Grc~~p~ ~~a~.~ fur~~~~ w~I,~,', n~cesee~ry cleas~-up equ3.ps~~~nt, ~,4~. ~~ap, tvwel~, et~e . . ~ 34~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 239'19.74' ARROYO GRANDE, CA~IFORNIA ~'A~E ~ 15. Orga~izations may be gr~nt~d f~e~ ~x~~ of th.~ Cea~~n~~~ Ban3~.ding upcsn appYica- tion and appraval bgr th~ C~manit;y B~aiid~.~ag Coas~nitt~~. 16. The use of th~ facilitie~ 1ag~ ar~g~ ~~~fgiosxs gress~p~ ~la~l~. b~ r~~t~ic~~d to social uaee. The bui~.ding $h~~.1 not be v~s~d fe~r relig~a~~n~ ~e~~ri~~~. 17. ~`acilitiee sr~y nc~~ lae ~ns~d bgr an~ 3.ndiv~.dca~ls groanp, ~r or~~nir.~~t3,~n wlhic'~i ~s a~ on~ of its ~b~~~tiv~~ ttae ov~r~Chro~a of ~h~ L~r~it~d St~t~~ ~G~~aernment or by, an individ~~l, ~~oup, ~r ~~g~r~i~~ti~n d~~~~ci ~c~b~~~~iv~ d~~in~d in t1~~ St~~e of C~Yi~~~ni~ C~d~. 18. T1~~ C~manitte~~ ~nd Cit~ C~~rn~il ~h~11 aa~~~ ~1~~ ~~t~kat to ~~vi~~r ~11 r~~~rv~~ions~ ~~d ~~k~ p~9.~~~ cta~ng~~ a~ de~~a~d x~~c~~~~~y. ~c~~~FEES***~r I~a?11 w~~t~i ki~C~t~~r~ ~~es ~2~.C~0 Ii~ll vaitl~~u~ ~Cit~h~~ ra~~ ~1.5.00 Lour~~~, p~r u~~ $ 5 s00 (Se~cv3r~~ c~~ c~ff~~ ar~d c;rr~,d ~~,nd~i~l~~a p~~mi~~~~~ ~r~ ~~a~ Loung~~ but ha~t t~~~l~ ~tr~ p~~ni~t~d~ . ; A a~cu~i~~*~ d~p~~it ~~(~.Qt~ wri;Tl b~ ,~~~rx~~ad ,~v~~y~ ~s~~ ,g~v~~n~d by ti~~ G~t~r ~f Ar~~yc~ G~~nd~ ~h~ A~~~~r~ G~~~d~ ~'~r~~n°~ Clu~. ~ . . . . ,N:'~. An .additic~n~,l $50.00 d~p~~iC wflg b~ r~qt~i~~d ~.n ~~nn~~ti~~ va'3t~.~ngr build~.n~ us~ ir~ ~rhiah ~.~qur~r i~ Ca b~ ~~r~~~~ . ~ ~';'i~ ~ B~th ~,b~ve d~ps~siGs ~i1~. b~ refi~i~ned to th~ 1~ss~~ aap~n ~x~min~t~.an ~f ~he b~ilding' fol~.oc,xin,~ the us~, less ~ny ~und~ ne~~~~~ry fAr u~usazal cl~r~ning c~~° ~,ny repl~c~n~ent ~°~:~uir~:d du~ ~a bre~kage or d~mag~. AU~E NEGOT2ATTONS FOR Y..A.NU PURC~ASE OF ,~~e PROF~ ED STREAMBEl3 PARK, Administra~or Bantc~a ~~vi,er~ed t'h~at tta~ Parlcs & Recr~a~ivn D~gar~ment has devel~p~d pl~n f~~ p~~l~ pn~rch~s~ by ~oncep~ csf '~~nch~ri~~ down" t~ae ~r~~k ~n bot~ ends of town. Twc~ prop~~ed s~r~~mb~d parlc s~tes b~ing c~nsiderr~d ar~ as follows: 1~.: the :7~-.k acr~ Zangf~rd pro~p~~Cgr in th~ ea~t~rly part c~f to~an ac~ross , fraan P~~rraood Av~nu~ ~;E~ c~f Haaa~n~ Rc~ad; ~.nd 2) th~ 17~' acr~ P~inc~ propertgr, in the southwesterly p~rt o,f ttne C~.t~ xxort~w~s~ of ~h~ V~11eg~ ~~rd~n~ Tr~ct. Th~ I~angford prop~rty h~s a$3800 ~e~a~r a~~~~~m~n~ ~k~~rg~ on it ~nd ttz~ ~sking price is $65,000. B~th prapert~~s h~v~~b~~n aff~r~d and ar~ r?at b~ing c~nsidered,for eondemn~timn. Disc~s~i~n cc~n~in~u~d r.~g~rdira~ ladur~darie~ ~aard~sex~~t in ~~C~ ~~r~ek~area ~nd the probl~m~ th~t will b~ ~~~c~~nt~r~d in d~finin~ t~~ ~xact b~~a:id~ri~s, d~~ ' to the m~~nde~ring of e~r~~k~. T"h~ Cm~x~c~ 1 a~r~~d t~,~~ t~~ly ~,eti~n be t~ke~ on purch~se of paxk land in vi~w of ir~er~asi~n~ ~~ope~ty Go~t~. Mrs. Mi1d~~d P~i~c~ l~nd~d Adm~.ni~tr~~or B~ntc~h a wrf,~~~n et~~~a~ent dffering an ea~ement to th~ City fr~ ValZey_Road ow~r 'her prop~r~y to t'~~ propv~~d park site in ttae so~tl~~st~rly pcsrtion of tk~~ City9 ~f ~~3d 'p~rk dev~lap~d. Parks & Recreatio~n Co~ar?ission~r~ Ha~bb~~~l a~sri ~I~c~re; ~~a~ i~s~~~.1 K~~;~~z a~~o caimn~nted on th~ proposed p~rk sit~~. Recoam~aend~tican~ w~re m~de th~g t~ae land ~ ' be purc'has~d ncaw and d~v~lap~d 1a~~~° i'~ f~atxd~ ar~ lim~ted, ~r~c3 tta~~ ;the 1~,nd co~31d be le~s~d ou~C for f~rcraing ~n~il c~~ve~.ap~d. ~ Aftiez' Cot4riC~1 disCt~e~3,mny an mot,ios~ of C~~aneilaa~a.~n Mi'~lig9 ~~cmnd~d bgr Councilanan Sp~.~~l~.ng axtd ~~n~niimouslg~ ca~rri~d, ~'~e Cf'~g~ Adz~inis~rm~mr vras ~aathor~.zed to proaeed with negotis~~ion~ with th~ I~ng~card~ for t'~e 7~+ ~~re~ ~~~~C of tk~e City prop~r, o~f nf Ha~,~n~. Rmad, for pns~ibl~ p~arcl~a~e ~f p~~~C ~.~~nd• Park land ~~qui~i~3.~n i~a th~ ~ea~~r~°~ ~a~zr~i~s~ o~ ~kh~ C~.~y a~~s r~f~rr~d bacle to th~ Parks ~nd R~c~~~~tion Cc~ni~~i~n for fasrtl~~~ co~Qid~~atf.~~~, ~f :a~.'T nmaaible alternate sit~~. 2'h,e C~~~~ion was ccmanend.~d far t1~r~ fisae Park. ~i~~ ~ Acquisition~~ Fla~x. ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . , . . 3y~ CITY COUIaCIL APRZL 23, 1974 :ARROYO GRANDE, CAyTFORNIA PA~E 5 . ° T'Y S 0 P A leCter fram John Dillaha, F~.~'~~ ~~g r~vie~~d b~ the Council, regarding the unpaved portion of F1o~~ $~ac~ in ~~ant af ~ais hosne ~nd motorcycli.ng in the vacant lot ad,~acent ro his ~~t~s~~ A responding r~;po~t f~o~t Publ.ic Works Director Anderson w~s alsr~ reviewed, wh~.~~i iz~~i~at~d ~~is pc~rtican of Flora Rd. is not within the City's st~eet systesm~ th~fi th~ Ci~Cy n~ver prorai.sed ta pave it, and that the cxar?er of the v~cant prop~rty ~rc~t~~.d be xeeponsib~e for any fencing tca keep out motnr bike riders.~ y • Public Works D3.rentor A~ne~~r~pn requea~ted pe~ia~ion t~ ~all for 'b3ds to pave the follawi~?g naa?ed street~ ~rit'~ ~ 2" A.C. ~~xrfac~e: ASPBN, between Geaar and Aeh Straete; SPRUC~ STRE~T, betw~~a~ Popl~x +~c~d Aa'h Stre~ts; and SAGB STR~ST', be~Cween Aspen a~d Spruca St~reeC~. Thex~ ~~e ~aa~~i~i~nt Gas Ta~ fua~3~ to eover thie pro~ect~ Aftar Council di~c:u~sion, e~n matl.an a~ C~aaa~~cilma.r~ ~~a L~an, ~ecanded by Counc~.lman Milli~ ~nd ur~~,nir~ou~ly ea~°ri~~, P~tblic Wo~ck~ Director Ander~an wa~ authori~ed ta cail for bid~ for Str~~C ~~~r~n~ ~'~c~,~~Gt N~ti 90-74°~, far ttce paving af Aspnn, Sp~uc~ ~nd S~ge Stre~~~, w~,+~'h b~.d ap~ning ~~s b~ l~q 23, 197~ at 2:00 P.M. a Or~ mo~Cion of C~ur~~ilm~n 3pie~:l~~,g, ~aconcled b~t Cnutnci'lm~n d~ Lson +tnd . nnan~a?ously csrri~d, ~ Gr~nt De~d F~c~a? 7Ghnma~ ~r Mnrtin .r~ad Fau1 M. G~~.hr~e, for portiong o~ Lot~ 1~ xr~d 14m B1~ock ~5 a~ ~la~k~tti°s Cre~rn ~i1~ Additfe?n, far s~reet purpoeeg, requi~~d Cc~ b~ c~edic~~~d it~ con.junct3.an vr3.t~a a n~w d~velr~+ment at Cro~wn Te~rrace a~.d Is 'Pniat 5tr~r~t' w~~ ~~c+~pt~d and t'~e M~pr~r anc~ C~t~ C~erlc were ~~uthari~ed to sign the C~rtif~.c~~t~ c~~ AccepC~n~e an be'~a~.f of the City. AGGEI~fi Tr~RO~~'D PO'~mTON b'~ BRIGHTON A,~;~,,,~ 8~~~ r'=n~r~t~i~T ~ S~R~g A report anc~ re~ac~mnandn~~ons f~axn Fu'blic Works Direc~or A~sdex~an re~ardi~g the imprnvem~nt of a p~r~Cion of Brigh~Con Avenua, eas~ of F~f.rview, fn canjtirx~c1~.on SiP~,ti~l 8 ~rOti Sj)l~.t ~~1 .19~C~C .$Y1C~ RYI~~I ~~1F~1'~.i~C~Gy "kF$~ ~°~Y~i.6'lWk3do A~C@t Ci01I~1C~.1 ~~SCtt~S~L~.~ oa motion of Councilm~n Spierling, ~~~ottded by C~nnc~lm~an Mill~.s and uaanimo~ly~ carried, th~ improved por~ic~n of Bri~h~~~ Av~x~ue wa~ acc~gted, ~ub~~t to receivin~ a.deed for said is~prov~d pox~i,on from ~he Sherloakg ~nd ~.n Ir~~r~cable Q~£er ta Dedicate dooumor~t ~or the r~A,i~?d~~ c~f ~he ~ Cre~~e as eha~m on the I~t Sp1it Map, ~nd ~'he signing o£ an agr~e~a~at b~r Mr~. 8herla~k r?ot C~a imprave or se11 Ya~ce1 1 of Lcs~C SpZi~ M~p ,A,G 7~+°~7'~;, ~nd ~arc~Is 3~nd 4 of Farce'1 1+1np~~~~~~4g ui~tsi all requir~d 3,mprovements hatr~ b~~~ 3~r?~~a~.~.ede . ~~7.~T'TOh ,~,~~,ON - Al~ntdr mRANg~~i'~m~,mT~N ~L.Ai~i A.U ' RI~~t) Admi~nietratcsr Bu~kc'h repor~ed~ t'~a~C C~.~q'+~ e~t3mated up~~~tic~rom~at r~f ~he g~soiine ~alee tax ~r~.11 b~ $35,7~~a~.~, at~d r~qu~~t~~ the Cauxi~i~'e ~uttioria+~-~ tion to ~i1e a claim f~r thi~ a~o~x~~, w'h~,~h mo~i~~ w3.~1 be used ~or ~ranc~ Stre~t and ~alcyon ,Ro~d .3.mp~ovem~nt~ . A~~er Qour~ci'1 d~.~~u~~ fa~n, C3.t~ A~tor~n~y Shipsey read the tttle of a reeol~a~i~n apprav~in~ tha anr~~Y ~~~~~p~~~~~io~ c~~3m sa~ authotizing ~.te ~ubm~t~~l; ~tzex~~f~er, ~c~'~~~~ s~~~ ~mad~ b~+ Coun~~.~,mran M3.ll~s, se~oti~ed by"Gr~us~ciltasn de L"eon ~nd ui~aiii~ai~~.g~ c+~~ir3ed, ~c~ disp~ris~ w~Ch re~dfag . the bal,ance of thie rec~olution, . RESOLU~xQN Np. A BES~LUT~PJN QF TI~E CITY COtJNCTZ OF '~'HE C~'r''~ OF ARRO'~'U G&4MDE APPRAVINt'+ A1VN17'AL `~NBPQ~~.'ATx~N CJ~AIM AND . AUTHID~~Z7~'G ITS ST~'HMx~;xAL ~0 91~N LUIS O~B~3Ft~ COUN`~' AND CIT~ES AREA FTaAN'ATTING COt~RDxNAT~NC~ CqUNCZLe . . . . . . ~ , .h E On mc~tia~n ~f Ca~t~a~ls~aan Mi~.].i~ A~e~~~sdad by C~aunai~.~aan Spf,e~r~f,xig +~nd oa the fo7.lowi,ng ra11 aa11 vo~~, t~ ~ri~; A''i~8: Cciax~ilsi~an ~p~~x,1`~'~,~, d~ MM~.ll.i~ ~ad l~yc~r '~~].1ep 1Q4~8: Na~na ABSENT: Co~ncil~n S~hlag~l, the gorsgoing ~e~~l~xtia~n w~~ p~~e~d ~~nd adop~~d ~h~.~ 2~rd d~~r of ,.~r~.l, 1974. , . 3 ~y~ ~S CITY COUNCIL [~P1tTb 23,, 197!~ _ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNLA F~GE 6 T~... pnrF. ~ntt n~s~~TING DEI'AR.TM~NT <~'SSION RE ADDITIOD1t~.L ~ The Council dis~~as~~d a r~p~r~ fr~m Ci~y Engir~~~r G~r~i~ r~g~.rding ~In~ remodeling af tl~e CiC~c?~aned bau3lding ~t t~a~ ss~an~~u~~~~ carr~~r of Branch & SYaort, which v,ras pr~:vi~usly ~~nt~d oen~ .a~ a ba~rb~r shc~p.,' T~n~ t~t~l ~ost ~~saaTd b~ r approximatel~ $12,000. In ~i~w nf th~ Y~3.~h c~st~ ~ t~a~ C~cancil a$r~~d tL~at fuxtYaer study of the matt~r w~~ n~c~~~~~r, inc3.uding ~ 1c~n~°r~n~~ steud~r for tkce civic centar. . ORA? BEPQ$ ' ZO ,h 3 AD~YT.~.~R~'MMTZ'T'E~', ME~TIDtG - MI~T~~S C~~ancilm~r~ Mi~.li~s ~~p~~~~d ~1~~ A~ril l~t~ aa~~t3.n~ c~~ th~ 2~an~ 3 Adviaury Coa~aitt~~p ~~~tiz~~ tl~~~ th~ ~all~~rin~ ~?~~t~r~ had b~~n di~cu~~~d: A~°~pe~r~ by R,~y Sh~rwin regardi~~ t~i~ T~~p~~ R~cr~~t~~r~ 1 Ar~~; ~~~pra~t by D~ri1 W~ig~r~ re~~~ding th~ W~Cer T~~~t~n~nt I'1~n~ ~nd th~~ th~ ~ri~u~l ~.r~~p~cti~~ of th~ ~op~~ m~ins ~°~v~aled t1~em te~ b~ in $~caa c~onditi~n; ~r~a th~ p~op~asad ~g74e75 be~d~~t ~a~~ p~~~~nt~d by , W~~d Fh~lp~. Di~cue~iar~ ~r~~ ~l~c~ h~l~ ~~~~:~°din~ th~ s~~~ ~a~ ~1~~ ~~illv~~y* by~ ya~tli~ ~a ~~liding r~tnp ~~d ~~nC~r~ ~r~~ vai~~d r~~~~°d~.~g pcas~~bl~s li~b3,lity in C~,~ ~vent of in~uri~a. acc~pT t~TA~'ER ~~,a~l~~ -co~~~~ c~rt ~,,~A1~,S~~' ALT'i`h~RY~I~ i~Vt~i.RST~~T~TM: A'~M"~' not~~ A~~p~~t ~roru Pub1i~ W~arlc~ Di~~~~t~r A~d~~~~~ ~~~~~~~d ~~~~?rdixag ~o ar~ter ~.3n~ ~~t~n~i~r~~ ~~~~~1I~a by~ ,7~~°~Sr n~~~1~~ a~~ad ~~~~~°~i~~~ p~~ ~Y~~ CiCy~~~ request, a~ folloar~; Cc~~b~tt C~nyo~a Ro~d 3~~?c~~~~~~ ~i~~ g" ~t~ ~n 1200' m~i~ ~artnn~i~~; ~t xdditi~~xl ~~at ~f $1z3~1.00~ ~nd J~~n~~ W~~ ~ i~Cr~at~~d ~i~~ from 6~~ ~c~ lx" 1~&~~ ~~~.n ~~ct~n~~on adc~~~~,~n~l ~~~t ~f ~4,2~1.3~. Tla~ lin~~ h~v~ b~~re in~t~ll~ei t~ C~t~ ~~~~i~ie~e3~na ~nd ~~~~~?~r~d~d th~y~ b~ ~c~~pt~d. ~ AfC~~ C~~~~il dia~u~~i~an, c~ra ~~ti~n of G~~nn~~ n d~ I~e~n, s~~~nd~c~ by Council~nan Sp3,~~l~,ng ~nd ~an~nim~u~lgr c~~ri~c~, ~Ch~ Cr~~b~~t Canyan R~~d ~nd J~m~~ Way w~~~r m~in ~xt~~xa~ox~~ i.res~C~lled by Jerry_Dougl~s wacr~ ~cc~pt~d int~ th~ City's syste~ ~nd p~~a?xent f~~ ~Ch~ o~r~~sizing in th~ t~t~l ~noun~G of ~5,571.~2 was authori~~d. ApPROVE F'INAL MAP OF TRQ,CT 5~5(GO~D~N WEST HOMES) ° N1~IRTIN L S REQUIRED A r~g~ort frc~m F~bl~.c W~rks Dir~ctar And~r~an ~ecom~aendin~ approval of Final Map of Tr~ct ~to, 525 (GO~DEN WEST H~MES) , s~xb j.~aC ta c~~c~~in c~:~d~t~3.on~, o~as review@d, toge~her ~aitka a~eCt~r frr~n C~.viZ En~in~~rs B~nner and Gharml.~y, who ; repres~nt d~v~lop~;r C. L. Mt~.r~tin, wh~.r.~. appeal~d ttse ~r~qui~~men.t of gas lin~s `in the all electric develop~ent~ of '~rac~s' .50~. and S25a ~as lin~~ ~.r~ raqtiaired by City 0rdinance. Mre J~c~ Gh~rmley w~~ p~~~~nt ~~d ocxtlined th~ rea~ans for the request~d g~~ lin~ d~l~tion and th~ additiona.l c~xg~nse th~ dev~loper woanld now b~ fac~d w3.th ~o put in th,e g~s lin~~, v~l~ich waaald r~m~in dry as th~ ho+~~es ar~ a11 ge~~~d for e~~ctric aas~ige onl~. Ci~y Attorr~~~'. Staip~egr pointed oant that th~ T~ntativ~ NG~p of tk~~ ~r~cY, pr~vi,o~u~13~ aPPrc~v~ds did inclwd~ gas s~rv~.ce; and furthe~9 ~Ya~~ r~~i~~ ~ro~n ~h~ 1in~ r~q~ir~zn~n~t ~hma~ld ~ve b~~n requ~~t~d a~ that time, tFae City°~ Ordinan~~ dc~e~ h~ve pr.a~visi~ns tm co~ns~.d~r suck~ a del~tior~ ~rhen ~ tract fi~~~ p~~pos~d. A~ter Cauncil disc~~~€~io~, ~n ~ao*~on o~ Cm~n~~la~~ Spi~rling, eecc~nd~d b~ Councilman de L~~n ~nd c~xri~d, w~.~~a Cd~nc~i~.~n~n M~Tlis d:L~s~nti~g9 t1~~ F3.~1 Map of Tr~ct No. 525 wa~ appr~~~d ~~ab j~~t t~ t~e fc~l~ova~,ng: 1. FEES : A. F~.n~~, M~p C'~e~l~i~ag ~°ee , $30.A0 + $2.(90 p~~ Y~~t (64) _ $ 158.A0 B. I~nsp~at~.~zn F~~. 2% of Conetr~action_E~~tat~t~ ($200,OQQ) a $4,400.00 C. SoM.I.P. '~~x o~oooa ~ c~~~~. c~~oo,~oo> = $ itao.oo ~ De ~ ~ Pa~k ~ . ~ YO_ . . , . E. Str~~~t T~~~a 99 ~~qu~.~~d, 25 i~nst~,l~.~ci ~ @ $~.50 = $ 555.00' 2, „ GRADING PEEtMI'~ 3. WAT~R C'~RGES : W~t~~ servic~ co~ts ~v b~ ccvl~.~c~~ci a~it'~ ~ buildin~ p~rmit wi11 b~: Di~trib~ztio~n ~ 150.00 Met~r 5/8" 70.00 Lop~z @ $4.30 pe•r ~aon~th ~ + 2G3. ~J0 • 4. SEWER: $].02.50 with b~zildin~ perini~t. ~ 5. SiTBDIVIS ION BONDS ar ~~'ROVEMENT ACREEMEN`~ . $2A0,000 (100%) F~3thftn~. Perfax~n~n~~ $100,000 ( 50%) Labar and Mat~rial~. CITY COUNCIZ APRI~ 23, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNTA PA.GE 7 6. SUBDIVIS ION AGREEMENT 7. OTHER REQUIRENIEN`TS : A. Installation r~f ~as Mair~s ~nd Ser~vi~~~. B. Submissian of ~grpic~~. ~7ndergre~~nd tTt3.litgs ~c~c~ti~n De~ai~,, C. .Subm3s~ion of Irrig~ti~~ Plans for aut~tic irz°3~~.t~o~a ~~~t~m on dr~ir~ag~ ~nd Greei~b~lt a4re~, P€~~k Are~. ~ind ~wv a?t~d;i.an ~tri~s~ on T~g~r T~31 D~i~~, Oa~ mot~.~n af C~r~t~ailm~~a d~ I~o~,, ~~cr~nd~c~ i~~ C~aan~i~~c~ Spi~~lin~ ~nd unan~.~n~a~~l~ c~~~i~d, ~h~ a~sp~~~ of d~~r~lop~~ 1~~t3n ~o b~ ~~~i~tia~d nf ~~quir~m~~t ~o ~.n~ fi~l~ l~n~~ , ~a~~ ~l~ni~d ~ pROeR~ss ~PO~~ - s~u~x ~a~ ~u~s c~~vT,~ s~i~~~zoN n~s~zc~ . The M~n~h1g~ R~po~~ fr~~ M~~cl~, 1974 ~r~d ~i$~~1 y~~~ ~e~ep~nd~~x~~ ~,nd re~rer?~r~~ thr~~$'h ~rc~ ~1~ 197~+, f~°dm Gh~ Sra~~~ ~~n Luis Abi~p~ C~un~;y S~n~.t~tic~~ Diatrict w~~~ r~c~iv~d by~ ~~a~ Cc~+~n~i1, ~°~w~.~~s~d ~xcd ~~d~r~d fil~rl. A~lmini~tr~tor Sut~1~ ~eport~d t'~~t ~~a~t1~~~ ~t~~~p~~ t~ r~pr~~r ~h~ D3~tri~t'~ o~~~ri ~~t£~11 iin~ hav~ b~~~n $b~:ndor~ec~ be~~~~~ ~h~ ~~'h~~ ~~sd of t'~~ lita~ ~~r~r~~t b~ f~~~d, ~hnra- for~ C~ntr~c~~~ Gri~~r~l~ i~ b~~~~ ~~1~~~~d ~~~rn tl~~ A~ ~~~~~~~~r~g conceiv~bl~ h~~ b~~~ ~t~~npt~d in ~°~p~i~~n~ th~ ~~n~, ~Cta~ W~~~r Qr~~1i~~ Con~rol 8o~rd ~rill dr~p ita c~u~~ ~ct~~~a ~nd ta~lp t1~~ D~~t~~~~ ~bt~i~ ~r~~i~ f~~ ~ wat~~ r~~~~~ti~n ~trad~. REPOR?' - F'ED~~tAI. ~~AA~ ~iJrYn~ 1~ .~Il~~ v ~~o,RC7~ C~ty ~ngin~~~r G~~e~3~ ~~p~~t~~i 1~~ Y~~d ~itt~~~~~d a~~~tf~~ ~n A~ril ~&t~ reg~.~ding Fed~~~l ~rb~n ~~~d~, ~r~a3.~'h Ch~ ~d~n~n~~t~~~3~n ttz~ ~u~cd~ h~e~ b~en outlin~d. AC('.F.PTdNf:F. p~ ~NIPR~rT. & D~ED - W~~D~4ND DR~ IA"~ ,~P~,T'T 7~.' 3O - SC~OLL & OS~RN A rep~rt from Publ~.~ Wo~~C~ Direetor And~r~nn ~r~a ~~~ri~w~~l, which indicated th~~ ~equi~~ed bgr apPro~r~l of T,~:: Spli~ ~ase N~. .7~.,° 130,, i~i~rrav~maents ' on ,a f~~r ~ot ~cst-~plit ~ ~n Waadl~nd D~i~ra: h~.v~ b~~r~ ~~anp~.~C~~i °:t~s~~Ci'ty ~.~-`~arid~~~~ ~~~and a deed to ~ porti~n of Wtacsd~.~~c3 :~r~tv~:~ :l~~s~ ;~~~n ~~.eYi~~c~,, A~~'~~ ,r, Cc?txnc3.~. discussion, on motion of C~unail~n,de I~ee~n, s~~e~nd~d bgr Cmrnrc~3lms~n Mi~,~.is .-and una`nimo~xsly,'~ carried, the improvement~ o~ Woodl~nd Driv~ L,~t ~pi~.~ Cas~ 1~~. 71.-I30 were ~ accepted ~long wit~i a D~~d f~c~an ~'~rr~n K, ~nd El~~n~r G. , Sch~ell, .and Geral,d ~nd Lucille T. O~b~rn, fo~ ~ partie?n e~~' P~~~el 2 e~f P~~c~l I~p AG-7-1-41, lo~ea~~d. iri Lot 10$ of the Ranck~os C~irr~~ de F3.~dr~, Pism~ & Bnlg~ d~ Ch~mis~l, and tYr~: ~ Mayor and Ci~ty C1~rk ~e~e ~~att~or~:z~c~ ~a '~~.~n th~ C~rtif3.ca~e of Acc~pt~nc~ ci~ ' behal£ of the City~. ; BE~NDER RE. .CLF~-UP WEEK - M~1Y 6 TI3R~J 1Q~, 1974 Tk~e C~uncil w~~ x~anin.r~~d ~tiac~~ t~a~ C~~~r~-~~s W~~~C declar~d fronn 1~y 6th ~ „ through P~y~ lOth, 19~4, anc~ ~~rr~ infnrrned th~t p~ck ~xp ~f ~r~sY~ wo~lel be M~y 8Ch in the eset sida ~f the C~.ty a~id ~Jay 9t~s nn, th~ ai3~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ APgROVE ~iEFUND ON WYTIiDRA4~N AP~EAL R~- CREEK ~~'c~.SS ° CISBQRIV' On mr~timn c~f Cc~un~~.lanan. Spi~rli.n~, s~ccanded bgr C~~ancilma~ d~ L~nn and unan~.maualy c~~~~ed, th~ $5,00 e~pp~~l fi~~ng f~~ raae s~f~nnded Co J~r~y bs`~orn, • ~ per hi~ req~ue~t, 1~~ had wit'hd,r~~n' h~.e appe~l an r1~~ Planriis~g Ccm~m3,seon'~ condit~~n pl~ced oz~ ~x~at 5~1 r~~ard3.n~ gtr~~mb~d fr~ntage ~nd ~ae~rs?~nt$. ~ ~L cora~rr~~cATio~, ~r~a~~~c p~~~r~~ss - M~~.,zs ~ .L~ Co~~nciYra.,an M~.11ie ~~qu~~~~d th~t t~~ Cc~~anty b~ ~.ppromc'h~d t~ wa~l~ ~r~.t~ the C~.ty in find3.ng ~~r~~~u~tiz~n t~s V~lley Rm~d, ~'hf,~k~ i~ not ad~qu~fie ~.n vi.~w~ ~f the num~rous recent develop~r~nta in ~'~~t ~r~a. Coranc3~l~n~n Mi9.1~~ ~nd M~tyor Talley ~xpr~se~d ~onc~ra~ ~r~g~rd~.n~ t~,~ H~1cg~a~-F~~.~ t~~~C~ in~~r~~ctidn, w~ier~ two lanes fur~n~l i~t~ ~n~. D~.~r~c~o~ of ' Pub~ic W~rk~ A~.d~~~c~c~ ~xp~~ined ~~~~t the right h~nd lan~ nn b~th s~x~~~~ ~i]L1 be m~r~~~ f~~ ~~R~gh~ Z~~n ~~n~yr~~ wh3.a~a will ~ alleviate th~ ~r~b1~m. L~~-NNING SrOMNLSSION RFO~F~~D ~0 RE~a~ WI~ZAMS B.ItOS. ~rs~ ~ ~ ~ Mapo~ TalY~y ~~p~rt~d t'l~t ma~y L~p1~~.~t~ h~ve b~~r~ r~c~iv~c~ r~ga~rding ~ debri~ b~c~ving fra~ t'he txaah '~in be'~ixt~l t~~ Wi1~~.~m~ Bro~. 3h~pping C~:sqter i.nto the ~djac~nt r~sid~nti~l Af~~r Cc~~~a~~l' d~,~~s~s~in~, ~r~a rnc~~~.~m of Cau.ncilman Milliea a~canded by C~ur~~ilma~n Spi~rl~ng r~nd ~an~n~.~n~sc~~lg~ eax~~ed, th~ debrie prc~bl~n in the p~~lc~mg l~t raf W~.~.Y~am$ ~r~~e S'h~pping C~n,~C~~ r~~.~r~~d , to the Plannin$ C~i~~~.~n, ~,L~h ~he r~co~cz:~;s~d~t~.cz~ ~~a~ t~a~ C~n~etc°~ U~'~~~ be revi~aed. , , r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . , , _ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ _ . . , ~ ~ r., ~ . . , . . ~ 35~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 23, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA P~~E $ R~'QUEST TO BE OUT OF STATE APPROVED APRIL 25 THRU MAY 21 19]4 -_7ALLEY On motion of : Councilman de 7~eo~a, seconded by Cmaancilraan Spi~rling and unanimously carried, N1~yor Talley was authoriz~d to be o~xt of ~he State of California from April 25, 1974 through M~ty 21, 1974. ,gDJOU~ NT On motion of Counci]snan Mi113:s, ,second~~ by Councilman d~ J~on and unanimously carried, the meeting ad~ourned ~t 1Q;50 P,M. ATTEST• ~ MAYOR CITY CLERK ~~~`~`a _J"~_,t~~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . r1.~I.2CaY~ ~~„A~I3:" ~ r:~7.,~~t''L1F..~ai ~ ~ ~ ~4~,r?~T~'C'i' `T"C? Rfi +")~7T fli+~ ~"1`~~''~'+' G]3`PT2~AS7T~',r~. ~ d~RT~', ~r, ,rix~TT Mtla, t 2' i , , - ? , ~ ~ ° . ~ ~ ~ s t . U - e r . . . , ..n . ~ ~ - , . . . ,S~ . . . ~ . . .4r ¢'r ~~~aa Y P, "t~ a ,°.a,. ~ a ?l :~~`,~:.i? ~r#'& p'=~ ~ ~ , r", . . , . , a.. $ . . < ~ . . ' . ~ t . ~ . ~ . . . . . . . . . . - ~ . . .