Minutes 1974-05-14 35~ CITY COUNCIL MP~Y 14, 197~ ARROYO GRANDE, CAL,IFORNIA The Git~ Co~ncil an~~ in r~g~xlar s~ss~on cait~ M~y'o~ Pro Tem M3.~Y.is pre~icYing, Upon roll ca~l, Co~ancbl ~Iembers Sch&~g~1, Spierling and de L~on r~por.~~d p.~~s~nt, Ma.yor Tall~y is absent> p~,EDGE OF A~,~,EGIANGE AND INVOCATI~?IV Mayor Pro Te~ M~~.bis leac~ t~ae Plec~~~ ~f AlYegi~r~c~ to F~ag; and ~ immediat~ly th~r~af~~r, R~v~r~:nd I?~n~'~?~~ Fi.rst Sd~.tl~~rra B~~~ist C~.~xrct~ in Grover Ci~~, d~liv~~°ed t~~ in~~~a~~on. APPROVAL -0~' MII~UTE~ On motion of C~~ncilman- Spf~rling, ~~cond.ed b~ Caanncil~ar~ a~~ b~on and unanimously carrl~d, the minut~s of t~~ reg~nla~r ad.~~~nrn~d me~~ings af .Sgr~.~ 18 and Apri1 23, 19~49 ~.nc1. the min~zt~:s of tl~e r~gv.la~° ~~~ting of April 23, 1974, were appr~ved as pr~pared. APPROVAL OF WAREtANTS On motion of C~uncil~?~n Sc~.~.e~~19 s~conded ,by Gm~ncilsa~an de 7L~on and ~unani° mo~.sl~ carried, P~yroll W~rrants ~Too ~$6Y t~.r~~.$h ~io. 194~, irc tkae total aanount of $209114.70; General Warr~n~s l~o. 1416 thro~.g~. Na. 15249 iri the total a~ount of $419954.95 and No, 314 throug~n No. 335 in the total s~o~.nt of $662,896.98 (re- depos ited Titne Depos its and Tr~.st & Agenc3~ Warx°ants No < 2224 t~.rc~ugh No. 2262 9 in the total amount of $2~C1.009 were approv~d and ord~~ed pa.id. WELCOME TO VISITING ADULT GOVERI~A9[EN~ GLASSES Mayor Pro T~m Millis ~elco~~d Mr. S~.n~~r and l~is adult gQV'~rnment classes attending the rneetingv T~e Ci~~ staff and pras~s ~a~r~ int~oduced fo~"~the benefit of the students. PRESE~3TATION RE PROPOSAI. ~'(1R C~NTRAL BUSIN~SS DISTRICT ° JL1DY RIENECK Judg~ Rieneck., who is ~aorlcing can h~r M~.sters in arctai~e~tux°e at Cal Poly, made a presentation in s1id~~ of pr~posed improv~m~nts and chaxag~s for the unification of ~he Arroym Grand.e Vi1l.age. A scale ~nod~l af tk~e proposal is an displ~.y at K~n Johnson's Skaoe Regair S~ore. NIs> Rieneclk indicated she will be working with ~he local rnercl~an~s until July on t~~ proposal. i~tOTICE OF CiT'~'' S~~EC`FIOI~t COMMITTE~ MEE`.CING MAY 16 0 1974 Notice of a Ma~ 16, 1974 meeting of the Ci.tg~ Selection Co~aanittee ~as received, which. Mayor Pro Tem Mi11is will attend in vie~r of Mayor Talley's absence, Mem~~rsh%p ~f th.e C•~~t~ee ~r~.~ revie~ed and no recoanmenda~Cions were made f~r nominations of Ck~aix°~nan and Vic~ C~iairman of that Coa~ttnitt~e. NOTICE OF i~AFCO PUBLIC HEARING RE OCEANn II~CORPORATIO~ - MAY 23, 1974, 9 A.M. Notic~ was received of a public h~aring called by the ~acal Agency Formation Ccran~nission for 9:0~ A.M, on Ma~ 23~ 197~+ at ~he Co~.nty Caurthaixse Ann~x, to consid~x° tYae p~opos~ci in~orpor~.tion of Oc~anoo Th.e Council indicated no obj~ctions to the ~.ncorpox°atir~~.. RECEIPT ~JF 1973 AN1~7UAL R PORT OF THE CAI.IF COASTAL ZONE CONS~ItVATIO~T COMMISSION Administra~or B~atch advYSed. tl~at several copies of tkne 1973 Anr~~a1 Report of th~ California Coast~l Zo~~ C~n~~rvation Conunission have been rec~ived and are available at Ca.ty Ha.ll for a~yone"s r~vieqa. RECEIPT OF COUNTY POPULATION' & HOUSING REPORT AS QF JU~Y 1. 1973 A st~.tisticag ~~po~t regarding County populatbon and housing gr~Fath from April, 1970 t~arough Jun~, 1973, was r~eeived by the Cou~ncil, re~iewed and ordered filedo RECEIPT OF DEPT OF FINANCE TOP~ ES~IMATES ° REQUIRED PER SENATE BI~.L 90 T'he Co~.nci1 reviewed a r~port from t~.e Sta~~ D~gar~ment of Finane~, as required by Senate Fsi11 90_ whi~h fr~ze tax rates. Ttae r~gort i~dicates t~aat the Comstamers' Price Index h.~s changed by 8.63% in the S~~.t~, It fr~r~lier sh~~s that the Cit~ of Arroyo Gz'ande ~aas experienc~d a 3.22% pc~pub~tion increase (tl~e official population estimate for t~.e City as of Jan. Y9 ~97~ is 8,550), which means the City cuuld r~~,se 3.ts b~.sic tax ra~e bg~ 11,$~% ~.f t1~e Cc~aancil wish~s o r; INVITATIfJN TO 31ST A~Il!'TJ,AL SANTA MARIA ELKS RODEO PARADE -.1~i,JNE .l,_~9~4 In response to an, invitation~ the Co~.ncil indic~,ted they taoul~. participate in the 31st amn~aal Santa Maria Elk~ Rc~dem Para€Le to be h~l~ on J~n~ 1, 19740 _ . , . _ _ : 35~ _ CITY COU~ICI'~ N1A~' 1'~74 ARROYO GRAND~, C~~I~O~.~:i~1 PAGE 2 GRANT F~E ~XEMPT ~ICEI~SE T~ A~~Vt~~,3~EY KTW~?~TS ~E~iT~ ~`~l'I~ AU~~'7'0~+~', M~.`i ~9. 19d?~ 0~ ~-:~~~ic~n oi Cn~.n~~1r,i~n ~e~ ~,~or~, ~~.~on~~~ C~~r~c~~'~n~~. ~~~,~r~a.ng an~. unan~mc~~.~slg~ ~a~~~~dA ~~;rnp~ ~~~s~.n~ss l~c~n~e gr~.nt~~c~ t~ th~ Ar~°o~rca Grandc~ Va2.1~~ K~~r~.nis Cl~b nc~:;.~~°p~°of a~~ ~~.~.c~ r~~.~~ng ~.~.ct~c~n ~o l~~l~. M~y 19, :I9d4 a,tY ~1~~ Wi~1`~~~r!~s Iir~kt~.~~°s S~.~a~p~ng C~nt~r~ x~~q~~~t~d bg AI Berning, P~°~sid~n~ o~ t~~~ C~~Y1 ~.rld ~'~c~~~~.t C'~~~~z~~r. RECEIPT OF D~PARfiM~~TT~,I~ IZ~F~RT FC~~ M01~TH ~F ~PI7.IL, 19~~ T~n~ Dep~~~m~ntal R~.p~rt f.c~~ ~~z~r:~~. o~ r~gry~9 197~, w~s x~~c~iv~d by the Caunc~.1, r~~~ie~a~r~ and. a~de~~d t~7,pc~. T2.EVT.EW OF ~J~GISI.AT'IV~ BLiI~~~TT~1S ~R~M ~k;Au~.JE ATJ"CH~11tTZE FI~. IDIR. TQ_ATTE~VD SEMINAR Th.~ C€~vs.nc~l re~%~~~~*d a rb~arn~~~ of Ts~~~s14~.tiu~ 8~~.1.1~~~,ns ~e~~ived fr.om t~e L~agu~ ot C~.li~ca~ni~. Gi,t~_~:s, c1~sG~ssi.ng trs~ fo],~~~;rinf; ~Sa~'xl:~: AB 392°~, T`ippler's Tax; SB 1~~5, c~an~~.n.~ aut~u:~~~~ o~ F~T~.c~ ~'~~,ef in ~~n~r~.l I,~~.~a C:it~.~s; ~.nd S~ 1786$ w~~i.e~y ~rc~axld p~o}~i~:>i~: cf~:i~~ tc; r~q~.z~°e~ b~nsir.4v;~~ ~.i~.~n~~ ~ax~s p~.id by bvasinesse~ locat~d!. oa~~si,d~ a czty ~~ic:~i d~riv~ :t~~s th~.n $1C~,OflO gros~ r2ceipts frozn 7~~ta~.nes~ don~ Gd~~~rca a ci~y ~ Notic~ wa~ al~o r~e~iv~d ~bc~i~t a tiao~°k~~icsp to ~e 1~~1d 1n S~.cr.am~nta on May 24tt~ r~garding th~ ~`~ir T,ak~o~ Standa~~.s Act 2,~~ndm~r~#;s of 19F/~, wl-cicl~ w~nt into e~fect M~y 1, 1974, Af~~r. Cov.r~cil discu~sian, on mo~ion Cca~xnc~.l~an de L~on, s~conded by Ccat~ncl7~~.a*~ Sgi~:r.lin~ and un~nimot~sly ~arrieda Finance Dix°ec~or RQS~;ngren ~;~.s ~.~.~.~~~~zc~d to ~.ttF~nd ~he Ma~ 2~, 197'~ ~c:rkshog in Sacramento r~~a.rdzng trae F~ix° ~.b~~° St~.nd~rds A~~e PROGRESS REP(~RT ° GO~REHE~S IVE At~IMAL C()IVTRC~~ PRQi=~~I~I BY COiTNTYY ~1n upcla~eci r~p~~fd ~~~~.~d~.i~~ ~:h~ Cc,~nt~res c.~~tnpr~~.~r~sa~v~ ani!z?~1 cant~ol~ progr~m w~s r~vze~~~cl, ~7hich ~.~.dic~.t~c~ ~n ~.g~~~m~n~; hac~ h~~n r~~.cF~~d be~e~n the Ca~.nfiy anc~ t~a.c: WoUds Anima:L ~Y~:~'lt~r° re:,~~.~~.ing jo~ra~ ~ca~~ing of an~,~!als ~ Tl~e progr~.m ~.r ~:~is p~~in~ w~~l:~ cos~; ;~i~~ Ci~~s ~,hn~.~ $11,(lOOS ~.lt~,o~gh ~.t ~s hop~d that th~ p~agram wr1! ~:~,~~nt~.a.l.l.yy k~~cc~m~ ~~1f°s~.ppartzr.z~ t~h~c~ug~ us~:~ charges a, Th~ CUt1T1C11 d~f~x~~~d ~ctiUn on t~a~ m~ t~~~r zin~.f.l ~f a.n. ar.it~cip~t~cl pras~.n.ta- tion l~~a a c~~un~y r~pr~~s~nt~t,~v~~ in fi~.?e=, ize~~.r ~~atu.r~, FURTHER DTSCLTSS~QN ° ETJCAI.YP'T'f.;5 TH.EE~ ON' Tf~E ~IKE Admi,nis~~~~ar Butc;~i ~~vi~~;r~~c~ pr~vio~s d~scia:~sions hclc~ t~;~ t~l~ ~uun.cil in ~espo~s~a to com~laints ~r~.~=,~v~d f.ram ~°~si3~n.ts on t}~~ nca~~h sa.de of Th~ P~k~, bet°we~n. Soi~t~ Elm ~.n.d Scr~;t~i H~.lc.~c~~, x°€~,garda.ng ~ti~ E~ic:~,lygh~.~ t~E~~s ~ahieh are ~.nkemp~ and pc~ssa.faly .~~~~.:~,rcia~~ ~ Ga.ty At~tcrne;~ S~p.i.ps~v ad~vised tkl~.t som~: o~ th.e tr~e~ a~~ ori Gity ri~ht uf n~szFr,~ c~rz p~iv~.i:e prop~r;~~~, ~.nd s~a:n~ ~.r~ half on priv~.~~ prop~r~;r ai~d Yial.f o~ c.i~a rig;ik c+f ~a~r, ~a}a~i~h ax~~ ca3.l~d "li.n~." :~rP~s, and are v~.e Qn~:~ t1-aa.t will c~p~.s~ pr.a~le~zn~ in. ~r.~ring tc solv~ tf~~ responsiba.lity mat~~r. If th~ C.~a~nril anif/c~r. a px~i~r~zt~,~ prope~~v o~rn~r ~c~e1~ t1z~ t~e~s are public nt~.is~.nc:~, a co~ar~ ~~:tfon ~.~n t,e Eile.d s~~.~.~ng suci~~ Bx°anches 9 frozn trees an priv~.t~ prc~p~~~y ~~Nhie,~~ c~v~rl~~.ng ~1~e Gi~yrp s righfi af wa~, ~:a~~at b~ removed u.nless s~id ~~mov~.~. won@t; c~a~nag~ i:~a~ rem~:~rcd~=.~ ot e~~ t~~~o Th~ Cz,ta '~as ~ti~ rig~t tc~ s~~~C au.~ "d~.x~gtyrca~~~" ],im~:~ and ~~qu.~s~: ~he~~° x•~m~valv Tt~e G~~y can be fcr~nd n~glig~:nt z:E it; dc~~~ nc~~ atYFmFt tL~ mak~. tta.e tr.~~~ on its riglit ~f wr~.y safe to r~si.~entse Cc~un~ilman. Spi.~~1.~.ng s~u.~;g..st~d ~t~~.~ t:~~~s l~d~.n~n~ t.a~a~.~d The Pike be r~~tov~d s~l~cti~rei~i„ Cr~~zncilm~.n d~ ~~~n ~°~cc~mm.~nded i~riat tr~~ Director of Pub1~c W~rks an~e~~ vaivh repr,~s~n~~.~::9_ve~ f~c~m ~~a.~ C~axnm~.ni.t~ cf H~.:1~yc~ny T.~.e Pike r~esidents, ~.i~c~ ~;r~a€>. exp~~;s°~, t,o d~t~x°~n~n~ .~;~~ic~ t~°<~k*s a~,r°~: dan~~r~us and sho~.ld. b~ ~~~ov~d, ~.nd ~~:n~x~~hip ~f tx~~~s h~; ~~tab~i~~r~d. As ci~izc~n~ int~res~:rmd. zn. ~.rzi~ :n~~Gt~r c~~z•~; present, M~yor~ Pr'o `T~:n Millis opened kk~~ dzs~~as~i,on ~c~ t'~~mm D~v~ ~ci?~f..f~~r~ ~.U~~ Th~ Pi.k~, B+~b S~~nquist, 937 The ~ik~; ~.nd Joh.~ G~ff~~~9 y~0 Tha Pi,k~s cc~~n~,m~ntec~ on t~.e m~.tt~:c~ It was pointed out t~i~.t i.t ~k~~ C~~ y~°~zn~-a~~~ t~:~ ~:~°~~s c.ri ~~s ri~~i~ of w~.y ~~~ler~ wa~ll be nothing t~a stc,p ~r~~~ ~,~pp~.:~i~,~ f~cn~ t~~; p~°3v~f=~ p~op~~~; s Afr_~r. f~.~tJ~e~~ Cc>~ra~.~3. c~.a_sc~.~s~c~n, I~:~r.~~~~aa° c~~ P~~l.~~~c Wo~ks At~d~~san saa~ dir~ct~d ~o ~r~~l~ tt~~ ~.~l~~on p~:op:Le ~n.c~ ~or~ ~~,~h t~~.~m~n in zn~.~°~.ting ~~r~~s whicti viszbl;~ cauld ~c~a~ p~ob~.~mG, g~~ ~Sid.a ~n t~~ed .na~k~d :~o~ x~mov~.:~; and reporG b~.~'k tc~ ~h~ Cc~~r~~i1 w~,~,k~ fih~:: bir".~s rec~~i~+~d, ~c~r fur°~~~.~r dir~cti.c'n, 3s3 3~~ CITY COUI~GI~. MAY 149 19~'~ ARROYO GRAl~D~ , C2,~,I~OR.~T,A PA~E 3 AU~HORIZE CA~L FOR ~IDS C~~IB C~~SP IpI~BI~T~Y & F'LRE I]~S m J~'~1E ~~a 19~~+4 2 PeM, Oz~ ane~t3.on of Go~nc~,~xs~~.n c~.e~ ~~on~ s~~cand~d b~ C~~~.~~ilAn,~n Sp~.e~l~.~.~ and unanimou~lg~ car~~~d9 a~a~h~~~~~~:~~n ~~~~s gi~~n tc~ ~~Y~. f~~° bid~ t~.~ c~~nl~ined compreh.ens~ve li~bi~i~y and. ~i~c~ in~a~r~.r~~~ p~S~.~~~~ 9~~~.~~ bid ~p~ni~~ s~t f~~ June 2~, 19~4 at 2~ 00 P.~I, Tks~ C~.~y' ~ ca~r~~n~ ~;i~a~°~~~~ pca9~i~;~ ~~pi~e~ .T~ane 30 9 19~4. . RLPORT R~ PROF~SED VAI~Y~`~ RO~.D Al~'~~~AfiI~~T ~V~~ 3. Ad~ninist~~tor B~a~~~ ~°~g~~~~~ t"~~t tl~~ Pl~.nn~,x~.g Ccar~i~~~,~~ ~°~~~~~'~d ~~e proposed Val~.e~ Ro~.ci ~,~.n~~~tia~m 3~.nd. p~~~~d. a~~~o~~t~~~ ~'~~~~~nd~~g ~PProval of an~~~~.tiona ~,t ~~~~~~1~ 3~~~~~ ~~L~~ ~fnc~ ~th~ Plannin~ Co~nis~ion°~ r~~a~~~~~c~~~i~n p~c~~~~~n~: ~f e~~ a~rs~xa~~.~n l~~d t~ken th~ m~tt~~ dix~~~.t t~ I~.4EC0$ t~~ G~~.~~i,l. x~~~~:~~ t~ n~ action ~~.~il ~1~~ reco~~nd.~.t~ons of IAFGO ~x~ x`~~~~~T~~., AUTHCIR~.ZE PARTI.P~~ R~~B~I~IT~.~I~?~ (~~_:~y~?~'~ ~DJ ~A~~~°~~~T ~~G~ED $3200 T~~ Cc~~.n~il .~~~~~~W~~. ~~~~f ~~po~t gi~~.n~, ~.lt~~rt~.~i~~a~:~ ~a~ p~c~~riding addi~fo~~.1 offf~~: sp~.~~ ~k~~. I~~~~~~.~~ D~v~~~~~a~r~~. `C~a~ 1~~.~~ ~~p~n~a.~~ p~oposal is to r~:~a~~~.li~~+~~ t~~ ~a~.lf c~f ~i~,~,~,rY~r~~ ~.c~j~~e-:n~ ~r~st~~~y csf Cit~ ~.all, at an ~~tir.~at~d ccas~; o£ $35~OOo .4f~~r C~~.n~i~ r~~.~c~»~~~~n~ o~ "~~t:i~~ Co~.ncil- man Spi~~ling;s ~~~omd.~d b~ C~~.~~~lrn~.n d~ I~~:~n ~nc~ ~~~ni~r~u~~l;~ c~.~~fed, aan~fl~~riza° t~on was giv~n ~c~ r~~.~~i~s,~~~~ th~ ~~.s~. ~i~.~f of b~~.Y~,~~g; ~d3~.~~n~ to th~ Cl~~ ~~.11 ~~fe c~ G(3S'C O~ y Zo~ o APPOTN'~ME~TT GI~'~ REP TC~ C~~S`~~.~ VA~,~~Y P~11~g C~~I~CI.L ° GOU~ART On m~t~.~~~ c~~ Ca~n.ci~.-n~rx S~~.~~~~1~ ~~~~r~d.~d ~~~n~~~~~~n cl~ ~on and un~.nimo~.sly c~.~~ieda R+~b~r~ Lo ~~a~l~.~rt ~aa~s ~pp~~.n~~~. a~ ~~ic~ Ci~y's x~~pr~~~nt~tive to ~he Coa~t~.l Va1i~~ P~.~~~~ng; G~~.~.cil~ ~°c.p1~.~~ ~kl~ fo~~c~~ r~p~~s~n~a~ive, Co~ncilman S~i~rZing. AUTHORIZE COI~STRL"CTIO~' S~OIZAG~ AREA ~T CQM~1~:9~ITY G~t~'T~R TO CARPENTIER Ad;m~~ist~ato~ B~.~~~~. ~'~p~~'~~~ ~ka~~ ~~'~~n~~5~ ~~ilding C~~a3~~e~ has recoamnend~d. ~l~at a stora~~ raom be add~d ~o i~h.~ C~m~~.nity G~r~ter h.c~~.d tables and chairs, a~.d. t~.~.~ so~~t~,ing b~ cione for bet~~r af~ circ~.l~.~ion ~.n the Center. Infar~m~~ b~.d~ ~r~~~ soYicit~d~ ~vi~~. non~ being r~ceived to i~nprov~ air ca.x°c~3ati~n., b~.t; ~n~ bic~ ~e~~iv~:d f~oxn H. C~.rp~n~~.~r to c~nstr~.c~t a 4'x ~o room for storag~ of ~ables ~nd ch.ai~s, ixa th.~ c~p~n ~p~.ce adja~ent to t~e outside stairwa~, and ~ep1~.~~ tl~~ o~d ~r~.~~r h~ate~ ~r~.~~. a n~r~ el~ct~zc on~, for t~~ amo~.nt of $~95.00, Funds ~r~ ~.v~.~~abl~ fc~~ ~~is ad.dit~,on. Aft~~ Caa~ncll d3.sc~.~~ion~ ~n mc~tion csf Ccssancils~~ri Sehl~g~l, s~conded b3r Councilman de L~on ~nd. un~.niar~~~.sl~ c~~~~~d, th~ bid f~~? F3. Ca~p~ntier9 1149 Sunset Drive~ Arra~o G~'~.nd.~, in t~~ ~.mt~~.n~ e~t $a9~.QO ~~.s ~.ccepted and the con~ract award~d to h~.~ for tfl~~ co~s~r~.c~ion rsf ~ 4' x~' st~~age roaa~n adjac~nt to t1~e Co~n~.nity C~~x~~r :~.nd r~pla~~~a~n~ of t~.~ ~rat~r ~~~~~r ~ REQU~ST TO ABt1NDON PLTF3~IC ~~TI~I'r'1' i~.ASE~~T~' I~ ~RACT 409 (WC~~D)"RE~ER TO PLP,1V. COMM. T1~~ Co~nc~l r~vi~~c~c~ a 7L~~~~r o~ re~~a~~~ f~o~ Addis~r~ Wn~d, ~.nd r~sponding . r~port fx°~~ P~ab~.~c W~rl~.~ I3ir~et~~ Anderson r~~~,rding t~ie aba~d~r~ent of a}~nablic a~tili~~r e~.s~~~r~~nt in ~~~.ct ~0~3a Dt~~~~~r And~r~~n°5 ~°epo~t ind~.c~~~d tl~at notificatie~ns o£ ~he ab~nciars.~~rc~ ~~q~e:~k ~~ac~ ~a~~x~ s~~.~ to all ~.ta.lit~.~s, w~tl~ C~.ble TV ~nd PacifiL T~l~ph.c~n~ ~.~v~.n~ ~~~po~.c~~:d ~.s 1~~~~n~ rn.m ~bj~c~~.~n ~c~ t~a~s; P.Ga & E. and S~~n~~w~n G~.lif~rn~~. ~a~ hav~ nc~~ ib~~:n ~+~~~'d fr~n as ~~t. T&ae abandoninent was ~~co~n~nci~d ~s c~j~;Ltiori~ ~r~~~ ~n#~~.ci~~t~do City A~torn~~ Ship~e:~r ~.cY~~~,~~ci t1~~t t~.~ ~n~~:~~:r s~..~~ald fir~t ~o to tYne Pl~nning Cm~n~,ss~.a~ fa~ i~~ r~c~a~~~ra~nc~ati~ns ~.n~ C~~~ C~~arcci~ sho~nlc~ h~ld. a pubbic h~aring o~. ~h,~ gn~.tt~~. Af~~~ Co~n.ci1 d~.s~a~~sion, m~t~.~n nf Co~ncilm man de Leans s~c~snd~d. bg~ C~~.nc~.l~~n Spi~x°~in~ ~ncY unani~e~•~:~l.g~ car~fed9 Addison Wood's reque~t for the ~b~.n~~n,~n~n~ ~f. ~~i1.~.~~ ~~.s~Eac~n~ in Trac~ Noo 409, ~aas r~ferred to th~ P1~.nning Cu~:a,s~ir~i~, APPROVE CHERRY AVE PROJ~C`~ m ACCEPT 1VI~V~ BE~DS ° AD~PT CO~DEI~'Il~TA?'TO1V :R~SQT~U`~ION Pr~blic Wo~ks Dir~c~or A~d~:r~o~n ~~v~,~~a~d ~his r~po~t ~eg~.~ding t~.e C~i~rry~ Av~n~e Imp~ov~m~nt P~oj~ct, wl~ic~a incl~.~~d ~ c~~t Y~~~~kd.oc~rn for p~~p~~'~~ ~c~~isi° tion, as falla~a~ : ~~y ~53 . _ _ _ CITY COUIVCTL NIAY 1,4, 1974 ARROYO GRAIVDE, CALIFORIVIA PAGE 4 Prop~rt~r Pr~gert~ T~pr~~v~y~nent ~eed Own~r V~~a~~ V~1~.~ C~~~i A.cauired Zuk~~ Agnzs $4,?90~Q0 $1,~37f,75 $~,65~025 l~o Lova~lA Mildred 1,/~_`i9~,Q~ 80~o0C1 6~L.a0 No Wilson, Kathy 973000 6~2.OQ 3~1v00 No And~rs~~n, Ra~ & Iren~ i,7$~„3Q 3~~~38 99~b92 Yes (B) /~~a~ia01 321a(~0 14'.QO Y~s Federico, Salvatc~re & R~.tti G~~~.,00 3~3a00 11~..00 Y~s Abrat~, '~ony & E3.1en t~.74.~{~t~ 3~7.~,~10 153~OQ Yes Pil.kinton, Paul & M~ Ol~ ~.~l.,fiQ 3Uw~o50 13~,1.0 Y~s Michael, William & F~.c?~enc~~ ~'~7~00 307.?~ 139,~~ Yes I,ogan, Curt~s & J~w~l ~+4~.00 30~,25 139oZ5 Yes Haase, Carl ~ Ma.r~ 452v75 3U8p00 14~.75 Xes Finley, El~.zabet~a. 4(al~/2 30~~~5 la%~417 Yes Holm~s, B~:rnzc~ ~20462 2~3a50 ZZ',~,~2 Yes TOTA~, ~~.3,7_9Q,E~9 $~,2~3z8$ ~FiA~8~.$:~ Tntal cost estimatG for the proj~ct :is nc~~a $48,OQU~ ancl. Ro B~rk~ Constr.uc° tion Co,'s pr~viously rec~iti>ed °l.ow ~i~d w~l~. b~ adj~ast~d to $33,~~Q to allow tor cost incr~as~s sin~e th~ r~~ei.p~ of s~.id l~a,d. `~~ntative seh.~~t~1~ for th~ groject is as follo;as, ba~ed on ~cquisitian af ~he remaiizing ~:hree p~.r°cel~ w~athin one week or condemnation taith right of' imm~diate pass~ssi~ne May 14 C~~anci~_ ~.pproval tc~ prc~c~ed. ~aith p~a~zct, s~~.t~~ c~ndemna.~ian ~.f n~c~ssary~; Juna 11 Ace~uisi~ion of ~.1.1 pr,ap~rty comgl~~~ci. Jun~ 25 Approval of l~ic~ submitte~ by R, Burk~ Con.srruction Company r,~i G;~ ad. j:~s tm~nts . Ju 1y 8 Work s tartecl b August 23 Compl~e.tzc~n of aa~r.kn After Cotznci7. discvssian, ~n mok:~on of Cc~u.n~.:a.lman Spzerling, seconded by Cc~xzncilman c~e LE~an and unanzrnously c~.rx~~d, tr~e nin~ d.t~d.~ fc~~° the imp~ove;nent of Cherry Av~iiu~ g~s 1is t~ci abov~e, w~r~ ac.~eptEd and the M~.yor and City C lerk were authori_zed to sign ~r~e Cez~ificates of Accep~ance oit behalf of the C~.ty. The Co~ncil disc~ass~d condemn~.t~,c~n c~f th~ t'~~~~ unar.q~ir.~:cl px-operties, agreeing that th:is project h.as be~n ~i~ld up long ~nou~h anci shobxld paroceedb City Attorney Shzpsey r~vi~:w~d cond~mnati~n p~roc~:ed.ings and clarified th~.t if any of the ~°em~inin~ necessar~ prope~*~:i~s are r~ceived ~i.mely ~:~i~,v wi~ll be dropped from th~ cond~mn~.tiorz a~t3.~nr Th~ Counczl dirPCt~d th~ staff to nota.f;~ the owners of the thr~~ ~.n~cqv.ired proper~:zPS on W~dnesday; Ma.~, la, 193~, tha~ condemn~.tion proceedings have b~gun, A.ft~r Cc~uncil dis~ussion, City At~orney Shipsey read the title c~f a r~sol~Atinri direct~ing ~1~E fila~ng, of cond~m:na~ic~n act~ion for street p~xrpos~s of portioxxs of Lots 19 ar~d 2$ af W~aa~.'s Adda~tLC~n to ~he Town of Arroyo Grand~; the~~af~er, a:nQtic~n was rnad~ by Co~xnci~~~g~.rz ~pi~rling, s~conded by Councilman S~hlegc~l ~.ncY un~nimo~,isly c~.r~i.~da to ~i~~~~ns~ wi~~? r.~adirig the balance of this r~~ol~fi~ona RESQI.UTI0~1 NO a 1Q95 ' A RES 0l~Li TI~N QF TI-~ C ITY COUIVC I.T< OF 'l I~E C T'~"Y OF ARRO~'Cl GRANDE, STATE OF CAi,TFORNIA, DTRECTING 'I`f~E ~TI~ING OF CCINDEMNATION A.CTTn~I FQR STREET PiJR.POSES. Cln ~notic~n of GQUncilx~~n de L~on., s~cond~d by C~Rxnci~Yn~n Spierlin~ and on t1~e follo~ring r~il call vc~t~~ tc) w:°tt. AYES : Cov.ncilmen Spi~rizng, dc~ I,eon, Se1~l~g~1 and Ma.yor Pro Te~ Mi_llis N~ES : I~'ane ABSEIVT: M~.yc~x° Ta11ey the for~going resolutic~n ~,ras p~ss~d ~.nd ~.dop~~d f~his 14~~a da; of May, 1.9~~,, APPROVE ELM STREE'I' INR'ROVEMENT PR~,J~CT AND SCFiEDi1:~E P~Ablic Works 1~.ir~c~tc~r Anel~:~°son r~vi~~;e~l hi~ rwpox~~ and r~coxxunendations re~arding t~he Elm Str~~~~ 7=mp~o~~ment ~'r.oject9 c,rit~: ~;~i~i~~.t~ci cv~ts and tentative sch~dule as f0~.1_pWS : . _ 355 CITY COUNCIT~ MAY 14, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, C~LIF0I~NTA pA~~ S ESTINI~TED C(7~ISTRUCTIO~ COST ° ET,.~1 STREET IMPItQVEMEI~TT PIt~JEGT 1, Propert~ Acquisition ~ 25b000 . L3riv~~r~y cnnforinance 1,000 Ba~~ and p~ving 39~900 Ro~.dc~ay exc~,v~t~on ~ ~ lOp 5. Dr~ ~.n 1. ~.n~ g~ 7, pOp $162,000 T$NT~.'~TVE SCIi~DLTLE o l. Property Acc~u~.siti~n: (a) L~~te~s to prope~~y o~aners N1~y 17~ 1974 (b) Intervie~rs and ac~uisition - to Jaxne 10, 1934 (c) Approu~.l for c~nd~*nnation of all property not ~cqu.irc:d Y~~ ~,~goti~.tion J~.n~ 1.1., 1974 (d) Cc~~nple~ion of proper~y acquisition Ju1y 9; 1974 2. Construction Phase: (a) Acceptance of plans & appro~al to adverCise Jun~ llp 19~~ (b) Advertis~ June 12 and I4, 1974 (c) Open Bids July 3, 19~4 (d) Award C~ntr~.~t J~1y lY, 1974 (e) S tar°t Wor'lt Jttly 29 a 1974 (f) Compl~t~ Work Septeml~~r 13, T974 After Couneil d~sc~.ssi~n~ on motion ~f Councilanan Spx~rling, seconded by Cotzncilman de L~on ~.nd unani.mouslg~ carried, the E1m Str~~t Storm Drain Project and Tentative Sch~dule, a~ set forth above, w~re approv~d. _APPROVE HALCYO~T IMPROV .MENT PRJ3~CT AND TENTATIVE SCHEDUL~ Public Works Dir~c~or Anderson review~d his report ~.nd ~ecammendations regarding th~ ~ialcynn Ro~.d Impr~vemen~C Project, with estimated ~asts and tenta- tive schedule as follu~a~: ESTIMt~.TED COSTS• LCYON ROAD IMPROV~MENT between Fair Oaks & The Pike) l, P~roperty Acq~ais ition Cos t $ 4, 700 2. Ctxrb & Gutter - 1065 lin. ft, @$3. 3,195 3, Sidew~.lk at sehac~l 4,000 4. Property Comrnitgnents : School. w~11 500 Sc1~c~o1 f~nce 3,000 Transfox°mer 10,OQ0 Construction: Clearing & graabbing 2,000 Rc~~d~aag~ Exeavation (150(~ yds @$3 n) 500 Class 2 B~se(1300 ton @ $4.) ~,200 3" AC Paving(I000 ton @$12,) 12 Q00 $49,U95,: 15% Engineex~ing and Cnntingencfes 7a50Q $56,595 TENTATIVE_SCHEDULE: 1, Proper~~ Acquisition: (a) Letters to prope~~~ o~,*n~rs M~.~ 17 ~ 1974 (b) ~ntervie~s & acqui5iti~n - to J~xn~ 10, 1.974 (c) App~°ov~.l for cand~mn.ation of v.nacquired prop. J~n~ 11, 197~+ (d) Completion of prop~rty ~cquisition J~a~y 9, 19~4 2. C ons t~~ac `ion Phas e: (a) Acceptance of pl~.ra~ & approval to advertise Jun~ y.1~ 197~+ (b) Adv~rtis~ Jttne 12 and 1~'+, 1.974 (c) Open bids Julv 1974 (d) A~aard cpn~ract July~ 13, 197~+ (e) St~.~t r~or~ Jv.~.~ 29, 1974 (f) Comple~te work ~ept~naber 13, 1.974 After C~~.ncil discussion, on motic~n of Councilman Sc~llegel, seconded by CounciTman Spic~~ling ~.n.d unanimo~.sly carried, th.e fialcyun R~~.r1 Iripr~ve~nent Project and Ten~a.~iv~ Schedaxley ~s sct forth above, ~r~r~: approvedo 3~~~ CITY COUNCII~ MAY 1~, ~934 ARR.OYO GRAND~, CAT~IFOI~TIL~ PAGE 6 ACCEPT DEED ~OR TnTATER ~LI~TE EASENiLNT ON BRIGHT0~1 ~~.OM ~AD~I3 Tn cc~nj~.nction c~rith s~v~~~.l w~.~~~° ~~i,n p~oj~c~~ app~ov~cl by~ th.~ Cc~uancil on M~,rc~ 269 19~4s ~:~~~~~nt ~r~~ n~ces~~.r~ c~n Bright~~e A~ex~~,~ ~~nx~a Z~da~ Pl~ce to Fair Viera Driv~ to Ioop a watf~r Yna.a.n ~hro~.gka t~i~~ a~~~< Arc e~~ein~nt deed for this h~s been ~~c~ived. ~.ft~r Cc~s~n~cil. d.is~axss~on, ~n m~t~.~n ~f C~un~ilman S~ai~rl~ng, secanded by Co~ncilsn~:n Sc'hl~g~l an~. ~.n~~n~.~~.s1g7 c~.~ried, kl~~; G~ant; of Eas~En~nt fram Siegfr~ed C. ~nd Mvr~i.~ ~o B~.ci~n, fo~:a 3~° w~.t~r l,ix~.~ e~.s~ac~.~n~ on Br:~gl~~on Avenue, w~s acc~pt~d and th~ Ma~~c~~ a~.d C~.t~ C~,~~°l~ ~aa~r~ a~.~~.~riz~d. tc~ sign ~he Certificate of Acc~p~an~.~ c~~ b~~.a~f of ~h~ Cigyo t~PPROVE PROGRESS PAYM~~T°~ ~ BRANCI~ S~". WATF~ ~7~E m~.~~~IPItY PIPEI~IIVE CQNSTe C0. A repo~t ~roin Dir~ctcar ot ~ttblic W~rks An~.~x°son U~~s ~evi~~aed., which. reco~nen~.ed apprc~va.l of Progr~~~s Pa~cn~ N~, 2~o M~~rbe~r~ Pipel~.n~ Con$trt~ction Co, on the Bx~~.nch Stre~~ Wat~r ~in~ ~rc~grovegr~ent Project~ in ~Yt~ sa~rn of $209°+~$.35, which amc~axnt x°~pr~~~n~s ~h~ balan~~ th.~ cvntr~.ctc,r aft~r ~h~ Ci~y°s s~:andard 10% retentian d.ecl~xc~ia~xo Aft~r Council d.iscussionA on m~~kion of Co~~ncilm~.r~ d~ ~ec~n~ s~cond~d. by Co~.ncilman Spi~rling ~nd ~ananimoaasl~ c~rried, Progr~s~ F~.yment N~o 2, ~o Ma.~b~rry Pip~lin~ C~ns~.r~.ctian C~., in ~1~e a~o~.cn~ nf $2Q;~S8.3~9 w~.s ~.ix~h~ri,~ed for ~he Bran~h. St~~e~ Wat~r Lin.~ a~n.~~~~ll~~i.on. REP~ORT ~ CClUI~'.~Y [n1ATE2Z RESQURCES A.I9VISt~RY COMMITTEE MEETII~G QF' 5/1/74 DE LEON C~u.nci.lm~n de L~on report~d on ~h.~ M~.y 1p ~.974 me~~ing of th.e Cc~unty Water Reso~.rces ~1dvi~c~ry C~it~~~;, at ~,~h.ic"h ti~e v~xious tiaa~~~ p~oj~cts on the G~ntral Coast had been discus~ed. T?icy ~a~re also adva.~~d that ~he County Boarc~ of Superviso~;~ has ~.pprQV~d da~fex~Ent r~~ tt~~ Coas~al Aqueduct P~oject for ~wo years. AUTHORIZE CATHODIC PRUTECTION OF RESERVOIR NO 2- RETAII~d CONSULTAI~IT fn1EIR The Coaxncil x~EVa.~~aed s~v~r~l repo~ts caith Ci~y s~~.ff r~:garding carrosion px°obl~ans in Rese.rvofr 1Vn. 2m Insp~ction of t;~x~ x°es~rvoir by corrosion engin~er, Casper W~ir, result~d in his reco~rnn~nda~inn ~:hat the r~serva:~~ be wired to protect it from the corrosian, whi.ch should take cax°e of the probl.e*_n p~rman~ntly. Public Works Direc~or An.d~rsan r~coar~c?erided that Mr, W~~.r b~ retain~:cl by the City for preparation of pl~.ns and specifi~ations for thi.s praject, which wi11 also include an~.lj~s~.s af ~he ~at~re Aft~r Council disc;txs~ion, ~n motic~n o~ Councz.lsnan Spierling, secondpd by Councilm~.n de ~~an anel un~ni~nou.sl~ ca.rried; autho~ization wa.s g~.ven to retain Corrosion Engineer° C~.sp~x~ Weir f~r th~ proj~ct of cathcadic protection of Res~rvoir No. 2, ~~~1~ costs af ~h~ px~c~jc:c~ not to ~x~~ed $5,~00, SET PUB. HEAR. - SPREAD OF ASSESSMEN~S ° N. E~M ST. SIDEWALKS ° 5/11/74, $ P.M. The Council wa,s advzs~d tha~ 1:h~ sidewallc construction on North E1m Street has been co~npl~l:ed unc~~r the prov~.sians of the ~hort 1911 Act and the PtA.blic Works Department l~ias rer~~.~~~~d ~hat publ~,~ h~aring be seG for tt~~ spreadin~ of assessan~nts. Af~~r C~a~ncil disc~.s~i~n, c~n mca~~~sn o~ Co~n.cilman Se~legel, secor~ded by Co~ancilgra~,n c~~ L~:on and unaniano~sly c~.rried, ttae public h.earing on the spreading of assessments for tl~e insk~.lla~:i~n csf side~ralks on Nu~th Elm. Street, was set for ~7~.ne 11, 19~'4 ~.t 8:00 PoM. RESOL ADOPT - APPROV~ PROJ DETER:MII~TION FOR FEDa ATD L1RBAIV FUNDING A r~port by City Engine~r G~.x°cia ~.~.d propos~d ~csc~lution, regarding Fede~al:.Aid Urb~.n Fundix~.g and an~thc~d c~f project d~t~rcnin~.~ion, w~r~ ~e~vi~~aed by th~ Co~ncila T~.~s is th~°~~-~r~ar fia.nding px°og~a~.zri wh~reb~ ~he C~t~r will be reimbu~s~d for any ~nanies exp~nd.~d for Frojeet~ und~r this progr~.a~. [~fter Council discussion9 City Attorn~;~ Sha.psey re~d ~~Ye title of a r~solut~.an approving determination of proj~ct priox°ities for F~d~ral Aid Urban Fundinga t1~er~after, a motion was mad~ by Councilinan Sch3.~g~7L, s~co~d~d by Counci3nian c1~ Lean and unan~- mottsly c~.rx°i~d, to disp~nse ~aith. ~°e~.ding t~.~ balanc~ of th~.s ~~sol~~iuno RESOLT3TION N~ Y lO9f A RESOLUTION QF THE CI~Y COUNCIL 0~ THE CITY aF ARROYO GRANDE APPROT7ING A COOP~Rt~TIVE PROCESS FOR DETERMINING PROJECT PR.IURITIES FnR k'EDERA~ AID URBAN FUNDTNG, , 35i CITY COUNCTL MAY 14~ 1974 ARROYO GRAIVDE , CALIFO1L~iIA pA~~ ~ ~n mot~.on of CQax~.cil~n~.n d~ I,~or~, s~cot~cfl~d by~ C~~xncilman Sp~.~rlin~ ~nd on the follo~ring r:~l.l c~.l~ ~ro~~9 f:o ra~~t: AYES: CotnnciI,men Sp~.~rling, d~ Zeon, Schl~gel and Ma.~or Pro Tem Millis NOES: N~n~ ~,BSEi~T': M~yor T~].le~ ghe foregoing ~~solution ~a~.s p~.s~~d and' adopted thts l~~tta d.ay of M~.y9 1974e PROGRESS REPORT - PARK d:~.~ ACQUISITI~IV ° LAN~GFORD PR~PERTY Administrator Butc~ g~:~r~ a progre~~ report on n~ga~iatfe~ns for th.e 7'~+ acre property aff of H~nasna Road, s~ating t~.at t~e Langfbrds have agraed to pay for the survey and on~-h~lf of th~ bonc~ ~.ssessm~nt, bt~t w~.nt tc~ "cas~. out" ~n the la~nd, Th~re is ~.n outst~.ncling n~a~e -of abaut $22,OOA on th.e prope~ty. C~.ty Attorne~ S~.ips~y ~.d~is~cY ~~~.t ~.n~ p~x°~:h.~.se o~l~er ~han ~ ca.sh p~ym~n~ would have to be a leas~:~purc'~Z~.s~ typ~ o~ ~.g~e~m~nt. C~shing out would also t~.k~ ~.11 ~.vail- able funds the City h~s far p~rkland p~arch.as~ and tl~~ts Ias~ flexibility to b~.y othex° pxope~ty. Afte.r C~aazncil disc~.ss~.on, i~t ~r~ts ~.gr~ed th.at ftsrther negotiations should proc~~d in this matt~r, CLARIFICATION 0~` "CONDEMN~ITION" PROCEEDTNGS - RfJDRTGUEZ City Attorney Shipseg~ ~xpla2ned, the c~urt procedure of cond~mnation proceedings on property, in r~sponse to t~ie cl.arifica~i~n req~xest bg~ visiting adult st~xdent, ~To~ Rc~dr~gu~~~ 2340 0~~~.n S~r~~t, Qc~ano. REQUEST EOR MICROPHOIVE USE BY STAFF ° RICHARDS RaTph Richards, 151. Ald~~, r~quested that tla~ C~.ty Attorney and_Public Works D~rector b~ f~rnish.ed with r3icrnph.~nes during ea~h of their ~~planations dv.ring m~~~ings, as it is di~ficult he~.r tl~iem. IlWITA~T~N TO BICENTENNIAL C(JMMITTEE MEETING - MAY 3Q 1~74 - BLANKENBURG R:~chard Blankenburg. in~aited. the Co~tncil and public, on beh~.lf of the Ch.amb~r ~f Camin~r~~ and Bicent~nnial Co~sanittee, ta a m~~ting of said Crnmnittee at 7:30 P.M, on May 30, 1974 at the C rnmnunity Center. REMINDER REa POPPY DL~YS ° MAY 17Z` THROUGH MAY 18TH 1974 Mayc~r Pro Tem Mi11is xeminde~. everyone abc~ut "Poppy Days" decl~.red i.n th~ .City on Ma.y ~7th,_and, 18th, 1974, in honc~r of veterana. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSI.ON On motion of Go~anei.lman Sc`hTeg~l, s~corideci by Cauncilman d~ Leon and unanimousl~ carried, the me~~ing adjot~:rned ae 9:50 P.M. to an exe:cu.tive session to disc~.~s personn~l ma~;t~rs. RECONVENMENT The C~uncil reconv~nEd at 10:29 P,Mo wit~. a1T members being pr~sexit ~.s ~.hown or~ ro11 c.all, ADJOURnTMENT On ?niotion o~' Cowxncilaa~.n'de Leoxi, s~conded by' Councilman Spierling and unanimously carri~d9 the m~et~.ng adjourned at,1Q:,30 P.M. _ ~ , : ATTEST ~ a. : ~ ~ . . ~ _ ~ , . . E C TTY C,~ER~ „ ; : X , . _ M~~'OR ,