Minutes 1974-06-25 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ CITY CO1JN~~Y~ ~ 7A~~ ~ ~ ~9~~ ARRQ~YO ~ItAI~~ ~ CA~~~'~R~~~ G~,t~ C~a~nc~~ Lm~~~; ~v~ ~~~~~~t~ NI~~y~~° pr~~~,c~i~~~o dJ~a~~ r~11 c~.~.~ ~ Cc~~zn~~Y M~s~b~~~ 5~~~~~~n~~ c~.~ ~~n~ S~k~1~~~Y a~ad1 ~~1~~1i~ ~~~g~~r~~~. p~~~~~i~o PI,~I)~E Ok° A~L,~~GT~.~C~ AI~I~ ~iVi7~~~~I~~,. M~.~~~ "~a~~~~ 1~.~~ ~~i~ P1~~~~ ~~f~ ~Y~~g~~nc~ to ~~~r ~~~g~ ~,rud. ~mr~n~~,~ati~l~n tka~r~~~t~rw ~r~~~:~~?~c~ Rit~~~,~ of t~~ G~.tr~.~efl~ ~f c~~d. i~ G~~~~r C~~~ ~ c~~l~~~~yr~~ ~~i~ ~.n~oea~ac~r~. APPROVA~ M~~V~i;'r~S O~a ~n~~~.~~ C~~~~~~~L~~r~ T~~~n, s~~~x~r~~d b~ ~n~r~c~,~~~a~ ~p~,~~~,~s~.~ ~.~c~ ~.r~ar~i~n~~s ~~~~~~c~ ~ tY~~ ~~,~au~~~;~ t~ae r~g~.7L~,~ ~.d j ~~~~~e~ ~~~~ing~ ~f ~T~re~ ~nd ~~an~ ]t97~ ~~.r ~~~~~~r~~ of J~x~~ ~ 1~~ 1~~~~9 ~ ~~p~~~~c~ ~~~p~~~~. ~ ~P~~~VAL ~3~ fn1A.~''TS On ~~a~~a~r~ ~f C~~~nc~~7~r.~.~ Sc~1~ge~., s~c~nd~c~ 1~~ C~~rac~.~x~~~a ~,~~n ~naraa_~-ac~~~~~.~ c~rr~~d9 ~~~~r~~A W~~~~n~s ~I~o 33( ~h~o~~1~ ~50. 3~~ ~n~. I~~o 16~~ G~~~~~~;~ ~3~. ~6$~,~ 3n t?~~ ~~t~,l ~~~~n~ ~$~~i~99~~.~~, T~st ~ Agc~~~~ W~.r~~nt~ N~a 22C~ t~roa~g~, I~r~. ~27~' 9 t~~. ~~t~l ~.~a~~xnt af $150. ~0y ~nd ~~~~~~1.~ ~nT~~r~n~s ~V~o ~~~o~gk~ :~~o ~1~~, Y.~a tk~~ ~ot~,p a~;.~~;.~a~ c~f $~59220.~9~ ~~°c~~~~~ pa~d. 1~TOTICL R~. ~A,~SI1V~ AWAY ?~~7E~~ ~TRO~I3~R II~ M.ISSO~IRZ M~~~~° infc~~c~d C~bn~cil t~~.t S~~o~l~~~°~ ~~~~3~~~a~ 1.~ngm ti~r~ G~~~r ~~,~x~~.~~~ C~c~~~~~r~c~~~ ~i~~. pass~d ~e~~,~ ~.n M~~~~~~io S~n~~. 1~~~.~. ~.~~s~~~p~r x~~z~r~~~~~ D~~~,~ ~~~c~~~ acdv~s~cF ~fl~~.~ ~a ~a~~a~r~~.I ~~r~~~~ ~i~~~ b~ ~a~ld. f~r ~~a ~Pa~c~~.;~9 ~~.r~ 3~~ 19~~ ~.t 2:~~ ~.Mo Gr~~.d~ M~~l~~c~~~~ C~~~~~.o REC~IPT ~~'~~~'~~~T ~R~M ?~~~ln1P~It'~ AV~NIJE RE~IDE~~~ r~~~~r~.~~~~~~e~~ 1~~~~~~ ~ p~titi~ra s~gr^Y~d b~ ~~~~~n c~~p].~~ I~~~,a~p~rt Av~;~~~9 ~~q~.~~~~~~ ~~.r~~~~~~~~~ b~ cs~~rp~.e~~d ~af tk~i~ c~nt~r ~t~ip o~ l~~~p~~°t Av~n~.~ br~~~~~~ ~C~~.r~~i~~~ ~.r~d M~srt~~,e~ St~~~~~ o- M~n~~ fl~a~ L~~~x~ b~.d,~~~~~. f~~ ~~.i.s F~ac~r~~., ~~a~, ~~~1~~ Work~ An~~r~~~. s~aG~d rk~~.~ wc~r~. a~n t?~~ ~t~ip ~.~s b~~~n ww~~`~o ~~a ans~,~~r to R~~~q~rei I~u~f~na~ a.nc~~rry~, 1~9~ I~~~part9 i~ w~.s ~~gYa~~~d ~ha~ ~h~bs an~ 1~~ ~~.i~~~n~~c~ ~~p~ af l~ndsca~ing is ~~~n~.~d. E1~~.~ ~Sat~s, T.4~1 ~;~~~p~s~~~ ~c~~re~~~e~. c~~ ~~a~ ~r~fr~~ ?~~2~rd at tka~ ~~.st~r~g~ ex~d of N~:~p~rt, a~d p~~~.5 far ~~~~~r~,~~~c~rt d~ ~~n~s ~;xpl~.~~.~d ~cs hir~. Cl~~d~ Me~~, 1~3~ ~de~lpart, ~~a~~d 1~~~~~ (~f~~,~~ ~s.19~ ~.~b~~r p~~.c~~nen~ of all ~~.ilb~x~~ 4~~e ~.~r~1~Ra~~t s~d~ c~f s~r~~~~ ~a~.~c~n ~h~~~d ~~~~st tk~~ Cit~ in th.e l~ndsc~p~.n~n ~~nr~~~~ d~s~~~~~or ~;rr~~ F~~~.d r~~~rd~,ng; s~~~~c~x~~ t~k~n 1~~ ~.rivers ~~~r ~T~~ ~~~ip at kl~~ ~a~~erl~ ~~c~ ~~~pc~~~~ s~~~~~ pr~b~~a~ s~oun9~c1 b~ solv~d througl~ t~.~ Z~~x~id~c~,pinge C~~S~11~TDA.`~Z~~~ ~,~TTER T'C2 ~TAfiER D~PT l~e SAFL~TY PER.~ORMANG~ - A.W,W,Ao ~ ~~~~~~r r~~d fr~~ ~~n~ ~Am~r~,c~n W~.~~~ ~Wa~k.~ ~~s~c~ati~n~ c~e~ding ~ ~h~ .~~ra~j~e~ G~~nc~~ G~a~~~ I~~p~~~z~~r~.~ for ~~s ~x~~ll~~a~ perfox~¢n~.n~~ i~. saf~t~ d~uring 19~30 R~QL~~~~ ~(?R ~,~~35 C~1R~L~IT, ~1~1~IR0~T SUIT D~~AYS m A~IB~Rl`~ - I~E~°ER `TQJ LeCe~ ~°h~s~~y~.~~~^~t f~~ k~~,~ Ci~; ~f A~a?a~rn ~~.s r~:vi~~e~d ~~nz°~ing t1~~ I~a~~~ c~f G~l~~~~zza~~ ~i~~~~ r~~~,~~~ ~,z~~ s~~pp~~t l~g~s~~tion cu~tai~~i~,~ d~l~g~s ~~~a~,~:~~~.~n~<~.1 p~~~~,c~;~~~~,~ n~c~~~a~y ~aablic ~r~~k~ pr~~r~n~. A~t~r C~uxn~~l ~~,s~~~~~~~xa s~r~ ~~tf~a~. m~ C~~.rzcil~nan d~ I,~o~, s~c~r~cl~d bg~ C~~~c~lm~n S~T~l~g~l ~.r~c~ ~.ra~,~i~~~,s~.~ c~~~~~el~ w~s ~.~~~~d ~~,~t t~~, ~°~~~~,~~~,c~n £x~om Cit~ A~u~~r.~ ~.rg~,ng 1~~~~~.~~~a~n ~~a~ta~li~g c~.~l~~~ :~~i tl~~ s~titl~~~~at o~ e~rt~,in ~r~v~r~~,~~n~~~ ~~ai~~, ~m~~~d.~i~c~~. ~t t~~; Ausg~.s~ ~n~~tir~~ ~f t~~ Ch~i~n~~~ C~a~.r~~~~~ D~v~~~a~~ ~L'~~~ af Ca~if~rni~. Ci~i~~, in S~n I~~.i~ ~~~~po. ~~~"~R ~iF 'T'f~.~I~S FRqM ~ G VI~;I~GE M~RCHA;~S AS~~DC R.~ SF~~~~ SZ'o :~.ARKI~G_7~T lc~~~~,~ ~~~~n A~~~~~ ~r~.~c~~ V~i~.~.g,~ M~:r~~,~::i~:s A~~~c~~.~~ov~ rt~~.~, ~'r~~;n~%~ag ~r~~~ Ce~;~~r~~~l ~~c3. Ca.~;~ s~~ff for it~ p~.r~;~~i~~:tion ir~ t~~ drbel~c~~~.~n ~f r~~~~a p~~°~~n~ ~sc~~.~~0 ~~d~ B~~n~~ ~S~~r~,~~ ~~j~~~n~ S~a~~°~ ~~~°~~ka ~ It~CEIP~ 0~° PE`TIT~T~1~ ~R~M ~ C~ M~~CI~.1~~~5 ~0~ ~°~.~UR P~IRKII~G ~Ii~fT~~ ° I~.~~`~R T~ P& T ~c~.~zn~s~r~.~~~ ~~a~~~~ ~dv~s~d t~?~.~ p~~~.~~,ar~ ~i~;c~. b~~~ p~~~~n~~~~. ~~~~.~n ~:~a~~ e~r~n~~~~ ~ig~~~c~~ ~y ~2~ ~e~~ch~,a~.t~ in Vi11~.~~ ~~.r~~.~ ~ rr~~~~~~~r~~ t~i~ p~~~~~,~~ ~nd. ~ ~nf~rc~~~n~ ~f ~.:n ax~d~.~~,~ac~ ~f~~ ~i~°1s~~~,r ga~kin~ li~.~,~~~ B~~r~~~ S~~~~~ ~ pa~k~.~a,~ ~ots ~.~.c£ g;~~:~r! ~~~b~cl. ~~.~~.c~~ e ~1~~ m.~.t~c~r w~;s ~°~f~rr~d t~r t~i~ Pa.r~.ing and Tr~.ffic C~~~.~~~.e~~ ~o~ it~ r~c~~~xxd~ti~nss o~~~~~?:~ ~~°c~ ~.1~~ t~ b~ d~.s~~a~s~ci r,a~.th Pc~lic~ I9~p~.~~i~n~ fa~~ ~nt~rc~z~~n~, CITY COUNCIL JUNE 25, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 'PAGE 2 APPROVE BLOCK PARTY REQUEST - GARDEN STREET - JULY 40 1974 A request from Mrs. ~'aith Wescom was reviewed, for a"B1ock Party" on a portion of Garden Street, between Ide and Myrtle, on July 4, 1974. The Police and Fire D~partments voiced no objections to the party. Th.e parti.cipants would be responsible for renting and erecting bax°ricades. Mrs. Wescom was present and was requested to praduce a document with sa.gnatu.res of ~.ll residents within the blocked off portian of the street, giving their permission for the blockage. The Councfl agreed that for future p~xrposes, the staff should look into the establish- ment of an ordinance and criteria for block parties. - After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, permission was granted for a block party to be held by residents on Garden Street, between Ide and Myrtle Streets, on July 4, 1974 between 3:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M., subject to the receipt of a document reflecting the residents~ permission for this event. PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION ADOPT. - ABANDONMENT OF F.U.E. IN TRACT 409 Public Works Director Anderson reviewed a previously received request from Addison Wood, that a public utility easement in Lot 10 of Tract 409 be abandoned, which matter had been approved by the Planning Comrmission. Upon being assured by City Clerk del Campo that all requirements as provided by law, regarding notifica- tion of hearing, had been complied with, Mayor Talley declared the hearing open and all persons would now be heard for or against the abandonment of this utility easement. There being no discussion for or against this matter, Mayor Talley declared the hearing closed, After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution abaYC.doning a portion of a public utility easement; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 1102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROXO GRANDE ORDERING THE ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT (G. C. SECTTON 50430 ET $EQ.) On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilma.n Spierling and on the follawing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, de Leon, Schlegel, Millis and Ma.yor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 25th day of June, 1974. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1974 The Treasurer°s Report for the month of May, 1974, was received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed, RESOL. A~OPT. - ADOPT CITY BUDGET FOR 1974-75 FISCAL YEAR Administrator Butch reviewed with the Council a surnmary of the proposed $1,965,340nMunic~gaT Budg~t for the fi5cal year 1974-75e After Council discussion, City At~orney Shipsey read the title of a resolution adopting the 1974-75 Municipal Budget for the City;:thereafter, a motion was made by Councilrnan Mi11is, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, to dispense with reac~ing the balance of this Y.esolution. RESOLUTION N0. 1103 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARR.OYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE ARROYO GRANDE CITY BUDGET FOR THE 1974-75 FISCAL YEAR. On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Spierling and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Schlegel, Millis, Spierling, de Leon and Ma.yor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 25th day of June, 1974. 3~3 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 25, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 RESOL. ADOPTa m SAI.~RY CT.,[~SSIFICATIONS FOR CITY ~MPIAY~ES - 1974-75 Administratox° Butch reviewed a proposed Salary Resolu.tion for the 1974-75 fiscal y~arA which cavers ten g~r cent (10%~ cost of living ~ncr~ase for all pex°manen~, fu1Z-tu^ne City e~azzploy~es. He furtl~er repc~r~ed that all salary negotia- tic~n.s have b~en finalized. Aft~r Council di~cussion, Administrator Butch read the title of a resolu~~.on e~t~.blisl~in~ campensa~ion for City employees; thexeafter, a motion was ma.de by Cc~~ncil~n~.n Setx1~~~1, seeonded by Councllman Spi,e~l~,ng and unanimously carr~ed, to dispen~e wit~ reading t:he balanc~ of this r~solution. RESQLiTTION N0. 11Q4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARR.OYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING MININNM AND MAXIMUM COMPENSATION BY ADOPTING A S~LARY SCHEDULE AND POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS, ASSIGNTNG CITY EMPLOYEES TO CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY STEYS WITHIN THE RESP~CTIVE RANGES OF THE SALARY SCHEDULE, DESCRIBING METHODS OF ADVANCEMENT AND REPEALTNG PREVIQUS SALARY RESOLUTI4NS, On motion c,f C~~tncilman Millis, s~conded by Councilman de Leon and on the followzn~ ~oll ca11 votP, ~o ~,r~t: AYES: C~~zncilmen Spi~rling, de Zeon, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor Talley NDES: Non~ ABSENT: N~n~ the for~going Reso~.ug~.on ~r~.s gass~d and adopted this 25th day of June, 1974. RESOL ADOPT ° AUT~iDRIZE At~REEMENT WTTH STATE RE. WIN-COD PROGRAMS Adm~nist~°~.tor Bu.tch. r~vie~ca~d th~.t as part of the 1974-75 budget, a contract was requested fr~r a WIN(Wdrk Incentive)-COD.(Career Opportunity Developmentj plac~xsrent in the Palice D~p~rtment from the State Employment Development Depart- ment. Und~r this progYam, the Stat~ will pay the salary and fringe benefits for this positfon for one ye~.r. Af~ter Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of resolutian authcarizing an agreement with the State; thereafter, a motion wa$ made by Cauneilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Ma.llis and unani- mously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 1105 A RESOLiTTION OF THE CITY GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AItR0Y0 GRANDE AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT BE~IEEN THE EMPIAYMENT DEVELC)PMENT DEPARTMENT FJR WIN-COD PROGRAMS. On ~notion af Councilman de Leon, secanded by Councilma.n Schlegel and on the follo~afng roll ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Cauncilmen Spierling, de Lee~n, Schiegel, Mi11is and Mayor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the fox~going Resolution daas passed and adopted this 25th day of June, 1974, and the Chie~ of Police was authox~i~ed to sign said contract on behalf of the City. REPORT REo REV~NTJE SHARING EXPENDITURES ° 1974-75 FISCAL YEAR A report was reviewed outlining tk~e priorities the Gity Council established at its June 17th study session, for Revenue Sharing ~xpenditures for the 1974-75 fiscal y~ar. Said priorities are set fo~°th in the minutes of said study sesione REVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE BULT~ETINS FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNTA CITI~S The latest Legislat%ve Bulleti,ns from t1~e League of California Cities were briefly reviewed. T4xe Cou.ncil n~~~:d that ~he California Supreme Caurt sustained the Canflict of Intere~t and Di,sclosure Act, a.nd affected officials who have not done so previously, will have to f~le requir~d reports during the month of September, 1974Q DISC RE ADDTT'L PARKLA.ND ACQUISITIfJN & ACCESS ~0 SAME - SET ST[TDY 3ESS: 7/1/74 Administrator Butch reviewed tha.t the Parks & Recreation Cox~anission has again recommended the purchase of th~ Prince-Grieb property (approx. 1S acres) for park purposes, which is located adjacent to the creek and north ot the Va11ey Gardens Tract. Another par~el of three acres belo~ the above described property and adjacent to a 2(N- acre propased annexatian wou.ld also be for sale to the City at the same price of $6,OQ0 per ac~e and provide access to the proposed park. CITY COUNCIL JUNE'2~, 1974 ARROYO GRt~NDE, CALI~ORNIA PAGE 4 The C~uncil discuss~d the m~.t~~r at gr~~.t l~ngt~a, be~.~g particul~~l~ concerned tia~.gh access ta the pax°k.. .After CounciT disc~ss~d, it was agreed tkaat a sttxd~r session on the matter be': set for Ma~nda~, Ju1y l, 197~+ at 7:30 P,M, PROGRESS REPORT - NEGOTIATIONS F~R PARKLAND P~JRCHASE,ON HUASNA RD. m IANG~ORD The C~uncil revieCaed a letter frum Je Douglas La.ngford~ o~ntlining terzns acceptabl~ to h~an for ~he Cit~r's pa~rchase of his proper~y on H~.sna Road for parkland purpose~, Tkie letGer requested an inter~st rate of 8%, whicti the Council rt~quested be ne~otiated closan to 7%. All other t~nns w~re agr~;eable to the Council. ACCEPT PARCEL -0F PROPERTY FROM GOLDEN WEST DEVEIAP. FOR WAYSIDE PARK--VALLEY RD,, The Council reviewed a recoa~?endation from th.e P~.rks & RecreatiDn Commission, to accept Lot 23 of Tract 501 on Va11eg~ Road, being donated b.y Mr. C.:L-. M~.rtin of Golden We~t Developers, to be used as a wa~side park, A proposed landsca.ping plan was rev~,ew~d, which wauld cost approximately $1500. After Council discussion, on mation ~f Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, the d~ed from C. L. Ma.rtin of Golden West Developers, for lot 23 of Tract 501, was accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign the Certificat~ of A~ceptance on behalf of the City. RECEIPT OF COASTAL VALLEY PLANNING GOUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 3RD MEETING The minutes of the June 3, 1974 meeting of the Coastal Va11ey Planning Co~.ncil were received by th.e Council, revi~wed and ordered filed. It was noted that the ne~a adaninistrative s~cretary of th.e Council, replacing Robert G~.llop effective July l, 19749 is Ralph N~tnley, RECEIVE BIDS & AWARD CONTRACT FOR CITY°S LIABTLITY INS. - KEEN & E.C. LOOMIS Administrator Butch reported that six bids had been received and apened on June 249 1974 ~.t 2 PeM, for the City's combined comprehensive liability and fire insurance coveragea as follows: ~1~ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 25, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 ~ ~ ~ Z Z ~ ~ ~ M ~ ;s ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ai ~ cn ~ N ~ ~ a ° v, r-' °zs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U, o N~ r ~ a a . o z ~ v ~ ~ u F° ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,a, ~ sr ~ ~ p o ~ ~ ~ ~ s~ ~ N o ~ ~ a~ d ~ ~ rn n U' ~ t7 ~ a m rh u. a. ~ b? `D ~ ~ `D " °a I ~ '-d m ~c d ' ~ w ~ ~ ¢ o n ~ ~cn ~ ~ (D ~jy' 0 d '1 ~ o d .cn ~ ~ ~ ~ vr a' A ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ v~ uNi o ~p ~ . C' ~ r• r+ O (D ~ ~ (D N 'y. N r• r- ~ O ~ ~ O ~ N ¢ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ C~ ~ O~ ~ w cn ,r. o p O tn tTi N R. Ui 'TJ ~ A~i O ~ o \ ~ ~ ~ t,y (D (D p ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ .f., W O ~ ~ ~i C!] N O r~n ¢ w O`~ ~ w\ ~ O 0¢. y ~ c~i~ f~D ~ ~ ~ ~y o ~ N O ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ o m ~ w: o ~ o :~'o~°o ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~-~C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o° cu ~ ~ sz ~ ~ ~ w- ~o c.~n o o c~u p ~ ~s~.. o Q ~ o ~ o O cD r H ~ ~ U ~ Q' ~ r~ O Ul ~ rd C/~ r- ,,C ~ ~p SL ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ r• ~ R. ,,.q ~ : (p bd O~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ o ~ a tTJ • ° 'd ~ - C~Z. ("zD d UJ (D ~ ~ ¢ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~p ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ CO ~ p ~ CJ'1 pp Cp V ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ O ~ Z r• ~ ~ ~i O ~ ~ ~ ~ O O O ~ O H~ d d d d ¢ ~ s~- ¢ a, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O rt c~ ~ ~ ~ r• c-r r-r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N (D ~p b ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~n v} ~ tn N Q. ~ N o ~ 0 0° S2~ ~ 00 ,A co ~ H ~ ~ O ~z 0 W ~ ^ .vy ~ 'z7 O ~ t-~j N N v v ,..5, 'ayy W ~ ~ 'V O N ~ N ~ W ~ ~ ~y O ~ ~ ~ ~ 0~ ~ a V GJ ~y ~ v X- x' ~ w ^ ~f~~ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 25, 197/ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA . FAGE 6 Aft~r Council discussion, on motion of Counci~~nan Millis, seconded by Cauncilman de Le~n and unanitn~+usl~ car~~.ed, ~h~ Px°es~nt~.~tion Nca. 3 b~d by Keen, No, 1 Bidy in the ~.inount of $289od0, Pre~entati~n Noo 2 bid b;~ K~~n No. 2 Bid, in th~ amount of $6~6 w~th $100 d.~d.uctibl~, and Pres~ntation ~To. 1 bid by Eo C. Looznis, in the am~unt of $14,421, w~r~ ~.ccep~ed and the contx°acts far insurance as outlined, w~~e ar~aardeci. to the respectiv~ ~.nsux°ance ~gen~s. K.ECEIPT OF OUARTERLY REPORT O1V SALE~S & CIGARETTE TAX RECEIPTS A report prepared by Administ~a~ox B~.tch was r~vi.ewed, sho~ring sal~s ~ax revenue for th~ ~irst qua~t~r of 1974 and cig~~ette ~ax for Ma.rch, Apr~,l and May, 1974o The net revenu~ r~aliz~d by the City on sales tax coliect~d is $57,918a30, w~.ich is the h.~ghest first qu~.rter the City has had. DISCUSSION RE. PROHIBITING "U" TURNS AT GRA1~1D-HAZCYON INTERSECTTON The Council r~viewed a regort from City Engineer Garcia regard~.ng a recoxmnendation fram the P~.rl~ing &~r.affic C~rnission for the enact~nent of an ordinance prol~ibiting "U" turns a.t the int~~section of Grand Avenue and H~.lcyon Road, due to probl~ms of stand~~d ~ize and ~arger vehicles to`n~goti~te:smooth~:°~. "U" turns at this inters~ction. Mr. Garcia also pointed out tha.t effective July 1, 1974, th~ Califo.rn~a Vehicle Code will provide that "U" t~.rns will be p~rmitt~d at any intersections unless signs are posted prohibiting same,. After C~uncil discazssion, City Attorney Shipsey was requested to ~ ascertain whe~her an ordinance is neces~a~~ to prdhib~t "U" turns at the GrandmHalcgaon int~rs~ction~ and if so, to pr~pa~°e said ordinance for the Council8s consid.era~fon. DISCUSSION RE. PROPOSED TRUCK ROUTE SYS. IN CITY ° FZdRTHER STUDY REQUESTED City Engineer Garcia explained. a proposed truck route map reco~nended to• ~h~ ~o~ancil fo~ adoption by the Parking & Traffic Commission. The Council di~c~xss~d the proposal, being particularly concerned with where and how trucks, making deliv~r~~s on Branch Str~et, could turn ar~und safely and stay on Branch witYaout ~zsing r~sidential s~x~eets adjacent tQ the Village area, which are not a part of the p~oposed syst~m. The Cc~uncil referred the matter back to the staff for further study. DISCUSSION - AMEIVDMENTS TO BICYCLE ORDINANCE - FURTHER STUDY REQUESTED Px~opos~d amendments to the City°s Bicycle Ordinance were reviewed by the Co~.ncil. After r~view, it was req~xested that further study be made of proposed :Section 5°7e16, which prohibits ~the carrying of a pas~enger on the handlebars. It wwas suggested ~hat perhaps small., lightw~ight tots might be allowed to be transported. in carx°ier attacla~d to th~ h~.ndlebars for better supervision. In ~nswer to C~u.ncilman Millis' inquir-~, Public Works Director Anderson indicated ~hat further study s~ssions we~e being held regarding bicycle paths wf thin ~he City. REAPPOINTMENTS T~ C0. REGTONA~ TRANS CITIZENS ADVIS COMM.°KIRKPATRICK & JACKSON Mayc~r Talley reported. th~.t th~ one-year t~rms of the City°s representatives, F. J. i~ix°kp~.~rick: ~nd a3'.~~rna~e~ E~~.zafi~th H4 J~.cP~sen~ ~o ~kae County ~.eg~o~zal: Tr,anspart~.tian C~ti~~ns Advisr~r~F ~ort~ziss~csn,. e~pire Juig7 Z99 °.~.97~, arrcl recorrimended reapp~ointa~~nt °.af t~oth as ~k~e~ ind.~.cated ~ des~.re tc~ con~inu~ ~a. :s~rve"4_ Tl~e Caiincil ~g~~ed ~o ~I~~ re~ppQ~.nt~n~nt~ of b~otkis : froan,J~a1;~ .20, 197~ th~°ough,~uly '~9, 1975, Mrs. Eli~abe~h Jacleson caas present and. expl~.ined the Environmental Tc~l~xance Qu~stionnair.es wh~.~h F,aere giv~n t~.e Cauncil and compl~fiion of them requ~st~cl by th~ Cnmanissi~an, APPOINTMENTS TO VARIOUS COMMISSIQNS M yor Ta~ll~~ adv~.s~;d. ~k~at ~h~ term.s of office of Planning Commissioners Sandov~.l,~'ancl Galhoc~n, P~.riss & ai.ecr~:~.tion Coxr~mission€~~s Bentley and Nakamura; and Parking & Tra~fic Comani~sioner Ki~°kpatrick, wi11 expire on June 30, 1974. Commissioners Sandoval9 Calho~n and Bentley have indlcated a willingness to serve for an ad.di:tic~nal t~rm on t~~ir r~sgectiv~ ~oa~nis~ions. Ma.yor Tall.ey recomimended the appointmen~ of Duan~ Dagi~~ to the Parks & Re~re~.tion Cammission and Sonia W~gner to the Parking & T~°affic Commissian~ ta fill the vacancies created by Commissioners Na.kamura and Kir~.pagrick, r~sp~cti~~ly. After Council d.iscussia~n, ori motion of Councilman Mi11i.s, seconded by Councilman. Spi~rling and unanimQUSly carried, Jnhn Sandoual and Lowell L. Calhoon were reapp~ointed to the Planning Corrunis~ion ~rith th~ir t~rms of office to expire June 30, 19~7. ~!l CITY COUIVCIL JtdNE 25, 1974 ARROYO GRA~TDE , CALIFORLVZA . PAGE 7 On m~tion of Cc~~nca~l~an d~ Leo~, s~cond~d G~~ncilman Schl~g~l atxd unana~mously carried, F~~.nk. P, B~ntl~~ ~ra~ r~~ppd~nt~d and. Da~an~ Dagu~, 430 Woocilancl Drfv~p ~aas ~.ppa~,nt~d t~ t~.e P~rk~ & R~cr~ati~n Cosnmi~sior~ far three ye~.x~ te~n~ . On m~ti~n of G~~~ci~.m~,n Sch1~~~19 s~co~d~c~ by C~~.n~ilinan d~ L~on and unanim~u~l~ car~i~~., S~n~.~. W~gn~~9 ~t~9 Id~ ~~~~~+~9 ~a~~ ~pp~zn.t~d s~rw~ on t~.e Park.ing & T~°~ff~c C~a~~rnis~fon9 ~it~In l~~r i~~~? tc~ exgire J~.n~ 30, 1976. It w~.s dir~ct~d th.a~ l~tt~rs of ~~~n~s b~ sen.t ~o the r~ti~~,ng Commissian~~s ~nd ~pp~~p~iate p?aq~~~ r~il~. L~~ p~~J~;nt~d to th~sn at a fut~re meeting. REPORT ° IK~~TI~?G OF PISMQ STATE B~ACI3 TE~~a PL~N_ CO1~I'~TE~.. - NNE 12~ I974 The ~n~.n~.t~s ~f ~'rae Ap~zl l~~ ~~Z4",gre~ting ,c~f Pis~n~ Sta.t~"'_Beach Technical Fl,~nx~ing Ccnrc~ni~tt~~ ~aer~ rec~f~~;d, and C~~.ncilman Schlegel gav~ a report on th~ Jur~~ 12th rn~~t~ng of s~.id C~mmi~tte~. H~ stated tha.t nothing defini~te had been d~cid~d a~ t1~~ m~~ting, ~b~at a report ~aad been given by ~red.erickM~~~.~r~~a~°d.ing th~ conda~tion of t1~e s~.nd d~nes; thought is being given to a speca~al area fc~r r~crea~ional v~~aicles; and th€: next meeting of the C~nittee ~rill b~ on Au~~st 14, 1974, 7:3Q P.M, at tl~e Oceano Elementary School. RECEIPT OF MINU~ES - IiUMAN 1t~LAT~OLVS GONIN! OF SQ S L 0 COUNTY - J~TNE 12, 1974 The minutes of th~ Jv~n~ 12, 1934 ixc~~ting o~ th~ Human Relations Commission of Soaath S~n Lr~is Obispo Cc~~.nty saere ~~cei~~d ~nd revi~~red. It was noted tha.t this City' ~ r~p~~s~nta~~ve 9 IZa~1 Eseaunillo, t~as b~~n ~.ppointed a~ acting Chairman af said Cam~~.ss~,~~ d~ring G~~a~.r~?~a~s. Scatt~s zl~ness. RECEIPT OF PRQPOSALS F~R AIR CIRCi7~ SYS IN COMM BLDG - CONTRACT TO GILLOGLY A r~port fro~ Plann~ng Dir~ctor G~.Ilop was r~vi~s~red, which. indicated that tl~~e~ proposals l~ad b~~n r~c~ived fc~~ ~the ~nstalla~tion of a fresh ~.ir circ~nlation syst~m ir~ the C~s~n~xnitgr B~xildin~, ~.5 follos,~s : GONTRACTOR TOTA.L BID I, R. GIL~OGLY, I1VC. P,O. Box 17~, A~x~~yo Grande, CA 93420 $ 795.00 JOHN GANN PL~TMBING & HEATIlVG, INC. 390 Manhattare9 G~o~v~r Cigy, CA 93'~33 $Z375.00 R. P. RICHARDS, INC. 5949 Hollis~~r, G~Ie~~., CA $ 650.00 P~.anning Bir~e~o~ Ga11ap r~~~maend~d t~.~.t Gillogly's bid b~ accepted, as he f~1t t~.at prop~asal ~ao~nld. be t;~~ me~~t ~.~~qu~t~ for changing of the air in the b~ailcYing. Af~~~ Council d~.sc~.~~ion, on motion of Councilman de Leon, s~cond~d by Co~.ncilrnan Spierling and. ~nanimo~.sly carried, tl~e bid of I. R. Gillogly, Inco in the ~.~n.~a~n~ of $795.00 r~as acc~pt~d. and the contrac~ awarded to th~.t fix°an fox th~.e ~.nsta~l~tion of a fr~s~a air cix°c~.lation system in the Gonanunity Btailding. AUTHORIZE REBATE TO Ao WOOD FOIt UIV'~JSEI~ BU7~DTNG PERMIT ISSUED A report frain B~.ilding Ufficial G~.11~p was ~°evie~red, reco~nending a rebate ~to Contr~~to~° Add.ison B. Wo~d for a B~.ild.in~ Permi~ issued to hirn on October 3, 1972, btat nUt us~d, ~.nd no~r a ne~r permit h~.s b~~n issued for the same building. Aft~x C~u~cil dis~uss~on, ~n b:r~s~i~n af Cca~ncil~nan d~ Lec~n, seconded by Councilman Spierla~ng and ~.nani~nc~~s1~ c~.~~i~d, a x~~b~.~~ ~ras au~ch~rized to Addison B. Wood, Contractox, in amo~.n~ of $I68o1.~ fo~ a~z~ilding P~rmit not v.s~d. ORDe ADOPT F~ A~JTIi(~RIZE ~XCHAIVGE 0~ CITY QWNED R~AL PR~PERTY LL?KE Ci~ty Attor.°n~~ Shipsey r~ad. t~.~ tig:t~ of an oxdinanc~ aut~orizing the ?xchang~ ~f Cit~-ar~an~d r~~l p~°ope~t~ g~~.rss~a~.~ ~o ~c~~rernan~nt Code Section 37351; thex°eaft~r, a xnotics~i ~a~.~ tn~cic~ b~= C~a~n~ilna~n Sc.~1~:ge1, seconded by CoLa.ncilman Spierling ~.nd ~n~.nimo~~1~ ca~r~~d~ to di~p~ns~ wit~. re~.cling the bal~.nce of this ordin~,nc~ . ORDTI~~ICE N0. 9~ C,S. AN ORDIIVANC~ OF T.TTiE CI~ OF ARROY~ GRANDE AI1TIi0RIZZNG EXCHAi~TGE 0~' CITY OWi3ED REAT. PROPERTY PURSUANT 7'0 GOVER~IMENT COD~ SECTI~~V 33351. 3'7 CITY COUNCIL J~i~TE 25 ~ 197~+ Al~R.0Y0 GRL~ND~ , CAZZFORNIA PAG~ 8 Qn gn~tion r~f. Co~nci~.x~~.n ~,~~n.9 ~~~c~~d~~ b~ C~^~n~~.l.~.~n S~i~rling and on th.e foll.ocaing r~l~. cal~ vot~, ~r~ ~~i~o A~'~S: C~~.nc~l~~n S~i~r1~n.~9 c~~ ~.,~on~ 5~.~7L~~e1, M~,ZY.~~ ~n~ M~,~o~ T~l~~y NQES: ~Von~ ~BSENT : l~'~n~ the for~go~ng ~x~~.in~.nc~; ~aa~ p~s~~~. a~d ~.dop~~^d ~~i~ 2~~~ ~~y~ of J~.n~9 19~~, MAYOR TAL,Y~Y DECIaARED A RECESS AT 9a~S P.M. THE COUNCIL 12ECONVE~TED AT 1~e00 Pe~. g WI~H EV~R~(J~E P~tESENT ~S SHOWN ~I~T ROI.L Ct~LLo RESOL. ADOPTo ~ REQU~S'T TIM~ EXTe FOR St~~M~SSI~1~T OF ~I,EMENTS OF GEIVERAi, PI..PdN A r~~dlut~c~n f.ra~n ~1~e Pl~.nnix?g C~~s~ic~n ~r~s r~~i~r~~cl, c~rl~ich ~eco~ended that t~.e C~ty Coaxn.~il ~~q~a~~t a~:im~ ~xt~n~ion f~cs~? S~at~ for ~kt~ p~eparation ~.nd adc~ption, by tY~e Ci.ty, c~f th~ ~n~nd.~,t~~. S~~~~a~,c Safet~9 Nois~, S~f~tg~ and Scenic Ha,gi~~y E1~rn~nt~ of ~h~ Gen.~~al P~.~rx, Aft~r G~r~ncil discussion, Cit~ Attorney Sh.ips~y re~ad the t~tl~ of a, ~°~~~1~~i~n ~°eq~n~sting ~~n~ral Plan E~.~ment time ext~nsions; t~e~~af~er~ a mca~i~sn ur~.~ znac~~ by C~a~~.ciTxn.~.n Sch~e~el, s~cond~d by Councilman Mill~.~ ~.nd taaaanime~usl~ c~~~~.ed, t~ e~a.sp~nse ~rit~. ~~~.~.in~ th.e balance of this r~solu~t~.on. RESC~L~7TION l~a. 11G~ A R~SpL~1T'I0~1 OF ~IiE CT~Y COTT~CIL OF THE CITY OF AR.ROYC~ GRANDE REQUE;Sfi Il~TG GENERL~L PY~AN EL~MEI~11Z" TIM~ F,X7:ENS I01VS . On motion of Cr~tancilm~,n de T~on, s~eond~d by C~uncilman Spierling and ~n the f~l~owing roll call vog€9 to ~rit: AYES: Co~tn.c~lm~n Spi~rl~,ng, d~ L~on, Sch1~g~1, M~l.lis ~nd Ma.yor Talley NOES: N~ne ABSENT: Nane the foregoing R~solutian ~r~.s p~.s~~el a.nd adopted t'~is 25t~a day of June, 1974. AUTHORIZE TWQ-MO~TTH EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT WITH WOODS ANIMAL SI~LTER Letters from Cc~un~y Adana.nis~~a~iv~ ~ffic~~ Sh~.rp w~re r~~iewed, regardfng the Cityes pre~ent animal con~rc,l ~,gr~~~n~nt w~th Woc~d.~ Anian~.1 S1~elter, which will expire June 30, 19?4, ~.nd tl~~, Cor~n~yas C~rmpreh~nsiv~ Ani*_nal Contr~l Progr~.m. Mr. Sharp will attend the Cou.ncil B s J~nZy 9th m~tting ~o ~xgl~.in the Cotznty's program. After Cotancil ~.iscussion, c~n yn~~i~n of C~unci~n~an Spierling9 seconded by Council- man d~ L~vn ~.nd ~.n~ni:m~~.s ly c~x~~~~d ~~.u~~.~riz~'~i~n ~r~.~ given ta reques t a two- month ext~nsion of the City as pr~:~~nt ~nimal ~antx°ol agr~er?b~nt ~aith the Woc~ds Animal Shelt~r. ACCEPTANCE OF DEEDS F°OR CHEItRY AV~I~~TE RTGHT OF WAY - LOVALL & WTLSON Tlie Ca~.ncil ;~a~ ad.wised that thc: final d~:~d.~ fo~° necessa.~y prop~x°ts~ acquis~~ti~an o~ G1~~~~r AvPn~x~, fx~om Mild~ecl I.o~~.ll ~nd K~athy W~.lson9 fnr the Cherry Aven~.e I~ipr~v~an~nt Px°oje~t, have b~en rec~i~ed. After Cc~uncil discu.ssion, on motion of Ce~axncilm.~.n de Lec~~9 sec~r~d~d b~p Ca~.nc~.lgnan Mi11is and unanimou~l~r carried., a Gx°ant De~d ~rom Mildr~d P~.rk~: Le~v~.I1 ~nd a G~°ant D~ed frcr~ Mild.r~d '.M. Lovall, for a por~ion of L~t 28 of W~ac~~les Addit~.~~n to tl~e Town of Arroyo Grande; and a Grant D~~d froan Ka~th.~ Wilson fo~ port~.s~ns of Le~ts 19 and 28 of Womd's Addition to the T~n of Arroyo Grande, were ac:c~pt~d; ~.nd tlhe M~.yor and Ci~y Clerk w~re ~:uthorized ~o sign ~h~ C~~°~ific~.t€~~ o£ A~c~pt~nc~ on beh.~lf of the City. AWARD CONTItAGT & AtiTH~RIZE CI~N~E ~RD m C~f~~tY AV~. PR(~.J~CT ° Ra BURIZE CORP. A report fx~~n Paabl~.~ Wc~rk~ Di~c.~tor ~,nd~r~o~ ~ra~ ~~vi~~a~d9 r~g~.rding tk~e Cherry Aven~ne Tmprovem~n~ P~ojec~ ~V~o ~3a-e3-a, f~~ ~aka~c~ bids ti~.d b~~n recei~ed and opened on Oc~tobe~ 25, 1973 2000 P.M.9 b~t~ t~,~ ~c~~.t~~.Ut n~t a~ard~d b~~ause of delays in acquiring n~ces~~.ry ~igl~~~ of ~~y. °~~an~ ~~t~ns2nns ri~.d b~~n negotiated wa~th lc~=~ b~.c1d~~° R. Burke Ccj~por~.~t~~~ ~~nc>c~ ~~°~at t~~, ~.~w~v~r. Bids received ~aere as fol].ow~ : ~i;1 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 25, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 9 BIDDER TOTAL BID R. BURKE CORPORATION P. 0. Box 957, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 $29~322e70 A. J. DIANI CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. P. 0. Box 636, Santa Maria, CA 93454 29,920v00 M. J. HERMRECK, INC. P. O. Box 217, Nipomo, CA 93444 30g617.15 GONCO GENERt~L ENG. CONTRACTORS, RUSSELL A. WHITAKER P. 0. Box 5119 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 33,263.37 HI-WAY CONTRACTORS P. O. Box 2007, Paso Robles, CA 93446 31,077.175 MADONNA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P. 0. Box 910, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 35,634.00 HAROLD D. PETERSON P. 0. Box 366, Atascadero, CA 93422 ~3,429.00 TED WATKINS P. 0. Box 2007,.Paso Robles, CA 93446 ~2,529.60 f_ ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE 30,722040 Proposed Change -0~°der No. l was reviewed, increasing the bid approxi- ma.tely 20.8% due to increases in cost of materials since the original bid ~aas submitted. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Spierling, seeonded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, the bid in the amount of $29,322.70 for Cherry Averr~a?~ Improvement Project No. 90-73-7, was accepted and the contract awarded to R. Burke Corporation, and further, Change Order No. 1 to said contract was approved for an approximate additiona.l cost of $6,100.00e DISCUSSION & PROGRESS REPORT - EUCALYPTIJS ~EES O~,T THE PIKE The-Co~c,il:revi~wed a progress report prepared by Public Works Director Anderson, which reviewed a meeting on June 20th with Public Works personnel, Mr. Forgostein of Ha.lcyon, and a tree trimming firm from Santa Barbara, regarding the Eucalyptus trees on The Pike. A survey had been made of The Pike, which showed tTia.t all the large trees ar~ on the Ha.lcyon People's property. The tree firm estimated costs of removing dead and dangerous trees and trizmning excess weight from overhanging limbs would cost between $3,000 to $5,000. Mr. Forgostein was present and indicated the outlined solution seemed reasonable and he was willing to cooperate in any way possible. Public Works Direetor Anderson stated he would contact other tr~e firms for their opinion and estimates and try to get firm bids, and hopefully have all the inforanat~,on available to the Council at its next regular meeting, LETTER FROM DEPT. OF TR~-1NS RE FREEWAY TRAFFIC WAY ON-RAMP & BIK~ PATH ON HWY 227 The Council reviewed a letter from the Department of Transport~.tion, which indicated th.at due to a lack of funds, no reconstruction of the fre~way on-ramp from Traffic Way is planned for the near future. It w~as alsn indicated that addi- tiona.l widening of the shoulder area on the portion of R~ute 227 going around Crown Hi11 was anticipated, which would provide adequate facili~ty for a bicycle path. Sug~estions were made that "No Parking" signs be erect~d along that portion of Route 227 and also a whi~e line be stripped for a bounclary beL-~aeen the traffic l.ane and bicycle path., REPOI~T ° ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE'20. 19e4 - MILLIS Councilman Mi11is reported the following, regarding the June 20t~i meeting af the Zone 3 Advisory Coimnittee: the Lopez Recreatfon~.l Area is having trouble with the 3-day reservation system and thought is being given to ch~.nging the existing ordinance to require res~rvations be made 7 to l~+ days in advanee; Deril Waiters reported on the amount of water going over the spillw~.y; and a proposal. was given for consideration to sell surplus water in wet years rather than letting excess water spill over the dam. 3~~ CITY C0[INCIL JUNE 25, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIL~'~RNIA PAGE 10 ~ DISCUSSION RE„FIL~R IAT SPLIT - AUTHOR.TZE GiTRB/~t~`T`TER. CR:EDI~mNt~T TO EXCEED $500 Administrator Baatc~a revi~wed th~ Cc~,~ncil e~ of f~r ~o G~rd.mn Filer at it~ meeting of May 2$, 1974, in conjr~nc~tican ~ith Mr. ~il~r°~ Lot Spli~ at Elan and Farroll, the prop~rty dedi~ation req~.ired in conj~.n~~t~on ~i~~. ~he E1m S~x~e~t ~ widening. fih~ Co~nciT l~ad a~ffer~d ~$50~ cr~d~.t t;~ M~. F~1~~ fo~ ~nstallation caf 105' of curbs:an.d gv.t~e~°s, incl~ading a sp~.nd.~~~.. A co~ant~r mff~x° la~s s3.nce b~en received from Mr. Filer aff~ring tc~ in~~~.11 ~11 irnp~ove~n~r~ts ~.t ~.~,s o~n expense in consideratian of th.e su~n of $1,000 b~ing p~fd to hirr_? b~r ~t1~~ Ci~~. It was pointed out by~ City staff tha~ 1~Ir. Fil~~ ~.s l~eing all~v~~d to build on s~b°standard sized lots du~ to t~i~ ~.mov~nt of h~s prrperty n~ce~~~~y~ for gk~~ Elm Street widening, but that the Elrn Stre~t Plan Lin~ was in affec~ w~a~n M~°. Fi~,~~° b~~.gk~t the property. The City staff f~lt it was obligat~d n~t to give any addition~l consideration to the Filer property that was not gi~~n t~o adjacent p~oper~y9 eah~n th~ City exchanged improvement inst~.llation far necessa~y righ.t of way, ~"he g~n.eral cons~nsus of the Council w~.s that tl~..is policy should be ab~d~d by in this ins~ance also. After Council disc~xssion, on anotion of C~a~nncilatr!an Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Tall~y and carried, it ca~.s agr~ed t1~.t City pol.icy would not be changed in th.e Fil~r Lot Split case, and an offer tiaa~ ma.d~ to Gord.on Filer fnr curb and gutter instal7.a;tion. credit in the am~unt of $500 for Elm Street frontage. AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BIDS - BUDGETED S'i`REET SWEEPER ~.At7G. 8 0 1974, 2 P,~M. A rEport from City Engineer Garcia was reviewed, regard.ing pu.rch.as:e of a new street-~tia~eper, half the cost being b~dg~~~d in 1974-75 and the bal~.nce in 1975-76. Expected deliv~ry of the sw~~per t~.l~es fro~n eigl~t to ten months and in ox°der to expedite matter~ the call for bids tiaas requ~sg~d at this tim~ under the following tentative sch.~dule: i Permission to Advertise for bids June 25, 1974 Advertis~ for Bids July 5 and 10, 1974 Open Bids Aragust 8, 1974 Award Contr~.ct August 13, 1974 Expected Delivery June or July, 1974 After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Schleg~l, seconded by Cotiincilanan Spierling and unanimously carried, authcrization was granted to call for bids for a four-~aheel, two engine stre~t sweeper, with bid opening set for August 8, 1974 ag 2:00 P.M. RECEIPT OF CITY-OWNED PROPERTY LIST As a matter of inforn?ation, tl~e City~ Council receiv~d a list of 26 parcels of prop~rty within t~xe City~ own~d by the City of Arroyo Grande as of Ma.rch l, 1973, whic~. r~pr~sents approximate~ly 5~,5 acres. MONTHLY REPORT FOR MAY. 1974 SO. SAN LUIS OBISPO C0. SANITATION DISTR~CT The monthly rep~rt for May, 1974,, from the Sauth San Luis Obispo Count~ Sanitation Distric~, was received by the Cauncil, ~°eviewed and ord~:red filed. Administrator Butch reported that the District has adopted a$100,000 budget for the 1974-75 fiscal year. RESOL. ADOPT. ~ AUTHORIZE RENEWAL OF CONTRACT W/CHP - VEHICLE ABATEMENT PROGRAM ~ Ad~nini~trator B~ttch reported tta.a.t Chief of Police Clark has requested that the City's contract with the Californ3.a Highraay Patrol for the abandoned vehicl~ abatement program be r~necaed. After Cauneil discr~ssion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution author~zing rene~al of a contract with the Califarnia Highway Patrol; thereafter, a mo~ion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman de Leon and un~.nimously carried, to dispense ~aa.th reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 1107 A R~SOLUTI01~]' QF THE CITY COUNCIL ~F THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE ARROYO GRANDE CHIEF OF POLICE TO SIGN CONTRACT UNDER THE ABAIVI)ON~D VEHICLE ABAT~MENT PRO~RAM FOR THE PERIOD QF .TCTLY l, 1974 TO JULY l, 1975 WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, D~PARTMENT OF HIGH~TAY PATROI„ On motion of Cauncilman d~ L~on, seconded by C~~xncilman Spierling and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: CouncilmPn Schl~gel, Mi11is, Spierling, d~ Leon and Mayor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing R~solv.tic~n was passed and adopt~d this 25tk~ d~y ~f Jun~, 197/~. 3~_~ CITY COUNCIL JU1VE 259 1974 , ARROYO GRANDE , CAI~IFORI~t1A PA~E 1~ AUTHORIZE FEE EXIIKPT BtJS LICENSE - FI1tEWORI~.S SAL~S tl:_7,A~T`ERmD.~Y SAIIVZS 0n motion of Co~.ncllman Millis 9 secanc~~d by Co~.nci]xn~.n Spie~ling ~.nd ttn.animou.sly carried, a fe~ ex~gnpt baxsi,n~ss 13,c~ns~ was gxant~d to t~~ Ax°ro~r~ Grande Ward of th~ C~nuxeh of J~~~s C~.~~.st of I,~~t~~D~.g~ Sa~nt~ f~r fir~~~xks sales at Giant Fo~id M~rk~t from Jun~ 28s 197~ ~~.rc~~~~a J~lg~ 49 197~9 ~.s r~q~~~~t~~. by Thomas H. Gouffs Bis~.op9 Ward Fin~.nc~.al Cl~~k, EC~T OF I,ETTER FROM DEPT OF JL?STIC~ RE S~°OT~EN BICYC F S~'ST~~ A lettex° was r~v~,ewed fa~om t~e D~p~,r~n~nt c~f 3~stic~~ Da,vfs~.~n ~f ~~~,r Enforcement, Identification and. Infax~rr.~ti~n Brancl~9 in~o~xn~ng ~t1~e C~.~~ t~t effective July l, 19?4 the as~essan~n~ of 20~ p~r b~c~c1~ 1i~en~~clcaill b~ d.~s° continued, as ~he Stolen Bicy~cl~ System b~~.r~~ f~.nd~d b;~ sa~.d a5se~~an~nt ~ilY have sufficfen~ funding by then to car~r tl~~otxgk? J~ene 309 19~59 a~ w~.ic~ t~m~ other means of funding;raill go into ~f~~cta REMINDER RE B~CCENT'InTNIAL COMMITTEE MEETTIVG JUNE 2~ 1974 30 P I~ Dick Blankenbtxrg reminded the Council and citizens of the Bicent~nnial Coaranittee"s second me~~ing to be ~a~ld in tl~e Ca~u.nity B~tilding on ,T~xne 26, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. and en~~ux~~g~d all to ~.ttend, DISCUSSION RE TRA_FFIC HAZARD AT WTH(~RNF' MARKET P.~R ING IAT ~I rS Councilm.a.n M~11is reqtte~te~ that the P~.rking & Tr~ffic Go~nis~ion b~ directed to investigate the h.azardo~.s tra£fic cox~d.it~.on exist~.ng tl~e H~wwthorne Market parking lot o~. Grand Av~n~z~, City Engin~er Gare~a stat~d th~t as part of that market°s pres~nt r~mod~ling, additional parking a.s b~:ing planned on t~~ westerly side of th~ ma~ke~. ADJOURNMENT On motian o£ Cc~uncilman Spier~,ing, second~d by C~uncilxn~.n d~ Lean an.d unanimousTy carried9 the meeting adjotzrned at 10:58 P.M, ~.ntil 7:30 P.M, ~n July 1, 1974. ATTEST: C'~ ~ \ CITY CLERK ~,YO~ CITY COUNCIL JULY l~ 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORVIA '~:30 P.Ma The Ci~ty Council met in adjou~ned regula:r session with. Mayor Talley presiding. Upon ro11 ca11~ Cnuncil M~mbers Schl~:ge1, Mi11is, Spierling and de Leon x°eported pre~ent, DISCUSSION - PAR ~AND ACQUISITIOl~I IN VALI,EY GARDENS AREA The Co~aneil r~c~:ived and revi~tiaed a report prepar~d by Ad.qninistrator Butch da~ed Jun~ 28, 1974, reg~rding the projecta.on of R~venue Sh~.rixzg Funds and t1~e next thr~~ y~~.rs of ~ntitlean~n~0 In r~view, the Council determined that the City urould be exp~nding approxirc~.t~ly $200,000 far p~.rkl~.nd acquisftion and the g~n~x°al consenstts w~.s that th~s am~unt may be ~xc~ssisr~ and sha~ld b~ pared down. The f~llowing pex°sons r,~exe aiso present and spoke on ~h.e ma~~~~: P~r~.~ and Recreation Cc~amnissionex~s J'ae Mo~rr~, Shortgr Hubbax°d ~.nd D~~ne McCann; ~.nd property owner Art Grieb. After Council diseussion, Administratar Bvatch was direct~d to s~~ if access fram ~he Valley Gard~ns T~a~~ throv.gh ~he P~.s~.on prop~rtg~ was possibTe and also if this groperty ~a~.s ~.vail~.ble for a p~.rk site. Cor~ncilxn~n. d.~ L~on indicat~d he would sp~ak to Mrs. Pasion. In additionp Adan~nis~rato~ Bt~tc~ was directed to chECk. oaz~ pric~ and si~~ of th~ M~.rs~i~Fc prop~~~y~ c~n T:raffic Wa;~$ and also to discuss the possibili~~ of lot spli~ ~ri~th tl~~ own~rs of the Prince- Grieb propertya Art Grieb was pre~~nt and st~:ted th.~y ~a~~~ not in~C~:r~~~~d in splitting th~ property. ~