Minutes 1974-07-09 ~ CITY COUNCTL JULY 9~ 1974 ARROYO GRA1~TlDE, CALIFORNIA ~e City Council met in reg~lar s~ssfe~n ~ith Ma3~or T~ll~g~ pr~sid3n~. LTpor~ roll call, Council Meanb~rs Spierling, de I.~c~n~ Sc~hl~~el and Mi1Yis rep~rt~d pr~se~t. PLEDGE OF AI~LEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Talley lead t1~e Pledge of Allegianc~ t~ our F4ag? ~nd 3~n~di~t~ly thereafter, Couneilman M~llis d~liv~r~d th~ inva~catian, APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minut~s of the regul~r rne~ting of June 2~9 197~+ ~nd ~~~ttl€~~ ~d~~~~~~d meeting of Jul~r 1, 19749 ~r~re appraved ~s pr~epar~d. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motio~a a~ C~uncil~ran d~ Leon, s~cand~d b~? C~un~ilm~~ Sp~.~~1i~~ ~t~d unanime~usl;y c~rri~d, Pa~roll W~~ran~:s N~. 262 ~hrau$h NoQ 360a in t1~~ ~~tm~ ~tt?~ta~~ of $2~+,050,82a and G~n~ral GJarr~n~~ Na. 1b82 thrc~ugh ~I~. 1750, i~ ~t~~u~~ of $15,307.25~ we~~ ~pprav~d ~ncl o~d~r~d p~~.d. pRESENmATI(~1 COUI3TY CQMPREH~NSIVE AI~IMAT~ GQI~TRQZ, PRO~RAM ~~R~ - -AssisC~n~ Co~n~~ Aci~?ini~~~~k~v~ Off~,c~~°, ,J~~~s D$ Sl~~r~, ~a~~ explained to t~~ Cc~~neil t~?~ C~~xn~~r'~ pr~agc~s~d C~~npr~~~n~i~~ A~~~t~~ Program. Co~~pon~nC~ ~a~ Ch~ ~~ca~~~m vaould ~nc~ud~; a) ~~n~~~~. ~dt~~~~~~~~.~~~~~ includin~ ~rclinanc~ ~~v~~~r ~nd d~v~l~pm~n~; b) ~ni~~1 ~~~n~r~3 ~~~~~~~~tt~~~~ and dispeasal (p~°qpc~s~d a~s ~ j~i,n~ ~xentu~~ ~3,~t~ Wa~d~ A~i~is~~, 51~~1~~.~); ~~a~~~~ educ~~ion ~r~~pc~r~sibil~t~ ~~i~ a~~~ tea ~ni~ri~l), ~~~~n~~~~ ~~~@ un~?lt~r~d and $5 ~or ~lt~~~d ~ni~~~~,; and f) an ~~im~I pc~~a~~~~~~~ (n~u~c:r3ng c13n~~s). C~m~~n~n~s ~a ~nd ~o~ld b~ opt~,~~~~. t~ t~~ ~~~ncy, bu~ ad~p~~~n a~ t1~~ ~~,11 p~cl~g~ i~ ~rg~d~ A cc~~~ ~~~~y~~~ r~v~ew~d. This Ci.~~'s c~~ts, ~campu~ed b~r fi~ld ~ff~r~ (~c~u~~ ~t~t~~~ pick~d up) in 1973 ~s~ira~t~d $11,35~.~2, wit~ ~ntieip~C~~ ~~a~?.~~ ~e~~~t~ from liaensin~ Co e~ffse~ th~ f~.gur~ by $3,~Q~.624 F~tt~.r~ co~t~ ta~~~~^ horaev~r wil~ b~ computed by actual hours sp~nt by Anim~l Contr~~, A~~i~~~~ i~ ~~i~ City. The Cour<ciI discussed the rmatter a~ length wi~lx M~°. Sh~rp ~nd ~~x'~~d hold a study session on the mat~er after prapos~d agreem~nts ~,r~ r~~~3,v~d ~Y'~m the County. NOTICE OF NEXT BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE MEETING - JUI.Y 31. I9'14 7:90 P.M. The Council w~.s ad.vised that the n~xt Arrayo Grand~ Bic~nC~nc~3,~1 Camm~,~~~~ meeting will be held on Jul~; 31, 1974 a~ 7:30 P.M. in the Cummrxn~.t:~i' C~~at~~, and interested ci~izens were u~ged t~ attend. LETTER OF APPRECIATION TO A~ FOLICS DEPARTMENT - A.G. H'.~GH SCHO~I~ Adtninistrator Bu~eh read ~ l~~:t~r from J~rry Fo Tyxe~:, V~,c~ Px~~,ncip~l c~f the Arroyo Grande High School, than.king th~ Arroyo Grand~ Po~ic~ D~p~~~m~;~t ~o~ its assistance and c~operation raitY~ the schocsl. NOTICE OF CHANNEL COUNTIES° DIV OF LEAGUE OF CA~TF CITIES N~EETI~TG - 8/9/74 The Council was advised that the nexti m~eeting of th~ C~~nn~l C~tz~~~,~~" Division of th~ League of California Citi~s will. be held on Auguet 9y 1974 the Madonna Inn in San Luis ~bispo, All ~h~ Council. Membere indic~ted would attend. RECEIPT OF DEPARTMENTAI~ REPQRT F~R J~J1VE. 197~ The Departm~ntal Report for tt~e mon~~n of Jun~ 9 19'~La, was r~tr3~~w~d ~nd ordered £il~d. RECEIPT OF LATEST L,EGT~LATIVE BU~LE~'IN ANNUAL CQ~v~'ERENCE UF T~EAGUE. 10/20-23/74 The lat~st Legislativ~ Ba~lletin f~°om th.~ Zeag~.e of Cal~tfornia Citi~s w~s received and r~view~d. It w~.s nr~~~d that tl~e l~gisl~.t~r~ is no~a in rec~ss ~nd will reconv~ne in August, Notice was alsc~ ~°ec~~v~d caf the Annual CQnfr~r~nc~ of the I,eague of Cal~fornia C~ties, to b~ held in L~s Ang~l~s fram Octobe:r 20 thru October 23, 19740 NOTICE OF TWO-MONTHS ANIMAL"CUNTROL CONTRACT EX'I'~NSION ERANTED BY WpODS Tlie Council r~vieraed a l~t~~r dat~a Jun.e 2~, 1974 fx~am Mrs. ~i~~ald E. Le~, President of th.e W~ods Animal Sh~1t~;r Scaciety, granting th~ C~,ty's r~qu~s#; for a two-monttis extension c~f its prese~.t Animal Control Contract. fr.c~m J~.l,y' lY 1974 through August 31, :1.9',4. , V~l _ ~ CITY COUNCIL JtTY,Y 99 1974~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 APPROVAL OF WORK S TUDY AGREENI~I~TS ° CAd~ POLY & Ci~ES TA ` 7~m ~~5 FISCAL YEAR Adminis~rat~r B~.tck~ ad~is~d ~~~t tl~~ ~a~a s~p~.r~~~ f~d~~~l~y~ financ~d work studgr p~o~r~.~s9 ~r~~ adminigter~d by Galifor~.~a Pol}~~c~~~.nic Stat~ Univ~rsi~~, and the otl~~~ by Cta~~ta C~~Ie~~, ~~a~~ ag~in b~en f~.nded ~.~d. r~q~~ested au~~.~rization for the Cit~ to again part~cipat~ ~n ~h~s~ p~~g~ams. Aft~~ C~~.ncil disc~~~i~n, on motion of Cot~nc2lanan Sc~.l~ge19 ~ec~md~d by~ Co~.~cilman M~.ll~s and ~.re~nian~ta~Y~ e~.rried, the Work Standy Pro~ra~~ A~rr~~~er~ts for ~1~~ f~s~a~ ~r~ar 197~°~~ be~c~~r~ G~,~.ifo~ni~ Polyteck~nic Stata Uni~~r~~,~y and ~~a~ C~ty, ancl C~z~s~~ Jaa~i~r C~lle~~ and ~l~e Ci~y9 were approved and th~ Cf~gr Adani~i~t~at~r w~.s ~.axtk^~ori~~d tsa s~gn said agx~e~an~nts on beh~.lf of t~a~ Cit~, ACCEPT TERMS OF LANGFORD PROP. PURCHASE ° AUTHC~RIZE A~~Y. T'O PREPARE AGREEMENT`S The Co~ncil r~vietiaed a let~ter dated July 1974 fra~ J. Daugla~ L,~.~.gford9 accepging the Cou.ncil ~ s t~rans for tIl~~ purch.ase of ~.pp~~+x~.~~iat~ly s~ven acr~s on Huasna Road, ~s follows : Pr~.ce of the propert~ is $65,000 ~rit~a a 29% do~~n p~.y° ment and tw~ sanecessive ann~al pay~ents of equal am~a~nts; Seller (L~.ngfoxd) will bear the cost of ~he surv~~ to cletermine if th~ cr~elc ab~.t~s propert~; Seller will pay $2,000 for sewex° bonds on th~ property; Seller and ~a~~er (Ci~y) will split closing costs; waln~t crop ~p ~hrov.,~l~ 19~~+ belongs to.S~ller; transfer of ownership wiTl take plac~ ov~r a ta~a°year period with ~ l~~s~ purcl~as~ a~r~ement; and rate of interest go b~ at s~ven p~r ~ent (7%). After Council diseussion, ~n motion of Counc~.lm~.n Spi~~ling, seconded by Councilman de L~~n and unanimo~sly carried, tYae City Attorne~ ~ras autl~ori~ed to prepar~ the leas~ purchase agr~ernent fox° ~he purchase of ~cr~s of property on Huasn~ Road from J. Do~ag3as Langford, ~nder the terms ~is sgecified above. DISCUSSION RE ADDI~IONAL PARK LAND PURCHASE m PASION PROPERI~Y DELI3TEI9 Councilman de L~on reported that ~e had disc~assed the possible purcl~se of, or easement across the Pasion px°operty in tl~~ so~zthraesterly portion of tl~e City> He stated that Mrs. P~~ion has had sev~ral other offers for the property at a much higher pric~ than. what th~ C~.ty could pay, tha~ Sh~.would not want to s~ll just six ac~°es, but the wl~ole property in that area; ~~.e d~es not want to sell for 2 or 3 years; and do~s not wish to give ~he City an easement across the f~.rmland due to possibl~ crcap damage. Parks & R~cx°eation Coanmissioner Diane McCann was present on cnmr.iented on parkland acquisitian, After CQUncil discu~sion, City Adan~nistrator Btxtch was directed to cont~,n~.e a.nvestigation c~ f. ot~.er possible parlcland sites disctassed at the CotxncilBs s~~dy session of Jul~ l, 1974. I~OMINATION ~0 PLANNING CQMMISSION - PEARL COLE Mayor Talley recommended that Pearl Cole be appointed to the Planning Com~nission to fill the one vacanc.y. Cit~ Attorney Shipsey advised that although he has not yet ~~ceived a cop;y of the Supreme Court's rec~:nt decision regarding th.~ Conflict of In~teres~mDisclosure of Ass~ts lasa, that it might be best to hav~ affected officials file said forms befor~ being seated. After Council discussion, on mc~tion of Corancilman de Leon, s~cond~d by Couneilman Spierling and unanima~xsly carrfed, P~ar1 Col~, 137 W. Braneh Street, was nomin~ted to the Planning C~mmission, with official appofntment pend~ng her filing of the Disclos~re of Assets r~p~x°~, RECEIPT OF RESOUR.CE II~VENTORY REPORT ° ST~1TE DEPTe OF PARKS & RECRE~,TION Th~'Council receiv~d a cogy of th~ Resource Invento~ Report froan tkne State D~partment of Parks and Recreati~n, as req~~sted bgr tk~e T~c~anical Planning Committee. Th.e Council,raa~ requested to review said report and give any inp~nt to Councilman Schl~gel, sah.o w~ll rela~r it to t~.~ Techrxical P1a~ning Coa~nit~ee at its next m~~tzng. RESOLUTION ADOPTION - PRO~.IBIT "U" Ti1RNS AT GRAND°HALC~'ON IN`TERSECTION City Atgorney Shipse~ r~ported that a resolution is nec~ssary to pro~ibit the negotiation of "U" ttsrns at th.e Grand Avenue-H~.lc3~on Road intersection, City Engineer Gax°cia explain~d ~hat s~id signs will be 1~~ang in t~.e c~nter of th~ inter- section on th~ s%gnal a~ns. After Cou~ncil d~.scussion, City A~~Gorn~~ Ships~y x°ead the title of a resoluti,c~~ px'o~ibiting "U" ~~.rns; thereafter, gn~~ian was ~nad~ by Councilm~.n Schleg~l, s~cond~d b~ Council~n~.n Spier`l~ng ~rad un~.nimi~~sly ~arri~d, to dispense with reading the balance of this r~~olution. ~ ~3 CITY COUNCIL ~7tTL`Y 1974 ARROYO GRAI~DE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 1tESQL,LTTION N0. 1108 A RESOLUTIO~T OF TI~E CITS'. CO~~;CII~ l~~ CITY OF ARROY~ GRANDE DIRECTII~7~ P7LI~C~M.~I~~ OF I~110 rrU~~ ~LT1tZV STG~T~ AT T~~ I~TTERSECTION OF GRA~TD AVE1V'~3E AI~TD HAd~CYON R(~AI~. On motion o£ C~~~~.il~a~.n Sg~.~~°l~r~,g, secoc~d,~ci b~ C~bnnciT~.n d.~ ~eon and on the follo~aing ro11 call vot~9 to s,uit: AYES o Co~ancil~rs~~ Scl~~~~~19 ~I:~~~is, Spf~rli~~9 d~ I~csn and Ni~.~o~ Talley NOES: None ABSENT: No~~ the foregoing Resol~~ion ~ra~ p~.~sed. ancl ad.opted ~~i~ ~tl~ ei~~r c~f J~.1~9 19740 AWARn ('(1NTRA('T F()R TRFF fiRTMMTTTd" ~1~? TT-~[F° FTKE m~~S~RGE TZ$~E T~~~MAI.~ The Coazncil rec~a.v~d cop3e~ of a r~pdr~ f~o~n Pu~~ic Wo~ks IDir~ctor Andexson, outlining work to be don~ to all~v~~.t~ ~kt~ la~.zarcio~~ cc~ncli~.ic~n o~ th~ E~.e~~ypttts trees on The Pike, ~nd a.nforrci~.1 bids r~c~itiTed ~or s~i,d. proj~ct a~ i~ol~.ows: GEORGE TI~E TREEMAN, 1727 Nf~~~ St;,, B~.yr~o~d Park, CA $3~395.00 DRAKES TREE SERVICE9 721~ E~~anstc~n P1~9 ~~1~~a, CA $3,500.00 ARBOR TREE SURGERY, P.O, B~x '~659 At~.se~.d~r~s9 CA $5,480.00 Public Ws~rks D~.~°~~t~r Ande~°san r~co~tenci~d th~ a~~.x°ding of the contract to George th.e fire~:man, s~.`~~~c~ to th~.t b3dd~~ s~ba~i~ti:ag a Stat~ L~c~ns~, `ahich is pending. Mich.ael T~a~t of G~o~g~ th.~ ~r~~~n~.n raa~ pr~~en~ and explained his proposal, busi~~ss e~pe~a.~nc~ ardc~ stat~ licens~ sit~n~.t~~.~n, City Attorne~ Shipsey stated that in vi~w af t~?~ l~w cost of th~ pro~ect a~d. in~a~rsal reqv.~st for bids 9 that the contract c.ould b~ a~r~rd~d to th~ low bidd~r ~ubj~c~ to the submission of the required stat~ lic~nse. T~e Co~ncil q~~stie~~.ed fundin.g of ~his project, and Administratar B~tch stat~d t~~.~ m~n~~s ca~uld be clr~.wn f~om the Street Ma.in~tenance budget. Mr. Forgc~st~ix~., repr~s~nting th~ H~lc3~on G~~xn.i~.y~ w~.s present and question~d the leng~~.s tYa~.t major raood we~uld. be cut intc~, ~.s p~r Mr. Anderson's reporta It was cl,ax°ified. th~.t th~ wood ~ail~ be c~a~ in 20 ~.nch. lengtl~s. Aftex~ Co~tncil di~cv.ssion., on motion of Councilm~.n Sgierling, seconded by Councilman de Leon and carric~d, the contract for the tri~ning and re~,moval of certain Eucalyptus ~re~s on Th.e Pike, as o~x~:lined in P~ablic Works Director Anderson's report of July 9, 19'~~9 w~.s a~axded to Gec~rge th~ Treeman, subject to the submission of a Sta,t~ Cdnt~~ctor°s I.~.~~ns~ by said contractor no later than July 12, 1974~ and f~rther, tha~ ~~.il~.r~ c~f Ge~rg~ th~ Tr~~~an to cc~mply with said condition ~aill £orf~i~ awax°d of cant~a~k ta s~id fir°rn°m and cong~act wi11 be awarded to th.e ~~cond lo~a bidd~x°, Dr~.k~s `~re~ Serv~ce, saith t1~e acc~pt~.nce of either firm's pr~apo~al su.~j~c~ to t1~~ follaw:~ng: Evidence of insur~nce - prop~rty~ d~.m~age $50,C100.OQ9 bod~.l~* injury $300,(100.00; Submis~ion of a 50% p~x°fna~nance b~rnd b~ pasted ~rior tc~ comznencing ~ao~k; ' Submission of a 100% labox° ~nd 50% anat~x°i~l bond. ACCEPT DEE - FILER ~(DT SPLIT AT SO ~LM ~ FAR~.OI,L - GRA~T $5QU C1tEDTT Adm~ini,strator B~a.tc~ r~ad a le~~r~:r dated ~Ja~l~ 9, 1974 f~~am Gordon M. Filer,~ accepting tl~e Citg~'s off~r ~f $500 ~c~~sa~d ~.r~st~ll~t~.on of cu~b, g~tt~x° and spandrel on Soo Elm S~r~et fronta.g~y an~ ~fferir~g a g~ant de~d, in con~~ncti~n with the lot split, f~r portic~n of prope~°~~ on ~~~t~ Elan Str~~t. Aft~r Council disc~ssion, on motion of C~~nciliraan Schleg~l, second~d b~ G~t~nci]Lman Spi~~la.ng ~.nd un~.~.ianot~sly carried., the gx°ant de~d f~o~? Gordan M. ~,~ci P~.~+~lin~ M. Filer, f~s~ a portion of Lot 23 of Pismo ~e~.ch Gard~n~, ~a~.~ ~e:c~p~~d arcc~ th,~ M~.~~r ~.nd City Clex°k w~re authoriz~d to sign C~r~2fic~.~~ ~f Acc€~ptanc~ on b~~~.1f of ~1~~ City. TOUR OF LOPEZ WAT~R TRE2,Z'MEl~'"T PI.A~TT BY COUlVCIL e JUT~Y 1.5 ~ 1974 Administrator Butch. x°eported that t~~?~ by ~~e C~a~ncil of th~ Lopez Water Treatment Plant h.as b~~n s~t for M~ar.d~y9 Ju1g~ 15, 19~~ ~t 10:00 A,Mo , ~aith tov.rs of the lake and recr~ation~.l f~.ezliti~~ ~o be g~v~n in tl~P af~e~noc~n, af~~r a luncheon. D~SCUSSION RE FZ,OOD IIIAZAEtD AR~AS T~I CITY - D~PT' ~E HQd~~~~NG & URBAN DEVEL,~PMENT Th~ Co~tncil revie~a~d l~tt;e~° ~.nd an~.p fr~~n t~2~; ~c~d~ra1 D~par.°~rnent cif H~using and Urban Develc~~m~~nt reg~~°ding sp~eial fl~sc~d ~a.za.r.ds in. 'th~ Ci~y ~.s identified by the Federal Insanx~ance Admini3 t~ation. T~i~ Cifiy h~.s si~ m~n~h~ to appeal the d~termination of th~ Adx~a.na.strat~.o~. `I`h~ l~tter f~.rtl~~~ st~ted ~h~.~: "Comimunities where special flood h~:Lard ~re~s ~ave b~~n fca°rm~.I~.~ i~.entifiec~ rna~st be acltively participating in the prc~g~am by Jacn~ 30, 19759 a~° e1~~ nc~ F~deral fin~.ncia.l ~ ~v ~ CIZ`Y COL.~TC:CT~ ~[5.~s~ ~ g 19~4 ARROYO GRA:'4"DE 9 CA3.a~FU~~`~ ~ - ~ assi~~~nce~ s~~.~~~ T~~n~ ~rr ~~a~.~~9 ~.~c~ ~~~~r~~ ~~~~~~11~°~n~~red ~ or r~~~~~~~d 1~~.~~ks ~~v~,~~~ ~m~ l~~.n ~~~~~a~~,~~~az~~ ~;i~,~~~~.f~~~ ~.v~.i~bl~ for b~~ld~ng~ ~~~h~,x~ ~h~~~ i~.~~x~~.f:'~~~ ~p~c~~~ ~~~h~~.r~ o~r G~,t~ ~n~i~~~~ ~~rc~.a ~~pla~ned tk~~.~t f~,~ p~~g~,~°~n~ ~C~~~~~~ ~~~~*~~~t ~a~1~ ~~~.s~~ ~.hing ~.r~c~ t~~~ p~~~~~~c£ b~ ~~A~~~~~~ ~.~r~n~.~d f~,ea~ci hazard ~.~~a~ o Tt~~ ~n~p n~a~ ~ ~ ~.~~c~ i~~ ~a0 a t~ A~0 ° ~ ~~~1~ s alon.~ ar~~ ~;~.~~r° e.~~,rs~ ~r~. C~~;~e ~k~`~ C~~a~.~a~~~. ~g~~,,~n~ ~l~o~ld b~ ch~~k~d ~s~~ i~. t~~~ ~n~~~~e ~r~~ ~,r~~~~.~~r° ~~n ~~~~i~~d %n ~~;n~~~ctis~n safth t1~~ 5~~~~~~ El~xn~n~, DISGU~SZON R~~"L~ND CT.~~°S C~1~fiR~~'J`~I~~ i~~~~ ~~!S~~~M~l~~ I1IS~'RT~C`~ T~~ C~~snc~l ~°~~r~~~~~d 1~~~~~ fr;a?n G~~r~~~ ~~~~n~~~~ng D~d~~~~~~n.G in r~~ponse ~c~ Cit~B~ ~~g~,~~~ f~~ t~-h~; ~~~~z~n ef $~.~,OOf? c~n~~~1~~.t~,A~n ~nac~~ to ~he Arro~o G~~.nc~~ S~~~~ A~~~~~~~~~~~ Da.~t~°:~e~ I~~o A c~p~ ~an~nd~n~~~ ~Vo. 2 t~ th.~ As~~s~~n~nt Di~~r~,c~ A~r~~,zr.~n~ tia~s ~i.s~ ~~~r~,~~+~~~d5 ~h.~ch ~.n~~,~~~~d th~t; if surplus o~ f~r~.d~ ~~s ~~~~i~~:c~ ~~c~~u~r f~~: ~,r.~;~~c~~P~;~~::~~ ~~a.nd. ~.a~~~,r e;~.~~z?p~.e~~~~n o~ ~~ie prUj~et, ~~~.r1 ~nc~~n~.~s ~~~~d ~•~~~n~,~~c~ ~t~ p~a~~,~~~ ~Y~~~°~~ ~.~~~~~~~~nt dist:~~~t. Ad~ninis~~~.°t~sr B~.~c~n x~p~~~~r-d ~:t~~.~ h~d c~~n~ z~~a:t;~i~~ in~o th~ matte~ sinc~ r~c~a.p~ c~£ ~.t~~~~~ 1~~~~r ~.n~ ~~~n.cE ~.n o~d~~ d~~~~d. Ap~il l~, 1971 b~ tt~e Cczun~~ ~~~r~ c~f S~p~~i~ar~ s~~~:~n~ ~~~~n p~~-~~~~ ~f $10~~Q0 ~ad~ b~ ~t,~ G~tg~ t~ ~n~i~n~~;~ o~ ~ka~ g~~c~~~~t, "Y~~~~~ P~t~~°~~n~ ~so~.~c~ b~ ~~f~.n.d~d to ~h~ Ci~;~ ~,f ~1~~ ~~=~r~a~r p~crj~~t did g~ ~:1~~°c~~s~;~~~ ~~~c~~ d~do Tl~.~ ~i~~a i~~~i°~n~tion wi11 b~ pr~~~n~~d te~~ ~1~~ C~~~~y fc~~ ~.t~ ~~n~:~.~.~~r~~~~°~n. A~sc~ ~~g~.~°~~r~~ ~~i~~. ~x~~° ~~v~~.~~ c~~~~~~.c~, ~b~°~,~~ pz~3,n.~~d ~ut ~~,~t br~~e~1~°dnwn ala~~ ~ys~~ans ~±~e~~ ~n~st ~~~n ins~~il~d. tE~~ r.,.~~ ~~,~r~gs~l~f~ st~~ti~sns, ar~d that la~e~al~ ~c~z~ng c~.c~~w~n ~n 2 ~ c?~ ~ dis kin~~~ , ~ ~x~~z~.~~t~~ ~o~n~~ ~p to fix li~~~~ prc~~a~~~n~, b~a~ e~a~~~~ ~;~~ap1~~~;~ r,a~c~l~ . Ac~r~~.~,n~.s~r~.~~~ B~t~h ca~.s d~r~~t~d to ~~°~~s~ t~r t~~ C~~r~~:~ ~~c~~i~~~~,Lng ~t~~ ~n~~~.1~~,~~,ss~ ca~ ~.~~.x~~ ~~~t~zns a~ ~k~~ s~~r~~ a~~~~~~~~n~e dis~r~~c~e ~ ~~ar.np-~ ~f~ ~~~~~a~~~ o ~.ixd ~;~~,t ~'Yx~ con~~~.c~or xna.~.in~ ~~~aix°~ csie br~~.~c~~~~~~ ~n tl~~ ~€:w~~r~r, s~~r~~~ 1~~= ~t~d ~o ~.llacate moxe of 1~~s t~m~~ ~c~ C~,~~.~ ~,re ~~r~~c~~xx~ b~~~.~c~.~swns. MONTI~~Y R~PQ~R~ ° St~. SA~i I~~TI~ OB'.L~P'0 CQ~7~~Y ~~.~IT~TT~~ ~TSfi'RTCT m Jt'~T,E 1.9~~ T~e snQnt~lg~ ~~pr~~~°~ fz~r ,Ja~n~, 1~3~~-~s f~r~~~ Sc~~;~~1~ S~n T~~is (~bi~p~ Ca~nt~ San~.t~tian Dist~°~ct ~a~ r~;~r~.~~~c~, ~ZSCL7SSION' l~o C(J1V~R.7Bti~TI~~i~ TQ ivIIDD:~~I~t1ITSE C(?,~ FED R~V. ST-1~.RING C~JMMITTEE Tk~~~ Co~.n~~1 ~~~~.<a~a~d ~ 1~~~~r f~~n th~ San. L~.~,s ~~~,~~c~ C~~un.t~ F~deral R~~r~n~~ Staa:~~n~ Cc~~un~.t;~~:c:, ~~~~.xd~~g f~+~~d~.ng r~q~e~~~d b~ t'h~ S~n Lixis ~bispo C~itt~,~ ~c~~ ~d~.c~.t%~n e~r~ A~c,oh~l~s~~, M~d.dl~:h~~~~.~ ~a ~~cca~a~r~ hoan~ of~~ring r~h.~bil~t~t~v~ s~~v:i.~~s frx° al.~a~~~~.~~, ~I~,~cl~~~i~~se~ ~~.d r~qu~:~~~d ~ grant o£ $30,000 ~ro~ Cc~~n~y x°~~~r,.~.~ ~}~~~~n.~ f~~znc~~, ~h~~h $~~,000 .is fvr ~s~n~i~ruct~.~n of a ne~~r ~a~.~ci fo~ ~rc~~n~x~ ~.n~ $~:000 ~o r~c~aa~~ G~n r~~~~i,in~ ~~;b~ a,f.' ~.bc~u~ $24,QQ0. Tl-~~ Cc~~n~t~~~. ~~~ca~a~ic~nd~ci f~nding ~f tta.~ c~o~npl~;t~ con~t;~9~,c~i~sn arisl d~b~ ~asts, ~n ~.me~unt caf $47,OQ(~5 ~ai~n c~~~e~ ~:c> be ~}r.~.r~.=..c~ ~iJ~ C~~~nt~;~ ~.nd ~~.1 ci~i~s ~ in t~n~ C~unt~ p~~agortio~~.~.~~~taa 19~O ~p~p~~.?I.~.~~~on f~~~.x~~~ ~ai~lz $39~91~ p~aj~ct~cl as th.is City~as ~1~arE>. 'I`l~c C~a~~.~c~~ ~.isc~.s~~c1 ~12~ r~~.t~~~.x° ~~a.~~l.~ ~nd ci~~l3n~d ta tak~ an;~ ~.c~~azx an ite ACCEP~ D~ED FR~M ~i,~CIA MAI2 1J1~1EI~D SGIi~~~ DZSTR.T~~ m~.~~Y~DLV RI~1-iT OF WAY Adz~in~s~~°ator ~~B~~c~ ~.dvi~~ci ~ d,~~d.~ ~a~:~n ~~~~i~r~d. .frc~b the T~~a~~~ Mar Unifi~d Sch~al D~.~~~°~~t fo~ n~c~~~~~~ t~ ~on~ca~un H~1~~t~~~ Ro~.d go the ~.zioptr~ P1an Y~,n¢, C~,t~ f~.~°n~.~~s~.n.g ~~t~l~~; ~~.~t~~s ~.nd ~~.cY~r„~~,1ks ~.l~ang th~ ded~c~.t~d pca~°~i~n. ~~'t~r.° C~~r~~i1 d~,~~.~d,~~ iesn, m~~~~r~ Cr~~.n~:ilman Schl~g~l, s~c~nd~d b~ G~a~r~~al~tan M~.1~~~ ~.n~ ~.n~.n.~m~c~~.~1;~ c~~~~~:~, ek~~ ~~~.r~~t d~~:c3 fr~a ~~i~ Lucf~. M~.~ Un~~i~d Sc~h~~c~l D~~~~x..~~, ~ar.° ~~d~~icr~ c~~ ~1.a~,~~ E.a 'C~~.~~ ~S, w~,s ~ ~acc~gt~d ~.r~c~ ~1~~ M~,~~a~ ~nr~ Ci~~ C7L~~~C ~u.~~~r~2~;~ ~~.g~ C~r~~£ic~.t~ o~ Acee~~k~r~c~ e~n b~~I~,E~.lf v~ t~.~ C~~~To ORDI~TA.NC~ AUTH~RT~E ~~~~TAIVTt~.~ 0~ P~t~T~~~R~' 1a1TT~i J. ~~1R.B~S~I~ ° FxRS°~' R_EADT,N~ ~ Di~~:c~o~ of ~'~blic Wc,~~s Anc~~~°~~ca~~ ~~~~~t~d t~~~~~ ~n ~g~°~.~~r~~nt ~.as been worked mut wi~h M~. Jc~hn ~.~~S~s~a~1~ ~wn.~~ a£ Gl~~ 1.~t ~za :?~,~~~.~~~,~r... R..~~.d. ~.~3.~ac~nf; i:~a g~~o~~r~~ ~at th~ e~rn~;~ c~f '~'1~~ P~~~ ~~.ci H~.l~~a~n 1Za~~~ a~nc~~~ I~ ~s~-p~a~~ki~.~e ~.~~°~~~n~rct b~ t~e Ci~y~ zaitl~ M:~, Crz~:is~ap~~~r~e .io~ t1~~~ ~~e~:~,ng~ ~~~sy;~a~t~aa' n~~~-~~~~.r~ fr.°omn M~a H~.r,b~son in ~~onJ~a~~~io~~. ~ri~~a ~~~a~. ~~.lc~~~r~ R~a,c~ ~~~.~:r.~~n~~ ~~~x~~~;x~ ~a~c,g~~t~~ ~ta b~ x~~~.lized in th~ p~xr~h~.s~~: by ~h~~~ C°~tm. c~~ tYa~ G~.a~3.~ t:LFYs~~~ ~axa~p~~°~y o M~°. Cl:~~°~,~~,~~~~;r ?~a.s ~gr.~ed ~a r~l~ca~~ lCa f~:~i~ f~r ~.lkc. ~a~.c~~.~:~n.~;~::o T~~: ~.~r~~~,~~n~n.nt ~r~.~F1-a~~.r st~.~~:~ ~~~.t c~axb, ~ae~t~.r.~ ~~zd ~ic~t~~ra.lks ~:f~~..:~. ka~ ~.n5~~,~.~~?.d k~~ c~a~v. C~,~m~ ~,n. ~:~~c~ ~i.~,~.~;~~an fron~~.ge with Mr. Harbzs~~rx to ~~p,~.~ c~~~~~ faa~ ~~an~ ~~i.~n :~.e?r~~~~~~ ~p~,~~.n.t~ ~.t 6'{ c~~,T~~x a_~~~thr~~- y~~,r p~~iod, fo~ t~~~~1. F~~~t;i~e~~:~.~:c~ rc»~ nfi $~,~.~0,(~Q, ~Tc~ >aL~~aw=~. im~rov~zn~nts ncaw ~xi~ t~ long M~ a i~~.r.°bi~ r~n ~3~.1.~;y~eas~ R.~~.d f~°an~~.~~ m 38i CITY COUNCIL JULY 9, 1974 ARROYO GRAND~, CALIFORIVIA ~A~~ ~ T~ facilitat~ t~ae ~xcF~~.nge o~ p~~p~r~~ p~r ~ka~ agr~~~n~n~9 City~ Att~xney Shipsey read the tf~l~ wf o~dim~.nc~, f~~ it~ ~ir~~ r~~,c~in~~ a~ut~~rizing ~kae exehang~ of Ci~y~eo~n~d r~~.I: prc~p~r~~ p~.r~~a~.~.t to ~~~~rm~~~~~ C~d~ S~c~ion 36351; thereaf~er, a miot~on wa~ an~,cfl~ b~ ~~~.nca~lrnan. Sc~~~g~].~ s~~o~~~~d b;~ Co~ncil~n Spierling and v.naninro~xsl~r carri~d~ disp~n~~ ~rz.~~^~ r~~.d~ng ~1~~ b~l.~.nc~ of this ordinance. fih~ ag~~~r~~nt and d.~~d. ~a~l~. b~ ~.cc~p~~~. a~ C~~~.~~1°~ ne~~ r~:~a~la~ ' meeting wit1~ t1~~ adcep~i~n ~f abov~ ~~din.~~x~~. ADJOURNMENT On an~~i~n of Cc~a~~~i1~~.n Mill~s 5~~e~c~nd~d trg~~ C~~.~~fl~^~.n Sp~.~:rl~.ng and. un~.nimo~sly ca.rried, ~h~ m~~~Gi~~ ~dJc~~ax~n~c~ 9,~0 P.M. C~ a~r~ES~r ~ ~ . ~ -~~l ~'.~ar~,~ CITY CI~ETtK MAYOR