Minutes 1974-07-23 CITY COUNCIL Jt~~~ 23, ~`~~4 ~ ~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regulax s~ssion with Ma.yor Tal.~:ey p~~siding. Upon roll call, Council Members Spierling, de Leon, Schlegel and Mi11is reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Talley lead the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend Germaine, Visitation Pastor of the First Presbysterian Chureh in Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL -0F MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of July 9, 1974, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schl.egel, s~conded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 1757 tl~rough Na. 1792 and No. 1800 through No. 1847, in the total amount of $23,149.80; and Payrpll Warrants No. 2162 through No. 2261, in the total amount of $24,859.61, were approved and ordered paid. PRESENTATION OF APPRECIATION PLAOUES TO RETIRING COMMISSIONER POPE Mayor Talley presented a plaque of appreciation to retiring Planning Commissioner Hugh 0. Pope, Jr., for hiS service on said Commission fram July, 1972 through June, 1974. Mr. Pope thanked the Council and expressed his appreciation for the excellent working relationship experienced with the Commission and the Council. Plaques of appreciation wi11 also be delivered to retiring Parks & Recreation Commissioner Nakamura, fox his service from February, 1970 through June, 1974; and to retiring Parking & Traffic Commissioner Kirkpatrick, for his service from April, 1966 through June, 1974. LETTER FROM TRAVELERS INSURANCE RE,~ BTD E,RROR FOR CITY'S INSURANCE ~ Administrator Butch read a letter from the Travel~rs Insurance Company, da~ed July 8, 1974, apologizing for the error made in their bid to cover the City's comprehensive insurance package, and clarifying that the error was the Company's and not its agents, E. C. Loomis & Son Insurance. LETTER FROM CONGRESSMAN LAGOMARSINO RE; CITY'S PIANS FOR FE,p~EV. SHAR. FUNDS Administrator Butch read a response from Congressman La.gomarsino regarding the City's planned expenditure of its federal revenue sharing funds allocatian. He commends the Council for its established priorities for use of the funds. APPROVE FLAG I~OLDER ATTACHMENT3 TO IAMP ~OSTS AS BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE PROJECT Administrator Butch read a letter from Chuck Richmond of Pacific Gas & Electric Company, in response ta an inquiry regarding attachment of flag pole holders to the proposed post-top light standards on Branch Street. He indicated that P.G. & E. has no objection to this, und~r the follawing conditions: 1) attachments to be accomplished with stainless steel bands, with no welding, drilling or other perforation of the poles; 2) any installation must meet State of California, P.U.C. General Order No. 95; and 3) all installation to be performed bg~ the City of Arroyo Grande following issuance of a pole contact permit by P.G. & E. Adm~nistrator Butch advised that a civic group has indicated interest in obtaining the flag~ and attachments and being the "caretakers" far: them, and the City would attach th~ braekets when obtained. The Council agreed that this type of flag display would be more feasible than the sidewalk-installed flag holders and gave the Bicentennial Committee approval for this project. AUTHORIZE CITY ATTY. TO PREPARE ORD. AMENDING S0. C0. SANIT. SERVICE FEES The Council reviewed a letter and year-end statement from the South County Sanitary Service, requesting an inerease in serviGe charges due to increasing'" costs of salaries, maintenance and operation of equipment, etc. For regular residential service, the increase would amount to $.25, so the present cost of $2.75 would go up to $3.00 monthly. The Council agreed tha.t the requested increase was in order. After Council discussion, on motion of Cat~ncilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, City Attorney Shipsey was instructed to prepare ~ an ordinance amending the present service rate to subscribers of the South County Sanitary Service, to the requested increases. 38~ GITX COUNCIL JUI~Y 23, 1974 ,~.RROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 FURTHER DISCUS S ION ItE . COUNTX ANIl~~ CO TR.N OL FROGRAM The Council reviewe~, a letter from Assistant County Administrative Officer Sharp, directed to Woods Animal Shelter, negotiating furth~r foz ~he Shelter's facilities foz use by the County. Administrator Butch indicated that much has occurred in these negotia~ion5 between the County and the shclter since ~his letter dated July llth. The Council agreed to l~old the matter in abegance and see hoW other cities react ta the ~~c~posal s~,nce the most recent even~s. 1~ISCUSSION RE. ANNEXATION FEES Administrator Butch advised tlia.t the Lacal Agency Formation Commissipn has approved the proposed Corbett Canyon Annexation Noq l. He further stated t~at th~.s annexation will cost the City app~oximately $390.00, which amount canMqt be charged to the prop~rty owr~ers reques~~.~g the anne~ation; however, annexation fees can lie charg~d to help d.efray casts of previousJ.y developed municipal facilities and serviees. A$SO>OQ per acre fee to the 57± Corbett Ca~yon annexation would generate abo~at $2,830. A li5ting of fees charged by a nurnber af other cities was reviewed, t~~ich shc>wed varying charges. The Council discussed the matter at length, general],y agreeing that an annexation charge is desirable, but requesting further study be made on the basis for establishmen~ of ~a per acre charge. Regarding fees to the City if it wishes to annex certain property, it was brought out that a d3,strict could be established, ox a waiver of fees provided in the ordinance. APPOTN'TMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSIONER ° PEARL COLE Administrator Butch reporked that Pearl Cole has filed her Disclosure of Econamic Interests report as requrred. On motion of Councilman de Leon, seco~.ded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, Pearl L. Cole was appoin~ed to the Pianning Commission, with her Cerm of office to expire June 30, 1977,, LETTER OE RES IGNATIOl~j - PLANNTNG COMMTSS IO1~tER GOULART Administrator Butch read a letter of resignation from Planning C~rnmissi,onEr Robert L, Goulart, effective July 17, 1974, as he will be moving from the City. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman de I,eon, seconded by Counci~man Spierling and unanimously carried, fihe resignation of Robert L. Goulart f~om the Planning Co~nission was accepted with regrets; and Administrator Butch was directed to write a letter of thanks and appreciation to Mr. Goulart tor his service to the Gity. t~.,PPOINTMENT OF REPRES~NTATIVE TO COASTAL VALLEY PI,ANNING CfJUNCIL - RIES On motion of'Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilma~ Millis and unanimously carried, Planning Cormmissioner A11en Ries was appointed as one af the City's representatives to the Coastal Va11ey Planning Council, as recommended by the Planning Co~nission. _ _ ItESOL ADOPT - NQ PARKING ZONE ON RTE. 227 BE1~lEEN GARDEN ST & HUASNA RD The Council reviewed a recommendation from the Parking & Traffic Commission ~h~t in conjunction with the pedestri~.n walk°bicycle path developed araund Crown H~,I1, that a"No Parking" zane be established on the southerly side o~ Route 227 ` from Garden Street easterly`to Huasna Road. After Council discussion, City , Attorney Shipsey read the ti~1e of a resolution prohibiting parking on a poztion of Highway 227 in the City; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schl~gel, seconded by Councilman-Mi11is and unanimously carried, to dispense wit~ rEading the balance of this resolution. RESOZUTT~N NQ. 1109 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING ESTA$LISI~IENT OF A"NO PARKING ZONE" ON HIGHWAY 227, BETWEEN,GARDEN STREET AND HUASNA -ROAD. ~ On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman de Leon and on the following roll ca11 vote, to wit: ~ AYES: Councilmen Spierling, de Leon, Schlegel, Mi11is and Ma.ypr T~lley NOES: None ABSENT: None \ the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 23xd day of Ju1y, 1974. 3~~~ CITY COUNCIL JULY`23, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORN~A PAGE'3 ORD. ADOPT. - AUZ'HORIZE EXCIiANGE OF CITY OWNED REAL PROPERTY ° HARBI30N City Attorney Sh~.psey ~ead the ~itle of an ord~.nance autYaorizi,ng the exchange of Cit~a-oz~rned ~°eal property with real pr~perty of John C. Harbison, pursuant to Government C~de Seci:ion 37351; ther~af~~~°, a motion was made by Councilma.n Schlegel, s~conded by Co~ancilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with r~ading ~he balance of this Ordin~.nce. ORDINANCE N0. 100 C._S,~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING EXCHANGE OF CITY OWNED REAL PROPERTY PtTRSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CADE SECTION 37351. On tnot~.~n ~f Co~zncil~nan Millis, se~~z~d~d by Corancilman de Leon and on the following roll ca11 vcate~ to AYES: Council~n~n. S~~~~~~~19 Mi11is, Spierling, de Leon and Mayor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the for~going Ordinance was pass~d and adopted this 23rd day of July, 1974. ACCEP T DEED & APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR HARBISON PROPERT3~ - HALCYON ~D, PROJECT On anotion of Co~nc3lanan Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously car~°ied, a de~d. from Jok~n C. Ha.rbison, for a portion of Lots l, 2 and 3 in B1ock No. 6 of Be~kett's Addition to Oce~no9 was accepted and the Ma.yor and City Cl~rk w~re authori~ed t~ sign the Cer~ificate of Accepta.nce on behalf of the Ci+~y; and an agreernent bet~reen Joh.~ C. Harbison and ~he City {as detailed in the Council Minutes of July 9, 1974), wa.s approved. RES~LUTION ADOPTION - APPROVE P~IOItITY PLAN ~JNDER 1974 PARK BOND ACT Administrator Butch reported that the Parks and Recreation C rnmnission ha.s recommend.ed the ad~ption of a resolution by the C~.ty Council approving a priority plan for exp~nditv.re of funds under the pravisfons of the Park Bond Act of 1974. Th.e resolution establishes the City's interest in receiving matching funds from ~he State for parkland acqtaisition.. The City's priority would be for 'additional land purchase adjacen~ to tl~e recen~ly aut~.orized purchase of the Langford property on Huasna Raad. After Couneil discussion, City Attorney Ship.sey xead the title of a resolution approving a priority plan under the 1974 Park Bond Act; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, s~conded by Council- man de Leon and unani.mously carried, tA dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 1110 A RESOLUTIQN OF THE CIT~ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AR.ROYO GRANDE APPROVING PRIORITY PLAl~T FOR EXPENDITURE U1~TDER PROVISIONS OF TI3E STATE BEACH, PARK, RECREATION, AND HISTORICAL FACILTTIES BOND ACT OF 1974. On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Spierling and on the following ra11 ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Councilm~n Spierling, de T~~on, Sc~legel9 Mi11is and Mayor Talley 1VOES : Nor~e ABSENT: None the foregozng Resolution w~.s passed and adopted this 23rd day of July, 1974. RECEIPT OF BIDS & AWAR.D OF CONTRACT ° CATHODIC PROTECT. OF RESERVOIR ~k2°-HARCO CORP~ Ciity Engineer Garcia reported that three bids had been received and opened on J~.ly 189 1974 ~.t 2:00 P.M. for the Cathodic Protection of Reservoir No. 2, Project No. 60-74-1, as follows: HARCO CORPORATION 7453 ]Lorge Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 926+7 $4,230.00 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO., TNC. P. 0. Box 250, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 $4,407.00 PASSMORE ELECTRIC CO., INC. 4525 Santa Ma.ria Way, Santa Maria, CA 93454 $4,666.00 , ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $4,100.00 CITY COUNCIL J[TLY 23, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE , CALIF01t~I.E# FAGE 4 H~ re~ommend~d ~~~,rd:.ng of t~~ ~o~.tr~~~t t~.~ low tsidder9 H~rco Corpcration, indicating that ~ r~f~~°~nc~ c~.~~k ~n t~e fz~ p~ov~d t~ be r~p~aL-able, After Council disc~assinn., on rno~~~n ~f Cc~~a~ac~.ian~n Sc~T~g~l, seccan.d~d b~r Co~nciltna:n cle Leon and unan~.in~usly ca~~1~d~ ~~e bi.d in ~~ne~a~~t of $4~230,00 w~s acc~pted and the contract awarded to ~.rco Cc~rpo~at~o~ fo~° t1~~ ~athodic p~~t~ction of reservoir No. 2, Project No, 60-a4~19 ancl ~Y~~ M~;~or ~,r~s a.ut~~~i~~c~ ~ign said cont~act agreement on behalf ~f t~e C~~~. REQUES T FOR PARTS WASHEI~. A~ C~ORP012~TI~1`~' YA1tD I~LD Oi1ER Admini~tr~tor Bu~c~ r~q~e~~:~d th~ C~~~~~1 ag~~~~. to hold over th.e agenda item pe~~~,in3.n~ ~o a~~q~ne~~ fo~ ~~~~ts ~.t tl~~ C~~'pmr~.tican Y~.rd, per Ca1~OSHA standard~, ~~r f~rt~er re~~arc~.. DTSCUS S ION R~ . ADDI~ ° L GAS S"~~RA~E A`~ C~It,P , YA1tD_ m__ FIIRTHER S TUDY REQUES TED ` T&ae Co~.nci1 r~vi~tia~d a r~port b~ Cen~t~~~i~n Tnsp~ctor Felmlee r~qtaesting an additional ga~oline s~~r~~~ ~~.r~k. n~•l~ad g~~ol~n~, at th~ cQrporation yard, Ttae Counc:~l disc~~s~d ~ak~~x° at l~ng~k~~ gen~rally agr~ea,ng that long range plans for : additional ~c~~~r~~~ s~a~'~~~ of ~.11 typ~~ of vehict~lar gas be made at this time in view of pro~a~~~+~ ~nc~~.nt~~ed during the recent ~~,s stnortage. The matter was ~referred bac~ t~a t~~~ Cr~~ s~ta~~ for fr~rt~~~~ infcarm.ation and cost factors. REPORT m ZONE 3 ADVISORY' COMMI'T"3~E MEETII~~ ~F JUL~ 18 e 1974 - MILLIS Councilman Ma.lli~ r~pc~~~~d on the 1.8~h m~eti~.g c~f the Z~+ne 3 Advisory Cornnnittee, ~.s follo~rs : T~.~ P~rks & B~~.ekc~s r~pcar~ snow~ci that both att~ndance and r~ven~ue was up; Deri1 W~it~~s gati•e ~ r~port ora ta~~~r u~age, i:ndicating that Pismo Beach had gone ov~r i~s ~l~.~tmm~nt, which t~.an~ R~pr~s~nta~~ve Millis had requested that gttid~lin~~ l~~ pr~p~~~c~ fm~° incl~.si~n in ~h~ C~?ittee°s by-laws regarding a method af h~.nd~in~ ~aa~er u~age over~ges; R~present~.tive Guiton was re-elected as C~.aixman of Z~n~ 3~rs~. R~pres~ntative Mi~.lis ~ras elected as Vice- Chairman, 'I'h.e C~uncil da.se;~ass~d ~~c~nt ne~apap~r articles dlsclosing tk~.t the firm of C.T.R, of LLa~..guna Beach ~.as off~~~d ~ts contracted 20 acxe feet o~ i~oge~ water for sale ~o Pis~o Be~.c?~, taitl~o~.~ approval ~f s~ach. a~ransaction by the Zone 3 Committee. City Attorn~y Sl~ips~y was requested t~o review the Zone 3 contract agreement to s~~ if i~ c~~~rs th.e following ma.~tex°s: 1) use over allatment; 2) can any entity ~~1T its p~r~ of w~.~~r ta a~o~her in Zone 3 with.ou~ approval of all entiti~~ in Zdrn~ 3; dist~ibution of 0& M cost~ (does C.T.R. pay them even tl~~ugh i~ is n~t ~~zng rts ~.llmcation of ~rater); and 4) who sets policy, caho has ~igh~ to d~te ~n~n~ t~~re i~ sasrplus ~~.fi:er and that it can be sold? Councilman Millis acl~i~~d ~h~.t n€:xt me~ting of the Zone 3 Advisory Committee ~ill be an A~a~aast 15~ 19~~ ~.tc 7>3d P.M. in th~ Arroyo Grande Counci,l CYaambers . APPROVE CO~TRACT CHAI~G~ QRDERS ~1~ BR~1~CH S~° RECONSTR~JCTION ° DEPT. OF TRANS~ Tk~e Counc~l r~vie~ecY l~~t~r frorn tk~~ Departmen~ of Transportation and report froan City~ Eng~.nee:~ G~rci~. xeg~.~ding ~~.v~ eh~ng~ orders necess~.x°y on the Bran~h Stre~t R~cons~~~sctio~. ~~oj~ct. Aft~r Cc~~nncil d~.~cussa.on9 on motion of Councilmar~ Sch~.~g~l, s~e~nded b~ C~xnnca.l~~.n Mbllis and unanimotasly carried, the following Ch~.nge 0~der~ ~,~~r~ ~gp~ov~d on th~ conGr~ct ~~:th ~he State Department of Transportat~.nn fo~° the ~~arz~k~ St~~~g R~c~nst~~cti~sn Pro~ect: CODTTRACT CHAIVGE ORDER DESCI~.IPT~~'~ AMOUNT ,~k~ C~ans~ra~ct Wfl~~~l Gh~i~ R~n~p~ $ 518.90 ~~5 Aclci~d Exp. Agg. S~d~~aalle~ 210.25 ~~4 P Yas ti~ pip~ in li~t~ of ~~1~:. ~~aof .dra~.ns -1, 000.00 (svgs Numb~r Tentative S lu~np s te~~~ ~a~.ll at A.G. cr~ek. 1~ 250.00 ~AG share) Number T~n~tative Ba~~bl~:~° dr~.i~. ~.t ~.lle.~ I~f~ of s~~.~iesn 20+20+ 1,000,00 ~ TOTAI, $1,979.15 AUTHORI2E FINAL PAYMENT FOR S'TREET PAVTI~G PR~J,~ECT ~'l1. 90-74~°2 - DIANI Tl~.e Cotxncil revi~w~d a r~pca~°~ fr~rn F~blic Works Director A~.derson, recom- mending approval of fin~I p~.y3laent ~o A. J, Dia~xi Construction Company for the completed job of paving Spxuc~, Asp~n and Sag~ S~r~ets. Af~Cer Cotincil discussion, on motion of Co~.ncilanan S~hlegelp s~cond~d b~ Councilgnan de Lc:on and unanimously carried, final paymPnt in t~~ total amount c~f $15,382.80 ($13,844.52 to be paid now and 10% retention in ttie ~.mc,unt of $1,538.28 ta be paid 35 da3~s from date of project completion) was apprc~v~d to b~ ga~.d to A.J. Diani Construction Company for the completion of S~r.eet P~vin~ P~a~~~t Nc~a 90°74-2. CITY COUNCI~L JULY 23, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE , C~.~IFQRIVIA PA~E ~ REPORT RE. CITY'S GC~NSTRI$UTI03~x Tl~ ~EW~lt A~~:^Tr. I3ISTRT_C~ - 1~OT REFU1`7DABLE City Att~rney Sh~p~e;~ r~pa~°~e~. ~~.at in x°e~~°~d to t?~e $l0,OQ0 conitribution the City had mad~ fo~° Exag~.n~~~°e~ f~~~ an tka~ Ar~.°a~y~ ~~~.nd~ S~~a~r 1~ssessment District No, l, a resolu~3c~n ~~.d h~~n fc~~~nd9 pas~~~. la~ t~.~. City Council in August of 1972, which ~tated tY~~.~ ~1~~ pre~r~oz~sly ~~{an~d of'$10,000 ~rould now be consid~red a con~krib~~~c~r to inuic~t~ t~e ~i~;~B~ ~ugpa~~ of th~ project, and th~r~fore no refaand o~ ~~.~d r~a~cts ~.s ~c~~t~~:c~~^~~n~g The ~aunci~ ~ai3~ ~~t s~~si~n fa~r r~.~~ ~nc~°~a~~~ in the sew~r charges so~ne time in t~i~ f.~n~~;~,~. REQUEST FOR SUPP~DR.fi FRC~M ~R~V~~ C~T~ R~ I~I~F'~BT~ Fu~~IT~I POST OFFICE Administra~c~r Ii~~c?~ r~~.d ~.~~~~5r frc~rrt ~r~~~~r Czty Administrat~r Ken Berry, request~.ng th~ C~unci~'s ,~d~~ati~r c~~ ~ rc~~c~:~~.t~~n s~pporting the position of Grover C~ty in its dispul~~ z~~t~. t~:~ aiEfa.~~ irj. t~a~.t ~ity ~°egarding placement of residents° Ynail b~~~esv Th:: ~c~~rz~~~. dis~~~~~d ~ch~ r,~.~,tt~r at l~rcgth, sympathiz- ing with Grover City's p~°oi~l~x~, br~~ ~~n~~~.l~~y ~~r~~ing not to get involved in the matter so as not t~ je~pa~diz~ t1~~ gndd rel~,tions~ip ~~ad by this City witYt its past officeu RESOLUTIOIV ADOPTION -"1V~ PL~1tKI?~G°' ~~?NE N~.4.R 601 ~RAND ~.VE~IUE The Council reviec~~d ~ repo~t fr~ P~xbli~ GTo~l~~ D~.r~~tUr Anderson stating that the Bepartm~n~ of Tr~n.s~~rt~.tion'~ F~~~ Off~c~: at 601 Gr~.nd Avercue, just easterly of the San R~mc~n Re~~a~xr~mt, ha~ r~qa~:~ste~ a 20` red "No Parking" zone be est~.blished on the west sid~ ef tl~e~.r c~ri~~~;~aay te~ ~a~ilitate safer ingress and egress to the fi~ld o~fic~a Atter Coa~~cil disc~a~~ion, City Attorney Shipsey read the ti~1P of a r.~sola~~ion establi~hing Pa~~Ca.ng" zone on a p~~tion of Grand Avenue; ther~aft~~, ~ motion was m~a~ ~y C~~.~~ilman Millis, seconded bg Cotxncilman Spi~rl.ing ~.nd r~nan.i~nc~a~sly ~~.rri~d., t~ d.~.spens~ with reading the balance of tl~i~ rasolu.tion, It~S~T~i~TT~t~T N0. l~ l~_ A RESOLTTTION ~JF TI-iE ~ITY CqUIVCII~ ~F TIiE CITY OF ARROYO GRI~NDE AUfiH()1tIZING E~TA~I,IS?~NT OF A"N~ PARKING ZONE" ON A PORTION'OF GRAND AVEN[IE. On motion of Cou.neil~nan S~1~~Eg~~., ~e~ond~:d, by Coaancilman Millis and on the f.olloraing roll call v~te, to wit, AYES : Caun~ilmen Spierling, d.~ I~ee~n, Scr.1~~~~., MilZis and Mayor Talley NOES: None ABS~NT: None the foregc~ing Res~lbi*i~an. ~zas pas~e~. and ~.c~c~p~ed this 23rd day of JuIy9 1974. APPOINfi 1~PS. TO CO~dNTI~S-CITI~S AR~A FLA.NIVII~G CO~T1~T~~~ - SPIER~ING & TALI~EY On motic~n of Cc~ux~cilxna,n Mill~~, serc~rac~~~ by C~~xn.ca~lm~.n Schlegel and carried, , Councilman Spi~rl~.ng ~aaa ~.pgcai~~ed ~.s t~ie ~i~ycs r~presenta~:iUe to the Counties- Cities Area Planning G~txncgT, as x°~~c~~nniend~~ t~y May~r Talley, On mr~~ior~ of Cc~une:~i?~a.n Schleg~~ , s~co~d~d b~ Gc~uncil~na:n MiT.lis and carried9 Mayor T~11~y ~r~.s a~~a~int~c~ ~.s alt~x~aa~t~ ~~p~~~entative t~ the Counties- C~.ties Area Plar~ning Cs~ann~il. DISCUSSIQN RE. COL~NCII, Q~~R.~1M Pi~ESE~"~ E9.T SPFCTAL PAl~KS & REC. C~MM. MEETe 7/22/74 In r~sp~nse to R~poxt~~ C31~~n°s remark ea~1~.~~ during the meeting regarding the qaaorvm of Council. M~mb~rs pres~nt ~t ~t1~ spec~~~ mee#:ing of th~ Parks and Recreation C~nunissivn un J~.ly 22, 19`~4 ~r~.t~iG~ut nc:~~ificati~n to the press, City Attorney Shipsey ~l~rifieci. tl~~.t ~1~~ rn~efiing ~r~.s p~abli~ anci not call~d for benefit of the Gounc~lo Cc~uncil~~n M~11is po~n~~d out ~h~.t 1~ad corne int~ tha.t meeting late and left early, ti~.ving onl~r c~zn~ ta ~~~:~~~d. di~~~.~si~n r~garding bicycle paths. It was furthPr pointed o~~~ ~h~a~ a~c~~.~ion~Il~ s~v~~~.l C~a~.nc~.leanen will wind up at th.e sam~ pl~.~~ at the sa.m~ tim~.~ wi~tic~~~t in.~~nt~.c~n of cm~d~~eting City busin~ss, ADJOURNMENT On moti.on ~~f Counc~l*.n~.n d~e ~L~n, s~cand~c~ by C~au~~cilm~.n Sc~il.egel ~.nd un.ani.mously ca.rried, xn~:L~ting ~.djnurn~d at 9:20 P.M. ATT~S T •~•==3~~ ~ e CTTY C~ERK MAYC~R ~