Minutes 1974-10-29 I CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 29, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular adjourned session with Mayor Talley presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Spierling, de Leon and Millis reported present. Councilman Schiegel is absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Talley lead the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Councilman Millis delivered the invocati~zn. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of October 8, 1974, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 2077 through No. 2247, in the total amount of $78,264;65; and Payroll Warrants No. 2790 through No. 2858, in the total amount of $21,506.05, were approved and ordered paid. LETTER OF THANKS RE. TREES ON THE PIKE - H. FORGOSTEIN Administrator Butch read a letter of thanks and appreciation from Harold Forgostein, Guardian in Chief of the Temple of the People in Halcyon, in regard to the maintenance work done by City direction on the eucalyptus trees along the south right of way of The Pike. Council Members indicated there still appear to be several unremoved dead eucalyptus trees, which Public Works Director Anderson indicated he had not been aware of, but will investigate. PROCLAMATION -"CHILDREN'S BOOK WEEK" - NOVEMBER 11TH THRU 17TH, 1974 Mayor Talley read a proclamation and proclaimed the week of November 1~„ 1974 through November 17, 1974, as "Children's Book Week" in the City of Arroyo Grande, as requested by the Arroyo Grande library. PROCLAMATION -"HONDURAS HURRICANE ASSISTANCE FUND WEEK" - NOV.1 THRU NOV.8, 1974 Mayor Talley read a proclamation and proclaimed the week of November lst through November 8th, 1974, as "Honduras Hurricane Assistance Fund Week" in the City of Arroyo Grande, as requested by the Allen Klug Family in honor of Sylvia Ayala of Honduras, who spent last year with the Klug Family as an American Field Service Student. COUNCILMAN MILLIS EXCUSED HIMSELF FROM THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITING A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST AS HE RESIDES IN THE AREA TO BE DISCUSSED IN THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEM. RECEIPT OF PETITION FOR BUILDING HEIGHT LIMITATION ON CORONA DEL TERRA Administrator Butch read a petition, containing twenty-five signatures from residents on North Elm and Montego Streets, requesting the Council to "consider a height limitation of 17 feet f'rom street center on future homes to be built on the east side of Corona del Terra to protect the view from exis~ing homes on North Elm Street". After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman de Leon and carried, to refer the matter to the Planning Commission for its review and recommendation regarding a "D" override in this area for a 17' building height limitation. Stella Nobles, 1239 Montego, was pres~~t and requested that the same type of limitation be considered for ~he lower part of Montego Street, as the same request will be made when Ruth Ann Way is developed. After Council discussion, Councilman Spierling amended his motion and Councilman de Leon seconded the amended motion, to include the general neighborhood of Ruth Ann Way, Rair View Drive and southerly portion of Montego Street, in the Council's referral to the Planning Commission for recommendations regarding a"D" override in stated areas for a 17' height limitation on houses. Motion carried. Contractor Bill Prather was present, indicating that at the time his plans were submitted to the City and approved, there was no building height limitation and he is under contract at the present time to build a home on a certain lot on Corona del Terra, which will be app~~ximately twenty-five feet in height. CITY COUNCIL pGT~BER 29, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 In answer to Barbara Vasquez's quest~ion, 387 No. Elm, it was explained that it would be necessary to have four members of the Council to declare a moratorium on construction effective immediately, to provide time to adopt an ,ard'inanee establishing height limitations. Mrs. Vasquez stated that Mrs. William Prather had been contacted prior to this matter being brought to the Council, with the request the consideration be given to a height limitation. After further Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey was instructed to prepare an Ordinance for the Council's consideration at its next meeting, establishing a building moratorium in portions of the City as described above. Review and study of the matter by the City staff and Planning Commission will be made in the meantime, with these r~ports to also be presented to the Council at its next meeting. COUNCILMAN MILLIS RESUMED HIS PLACE AT THE COUNCIL TABLE. PUB. HEAR: APPEAL PREZONE #74-76 (FOWLER) - PLAN. COMM. DENIAL OVERRULED-ORD.IST READ Administrator Butch reported that the Planning Commission, at its public hearing, had denied Melvin and Roberta Fowler's application to prezone approximately six acres loca~ed south of and adjacent to Woodland Drive and the creek, from "A", Agricultural District to "R-1", Single Family Residential District.. Administrator Butch read a letter from Roberta and Melvin Fowler dated October 16, 1974, appealing the prezoning denial, and also read a letter from them dated October 18, 1974, requesting that the hearing be continued until such time when a full Council is anticipated present, which will be November 26, 1974. This same area has also been proposed for annexation to the City, which matter will be considered by the Council later in this meeting. The Council discussed the request to cnntin~e the public hearing. City Attorney Shipsey clarified that in order to continue the public hearing, it would have to be opened first. He suggested that those persons be heard this evening who would not be able to be present on the 26th of November, and anyone else would be heard the 26th of November, to avoid repetition of testimony. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling and seconded by Councilman Millis, to continue the public hearing until November 26, 1974. Council discus- sion continued regarding who would be given an opportunity to be heard at this evening's hearing. Councilman Spierling clarified that his motion for continu- ation was intended to allow only those persons to be heard this evening who could not be present on November 26th; whereafter Councilman Millis withdrew his second of the motion, indicating that anyone should have the opportunity to speak this evening when the public hearing is opened. The motion died for lack of a second. Upon being assured by City Clerk del Campo that all requirements as provided by law have been complied with, Mayor Talley declared the hearing open and all persons for or against the prezoning of the above descr~bed area would now be heard. Roberta Fowler and Melvin Fowler, 947 So. Halcyon Road, spoke in favor of the prezoning and explained the proposed development of the property if it is prezoned and annexed. In answer to Councilman de Leon's question, Mrs. Fowler replied that the property had been assessed for sewers in the amount of approxi- mately $5,000. Jim Brasher, 801 Virginia Drive, presented a petition to the Council stating that it was signed by 95% of the residents in the Woodland Drive, Virginia Drive and Willow Lane area, in opposition to the proposed annexation unless access to the property is provided from Halcyon Road through the Fowlers' property. The following persons were present and generally spoke in opposition to the prezoning, in view of the proposed annexation and development of the property; Marguerite Bainer, 828 Willow; Mrs. Lois Cullen, 606 Woodland; Mary Lou Campbell, 839 Willow; and Steve Campbell, 839 Willow. The following persons were present and spoke in favo~ of the prezoning Addison Wood, proposed developer of the property; and"'~a~y ~r'ieby ~~0 Valley Road. There being no further discussion for or against the prezoning, and the Council generally agreeing that the citizens present wish to have a decision on the matter this evening, Mayor Talley declared the hearing closed. The Council continued discussion of the matter at length. After Council discussion, a mmtiori was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by ~ouncilman Spierling and on the following roll call vote, to wit: A~~~: Councilmen Spierling, de Leon and Mayor Talley NO~S: Councilman Millis ABSENT: Councilman Schlegel Overruling the Planning Comm~ssion s denial of Prezoning Case No. 74-76 to ~rezone from "A" to "R-1" approximately 6 acres south ot Woodland Drive. Motion carried. _ ~3 / CIT'Y COUNCTL 4CZ~J~ER 29, :1974 ARROYO GRIANDE , CAI~~~RN~A PAGE 3 City At~c~~? 5~'~~.p~~~+ r~sd, fcar it~ first: r~a~d~;~~, ti~t].~ of a[n ordimance ~tienttircg th~ Mtianic~.pal Cad~ sa as to prezcn~ f~~m C~a~ra.~p d+a~igra~t~d ~tAr~ to Ctty designafi~d "R°~", certain prop~rty co,itiguous tca ~T~~ eo~t'h~st~r3.y Citq Li.mit~; th~reafter, ~~fltion ~aas made by Co~anci.lman Sp9.~~~tng, ~~ccend~d by Couneil- man de Leon and c~rri~d, to dispenee with raxding tk~~ bak~ vf th.~s Qrd~anc~, Adminietrator Butch reviewed background inforrn?atior~ r~g,a~dis~g the proposed Woodland Drive No. 1 Annexat~.on, and ~nd3catied the 6± acr~ c~n a map. Upon being asaurad by City Clexl~ del Campo that ~11 requiareu~z~te ae pr~rvided ls~ Yiav~ been complied with, Ma~or '~a17.~~ dealared the hearin~r open and all p~r~ona wnuld naw be heard for or ~gainet the propoeed annexation. Th~ follo~vi~ ger~one were preaent and ep~ke in fav~ar of t}~e anr~er~ca,t~on: Robarta Fooeler, 947 30. Halcpon Road; and Marguerite ~is~er, 82~ Willoav, indicatsd eha ~vould go along with the annexntioa in view of the prasaa~t~g approva~. Tl~ar~ beinffi na fictrtY~z ~i.aus~ion ragarding th~~r ~ttur, ~~ror Ta17.~sy d~ciarod tb~r haari.~g clo~ad. A#t'r Council 8t~cu~eion~ Ci~y At~orr~~y 8~ipsr,y r~ad. ~'ar ito ~ir~~ xu~d~r?g~ thr ti~1~ a~ e~ ordi~~~c' am~nd3?~~ tl~~ ~~9.o3p~1 Cod~ ~o to •n~ to ~h~e Cit~+ e~ A~rr~ya t~rand~ oarta3r~ ut~l.alubl.~d ts~~°L~o~y dul,~n~t~d "Woodl,a~ Dr~~r ~o~ ~,A~tzax~~t~o~" M~h+~x~~~t+~r, ma~~a~ aaa ~?d~ by Qou~cilm~e~ 8pi~~lf,r?~, r~~o~do~ 'b~r C~~~ai~oe~ d~ L~o~ a~?8 e~~~,~?~e~r a~~e~~.~d~ di~p~~• ~ratd#~n~ ~h~ b~l~~?~~ o~ t1~~r O~A~r~~~a. ~e~ta~ ~r~~~ e~r ~z. ~~~a = ~a O~~~o~~ ~o~e~v~rd ~~~i~~ ~~~r~ ~~~~~~~~y C~?~~e~ Ooynti~~i Divi,r~o~ ~~e Lox~u~ o# Q+~~~~o~s~t~ O~~ie~, ~e i~~d !'~cid~ty, b~ovrm~~s ZZ, 19y4 3~n ~i~~ O~t~r o~ lo~~ ~ttsMt~~m~. ~I?y~~ T~?t~~?y i~~~~e~?Cw~ 1~~ wi 11 a~r~rid ~ Th~ Cauncil r~ceived and revie~ved a latter F~nm' ~IYe ~ar~ I~tis ~bf.~po La?~t~ of Wom~n Votere, urging supporC by ~he Cnuncil of Proposit~.~n 15 in the~ upaoming genaral election. A~ 3.n previou~ mat~ere of thie t~rp~, the Counci~, c1~c13.ntd to take any action as thi~ prnpoe~tiQZ~ do~e no~ direa~ly aff~c~ the Ci~y. . The Council rece,ived notice fram the Pub~iG L1ti13,Cie~a Co~r~,t~~~r~ that ~t~~ Pacifi.c Telep~one er~d T~r~graph Company ha9 raquer~dd a ra~:+e inc~~+~~~, o~~~'~ different rate in,creaees f~r differer~t areae of sarv~~a~ The Citiy Council r~vi~~~d a le~ter u~d res~lu~ioc? fxom ~ho City~ of Port Huene~ne eupporti.~g a r~ealutian paeeed by t~se Ci~ty~ c~f ~et'~~~~~'~eld ~equ~t~irt$ ~'th~ Directora snd OFficer~ of the La~agu~ of Ce1i~~r~tia Ci~~.e~s t~ rr~rai,n txom ~uk~ng ~ position on ballc~~r snsaa~rc~e of Sta~ervide i~tbr~~~, gs~c,r ko a vo~k• o~ p11 ~a:ubwr cities." _ The Cot~ncil x~ovi~wved a lnttdr and re~o~.u~iari from Qit~ o~ E~~alon, urging a"no" vot~ on Prop~rition 17 ~~ge~rding 9t~nt~~,~+~s ~~va~ an~ Na~ ~elone~ Dam Pra,~ec~~ A l~ttar'and resol~tion o£ ~Ch~ ~oaxd of 3t~pa~.°v3roro af Sutter Caunt~r ~a also r~ce~~r~ed ~£ram ~h~ San S,uia Obispo Ca~~?t~ Saat~d of 9ap~r°~ visore in thie sa~e re~ard. Tl~ Caunc~.l r~~~a9.u~d ~~om ~~~~r~~ r~~,~ atct~~o~t on thie matt~r ae it doas ~ot diractly s~~ect thi~ C~ty. ^ ~s~arrp~:~~ ~'~.~.Kr:..~l~~~~~~ 88.P',~,~,~.'~8,,,~.~-~°.,a,- The Treseursx'a R~port for th~ month ~f 8ep~mmba~, 1~7G~, ~em~ rwas~~v~d 'by the C o~nc i 1, ~evi~ed s~d ord~ r~~ f~. l~cl . , The Cot~s~ci1" revi~vrsd a~ropoaed r~eol~~ion ~z~d a~xe~m~?n~ or a~ai~ut~ co~,txo~. aervicee ~vith tY~e Co~nt~ of 3uz~ ?~t'tie 4biepo, r~C~~ved ~xa~a Ae~~ei~a~Lt Ad~iui.~x~tt~3v~ Offic~r Sharp. Tha Cou~x~y took ov~r op~ra~?,vn o~' ar~~.~1. c~an~zox ~t,~~o~t~hauG tlaa County on Ssp~mber '1, 1974, but :~s nQt had aut~ra~~~~~v~a, ~x~~a tkt~~ Ci~~r to perform etsch aarvi~e~ h~r.e. Ttx+~ prapra~~d r~~alution ~~tl.c~ ~l,w~ ~~~.s gr~~hw.~~.zn~i~?n to Che Gaunty arxd prov~de fnx r~~ao~b1~ ~ai~bs~r~~n~,z~t a£ ~~.d u~~~.c:its 'bp ~hs Cl,~y, du~ing contract ~~i~~~,~tionr ~ _ . ; _ ~ . . ~a._, _.~.~..:~~'`a,,,,,:_: . . _ _ ' . . a;; ~3~ C7.lY ~;C'1~,TN~CTT, d3~;1'oBF'R "l~a 1g~~F ARRCIYQ GR1~NmlE , CAL~FfjRN~::.::~ PAGE 4 Af~~:r Ca~tnc;il ~,3.sca~~~ion, C~.t~ At~csr~~;~ ~1~~.p~~~* r~~c~ ~1~~ ti.~l~ of a r~~ca~~ation autha~~:z~,ng t~a~ Co~nty c~~ San Luis Obispa to provide anim~l conE:~°s~1. ~erv~i~.e~ ~rit113~n ~Ch~: C~.ty; ~l~ereaftier, ~ ~aoti~n ~w~a ~nad~ bg~ C~t~~ici.lm~an Spierling, secor~ded by Co~n~ilm~an d~ Lec'n and v,nanimoa~sl~ c.~~ried, to d~.span~e witkz r~~ding th~ b~~.mnc~ af this r~~o~.uCion. 't~..~°..~,~~^'~~.p~'T~:R? i~'{7„ _ ~'.~Z,~..~,. A R~SOY~~°~;~~~,T ~3:'~' 7,''I~; ~q~'~~~~~ CD~° T,~ CT~~Z A12ROYt7 ~~4.IVDE AU~'~$4?~.~:"~~~i~ "~'~E C;:Sl"7a~''~"Y OP' ~r~'N 'L~JI~ C~B~:SP~O T~ PROV~DE ANT~+.~ to~i~"~t.tSJL ~~Fa~.V~:~~S f~~'~~1~( TH~ AREA OF SATTD c z~c~ o~ ~~t~~c~ r~~~r~~~ t3~ r~r~tion of C~uz~c:~:l,~a~~ ~p~~r,l~~a.~z ~s~~~~:r~c~~YC~ by~ Ccrrx!c~c~.].tt~~n cta.*, ~,~~n ~~,d an t~~,~ rc~l~~~s~~n.g roll c~~7. va~w~:; A~CES: Ce~unci~L~a~r~ Sp~~~~,~.n~, d~: ~G~ony ~1~,1~~~ ~nd M~t~r~~ T~'~1.~~r ~~ES ; ~'~a~~ ~~~~~"Ct C~rs~tr3.~t n ~c~~~~~+~~, £u~~~~~i~~ ~~~~~~n~~ tk~~,~ ~~~t~ d+~y~ c~~ ~~~~~~~~~N ~9'~4. ~ t~~ A t.x~ ' ' ,k . : ,+'a~~~ ~ fi. f~'~~ ~~~~~~il ~r~~.,~~~~~ ~ ~e~~~~~~ C~~~~~:~~~~ C~~„~~~, ~.w~pp~~~ ~~~Y p~~~~~~~~,~?~.~ ~~p~~~~~ra~~ ~f~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~t~~~~~ ~i~~~~~ ~~~~~~i~a~~~ ~~`f~a~ ~ gp . .re~r. r~~ ~~c~ Counci~ r~c~~~.~r~d ~e~pi~e nf qu~~t~.gr~~ ~a~~ap~~r~~ b~ ~~a~i C;~.~y,'~ ~'~~tr?r~~n~ I2~.~~~~;e~~ a~~d ~~pr~~~nt~~~.v~~ f~~ac~ t~i~a ~,~,t:~~s o~ "P~L~zx?ra ~~~~:h a~td G~°e~v~r~~ C3.t~r, ~'hich ~a;~:l~ a~k,~.d, of r,~sidl~rL~~ ~,c~ ~can~~~e~G~ect ~~.tY~ ~~~~~~.~e t~ '~~$~,n ~~°~o~o G~°a~~i~~ an Nc~~~~mb~r 8, ~'9~4:, T~a~ +~u~~t~c~~,~ ~~r~a ~~~a~~~r~ ~U ~~a~a a~k~~d Ch~ x,5~.5 Ni~~3,~n~~, Censtx~ ~xti~ ~~c~ cc~~~~~~*c~ o:~ ~~crn~~~~~ ~i~~~~~~~ ~°t'1~ ~t~,~ ~h~ ~~t~r ix~ ~~qu~~~~r~~ w+~~~,sr~~ ~r~r,~t~ ~r~~ gr°a~~~;ma 3 ~,T~clrss ~°or~ ~x: . '~~lt~~ ~ ~p,~,~r pr.a,N Tt~~ Ca~n~~l ~~1~~~~~~~ ~ ~~o~ P~~'~~ ~~r~~t~~~ G~11up, ~~~~a~~d~.r?~ ~1~~• ~n~ c~~t~' ~~r d~~~l,c~pznu~~ c~~ ~a ~~~1i~r~ ~t~~~~ ~t~ ~~°~}7r~ ~o~atka ~f ~r~r~ch, tn ~cs~~j~a~c~~~r~ ~a~.tk~ ~~e~ D~v~:~,upx~a~~~ ~l~,ti t~x~ t~k~ ~~~,~x~ 5~;x°~~~ Pe~~rk Ar~~. Tot~t1 cast ~s~ia~~e of ~a~~g~~~: $~g17~,Op, ~r~~h C~,~t~ c;~~~r~ i~~tal'~~,a~~ ~h~ eu~bs. Ca~~~i1 di~e~~~~c~ ~~'~L~ ~t, ~,~±~~~~i~ ~~z~~~~'~.~,~ ~~~~~ing ~h~i; 3~~ ~h~u~d b~ ~~~.d o~~ at thi~ t~,~x~s~ ~.~~1 ~~~~~rin~ l~ ;b~~~ ~u ~'h~~ ~~~"~~e ~~1d R~~~r.~~.tt~~ C~nmi~e3on f~~ ~~c1.~~ic~n ir~ t1~t C~crr~~~~~,c~n,~~ ~nn~,~~, p~~r~~:~~;~~ x~~~ af n~~+i~~t ~~~~~~i~g fax 1975~~5 b~a~d~~~m MA~~JR '~Pa~,~E~' DECI~~E~ ~,EC~~~ 3.q a A~ P,:~~i , C~~an~~l ~~~~n~~e~~~ ~L ~Ua ~3 ~.M~ o ~r;~~a~ ~n~~~~~~ p~r~~~t~~ ~'h~~ c,~, t"#a~ ~°v11, c~11. z~~~~c~ ~ : ~~r°~~~c ~a~'~~~ ~ , r~. ~ , r~ Tla~ Cauncil ~ra~ ~,r~~r~~~d ~,~i~~ ~ p+~'~'~~~ ~~~~~~,r~~ k~.~~ ~~~n e~~ ,E~r l~c~~~nb~~ 13, 1~~'~/ 8:Ua P.M. to c~~s°Ld,~~° ka~re 5~~.~~ra1,~, ~~~~t:~ ~~.~s~~~n~ o~' th~a Cit;~'~ G~n+~~~~ Plan. A.d~cainiat~~~o~ Z~ts~'~ r~c`~,~~r~,~~~c~ ~~~a t;~o.~ St~~~9 ta~a ~app~°Q~r~d C~ty°'e t,i~na~ ~xt~~e;i.c~x~ ~°~c~u~~~ f~~~ c,~'x~~a;1~~~~~,c~~ Uf l~~~.~~, ~cur~~c T~i~~s~~y ar~d S~ai~mic Sat~~y~ E~~~n~nts ot ~Y~~ ~?~,~n, ~a~~k~ r,c,~r~p~~t;~c~~~ c~~~~~ fc~~ ~~~~and~,d frcana S~pt~~ala~~ 2d, 1~74 ~~p~C~:xn`b~~ 2U~ '~~75„ nv,~ c~~ss ~ w s ~ ' ~.'~'~.~~P~&~ ' 7~ ~a~,~.~~~t~~~~~ a~~~~;~ ~ c~~~~ ~r~~~.~:~ ~~a~~~~~a ~ ~~~~a~~~a~a p~a~~~ of ~s~~or~,ty~ ~~~3~~,~~~y bE ~,xn~~len~~~~~~ fi4r~ t,~~ C~,9~y~. S~id 'bi'~~~a~~ i~r~cl~adr~~ Th.~; Pi~c~ b~~a~~~x Nd~~~x ta~~~r~n,c~ Sr.~~c,a~ ~~~z~~, ~J,r.~ 4~.rNf;~~~~, ~c~+~e r~~~~th~~~~ o~z E1.m ~0 4c~~n V'i~w Sc~,oox, ~~~c~ ~,nc~~,zd~~ o~ F~~~,~ O~~i~ ~v~~r~~~ f~c~ ~~a~~ 3~~~~ti ~o Tr~.~fi,c 'I~+~y~, ~a~,~~r~ ~1~ c~~a~:~.c~,~~~:~ ~~~r~~~~~~ ar~ ~1~~n ~t~~r~sfat t:~ Mae~~~~~ S~x~~~, ~r~~x~~ it can~:~;n~~~ nort~~~l~* ~t~ t~;~ C~.~r3,~ ~~s~i~~t~~ ~~~d p~~~i t~ouZd co~~ a~~rax~.m~,C~l,y $;C,~00 ~o ~~,~OU ~ti~,~ la~~.cat; '.;~J ,~d~a~~„i,s~~h~~~~~ b~ta'h ,t~tt~ci t~r~~ furid~ l1r~d b~~s~ t~~~d~~~Lt~c~, "~~S" t~~nd~ ~ buy~ :?,L w~r~~.]. 'b~„, '.~°~q~~s~~~~c~ t'h~~ L°hc~~~a fund~ b~ trar~sf~~r~d to ~t;~~~~,~ ~~r~~~~,t~y ~~~rr~,~~~c~ b~.k~~r~y p1,~~ f,e ~ ~ ~ 433~ cz~~ ~c~uNC~L ~ a~~~~~ 2~~ ~.s74: ~ ~ , a~to~o c~~n~,` c,~ixFO~. : ~ ~ commpromis~ worke~d a~~ v,ri~k~ ~1~e P~~ks Ra~~~tf:~'i ~r~d P~r~g ~~"r~fff~ Ct~is~i,oiis, ~ and `is a Clarss 3~ro~~~, ~v~t'~ nc~ s~p~~~~~crr~ f°~aat ua~~,a~~:~~ ~~.f€~,~~ Af~r . Ca+~~cil c~isc~zss~:o~t~ ~~~C~ort ~ras ~td~ b~ Cc~~ct ~a de I:~teia~, se~ai~c~c~ .b~ Co~t~tai~l~ ' man Spierli~ag and ~ni~ncnee~~ c~i~d, ~~rp~te~Ying ~h~ ~bove cl~s~rt'E~ G'~s~,s~ 3 bil~e- waq, and dir~c~ing t~e fucr?~e ~or ~he po~tf~~ of ~~x~,d 1~c~ts b~ bt~dg~'~d ~~c~ y~ar, , _ , . ~ , : ~ Admini~~ra~.or &~~~h ~c~v~.sed ~G~ta~' ~~:P~k~ anc~.R~er~etian Cc~~~s~,o~ hae ` reques ted a s~mi~nr~#~ ~~~.n~ ~rer+~~~~g ~i~ ~~e Ca~c~I +ca~ W~dn~e~c~~gr, Na~v~mb+~~ ~2t}, 2974 at 7 :30 P.P~. ' Th~ ~cv~tr~ei~. '~s~t #ga~+~tb~~ ~hi.s d~~ ~nc~ ~f~. ~ ~ Ad~a3.ni~s ~ra~or .~tc~, r~pc~~ect ~C~a~ ,°~a~~ks ,snd Re•c~~~t~~om C~itd~~4 ' reconune~d~d that tk~~ C~.~rs ~,dv~T~ ~t~cr~E~f.a~::~~~errvi~a~, Rvtttt V~a l~e~. : appointed a~s ,ha~.f~~~t li~e~:'u~~ia~; E?~~'~t~~S~r ~t .x~'t~t Q~ ~Q ?~~~t~ pxe~enC Dira~tor, Dc~ ~t ~a ~b~.~ is~ ~~nd t~ ~t~ ~~+~M~~ : Di~scC~r duri.ng ~ ~~c~~~ ;~e~ax=~. ~~Q reav~~°~ ~~k1~- ~ t~~~ ~ ~ ~et~3.a~ed ae Aes9~st~n~ R~cx~a~ia~ l~x~c'~a~ ~~,$~4~ ~u ,r ~i~~~4~ ^ epc~ts, etc. is b~d~A~d ~~tc #:~A~~ ~~L"~~" ' ~1~ ; ~+~~cilman 3p~»~rl~.~~ e~rc~~ec~ b~ C_ a3C_ n~1'i~+~~.1~~~ a~ ~'~~~ld~ . ~ C~no#.1 ~r~ers~d _ r~t~~~~~` ~~k ~R~"~!? ~4?~ •t~.Q~~ ` ~~to ~mpta~ t~u~h Van D~~~ a~- t~~~~•t~t ~~~tt~~~~,~ ~~~~~~~~~.~~~0~~~'~i ~ll~ ` ~ ~ ~ 19~~ a~ a m~n~~~.~~ ~~?~t ~ ~ , „ - . , , : _ ~ - . _ , i - , ~ ~ , . , O~~~r 6~~~~~ ~ ~ , , ~ ~ ~ a1w~~ +~r r~~ ~~~~r ~ ~~~~i~ ~ i~~?~~ ~ y~ '~t~~~~ '~~t ~~~~t~ ~y, Y ~Y~~ i~~~~ lF~~~~~~ ~~~~11 . i t ~."~i#~''~ '6~1~i 1'~CY ~'~+~`~lY.` ~~~~'~5~~ ~ ~4!~~IM' ~.C.1'X` ~r,"'~~` ~'~+hw?~!t' ~ I~~~'~r~i',~ ~"i~~ ~ 1{ta`~~.` ~~~or~,t~ :ot ~r~c'ic~ w~~,~. ~r~z~a~~ S~!~ a~d ; ~ ` ' ` delivexi~~ in ~he vil~g~ ~ara~r? +~o~~d ~ l~io~+~~t~~ta~t~ S~~p~uri ~ +~~~d ~ ' hea~din,g back to the~ f~ " ~ Git~' I~~~~~,e~? S'~~.p~±~r +~p3~t~z~~ ~41t~ ~~~~~d~11~~ 3 ~wc~~ld b~ req~i~~d Co ~r~d~r ~~tct~ ~~~~+1f ~~t~ ft~lr , , reeolutiata~ ~a~ b~ ~~dop~~d ~r~~ t~+t~~~~1~et ° ~~~1~~ ~~t°,~ :A~~~n~~~~~~~ ~t~ ~ ~ ~~M ~~t~~1~~~~<a~~ ~~~~~~t ~ ` - ` d ~~t~k ~'~r~~~- . , _ . . ~ E . ~.c..w i,~ a~.~.. ~~~.c.~; ~ ~ C ~k ~t~6; w.$,,.~.~~~a~~« ~,y ~~~~~.~d, ~ "b~~~~~ ~~is >~~.'~it~a~C~a RESOl.~ F~'ll~P~,;~ ~.~'~D ~~1~~C'~NG _~N, ~'QRTFQ]@&S ~F C.~ T'he, r~u~~c;i~ ,.p. ~~wc:d ~ r~~°~,~r~r~,.. :~~.i ~,~+i~, ;~~.:st~~~t~~t~.t; ~.c~ ~'~~~a~~t n~~~~a '~ay th~ ~ ~'c~lice Depar~snent;, ~Y~a~ pax~l~~r~~ ~.;.r,,~;F ~t~c~ ~r~~~~ ~,~~~~T~r~e~~ d A s;'E, i~..~l 4 P~~t~ c~n p~rtions o~' Co~nwa~l ~.v~n~~, anc~ R.~i~~ 5~~:~s~~d~, ~~a ~~,~~~~9~ai;e &1~~~~~P ~~k~~~~~~ araund t.ric: Palice Stat~c~~, whi~~± w~~~d~..~,,:1 l~~ ~~,.~;.,v~ti~~~ p~~~o~~ ~1;s,~~~i,.~~; t1~~ station{r Af~~r Cou~eil ~f~c~~s~~s, C;~ . 2~~-~ ~~~~~~y r,~~d ~~~1~ ~t ~ resoZ+atiun restri:.~in€~ T~a~k.ir~sa or~ ~o°r~;~;,rai,.~ ~y~ ~t~~r~~t~; ~l~~c~~~~:~~, ~~~Y~o~ was made ~~y Cc~~ncilma~i: T~I~.1~.~~, ~~~~r~c~,• -1 ° C~rte~lra~,~.~r~~ ~p~~t°l~.f~~ ~~a,~°_~f~~u~ly , carried, to dispense w~~:;t~ ~eac3~.%~z~; ~h~~~ ~~r~:~n~~, ~i ~~~i~ ~~~~~~+a,t~.~z: m ~t~;~ql.~iJ'CSt~~t~ r?+~ , ~.12$ ~ L, 1<LILl~1.ll.d ele~.:4\?.lY 1~An~ .~iL'~~ ~)#.~F.~~a EIS?VIVV,I E~ 6JC9 ~~~l~L'f \d;l.i~6~ ~?8' FldlA"Sk, U~AIIDE EST2~~LI~'~~~TG I,~.~~Ji;.TE~I P~~;I~`~~~~> Z~C~'~~S ~I~ ~6~~JALL A.VEI`~I.1E ANfl f.E~iA S~'~tE~.1'. Ori m~~Cion c~f Gc~,s±~r,c:'~~~ms~~ ~T3.~,'~ ~ n, :~~bu~~r,~ ~c~~~+~3~~~~~~bx d~ 7~~~iz ~~,~~1 ttYe ~a11U~wi~Y~, ro11 ~~11 ~04:~, w~.t : ~ AYES: GUU4~c~~ra~~1 5~.;:a~l.~.n~;,, I-~,c~~:~, IJii°1~ly~ ~,..c~ t~,~ylir ~c~~l~:'Y iTOF~S : 11~in~ a~~s~N~r: c;~~:=.z~:~~~a~1 s~;~~.~t,~~:~, ~.t.e fc~re;;~3ns; R.e~a~.4~~i.~~z~ w~5 ~7~,:~~a ;:~.~cl ~~irsp ,<f; :°~..4~d 2~Jf~,"~~ cia',~ ~J~~~i~~j~:~c;~a ~.:7~+~ . , ~ , : t~t~ ,,:~a-~. ~ C~TY Cc~U~TCIL t~CTI~BER 29, 1974 AR1~.0'YO GRANDE , CA~IF~RNT.~ PAG~ 6 APPI~OVE REALIGNNI~~V"~ ~r~" 1~.~~:1'~i~1 RC~AD~~'~~R ~~'KS AV~~3~ T1~Tl~RSECTION City Engine~r G~r~i~ ~x~~~,~.ned that witYa p~s tpcai~,~r~~r~t of th~e Halcyon ~.oad Tmprov~ment Proj~c~, ic~n~~c~r~ry m~:~sur~~ ~r~ nea~~s~argr to r~~sl~.gn th~ tra£fic flow at Fair Os~.k~ Aven~a~ ~and kTalcyo~a Rc~a~d, Or~ a diagr~am ti~ indicated how the fl~sa of ~~~ffic w3T1 b~ dire~t~r~ frasaa F~is~ ~aks Av~~cne gaing easterly to align with that ati?~nue an the ~~~t~x1y sid~e af th~ int~~sectione Aft~r Coa~n.ci1 disc:ussion, ~ mc~tian w~~ zz~d~ l~~ Ca~.~n~:ilm~.n Mi~.lis, se~anded by Council- man Spi~rling a~d unan~anc~usly ~a.~;°°r.~.~,i~ ~~r.> ~s~.~~;~~c~ witk~ tY~~ pl~r+. t~ r~z~l~gn tl~e H~l~y~on Road-Fai~ O~;cs Av~r?t~~ ~.~:~tE~°r~~ar~~L~,;~3,Q RESOI~,~,, ADUFT,~ -~Ia~,~F~ ~:'~'"~t,~1~ u;,~~~IALK ACR~SS I~,I~CY~O~ AT WII~LOW City Er?gir~~e~ G~x~~i~ 'rep~~~c~rl ~;1~~~ c:~~~~~s~r€~lk~ a~x I~al~yo~, R~~d tiave been r@~G~z~~x~ded ~nd that Ane ~t tl~~ ~~~x~:a :ls1:~~ rP~ ti~Till~w T.~r?e ~c~ul~ moet suitable f~r,r~ vieibiLity ~tandpcaint, 4,t~~~4i°~.~ t:~~~~ttse~,~n' CiG~* Attt~~'L1~y Sh3pt~ey r~~d tt~~ titl~ c~f ~ r~~crlutf~~~ ~4tf~~j~~~a~~~Sr~~ ~~~c~~s~r~~.k an I3~lcyon Road for p~~l~~t~:~~n~ ~a~~ty~ hh~x~~~t~~, ~a ~~~~~~~=a~x ~n~,~~ by Cauneil,~n Millia, ~eo~nd~d C~au~~31n~~?n d~ L~ca~ ~~~d ~r~~~,~,~~~~s~~ ~~g di~p~n~~ w~tti r~~ding th~a bal.~~~n ~f thia ~c~~ol~x~~~~~~ ~~~t~~~~ ~ ~ ~ R ~ ~~~~~~~~~N ~t~~~?~~~ t3~` @~ A~@~ ~ ~~~@~ ~ s ~~~~e~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~r~~~~ ; ~fi~~~ ~&~EN~: Corancil~na~~ 3ch1~~~~ t~.~ ~oregoing R~solutic~ca ~r~~ p~s~e~ ~ne3 ~c~e~p~~d tl~i~ 29th day of Octnber, 1.974. ~E~EI~':C OF HUMAN REI~A,TTA~ .~,~1?~I~S,~.~ ~ ' ~he minutPS a~ tY~~ S~ptemb?~ l~,~k~ a~~~~~i~~ c~f tk~~ 13ur~?~n R~~,st~.o~,s~ Cammis~ion of Suu~th San Luis ~bispa Ge~unty°~ ~a~~~ ~~c~~ved b~° th€~ Caur~cil and ~~~ri~w~d. Coun~il~aan Millie indica~~d t~~~t a~ t~Y~ ~o~~~~at~~ Wishee dir~c:tiar~ f~oan tk~e Cc~un~iT ~nd b~tter co~nua~ic~~i~r~, t1~~~ ~~~~~~1~~ ~~~ssior~ ~Y~ou1d b~ wo~ked out ` wit1~ l~~pr~se~ta~ives Davt~ ~s~d lls~ c~~nd CA~~ci~ b~f~r~ ~ r°~~ul~r etudy ses~iom. T'~~ C~uncil w~s a~r~~~b~~ ~ra ~~i~ ~nc1 ~t will b~ ~aork~d ~i~t fAr a f~ctur~ study se~sion. ECETPT OF CQASTAL VA~ZEY ,~~~~,~'~G(~'UNC~~, M~,~~S ' The mi~u~~e~ ~f the A~~ue~ 5, 7.~7~ xn+~~~i~g af th~ C~~etal V~ll~y Pl~n~tng Couxxcil we~°~ revi~w~d by th~ Cc~t~n~i]. ~r~~ c~rd~x^~d fil~d. ~EC~~P~ r~~~r~~ FROM c~~ ~~r T~~ soz~~~ ~~sf~~~ r~T.~z~~v 'Th~ Cauncil revi~c~~ci ~ 1~~~~r f~i~~t Cot~ntyr D~p~~tm~nt of Publtc H~~lth, whir,'h in,dic~at~s t1~at a Cot~n~y~Cit}~ a~1t,c~ C~~~t~ ~n~$~znent Cc~itt~~ h~~ b~~er~ active ir~ trying t~ work out th~ m~nc~r~~~si S~~~d W~~t~ N1~c~~~~m~~t ~nd ~~~cru,rc~ Recovex~y Act of 1972 s~hf.Gh ~~qu~,~~~ t~~t c~w~~~z~t~ ~nd ~iti~~ ~ork ta~~tt~~~° in adogting a county-wid~e e~li~l w~at~ a~n~g~r~i~r~t ~1~~ b~ J~n~ta~y 1, 1~7G. Th~ ' County i~ requ~~~ting tha~ ci~i~~ c~an~~i~~~~~~ i~ Xi~u or in k:Lnd ~upport for implem~ntation of tti~ plan. Tt~~ C~s~n~i~ a~~~~d tc t~~C~ up t~i~ matt~~ at a Ir~ future study ses~ivn~ I ~UT~ORIZE CAY,L FO~, B?~,S - CC~I~~,~~" ~,~,,,0~~,1,K~,~T' ,Q~ G NU ~A ~NflE - 151:1 ACT(SHORT) Admini~tr~tox~ But~~ re~~:rx~;d ~hat in r~gard to th~ iznprav~~n~nt pra,ject on Grand Avenu~ under the Shc~r~ r~31X ~1c~, ~h~ 60~d€~~ ~~~iod ta~ imprc~v~m~n~t ix~et~tlla- tion by prop~rty nwn.er~ ~.a~ r~c~w ~l~p~~d a.n~ ~,u~hnrization ie r~que~t~d ~to aall for bids for i.i~stall~a~ion of the~ bal.a~ce cuxbe, gutt~~~ ~nd ~id~:~a~~.l~a ~n~c~s~ary o~ Grand Avenue from ~a~°n~tt Str~et ~o ~1x~ t~~at~~l,~ City ~i~ite~ A~:~~x~ Cn~ancil die- cussion, a motian wa~ ~nad~ b~ Cc~~n~~~~m~n de Z~c~~, ~~c~~zxd~d by Cc~unCilman Spierling ' and unanimouxly c~r~°i~d, ~ivin~ ~~atY~~riz~t~o~~ to ca11 for° b~.d~ f~r ~.n~tallation of concret~ curbs, guttLra and ~ide~s~~e or~ G~e~nd Av~nue betwe:~n ~+~r.~,ett Stx~~et and th~ we~tErly City Limit~,, wi.~~ b~~i up~r~in~; t~ntat~,v~1y ~~t f~r N~v~mbc:r 21, 1974. , , ~ . , ~ ; , . „ _ ~~w? CITY COUNCIL OCT~BER 29, Z974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 LETTE.R FROM H.C. ELLIOT RE. BENEFIT DIST. AGREE. FOR FLDOD CONTROL DIST.-HELD OVER Administrator Butch advised that H. C. E11iot has requested that the matter of a benefit district agreement for a f.Zood control channel developed in conjunction with the Sunrise Terrace Mobilehome Park, be held over until a later meeting, which the Council agreed to. REPORT - RECENT ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - SPIERLING Councilman Spierling gave a report on the Oc~ober 17th meeting of the Zone 3 Advisory Committee statinq that discussion had been held regarding the Zengthy stays of some campers at the Lopez Recreational Area, and efforts are being made to revise the reservation system and limit the length of continous campinq. The City wi11 also be receiving approximately $16,000 from the County realized as surplus funds from the Lopez Recreational Area. A study session regarding sale of surplus water will be heZd when a full Council is in attendance, and Deputy County Engineers PheZps and Milne wi1.Z a.Zso be requested to attend. Admisistrator Butch advised that copies of the audits made by the State Controller and County Auditor on the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District - Lopez Water Supply Project, have been received and aIl payruents in connection with grants were found to be proper. ADOPT. RESOLS. - AMEND "325" GAS TAX FUND CLAIM5 FOR Z973-74 ANI~ I974-75 Adminstrator Butch requested that the Council approve amending the 1973- 74 and 1974-75 Annual Transportation Claims by diverting a11 funds allocated for the Halcyon Road Project and Bikeway Paths to the E1m Street Project. After Council discussion, City Attorner~ Shipsey read the title of a resolution approving an amended transportation claim be submitted for 1973-74; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimousl~ carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1130 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AN AMENDED ANNUAL TRAIVSPORTATION CLAIM AND AUTHORIZING ITS SUBMITTAL TO THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AND CITIES AREA PLANNING COORDINATING COUNCIL. On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded b~ Councilman Spierling and pn the following roll ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, de Leon, Mi11is and Mayor Ta11ey NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Schlegel the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 29th day of October, 1974. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution approving an amended transportation claim be submitted for 1974-75; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by CounciZman de Leon and unanimousZy carried, to dispense with reading the bal~nce of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1131 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AN AMENDED ANNUAL TRANSPORTATION CLAIM AND AUTHORIZING ITS ~i1BMITTA,L TC1 TKE SAN LU.I~S OBI'SI'O COUNTY AND ~ITIES AREA PLANNING COORDINATING COUNCIL. On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman de Leon and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, de Leon, Mi1lis and Mayor Ta11ey NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Schlegel the foregoing Resolution was ~assed and adopted this 29th day of October, I974. ,43~ CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 29, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 8 ADOPT. RESOLUTIONS - APROVE FEDERAL AID URBAN SYSTEM & FAU PROJECTS The City Council reviewed a report from City Engineer Garcia regarding adoption of the Federal Aid Urban System and F.A.U. projects for the City. This is a one-time funding from the federal government for street work in the City and the FAU system must be adopted by resolution, which streets are within the Circulation Element of the City's Master Plan, and also the City's proposed projects must be disignated, by resolution. It was recommerided that the approxi- mately $100,000 Halcyon Road Improvement Project be submitted for inclusion .in the caunty-wide priority list for funding, which would mean FAU funds would pay for approximately 80~ of total costs. The second recommended project is the signal system proposed at Grand Avenue and Oak Park Boulevard, to be done in conjunction with Grover City. After CounciZ discussion, Citz~ Attorney Shipsey read the tit~te of a resolution approving the Federal Aid Urban 5ystem; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman MiZ1is and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1132 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUE5TING THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION TO APPROVE THE IIRBAN AREA BOUNDARY AND THE FEDERAL AID URBAN STREET SYSTEM FOR THE ARROYO GRANDE URBAN AREA. On motion of Councilman Mi11is, seconded by Councilman 5pierling and on the following ro1Z ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, de Leon, Mi11is and Mayor Ta11ey NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Schlegel the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 29th day of October, 1974. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution approving F.A.U. projects for the City; thereafter,.a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RE50LUTION NO. 1133 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION TO APPROVE FEDERAL AID URBAN PROJECTS FOR THE ARROYO GRANDE URBAN AREA. On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded bz~ Councilman Millis and on the folZowinq roll ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, de Leon, Mi11is and Mayor Ta11ey NOES: None ABS~MT`! Cour2cilman Schlegel the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 29th day of October, 1974. ACCEPT DEEDS - ELM STREET RIGHT OF WAY - APPROVE PAYMENTS Director of Public Works Anderson reported that Partial Reconveyances have been received from the following, in conjunction with the Elm Street Project, and the previously approved property payments, less improvement costs, should now be released to the followingr Lawrence E. and Elizabeth A. Burke; Kenneth and Donna Oliverira, Jr.; and M. E. and Li12 y F. Kinnebrew. He further reported that Grant Deeds have been received from Mr. and Mrs. Schafer and Mrs. Redick, and recommended acceptance of the deeds and approval of pa~ments. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Mi11is and unanimously carried, the following deeds were accepted and property payments approved: '9'37 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CAL.TFORN.IA OCT013E~Z 29~ Z974 PAGE 9 PROPERTY PA YMENT LESS GRANTOR PYMT. OFFER IMPROVEMENTS Clifford E. & Eugenia Sehafer $ 525.00 $;2Q~.10 Portion of Lot 49 in Tract No. 10 (Partial Reconveyance also received) Louise M. Redick Portion of Lot 52 in Tract No. 10 $1,380.00 $I,015.50 (StiI1 need Partial Reconve~ance Deed) and the Mayor and City G1erk were authorized to sign the Certificate of Acceptance on behalf of the City. RECEIPT OF PARTIAL RECONVEYANCE DEED ON HALCYON ROAD - WILLIAMS Director of Pub.Zic Works Anderson advised that a partiaZ reconveyance deed has been received from ~'helma Wi1.Ziams, in conjunction with the Halcyon Road Improvement Project, a deed having been received and accepted for the property previously; and recommended release of the approved payment to her in the amount of $417.20. After Council discussion, on motion of Counc3lman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Mi11is and unanimousl~ carried, receipt of the Partial Reconveyance Deed from Thelma M. Williams for a portion of Lot 9, Block 1, Tract No. 75 was acknowledged and release of payment to her was authorized. REPORT - RECENT C~UNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING- DE LEON Councilman de Leon reported that he missed the October 16th meeting of the County Water Resources Advisory Committee, but had participated in a tour on October 2nd of the area proposed for the Nacim~iento Water Project, and viewed thg dam discharging water to the Salinas River, which handles an immense amount of water as compared to that of Lopez Dam. APPDINTMENT OF' REPRESENTATIVE TO SO. S.L.O. CO. WATER ASSOCrATION -,S'PIERLING Administrator Butch reported that he had attended the recent meeting called by Supervisor Mankins to discuss the formation of a South ~an Luis Obispo County Water Association and it had been requested that a representative be named from the City to serve on this association. Supervisor Mankins had indicated he wi1l ca11 an organizational meeting in the near future. The Council agreed that the City should participate in this Association. After Council dis- cussion, a motion was made by Councilman Mi11is, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, appointing Councilman Spierling as the City's representa- tive on the South San Luis Obispo County Water Association. RECEIPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT OF HIGHWAY ONE Administrator Bu~ch advised that a draft copy of an environmental impact statement for the improvement of Highway One from the Santa Barba~ra County Line to the Arroyo Grande Creek has been received and is on file at City Ha11 for anyone's review. DISCUSSION RE. TRANSPORTATION PLAN FOR COUNTY The Counci,Z reviewed a detailed report from City Engineer Garcia regarding the proposed Tran$it Element of the Regional Transportation Study which was presented to the Technical Advisory Committee recently. The Cit~ receives approximately $40,000 annuaZly from SB 32~ funds which can be used for transit. Several proposals were included in the report, which were reviewed and it was estimated that under best conditions approximately 6~ of ridership wi11 be diverted to public transportation, wzth only about 3~-4~ on the average. Mrs. Libby Jackson, the City's representative to the County Regional Transportation Citizens Advisory Commission, commented on the matter and stated that wl~en school buses are not being used by the school, they can 1egalZy be used as pub3ic transit. After Council discussion, Mayor Ta11ey was directed to oppose a transit system for this eity at the next San Luis ~bispo-Cities Area Planning Coordinating Council. 938 CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 29, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALZ'FORNIA PAGE 10 DISCUSSION RE. OPERATION OF TRACKLESS MINI TRAIN IN CITY - MYERS Administrator Butch reported that a trackless mini train operated on Cit~ streets the weekend of October 19th and 20th, carring passengers along Grand Avenue in Arroyo Grande and Grover City, The owners of the fifty-nine foot tram, Mr. and Mrs. Bi11 Myers, wish to develop this into a regular service, if approved by the City. The Council reviewed a report from Police Chief CZark on the matter, written after the operation was monitored by that department, and it indicated several problems involv~ing traffic congestion and passenger safety. Administrator.~' Butch advised that the Myers had been requested to submit a Master PZan regarding proposed stops, hours, route, financing, fees, etc. which has not yet been received. Larry Bordan, friend of the Myers', indicated that it would be up to the Ioca1 people and merchants where the stops would be made, or the Police Department couZd designate the stops and route. After further CounciZ discussion, it was agreed that a Master Plan would be necessary from the Myers in regard to the proposed train operation, to give the Council something to work from. COUNCIL INVITED TO ATTEND MORRO BAY GIBRALTAR OF THE PACIFIC JUBILEE - 11/9/74 Administrator Butch advised the Council that it has been invited to aftend the Morro Bay Gibraltar of the Pacific Jubilee on Saturday, November 9, 1974. CANCELLATION ON NOV. ~~3TH REGULAR MEETING & ADJOURNMENT TO NOV. 13TH, 1974 On motion of Councilman Spierlinq, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, the regular meeting of November 12, 1974 was cancelZed and this meetinq was adjourned at 1.Z:52 P.M. until: 7:30 P.M., November .Z3, 1974. ATTEST : ( ~/~~v ~ ' C"~-~ri.f~7 CITY CLERK MAYOR