Minutes 1975-02-25 4~~ CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 259 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIRORNIA The Ci~y Council met in regular session ~ith Mayor Talley presidinge Upon roll c~11, Council Members Spierling, de L~on, Schl~gel ~nd Mill~s r~ported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Ta11ey led the Pledge of Allegianc~ to our Flag; and imgnediately thereaftera Revexend D'xr~iam c~f the First Soazthern ~~ptist Cl~~rch in Grover C~ty delivered the invocation, APPROVAL OF MII~IUTES The minutes of the regular ~ee~ing of Febr~.ary 11, 1975, were approved a~ prepaxed. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, Payro~I W~rran~s No. 3471 through No. 3559, in ~he tot~l aanount of $25,984.00; and General Warrants Noo 2628 through No. 2692, in the total amount of $~.3,870.72, were approv~d and ord~red gaid. PUBLIC SEMINAR FOR COMMUNI7'Y DEVEIAPMENT ° MAY 14 I975 7 P.M. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Gene Moots, Presid~nt of t1~e Arroyo Grande Ch.amber of Commerce, was present and indicat~d that t~e C~amber has accepted th~ Mayo~°s challenge and will hold a Communit~ Congress on Ma.g-r 14, 1975 at 7:00 PoM. in Room 100 of the Arroyo Grande High School, Valley Road Caznpus, to get publ~c ~.nput to the outcome of the planned seminar to be h~ld with City Co~.ncilmen, City staff and Co~issions on May 3rd in Los Alamos. He also asl~ed if representatives of ~he Chamber could participate in the M~y 3rd me~ting, to which Maymr Talley replied in the affirmative. PROCT.~AMATI01~1 - AMERICAN FTELD SERVICE WEEK - 3/2/75 m 3/8/75 Mayor Talley read a proclamation and proclaimed the week of March 2, 1975 through March 1975, as "A~eric~.n Fi~ld Service.Week" in the City of Arroyo Grande. Two domestic exchange students, Ann McN~il from Arroyo Grande who had b~en to New York, and Ted Connors, from New York, were present and in~roduced. COI3NCIL PARTICIPATION TN LA FTESTA DE SAN LUIS OBISPO PARADE - 5/17/75 The Council was invited to the annual La. Fiesta de San Luis Obispo Parade on Saturday, May 17, 1975, and indieated it would participate. RESPONSES TO CI~Y'S OPPOSITION TO ASSEMBLY BILL 337 (BOATWRIGHT) Adminisrrator Butch sum~arized a nismber of responses received from various l.eg~5lative x°epr~senta~ives, to ~he letter written previously to them outlining the reasans for this City's oppc*sition to AB 337 (Boatwright), which bill r,~ould have prov~.ded limitations on city propergy tax revenue. NOTICE RE, BICENTENNIAL WORKSHOP - FRESNOa MAY 30 JUNE 1, 1975 Th~ Co~neil received ~.otic~ of a Bic~ntennial Workshop to be held at the Fre~no Sh~raton Inn on May 30, 31 and June l, 1975. The notice taill be passed on ~o the Sauth County Bicentenn~al Co~anittee. SUPPORT REQUEST OF SB 312 ° HELD OVER FOR FURTHER STUDY T~~ Coa~ncil re~riewed a letter and resol~tion received from the City of Sonoin~, urg~n~ supgo~~ of SB 312, r,ahich would exclude ~mployee~ working under the Eanploymen~ Assi~tance Act of 1974 from the State of California Public Retirement S~s~~m program. This would provide additional funds for the work exper~ence prograzn and open up add~tional emplo~ent positions. The Council indic~.ted intex°est in this, but wants to knotia all impl.ications of the Bill first~ including whether or not the PERS contribution has to b~ ~nade up for ~he period not pu~ in, if t~e goverrgnental agency decid~s to hire the employee at t~.e ~~pira~fon of the caork progra~n, The matter will be put on the agenda of the Council°s next regular m~eting, for further consideration. ' REVIEW OF RESERVE PROGRAM RESUME FOR 1974 The Counc~~. reviewed the cl~ar~r copi~s of the Annual Re~erve Progxaan Resume for 1974, commending t,he res~xves ancl t1~e programa and the excellent documentation of th~ reserv~s' activit~esa Administrato.r Butch advised that the local Elle~ Club had requested each city's Pol~ce Depar~ment to c~oose an "Officer of the Year"9 and the Arroyo Grande Police Depax~t~ment has chosen Pnlic~ Officer John Tool~~ ~.s its mast outstanding officer. i 4'7 C~TY COI%1VCII~ ~'EBRiJARY 2~~ 19~5 ALli~~ lo VllC11N111'a 9 UC1LI1° ~RLVJ..t~ . LG16Y1S G ~ REGEIPT OF 1974 STAT~ C~1~SUS IN~ORM~,`~ION Adm~,ni~~~~~or B~tc~ ~c~v~,~~d ~k~~.~ a coa~p~~~r p~~n~m~~~,~ of ~h~ 1974 Spe~~,a1 C~ns~xs h~.s b~en r~~~~v~d~ ~~a~~ch sh~~:~ ~~,~t ~1~~ pop~~.a~i~n~ c~~nn.ted. in Nov~mber, 197~~ ~o~a~.~d 89~~~, 'I`l~~ G~~~as ~~~s~n~ ~~f~ci~l ~~nsa~s will x~~na~xx at 88550o Plan~~~~ D~.~~~to~ Gallop i;~ill p~~p~r~ ~~~~~~~,~~~~,o~ of ~he ot~n~~ inforana~fon x°~~e~~r~cl< MtdNI._ CODE AM~IVDs m ORDo ADOP`~ ~"73 iTI~T~012M $UILDIN~ COBE AD(3P`TED Ca~~y At~orn~;~ Sk~~ps~~ r°ead ~~~1~ of an ordi~~nc~ ~~~nciixxg tl~~ Nfianicip~,l Cod~ b~ adopt~,ng ~1~~ 19~3 i~n~,fox°r~ B~.~1d~~~ C~d~, el~~r~~.~~er, : a~a~~~oxi w~.~ made b~r C~~.nca~l~nan S~hl~g~~,9 ~~cond~d b~ C~~~c~,1~n~~ d,~ d~~on ~.nd carr~~d~ ~o d~spense ~r~~h ~~~di~g t~~ bal~r~c~ of c~~d~n~~.~~a ORDII~7A~C~ Z~TOe ~14 C,So AN :ORDIIQANCE 0~ T~ CIT~' OF ARR0~0 GRAND~ AMENDI~G CHAPTER 1 0~ ~`I~~,E ~ 0~' TH~ A~LROY~ G1tANDE MU'~TICT~AL CODE TO PROVZD~ FOR ADOPTION C~~ `~HE 19~3 U~TI~ORM. B~ILDTN~ COD~o On ~no~id~ o~ Co~,ncil~~.n L~on, s~conc~~d b~ C~v~ncilanan Spierling and ori the ~ollocaing x°o11. ~a11 vo~~9 eo ~~g; ~,YES: Coun~ila~~n Sp~.erlin~, d~ I~eon, Scl~l~~~l~ M~,lb~s and M~yor ~alley NDES: Non~ AB~ElVT o ~Ion~ ~he forego~~g ~~din~.nc~ r~as pa~~~cl ~nd aciop~~d t~iis 25th da~ of F~b~ary, 19`~5, M[JNT. COD~ AME1~D, ~ ORDa ~1DOPT m"73 UI~IFORM MECI~AANICAL CODE ADOPTED Ci~y A~to~°ney S~.~p~e~ r~~ad th~ ti~:1~ of an orclinar~c~ aan~nd~.ng the M~s.nicipal C~d~ by adopting ~he 1973 t~n~for~n Mech~.n~c~.l. C~d~~ ~~~r~a~~~r~ a moti~n. ~a~.s made by Counc~lan~n Sc~~~g~l, sc~cond~d b~ C~~ncilznan Spierling a~.d carr~,ed, to df~pense ~a~th ~°~~d~.ng the t~~lane~ o~ t~~~ ~~°d~~:ar~ce. ORDTI~~,NCE NO. 115 C, S o ALV ClRDIIv~NCE 0~ T~ZE CI~Y 0~' AI3ROY0 GRAI~DE AMEI~DILVG CZ~APT~R 10 OF TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYQ GRANDE MiJNICIPAL CODE ~'0 PRQi1IDE FOlt A~PTION 0~' TI3EE 19~3 U1~T~FORM MECHAN~G~L COI2~, On m~~fo~ of C~t~~~~l~m~n Sp~~~1~r~g~ s~c~~.d~d b~ Co~an~ilx~an de Leon and on th~ fo1l~a~ng ~°oll call uo~~, to w~~: A`YES ~ Co~u~~~,la~~n Sg~~rlf~.g9 d~ ~~an, Schl~gel9 Millf~ and M~.yor Tall~y l~TOES : N~~~ ABSE1VTa 1V~n~ . t~.~ for~g~~~g O~d~,nan.c~ p~~~~d anc~ ~dopted ~~.~s 2~~1~ dag~ o.f Febr~a~y~ 19~5a MIJlVIa C~D~ AMENDe m ORD ADOl'`~ ~~MMEI~TD TERMS & NIEM~ERSH~.P & PAIZK & TI~A~~TC COMM '""~s.. C~,~~ A~~~~n~~ ~~~p~e~ r~ad,' ~h~ t~~l~ of an o~d.inanc~ ain~nd~ng M~znie~p~.l Cod~ rel~~~ng t~ ~~r~m~ a~~. ~~a~~6~~~1~ig o£ tl~~ P~rk~n~ ~nc£ Tx°a~fic Corn~~s~iona ~~er~a~~~re ~ an~t~,on ~r~.,~ mad~ b~ C~~inc3l~an Sp~~x~lin~, ~~c~~d~d, b~ C~uncil.iria~ d~ I:~on and ca~°ri~d, ~o d~,~p~ns~ wi~l~ ~ead~~~ t~.~ ~a~.l~nc~ of ~his ordin~.nceo o~~~~i~rc~ ~o. Yi6 c os a AN ORDII~~TC~ OF TI3E CI~' OF [~RROYO ~RAiVD~ AMENDI~TG S~CT°ION 1 AND SECTION 2 OF CI-TAAPTER ~~F '~ITLE 2 OF ~IiE ARRO~'0 G1i~1VDE M[~~ICIPAL CODE R~I,oA`~IIVG Z'0 T~iE T~RdKS AZQD N1~MBERS~rP 0F `THE ARIt0Y0 GR~~TDE ~'ARKII~G P,ND ~Rt~~FIC COMrI~~SI01~, On mc~~~,o~ Co~~.c~1.an~~ M~1~~s, s~cc~nc~~d hg~ C~~~~~1~~~ d~ 3~~c~n and. on the foll~caing roll c~11 vo~~9 ~~,to A~~S : C~~.ncilmen Spa~~rl,~r~g ~ d~ T~on, ~~~.1~g~1 and ~lli~ 1VOES : M~~~r T~.11~g~ ABSEIVT o ~Ton~ the for~~e~ng O~din~~c~ ~~~~~d ~nd ~.d.opt~cl 2~~~ d~~ ~f ~'eb~~.~~ 1975, ~C7t6 CITY COUNCIL ~EBRUARY 25, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE , CALIFORNIA P.~,GE 3 Discussion was h~ld regarding a Cd~xn.c~l Member att~nding t~.e m~eetings of the Parking and Traffic Co~nission, A~ter d~scussion, it was gen~rally agreed that no repre~~ntativ~ of the Co~tncil would b~ sen~ to th.at Coanm~.ss~on's aneet~ngs, unless Council ~epresen~~tion is speci~ically x°~qau~sted. The press raas reqa~~~~ed to inform the p~blie that t~ao openings will be available on the Parking & Traffic Commi~~ion after Ma.rch 26th~ and thag interested citizens apply for the appoin~~n~nt~. DTSPLAY FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT STAT'US BOARD e MARSP,IoEK Fir~ Chief Marsalek displ~.~ed a S~atus ~oax°cl developed b~ the Fire Departsnent personnel, ~'hich indicate~ the stata~s of eaeh person and piece of ~quipment as to Tah~~k~er ft i~ in comYnission o~ not, by ~xse o~ red and green lights. Administx°ator Butch reparted that the minf~pu~mper had been displayed at the r~cent M~.nage~s' M~eting in Monterey and h~.d b~~n well accepted. Chief Marsalek stated that numerous inqui~i~s have been received fro~n all over the Unit~d States and Canada, in response to an ~~~icl.e 1~e tarote for a Fi~e Departm ment magazine regard~.ng the City's new mini-pixmper. RECOMMENDATIONS OF PARKING & TRAFFIC COMMISSION° APPROVE RECHANNELIZATION OF S0. HALCYON ROAD AT GRAND AVENUE City Engineer Ga~cia review~d the p~opos~d rechannelizat~on of the Halcyon° Grand intersection, px°eviously presented tc~ the Council and r~ferred to the Parking and Traffie Conanission. Ob~ections to th~ deletion of on~street parking on the west side of Halc~on Road h.ad been recei.ved from the businesses and property ownex°s raho ~rould be ~.ff~et~do No respon~e was receiv~d from; property oraners on th~ east side of Halcyon Road. The Comin~,s~ion recomm~ncled against offset~ing the centerline of So. Halcyon a~ Grand and retaining the o~iginal recoz~endation far two 11' lanes and one 10' lane, which wov.ld leave on-street parking on the west side is, and delete a~proxfmately on~ parking space on the east side of Halcyon. A video ~eape, fil~ned and nax°rated by Sgt. Ripley and. Engineer Garcia, was viewed sh.otiaing autos and a large truck n~gotiating th.e intersection, including right turns, wfth no prc~bl~m, simulating the reco~ended 3-lane channelization. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Coun.cilman Millis and unanimousiy carried, appx°oving the channeliza- tion pl~n for northbound lanes of Scau~h Halcyon Road a~ Grand Avenue, utilizing the proposed ll' left turn lane, 10' througl~ lane and ll' right turn lane~ as recomtnend~d by ~he Parking :and Traffi~ Conun~.ssion. AUTHORIZE REQUEST TO STATE FOR SIGNAL DESIGN AT BRANCH & MASON En.gineex~ Garcia ~°epox~ted that ~he Cacmnission felt tYae ultimate solution ~o the pedestrian safe~~ problem at ~he Br~.nc1~~M~ason intersection would be the installation of a traffic signal, b~zt as funds for ~his are not ~.vailable, that ~he Sta~e should be requested to init~a~~ st~adies and design for ~he signal system an~ray, to eliminate ~ny delays ~rith ~he ins~allation when funds do become availabl~, After Council d~seussion, a motion was made by Counciln?an de Leon, s~c~nded la;~ Ccat~ncilman Spi~rling, and unani,mously carra~ed, ~hat ~he State be requested ~o proceed with ~he design for a signal sys~~m at ~he Bx~anch Streetm M~son Street in~~rsection, so that ~~mely installation c~.n be made ~rhen fr~nds becom~ available. RESOL. ADOPT. m NO PARKING: GRA1~D AT SCOLARI'S & HALCYOI~T AT 76 STATION Enginee~ Garc~,a x°eported ~hat a mee~ing had been held with. business and prope.rty own~rs of Scolar~ a s M~x~k.et on Gx°~.nd Avenu~, but no sol~ztion to the traffic congestion h,~.s b~en ar~iv~d ag. 'rhis mat~er ~a~..11 be studied it~rt~aer~ caith possible filming of th.e cang~stion. The Cos~nis~fon l~as reeo~ane~d.~d, that with the addition of the n~ra parking 1~t ad~acent and raest of Se,olari'~ Marke~, that parking be prol~ibit~d on either s~de of the ne~a d~iv~~ray ~p to the fir~t full siz~ onmst~r~et pax°lcing sp~.c~s. Af~er Cou~cil discussion, Ci~y Attorney Shipsey read ~he title of a r~solu~ti~n pro~a~,bit~n~ parking on a p~x°tion of Grand Avenue and a po~°tion of Ha:lcyon Road; th.~r~af~~r, a m~ti~n caas mad.e b~ Council- man Schlegel, s~cond~d by Co~ncilman S~i~~°~,i,ng and carried, to disp~ns~ wi~h reading th.e bal~nce of this r~:solu.tyon, 4~1 CITY COUNCTL ~~BRUARY 2.5, 1975 ARROYO GRA~TDE , CALIFORNIA PA.GE 4 RESOLtJTIO~ NQ e ~ ~.~8 A RESOLUfiION OF THE C I'l'4' COUNC IL OF ~IiE G~1'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE , ES TABLISHII~G A NO PARKII~TG ZO~TE ON THE . S OUTH S IDE OF GRAND AVEIV'[TE BETWEEN ALDER AND ELM S`TitEETS ~ AND ON THE EAST SIDE OF ~1A7~C~ON R(~AD AT GRAND AVENtdE, On motion Uf C~txr~e~,~an Spi~~°ling, ~eeonded by Council.man de L~on and on the folloc~ing x°oll call vote9 to za~t: AYES e C~~nc~lm~n Spie~ling, d~ I,eon, Sc~.legel, Mil1~,s and M~.y~r ~'alle~ NO~SD Non~ ABSENT: N~n~ the fo~~go~,ng R.~solu~~an ~r~.~ p~.s~ed. ~.nd. adop~ed this 25t~a d~y of Feb~xary9 1975. REVZ~T OF I,EGIS7~A~TIV~ BI~I~~~TI~TS E'1tON1 77~EEAG~E ~PPOSE SB 27~ T~~ Cc~~nc~,l r~v~,~~r~d ~ lekt~r f~oin ~~x~ I.~:aga~~ of Ca1~fo~n~a Cit~es' Legislati~~ Repr~s~nt~~~,v~~ o~tl~n~n~ a n~anb~r of propos~ci mea~~r~~ for voicing opPosi~ion ta SB 275, ~rh.~~~. ~a~~l~. p~x~ait public ~mp1o~~~~ t~o str~k~ and provide fo~° outsid.e binding arb~~r~.~fo~, Af~~r CQ~xncil di~c~s~ion, a motion w~s made by Councilman Sp~erling, second~d by Coaxn.cilman d~ L~on. and unanimo~as 1~ c~.rried, d~recting Adm~,nis~~°~to~ B~.~c1~ ~o d.rara up l.~tt~r and ma~1 s~me tca app~opriate legislative r~pr~~ent~.t~,ves9 ~nd~,ca~~ng the C~.ty°s oppos~~i~n ~o SB 275. Ad.m~nistra~~r ~~xtch advi~~d ~&a~t ~h~ Cc~srnnunity Dev~lopa?z~n~ Sp~ci~.l.is~s, Taho r~a~11 b~ c~orking wi~~ ~~e Ci~y ~,n Ma.~~~, Mr, R~ag ~.r~d Mr, Ga~°cia, taav~ urged ~h~ City to mak~ ~ preli*n~n~.ry application ~o HUD for a Block ~~ant u.nder the C~~n~sni~y D~v~lopm~nt Ae~ o~ 19~4, ~o asc~rt~~n if funds wo~xlc~ be avaflabl~ to th~ C~~~ fox~ g~n.~~al ~mpxov~in~n~s (s~w~rs, w~.ter res~rvoir, dx~a~nage, co~nity buileiings, e~c,). Th~ Co~nc31 agr~ed. th.at the Ciry staff mak~ said pre°applica~ion. RECEIPT OF MINUTES F~R RECEN`T 'HUMA~I RELAT~0IVS COMNIISST~N MEETING Th~ ~inax~~s for th~ Janua~y 8~~n m~et~xtg of ~he H~im~n Rela~fons Commiss~on of Soasth San Luis 0b~spo C~~xnty ~,rere r~c~i~ed by th~ Council, r~vieweci and ord~r~d fil~d. iTpQn ~nqui~g~ by Co~nc~.li~~an Mi11is, Fina~~e Direc~or R~sengren x°~port~d ~hat ~h~ City o~ Pismo Beach and ~Ghe Lucia Mar Unif~~d Scho~l District have not yet p~id ~he $250 ~ach for ~his fiscal year to th~t Co~nission's budget. REPORT - RECEIV`t' MEETING OF COUNTY & CITZBS" AR.EA PLANNING COORDINATING COUNCIL Cou.ncilman Sp~~x°l~ng reported on th~ recent meeting of t~.e C~un~ty and Cities' Ar~~ Planni~.g C~~rd~na~in~ Coun~il9 staging that the Co~xn~~'s Reg~onal Transpo~tation Plan was d.~scuss~d. 1VOTIGE OF PUB. H~ARo - LAND USE & CIRCULP,TZOl~t ~LEMENTS OF GENERAL PLAN° 3/11/7~ Adgnin~.str~~ox° B~tc1~ adv~sed ~hat a public hearing has been set ~o consider the ~dopt~on of the Iand U~e E1em~n~ and Circv.l.ation El~m~nt of the G~neral Plan, for 8:00 P.M. on NIarcl~ 11, ~975. DISC. R.~. COUN'I'Y A~TIMAL CONTROL PROGRAM ~ TAB~D UN~TI~ ~/3/75 STUDY SESSION ~'t~~ C~uncil x~~v~,~~aed a budg~~ a~.d ~~p~ndita~~e of th~ Co~nty Ar~i~a1 Cont~ol P~°~gr~ fo~ 9/1/74~ ~:hr~ugh 1/31/7a9 whie~i sho~ed. th~ Cy~~ urith a $92.87 cr~el~t. Adm~ni~t~a~o~ B~~cl~ r~p~o~~ted ~~.at a mee~ing h~~ `be~n s~~ fox° 2 P,M. on Th~rsd,ay, F~b~u~x°y 27~h in ~h~ Coa~nty Courthouse ~rith Coun~y r~presentam tives and Ci~y Acimin~stx°~,~o~s to discuss pragram fu~ther. A s~udy s~ssion by the C~~nc~l with S~.p~~°~r~.~or NIa.nk~n~ t~ri11 be h~ld on Monda~y March. 3rd ~egarding the Anim.al Con~rol P~og~aa~. REVIEW OF PROPOSED CH~,NGES T~ CITY EMBIoEM - FURTHER Sfi[JDY REQt1ESTED Adanina~stra~or ~tx~ch p~~~~n~~d a ro~xgh ~.~ar,~i~g of an ~~nbl~~n ain~nd.ing ~h~ City's pre~~n~ on~, ~o r~~.k~ i~ ~nor~ v~s~.b1~ and m~~~ingf~.l. Co~nc~.l ag~e~d th~t larg~r ~~?xb1~m on C~~y ~~hicle~ a~s d~~ir~bl~, b~t dfff~red ~n. op3,n~,ons on the colox°s of tY~~ ~mbl~~ ~.nd. i~~ans pi~t~~~cl on ~tm After E~~~h~~ Co~.ncil dis~~xssimn, Cc~unc~.lmen M~ll~~ ~,~.cl d~ ~~n tiaer~ ~~qr~~~~ed. ~o wo~~ f~~~1~er ~aith City staff on the propos~d ~mend~d. C~~~ ~rn~I~~n. 48~ CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 2.5, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 RESOLUTION ADOPTION - DESIGNt~TE TRUCK ROUTE IN CITY Engin~er ~~rci~. r~~~~~~d ~h.~.~ t~.~ C~uncil ~~d previo~~l~ adopted Ord.inane~ No, 109 C.So p~o~rida,ng f4~ ~h~ est~bl~,~Y~ent of truck x°out~s in the City, and nora r~que~~ed tha~ ~aid t~cle ~a~xt~ be d.~signa~~d by~ resol.ution, p~r s~.id ordin~ncee ~,f~er Council d.~~cus~~Qn, Ci~y At~orne~ Ships~~ x°ea.d the title of a resolution d~signatir~g c~rta~n Ci~3~ stre~t~ as a T'~ck Route; there~fter, ffio~ivn was made by Co~ncilan~n ~chl~g~lq s~co~d~c1 Co~nciLRn~n de Le~n and carx°i~d, ~to disp~nse with r~~ding t~.~ bal~.n~~ of t~~s r~so~~~fano RESO~.I3TION NOo 11~9 A RESOI:TT'~ION 0~ THE CIT~ COt7NCII. OF ~iE CI~Y OF ARR.OYA G12AI~iDE DES ~GIQATING CEIt~IN C~~`Y S TREETS AS A"~RUCK ROUTE" , On ~.otion of C~~ncil~~.n I~ ~n, s~eond~d by Counc~lman Spi~rling and on ~l~e following ro11. call vot~, ~o ~r~~: AYES : Co~nci~nen Sg~,e~lin~, de L~ox~, ,Sc1~legel, Nl~llis and. l~yor Talley NOES: Non~ AB~ ENT : I~Ton~ the forego~.ng Resol~~ic~n was pas~ed and ~.dop~~d this 25~h day of Feb~~x°y9 1975. COUIVCILMEN SPIERLING AND M~LLIS EXCUSED THEMS~LVES FItOM ~ COUrTCTL CHAMBERS CITING A POSSIBLE GONFZICT 0~' ~NTEREST IN 1~iE NEXT AGENDA ITEM. RECOMMENDe FROM PARI~S & REC~ COMM RE LOPE~ HIGH SCHOOL LEAS~ - REFER TU L M U S D Adanin~stratox Bu~ct~ ~e~ri~~red ~h~.t s~e mon~k~s ago a le~.s~ r~newal requesg had b~~n ~eceiv~d fra~n ~h~ L~cia 1~~ iTnif~~d Sc~.oo1 D~strict for its Lop~z Continu~.~ion Ha.gh Sc~a.aQl c~n. Ci~ty grop~~~y on Sca~~h Elffi Str~~t. Th.~ matt~r had b~~n referr~d ~tA the Pax°l~~ & R~c~~a~iQn. C~n~ssion fo~ cAnsiderati.on, which n~ra recommend~d th.at an aclci~tieanal f~vemy~a~ lease b~ granted with the follo~ing conditions: 1, Th~t th~ sc~ool d~v~l~p add~tiex~l offmstreet parking area ~n~dia~~ly ur~st of ~I~.e sch.~ca1 at a Ievel a.ppro~~,mately that of ~he p~esent pa~king Zo~. 2> That an ~r~a ~~d.i~.tely ~es~t of the presen~ parking lot and easterly of th~ propo~~d p~~king lo~ ~;~pansion be d~veloped as an all-purpose court raith a~oncr~~e stxrfac~, ~nd. n~~ less ~han four baskegball backsgops. Council apgrov~d ~h~ ~one~pt of th~ conditions and diree~~d that the ~~.~t~x° be br~ugh.~ b~fore tT?e T,t~~ia M~.x° Unif~.ed Sehool Dis~trict for i~s considera° tion befor~ C~uncil ac~ion is takan. COI~~CILMEN SPIERZIl~T~ & M~ZLIS RESUMED THEIR PLAG~S A~ THE COUl~TCIL TAB7sE. REPORT - REG~1~Ifi ZONE 3 ADTIISORY CO~TT~~ MEETING m MII,LIS Co~nc~l,~an Mi.lli~ ~~Fox°~~d Qn ~he Feb~ua.ry 20~~ meeting of the Zone 3 Advisory Co~mi~~~~, s~~.ting ~h~ mc~nthl~ R~cr~~~ion and Water Treal~ent Plant Ope~a~ion & M~.int~nanc~ x~~por~s ~er~ receiv~d, A new critical alarm system has been ~ns~all~d ~he Plan~ and is connee~~d to ~he Co~sr~house, so if saffietla~ng goe~ ~arong~ P~rson~~l a~ ~h~ Ce~~r~ha~s~ is nt~~if~~d ~~dia~~l~ and the pr~ble~ is r~layed to ~he mainten.~nce p~r~onnel at ~1~e T~eal~n~nt Plan~, Cap~~s of ~he con~~~ct b~~~en ~an L~ais Obispo Flood Control and Wa.ter Conserva~fon Distx~ict and C~ty for :a W~~e:~ ~~pgl~r, and Ainendment No. 1 there° to ~a~re receive~, and also copies of the Leas~ wi~h ~~n~ Sant~ L~cia Bo~ Scouts for 75 acx°e~ a~ I~c~p~~ ~rer~ x°~c~~~r~d., wh~ch Councilman Millis ind~.cat~cl are avail- able fox° anyc~n~ e s ~~viera. I~ k~~d. a.lsa b~en clari~ied th~.~ ~~a~ Zon~ 3 Cc~mmit~ee has only an ~.dviso~~r e~pacit~~ ~o ~h~ Board of Stn~ervisors in rega~°d to caat~~ ~~PP~-~'~ ~nd no j~x°~.sdic~~,an ov~~° tl~~ R~~~~a~fon~,l Ar~ao TY~e n~~~ m~~~ix~g of this Coxnmi~t~e~ ra~,ll be l~~ld ~n A~ro~ro Grand~ c~n M~rch 20~~, SET STUDY SESSTON RE ST Gt1PI'~t~i~ & ST OPERA'~I01~ PROGRAMS ° 3/3/~~ 7•30 P M Adminis e~~.tar B~~c~. r~cc~nnn~nd~d and. t~~ Cc~~nc~,1 ag~~~d. to hold a s~ud~ session on Mc~nd~y, M~.~~~ 3, 19~:~ on t~~ St~~~~ C~,pi~al ~~d St~~~~ Ope~ation prog~~.ms 9 follotiaing s~~~.~ s~:~5~~on that ~v~ning ~ait~i S~p~~~ri~~~ Ma.nkin.~ regardin~ ~he A~ima1 Cont~~1 Pro~r~.~ne 4~3 CITY COUNCIL FEBRtTAItY '~5, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 AUTHORIZE PROGRESS PAYMENT TO FOREMASTER -~RAND AVE s S IDEWATJK INS T?,IaLATION: 90~ 74- 6 The Council revie~ed a~~co~nenda~~on ~rom City Engineer Garca~a that Progress Payment No, 1 be made ~o Con~ractor J~'hn Ea Forean~ster for installation of cv.rbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways and cross gutters on Grand A~enue, Project Nom 90-74-6. Completion ;of the p~oj~et is anticipa~ed with.in ~turo raeeks, After Cov.ncil discu.ssion, a motion was mac~e by Council.man de L~on~ s~eonded. by Councilman Spierling and carri~d, authora.zing P~ogr~ss Pa~neng No, 1 in the amoun~ of $13,117.25 to John E. Foremast~r, contractor on t1~e C~Cy'~ concrete improvem~nt Project No. 90-74-6, AUTHORIZE FINAL PAYMENT & ACCEPT ELM ST STORM DRAIN EXT & WTDENING-- CO1~TC0 The Council rev~ewed a x~eport from City Engin~~r Gax°c~a, reeoa~n~n:da,~.g final progress paym~nt ta contractor Conco G~n~ral Engi~~e~in~:and acc~ptance of the Elan Street S~orm D~ain Exten~ion and S~reet Reconstruction P~oject between Ash and Poplar S~reets,subject to final inspection of the pipe as soon as it is possible to go thro~.gh th~ p~pe, AfG~r Cot~ncil discussion, a motion was made by Couneilman Schlegel, s~conded by Cottncilma.~ Spierling and carried, authorizing final payment ~o Conco General Engin~e~ing Con~raetors in the amount of $5,418.94 (~rLth a 10% ret~ntion held in the amount of $19,702.40), and accepted Project No. 90-74-4-subject to a sagisfactory insp~ction of the p~pes by the City when i.t is possible to go throtxgh the pipee PROGRESS REPORT - 30. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITA~ION DISTRICT The mon~thly report fo~ Jan~tary, 1975, from the S~uth San L~is Obispo County Sanitatfon District was received by the Council, ~evie~red and ordered fileda NOTICE RE. SOUTH S. Lo 0. COUNTY WATER ASSOCIATION MEETING - 2/27/75 The Council received notice that the South San Luis Obispo Cottn~y Wager Association will hold a meeting at 7:00 P,M. on Februa~y 27, I975 at the Arroyo Grande Valley Road Ha~gh School Cainpus, NOTIGE RE. COASTAL ZONE CONSERVATION MEETING - 2/27/75 GROVER CITY The Council was notified tha~ a meeting of the Coastal Zone Conservation Committee will be held in Grover City on F~b~°uary 27, 1975 at 11:00 A.M. regarding ~he Pismo Beach Dunes. ADJOURNMENT On motion of C~uncilman de Leon, s~conded by Councrlman Millis and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:51 P.M, until 7:30 P.M,_on February 26, 1975, ATTES T : ~X.~C C CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 26, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, Ct~ZIFORNIA 7:30 PeM, T~e City Coasncil met in r~gular adjou~n~d session ~rith Mayox° P~°o Tem Mill~s presid~.ng, Upon ro11 ca11., Counca~l M~mb~rs Sp~ex°l~ngy cl~ Leon and Schlegel reported present. Mayor Ta11ey is absent. STUDY SESSION REs COUNTY TRANSPORTATTON:PLAN The Council had an in°depth study session with rep~es~nta~ives from th~ County and J.H.K., the consulting f~°em., reg~.rding ~he County Transportat~on Plan, ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Schl~gel, secon.d~d by Councilman Sp~erling and una~.imou.sly carri~d, the me~~ing :adjo~trned at 10:00 PaM. a~n.til `~:30 PoMo on March 3, 1975. ATTES T : / / / • 'C~~~ ~ C DEPUTY CITY CLERK MA~OR