O 408 C.S.
ORDINANCI:: NO. ~,_, C.s.
Section 1: The Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as follol'B:
~ 9-4.2702. Architectural Review.
(f) The fee for orchitecturul review by the PIMning Corinlission or City Council is
established by /'esolution.
~ 9-4.3005. Pem1its: ADp1!eations.
Applications for home oceup&tion penrJts shall be mode in writing by the owner of the pl'oporty,
lessee, purehasel' in escrow, or optionee, with the v.ritten consent of the owner, on f(ll'!";,; [;I'('5(:ril;(.-<I by
the person appointed by the PlaMirg COIrmi~ion. The fee fOl' prOC'(>S!;jntf a hOlT.c OCNJpution [>C11rJt is
established by rcsoJutjon.
See. 9-'1.300.~, Pfm1its: APJ?CnIs.
Any person may appenl the detennination of the Director of Plannina by filing an Ct(lpI'lIl, in
v.rltil1fl, with the City Clerk, together with II flUntr toe, I\S establ\!lhecl by rQlOlutlon, within rive (5)
rec1JlDr worldng day.; nfter the deternJnution hus been made. Upon I'cecir-t of such npp<.'lU, the City
Clerk shnll set u tin-e within thirty (30) doys oCter the receipt of suel] notice, for 0 public hl'!u'int: on the
appeal. Such oppcnl shall be heord by the Planning Cor.n:ission. NOliee or the hcr'l'in!: or su<'lt npfJl.',d
shill! be given /IS set forth in Seclion 9--1.3303 of Article 33 of this clul(Jtcr. Al the ('lose of the publit,
lteurif1C'1 the Planning COfmd~ion may nffhm, revise, or ITtXUry the cleci$ion of Ihe Dir'()c!DI' oj' PILlllllir.l:'
Il' the Plonni/'(( CalT!1ission doc:> not tuke nction 011 the pppl:uI will,ill sixt~. (GO) duys uftCl' ,he J'iJj"l(
thereof, the prior deterolinlilion shrill be deel1'.cd nffirn1Cd.
~ 9-4.31 02. C'onditiol1P.l ~ Pp.rmits.
(b) Application for n conditional use: pel1TJt shall be made in Iwiling by tbe ownels of lhe
pl'Operty,lessce, purchaser in e:;crow, or optionee, with the consent of tt!C OIIllleI'S, 011/1 1'01'111 prl.oscl'ibed
by the person oppolnted by the PlIiIuling CctIJr.ission. The opplicotion shull be aeCOllI(J/mied by 11 plot
pllln druwn to scnlc showing the PI'OpeI'ty involved, the impl'ovcrrents propoocd, wid thc (.'Onl iL'lIOW;
,,,.opel'ty and In>provetl-ents, nU dirnonsioned, and applieatiDn fee, with plans showing the details of the
proposed use to be mnoo of the land or building. 'l'l1e fec for a conditionllll~e peront and extension of
a conditional use pemlit Is estubUsht.'<I by I'csolution.
~ 9-4.3t03. Vnrlnn(!es.
(c) AppUcatlol\'l tor variances shllll be mnde In writing by the property owner I lessca,
purchaser in escrow,OI' optionee, \'lith the consent ot the OM'lers, on a form pt'CSCribcd by the person
appointed by the Coomission. The application shall be aceOll1pMicd by a plot plan drl\\\1I to seale
showing the property involved, the uCJ)l'ovemcnts proposed, rtnd UIC conti\ruous PI'OflCl'ty wid
impl'Ovements, 011 dimensioued. The applicant sholl nlso provide evidence to lllOI(e tJlC followill!:
(1) There ere exceptional elretITStances applying to the !:Ubject pl'OpertYI
includi~ Si2C,shope, topography, and surroundings that do not apply generally to other lund, buildinl:s
or uses in the some district.
(2) The crantin!! of this vlII'lanee is necessllry fOl' the preservation and enjoyment
of subJtantinl [JI'operty ri~hts of the appllcll/It.
(3) The granting of th!s application will not, under the tCl'1TB and conditiore of this
portJcuwr esse, rr~terl8lJy affect adversely the henlth or safety of persons residing in or Vvol'idng in the
neighborhood, and will not 00 mnterinlJy detrimentlll to the public welfllrc or injurious to property 01'
im[)J'ovements In ~d neighborhood.
- .---,.-"--~--_._---
OIWINANCE NO. 40!L... C.S. -2-
(4) ,The grCJ1ting of this opplicotion will not bc controry to the Gellcr-c.l PlolI.
TIle fce for a voriunce applicutior. is estublishtod ty resolution.
Sec. ~-4,310Q.. Av~
Any pcl".;on, includiq: elected and oppointed Cit). officiaJs, may appen! to the Council nll~' ol'der,
requirements,decision, or cIetemunation of the Cormoission in the nllnner set forth in tlois section
(0) Appculs shall be mndc in writi~ /II1d filed with the City a('I'I:, together v,ith n l'iIiru
fee, os estoblished by resolution, with ten (10) ooys otter the finul oction of the Comni..~ion. The
filil'G fee shull be wuivl.od for an oppen! 0/ 11 City electl.-d or IlII(JUintl.'<I Cit~. ofJ'icilll licUnl: in sUI'h
capacity. Upon the receipt of on oppelll, the aty Clcrk shall set 0 tin-e, witldnthirt)' (3U) doys wtel'
the receipt of b'Uch oppcn!, tar a puWle hew'uiC on such appeal. Notice of such heorirg shull be given
os set forth in Article 33 of this cOOpter. The City Clerk shall olso noti!')' the C.orrml<;sion of slIch
uppeul. In U",e event the City's cX[Je/'tiCS, includirg legal notices, II/'(' Ic"SS thnn the mint( ft.c, OilY
W10unt of the filing feenotexpended by the City shall be rl'fllllclcd to the opplicunt;
&s" 9-4.3203. Resolutions !2f. jntentlon: Petitions: Ew.
(c) A petition of one ar more record owners of the lone thut is the subjcl..t of the proposed
ooenar.ent, or thcir authorized acents, shall be filed with the Ploruling Conmi!8ion. A (X'tition fOl'
oo.enaaw:mt shall be on a foml prescribed by the person appointed by the Plllllning COIl1rJssiolllind stUll!
La oCCOlf\)lll1ied by 11 fcc, os established by resolution.
~ 9-4.3209. Pr""nnlni; !2f. !.1niLw9rwJ:lA1G.Sl :JSI'ritory.
The City of Arroyo Grnndc moy prezone Imincarpol'oted territory adjoining tile City tor- the
puJ1.OSC of detemlining the zoning toot will apr-ly to such propert)' in the event ot sul:lscql,ent
IUU1cxation to thc City. The method of accomplishing such pl'ezonin{:' shull be CIS provided by tlois
urticle for zonirc witt~n the City. Action to (lre~.one nlllY be initiated by the ]>Iwmirq; CormJssioll OJ'
City Council. Such zoning sholl bccorne effective at the SWl.e tine !I,ut the annexntioll U'C:OI11<.'S
effective. An applicotion fee shull be suooJtt,'(\ with a prezone upplieatioll.
See, ~-3,606. ~ntotive M!!W. Cormleteness: EiliDg:.
, '
(b) Filing: TWl!nty (20) copies ot U,e tentc.Uve map shall be tiled, tDg'e~hcr \\ilh a fcc,
CIS cstBbUshccl by rt!OoOJution.
S!1.!:.. 9-3.703. Porcel MJJw. EiJirg ~
Where required by the provisions ot this chapter, parcel mII[6 os described in the Stllte
Subdivision Mop Act shull be prepared and tiI,'(\ with the Subdivision Hevicw PoCOI'd, t~ethcr with CI
filirg fcc, CIS established by rt'SOlution.
Sec. 9-3.702. I&1 ~ Adiuslmcnts.
A lot line adjustment shall follow the procedlll'es outlin,cd fOl' (Joreel mO[:6. 111C tec tOl'
processing a lot line adjustmcnt is established by resolution.
Sec. 9-3.611. EiDJ!l. MDw. Ii!m I.imit
(b) Upon the applicotion ot tho subdivider, IIn extension ot time, not exceedinc one (I)
adcUtlonal yeor, mllY be granted by tho City CoWlcil, otter l'Cview and recorrl1Ocndotlon of the Flwming
Coornl$lon. The tee tor filiru' II I'cc;uest tar extension ot time shc.ll be established by resolution.
~ 9-4.2407. ~ n~lotions.
(3). The fees for Plaming C'mrnission and Planning Directorreview of a sigTI shall be
established by resolution, CIS outlined in Exhibit" A." The fco fOl' I'lnnning Director rcvic\\ of a si[;n
shall be established by resolution.
~g., 9-4.3504. Additional ADDlication ~
Additional "pplicotion types and tees far PlannUl: DepartnoCnt and Public Works iarC' ('!:t"bIIsIK'C!
by resolution.
ORDINANCE NO. ...1Q!!.__ C.S. -3-
Section 2: This OrclinDnce shall be in full force and effcct Ulirty (3D) du~ n1'tcr its pussogc, ond
within fifteen (15) da~ n1'ter possaCe, it shnU be published once, tCGether with tho nMIC!tI of 11m ('ounci!
Members votil'<< thereon, in Q nc\\spapcr of gcnernl clrcullltion within the City.
On rrotion of Council Me:rbcr ~ _, seconded by Council Memter .-ill.!?~!:!._____., and 011
the following roll call vote, to wit:
AVf:.S: Council Members Moots, Olsen, Dougall and Mayor Millis
NOES: None
ABSENT: Council Member Smith
the foregoing Ordinance was possed and adopted this 23rd day of May, 1989.
ATI'Esr: il~a,~
C. 'Q",",
I, NAOCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County
of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify uncIer penalty
of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 408 C.S. is a true, full
and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular neetin9
of said Council on the 23rd day of May, 1989.
WI'l'NESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed
tnis 24th day of May, 1989.
'11 Mtcl a. ~..;AJ -
--,_.,---,- n'__ ..~..,'---------
P1JINN'ThG ri!.PAIDJw1INl' /~INE1~U}G F'l!E'>
Annl{cation ~ ~~ Q.tbu. Ew.
A. Conditional Use Permit (CUP
0 Within P.D. Zone $426 N/A
0 Outside P.D. Zone $365 N/A
B. Amended CUP
0 Within P.D. 7Dnc $3:19 N/A
0 Outside P.D. Zone $278 N/A
C. 1Dne Change
0 Rezone/Pre-zone $449 N/A
D. Planned Development $777 N/A
E. Amended Planned Develop"Dnt $495 N/A
F. C.eneral Plan hnendnent $591 N/A
G. Variance 365 N/A
H. Time Extensions
(Parcel Map/fentat Ive Traet Map/CUP)
0 Within P.D. Zone $141 N/A
0 Outside P.D. Zolle $ 80 N/A
I. Meeting Continuance $ 47 N/A
J. Appeals $ 60 N/A
K. Planning CQrllli liS Ion
Interpretatlon~ulver $ 28 N/A
L. Tentative Parcel Maps
Tentative Tract Maps
0 Within P.D. 2Dne $442 $10/lot
0 Outside P.D. 2Dne $381 $10/101
M. .Aroended Parcel Map
Tentative Tract MOp
0 Within P.D. 1Dne $354 $10/10t
0 Outside P.D. Zone $293 $10/101
N. Lot Li ne Jldjus trncnt
0 Within P.D. 1Dne $2'10 $10/10t
+ plnn
o OUtside P.D. Zone $209 $1 0110 t
+ pllln
O. Reversion to Acreage
0 \~ithln P.D. Zone $442 N/A
0 OUtside P.D. Zone $3&1 N/A
P. Certificate or COmpliance $ 28 Reeol'dlng
".1 _
Q. Signs
0 Planning Cmmission Revlew/
Planned Sign Program $100 N/A
0 Administrative Review $ 50 N/A
R. Architectural Review
0 Within P.D. l~ne $367, or $310 If N/A
submitted with
assocluted project
0 Outsldc P.D. Zone $307, or $250 If N/A --~.
submi Hed wi th
associated project
S. },mended Ai'chltectural Review
0 Within P.D. l~ne $290 N/A
0 Outsldc P.D. Zone $230 N/A
T. Research $ 28 N/A
U. Environmental Determination Included In other fecs
V. EIR/Environmental Studies lS~ ot EIR or Envirom.~ntul
Docurrcnt O:mtract
W. Heme Occupa t Ion Perml t $ 14 N/A
X. Pre-Application COnference $ 50 N/A
(dcducted tram npplicotion
fee when ottlclal project
subml Hed)
Y. Development AgreOTlent $3000 N/A
Z. Viewshed Review Process
0 Planning ~Isslon Review $100 N/A
0 Statt Review $ 50 N/A
A. Plan Check $297 $l1/1ot
D. Pinal Parcel Map $215 $11/10 t
C. Improvement Plans o - $100,000 of estimated cost
of improven-ent = fec of 11,; of
cons truct ion es t imn te
$100,000 - $500,000 ot
estlll1lt 5 t ot Improve/Tcn t =
tee or .05 of construction
es t ill1l c
D. Grading Plans See Tables 10-A and 70-B
E. Encroactment Perml t $14 N/A
Should be 0.5%
TypOgraphical error corrected by -
Minute Action at City Council
Meeting of 8/22/89.