Minutes 1975-04-08 49~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 7, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 30~0 P.M. The City Council met in regular adjourned session with Mayo~ ~~lley presiding. Upon roll ca11, Council Members Spierling, de Leon,,Sc~legel and Millis reported present. Also in attendance were City,Engineer Garcia, Director of Public Works Anderson and City Administxator Butch. STUDY SESSION RE. WATER SERVICES & PROJECTS General discussion was held on the question of annexing hfllside property outside of the City (easterly) and proration of costs of water s~~v~ce. The Council also studi~d the recammendations of Director of Public W~rks Anderson for updating the water fees. It was generally recom~en~~~ t~a~ the distribution costs be amended from $150.00 ~o $300.00 for a 5/8" meter, and that the main charge be increased from $3.50 a front foot to $4.50 a f~ont foot. In addition, it was recommended that the City's contribution to oversizing mains for distribution purposes be limited only to those sizes in excess of 12". Director of Public Works Anderson also brought to the.a~tention of the Council a list of ineters that had been paid for prior to the fee structure cha.nges in June of 1973, but not installed as yet. After a great deal of discussion, it was agreed that this matter be discussed with the City Attorney to determine if a time limit could be established for installation of inet~rs a~ter their purchase. After further discussion, it was generally agreed by the Co~ncil that the recom- mendations o~ Director of Public Works Anderson be accepted and that ~h~ City Attorney, at the next regular Council meeting, be instructed to prepare the _ necessary ordinance. RECEIPT OF ANNtJAL WATER REPORT The Council received copies of the City's Annual Water Report, wl?ich was reviewed and ordered filed. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned to an executive session at 4:55 P.M. to discuss pending litigation. RECONVENMENT The Council reconvened at 4:59 P.M. with all members present as shown on roll call. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. ~yy~ ,..-~_o ( ATTES T ~ ~ I ~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8~ 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Talley presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Spierling, de Leon,,Schlegel and Millis reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANGE AND INVOCATION Ma.yor Talley led t~~ Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediatel~ thereafter, Reverend Ri~chie of the Church of God in Grover Ci~Gy delivered th~ invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of Ma.rch 25, 1975,;,:we~°~ approved ~s prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman de Lean ~r~d ~nani° mously carried, General Warrants No. 597 through No. 622 in ~he ~0~~1 ~,~c~~a~n~ r~~' $103,424.06 and No. 2835 through No. 2883, in the total amount of $23,98~Q~3; and Payroll Warrants No. 3748 through No. 3870, in the total amount af $27~82~0559 were approv~d and ordered paid..- 4 9'7 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNTA PAGE'2 RESPONSE FROM HgJD REe CITY`S PREAPPLICATION FOR BLOCK GRANT The Council reviewed a letter received from the Departsn~nt of Housing and Urban Developanent, in response to the City°s preapplication for ~he Community Development Bl~ck Gr~.nt Program. A full application filing by ~~.is City was dis- couraged bec~.u~e af tYae relatively lower percentage and externt of poverty in this communi~y as compared to some communities, and the great deman.d, f~r funds. The rnatter will be held in.abeyance until next year, and furth.er possibilities of filing an application jointly with the County of San Luis 0'bispo Fai11 be res~arched at that time. RECEIPT OF ANNUAL FRANCHISE PAYMENT - P.G, & Ea The Council received and reviewed notice from the Pacifi~ Gas and Electric Coznpany, showing tha.t the Electric Franchise Paymen~ for Calendar Year 1974 to the City totals $4,046.10. APPROVE SUPPQRT OF EMERYVILLE'S RESOLUTION OPPOSING ASSEMBLY BTLL 625 The Council reviewed a letter and resolutio~ from the ~ity of Emexyville, requesting the City's support in opposing Assembly Bi11 625 w~.ich would establish a Bay Area Planning Agency, It is feared that this legislative action could be a springboard to similar agencies throughout the State, which.cao~:ld ~ake away local control and lean toward regional government, After Co~znca,~ c~~scussion, a motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Counei~.zn~n Spi~~l~ng and unanimously carried, directing that a l.etter be written to State Assemblyman Nimmo indicating the City's suppnrt of Emer~ville's Resolution No. 75-27, wYaich opposes AB 625. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR MARCH, 1975 The Departmental Report for Ma.rch, 1975, as well as the Police Activities. Report for February, 1975, were received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. MUNI CODE AMEND - ORD ADOPT - AMEND USE PERMIT SECTION OF "R-G" DISTR.ICT City Attorney Shipsey read the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code by adding provisions relating to parking lots in `rR°G" Districts; thereafter, a motion caas made by Cauncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unani- mously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. ORDINANCE N0. 119 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL GODE BY ADDING PARAGRAPH (f) TO SECTION 9-4.803 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE NNNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PARKING LOTS IN "R-G" DIS TRICTS. On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded i~y Councilman Spierling and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, de Leon, Schlegel, Millis and Mayor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ord3nance was passed and adopted this 8th day of Apri1, 1975. REVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS AND NOTICE RE CONFERENCE The Ca~.ncil reviewed a number of legislative bulletins,holding discussion on bi11s which ~ould affec~ the City. Notice was also received of the Mayors' and City Councilmen's L~gislative Conference to be ~e1d May 19 thru 21, 1975 in Sacramento. UPDATE OF CIVIL DEFENSE ORIDINANCE - FIRST READING Administr.ator B~.tch stated tha.t the State Office of Emergency Services has recommended the City ~pdage its Civil Defense Ordinance (No. 160)9 wl~ich is now tied into the Safety Element of the General Plan. The Council reviecti~~d the proposed updated ordinance. After Council discussion, City Attorn~y Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending t~ae Municipal Code relating tQ emergency organization and functions; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Council.~an Millis and unanimou.sly ca~°ried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. CITY COUNCIL APRIZ 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 RESOLUTION ADOPTION - UPDATE DISASTER SERVICE WORKERS RE50LUTION Administrator Butch reported that in conjunetion with the upd.ating of the Civil Defense ordinance, the State Office of Emergency Services has also recom- mended the updating of the City's workmen's compen5ation resolu~ion (No. 242) regarding registered volunteer "Disaster Service Workers", Af~~r Council dis- cussion, City A~torney Shipsey read the title of'a resolution x°el.ative to certain workmen's compensation benefits; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, t~ disp~nse with reading the balance of this r~solution. RESOLUTION N0. 1154 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RELATIVE TO WORI~4EN'S COMPENSATION BENEFITS FOR REGISTERED VOLUNTEER "DISASTER SERVICE WORKERS'r. On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and on the following ro11 call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Spierling, de Leon, Schlegel, Millis and Ma.yor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 8th day of April, 1975. APPOINTMENT OF PARKTNG AND TRAFFIC COMMISSIONER - E JACKSON Per the recommendation of Ma.yor Talley, a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, appointing Elizabeth "Libby" Jackson, 208 Fairview Drive, to the Parking and Traffic Commission (to fill one of the two vacancies created with the recent membership expansion of that Com~ission from three to five persons), with her term of office to expire June 30, 1978. AUTHORIZE CANCELLATION OF OUTSTANDING WARRANTS - FINANCE DIRECTOR The Council reviewed a memorandum from Finance Director Rosengren, requesting authorization to cancel old outstanding warrants which have been on the books for two or znore years. Administrator Butch clarified that these warrants are checks in small amounts to various people (i.e. water deposit refunds), which eith~r have not been cashpd or are undeliverable. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, authorizing the Finance Director to cancel outstanding warrants as follows: TYPE OF WARRANTS TOTAL AMOUNT OF WARRANTS 1. Trust & Agency (Mid-State Bank) $187.18 2. Payroll (Bank of Ameriea) < $150.60 3. General (Ba~.k of America) 235.06 GRAND TOTAL $572.84 The Ca~.ncil briefly discussed the possibility of imprinting checks in the future with a time limitation for cashing the check. Administrator Butch advised that this is being looked into. RESOLUTION FROM PARKS & RECREATION COMM OPPOSING REDUCTION OF XMAS ISLAND The Council r~ceived and reviewed a resolution adopted by the Parks and Recreatian Cc~mma.ssion, which sets forth that Commission's opposition to any reduction i.n size of the Ckaristmas Tree Island adjacen~ to Traffic Way and Bridge Str~et. The Council suggested this matter be re~err~~ to the proposed joint meeting with that Coar~nission on Apri1 23, 1975. SET SEMI-ANNUAL JOINT MEETING WITH PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSIONa 4/23/~5 7:30 P M As requ~sted, the Council set a semi-annual joint meeting wi~~a the Parks and Recreatfon Comznission for April 23, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. to disc~as~ budgets. OPPOSE PROPOSED CHANGE IN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DTSTRICT The Council r~viewed a letter from Richard Krejsa, Chaix°anan of ~he County Air Polluti~n C~ntrol Board, requesting the City's support in opposing the County of Ventura's effort to fonn a three-county air pollution control distri,cg to include San Luis Obispo, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. Af~er Council dis- cussion, the Council directed Administrator Butch to write to the San L~xis.Obispo Cou~ity Supervisors and the Air Resources Board, indicating the City's opposition to Ventura County's proposed changes to the air basin boundaries. 49~ cz~ cour~cz~ ~~xz~ .s.g i97s ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFOR~T~A PA~~ 4 APPROVE JOIN`I PROJ~CT BE'~IE~N CI'~ :S~ SAMBO ° S FOR PARKING ~OT ON EL CAM~LVO REAL Tt~e C~~ncil x°ev~ew~d a~~gort pr~:pared by I3~rec~or of Pa~blic Wcax~l~s A~.d.erson regaxding cos~s ~'~r ~h.~ p~oposed p~rking lo~ nn City°c~rned p~opexty ~eross from Sambo's on E1 Cam~nc~' R~~.1 be~aeen Halcynn Road and ;$ell- S~reet, as r~qu~s~ed. bg~ the Coun~il aG i~s 7.a.s~ ~egula~ me~ting. C~s~s af th~ ~ooperat~~~ p~oje~t between Sambo's Res~~.a~ran~ and ~~r~ Ci~~ ax°e estimated at $3,000 ~o Sam~~'~ ~c~r rnat~rials and $19700 to C~.t~ fc~~ ~qiaipm~nt and labor invnlved.: T~?~ C~urceil c~~~c~ass~c~ the pr~posed p~~j~ct a~ g~eat l~ngth, voicing var~irag opina~dns i~~landa,n.g t~.~t the improv~men~ ura~.ld ~n1-a.anc~ ~1~~~ looks of ~he area and increase b~.siness th~ resta~a~~.n~ wh.icta wn~ald ~~~~.1~ ~n higher sales Ga~ ~e~eip~s ~'or kl~e C~~~; a~.d tl~.at priv~.te br~siness~s sho~.ld not be subsidized this raay w~t1h publ~c funds. C~~.ncil- man Mi1.1~s sugg~s~ed th~.t t~.~ City property be abandn~.~cl9 s~1.c~ 1~~.~~d. so that Sambo's ws~axld b~ r~.spons~bl~ far fu11 imp.rovements. City Eng~.~~~~ ~ax~cia s~ated that the prc~p~rty may b~ n~ed.eci by the State in tl~e fu~~xx~e fox° f~e~~r~.y acce~s . After Council clisctxssio~., a. motion was made by Co~nncilman Sp~~~li~g an.d s~con.ded by C~~ncil.~ran de T,ec~n, to accep~ Sambo's offer to provide ~l~e ma~erials fcsr development of a pa~king lot on El Camino Rea1 between Halc~an Road and B~Tl Street, and authc~rizing that t1~e City provide labor and eqxa~.p~~n~ for the p~oJect. Per Councilman Schlegelos request, a ro11 call vote on i~1?e irao~ion was h~ld~ to wit: AYES: Co~anciL~men Spiex°ling, de Lean and Mayor Ta~~,~~ NOES: Ca~.ncilm.en Schlegel and M%I1is ABSENT: None the foregoing anc~~ion ca~r.~.~da REPORT - COUNTy WATER R.ESOi1RCES ADVISORY C~NINITTTEE MEETING - DE LEON .Coun.crlman d~ Le~~n r~ported on ~he Apri1 2nd meeting of thc~ Cnun~y Water R~sources Advi~a~°~ Committ~e, stating that discussion had con~tinued regarding th.e Paso Robles ~.xzd Arrogro G~~n.de-Nipomo WatEr Basins. Regarding ~he C~.lifornia Water~ Pro~ect, it h~.d be~n xec.ommended that until such time th~.~ this a~ea needs the water% that th~ l~:asing of it to ather areas that need it now b~ ~axrsued. A contract~ for t'r~is p•ur}~ase shAUld be ready hy the end Qf the y~ar, ' REPnRT ° AREA COUNCIL' MEETING RE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN - SPIERLING & TALLEY C~~.n:c~.Yznan Spikr-ling and Ma.yor Ta11ey reported on their a.ttendance of the Apri1 2nd meet~,ng ~f the Area Planning Coordinating Council ~egard~.ng the Regiorial Transpor~a.~ion Plan, with Councilman Spi~rling having attended the day_.session and Ma.yor T~.~_1~~ L-}.7e ~sr~ning s~~sion. Councilman Spierling sum~z?arized the background and actio~. up ta Apx°il 2nd regardin~ th~ Plan. Ma.yor Talley x~eported that a mati~sn h~.d 'b~~n ca~°r~.~.d ~t t1~e evening s,ession to have further public hearings on t~ne Plan and to cancel t~ansmission of the Plan to the State. Tn ~esponse to th~ abov~ act~on., a t~legraan'had been sent to the State declaring the Plan as subm~.t~ed v~id., wh.~~h will ~~.use a1.1. "325" monies for the County to be impounded at Sta~e l~ve1, as Apri1 1, ~97~ was ttie deadline for subinission of the completed plan. C~~xnc~~.~an S~i~~ling a~d Ma~~c~r Talley, were authorized to fin.d out where the Plan no~r ~t~.nds and if tl~e p~blic h.earing already sched~led for Apxil 17, 1975 is ~a.ncell.~c~9 to c~.11 for a specxal session of th~ Cmordinait~ng C~+uncil to stx°aight~n o~f: ~~.e confs~s~.ana DTRECT ATT(~RNEY TO PREPARE ORDTI~TANCE RE WATER DISTRIBUTION CHARGE CHANGES Purs~~.an.t ~o th~ Cauncil's April ~th. study session regax°dirig am~ndecl w~t~r distribu~~.on ch.ar~~~ on 5/8" m~ters and provisions limiting the t3zn~ th.at purchased. m~~€g~~ c~.n b~ h~1d, p~nding actual installation af ~h.em,, ~he Council now instr~acl~~c~ C1t;y A~tEo~ne~ Shxpsey to prepare a~. ordin~.nce aanenda.ng the Municipal Code to r~flec~ t~.e changes ~.s reco~mnended at the r~cent studq session, REM~ND~R RE. DISCTASlJRE OF EC~NOMIC INTEREST FILINGS REQU~R~D Th.~ Ca~zncil sa~s ~~~~nded a.b~otzt the vari.ous filings r~.quix~d ~ha~~ m~nth. and n~xt ~~garding disclosure of ~conomic interests undex° tl~e P:~~spo~~tion 9 Act and the ~ld Mosccsn~ Acta NOTICE RE. PLAN PRESENTATION TO COUNCIL - APRIZ 22 - CENTRAL ~USI~~S~S D18T~ CQMMe The C~tnncil ~.ppxoved a req~.est from the Central Busine~s D~~~rict Commis° sio~, to px°~sent- a b~a~.tifica~ion of Br~.nch Street plan befox~ ~~~n~i1 a~ ~~s April 22, 1975 r~:gu.l~.r m~eting. 5~~(~ CITY COUNCIL APRTi. 1975 .ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 APPROVE PROGRESS PAYMENT N0. 2(FINAL) RE. CONCRETE Il~ROVEMENTS - FOREMAB`1'ER A motion was made by Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilana.n Spierling and unanimously carried, approving Progress Payment No. 2(Firia~.) in the amount of $5,442.01 (excluding the 10% of total project costs being retained in:ttre amoun.t of $2,062.14) to J~hn E, Foremaster for construction of caarbs, g~tgers,'sidewalks, driveways and cross gutters at various locations in ~Che City, per Contr~ct No. 90-74-6. : REFER PROPOSED SEWER ABANDONMENT IN TRACT 531 AREA_TO:PLANNING COMMTSSION ~ Administrator Butch explained tha.t in proceeding with t~.~ r~quested abandonment of an ina.ctive sewer easement in yot 108 of the Ran~ho Corxal de Piedra, in conjunction with development of Tract 531, the matter 1~..ad bypassed the Planning Commission. The Planning Com~ission's next regular ineeting is Apri1 15th, at which time t~,at Commission will review tHe matter and make its recommendations to the Council, and if favorable, the public hearing:set by the Council for Apri1 22, 1975, will proceed as scheduled. After Co~:ncil discuss.ion, a mation was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unani.mously carried, the request to abandon an inactive sewer easement in the area of Tract 531 ~ras.referred to the Planning Cornmission. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Co~;ncilman de Leon, s~conded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. until 7:30 P.M. on Monday, Apri1 14, 1975 for a joint session with the Downtown Parking and Improvement Advisory Board. ~ ~ _ ATTES T ; _ ..~'.e~ - Gz~l' C~,~ CTTY CZERK - MAYOR CITY COUNCIL , APRIL 14, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The Council znet in special session with Mayor Ta11ey presiding. Upon roll ca11, Council Members Spierling, de Leon, Schlegel and Millis reported present. DISCUSSION RE. PROPOSED CITY SEMI1~„AR ON MAY 3. 1975 Pursuant to a lawsuit having been filed by several area newspapers and reporters against the City on Friday, April 11, 1975, Mayor Ta11ey had called this special meeting to discuss the pr~posed City semin~.r to be held on 9a~txrday, Ma.y 3, 1975. The major complaint of the suit is the proposed Los Alamos location of the seminar and costs of same. The Council reviewed a report prepared by Administrator Butch, which suggested the meeting be held at the San Luis Bay Inn in Avi1,a Beach, which appears to be the nnly facility in the County to be able to accomanodate the type of ineetings proposed for this seminar. Rental of space would cost $10.00 and luncheons available fram $1.80 to $4.50. Ma.yor Tall~y read a prepared statement regarding the meeting, and intent of same, encouraging the Council to pursue it and offering citizens transporfia- tion.and cost of the seminar if these items are obstacles to their attendance. . He requested comments from the Council. Councilmen Schlegel, Spierling and de Leon supported the Mayor's position. Councilman Millis read a prepared statement, indicating his support of the concept of the semina.r, but feeling the meeting should be located within the City, which he would then attend. In response to Mayor Talley's inquiry, City At~orney Shipsey stated that the Courts would decide if the meeting as proposed is possibleo He further advised the Council of Section 2-1.102 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code regarding meetings held outside of the Council Chambers.