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Minutes 1975-08-18
51 ~d~~ ca~~v~o~ ~uGUS~ ~z9 r~is ~I~RO~b ~I~~~DE a !I ~~~P~ J ~ ~f~GE 5 ~U~`H~RB~~ ~t~~d~~ ~C~~`~~ fif~ ~~~fi~~M ~d,i~1~0`~'~ GR~e~~l~ CR~EK Ma~~¢~ Ta~y~~~ ~F~~~ ~ ~i~~~~ ~~°w~n ~V~~ So~~~ C~~n~y area wesh to c~ea~ ~h~ ~u°~~~~v ~~~~~e co°~~~ a p~~y~~~fl ~c~~ ~s°e ~ee~~e~~u~g he~p f~°om the C ~~~y a~ d°o ~~o~ o~~ ~~e d~b~~ ~ o ~ S~~~~g s~~~ ~cc~a~~ ~,~~d~~, ~tated that so far thr~ee ~~~~g~~ t~~~~~~ i~~d °o ~~~~°e~~ o~ 9~~~ po ~ag a~a~ ~~es~~~t o~ee dage has beer~ set S~p~~~~~~' ~39 ~9?5~ ~eu°~E~~~~~, ~~a~ Fa~h ~ G~~n~ ~epa~°~~n~a~~ as ~~so ne~essary ~os° tha~ ~~~~~~t9 P,dm~~dst~~~~° ~~~~h ~a~ da~e~ted ~h~rn fo~° pe~r~ess°sono A~ter Go~a~~ d°a s~.~~~ o~s~ 9 a m~~ ~u~~ ~rad~ ~~e ~~ua~c o J~r~~ S~~S ~~ge~ ,~econded by Co~,~nco~~r~e~ iNo'd~ o~ ~~d ~e~~~~rr~u~~y e~~°~~ecY, ~~.ygh~~d~~$r~g Co~~°s ~L~~ws ta ~ssast ~ ar~ the Bc~~s ~~~s~~s~ p~°~~e~~ ~~F c~earaong ~~°eek deB~a~a~, by pl~~~~n~n~ ar~d ¢°esno~sal' of dumpst~~°s u~~~ b~ ~h~ Scc~~ts; an~ ~p~~~~~~~ o~ th~ p~°~je~t w~s gaven9 sub~e~t:,to approval ~ by ~Fa~ F~~~ ~ ~~~n~ D~~~~°~~~~~a li a R y NC~ OF N~1NC B~L, CON~U~~~4NT ON RUTH /~NN W~~' A,S~ESSNiEN~f D B S~°R6 C~° - HELD OVER_,, + C~~y Enga~e~~° Ga~°~8~ ~°eqve~~~d'a~ad the Cou~aca~ ~greed t~ ho~d over° the ~r~atter o~ h~~ e r~g a f¢~ar~~ o a~ cor~~aa~ t~~~ o~ th~ i~uth ,4nn ~Cay A~ses~m~rat D 8 S~t' 9 G~ o RE~E ~ PT 0~ C(~~9FNENTS ~R01~ ~C~RE~TRY DEPT~ RE ~ LOPEZ CANYON "W9 LDERNESS" DES I GN,4T 9 ON lft~e C~~as~~i ~~°~~~aa~~d ar~d ~°e~roevae.d ~ Ye~teu° f~om the UnAted States Depar°tment ~,g~o~~s~t~~~ ~~~~°oea~e9 Pad~°e~ N~~aor~~~ Fo~e~~ DevA~aa~, ~omsnerateng per ~he C i~y' ~~~e~sa~~t ~n t~~ p~°~po~ed ~e~ o gna~ 9~~ o~ ~he ~op~~ Canyon as a"~la 1 d~r€~ess~~ ~a°~~ 0 1'h~ ~~ettew o~d ~~a~~d al~f u~ u~~ p~o ~o~ ~ta~d on the matt~~° o After Counci 1 d~~~~~~ d~~ y C 9`~`jf Af~6RB PE @ 5~~'~~~9~° B~a~~h ~~s d°o ~°e~~ed va~° ~ te ~o Coragres~man Lagomars a no ~~,g th~ ~ c t~°' ~ oppc~~ ~ t u~~ ~ B B~' 9~~~~°r~e~~' ° d~~ B~~9~ ~ 9 LDCB of the Lopez Canyc~n a rea . ~~C~~'~ ~E~D ~ ~~€~~,~U~ ~4G~~~IW~f~`~ - ~ARR~6~L ,4VEo DRA9NAG~ PRO~DEG~ ~ SAICAMOTO ~~m~ ~ °s ~~~r~to~ Ba~teh ~d~ ~ ~~d tha~ ~g~°~e~nes~~ ~~d de~~, ~ a gned by ~he Sakamoto ~am ~ ti ~y o ~~~re ne~~a 6~~ra ~e~~ ~ ~~red , ~ ~a ~~~~g u~a~~ °s o~ r~°s ~h Fa ~ o°~ ~ ~ ~~~nu~ dra s nage p~°oj~~~ ~p~a~e~~red ~y~ ~ouraca~ at~ .?u~~ 8, ~975 ~ee~~r~~~ ~~~~c` Couracal discussion, ~ mota~~ ~a~s ~~cf~ by~ C~a~~ce ~~ran Sch~eget ~ s~c~nd~d b~ Co~n~o ~~~n ~nd unani- ~n~~~ ~ ~ ~~~°.e~ °s ~d ~ ~~~ep~ a ~g an ~a~em~nt Deed ~he p~o~p~~~ ~or~~~'~~~~° ~ ~ra, ma i ntenance ~~d op~~°~~~~~orJ ~ cir~u~age rhan~~~~ fo~ u~e by the Sak~mo~~~s ~cljace~~ ~h~ easterty ~ 9 s~~~ ~f ~s~t c~f ~ a sr~~ ~~~ach G~~°des~~s °s ~~h~ Co~ar~ty a~~ ~a~ o~ Ob o~pa~~ author i zi ng t~e ~i~y~~a~ ~nd ~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ~~k ~c~ ~ o gn, ~ra beF~a ~ ~ o~ the ~ ~ 9 ~h~ ~ f ~ c~~~ ~ ~ .~~ceptance3 ~~d f~~~v~~~~~p~d~~ ~ Agv ~~m~~~ ~°eg~~°d °o ~g ~~n~t~°~~~ o ~n ~c~d a~ce~~ ~f th~ d~~ o -~~a~ c~iannel . ~EC~"~'~ ~i~~ ~E1°T~R R~a SAV~~ ~URPL~~ 'L6P~Z Gi,4~'ER - COUN1fY EN~~NEER T~e C~~~~ a°~~e ~~~d ~rad ~°ev o e~~d a~ e~~er f ~°om C~~~ty Erag o nee~° P~~„ ,~~ap~~ , ~h ~ tV~~ ~~p~c~~a~~ Zor~~ 3°~~~~pa~~ ~ ar~d ~~~d ~ t n ora~ ~°egard °a r~g tF~~ ~ a rag o~ ~~a~~~~~: ~,~ap~~ ~aa~e~°o Co~~~~~i~nar~ Niot2u~ ~a~ d°or~c~~~ to ~~q~est c~a~°ofacat~ors of ~i~~ ~~~~e~° e~ ~~~g~~d s~bma n~~a ~f ~~x~ "~y ~acl~ c o~~ ~°eg~~-~ a~g p~°oposed quar~~ a ty ~v~~~~° kae ~sedo `~h~ ~a~fe~e~~~ b~~w~e~r~ p~opns~d ca~e a~ad ~ont~°acted altoeatson ~ro?~~ b~ d~~l~~°~c~ ~~r~rp~~a~ ~;~~9 o~er~ fo~ by oth~r ~g~n~°s~~ wath~n Zcne 30 ~ NV 9 T~`T @~N ~6 MEk~ `TE~CHERS L9INCHI~ON ~~UGU~T 259 ~ 9?5 Ccscs~co~ ~~~~u~~d ~~iero~~~aon~ f~°o~n the L~~o~ hla~° ~1no~oed S~h~ol Dastrect to a~ c~~~ ~~~r~ c~~ ~a~~~~t 26~~ t~ ~n~~~ ~h~ ~~~v ~~a~h~~~ j~ e r~ a~ g t~e D o st~° ~ ct' s staff o AD,~(~URN~ti~N~ Qn m~~ a~~€ h~€~ran P~ a~~ o~ 9 ~~~~~d~d b~ ~a~s~~~ u~ on~~u de Leon and unan o mous 1 y ~~~~r~ a P~, m~~~ e~ag ~dJ~a~~~ed ~t 9~~5 P o S~a ~o 30 e P~~ ~n A~agu~t 18, 1975 for a ~tudy s~~~ o ~~a ~h~ ~I~~~ ~ ~l ~me~t o~ t~e G~~e¢°a 1 ~r o ~ e ~ g ATT~~.~° ° ~ C 0 C~,Ek~BK MAYOR ~ ~ °~p~ Ca~NC ~ AuGUS~' 18, ~ 975 ~RIROY~ ~R~NDE, CAL@~ORN~A 7e30 Pohlo Due to a~~~k c~f a qu~~°ur~9 th~ C i ty C~a~~~ a~ d°o d~a~t ~eet o p~T~~~: ~ CJ C~T~ ~~~RK ~~~0~