O 396 C.S. !1.&5 I" .. .. . ~ ORDINANCE NO. 396 CA AN ORDINANCE OF THE ClTY COUNCIL OF THE ClTY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING ADOPl'ION OF A NEGATIVE DJa.ARATlON AND PD REZONING CASE 88-213, AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 140CA (OAK PARK AClU1S) TO MODIFY EXHIBrr -A- AND ~ "8". WHEREAS, theC1ty Council ofthe C1ty of Arroyo Grande, Califomla bas held a public hearing to consider an amenanent to Ordinance No. 140 C.s.; and ' , WHEREAS, the C1ty Council did consider said proposed an.nanent to modify Exhibit "A" and "B" by adjusting the lot line between the Oak Park Acres Planned Develop1rent and Parcel 10 of Parcel ~ Map 77-103; and wmmR'-S, the City CouncIl has I'IIld the required pub]lc bearIqr on the (I'OPOIIed smenanent; and WHEImAS, the C1ty Council finds no substantive inpact to the environment and, therefore, the adoption of a Negative Declaration is appropriate; and WHERBAB, the proposed amen<inent was found to be consistent with the General Plan, Zoning, and Goals and Objectives of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, after due study and deliberation, the C1ty CoW1Cil final that the plblic interest and general welfare does require such an amenlinent. NOW. THEREFORE. the C1ty Council of the C1ty of Arroyo Grande does hereby ordain as follows: SECl'ION I: Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" of Ordinance No. 140 C.8. (Oak Park Acres) is hereby wnellded to adjust the lot line between the Oak Park Acres &nnedDeve)ql!1ent and Parcel 10 of Parcel Map 77-103 as shown on the attached exhibits. SECTION 21 'Jbe OrdInance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days alter its passBge; and . within fifteen (15) days after its p8!IIIge it shall be pub]Ished once, together with the II8IIIii!S of Council MEII1bers vo~ thereon, in a nev.spaper pIi)1ished and circulated in said City. I i On \OOtion by CourIci]mentJer Smith, seconded by CouncIJmember Moots, and by the f~ roll i call vote, to wit: I I , AYE& CounciJmelrbers Smith, Moots, Olsen, Dougall and Mayer Millis I NOES: Nate I AIISBNT: Nate I i I the foregoi!1U OrdInance was passed adopted this 27th day of December 1988. ::J~>~ MI1 OR v ATITF.ST: ~ a. ~_ CITY CLERK I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County ,. , of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 396 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 27th day of December, 1988. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 5th day of January, 1989. TI~f a. ~J""~ .J CI Y CLER ----- . .. - - . 167 ,.. . Or~;MIICe. No.3Q,C.S.\ \ ! ~ ~ FRQM "u" TO PREZOHED "P-D" 1"&800' FROM "fh\" TO , PREZONED "p-o" U,S, \0\ FREEWAY EXHIBIT "A" A SECTION or THE ZONING HAP or THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AHENDED BV ORDINANCE NO. 1~0 C.S. OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GkANDE. -- . ,- ~------~--- vru''''''''-,- _."'-~ i \ . "',:.', .... r '., r ; ~ \ . , r , . ":-'J'" \ . . ",,' .,,':...'.. . i8 . .. @ R'A'40.000. - @ 0 R'A.40,000 69.1 Ac. ~ ~ > ... BELT" rIG .. GREEN @ 57Ac. . @ R.A'4QOOO 16,5Ac G) 18.2 Ac - R'G . 0 e " 0 "GREEN BELT 0 , .. R.G 8.6Ac @ .0 H'S 5.5Ac p.e 12.4Ac - r;; , 0 -,_. CD . 6.9Ac H'S . + .. . I . H'S 6.5 Ac, . - ---...... - u.~. 101 , EXllIBtT "D" - - ,- --"-',-- ~~ - -~ ,. - --