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Minutes 1975-04-22 . -----i CITY COUNCTL APRII, 22, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNI~ Th~ Git~ C~~xncil m~~ i~a ~~g~u~~~r ~~~~i~s~a wiCh. Mayor T~.11eq p~e~iding. Upon xoll ca119 Cc~~r~cil M~mb~r~ ~p~.~x~~irag~ d~~ ~~on ~rad. Mi~.~is r~portec~ present. ~ouncilmaaa Scl~l~g~1 ~s ~b~~nt, ~?LEDG~ OF A~L~G~ANCE AND I1~VfJCA~~(7N Mayor Tall~;y lec~ t~~ Pl~dg~ of A~.~.~;gi~.r~ce ~cs aur ~°I.~.g; and 3,~n~cliate~y . there~.ft~r, Ce~1~ncilLman Mil~is d.~13.v~~~~d t~a~ invt~c~~iort. APPROVAL OF MINUT~S _ ~ Th~ minutes of th~ ~djc~~a~n~r~ m~~ting~ rsf Apri~ 7t~a and April 14th, 1975 and th~ regralar ane~ting df Ag~i~. ~9759 vrere €~pproved as preparede See Below ~'ROCLAMATION °"POPPY MO~TH" AND "P~~pY DAY5'' - MAY lb THRtJ ~.7. ~.975 Mayor Tall~y r~~.d ~ prc~cla.m~~i~n ~nc~ ~he rnontl~ c~f M~y ~s "PoPp~' Month" and May ~.6th 17thp 19'75, as "PoPPy D~ys", in th~ City^ of Arrr~~rt~ ~rande, as r~q~n~~t~d b~ tY~~ Aar~~rrican L~g~,~n ~.nd Am~ric~n Legir~~ Auxi~.i~ry. APPROVE "BEAUTIFICATION OF BRAl~CH S T"~'~..P,1V - CEl~'I°RAL BUS I;N~SS DI~'~, COMMISSTON Alie~ R~~.s~, Cl~airman af ~he C~nt~al B~sirae~s DistYict Commissican, p~+~~e~nt~d to the Council by verbal d~serip~i~n ~nd°am, ~he be~u~ificat~.on of Branch ~ treet p lan d~ve loped by the Comtniss ion, which inc 1~sd~s p 7.~cement nf s t~°e~t 'benches , trees and additional r~c~ptacles in t~.e village ~.reaa She ~.ndieated tha~ high school students may hel~ in th~ x°~~.wood benc~es. Aft~r Ca~.ncil d~.~c~ssion, ~ mo~i~rc w~.s mad~ by de Leon, ~ec~nded by Councilanan and aananimously ~a~riec~p approving t~ae $esutif3.Gati~n of ~ranch Str~~t Plan as p~e~ented and ~.~.t1~or~.zing the Ci~y staff to p'roceec~ with ~:mplementation of th.e plan~ w~.~n tim~ permi~s ~ ~UTHORIZE LETTERS OPP~SING SB 9~ RE MARTJUANA PE IT~ES - SO L MCJN~'E The Council x~eview~d a letter ~nd resolution from the C3.ty of St~~th E~ Mont~, urg~ng sv.pp6rt in opposin~ Senat~ Bi3.1 95, wl~ich ~aoutld reduce the p~~i~l~y for posse~sion of m~rij~a~na. Aft~r Cc~~ancil disc~.ssion, a moti~n w~s m~c~e by d~ L~on, s~cond~d by Council~~.n Millis and ~n~nimously car~ri~d, authorizing ~.n~. direc~~,ng th~ s~aff to ~ri~~ l~ttears to appropriat~ legislaCive representatii~r~~ indicat~,ng this Cit~'s oppc~siC~.e~n to SB 95. ~EQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR "MEALS ON WHE~IS" PRC/G~iM - TAB~.ED The Coa~ncil x°~ad a l~tt~x f~om D~nn~ ,7e~w~C~9 D~~~c~~or of th~ M~a1s on Wh~~el~ program, which ~.s ~.n th~ pro~~e~~ of b~co~ni~.g ir~co~porat~d as a nr~n~°praf3.C ~r~~.n3.- zatian, to serve th~ ag~d and h~nd.i~apped resident~ af th~ ~'i~ve C~,i~ie~ ar~a, A copy of the programes prc~pcssed oper~~~ic~n~l b~dg~t tia~s ~l~a r~vie~ec~, cahich. ' inc luded r~q~nes t of fu~nding fx°~~r th.~ Ci.ty' in th~ aitt~unC df b00. ~0 e Admini~ t~~~ tor Butch advis~d t1~at a lett~r f~o~ th~ H~~nan R~l~.~i~ns Comm3.s~ion h~d a~at~ been rec~ived9 saappo~°~ing t~~ concegt of th~ prsag~am. The Co~tncil d3.sctti~~ed th~: ~t~~~er, with it bein~ pninted o~t anoni~~ e~.nn~~ b~ com~r?i~~~d at ~his time ts~~il the ~ity's baadget for t~~ ~.~x~ fi.~c~1 ~~a~° i~ x~v~.~~r~d, ~nd. Coun~ilm~r~ d~ ~.~r,n` i,ric~fi.ce~ ~ing he would be in con.ta~+~ ~r~th EvO.C, ~°~g~.rding ~~anding of this p~ogx~~m, 1~Ir~« ,~~wett was px~~sent ~.nd st~.ted t~at t~~ pragram is n~t f~snd~c~ bq ~C~e ~ounty, bui: i~ a private, n~m0profit organizati~n. A~'t~r Co~.ncil di~crassiorc, a mr~tio~ ~a~ rn~de b~ Councilman Sgierling, s~~ond~d b~ Ga~¶~ncilman d~ L~an and unan.3.mously c~~r~.~d, tc~ table this matter pendf,ng a~epo~°~ f.rc~an C~axnc~.lm~n de L~crn fo~.7.orain~ his cr~nt~c~ with the Econrr~mmac Oppo~t~nit~~ Co~n~,ssion. BLIC HEARING ° ABANDONMEI~T ~DF A PO1tP 0 Admi.nis~ratcsr B~.tch r~vi~u~ec~ ~h~ px~~vi~~sly r~~~ived ~r~quest f~°otic~ Je~~y Qsborne, th~,t an ix~active s~c~~r ea:~~anent in b~~t '10~ t~f R~nc~ao~ C~~~~~, de ~'i~da~~, Pismo & Bol~a de Ck~.~m3.sa1, be ~~~.ndon~~d.y in ccsn~~.nct~.ean t~~~~, d~^v~lc~ptn~~?~ ~f '~~~ct 531, Waln~ut Cr~~~ T~rr~.c~ S~~c~i~~,~~.~n, 1fi:~ P1~nn~~ng Ccmuniasicrn ~ia~ ~pprd~te~ ~hi~ abandox~nent. Up~n b~ing as~~sr~d by t~~ CiC~ Cl~r1~ t~t~at all ~eq~u3.r~rn~t~~~ as provided by la~a regarding n~tif~~~.ti~an K~~ Yn~~r3,ng, Yaa~ b~~n eotnpli~c~ Wit~, 1!~y'~~' ~a11ey decl~.r~d th~ hearing ~p~n ~nc~ ~.I1 p~r~on~ u~m~a~,d now be he~rc~ fd~ o~ ~,~~~.r~~t the ~.b~r~dcanm~n~ 4~ t1~is ~~~~r e~~em~nto fita~r~ b~in,g no d~,~c.~~gion ftrr c~~ ~,~~in~t th~.s m~tt~r, M~s~car Ts.l~,~~r c1~:~1~.~~d G~e 1~~~.~ing cla~~da Aft~~~° Co~ancil d~.~~us~ion¢ City Atto~rn~g~ Sk~~.p~~y ~~~d t~~ ~i~1~ ca~ ~~sc~l~xtic?n ~,b~.ndanin~ ~ ~aor~3.or~ o~ ~i ~~w~r ~~a~ment; ~~^~~r~a~~c~~, r~o~3,~s~. e~~.~ ~n~.~.~ t~y ~c~~nci~.rn~n Mal.11i~, g~~o~d~d Caunca.lm~.a~ d~ Z~ar~ ~nd ~^~a~~.~anc~~~~.;~ c~a~~°i~c~, t~ d~.~p~n~~ ~i.t~i r~~d9.n~ b~~+a~~~ of th~s ~~~o1~at3on. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS: On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, Payroll Warrants No. 3871 thru No. 3945, in the total amount of $44 24 .98; ~nd General Warrants No. ~884 thru No.. ~963, in the total amount of $42,41~.5~, Were approved and ordered paid. (Per Council approval 5/27/75) N CITY COUNCIL APRIL 2~, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CA~,IFORNTA PAGE ~ RESC~LUTION N0. ~.~~5 A RES~~UTIORT 0~' THE CITY' COt7NCI~ ,OF T~ C~'1"'~ OF 2,~.t0~0 GRANDE ORDERING TH'E A~ANI~CINM~NT OF A PORTION C1F A SEWER EASEMENT (GOVER.NMEN'.C CODE SECTION 50430 ET SEQ. ) On motimn af Ccs~ncil.ti~.n d~ L~oa~, s~~t~r~d~d bg~ C~un~~.lrnan 3pierling and on t~.~ fol~owing ro11 cal~. vc~~~, to ~vit: AYES : Councilmen Spierling, de L~on, M:Lll.~.s and 1~~~~ '~al].~y NOES: Nane ABSENT: Councilman Schlegel the for~goin~ was pa~sed and adop~~d tl~~.s ~2nd d~y of Ap~~.l, 1.975. COMP 0 'Y CO 7'he C~unril ~e~d a 1ett~~ f~c>m Go~da~ Bertn~tt, Manager of E.C. T~o~rnis & Son Insuranee o~ Arragro C~and~, complaix~ing of pollution csf ~Che A~~nyo Grande Creek, es} ~tyrxofcaam debris, Administratar Butich ind3.cated that the ~natter had been repaxted ta the County H~~lt~i Departmettt, agency is ha.ndling the m~.t~~r, R EI 0 0 0 CO T~0 0 55 d 0 ~ 1974 The ~~~,1 report`fo;r 1974 of the Califcrrnia Coastal Zone Conservation Coumn~.ssio~y ~r~,~ ;~~ce~.ved by th~ Co~anc3.l, ~evi~~red and order~d ~3.led. p ~'w ~.2 U1 'Th.e '~,~r~~ x~ad a proclama~Cian ~.nd the w~ek of l~iy 12th thraugh Ma~r 17th, 197a, as "Arx~oyo Grande Cle~xn-Up W~~1c", as requesti~d by the Director of Public Wo~°k,~. An ~~~~a ~3,ckeu~ af C~c~~h, a~ n~ +~dditional cha~~~, w~ll be rnade on Wedn~sdagr irt the Cit~ ~asC c~f tl~e f~ee~r~y^, ~nci wes~C of ~Y~e fr~er~r~y on '~hursd~Y: in conjunceion with th~.~ cleanrup. REV EW a ~S TIVE tT ~ ° (3 ~E C/ 5 0 The Co~rncil r~~riec~~d ehe lat~~t ~egisla~~.~re Bu~letins f~om ~he T,e~~u~ of California, rev~.e~sing p~ndi,ng `bil~.~ cahic~. coulc~ effect ~h~ C~.ty ~nd directin~ the Ci~y staff ~n w~rit~ 1e~G~~r~ af c~ppasition ta appx~cap~f.~ti~: legf.s~ati~ve represen~at~.ves r~gard~,ng a n~ambe~ nf bi~.~,s ~hi~h co~~.c~ ~drr~rsely effect the Ci~y, as fc~l~.ows : SB 275 r~gardi~tg co~.~~~t~.~r~ b~r public ~mp~.c~~ees; AB 307 regarding m~ndatmry ~im~ off fc~~ lara ~x~fcs~~~m~nt rep~e~ent~Cives; AB 306 xequ3.~~s tisne°off far employee r~p~e~~n~a~3,~es; A~ g58 ~~l~:~ing ~o ma~cimurn hou~s and and o~:~-~1f for c~v~rtime; SB ~.43 r~~~, a'bv~~~n~~~ ~.n~re~tti~~ e~~mp~~.on ~ncr~:~~e to 60%; and AB ~094 b~asf.n~~~ ~,n~~n~C~~r ~~emptiion ~nc~a~~e ann~u~~.~~ `b~ perc~nr~.g~ grcr~rth of S~a~c ~re~~~u~;~. MU ~ - d - ~ Cit3~ Atto~ney Shipse~r r~~c~ ~Che t~tle crf an a~d3,nance ~menc~ing ~C~e Mixn~.c~.p~l Cod~ of ~Y~e City of Arr~~o G~a~,nde ~o emerge~,~y r~~°g~rti~~t~.nn ~nd it~~.~tiions; t1~~reafter9 a m~~ion wa~ ~, b~r C~~~t~~L1,~.rt Mi.1,~3,s, se~ond~d by Caann~~.lman Spi~~~i~.~ and un~.nir~oa~sl.~r ea.r~i,ed, td di~p~;ns~ ~r3~~~i x~~~d3.n,~ t~e b~7.~n~~ o~ ~ka~.~ o~din$t~~e, d~~,D~1~I~iNC~ ~C~. ~,20. ~.5_. _ AIV (~ItI1~~NC~ 0~ T~ C~C~."'S,' Ci~` A~i.~,n~'0 ~~.l~Iy~ ~~~~G C~T2sP~,`~1~ 1 l~~ ~,'~~T.~ 4 C3~' "~Z~ M[71,~i~C~P'AT. t;C11S~ R~~i~,"~1~~ Tb ~IN~~G~1~'~ O~A1~r7A,'~~~~T AN~7 ~'tt~C~'~a~TS , O~x mdtii~n of Cc~~nc~,~msr? c~~ L,~an, ~~~o~,~~~ '~y S~S~~~]~~.n~ an~ ~ra f~11c» ~011. ~al~, va~~, i~c~ ti~i~s AYES: C~rt~i~.m~r~ ~p~,~x~,i~ng, d~ ~,~any ~t~1~~,~ ~r~~ ~~o~ ~~~1~~ Nt~~~ : ~Va~a~ ~ A~3SE1V'~z C~~n~~~xnsn Sch~~~~~ ~h:e foregain$ Ord3,n~n~c~ w~:~ pass~d ~nd ~clcspted tl~i~ 22nd da~r of Ap~c3.l, 1975. 3 CITY C(~U1tfCIL Al'RIL 22, 1975 ARRO~'0 GRAI~YDE, CAI~IF(DRN~A PAGE 3 RE~IIEW OF REPORTS RE m REG~NT AMTNEI~ C~N~.'RO~, ME~TIN~ The C~s~.n~~.~. ~~vs.~~a~~d ~,ra~ r~po~ts a~~ t~~ Ap~~t1 8t~ ri~~:~tire~ iz~ San Lbzie Obispo r~ga~dita~ tr~~ ~an~re~~ C~~.~~i~~. ~rc~gr~.~, Onc~ ~f thn~ r~gnrts is f~~a P~lic~ Chi~£ C~.ark r~Y~o ~.~~~~a~.~d ~s t~i~ Cs.t~°s r~pre~~:nt~tiv~n T~a~ r~ports in~l~ad~d iraformation reg~x~di~ag st~.~~~s ~f ~tk~~; ~.~~.~~~~.n~ prog~~m, Tic~nsing fo~.ldw°up, ne~mber of anisnals ~.a~md~.~ed9 e~c. C~~nci~. d,ir~ct~d tY~~.t ~~por~s fram tt~e Cc~aanty be reqsn~st~d d,c~~~~. t~~ ~ct~.v~~~~~ of A~~,~ai c~nt~~i ~y~ city, ~o activity in this Cit~r c~n be ~s~~rt~irc~d. APl?OINT'MENT OF PARKING &'TR4~'E'IC C~MMI5STONER ° J. BOWS~R - P~r t~ae rec~sn~ndat3.c~~ nf M~,y~~~ T~l.l~y, m~stion ws~s rn~de by Gc~unci]xnan Mi11is, seconded b,~ Ccs~a~, d~ Leo~ ~nd ~n~r~i~ncseasly ca~rated, appo~,nting Jer~y~ L. Boeag~r, 408 A~.d~r Stre~~, t~ t~n~ P~~~~ng axnd 'T~r~ff:Lc Cornm3.s~ion, h3~ t~rm of off~ce to J~an~ 30, 1978. R OL .A PT -~JTHO ZE JO OWERS A EE RE S E S Z'he Counc3.~. r~°vi~wr~d a l~tt~r from N'c~r~ D~ngler, Program Coardinator of th~ San Luis Obi~po C~•~nty and Cit~.~s A~~~ C~ordinatix~g Coun~il, and Piannir~g Dir~ctor Gallop, r~garding a propm~~d ~c~fnt pc~s~rs agr~ement with the County and for pr~p~r~~ion of ~Y~~ N~i~e ~.n.d S~f~ty El~ment~ of the Ge~~ral Plan. Mr. Ga11op's r~port indic~.t~d the contra~t and costs a~e within th~ original plan fe~r dev~loprnent nf t~a~s~ t°wcs ~l~m~r~ts a~ ,jo~.nt eff~art. Aft~r Caunc~.l di~cugsion, City Att~rney re~d th~: titl,~ of a r~~c~lut3~on ~~a~ho~~.zing ex~cutia~ cr~ a joint pc>wers agr~~m~nts ~C~~~~~ft~r, a mt~t~n~ w~~ mad~ by Councilrn~n l~iillis, seconded by Co~anc~lrx~n Sp~~~l~ng ~nd un~,~ni~n~aaa~gr c~rri~d, to disp~n~e raith ~~~di~$ th~ balance of th~.s ~~sol~ti~n, RESOI~~TT~ON Nd. ~15~ _ A RESOL~dT~ON OF 'I'HE CITY' COUNCIL OF TIfi,EE CY`I'Y OF` ARROYO GRANDE AUTHOR~Z~NG ~E MAYOR AN'D CI'TY CLERK ~ BIGN A JOI1~T POW~It~S AGREE~lE1~T FOIt PREPAI~ATION OF CERTAIN E~MENZ'S OF THE GENERAL PI,AN. On m~ti~n c~f C~~:nc~.lm~n d~ L~~n, ~~~~i~d~d b~ C~ut~~ilgn~n Spi~rling a~ad ot~ the fol~.a~ing r~i~ c~~~ vc~t~, t~ ~~to AYES : C~~an~~lm~n 3p~~~~~c~~, d~ L~a~, Nt~11~,~ and l~y~~ T~ll~y NOES : Nc~~~ ABSEN~: C~~an~3,~.m~tn S~'h~.~~~1 t~,e for~gt~i~g It~~~~.~~~.~~ ~u'~~ p~~~~d ~rtd ~de~gt~d thia 22nd d~3r n~ Ap~il, 19~5. P: T I" S~° I~'C~' ~ S l7 0 ~ Th,~ C~~cn~~,E ~~~ri~~r~d tt~~ mir~~~~~ of M~~ck~ 12, 15~75 me~C~,r~g ~f th~ H~m~.n R~~.~~~~~.~ C ~.~~~~n ~f S~~t~ S~r~ La~i~ Ob~~pa C~un~y, ~r?d t~a~ a~~~d~ f~~ th~ Ap~°il 9~~i ~~~~~n~, ~~d a~d~~~d b~tt~ ~31~d. I1VF~RMA.TI~N F~OM S~ATE R~ B~C`YC~ SAFF~~' ~R~G~t.A~f '~~a~ C~~n~c~~. ~~~r~~~~d i~nf~~~~~~~ r~~~~iv~d f~c~n t'~~ Offi~~ ~f ~~f~i~ S~f~t~r r~gs~rr~~n~ P~~s~ III ~f ~t~ C~~~foxr~~~ T~~,ffic ~~f~ty Aw~r~r~~~s Pr~~r~nn, cs~,~~t~ ~~p1~~~1.~~~ b~~~c~~ g~£~~~ ~~~a~°~~~~~r~tt~ p~~i~d ~nd o~ntlir?~d id~~~ f~~ img~~~~~~~n~ p~~g~~~. C~~~~~~~n~~a Sp~~~Y~r~~ ~°~~esr~n~~d~d th~ct cop3.~~ a~ Cl~~ i.~,fer~~~i~~, b~ d~~~~~~~ ~b~ px~r~~~g~Ig t~i~ a~~~Y~E s~~z~~ ~r~~~ ~ r~~ ~ou~x r~~ ,~g~ 0~ ~s~~3.~r~ C~~~~.~.~~~~ M~~~~s, ~~~~~d~d ~~r C~~ti~~~l~r+~r~ Spi~~li~~ ~~d ~cr~~,~~n~~~~~ ~~~~~~c~~ I~;~ ~~;~~~a~t~ ri~~ ~~~t~, 1975, a~~~.~~~~~a ~p~~ bur~~rn~ d~4+,n~~r~~ ~p~~~~ ~~~~~d 197~, ~°~~~~n~~ad~d b~r ~i~~ C~i~~ M~r~e~~.~k. RECOMM~1~'IIAmI'~NS P'RiJl~t,~.A~ I ~A .dtvtM~r~~7~~w Cit~ Er~~~.~~~;~r ~~~~3,~ ~~~~~~~r~~ ~~~°~C~~~ 6~ '~~t~f~~c C~rr~ni~d~.on t~~~ r~c~mrn~n~~~ ~,p~~~,~v~~ ~ ~°~q,~~~~ #x~r~~ t~~~ G~~n~ A~~r~~,r~~ • "~fi~ ~~~~c~,r~~?~ ib~ ~~~~wr~~~ ~~~~r~~r~gr• 9~~ R~~~a~~ ~.~~~~r~~e~n~ ~~r~~r~ A~~r~~~~ l~c~~~~,b ~ ~s~~~,~~~~w~ ~~~'~~~d~,~~~~~~ p~t~~~~~?» A~~~~~ C~~~~~~ e~~~~~~~~,~.~~y ~,~~~~i~~~~ ~~~,~~~~r ~~~d ~ ~~~~`~~i~'~~ :tn~ ~ p~~k,~.~~~~ c?~ ~ p~;~~~~~~ ,~~~r~~~~ ~ ~~~~~r~ v~~~ ~+~d~ ts~ C~~t~~~Irn~~x ~~w C4~~~~~a~~~.m~~~ ~a~a~~u3,~~~~~~ ~~~~~~c~, d~.~p~~,~c~ ~v~G~ ~~~d~.~~ ~~~u b~~~~,~:s;=~ ,c~f ~~u~~ ~~~~r~~~~u~~« 4 CITY C~~dNCIY. APRIL 22, 1975 ARRl~YO GR.AI~DE 9 CA~,~FC?R1~`~AA PAGE 4 ~~s~~~r~~~~ ~~o. a.~.~a A RESt~~~~'~C1N ~F T~E CZ1'Y C~UN~IL T`~E CITX OF ARR4Y0 GItA1~DE ESTA~~,IS~YaN'~ A`'N~ PARKING" Z~1~TE ON T.EiE SOUTH SID~ OF G1~IVD Ai1El~[TEe Ora mo~ion of C~~~.ncbl~p~.n d~ ~~~n, secand~d bg~ Ccs~ncilm~n and on the fcs~.lrs~ing ~cz11 cal~, v~t~, to ~i~: AYES : Cc~~.~acil~en Sp~.~rlircg, d~ Leon9 M~.~.lis and Mayor Talleg~ NOES: Non~ ABSE1vT: Co~nncilman S~l~l~gel t~;~ for~going R~s~l~tion ~a~.s p~s~~d and adopt~d 22nd day of April, 1975, AU'.~'HORTZE PREPARATION OF (3RT1. EXPANDI~TG POWERS OF COMM. RE. RED ZONES City Eng~,nee~° Garcia r~vi~~r~:~ t'hat ~h~ Comin~~sion Yaas requested consid~ra- tion of the Cc~~ancil to en~ct ~n ardimanc~ enabling said Commission Cn establish r~ed zones adjacent to drive~~v~;rs in comme~ci~l ~re~s ~nd at intersections through- oast th~ Cit~r wh~~e p~.blic i,r~t~~°~~t and s~fet;~ ~r~~rant su~h zor~es, with a clause per~itting ~ppe~l~ to th.e City Cnuncil. ~'h,is w~~ald e1im~.nat~ the tim~ delays ~ncount~~ed between r~ceipt of a compl.aint and ~ct3,on on same and duplication of effort. A~ter Cauncil disc~se3.on, a moC3.nn ~r~~ rr~de by Ces~nc~.lman Spierling, secox~ded by~ Co~anci~.~nan de Leon and unanimr~uslyr carried, authorizing the City Attarn~~ to prepar~ ~n o~d~.n~,nc~ ~xp~nd~ng the po~aers of the Parking & Traffic Coa~xiis~~.esn as o~atl3.ned abnv~. NOTTCE_ OF MEETING ° C~DMMISSI~N & MERC~NTS - RE. BRANCH ST. LOADING ZONE$ C~.~y Eng~.rc~~r Gar~i~ repor~ed th.a~ i.n an tttt~mpt to r~solve the matter propo~~d zo~~~ 3.n ~C~e vi1l.~ge a~~a of Branch Str~~t, a m~eting h~,~ ls~~n e~~ for l~gr 7q ~.975 at 7:~0 P.M. in t~ae C~~tncil Cham~~rs ~zhich',the vill~.~e m~~c~.~.nt~ csi.'l.l b~ ~nea~xrag~d to a~~~nd and discus~ this m~tter with the Cc~mtnis~ir~~. RECEIPT OF ~'~.1~?.L C~PY OF 1~74 SEISMTC SAFET~ ETjEMENT T'~~,~. r~ce~°~~d fin~~ cop~~~ af ~Ya~ 1974 S~i~mic Safety Element of t~~ G~n~~$1 P~.~n~ p~~~ri,c~~asl~ ad~spti~d. REPORT MEE'TING OF C0. AREA COORDINATI~'~ C~TJI~CIL RE ~RANS PIrAN ° SPIERLTNG,n Spi~r~ing r~pa~°t~d on t~a~ ~~~ent me~~ing of the Cc~unty-Cities A~~~ P~~nra~.~~ C~~~din~.~t~,r~g C~~~~3 r~g~.~d~.r~g th~ R~g~onal 'Tr~nspa~~~~~~.on Plan of $ar~ ~,~.3~~ 0~3.~po C~s~,~n~~r. e~t~t~d t~~~ t~~th En.~~rc~runei~ts~~. Tanpa~t R~port and '~~an~po~~~,~3s~r~ P~~~ ~r~~~ ~pp~o~r~d ~nd ~~a~~ ~ach h~d be~n reque~~ed tio hald inc~3.~r~d~~,1 p~~:~~,C h~~~~.x~g~ fr~r cit~.~~n ~~ap~~ ~rid po~e3b1~ ~m~ndm~nts to s~id Plan. H~ ~~~.t~d a~r~~~~ of t'~~ T~~n~pn~~~.~~~n P~~~ ~ai~l b~ ~vail~b~.~ ~r~ 'I`uesd~Y, Apri~l 29t~a a~ C~.~~ H~~,~ fo~ p~1~~~c ~~~~~~r. A~t~~ C~~ar~c~1 discuaeion, a mativn w~s ~d~ C~~~~~~~.~~n ~i~.~,~~sy sec~nd~~, 'b;~ Cev~n~,c~~.~i~n d~ 7L~~r~ and ua~n~.m~usly carr~.~d, ~~~~~,ng a p~u'~~.~tc ~~~~ir~~ t~ ~o~,~~,~,~~ ~~a~ R~~~~n~l T~anepo~t~tion Pl~n of San Luis ~t~sat~po Cc?u~~;~, c~~ M~~ ~3, ~9~~ a~ ~:~0 P.M. _ C3.t~r E~.g~n~~~ G~~~i~ r~p~~~~c~ tt~~t h~ ~~c~~~r~d ~n upd~ted copy of t'he T~~,ns~.~ E~.~~n~r~C o~ T~°~~~pa~t~~~~r~ P1,~~, ~r`~~ch, ~ovs f~ncl~d~~ ~ Co~nty°w3~d~ 'T~~~,~~.~ ~~~cq n~c~~~~~~,~~d ~t~~ a~~~~~~~ p~s~r~ di~d ~ot prop~rly c~neid~r the av~~~~~~,~.~,~~ of ~~d~~~~, f~r~de fc~r r~~~~ C~~nciLm~n Spi~rling ~~que~t~d ~~a~~ ~~~3,~ed T~~r~~i,~ P~.~~ is propos~d ~o~ ~dopt~na, tta~~ ~~pi~s~ of a~me b~ g~,~r~~ Cc~~:r~~~~ M~~~~~~ b~~c~r~ M~y ~.3t~ p~b~~c ~a~~r~~g. ~ C~~n~~~m~,~ d~ ~o~ r~po~t~~ o~ ~1~~ Ap~~~. ~~~~~.~1 of' the C~unt~? W~~er It~~~,~~~~ A~~r~~~~~ C~~~t~~~~ ~~G~~~ng ~~,.~t ~ cn~,t~e~ct '~~d b~~s~ d~~fted ~nd ~gprr~v~~ ~.r~z~re~~o~.~~.g~ t~ 1~~~~ G~v~n~~~~ ~h~~~ of t1x~ Stat~ Ws~t~r pro~ect to the ~ost 7~3,~.~.e W~t~r D3.e~~~.~t (~o~ ~g~~,~~u1t~s~~~ p~urpo~~~ ~n1y) on a y~~~r to y~~r b+~~is un~Ci3. ~~aia C~~,~,~~r ne~c~~ ra~~~~. A~~~cm~nr~r~d+~tic~~ for app~a~~l of th~ dr~ft c~n~r~~~ ~~,d 1~~,~3~n~ c~~ ~~t~~ w~1~. b~ m~c~~ ~r~ Co~x~t~r ~~ard of Srxp~e~°vi~ors. ~ ~o~ ~ ~ A.~~,~r~ ~~~r~~~a ~ r~~r~ ~,~s ~ C~~~~t~~?~~ M~.~~~~ ~~p~~~~~ ~n ~1a~ A~~~~. ~7~~i C~~ Z~~~ ~ Adrr~~~~~w Ca~n~.~~~~ ~ ~~~~~r~~ ~~g~~~~ ~~~~~a~~ ~~p~~~r ~~~~~~r~~ ~`~~a ~~p~~ ~te~~~~~i~n~~ A~~~ T~~~~~~r~~ C~,~~~ ~~d ~ ~~p~~~ ~~i waC~~ ~x~~ ~ r~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~d~~a~~~~ W`~~~~ ~~~~d in ~~~~r~ ~o « ~1~~~,~~~c~ ~ pAn~~,~~ t• ~u~~~~~d, ~r~~~~x~ c~r~ ~~i~~~ c~~~~~~~ ~~c~r, ~z~~~~~~~a~~~ ~r~~C~~ ba~,~r~. _ ---5 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 22, 197.~ ARROYO GRAIVI)~ , CAL,IFORNIA PAGE 5 Co~.n~~.~.a~~n M~.11is f~:x~'~~r r~pox~~~~ tla~~ a prr~s~n~ation Yaad b~en mad~ a~ the ,c~~~i~g r~g;~~da,n~ tl~e 1eas~ of c?~~,s C~~~an~~°s C~.~.ifox~n~.a Water Pro~ect allocation to ~~s~ H~,~.~.~, w~~~:~~? t7~~ C~~~t~~~ ~~d ~.n~n.i~~~~1q approv~d. A cop~gr of. t~.e propQSed contrac~ anct p~~~~~n.~ ~c~.~c~~~~.~~~.~ ~~i~.l be C~.ic~ I3~.Y1 for int~rest~d c~.tizens' r~view. Co~;ncib~n~.~s M~.Zm' is ~,a.d mad~ ~rn~~~,~~. a~ s~id. an~;~~G~.ng9 wh.ic~a pas~~d, ~h.~.t a recam° m~nc~at~~~. 1~~ m~d.~: ~o B~~rd of S~:pw~r:~so~s for a r~d~ctian of t~~ 4~ count}~mwa,de tax for t~.e Ca.l.~~:;~n~~. Wa~~~ P~o~~;~~9 ~riG~ le~s~ payments from d~ost H~11s to ~p t~~ diff~~~nc~ a.~ r~~;~~n~:~~~ n~~.~~s~~y~ ~o m~k~ the p~.~nents for this project. M~Jt,~I C0, ,~mAM~ND - ORD ESTA~~,~SH NEW WAT~R FEES & TTME ELEMENT RE MF4,TER PURCHASE C~.ty A~c~G~~n~~r Sk~~ipsey r~;~d t~~ ti~1e of an ordinanc~, for i~ts first re~.ding, amexading t1~ae M~.nic~,pa1 C~~d~ b~ ~m~~~.~.a~ng ru~~~r f~~s f~r distribution and estab~.ish- ing a time ~1em~nt for ur~t~~ p~~~k~~.~~~; ~~~r~aft~r, a motion was made by Coeancil~an S~~,e~1~ng, s~cond~d Ca~nn.~3lman d~ L~~n and unanimoa~sly ca~~ied, to dispens~ c~it1~ r~ading tY~~e b~.1a~.~~ of t~a.s ordinance. SET PUBLIC HEARTNG SPREAD QF ASS~SSMENTS ° GRAND AVENUE - MAY 27, 1975, 8 P,M. The C~~.ncil was advi~~d t~aa~ sa,dewalk, c~.rb, gu.tter and driveway ag~on comstr~action on Gra~d Av~n~;e has b~~n ~ander the pro^~isions of the Short 1911 Act and. ~~at t~a~ Pt~'blic Wc~r~~ Di~~ctor has requested that a public hearing be set for tl~~ spr~:ading of ass~s~~r~n~s. Af~~r Coa~~cil discussion, on motio~. of Ccs~nncilm~n Spi~~ling, seeond~d b~ Councilman d~ Leon and unanimously carried, a p~nblic hea~ing on t~,~ sp~~ad~n.~ of assessanents c~ n th.e installation of concrete improvement~ al~ng Grand Av~n~.~~ was set for Mz~,~r-27, 1975 at 8:00 P.M. DISCUSSION RE MODIFICATION OF SPEED ZONING ~N VARIOUS STS - TABLED UNTIL 5/13/75 Cit~ ~ng~r~e~r G~.rci~. r~vi~~~:d with the Cc~~ncil a report praposing modi€ie~.° tion of sp~ed zones on v~.ri~~s Ci~~ stre~~s, indic~.ting wtaat the exa.sting $pe~d lirnit is, w~aat sp~~d is r~~om~n~nded and how the proposed amendments wer~ arri~r~d a~, C~~.ncilrn~n ~.i~cax~~~d m~.~tex~ a1t length, giving varying opinions t~.~.~ each st~~~t b~ c~nsid~:r~d s~pa~at~l~ and that a spe~d increase be caref~ll~ c~snsid~r~d on ~~rx~~ll from H~lc~ron Road to tswo blocks west of Ha~,cyon, in th.e vicin~ty of I~rgar~~ H~.rloe El~menta~~ School. Aft~~ Co~~?~cz.1 d~sc•~s~ion9 a m~~ti~n v,ras made by Councilman Spierling and second~d b~ C~~u,nci~.~na.n Mi1~,~:~, ~e~ ~~b1~ t~~ matter tzntil the next meeting to al1o~ fo~ p;.s~~~c ~np~t o~ t~?~ propos~d sg~ed z~n~ ~ckaang~s. Councilman Millis m~.a.c~ a m~~fo~x to t~~ afo~~sa~.d motion, ~o that the news media b~ a~rged. to p~.~~ic~~~ ~l:c~. s~r~~~~ i.n~rolvecl in t?:~c r~co~nm~nded speed limit changes, all of wtai~h,Zv~ ~n incrc~~~~o C~~uncilm~n de L~:on secanded the motion `to d.inend, ~nd ~~.~.d m~~~un c~,x~~.ei~ ,~r~~.~i:m~~~Y~ a T~~E:;r~:aft~r5 Ccr~ancilan~n Spi~rling's mation ~J`d5 i,~Ll~'C1~.i'IlC`'~^r T~' Cel2°Y'~~fi a > PROGRESS REPORT ° S0. SAN LUIS O~TSPt~ COUI~Y SANITATION DISTRICT T~L~, ~~~n~~~ ~°~pox~~ for Ma.rcY~~ 1975, fram the Claief Plant Operator of the So~th S~~a 01~~sgo Cra~~.~~ S~na,~~.~fon and third fiscal quarte~ly Rev~n~e and Exp~r~~.~.~;~:~~ R~ports ur~r~ ~~~~i~~d by the Co~ncil, reviewed and ordered fi~ed. Adan~nist~e~tor B~s~c~. ~~po~~~~, that th~ low bid received for cleaning of th.e _ d~.g~~t~~ ~a~~~ ~n t~.e aino~n.t of $~4,900~OOa and tk~a~ the Step I Grant from ~h~ governm~nt ~aci b~~n ~pp~o~~d. TREASURER°S REPORT ~'OR MARCH 19~5 F~.r~~.ra~~ D~~c~~~o~ R~s~r~gr~n ~~~s~~s~a~d r,~it~a th.e Council the Treasurer's Repo~t fo~ t~~ mon~~ of Ma~°c~., 19~7. PRQGRESS REPORT ° COMP~A.IIVT RE< T~INDOW IN WEST WAI,L OF ~RROYO TiARDWARE - GAREY A~.m~r.~s~r~~or B~:~c'~ ~dvi~c~~. ~~d~ ~~~e co~s?plaint b~ Artl~aar E„ Garey t~.~ ~n ~r~~~ ~a~a11 of ~hb A~ro~o Gr~.nd.e H~.rd~rare Stor~ on W~,s~ Branc~~ S~r~.~,~t, ~s pr~~~n~~;; b~~ng c~nsid.~red b~Z th~e Tnt~rnational Ca~.f~r~.n~~ of B~.~.~.r~~,ng Off~~~.,~~,s in L~~ Ang~les, w~.o will anake an interpreta~ion o~. t~~.~ ~ ~ ' ST.A.T€~'S REPQRT S~L'T,H END OF BRTIiGE S~R~ET "TSLAND" Tra r~sp~x~is~ c~ C~~:ncii:~an ~~m L,~r~~s f~.q~f~y~ City Engine~r G~.~cfa indic~.t~~c~ ~~~-.~i~v-~.l of s~.nd~ad~s tk?~ ~o~~,~~~~x1y~ end of B~idg~ Stre~t kaas b~r n~.~~l~~,~~~, r~ s~~ ~t~~ ac~~±°, ~rb~~~in:~, r~P~i~:~ ~o be ~~n~~d~ c~n be used any- ua±~~~~~ c~:'s.~~ ~,n m~~.~; Gi:~;~ ~.w ~~.~i~ ~i:~~, ~ra~~.~~.p~"~d ~1~~ b~~an instal~.a~ion to &s~ a~~o~~?~pi.~.~~.e~ ~s~~.~.n r.~~ar f~.~~a~~. s CITY COUNCIL APRIL 22, 1975 ARR.OYO GRANDE , GAZIFORI~IA. PAGE 6 ADJOURNMENT On an~~i~n of Coacnci~snan de I~on, second~d bgr Coaancilman Spierling and unanimo~.sly c~rried9 the m~et~ng adjo~.rned at 9:37 P.M. to 7:30 P.M._on April 239 197~ for a joinG meeting with the Parks and Recreation Coznmission. ~ 'A, ~ ~ ATTEST • ~ CITY CI,ERK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL APRIL 23, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in r~g~alar adjo~arned session for a joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission. Upon roll call, Council Members Spierling,and de Leon,~ Co~.nci'lman Schlegel is absent. Councilman Millis entered..after rall call. reported present. STUDY OF PARKS AND itECREATION BUDGET"S A joint stu.dy session among the Council and members of the Parks and Recreation Commission and City staff was Yaeld regarding the proposed budgets for tk~e 1975°76 fisc~.~. year for the Parks Department and Recreation Department. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilm~.n Mi11is, second~d by Councilman de Leon and unani- ' mously carried, t1~e meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M, to 7:30 P.M. on April 29, 1975 for a joint meeting with the Arroyo Grande Downtown Village Merchants to discuss continuatian and ~xp~.nsi~n of th.e Parking Assessment District. ATTES T :~J ~ , ~'i DEPiT TY C I TY C LERK MAYOR