Minutes 1975-05-19 14 CITY COUNCIL MAY 13, 1.975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNI~A PAGE 8 REOUEST FOR EXPEDIENCY IN ER~CTING TRUCK RO'[~TE SIGIVS 0~ BRA~TCH -'MOORE Mr, Joe M~care, 200 1~~l~on, reqv.~~t~d tL~~t Tx~aek Rw~t~ ~ign~ bc erected along Branch Stre~t a~ scaon as pc~$~sibl~, a~s on~.~ M~~~n ~~d N~~a~n S~t~°e~ts d~ave been so d~si~n~ted at p•r~s~n~, whic~ h~ ~'e~1~ 3,~ cr~~tiz~g u~~nnec~$~~~y truck, traffic ~l~~g ~~~~e re~~ici~~tial st~~~t~. ADJO~?'R~NT ~CECUTIVE SESSIOl~ On moti~n ~f C~un~i~,ma~ d~ ~,~c~z~, ~~~or~ded bg~ C~~~r~cil.~~~ Spi~~l~n~ ~~d unanisn~u~ly ~~r,~i~d, tl~~ Cc~u~n,ci1 ~dj~urned ~tt 10:2~ PeM. ~o ~,n ~~~c~tiv~ ~~~~ion to diecus~ ~~d~~ M~yer~-1~i~ia~ Ac~ wit'h r~f~~~~c~ ~~b~r r~~go~i~tiona. RECONVENMENT T~~ Couz~cil ~°~c:a~v~r~~d at 10e~9 P.M. with ~11 ~~mb~~~ p~~~~~nt sh~an on '~011 C~11. ADJOURI~IME NT O~a ~na~i,an ~f C~~~~~.~~~n Sch1~~~;1, s~;c~~id~d by Cc~~r~ci~.~?~n Mi11i~ ~nd u~nani- mouely carrie,d, th~ m~~tin~ a~d~ourn~ci ~t 11:Q0 P.M. ~nn~t~1 3c~0 P.M. on Monday, May 19, 1975 ~ budg~t ~tudy~ ee~aia~. ~~~~~:.~i~ ATTEST CTTX CLERK MAYOR, CITY CQUI~CIL MAY 19, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE , CAI~~FORIVTA 3: 30 P. M. Th~ C~~:y Co~xnri.l m~t in reg•~n1ar adjo~u.rned sessi.an with M~yor T'all.~:y pre~iding. Upon ro11 call, Co~ncil. Me:mb~rs Spierling, d~ Lean, Sc~Yilegel. and Millis reparted p~es~:nt. COUNCIZMAN SCHLEGEL EXCUSED ~ZMSELF FROM THE CQLrNCI.L' CHAMBERS CITING A POSSIBLE CONF`LICT OF° INTEREST IN THE NEXT AGENDA ITEM. ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS IN ~'RAACT 51a~0. "G.ARFIEZD IiEIGH'~S" . SU'B,JECT TA CONDITIONS Director of Public Wc~rks Anderson, and City Engineer Garaia revi~wed with the Council Tract 540, "Garfi~ld Heights", 'Unit 2, rec:o~nrn~nding acceptance o~ the imp~ov~ments in said txa.ct subject tc~ cert~.in conci3.tions. After Council discussion, an ~Ution of Coixncilm~.n Spierl.~n.g, second~d by Council.znan dE I,eon and c~.rri~d, ~.cc~pting tk~~ improv~znents in. Tract 540,"Garfiel.d :EI~ight~", Un3.t 2 and authorizing the release of the It~lprovempn.t Bt~nd' subj~ct tc~ the fallowing conditions fi.r.st be~.ng m~t to the C~ty's ~atisfaction ~nd, stan.dards: 1, A slopt~ control wa.ll w~.th a two-faot concr~i:~ retaiaing wa11 whera the ~djac~nt fill is twa feet or ~mar~; 2, Debris ~.n.d sa,nd is cl~aned froan the ~tx°~et•s and sid~walka; 3o Fire hydrants ~r~ ad,j~sted ta t'he Fi.re Chi~f.'s appr,oval; ~nd 4. To erect or pay for str~et si.gns, traff.~.c signs and dir.~ction signs. COiJNCILMAN SC'HLEGEL RESUMED H~S PI.~ACE AT TIiE CO~T'NCIL 'TABLE. AUTHORI,ZE MAYQR & CI°I`'Y CI,ERK TO SIGN AGREEMEN'T k1/P G& E RE FLA.GS ON POLES Administratrar Butch r~po~ted that fih,e ~'a.cific Gas a.nd Electric Caznpariy has given permissicsn to the City to install fla$ h~lders and fly fihe American Flag on that campany'~ pc~les from Tra:f.fic Way to Oak Pa.rlc Boulev~rd on Grand Aven.ue. After Coun.cil discussion, mc~tion was made by Councilm~n SchlPg~l, seconded by Counc:ilm~.n Millis and car~°ied, ac~thoriz~.ng the Mayax° and City Cler.k to s3,gn an agreement, on b~hal.f af the City9 witkz Pacific Gas & El~ctria Ca~pany r~garding maint~nan~~e by and liabili~y af t:h.~ Citgr ~~it~. r~~°~~°~nLe to flags ~.nd flag hol.ders to be ~ttached tu l~.ght ~tandards by the Ci~y, BUDGET STUDY SESSION Admin~.s~rator Bv.tcYa pa~~ed out copze~ o~ th.~ 1973-74 A~.dit Report just received today from t1~~ City' ~ auditor.s, D~.ehl, ~v$~~ ~.r~d Com~any*. ~he Coun~:i1 and Ada~iin:~~~tr~.~c~~ Butch. be~g~.n r~v3.~~a ~f th~ 1975-76 preliminary Municipal B~dget con.tinui.ng thro~gh ~.nd eoznpleting P~g~ K of t~e City Adzninistra- tor's General Fund Sus~n~.ry. - ~AY 19, ~9~5 15 cirr ~ ~ 2 eas~o~go ~g, Cs7.i~~rA ~ 4n ~atioa of coau~ueil~sa I~i'.llis # s~onasd by Ccnu~il~.n d~e Ison? and unamdawasly ~rried~ the ~tin$ ad,~~ou~+d a~ Sz3(1 P,I![. mnxii 3.30 P.M. an 'l~zsd,s9, NsT 22, 1975, to fi~cth~c stud,y tlaa b~at• ~ ~ ~ Ai'3BS'i: , DLiPD1'Y CI~R ~ 2~A~. CTZ'tt ~O~ii1CIL ~AY ?Z, 1975 q~i1/;7I Viflbo~~lis~ 4dY~ ~ .7:~~ ~e~ ~ C~~" C•diDC'.~~. ~t ~.'G~ ~~',Ulitx' i~;~~ SE18~ ~tOII 1i~~1 ~~OY },11~~,~. ~1OII Y"+d11 6`Sl~.~ ~i'042~C~~. ~E',~ '.Qi~1~.8y',.~.A~s ~s $C~t~.A$d1. itld M9.l,liar ~cegartecl jrs~~nlt• ~ ~ttiY1' qg ~iTDG~ S~O~Y Sffi~IODi The ~il a~d A~d~istrator ~ttch conti~ed revi~r and discaseion of ~hes 19~'S-76 preliae3aary I~nicipal Suudg~et, begi.m~iag ~rith Pa~e I. of tLe ~Cit~ ~tra.tor's ~d,~et t~ssag~e anrd contic~nia8 throu~. aad coi~leti~,8 s~Y of t3tre ~'ixe ~epar~nt's b~d,get CPag~e 4S) • ~n~~T ~ S~CUTI~B SffiSIO~ ~ bn ~otian of C~il~man Spi.erling, seca~d,ed by Cou~ciAfaa d~e I+aan, aod tm ~i~a~slT catri~ed, i3~e Camcil. ad~ouzn~ad at S:LS P.~. to aa~ ema~entiv~e sassion ' ta~ d#scv~s pacsoonei aaeters, l~lCq!lRl~~~iT Zb~e ~Gauo~eil' r~canv~d at 5:25 P.M. ~rit~?~ all ~aes pseme~nt as sL~n aa roil call, tian ~f ~iaman a,e L~oa, sec~a bp coa~ci.b~a sehle~el. a~ ans~ati~us 1~r carr9Ged, tLe z~eeting ~d j~ st S: 26 Ye2[. _ , ~ ~