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Minutes 1975-05-22
- ~AY 19, ~9~5 15 cirr ~ ~ 2 eas~o~go ~g, Cs7.i~~rA ~ 4n ~atioa of coau~ueil~sa I~i'.llis # s~onasd by Ccnu~il~.n d~e Ison? and unamdawasly ~rried~ the ~tin$ ad,~~ou~+d a~ Sz3(1 P,I![. mnxii 3.30 P.M. an 'l~zsd,s9, NsT 22, 1975, to fi~cth~c stud,y tlaa b~at• ~ ~ ~ Ai'3BS'i: , DLiPD1'Y CI~R ~ 2~A~. CTZ'tt ~O~ii1CIL ~AY ?Z, 1975 q~i1/;7I Viflbo~~lis~ 4dY~ ~ .7:~~ ~e~ ~ C~~" C•diDC'.~~. ~t ~.'G~ ~~',Ulitx' i~;~~ SE18~ ~tOII 1i~~1 ~~OY },11~~,~. ~1OII Y"+d11 6`Sl~.~ ~i'042~C~~. ~E',~ '.Qi~1~.8y',.~.A~s ~s $C~t~.A$d1. itld M9.l,liar ~cegartecl jrs~~nlt• ~ ~ttiY1' qg ~iTDG~ S~O~Y Sffi~IODi The ~il a~d A~d~istrator ~ttch conti~ed revi~r and discaseion of ~hes 19~'S-76 preliae3aary I~nicipal Suudg~et, begi.m~iag ~rith Pa~e I. of tLe ~Cit~ ~tra.tor's ~d,~et t~ssag~e anrd contic~nia8 throu~. aad coi~leti~,8 s~Y of t3tre ~'ixe ~epar~nt's b~d,get CPag~e 4S) • ~n~~T ~ S~CUTI~B SffiSIO~ ~ bn ~otian of C~il~man Spi.erling, seca~d,ed by Cou~ciAfaa d~e I+aan, aod tm ~i~a~slT catri~ed, i3~e Camcil. ad~ouzn~ad at S:LS P.~. to aa~ ema~entiv~e sassion ' ta~ d#scv~s pacsoonei aaeters, l~lCq!lRl~~~iT Zb~e ~Gauo~eil' r~canv~d at 5:25 P.M. ~rit~?~ all ~aes pseme~nt as sL~n aa roil call, tian ~f ~iaman a,e L~oa, sec~a bp coa~ci.b~a sehle~el. a~ ans~ati~us 1~r carr9Ged, tLe z~eeting ~d j~ st S: 26 Ye2[. _ , ~ ~