Minutes 1975-06-04 2N CI~'~ ~Gn~iV~~~. JUNE 4, 1975 _~~~1 ARRC+Y~ ~~~iI~E, CA~Z~~R~T~ .:.7 :00 P. NI~ '~'~-n~~~~ L;!ta ~e~~~~.~ii ~n~~,~ r~g~~.~~~ ac~~~~~~.~~n~d se~~io~ wi~l~ M~yor Talley p~`~~~~~~.~. ~Jp~~ ~03.1 c~l~ 9 C~~;ra~a ~ Mernb~rs Sp~~rl~ng, d~ L~on, Schlegel and Mi~~:~~ ~c~p~~°ti~d ~r~s~~t. AY~~ in ~tt~nd~.nc~~ C~.ty Adma~nistr~.tor Butch, City ~~ga-r~c~ Ga~~i~a D~r~r~~;~x~ vf P~a~~~c Works An~~~°~o~~ and Cc~unty Engineers Clint iK S. Yf ~ ~ ?la ~v d ~ ~.'.r B' A ~ : Ll~,~..~',l:L'aSI~?l~ RE~SA~:E ~F z??RP~:t3S ~~PEZ WATEit ~~ra~r~.l aii~cu~~ion ~nd. r~vi~w ~as purs~i~d of the r~port prepared by C~~~.~~ i.xan M~' ~~s G~?d Ci~y* Engin~~r Garc~~., dated May 23, 1975, regarding s~.i~ of sA..~~°~~_p~~ ~,~pe~ t~~,ter. A~ part of the g~neraZ discussion, Councilman Spz~~ ~~L~g r~pcsr~~~ ~x`~~.t m~mb~rs of t~~ ~c~~at~ Co~nty W~~er Association had ~~i~~.~:~. v4:.a stzpg~rt fa~° v~luntar~ wat~r ad judication. Mr° • Mil.n~ ~nd 't~e Cu~nc~ i. r~vi~c,red t1~~ five recoznmendations presented in M~.~= ~3rd ~~gn~* by C~+~nci~m~n Millis ancl Citg Engineer Garcia. The Council =,~~'~~~*~'d it :~rc~zci lik~ ~o d~,sc~ss this mat~er f~rtYaer at its regular meeting J~ J~.a~~ 10, 1975 ~ ST'~D`~ S~S~~~7~i W~7'H ~UCIA_MAR iJ1VI~~ED SCI~O(~L ~TSTR~CT'S BOARD Trr~ Ce~ty Ca~ra~i.~. m~~ wit~i ~:he Board of Directox°s of the Lucia Mar Unified ~~~-`"'~JL n~~±°x'~c~, ~.~s~~s~~ ~t~~ ~,opez Cantin~ation High School Lease, The foilow- Bu~.~°d M~.mbers w~~~ pr~z~~n~: Chairm~n George McDonald, Orrin Cocks, Keith I2:~.~p, a~~.c~x°~ie ~'C~nnar, S~hc~ol ~up~rint~nd~nt Bob Hoagl~.nd, and Director of +=F.;~!~~ q t~f::Il,"dT 1N's'~.~:.~7.~'1'_7~.T1I1. C~"lT1~Gi.<M~N Ml]..~,~' i~I~I~ SPIERLING EXCUSED THEMSELVES FR~M THE COt3NCIL CHAMBERS CITING :L~~.E Ct~NF CT OF INTERES T IN THIS MATTER ~ Mr~=>=~~ T~il.~y x':v~~r,a~d for t~.e ~cha~1 Board t?~e ~istury of this lease and ~.x== pE~s~tiJn ~n t?~~ matrer, Ch~,irm~n McDona~d r~view~d the School Board's' t v~s a.~ ~ tlg~s rm~z; tern Tt wa~ t~e g~n.eral cons~ns~~ of the Gity Council that ~":r,~~~ b~ ~s~~.~il~~~.zc~ in ~h.e 1e~s~ and th~t t~e l~ase b~ gr~n~~d for an addi- ~ } x.-='t~~.i ~:iG~m~~ar p~r~odr Gen~raT dis~cussion on oth~r matters betw~~n *h.e school n.'~~ ~.~t~ y~~, F-:~rsv.,:dT ~.nd i~ w~.~ gen~rall;~ agr~;~d by both bodie~ ~?~at future , . m~:~:t~-_.a~gs ~~.a.h t1-~~ ~~~ia~~1c~ b~ 1~~Id~ : ~`„_~I~~~.'-~~ M~~~'LS & SPTER~,ING RESUMED TH~IR P3,ACES AT THE COUNCIL TA~~ E, ~~~J~~uR~,'MEIvT" T(3~EXECtJTTV~ SESa~QIV ~?r~ r,;;~ ~:~;m r~f C~~.~~rcilmar~ Mi11is, s~.concled by C~azncilman de Leon an.d ~`=~~~~i~~~.,.`~iy ~~~ri~d, tr~~e m~~t~.ng adjc~~rn~d to an ex~cut~ve session to discuss ~ rr~:~;~-~ra~.t~.uza~ z att.~;G u N~7~1~ iti'~ ~ r'.:~~ C~ ~~~c~l r~~cr,v~n~d 9:5~0 P~?v1, wit:~ al1 sn~mbers present as shown on r•C , c~. ~R; YEIZM~S~I~7N TO RF ABS~:NT FROM ST~~E - M.~.I~LIS a(~~~ mo~io~ r~f G~~•~nc~lman d~ 3~eon,~s~cond~d by Coun.~ilman Schlegel and unani- ~4c~~s , c~.~rL~c[,~C~:.~nc.~,l~nan Mi~ilrs w~~ gr~.nt~d p~~mission to be out of the State of G~.~_ifr~~~~:,~e~ at v~ri~~::; tia~:~r,r~s thr~+~xgt~cF,ai~ t1~~ summer months of 1975~ A I?.7~ ~ ~~VM~', 7T ~ Or^L mc~*~ic~z~a C~~a~~i~z~~n Spierling, se~~~d~cl ka~ Councilman Millis and unani- r:e~;~1-r t~e z~~~t~r~g adjourn~d at 9.55 P,M. ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . D~1'"UTY~CITY~GI~RK ~ MAYOR