O 394 C.S. 1.U"- i ORDINANCE NO. 394 c.s. AN ORDINANCEOF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPrING CHAPTER 16 OF TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL OODE, REI.ATlNG TO MAINTENANCE ANDa.EANL1NESS OF OONSTRUCTION PRo.JJCJ' S1TFS, INa.UDING AIIENDMEN'IS THERETO OONCERNING ADMIN1STRATiVE' AUl'HOarrY S'Iu- ORDERS; OONnING AND PENALTJIiS ' .. THE CITY OOUNcn. OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE IfRjnmy ORPAJ)tB ItS FOLLOWS: SI!CJ'lON 11 C1apter 16 of Title 8 (SectionI 8-16.01 through 8-16.04) otthe Arroyo Grande Municlpal Code is hereby added to read in its entirety as follows: ~ 8-18.01. ConsVOOtlon ~ b MsintE!lllllk!e 1111 Oeenlir- In ader to II'Ovide safe and sightly conditions on the jab site and in the public right-of-way, it shall be the respoo;ibility of the property owner CJt' designated sgent to keep and II1Iint8in a safe 8IICI clean ~ envirorment in a reasonably clean condition. Reeson8bly clean oondItionshall meanl No construction material CJt' debris CJt' stonn-oaused siltatiOn rIJlH)ft in, or on, the publiC right-of-way CJt' dr8inage easement. No construction equipment or related dirt, oil a debris in, or on, the public right-of-way. A trash container a dtJJpIter is llll.intained on the project site at all tmIes; and debris 8IICI trwJh, subject to blowing flway in the wind, is regularly co1lected and p1ace<i in the container. All construction-reJated itenIl, to include materials, scraps, and equipment not sOOject to ~ away in the wind, shall be piled, stacked, ~, a otherwise maintained in a neat, orderly 8Q!I safe lTtU1I1er on the jab site. , .~ 8-16.02. Aaninistrative AuthQPty. ~. The n A,aninistrative Authority, n as used in this C1apter, shall be the BuiJdiJ1r Official or designated 1'epreIreI1tative. ~ ~Oj, 'Maintenance ~ Reauired. The owner of the property or his designated agent shall post a cash bond with the Oty of Arroyo Grande of anlllOOUllt to be detennined to be sufficient by the 0Iie! BuildIrv 1nspectCJt', to cover the cleenup ond maintenance and repair costs to the public right-of-way that may be dInJI&ed by ~r nmntenonce and cleanup of the property. The bond shall list the iteRB to be ~ and win be refW1ded ill fuJ1 when those item; are C<XJt1leted to the satisfaction of the Q1iet~ IlIIpCCtCJt', rrinus any costs incurred by the Oty of Arroyo Grande to maintain the jab site CJt' protect the public right-of-way. ~ 8-16.04. Amenanentsl ~tion 2!I2..ulli. Unifonn ~tiye Cgge, Section 202 (d), Stop Orders of said Uniform Acmnistrative Code w8l'l)Ellded to rea<las followsl Section 202 (d), a\!!Q Orders. Whenever any work is ~ done cOntrary to the provisiolB of this Code and the Technical Codes, or in violation of any other Code or Oty Ordinance, the BuJldirv Officialll'BY CX'der the work stopped by notice in writ~, served 011 ~ person(s) qap! in the conduct or cal.5!ltr such work to be conducted, 8IICI any such person(s) sha11 illmecJiately stop such work until authorization is provided by the Buil~ Official to proceed with the work. If unable to serve such person(s) with a notice, the Bui1di~ Official shall post the Stop Order in a prominent place on the site. Such posted notice shall only be removed by the BuJldirv Offlcl8l a designated fepescntative. Any person{s) proceedirv with unauthorized work after beirv served CJt' ha~ a notice posted on his or her (their) job site, shall be deemed guilty of a separate offerse for each an:! every day, or portion thereof, ~ which such work is beirv perfonned. , ~,) ORDINANCE NO. 394 c.s. PAGE 2 SECTION 2: If any section, suOOection, sentence, elause, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, sueh deeision shall not &ffeet the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The Couneil hereby declares that it would have adopted the Ordinanee and eaeh seetion, suooection, sentenee, elause or phrase thereof, irrespeetive of the faet that anyone or more seetions, suooections, sentences, elauses or phrases be deelared invalid. SECrION 3: A SUOTTIW'Y of this ordinBnee shall be published in a newspaper, published and eireulated in said City, at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at whieh the proposed ordinance is to be adopted. A eertified <!Opy of the full text of the proposed ordinance shall be [>a)ted in the office of the City Qerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the ordinunce, the surrmary, with the nwnes of those City Council meni>ers voting for and against the ordinance, shall be published again, and the City Cerk shall post a certified oopy of the full text of such adopted ordinanee. On Irotion of Couneil Member Moots, seconded by Couneil Member $nith, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Moots, Smith, Dougall and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinanee was passed and adopted this 13th day of December, 1988. ~ ~~~- MAYOR ATI'IJST: 7!a::t a. ~ CITY CLER I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroy? Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 394 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 13th day of December, 1988. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 16th day of December, 1988. ~a. ~ CITY CLERK