Minutes 1975-09-08 ~ 5~ ~a ~~ur~c o ~ ~~~~~r~~~~: ~~~s ~~1~~5°0 ~f~AN~~, ~~~9~~P~~'~~, ~03~ ~a~a "~'V~~ Ca~~ ~~a~~c~o~ u~~~ e~ ~d~~~~~~~ ~~~~a~~ ~,~u i~ay~s~ T~~~~~ ~~°~~,o~z~~ge Upo~ o°~~~ ~a~~e ~~~~~ou M~~a~~~~ ~~~~~~u~g9 d~ ~~on a~d ~o~P~,:~ ~~p~~~~~ p~~~~~~~ C~u~caE~~a~ ~~9~~~~~~ o~ ~~~~~~a P~E~~NVTP~T60N ~~a 9~o Oo ~~U~6~°~ TR~~~~~RT~TDON ~~~N - B~tA~`~ g~a~~~~u~r~ ~io B~~ po°e~~~~~d ~n ~~~:~~~~~te 7°~~~~~r~~~~~~~~ ~9~~ ~o~y C~~~~u~ c~~ ~~m~~~ ~~~~~o ~~a~ ~~~~~~ved co~~~°~~~e~c~ v~^o~~d ~0°~~9~~~~a~ ~a~~ ~ s ~ ~ ~a~~ ~f S~ 32~ fund~ o . . . . ~ , ~ . . ~.~4. ~ g~°~~~-~~~~ d°u~~~o~~~~0~9 ~h~ Co~an~a ~ ~9re~~ t°evo~w ~9~,~ ~•P~n as p~°~~~o°ec~ ~~d ~°eq~~~~~~ ~9~~t~ ~9~~ o ~~~ro ~~ac~~ ~n the Covn~~ ~'s Sept~~ska~~° ~~u~d C~a~~~ a~ m~~~ o ng ~~~a~ t~~ap~~ u~~ by t~ae Co~snc e~. S7~D~P ~BOU~ B~V~ E9~~P~EN~_ 0~' ~~I~~RA~ PB~AN o~ rn~ ~ Fl u~~ o~~~~ o~~~~ ~~o° ~Fa~ ~oa~~~ u 1 Fa u~ c~n~e~°st about the . recomcnenda- t8~~8~ 80~ ~h~ FB~u~c~~ ~~~un~~~s ~~~~~~~~~u°~y ~~5~ e9ascussoor~ of fully funded ~ow cost 8~~~~ a o~~ o Th~ C~~a~~ o~ ~°s ~P u~~ ~@~~ ~ p~ an and made s~vera 1 recommeraded ~9~~~~e~o Wo~h ~~t~~~°~s~~~ l~w h~~s¢~g9 the wo~°d ~~quality~~ was snsert~do ~~~90l~RNM~N~ _ Q~ ~~~5~~ ~~~u~~o ~~o-~~~ u~~, ~~~onded by Cca~arac~ ~man de Le~n arad ~~a~~~~~~,~~~~ ~ao°o°~~d, ~9~~ ~u~~~s~~ ~d~~~~~~d a~ 90~5 PoMo unt~9 7<30 PoMo on ~e~~~r~b~o° ~O9 99~50 ~~T~~~m D~PUT'Y GT~Y CL~1~K t~1AYGR C f Tl° ~~f9~~ SEPTEMBER 10, 1975 A~R6~6 ~RAf~QE ~~A~ 9~'~RN 7 0 30 P o P1o TI~~ C a~~ e~e~ o~~~~~ ~d?~ ~u~°r~ed sess i on wo th Mayor` Ta l 1 ey o~~~~a 1~~~~ o°~~ A u~ hl~s~~~o°s ~p a~~°1 s ng, de Lean, Schl ege l and Mi 1 1 A s a°e~~~°~~d ~o~e~~~~ a ~~~D~~ ~L~EG9~~?~~ ~N~ ~~@~Q~AT~~N h1~~~~ ~~e9 ~~i~ ~~~d~~ ~~~oa~s~~ to ou~° F?ag, arad immeds~tely there- ~~~~o°~ C~~~~o Mo o~ o~~~e~ ~~e u~o~~~~~ao~o A~~R~~~~ Ni~ h~~9°~~~ T~~ ~o~a~~~~ ~~~~a~~~ ~c~~~u~~ A~g~a~t 26, 1975, were approved as ~~~p~ ~°~~V o ~P~R~~~fl~ 0~ ~9~~~AN`~~ ~~~~~a~~a~ ~~~~9 ~~r~~nded by Couneilman Spierlang and ~~~'~°o~~~ W~~~~~u~~ N~~ 3628 tha~e~ugh Noe 3693, in the total amount $~2~~64o5~y ~~~~;~A~ y~~~~~~~;~ ~~o ~~0~ th~°ough Noe 4901, in the total amount $2~~95~o00s ~~~~o~~~ ~,,~d ~~r~9~~~d ~a~udo . ~~°~~°~B~N TO C4~OS~ ~~~~~~9 9~E~°~ ~~o ~~~KM7~1~ ~ ~t~6~ER °TO PARKS ~ RECREATION COMMISS`ION ~+~~a~o~~~~~~~ ~~~d ~ p~~~~u~~ sagned bY ~PProximately 37 resadents with ~~~~e ~e9d°o~~~~~~ ~a~~~~~~~~ ~~~~a~~d ~9~u~ e~ae~ung) ~f Golden West Plac~~ requesting ~~~~~~A~ ~h~~ t~act to the City property knowrr as the E~a~ ~~~e~~ ~a~°~ ~p~~~~ ~~~~~~~e9 ~~~~edo The a°equest is made'due to increased ~~~y~~~ ~a°~~fa~ r~~ ~H~ ~a~~~a~Be~ a~d to forestall parkong problems when ~~~~@49~9~~ o~~~~~~~o ~e~~ A~torney Shipsey stated that the walkway ~~~~d~~~~o 6B ~f ~~b~ u~ 9~~~°@c~ ~ndersor, recommended the retent~ion of ~ ~~b~~~ a~ta~6~~ u~ ~ba~d~~~s~~~ A~ fan~lazede M~o Go ~~d~~~~ 40~ ~~a~~~ was present and urged the closing of ~~~~av~~~~ ~z~~a~~e ~m~~ ~1u u~ ~~~~~d ~t~~t ~esadents of Golden West Place and the La~~~~t~o° T~°~~t b~ no~d~o~d ~f ~n~ pub~8c hearang on the mattere After Council d0~~~~~~~~9 ~~~to~~ v~~~ ~~d~ ~y C~u~~a~ma~ Spierltng, seconded by Councilman de ' ~~~~~~~~~~Y ~~~~a~~, ~h~ r~quest by Goldera West Place residents to t~~ P~~~~~Y ~~d a~f t@~eo~ block leading to the Elm Street Park, 9a~ ~°ef~~°~~d t~ ~P~~ ~~~~~~~n~n Comma~sson for ets review and ~~~~mun~~d~~a~~~o _ . r