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Minutes 1975-09-10
5~ ~8°~`~ ~~~JN.~O~ ~EPTEM~~.~ ~~75 ~4~R~~°0 ~~AN~~ 9~~fl~ 9~~~~' 0~ 70 3~ ~o °~i~a~ Ca~~ ~~a~o~~o~ o~ ~~~~~u°~o~~ ~~~~a~~~a~,aot~, W~~y~~° °f~~?~~ ~~~~gdo~go ~ fJpos~ o°~~ ~ 9 ~~~a~~o u N9~c~~~~~ u~g~ d~ ~~on a~d ~c u~ ~~p~~t~~ C~~a~~a~n~~n ~~9~~~g~~ ~,~~~~~o ~f~E~~N`~ATAON ~ ~o ~~~9F~~°~' `~~~~9~~~~~~T~~N V~L~N ~ BR~~~ C~o~~~~ ~~A~~~~ ~~~~~~~A ~~8~~ ~~~~~9 f~~°~~~~~ed ~n ~~~~w~:~;~te T~°~~~~r~~~~~~~~ w-i'~~ ~9~~ ~,u~y ~~~~~o~ ~~o° o~~ ~~~o~~ ~i~~d~o T~~ ~~an a~~~~eaed c~~~~°~~~a~~ ~,~u~~e ~~e G~°e~P~~~a~a~ ~c~~~ ~ 9 d a ~ed ~a~~ o~ S~ ~unds o ~ ~ g~°~~~~ ~9~~ ~ ~ u o ~ ~h~ Cca~an~ a ~ agre~~ ~~a a°evo ew ~6~;~ ~n p~e~~o°e~ ~~d ~eqa~~~~~~ ~~~t~ ~~a~ o~~~o ~~ac~~ the Co~~ac~~'s Sep~emb~o° ~~~rc~ C~a~o~~ a~ cn~e~ e~g ~~~a~ ~~a~~ a~~ by tVae C~~sn~ 0 1. STUD~ 9~OUS BI~~ ~~~P~~N7 0~ ~~~B~f~A9~ ~B~~N o~ rn~~ 4W o~~ o~~~e:~ ~~o° ~o~o~a~ u 1 I~ o s~¢a~~~r~ aboa~t the . r°ecomcnenda- t~a~~~ a~ ~he F9~u~°s~~ E~~cr~~o~~9 ~~~~o~~~~~°~y ~F~~ ~ascussa~n of ~Eully:fur~ded yow cost N~~use~go Th~ C~~~~o~ ~u~ ~~~o~~a ~h~ ~~an and made several recommeraded ~P~~~~e~~ Wut@~ o°~~~~°~~~~ i~va ~~s~ B~~~s°s~ug9 the word ~~qualtty~~ was insea°tede ~D~DOI~RNM~I~~` 4T~a ~~~o~~ ~~~~~o ~~n~~ ~~u~~~ a~y, ~~~onded by Cea~roc°s ~man de _I~ecsn ar~d a~~a~~~~m~~~~~ ~a~~o~c~s t~~~ ~n~~~e~~ ~d~~~a~r~~d a~ 9a ~5 PoMe ~nte ~ 7a30 PoP1o on S~p~~~b~~° ~Og ~9~5~ t~T~~~`~ m DEFtT~`Y GI~Y C;I,~RK P1AYdR C~~`~ SEPTEMBER 10, 1975 ARR~~~ ~RAND~~ ~~~9~'~RNB~ 7:30 Pah1o `Th~ ~ a o ~ ~e~ o ~ u°~g~ ~ ~ ~u ~r~~d sess i on w~ th Mayor Ta 11 ~y ~~~~e~o~J~ ~~~~e Nl~s~~e~~ ~pa~~°1eng, de Leon, Schlegel arrd Mi11ts ~°e~~~°~~d ~a~e~~~~ o ~@~~6~~ ~L~EG9~N~~ ~N~ ~~99~~~A°~D~N P1~~~o° ~~i~ A~~~~u~~~~ to ou~° F1a99 and immedA~tel'y there- ~~~~o°, C~u~~~ ~lo o~ d~~ oe~~~ec9 ~~e o~~~~~~aono ~~~R~~~~ F90i~~°~~~ ~°~S~ ~u~~~~~ ~~~~a~~~ ~c~~~oa~~ ,~~g~s~t 26, 1975~ were aPProved as ~~~p~~~~o- ~ ~PP~0~9~~ 0~~ ~~~~~N`~~ ~ 6~ ~~~o~~ ~~~~~o~~~~ ~.~~~~9 ~~~~s~ded by Councilman Spierting and ~~~'~c~~~~~~' ~~~~°o~~~ ~9~o 36~$ ~hresugh Noe 3693, in the total amount $~2,~6405~; ~~a N~o 4800 tho°ough Noa 49ot, in the togal amount o~ $27995~000~ ~~o°~ ~~~~o~~~ ~~d ~~~9~~~d ~~udo > . ~~°~~~BON TO C~O~~ ~~~,~~~9 V~~~T ~Lo ~~~KWA~ ~ ff~E~'ER TO PARKS ~ RECREATION COMM1S5101V ~a1mo~o~~~~~~~ ~~~~6~ ~~~d ~~~~o~o~~a sag¢~~d bY ~PProximately 37 resadents wtth ~N~~~~ ~~du~a~~~~ ~a~~~~~~~~ ~°~~~a~~~d ~Y~o~ e~ae~a~g) of Golden West Place~ requesting °~~~~~~Y ~F~~ ~h°s~ t~act to the City property known'as the ~p~~~~ ~~~~~~~e9 ~4~~edo The request is made due to increa~ed` ~f ~a~Y~~~ ~a~~v~a~Bc~ a~d to forestall parktng problems ~hen ~~tu~°s~e~~ ~~e ~~m~~~~ o~~~~~~~o Ga~~ A~~orraey Shipsey stated that the walkway ~~~A~ ~~~~d~~~~o Da a~~ ~~b~ o~ Wo~~C~ Andersor~ reeommended the reteratiora Qf ~ ry~b~o~ ~te~e~~ ~~~e~~~~ o~ aban~~~~~¢~~ a~ f°sn~lizedo ~V~o Go ~~d~~~~ 40~ 49~~t wa~ present and urged the clossng of' ~P~e ~a~h~~yo ~~a~~~o ~u~~~ Mo u~ ~~~~~d ~~~t o°e~ad~nts of Golden West Place and the B~an~~~~~~ T~°a~~ b~ no~a~o~d ~~a~ pub~oc hearang on the mattero After Council da~~~s~ao~, a~~t~~~ w~,~ ~~d~ ~y C~sau~~a~~na~ Spwer°leng, seconded by Councilman de'' a~~ ~n~~a~~~~~y c~a~°~o~~~ ~h~ ~equ~s~ by Golden West Place residents to t~~ ~~~~~~3~ a~ ~@~eos° block leading to the Elm Street Rark, b~ ref~~~~d ~9~~ ~~~@~~ .t~~`~~~~~n~n Ce~~nnassAOn f~~° ets r°eview and ~e~e~m~~~d~ ~ ~ ~a~~ o _ !1%/< ~ C6°Tt COI~MG~:9~ _ SEP'~E~iB~F~• ~UA 1`~~5 - /~RR~OYO~ GRAI~E9 CAL~FQRN4A PP~G~~ 2~ ~ ~ ~ SUP~'OR~° D~ ft~ LUl'4QNS PR~SENTEa P~T CNANNEL,;~QU~tT9ES DtU, Q,F ~~GUE ME~`TBN~ Th~ C~u~~, , ~°~~~~w~d ~c~o ~n ~au~:r°e~c~ ~ta~^r~~ pr°~s~a~t~ ~t ~he . 1~~t me~t~ng o~ the Char~n~~ ~~aar~t~~~° Dwe~B~;~~~ of th~ L~~g~~ tJ~ CE~I~~~t°t1@a CB'~~~5, a~ ~o1~c~v+~a 1°h~: Cour~~B~ ~~ppart ~ p,~~viou~~}o ~pp~;~v~ci r°eSc~~~taar~ s~~~artAn~ }~g~~~~~~an t~~g ~~ta~~ ~~o~ ~he ap~~~~~~od~h of s~~~~ ~aa~d1 4~s~ tax! on crr~m~~ra .raf ~e~i~~e~a B~~rs M~~~~~ a~e ~~~~~d~d b~ ~~~s~e;~ Dtna~ d~ ~~n arsc~ ~ar~~r~onR-~~~~~~'.~~~~~ed, ~~°~~Eu- 't~~ara r~g~rd°ang add~t~c~~a~ ~~a~c98~ag ~~~v~ probl~m of ~~~~ahoiS~~n w~~hor~ ~hr~ ~ ~cfiC~a~ w~s'~~PP~s~~~d; ~ n?~~a~a~ r,~~ m~d~ by C~canc~~e~n M~~~6~g. ~ec~nd~d b~ Ce~un~I~~nan d~ la~n ~rac~ cY~f~~~~d t~ ~~Pp~o~°~ a o~~~~~~tu~ ~~~enend°o~g ~he St~t~ ~~~~~~~~~ta'~ ~rad t~ ~~e ~~eb~.~~ UC~~~~oe~ C~srs~au~~u~n th~t ~e$dct~ot~~~ ~'unds be htade a~ai~~~l~ to f i a~~~~e ~he ~a~d~~ga°eaund ~~ac~ m~ pu~ t~t 8 9 p ty 1~ r~es ; and cs~ ~~t tor~ c~f Co~arsc 3~~n~n de ~~0~9 ~e~~+~a~d b~ c~r,~~ ~~a~r~ ~n~ c~~a~i~us~y c~~~~°i~d. ~~PPc~rt vaa~, gaven.,8 o°~sr~~ut~~n ~egars~~~?~g `~~g~sBatgve ~~t~~~ to ~~i~~~ate h~m~s~wri~~°s f~°om ~h~ pr~~~rat ; prop~a~ty t~~c bu~de~ o 0 NV I°TATI ON 1°0 1°04JN FORUM Ot~! 1°P,XES ~ SF10 B~ACli CHAMBER OF COF~MERCE: 9/~ 2 The Counc a 1 r°ece a~ed an 9 Ct~f 9~~~ 9 OP9 ~O dtL~P1CI a owr~ For°um ~sn T~xes sp~n~o~°ed by the Pesmo Bea~h Chambe~ of Commerceo 9t wol~ be held,~n September 12th vaith John Wm Lyrach, Chasrman ofi the State Board of Equaloz~taon to be the guest speakero iNVBT~TBON T0 PART6C@PAT'~ 6PJ HAR~E~T ~ES~@VAL ~ARADE - 9f27 On ~e~p~nse to an unva~~fiaon, ~h~ C~~nea~ ~g~°eed ~o p~~tacapat~ a~a ~he Ara°oyo Gr~nde V6a~~ey Gay Nane~aes Haa°~e~st Fe~~av~l ~~~ade Q~ Sept~mbes° 27: ~975~ UPDA°TE R~ o CA~LE T1/ 9 PIPROVEt~EN`fS TP~e C~~ncal ~°ead a cop~ ~~ette~ ~~om Cent~°al Calsfornoa Comcnunueata~ns Co~°po~°~t~a~n doe°ected ~o Flocrowa~~ Tt°ansmA~~aon Co~°poo°ataon reque~ta~g exp~a~atAOn fo~° the c~~l~~ se~ de~ev~~yo~Ch~~¢~~~ 2 f~°~¢n Oak~a~do No faa~°the~° ~espon~~ ha~ y~t been a°ece u ved e~s~ ~h A s ma tte~° o RESOLU~LION URGBNG ~UF'POR°f ~OR STATE REVENUE SH,4R9NG PR~PO~AL ~ NO ~CTBON Th~ Cou~~a~ c~ev~ewed a ~°eso~ut~on f~o~ the Cety of Belmont, urgeng ~upp~rt ~o~° th~ B~e~g~ae O~ Cc~~ 9~OP"PYB~ Ce~~~s' S~~te ~e~renu~ Sharing Proposal o °fhe CounceY deel°sned to ~~k~ a~ta~n o~ ~Y~a~ matt~~°o OBJEC°f90N TO 9NCREA~~D CON~°RA~°T ~WARD FOR STREET PAVING PROJECT 90-75-1 - DiANB The Co~sraca~ read a~~t~er fu°om Ao ~?o D~an~ Constr°uctoon Company in Santa hlaria, objecta~g to the oa~c~°ea~e of ~he c~~t~act prcce awa~°ded fos° Street Pavang ~~°ajec~ Noo 90-75-1< ~'he Counca~ ~~~c~ ~°e~eaewed Cety Enganeer Gar°cia'srespon~e to the p~°otest, wh o ch sta~ed that a t B~ doubtfu~ that any S S 9C18 f B CdP~t chacrge ~ n bs d woca~d h~~e ~°esu9ted ~f an a~te~°~ate had b~~c~ p~ovaded for the add(tsonal sts°eetso H e~urth~~° ponnted o~t that th~ n~~oc~ ao~~~tong bods clea~°ly gave the Caty the ~ ght ~ao°y th~ amount b e d e~o ~~e~~s~ of 25~, Aftea° Coune a 1 d e scuss A on a the te~~~~ ~f objec~aon f~°e~m Aa Jo D°oa~o Co~~t~u~~ao~ was o~°de~ed faledo REQUEST ~OR ANNEXA°~i 01~ T'0 C 6 TY m S°fAGECOP~~l~ ROAD °f0 CORBEI°T CANYON m DEN I ED Th~ Coea~a~i ~~~~d ~~~~~~a° a°or~ R~~a~~d Do 'G~~r~~9 aF~?1'y~e~g car°. an~aexato~rn of p~°op~~°taes f~°o~tang Co~be~~ Can~~~ Ro~d ~~d S~agecoach Roado 9n the 200+ acre a~ea be 9 ng po°opo~esi fo~ anneaca~ ~ on 9~he g~aatcao°es of p¢°operty ownea~s ~epresent i ng moc°~tha~a ~0~ of th~ a~~es~ed ~r~~aa~ta~n ~~~o ~eces~edo The Counco t da~~ussed ~h~ matte~° a~ ~ength, ~om~ ar~dacate~g ~ha~ the p~wp~~as wsshes ~°egard°ong ~aa°ge ara~~a~a~ e ons w~u°e shown °s n~h~ pa~~ wh~n a~tnexat ~on~ weu°e defeated by ~efeo°e~dum, a~d othert° C~unca~rn~n recommee~dang ~ddetao~a~ ~tudy of the proposat by th~ P~anni~g Commas~~~~ ~nd ~AFCOe T'h~ ao°~~ u~de~ ~o~~~d~~ataon an~ludes the p~°operty d°o~c~assed b~ ~he ~~~nca~ some tome ag~ for locatu~ra of a wate~° tarak to serve dev~~opme~ats en the Co=~~ abmve ~ two hs~~dred fo~t e~evatuorao Afte~° Cou~csl descussson, a motaon ~ra~ ~r~ae b~ Coun~a ~man Nla a~ arad seconded ,by Counco lman de Leon to re°~ect the ~°e~~e~t b~ Rora G~°ant fo~° ~~~~xatu~~ of ap~roxo~r~tely 200 ac~°es of land ~~ontdng Cc2a°be~~ Ca~yo~a Road and S~age~oach Road to ~he C~tyo On the foJlowing ro~] cal~ vote, vaa to AYESo Coura~a ~me~ P1a s~, d~ Leora and ~layor Tal ley NOES: Counce~me~r SpAerl°so~g a~d Schlegel ABSENT. Norre ~he fo~°egoang motcor~ c~~°r~ed and the aranexateo~ ~~quest rvas deniedo PROGRE$S REPOR°f - WAB~ICI~P,Y ON VALL.EY RO~~ ~ REQt~I~S`T MATERIAL FROM COUN1°Y 'Di u°ector of Pub~ oc Wo¢°ks Arades°so~ ~e~sew~d or~ a map the publ ec rights of way avaelabie a~~ng Valley Ro~d a~ad the ~s~~posed siae font pathway on the eas~ sAde ~f Va1~ey Road> Mre Tc~r~ Rurrels, ~86 1P~~:~~y Road, s~~st~oned the ~aseme~ts ~h~wra Qra. po.rtaon~ of Val~ey Roade ~fter Co~racal~d'~~cu~swonp Directdr ~f Pcab~s~ Wo ~ ° Andeo°~~~ wa~ d e~~eted sta@ce ~9~~ ~aca~~ ~ a ghts c~f way and ap~,roach Cour~t/~Superv ~sor , r~:~ ~ ~ c ~ °rY couNC o a, ~ : . ,~s~~P~~r~aER ~ o ~ ~ 975 ~RROYO GRF~Np~, CAE~9 ~ORN-BA ~ , , ~i~~r~ . , , . , ; Man;kcn~ ~eg~~e°d~~~~a Jmirat effo~°t wc~h tl~~ C~~rat~v A~~~~ w8~h t~~ (~~~E~'~~~ to ~a~°a~ad~ ~tat~~°ae~s~ ~o~ pa~$ng a~d th~'Ca~~',t~ ~~~~~pRu~f~ e.~.~~ko . • °fRER1SURER'~ REPOR°f FOR AIiGUS`T,, ~9~'S HELD 016~R ~ e ra~~c~ b a o°~~'to~° Ros~~g~~n g~~~ ~ b~ o~~ ~~a t~~~~~~ :.~~c~~°r~a ~og ~h'~ ~~~~°~t~~ 9~ Rep~~°t fo~ A,~a~~us~s ~975: ~ ~~o~~~~v ~~p~u~~ ~a~ ~o~ ~~~5 ~e~o DEPAR`TPIENT REPOR°t FOR P~UGUS1°, ~ 975 ~ 1'he Depa~tm~~ta ~ R~po~°~~ fo~ A~gt~S~, ~975~ weo°e ~°e~~~~~~d by ~h~ C~~~~~ ~ a~°~ orde~°ed f ~ ~ ed a REPORT m RECENT P1EET 9 NG OF C@'T 8 ZEN~ ~DV Q SORY COM1~ 9 TTEE ON ~ ~~4 0 C CEN°f~R' NEEDS ,4dmenest~°ato~° ~aat~h ~eported ora th~ Septembea° 3u°d ~ueet rig o th~ C~tozen~a Adv~so~°y~ Comm¢ttee or~ a Caa~ac Cer~~e~° Ne~d Stcadym He ~ta~~d ~9~at ~h~ ~aa~~~ra~us of op~ n e ora had been that thes°e u~ a def u n u te spa~~ ne~d at th~ ps°e~ea~t C S~ 8~ C~nteo° o P~ann~ng D~r~~too° Gall~p va~lt b~ a°~que~t~d tv attend ~ meeteng to gave ~nput rega~°d~ng a~o~~c centes° buoldang pu°og~°~m, and :,au°~k~I:~~~~~'~faa°~ ~p~c~ ~a~~c9~ ~tudy wilt be unte~°v8~wed w3th ~ecommendataora~ to the Coty Coaan~a~o NQ`T@CE REa PUBL3~ HEARING; °f~LLY HO EST. REZONtNG 75-$3 "RAB3"TO"RAB1,": g/23 The Courcc~ 1 w~s ~aformed that a publ ~c hea~° ng has beera set fos° September 23, 1975 at 8:00 PoM. to con~ed~~° the recommenda~~~s~ of the P~annSrag CommissAOn ~o ~°ezone, from ~~R~qmg°°3~~ tm ~~R-A-°6°~", prope~°~y k~c~wra a~ 1°~~ 1 y~s~ E~tate~, as ~°equ~sted ~y Robe~t Gar°~ngo RESOLm ADOpl'a m SUBMiT PROPOSAL dF R~nRGAN9ZAT90N ~ ANNEXo TO LAFCO-~OAK PARK ACRES Admi~ostrator Butch ~°ep~~°t~d ~h~t th~ Oak Pa~k An~aexatBoa~ Nc~a 2 O~k Park ~?cres} ~eq~a~st had be~n d~ ~cu~s~d wH th the B~A~'CD Exees~t a ve Off ~~ea~ arad Deputy D~ st~°~ ct Atto~~a~}a, wh~ ond~cat~d ~hat by ad~p~tion of ~~~s°e~~tc~t_ac~~~b~ ou~ G~ran~~a~~ ~~are~~°er~g~ ~ the anne~eat~,an ~nd the c°eogranezat~on of th~ are~ cons~d~red arr P~~rr~ Bea~hs, that LAFCO can handle the ~°egcala~° anne~atBon and tihe port~or~ that os an ~~smo B~ach. The Plan~aang CorrKn~s~~on ha~ ~°e~aew~d tFae pr~posat~ arad a°ecommended p¢°oce~d~ng wuth the e°eo~ganaza~~or~ ar~d ~nn~xata~n> ~ft~~ Coc~racal d~~cussaon, Csty Atto~°ney ~hepsey ~°ead th~ t~t1e o°~ a res~~c~~~on maka~~ appl~~ataor~ ~o th~ L~ca~ Ag~~~y F~~m~~~on Commis~~o~ ~el~t~ve to ~°~~c~gan~z~ng ~~d ~ra~~xang ~~~°taan un~~nh~ba~ec9 ~eu°ra~o~°y ~o the C~ty; th~~°eafte~°, a anot~on w~s m~de by C¢~uncilman Sp¢e~t ~ng, ~~~or~d~d by Counca~mara de L~on ar~d unan~mously ca~~~ed, ta de~pense we~h t~eada°rag ~he ba~ance of thas ~esolutaane R~SOLUT 8 ON I~0 0 1~ 78 A RES09.UTlON OF °fHE CITY COUNCBL OF THE ClTY OF AItR0Y0 GRANDE AU~HORIZ~NG APPL9CA`TBON ~Y SAID C07Y 1°0 THE LOCA9~ AGENCY FORMATBON COMM@SSYON OF SAN LUIS OBISPO C~UN°fY FOR A REQRGANiZA'f@ONo Orienot~on df Cau~ac~~man de L~on, secohd~d by CouncAlman Sp8~~l3ng and on the fo~io~u~ng ~°~11 ca~1 ~otie, to wStm AYESo Coun~elmen SpB~~l~~g, de I~e~~, Schl~gel' ~81~85 a~d Mayor °fal~ey NOES: No~~ ABgEN°To Non~ the foc°egoing Reso~utaon w~~ pass~~d ~~d adopt~d tha~ ~Oth day ~~F S~ptembe~, ~9750 P1UNO m COb~ ANIENU. ORDa ADOP?°8~N REZ(3NE ~75~82, "RAB~" °f0 "~1'', HUASN,4 RD(BROYLES) Ca~y Atta~°n~y Shap~~}~ ~°ead the t~t~~ of an ord~nanee amendBng the Munucepal Cod~ to rezorse °~~om ~~R_A~g~~~~9 R~s~deratsal Ags°~cu~tus°e Dasts°ect to "R_~", SAng~~ F~r~~ly Res~dentsa~ D.Bst~°a~t, ce~°t~en prop~~°ty ~r~ the CSty of Ar~°oyo G~ande; th~r~~ft~r, a mot~on wa~ ~ade by C~aaracs~man Seh~egel, ~eeonded by Counca~m~n Sp~er~irag a~d unansmou~i~y caa°~°aed, t~ d~~pe~~e with reading ~he balarace of th~s 0~-d~na~~~o QF~D~NAN~E NOo 125 CaSo AN ~RD9 NANCE OF THE C 9 T~' OF ARROYO _GRANDE ANiEND ~ NG A POR°f FON OF TN1E ZON 1 NG MAW 0~ ~°9iE C 9TY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERREI~ 1'0 gN S~CT90N o302 OF 7~°fLE 9' Ck#APT~R OF THE,MUN9G@PAL CODE SO A~ 1'~ REZONE CERTA~N PROPER°~Y ON °TH~ CiTY 0~ ARROYO GR~NDEo m_. ~ . ____6i~ . ~ ! `tY 6 L ~~iP~'C~ER A~R#t~YB C~iNOE CAt 8 f~~t~4 9~_ ' , ~ y ~ ~aka~r~ C6ur~~~'~~n~~a S~o~~~ Br~~~ i~~n ; - , t~ f~~l~nr~ng ~0~1 ~all ~9~0 z AYES: Coun~s ~m~rr ~p~e~ti e~~;~ r~~ S~h~~g~~ y N~~, ~~d ~ay~~° fi~~ NOES~ No~~ A~S€N°~: N~~~ t~i~ f~r~gra o rrg O~d °o n~a~~~ ~ra~, ~^°A~ ~c~c~g~~~d ~f~ o ~ ~ O~R~ , ~ S~~at~~~~r~, ~ , ~~°T C~~~fiY SEM9 NAR - R B R~CT ~ 6~~ ~~5~ COMMUN ~ G~ ~ D~~ B NES ~ ~ ~ S~ ~~~R~~`~';. - ~ " ~ ~ ty Adr~~c~~~~~~t~~ ~~~~R~ ~°~s~~r~me~d~c~ ~~d ~h~ C~sur~~o ~ :zr~~°~ t~~~~ ~ppt~~ 19~~~r b~ ~e~ f~~° a~q~~ ~~~no~~~ e~~~b1P~~h ~°ss~~~~~c~n~ ~~~r 4c~r~m~ar~=u~~ ~t~~~~l~rt~'~~,,, ~~id ~~ti~ag wA i? b~go~ ~~ad ~oP~o o~a kl~~ ~°~~~°~~tA~ra °~a~~ l d~A~s th+~'i~t~T~r~~+~ TerrA~~ P9~b a~~ Ho~~ ~~~k tR~~ Cc~~r~~ ~'d ,~~~~g ~0 ~h G~ ty D~~a~°tr~e~~ H~~d~ ~~s~ ~~r~mess~or~~r~ vaa~~ b~ q~~o~;~d ~a~ ~~~°~~~o~~ti~~~ ~~~~mc~~a~~ ~ac~g~~~~ W~~~ k~~ ~ 4i~ ~w+~d b~ tha Gh~~b~~ csff t~s~rr~;~ fa~ e~~ th~ ~~m a~~~r fw~ pub ~ A~~ r~~~~ ~p t~~ ~ta~d~~let~~s a~a ~d~ut~~~~l pda~~l~~ a~p~~~ A~~°~p~~ed po°~g~°~am fmr t~e ~esm~t~a~° wa~ di~trabuted t~ t~~ C~a~~~o~ ~cti~ a~f~~meda~ha~ P~ut M~~~ th;~ ~f C~ i a f~sa°n a a C~~~~~ r~~ ~ p wv~a°~C, c~+~~ ~C~e ~e~a ~ d s' b~f~r~h~~d a ~ . I~~1. ~OP~`~tDN H ~U~~GR~` ~~'~'~RM~`~~~~t"~: ,R~~C~N ~'~pGR~M ~OR EQU~~ ~M~l Y~ N~ ~ _s ~ tfi rat~ts°~~~~° ur~~h ~d~es~d ~h~~ k;h~~ Cdt~ has b~~r~ ~~~~°~eng ~ath ~h~ t~t~ . Per°~~nne~ bffae~ ~r~ ~~e~~~t~~a~~ Af~°~rm~~9~9~ ~1~.~~~a~ ~~ca~a°a~ ~ca~ tk~ds ~et~,p ~r~ ~t°der te ~er~t i nu~ s°~~~ ~~~~g h,~ ~~~N~~~s~~ ~~a~ S~a s ca ~~p 1 a~~t u~~, ~°~~ra~ ~ t o n~ and sel~cte~~ pr~~c~dr~r~~ a~ an ~~~r~~ ~~nc~~a~~r~~~~~ ~ppcs~tu~as~y Ca.t~g ut h~s b~e~ r~~que:~~~~ th~t a~~s~l u~ ~ora ~uppo~~ a~~ .~~i~ o~rr~~~ w~~ A~t s t~~r F'~°c~~~~~ e~aaa ~ ernpl aym~r~t ~p~or°tura o ty be ~ds~~ted e Cc~~a~~ 0 9~~~ ~ a~~~~~ a~~d d o~aq~~r~~~ th~ ~~~ol ut s on, st#tir~g that by ~~e~to~g ~~o~ ~yP~ ~a~ ~°~~e~~u~ac~~ cnagh~ e~s~~y ~hs: Cat~ d~~~ nc~t ~lr°m~dy ~ar°~c~~~e ~~a~~l ~ar,~~~~~~~~~~ F~~ ~~v~~;~c~ th~~~ ~h~ ~~~t+~n~~ ~s°~h~ Ca-~y:~~f ~r,r~+~ Gr~r~~~ do~s raot da~~a~or~a~~~~" ~t~ca~a~~ ~~~~~s~~~ A~t~r Ct~~~ca~ da~~~r~sis~, C~t~C ~#tt~rncy ~h i p~e~ ~e~d ~he ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r.~~ ~t ~ ~KZ ~a~ppm~t i r~g ~qua l ~m~ l ~~r~en~ ~r°a+ctic~s; fih~~eeft~~°~ a rn~~.e~~ ~ra~~ b~ Cc~ta~~i ~ar9~~'S~h~~gbl ~ra~ ~~~~n~~~~:~~r COtan~i l,, tAe~n d~' Le~r~ "fis~ ~,i~~p~~s~ we fih t r~g t~Fr~ t~~ I~~~~ c~~ ~h R~~e~t ut ~~n ~a ~ l~t~.• T~A~1~~ a~Ce~;: C~ty Attn~~~~ Sh~p~~~ ~~~d~ *~t~~ ~~~~¢~was~~ ~°~~dlutao~o ~n fulla F~ESQ~U~E~N N0~ ~~79 ~ REaOLU°~ B ON OI~ ~'iiE C o`~'~ COUN~ 9~ t~F °fHE ~ 1 TY QF ARROYQ GR~N~E P'IEDG 9 NG SU~ROR`~° ~OR ~±,N A~f' G RMa~T 8 VE PRQtaR~M Ff?R EQUAL ~MPL~X~EN~ ~PPV~,1fU~~~`~4 4fHER~AS, ~ t a~ th~ ~~e tt?~ of A~°~°~~o G~arade tc~ adm i n i sfier perso~cte] p~,~~e'a~s ~~ad ~pa°~~c~aerA~ ~a~k~~~~ ~~~~~d ~a~e9 ~c~~r~~, ¢~~~~gbon, pQlit~~~l bel ~ef, a,ge, ~atg~am~~ or~~g~~~ ~~~~r~~~~ b~cBcge~aur~da ~n~l ~9WER~AS, t~~~ p~°ae~e~~ a~~~~~~ ~cs~ ~~~~~t~ c'f e~np~oyr~~nt ~~clu.din~ r~~~u~tt~~nt9'~e~o~gy compe~~~~~~a~r~9 I~~n~~et~S pr°~r~~~aa~n, t~~~ner~g, edu~atisAn, ` tr~rn~f~~°, l~yoff, and ~°~t~~~ ~~ca~ Laya~~~; '~iiEREASR th~ Co~~ ~~o~~ b~ ~~~d~ ~~d ar~~aa°t~al mr~ its ~~lat~o~t~ with em~~r~yees ar~d a~p~ a~~~t~ ~~d ac~t aar~~ ma~e o r~ ~c~ordar~~e v~i ~h th~ prlnciple~ of ~qua~ ~~p~o~rn~r~t op~~c°t~~m~~; and WHEREAS, the t~ P~°orr~c~t~~ o~° ~mptm~rn~nt Iby d~ ~ ng btas i n~~~ wi th f i rms that fol~~w n~~-dos~~°Amor~ato~~ ~~~~tds~~~; arad `~HEk~~AS, the ~ 6~~r e~np ~ ca~r ~~n ~h~ b~~ a~~f m~t° qu~ l u f s~at don, competency~ and p~°~~ess~onal ea~ce~ l~n~~; ~~c~ 4JHEREAS, th~ C A~y u~~~~g~ a~~~, tP~~ ~~~d fc~~° pr'oga°ams de~ ~ gned to fa~ ~ 1~ ta~e ~Pws~t°d mob~~~~l at~r fo~ qua~ ofB~d ~n~ q~a~~ ~~a~b~~ ~rade~+ddual~ to I~igh~r~ ~l~v~ls af ~ occupational ~ka~l~; a~d WHEREAS, ~h~ ~ fl t~C a~~o~t~ ~m ~o~ ~ ~ ~~S ~~c°~h~r ~ ts pe~°~oran~l po°acx ~ees by establ ishing th~rn a~ fo~~n~~ n~;~yo -s~ C. I TY COUNC I L ~EP~°EhIBER ~ 0 9 ~ 97~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALBFORNBA pqG~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, THE COTY COUNCOL DO~S H~R~~~ R~~O~~~~ ORQ~R~ ~~~~~v~~e Th~t the GPty C~u~cEl p~edg~s 6~~~~~ ~~~d~ ~u9~~~~ ~ow~~~ d~~~~~~ ~nd Emp9~ment specPfG~ ~ffQo~ma~iv~ a~~~~n p~~g~~~n~ ~h~~h ~9~~ ~c~om~66sh the ~bJe~tiv~s o~ equ~~ oPPor~~r~~~y ~~np~oym~n~; ~~d , Furth~~~ the C~ty ~~~~fi ~s dl~e~ted ~o ~~k~ a~f~~~~~~~~ a~~~~n~ ~~~k appl ~~+~r~ts w~os~ p~t~nt~~4' ~ou4d be m~~e ~u7 ~y s~~~l ~~~d, fi fl~~~Q~t~~s ~o rr~e~~ ~~c~stt~g ata~nd~~d~ ~f ,ob ~~~~~~m~~~~ ~'~~~6n ~~~~Ebl~ ~Gmtt~a ' Fuw~k~p, the Cl~y s~~ff w61~ r~~~~~~~o~y ~~~6on Ide~t~~~+ ~pp~Q~~nts and •mp1~y~~: rvho can b~~om~ qu~t~f~~d by ~~P9t~Eng ~pp~op~~~~~ t~~9n~~q p~o~~amt t~ d~~~1~p flu11 qu~l9ftc~~9~n f~~ ~~v~~ o~ p~~~ot~~~~~ po:~t~~~~e ' On mottara of Coun~Pl~~n ~~ht~q~~, ~~cond~d b~ C~u~~~~~~n Sp9~~19n~ ar~d ~n tha'f~ll~wf~~ rolt ~~11 ~9t~ ~~ESa Goun~ttm~n ~pt~~l~np~ d~ L~~n,,~~h9~~1 and M~y~~ T~ll~y NO~S: Non~ ~~~S€N~; C~~n~ilm~n M~l~t~ As~~NT; N~n~ ~h~ ~~~~potng R~~etu~P~n w~~ p~~~~d and ~dop~~d ~ht~ ~~~h d~~ 5~~~~~b~~, 1~~5e R~FOR~"°~ ~NtMA ~~GULATION ~DV~~OR1P COM~~fiT~~ M~~~GNQ ~ ~un~ ' r~~ ~ra~ o~ , ~ ~ ~~p~~~ ~~~rn P~,~ ~~9~~ C~~~9~ r~ga~ddng ~~~~~~n~~ m~~~6~ng~~~ ~h~ ~~~~t ~~g~~~~~~~~ A~~~~~~~ ~~~~1~~~~~a ~ ~~9'~~~~~ l~~f~~~td~~n~~~11 ~wn~r~ 1~~Q~~n~~d ~~d p~r~~~~~~~~d~~ ~n~ h~p~~ ~~~h ~~nt~~~~9~g ~g~n~y tn ~h~ C~u~~~ w~i~ r~~~~~~ a ~o~ya ~~~~~g~ a tl~~ns~ 9n ~h~ Ci~y wa~ ~7a~~e Th~ budg~~ fo~ ~h~ 1~~~ ~1~~~1 y~a~ ~~r ~h~ ~n1m~~ Controa r~~~ ~221,i108fl0, and ~~ap~nd~~u~~~ ~~~~1~~ $192~4~~a0~a fih~ S~n Lu1~ a~l~p~ Cc~nty Vet~~~nar~~n's As'o~9a~9~n wtll b• con~~~t~d ~~~a~dlnq th~ 1~~~ar~~~ ~f licens~s by th~m 6n con~un~t~on with ~he ~ab6~~ ce~~Q~i~a~~~~ so th~~ ~h6~ ~~n b• accomplished 6n one t~ip~ Ot was ~tso ~~port~d th~t ~ fc~l~ow up on unlC~onsa~ dog~ is underrvay at the presen~ tGme, usP~g tl~e 1~stGng de~~loped dur6ng ~ dog ce~sus , cor"~duct~d ~Ye~t ~ yea r a RECEIPT ~ REVIEW OF LATEST BULLET@NS FROM LEAGUE OF CALIFORNBA CBTBES The City CouncB reee ved,~nd ~ev~erved t e atest eg at ve aulletins from th~ League of Californta, Cit~es, with no actton beirag take~a by the Co.unctla PROGRESS REPORT RE> WALNUT CROP B9DS ON STRO1`HER PARK - 1'EMPORARiLY MEtD OVER Discuss~on ~egard~ng d(spo~ t on ~ the wa~~aut ct~op n Strmther Park was tempo~ar6ly held c~ver as indi~atio~s we~-e made that ~n inter~~ted party may Jater appeao~ bc~or~ th~ Counc~l.thi~ even~nga RESOLUTION ADO~TION - ADOPT AMENDED HOUSBNG ~~E~IENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN The Couracll ~~ceived ~nd reviewed R~~~~ D rector Ga ~p s comments regar°ding several recommendat0ons the Counc~~ made ~t ~ts study sess~mn of tha amended Housa~g E~eme~t mf the Ges~~~~l P~~t~e The Counc6T g~narally indic~ted satisfact~o~ wEth M~o Gal~op°s o°ema~-ks ~r~d agreed that the ~°ecommended chang+~ tn rvo~°ding 6n the last paragraph of the E~ement to re~d "The C6ty willin~ explore new housingea." was raot maJoo~ eno~gh to wao~rant referral ~the Elemert~ back to the Plann:i:ng Comm~ssiono After Council discu~~3oe~, C~ty Attornay Shipsey o°ead the t~t~e of a r~sc~lut~on adopt~ng the a~ended Housing Element; ther~after~ ~ motiso~ wa~~ ~nade by Councu~u~a~ Sp6erl~ng, second~d by Couo~cilman de Leon ~nd ~ unan~~~~s~~y carr~ed,.to d~spense wath ~°eadh3,ng th~ balance ~f this resoEution~ RESOLU°f6ON NOe 1t80 A RESOLUTBON OF THE C9TY COUNClL OF THE C~tTY OF ~RROYD GRANDE ADOPTING TI+E AMENDED HOUS@NG ELEMEWT OF THE ~ GENERAL PLANo On mot3on of Couo~citman Sch~egel, seccr~ded by Councalman SpQerltng and mn the follow.~ng r°oll call ~ote, to wito AYES: Counci lmera Spiee°~ ~a~g., de Le~a~, :Schlegel a~d M~yc~r Tal ley NOES: Councilmara Md11is ABSENT: No~1e the foregoong Resolut~or~ was passed ~nd adopted thds lOth day~mfi Sept~ntber, 19]y~ ' ~ ~ _ _ 63 G Y`'~'~' ~C~UI~'.1'~l. ' ' ' e ~r ~':~Jt~ ARROYO 6Rs1~E, Cl~6a~~~lq~~ ~ , ~ ` ~ ~ 3~ ~i , $ F. . ~ ~ . , ` `ea a ~ r ~s, ,~t~rt ~ . . ~ . . ~ iIV ~ ~8 P~7 lw~ 'e ~ a m ~r , ,,4,s . . ~P- qa U ~ , ~ ~~r ~ , . _ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ t! t ~''~~'~f.~? ~ Ca~~ t~~. T~ ~a~~~d~~ ~ 11~ ~ a~~~a~~~ ~e~~ ~ 9 : ~ ~h ~~t ~es ~ hiql~s~~ ~r~d~~~~~~~~~a~ ~~a~~+~te~~~ ¢~~t~~e~~ ~~0~~~~ ~rp~~~~ ~ h 6~Me~ l~w~ o~ ~h~~r 9 r~ 9~~~~~~ ~ 9~~~~ b~+~~~~~~ th~ a°~~a~~~ r•t~~ a~a t n Q ~ ' t 1~ ~ ~ ~~d e ~ ~ ~t~ S ~ ~rn~d y~,~ ~t~ t1t~ ~f ~h ~i ~ : n~ ~ ~ . ~ fa~~'~.~Q~ tr ~ ~ ~ i~~ w111 b~ elrell~d ~ ~h~ b~~h ~h~ ~s~~~, d~~~~~~~~ ~~:~~a~~ t~f RII~ ~~d ~ . ~~t Y~~ t ~ ~ Th~ C ~ ~t~~ ~ ~ g,~rr~' ~~~~~d ~ ~ s~~ ~I~ ~~Mt ~~~r~ ~ ; ~ ~r~~ t Q ~tn ~f 1~~~ ~~~y+~ ~ ~ Nl~ r N - , . ~ r ~~a ~~~o s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o +~t~ ~ s ' Mp~~E~t~ ~ l~~~1i~ N~4~~ ~r~ ~ao ~~~Q ~P~~~r~~a~9~~ r~~~d9~~ elh~ C~t~Q+~ ~e1 ~tr 1~~~~ t1~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~r~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 9 ~~~~t~~ ~ ~ ~ t~~,~ ~~d ~h~ i~9~~ k~~~~ ~~E~ d~ ~~~r~ R~a~n~l~~~ ~ii~~ ~ha~ ~t~~~~ a~l~ wa~h ~~~~y ~~~~~~~~yi h~rr~ ~~~E~ry #s~b~~ ~11~~1~ ~p~ ~d~~ty d~~~QMI~; ~n~~A an, ~r~ntt, f~r Nr`a~a ~r~~ ~ A O ~n ~~r ~~~v~~ 0 ~ ~h~ ~~u~~ ~ 1 ~,~d M~ a t~11a~~. ! ~ •t~tw~e~~ ~u~1~E~~~ ~~~tsri 9~~ ~ ~sa~~~l~~~. ~u~+~~sa~ ~~1 e~d ~h~~~ ,~o~~ ~ ~fi's~'I~n . ~ ~ ~ ~~P ~~f~~Ql~~~~y " >~,~~e~!~ ~ ~~,s~e~ea~ '~A~~~d~ ~1~~$ ~ ~T~,~~O fran ~1~ li~l~~h 0~~~~~~~~~e~ ~udp~~~~~ ~1~~~~fl~~-~~an rte~~ ~~~r~l~~s~ ~ ` A~~w1 ~h~ R1~~ r~' ~ ~ ~~~h~~ ~ ~ d~~~ a Miw~P T~~9~~? ~h~~k~r M~s ~F~~~~~~ h9~ ~~~~~~~~~~~a~~ : . ~ fi fi,~IER -A~~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ . ~ ~ ~i~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d~ b~~~ 9 ~~d ~1~~~ ~a~~ ~nd n~a~~~~~~~~ ~~~~P A ~~~~~~~19Y ~n ~hs n~~~~~ n~~~ 9~ ~h~~ ~fi~ ~#~~~~9~~~~1~ ~~~~~n~~t~ ~ t~ ~~a~ h9~h ~~~1 ~ a~~~~h~d ~~~~~~,~9~ ~n~~~~~~ ~h~ ~r~,~~~, ~lth~u~h 1t vv~~ potn~~~ ~h~t~ ~h~y v~u6d r~~ h~~+~~~ ~~9~~~ r~'~~~o ~hs pro~r~y as a~sq~Or•re Co~~99ar~n v~~~ ~sq~~~t~d n~k~ f~~~~~ ~~~~~~9~~ ~o ~n~a~ s~- oM to harw~t th~ 9 a~ut ~~op ~a~d ~ t nta 9 e~ ~hs pa ~9c p~op~~ty unt 19 d~rrsl vp~d by the Citya REPORT - RECENT PIEETQNG OF TME COUNT1r WU?TER RESOtNtCES_ AOVISQR~I COM119_TTEE - OE L~0t1 Ccwnc ~n s~a~ a°epca~°t~ ae~ t ~~a~ent a~4 e~Q ~ t ty 1 Rssourca~ Ad~e~~ory Comm~tt~se, stat~cag th~~ fa~~tFa~~° di~cu~s9a~n has bs~r~ h~ld regaa°d&ng saio of thBs a~~°~~°s ~~lottn+e~t c+f thea Cal~~o~e~6~ watar Projsat to Lo~t `NS11~ (~~ch iGern Co~o~ty ~y ~~ka ow~,, ~t~~ ~t e~oal~d hea~so Santa Barbae°a B: ta°y~ng t~ sa~ the S~at• I~i~~~o° DB~c~tos° fo~ b~a~kB~a9 the pr~ed:w~ttr salso Otlesa~ Cea~tBas~ a~s ~s~~o ~fi~~tB~9 t~ 8amk ~n~o the~ p~~sibi9ity of s~11tn~ tlee~r a~Dottn~~o~~ s~f the p~~Jset ~o~ th~ ~8~ ba~n~ unt@~ tl~osy sa°e 1n n~sd of 1t tF~~ ~ ve: a RErORT - REC~NT MEET9NC OF TNE 54UTH COUN~'Y IiATER ASSO~~AT@QN - S~IER~ING uee~ onsn p s~ ~ny ~°apo~°te on t~ ug~st t n~ea~t n~ o t ~uth County liate~ A::o~~~ttono ~8~~ L~~na~d, of ~he Re~6on~8 ?d~tsa° Qu~ltty Control toar~ hed ~n th~ spaake~ wB~h hla~ s~~~~~t i~eSc~g t~ quai6ty ~~v~8 Bn the Arroyo Grar~d~ Vate~ Bas B ea o C 1 B a~~ M~ 1 ne had ~°~~~~°~~d t~ tlaom a 9 so on t~e 4o~sR H Q 11 s wate~ ~a 1• pa°oposa~ and ~hat ~~~us~ mf ~atW~ea° ~~a~~~B~~ wi~h~ng ~o ~e~~ thes6~ Bnt~to~sst tanporar~ly in the Cal B fo~n~a ~lat~a° Pa°o,j~ect, a pub~ E~ h•ar9ng va6 ba held sooea o~n ths muttere Caaa~~B~~ea SpB~~~~ng a°~qa~stod d@~~~t9on f~°a~ro th~ C~a~c~6 oao aswa~°al ~ttars broug~ht ~ at the m~~ ~ eo~ 9~~ fol ~ a~rs s~) th~ pu~pa9st of th~ Sa~uth County Wata~° As~e~ia~Ba~ and shau~d Bt b~ co~~8e~~dg a~d Z) tha Cou~c~18~ staeed ~ LOpisz wate~° ~ us~g~o ~~ght~o 9~ound b~~8~ ~ss~g~e ~t~4 Counc9 ~a~n Sp~eo°~ ~~g o°~qa~e~~ed ~e~d t~ Coue~~p ~ ago°~ed to hea~d ~~taod~ ~e~~6a~~ ~e~ ths n~~t~a~s 6~ t~ n~a~a° futu~°s~ whteh wt 61 6e~clude d~~cus$8on eaf ~te~° o~aall~at~oa~ a~ro~ ~s6mb~r~en~snt to ths C~ty ot A~ro~ Go°sea~ ~ f re~ ~ 8a~~ Ba~n B~ a~~e~rop~ 8 ffih~d a w l1 st+~dy sas~ ~ a~ti w6 D~ b~ s~st wh~~ a~the~~ ~ tean ~equ B~ B ee~ a~ ~ tudy ~~s~ B a~ u~s up o _ , . _ 64 C9TY COUNC6L ~~~~E1~~R ~975 ARROI~U GRANDE, CA1L~~~RN~~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~PPROVE L0~ SP~91° 75-~63 m ADOP`~o RE~~fl~o 0'I~~'I~P~~ ~BAF~6~~ ` (9~ ~~~~.L~ _ ~t~f~~ Ad~n~an~s~~°~to~ Ba~~~~h ~°~~~~~ec9 th~~ ~~~~a~~~ ~t~~~ ~~~s9o~-~ ~ ~ea s a on Map A~t, ~~qua ~e~ ~V~~~ a ~ ~ ~~~~°c~~ ~~~o°~~~~9 ;~'~~~~~~~v~ ~~~~.~Ja ~~~~s ~ mus~ go b~~o~°~ ~he C a C~a~r~c o ~ ~p@~~~~~~ ~a~d ~ ~ B a~d °o ~g ~9~~ d °o e~ u ~ u ` e~ c~~~~~~~~t ~u~~ th~ G~~~~~9 P~~~o Co~~ ~~~o~~~~ ~G~~~~~, ~~~;n~~~r~c8 P~~~~~ ~9,a.~_ ~ ~G 75m~63 ~~~~e~~8ng ~ ~~a~ ~~c~~~~ n~~~~a~~~ ~~E R~9~~~~ 5a~_~~~a~a D~¢~~, ~~qu~~~~d bq~ F~~o ~0 6~~~~~~~ ~a~~~a~~ppi~r~~~~~ ~~~n~a~g~ w~ th ~~~°ta a~a ~~~c~~e~da~ a e~~a~ g o n~ ~~ud o~~ ~b~r~a~~~u~~~~ f~~~~ 55 Rob~~s Road B~ ~h~ Co~~~~ ~5~~~~a~~~~~ o~~ o~ ~~~a~~~~,~~~~~ ~~¢~°~ugh ~°~~u~~~~~:; 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