Minutes 1975-09-23 65 c~mY co~c~L : : > - . , . s~p~r~~ 23, ; ARR.OYO GRANDE, CAI,IFORNIA , n . ~ The Cit~,Council met i~ :zegular, session, with Mayor Talley presid~.~c~., '~Tpon rs~1Z cal,l, COUnci1 M~mbe~s=Spiex~ing, de Leon,.Schlegel and ktillis r~ted p~~~~t. PI,FI~GE OF AIoLEGIANCE AND INVQCATIOI~t rA !G! _ . . I ; Mayor Talley led the Pledge of A11eg~ance_tta our Flag;.and immedi~tel~r there- . w~. . ~~~er, Council.man'Millis,deliuered the invocation. A~~ROVAL OF -MI~7~S _ ~ ` : The minutes Df .~h~ regu~.ar ;ad~ourned ,meetings of S~ptember 8th ~n~i l~t~, I.~75, wrere approued ~s ,pre,pa,red. _ : > ~ . , . , . . r.; . _ ~ , - . _ • - APFROV,~,L ~F WARRANT$ . . . , . : , r' . . ' On motion ~of~ Ci~tiu^~~.lman de Leon,' seconded by Councilman Spierling ancl ur~~.nimously carried, Fayroll Warrants No. 4902 through No. 4979, in th~ tot~~. ,~punt; af $28,,136,_CT; ~,r~d ~ener~~,: ~,~I~~;ra~~s 3694, thrt~ut~h Noo 3?59, th~' tr~~al amount of $4~2 ~OU8, 31 (which i,ncludes;. a$300,~000 Time AepQSit) , w~zE. " a~a~aroved and; ordered~ F~d.. . ry P SEN TIQAi,, OF ,~J?~RECI~,TIQN, ~ , UE$ . Z'Q BABE UTH. ALL STRRS t , ' , Plac~u~s exp~es~~:ng` appreci~t~:on ti~ n~nenr~ber~ `af~- the - ~.'9~i 5 ~ab`e ~:'~t~. ~,11 ~~ax;. ~ _ ,t: ~ Champions = Pacific So~~hwest' Region; e~aacF~e~ - a~t~ supporte~~, w~re~-~~+~nted ` k~y ~ M~.~ror Talley to thase p~~s~nt of the ~~~'dllowi.Mg., PF,AY~RS~..' 3z~h~,~Bl~ed~o~t; D~+~~i ~~own, Dave Chambers, Matt Dutr~, ASi~e-" ~st~s~~ R~ndy Ga~ither., Mil~e Gorm~;. :~,~~a~g Cx°oth, Gary Jarrett; Ray McGowan, Jim.McMullen,;Brent Pruetfi, Rich She~pard~ 3qhn Si7.va, Jim Smith, Wiliie Sto~ns, Bob Wiley; MANAGER: Dean Padgett; L~A~~ &~F~SIDENT: ,Kaz..T~Ceda~ !~t7,~~~,,".~ts'3~.,.~~~~i?~,.~~~5~~~'r~,...~nd::Ranrl~r. Smi~~i, As~~stax~~ Coaeh! and SUPPORTERS: Dick B].ankenbur:g;, through the Times-P~.e~s_; ~teco~der,; and Chir].ie ~ ~,o.. _ a~ . v. Sa~rtt, , thro : u,gh xF'Y~J. ,Rad~.p ~ta~iot~,~ , _ FRQCLAMATIdN' - CQNS~IT.J:~'I'~QN..:t~~,~.,;- ~S~P,'T. ..,'~~::.'1'~R~UGH SEPT. 23, 1975 ~Yayor ~a~7.ey rtecl a prC>clantiti~~io~ ar~ mpi~acl:`a~:mei~> t2~e week o~ ~ep~~mbs~ ~ 7t~ th~ough 'September . `23rd,° 1.975', ~ a's "Constitu~~io~' Wee3e"', ~in '-tYie' ~ity' ~ Arr~~r~ G~ande e _ , _ . . . . , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T,~TTER RE. TRIJ~K RDU~"E S.~GNS: Ol~i ~H~ P.IKE :RUSSELL . - . : _ . . _ 2'he Councii ~ea~ a` le~~e~ fi~~~a l~ta"ry~~yrih' ~.~tssell, ~76 ~Tlie' Pi1ce, c~ues'~~.Qning the choice ~of ~.ihe` Pike as~ a`truck route; ari3 the ~itt~ans by wl~i~hi th3.s' d~i~iqna~:~:on was madee `The Council°di`scussed the matter, agreeing that much study had gc~~a~ _into the adopted T~uck Raut.~ a~d-• t2~,a~ Th~ P:ike is, shay~m as a main arte~:y ir~ t~e . , , ~irculatiori PTan and is rie~ces~"~~y ~a~. p~Y„t -~c~f "t~e _'T`~~.c~C Rpute circul.atican, Adininistrator Butch was instr~c~e~• ta' ~'r-it~ ~A~~.'' Russell a~ ~]:ett~r o~' `e~2~~~a`~a.on a$' discussed` by the Cduricil.' : ~l~1VITATION::TO C4t~1dC~,~E.; .A~!1~~+:."THROW" - SEPT. 'Z7~ 1975 _ The Counci~. ,recei~ted and~ riisted ~n ' ir~vit~tian °to participate in th~ ar~~tu~l "Caw Cl~ip ~~row":as part of the Harvest Festival activities on Sept. 27, 197~. ` TREASURER' S :REPART, k?QB~:~~S'~F, . 1>9~5 . . , e ~ . ~ o... . ~he Council re~eived, 'irevieu~ed ~:rtd orc~erecl ~~1~ ~~te ~-T~e~s~~*e~°-' t~can~k~~.y r~,port for August, 1975. . = _ ~ x . - - FtECEIPT;~:OF LEGISLATI'VE ~~+ETINS - LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITI~S , , . , . ~ ~ u ~ The Cauncil reviewed ..the ],atest :~,egislative -Bullet~.~ss fram the ~a.gu~ a~ C~lifornia Ci~Gie"s: 7'Yie Senate had appr~v~d' AB °'~00, althaugh it was -no~~c~ ~.~a~ S~nators Grun~ley ancl ATi.mmo had not vo~ec~ for i~.~ Adm~nist~ator Butcl~ t~as c~~.~e~ted ta send a v~ire to' the C',c~verrtor~, urging Iiis -veto flf, thi~' Bi~.l . N(~TICE OF PUBLZC -HT~RING: HUASNA 12D. REZQNE #75^85 °RAB1'i .4T0 "R'I".. - 1.~/1~/Z~ ` The Council was informed .,tha,t a,pu?a~.ic „h~aring, has been set far Qc~ob~~ 14, 1975 at 8 e 00 P.M: to consider ~he "~~~ct~mrn~n~ati:eir~ of °t~e P3an~sng Commi~~ion to ~°~~one from'"R-A-8-1~~ to "R-1", prop~r~y on Huasna Raad. 'S~id r~zcn~ng is C~.tY ~.z~itiated, ~o bring ttl~tis are~ in~o aont~c~rm,ar~ce wi~h sur~a~a~i~~ p~c~p~r~y~. ~CEIP~' OF RB;PORT RE. QUAR~'ERI+Y SAI~5 . TAX Iw CIGAR~TTE TAX RECEIPTS ~1A~I~~I~irY~~l~i~~~l ~ \~~i~ 111~rIMil~l Ir~lrr~~l I Tha Cat~neil ~av~,~wed ~t r.port o~ $ale~ Ta~x Rev~nua ~ox tMe e~cor,~1 qua~t~r ~~7~ M~~, ~`~~a, ~~,~y ~~a~t A~~~~~ 1~?S. ~t~~ ~~~@~ ~w~ 1975 9~~.~~ ~~x Rsv~r~u~s C~138,65~) , ~a ~~@~~@~ t~~ ~ol~ y+~~~ o# 1970` tS~~9,6~0) o ~ ~ ' ss C_TTY COUNCSL SEE~TEMB~R 23;'~975 P,RRt~YO GF2ANDE, CALiF"O~:~A PAGE 2 RECEIPT O~ .F~Liy I~TEWSL,E"I`~~F"c -„ARROYO GRANDE R~F(3R`I'S01 T~ie C~~nc,il ~~cei~r~d i~~ues of ~he C~ty°s ~a11 n~ws~~~t:t~~~, "~A~rc~yo Grande Repor~s", ~h~~ch was ~r~pared ~nd p~inted in~house at g~ea°~ sa~ring~< The ne~as- le~tersy incTud~xag R~c°r~~~~~n Prc~gram i:~ser~, ~rere comp~~mer~~d~ NOT~~E RE: S'~A'TE L~~~~I~~1~~ON REQIJIR~N'G S'TA'I`E ~L~YCL~ L~~CEIVS~NG The Council reviewed a G~neral Order to the Police Departmen°t, by Chief C~a~lc, reg~~a~ng a s~~.nd~~cl 4ta~tewide bi~~rcle l.icen~in~ program whach will repla,ce the pre~en~ cY.~:y 1~.cer~s~ effe~~i~re September 20,, 1975m ~111 licenses alread~ ; is~ued unde~r th~ ~~~y O~dinaz~ce w~l l b~ valicl urat~I Dece'~riber 31 979 e Al~ state licenses beinr~:i~~~ed be.ginr~ing Sep~eri~er 20, 1975, will ~~cpire Dec. 31, 1978. REPRESENTAT~t7ES FtE~,?LJESTED FOR REGIONAL 7'RANSPOR'I`ATION C~~'IZENS ADVIS . GOMMI'7'TEE The Counci~I ~e~ri~c~ed a~etter f~om No~m~ Dengl.e~ of ithe S~n Luis Qbispo C~unty and C~tie~ P.~ea Plannir~g G~ord~nating ~auncii, r~c~ues~ing the C~ty to appoint twro rep~°~senta~iv~s to the Regional Transportatio~a ~itizer~s` Advisory C~mmittee. Mayor ~a~l~y r~ques~ecl ~hate ~a.~izens who might be ~nt~rested in thes~ pos~tioris, malc~ apF7~i~~t~c~n for sam~ ~o -~he C~ty°s R.eservoi~ of Citizens Zist, RESCLUTION ADO~TIOI~I -~iJR.CFiASE ~F~ F~LE CABINETS THROUGH S°I'P,TE Adminis~trator ~~~~h r~qLiested Coun~~~ authorization to purchase four file cabinets,from ~h~ ~tat~ Office ot Pracurement, wherebg ~,t will cost the C~ty $486.00 for said c~bine~s rat~i~~ ~han $`736.00 ~_f purc-h~sed'loc~l.lye 'After Council di.scussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the ~?tle of a~r~sol~ztiora authorizing the pux°chase of cer~ain s°tems through ~he St~te; thereafts~°, a m~t~on was made by Councilman Schleqely seconded by Co.uncilman de L~ar~ ~nd unani~rto~asly carried, to ` d~.sp~nse c~ith reading ~he balance ~f thzs resolutiono RE~OI.,UT~ON NGo "I182 - A F~SOLUTION OF THE CIT~ COUNCIL' OF `THE C~TY 0~'' AI2R0Y~s' . GRP,IVDE AUTHGRIZII3G THE DEPAI~TMENT OF GENEk~L SEF2VICES OF" TfiE S`TA'~E OF CAL~FC3RNIA TO PiJRCHASE ~ERTA~N TTEMS. On mo~tian of Cc~u~c:ilman ,de T;eon, 'secondec~ b~' C~unc~lrnan Sp~e~~~r~y ~.nc~ an the :~~llowing r~13. cal]~. vc~°~e, ~o wi~: _ . . AYES: Counc~lmer~ Spi~~ling, ,de Lean, Sch~eg~l, Mil~is and Nlayo~,T~IIe~., NOESo N~ne ABSENT: None _ the faregoinq Resolutzon ~as passed°and adopted this 23~°ci day of Sep~ember, 1975: PUBLIC HEART.NG - FcEZON~ TALLY H0 ES'I'A'~ES, "RAB3" ,~,0, "RP;B1" _'~2EFER TO PI~AN`o C(7MM. The Cciuncil ~eviec~r~d a r~solution from the Plann~ng ,Commiss:~on recommendinq the rezon~ng of approxim~tely 25°~ acre~-adjacent to ~all,~ Ho Road and James Way, from "R-A-B-3", R~sidential Agriculture Dis~x°ict, t.o "R-A-B-1", Residential Agriculture Distri4t, a~ ~r~quested by Robert Garingo A question of sewer ~apacity had come up at the Plannin.g Co~ni~.ssion",s meeting, and the Counci~. ~°~v~ewed a . r~pc~rt from Director o~ Public Works Andex°son in t~is,x°egard, wh~ch stated that. several check~ had inda.cated ithe Tall~ Ho ma~n to be no~rhere n~a~;reaching a ' capacity at this timeo LTpon being as~ur~d by the C~.ty Cler3c ~hat a11. ~equirements as provided by la~ haae b~er~ ~omplied witYa, , I~Iayo~ ~alley decla~ecl the ..liear~ng . open and all pe~sans waul.d now be h~a~d f~r ar against t~~s.~ezoning_ Rrsbe~~ Garing, on~ of ~he,c~wn~r~ of th~ subj~ct ptop~rty, displayed an az~ial pho`tc~ ~f the C;~t~t, wi°~h, the a~~~ p~ropo.secl for r~zonan~ designateda He . reviewed that a por~~on of this praper~y had been before the Council previously with proposed Gy000 ~rs 7,000 si~izar~ f~ot„ l:~t~;; bu~ ~because~of~,ob~ections from ' ` property owners to the. "R-1" re~on~.~g C~v~n ~hnugh i~t ss consistant with the Land Use Element?, cleve.l.c~pm~n~ a~te~ rezoning i~ now proposed on ~0,000 sq. f~. lots. ~'h~ ~ol,L~+v~~.z~q per~on~t w~~~ p~e~~ar~'~ and add~ti.aanally t~~ Mr. Garing, generally e~~~€~ ~r~ ~~v0~ of tt~i~ ~exonin~: ~an M~:l,a~h, 121 i Montego; "Lee Lovett, 1 127 So. ~+~~~~f ~0~ ~~d~~r ~rac~'~~~ Pa~~, ~~39 8ake~sfield St., Pismo Beach; ~~~1~~~; ~~~~r~~ ~~~~P ; _ ; ~ ( CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMSER 23, 1975 F1RR01~0 GRAND~, ~P.Z,~E't~F'c1~I~~ 1~~GE 3 Th~ ~012,~~ra~n~ ~~r~~c.;~ ~r~~~ pr~s~rz~ ~racl, spoke ~,n oppc~~ti,rn. to t~e rezonzng for varyi.ng re~~ons, ~ne.)-tzd~:ng development plans: V~.ncent Lechner, 331 Tally Ho; Harold Lee, ~99 T~~1~ H~:, ~nc~ ~I;~~ ~:~°~s~rs~ed seveY°aI letters f~om ether Tally Ho res~.dents o~~a~~~r~g th~ ~~~~~r~a.~g; ~oYar;. ~~~~gue, 2~ 2 Ta~l~r Ho, H~r~ Gallo, 21 Q Tally Ho; Mr. and Mrs, R~~ ~~~rocr~r C~Ci 'I~~~ly ~o, ~huck F'~il~ws, ~4~ ~iai~~ Ho, ~ia~e Anderson, "R5 i T`~1~~ H~r ~~u~h 13t~~7c~.~~, 282 TaI~,}r Hae ~.nd ~el:ia Dizcl~wor~th, 395 Tal1y H~~ Ja~l~ie Re1~r~~. ~~~a~~ ~rand~ alsa comrn~n°~~d ~n ~h~ matte~o '~he~e b~1:~g ~u~fi~~?~ di~c~t~s~x~n on t-ha.~ ma~~er, M«~r~~ Ta:lle~ r~ecla~ed the hearir_~ ~losRd~ fil~~ ;.`~a:,~.~~~ d:~~cuL~ed ~h~ matt~~ at great leragth~ ~n~,T~ding drainage, the ~~ctth c~f ~`~.11~ ~~c~ R~~c~ an~ Iack csf ~ Pla~ L~.ne ~o~ sasd road; and the re~uest of s~m~ ~pp~~~r~g ~~;~~~~n,~~ that. tk~ge .lot s~~e ailowabl.e. in the a~~a under discussian, be i a:c: ~~s~d t.~ 7.,0, ~t70 sc~uare e ~t ~ra~ also suggest~ed that p~rnaps tYx~ Cit~' ~ Zc~ri~r;g G~d~saa~°~c~ 5hcauZd b~ ~ha~g~d a~lcw ~n~ arYimal ~r~ ~vR-A-°~_~'r Zv2:'`d~ C)~ tj%~:ec a~iv~?dE,'e~ i,T. '1F2-~°°B-~" o $O~ CicaY`111CJ CGICII[fE.'I1~eC~ UTl ~~1~ sugg~s~ed 20,000 ~t~ 7c-~ c3~v~ic~~szn~n~o Aft~r furt;her d~scuss~or~, a motion wa:s m~de b~ ~ourzcilmar~ s,~~~rs~ng, ~eccrAd~d by Coranciiman de L~ern and unanimously car~ied, referrir~g R~zor.zr~ C~~~: I~oo ~'Sm83, T~l~~r Ko Esta~tes, k~ack to ~h~ Plann°.rg Cc~nmiss~or., ~rith r~c~r~mer~~d~~~a~ t,h~t ~5~~ P~anr~~n~ Coarrmi:ss~.c~ne~°s ar:d Tally F?~ Estat~s ~~~~s ~~a~~ f~~~~la:.~x~y of "'RmA~B~2'@ zonang ar~d one af the . m~in th~ng~ to be ~t.,:a;~.~d ~e~iz~~ tY~.~ ~~ra~yi.ng cos~s ana di,~f~rez~~es to uPgrade the prap~s~d "k-A-B~1 " i`i ~1, ~OG sq~ ft ~ lc~~~) ~~~~ni~g tc~ ~~RmA-B-2'" (2Q, Q00 sq~ ft. ~ots, ~~zvr_ing~ ~~~~r ~~~:~~r~~r St~i,~~ey a~~~i~~d that ~a~d ~epcrt and r.~commenda- t~ons must 3ae yo~~rbcarn~ri~ ~r~m ~1~nn~ng Ccammissi~n taatYain fort.y (40} days from this da~~, p~z~ ~~~e~.:m~n~ C~c~~ ~ec~t~ion 6"5857A Eiiz~be~h ,7ack~oz~, ~U8 E`axrv~~ew D~°i~rey asked vo~~ther fa.rm~t~pe anima? s ~;i~i r~e a11c;~~d ~Y~~ "~-fi-~~~~'° ~;~r~~?~b ~ha.c.h ~as nn~v~~~ed ~r. tn,~ n.~g~.~.i.v~e Thereafter, a m~~ivr ~s~~ m~.d~ b~ ~oar~c~~m~n ~p~~r~~r~, ~~c~r~d~c~ Gc~u~;ci~man d~ Leon ~nd carr~~d, r~~u~~ ~.~n~ ~h~ P1«~zr~ing Commis~i,z~~. ~tud~r ~he t~~5ibility ef char_girg th~ C;~ty~" u Z~r;in~ Or.d~na.nce tc allotir f~r or~~ a~~.m~1 rr~ "1~°-A~B~2" ~D:~st~ic~ss ~~e ~Ype a~lo~eu .~.r '°R-T~-B-3" ~ REV?~W O~ vIT~' SEN1~I~T~R CN NIIJIV~C~~~L ISSUES SC~-I~DULED FOR S~P'I'.. 30r "~9~5 Admi.riistrato~ ~~*~Gh rFY,~.~~wted ~ d.iagram wrrkc d oix~ by Le~gue ~f ~al:~xr~n.ia Ci~~es ~a}~~e~~r.tarz°:~tig ~c~~~e,~,rs; PF~A:~E Ol~?~ °~'he Cit~ Semi~ar r~r~ 3Gth, at ~:~irh muni~~.~~~ :~~:~;~s ~,~rY~1 be sur~'a~:ed ~y ~he ~ounts~l., ~it.~ S~~;ft ~nr3 Cnmri~~sions; PHI~~E "I~lG - th,~ Comm~riity Congr~s~ ,~o be put ~n ia~ th~ ~~amb~:~ ot Ccmmerce ~n Oct~ber 8, ~975 ~or c~mm~rz~.ty ~~vi:E~ ar,tl ~~mm~nt z°egarding re~ults or Phase One; and PF3P,~E THRE~ - m~r~~ecipal a~tion ~:o implement resu:Lts of Phas~s One and Twoo REPOF27` - ZC~NE 3 ADVT~OR`I' t;~:31`~MTTfiEE NiEE'~ING MILLTS Cnuncslman Nli~iis i~pc~:r~~clrJn tY~~e August ~~s~ m~eting af the Zone 3 Advi~.o~y Commit*_ee, at ~I~i~uh }~a~ m;~nrh~:y r°~p~~ts 'h~d been Y~~a~c~ f~am the I,opez Recrsa~iQn~1 F'~cilit~ and tY,~ TX~a~xracr~t P~arito Qu~,::.~s had b~en re..~~vecl 'f:sr t~a~°i~u~ types o:f ccver rEp~acemen~s fa~ t:r~~ ~~°~~er. ~r~i~ , Cc~~ric:ilman Ni.~.21 is ~.r.~d.~~at~d concern regarding *,he higi~ ,p~i; ~s, A~res~e~ G~ar~de w~ll ha~e t~ pay half of the casts.. Ci~y sraif wL~i s~udy th~ m~±t~Y~e C:c~unc~.7man Mi11is al.sc~ adv:i.s~d that as Con~r.es:s_ man Ta1cc*t rep~~s~nts th~ ~:~e~ irz ~rhich Lopez ~an~c~~. is loca'ted, t.hat a~etter similar to orie sent. to C~ngresscr~an Lag~marsi.no? citin~ this City°s oppc~sition :t:o the "W~lderress° a~ea ~~s~e~r~~;~~rn ~t' ~he Cany~n also k~e s~nt t.c Congressman Talcot~.. ~Adminis~r~tcY B,a~~~Yi v,ya~ ~~G d~~~~c-~edo ~ ~ ~ APPRQV~ ONE-YE~~.T~ TRIA~, l~x` BrcF~Y)il' ~CLJN°PY ~I`FtAN~PGR~TAT'iGN PI;AN Tha ~:o~ir~c~.l rei~%~°~~~ anc~ d~.~c-~~~~s~d ~~re requir~d C,c~un~y~Wicle `~xanspart.ation ~Lan and tY:p ~rc~pc~sai pc~=~~rjtpa b~ 1~Y~'K~ Bradv ~t a rec~nt s~udy se~s?on, as an «l~ernative to ~he ~HK p~J~~~a~a~.~ iy~'.ke Brady w3s p.resent and .in answer to a questic~ri, stated +_.Y~at, farF rat~~D if using tnE Gre~~ound b~ses af his pr.opasal., woui.d be g~ve~°ried ~b~ t:h ,~^;~b~.~.c ~~Jti;.i.iti~s ~Commi~ss~csn~ Ir anst~e.z ~Cou~~ilman Mi11is` .inqui.r~~ City Eng~neeb ~t~arr_i~ ~ez=if~i~d th~~t ~a~.~l ~SB 325 funds~~-'be ~ ~tgp~ed to th° C~ty i.~ a^T'~ax~~port,ation Plan i.s ~at ac~~pt~cl, unless (l~ the C~ty ~9~~~~~ ~1~~~ n~ ~rr~rG~~ t~~sn~~o~~~~~.~~? needs ~xist~ f.n Arroyo Grantle, and (2) ~~~~~~1 tn~l~~~ t,Y~~ ~~m~ ~`i,n~iz~ge Gouncilmar~ Mi11is stated his feeli:.ng ~1~~~~ n~ ~x~~~~ ~~~r~~~~r~t~t~irar~ ne~d~ i~ ~Y~i~~N ` ~ Cauncilman ~pa.erJ.ing ~~~~~~c~ ~~a~ ~t~; ~r~~~r'~ ~~i~n ~~~~t~~~ ~r~ ~.~~:~~~i.t.y t~en~~ea~t~ti.on p1.:an ~~~:~1~ t~~~~~~n ~n. ~~~~r~, ~~n~~i~~~~tt~~ ~~~tch w~e x~qu~~~ed ~a keep i,n w~~~i ~~i~ ~~~3t Rt~~~~~ Y~c~w ~"he~r; v~hicl.e ~or~ 5~n~.or Citi~en~ is t~~~k~~~ at~~, ~:h~ ~~~s~ ~l_~t~ m~.y~ ~~ll: ~~ay ~a~~d af thi,s City. Th~ majarity ~.5~ irr ~.,r~ ',~sk 9, Po~~ 7o C ~9~~q/~,r .r~car~~ GITY COUNCIL SEPTII~fBER 2'3, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALSP'O~T~A PAGE 4 of the Council gers~~al~y f~l,~, ~t~~t 1~ m Braay' s Plan should be given a one-year trial, as it woul.d be ~ess exp~nsi~~ than ,~urchasing buseso Mro Brady stated that costs of his pl,an ar~ $27,000 for a year; not considering fare revenues, and it would only use 10~k of S~ 325 ~unds, whereas the JHK plan utilizes all of the ~8325 ~und~, l~~~r~r~g noth~g fo~ ~~~eet mainten~nce. After Courlcil discus~ian, a motion was ma~le by ~oura~ilman ~c~~~gel, seconded by Councilman de Leon and carried, vv%f~ Cn~ncilma.n M~.1~.-is d~,ssenting, to approve the County Transportation Plan proposal presented b~ Ni~.~e ~eacTy, on a one-year trial basis. APPROVE LOT SPLTT 75-222 (PIiIL6~,IlP~) , F`ARROLL AVE. BETWEEI~i ELM & GAYNFAIR , City Engineer G~.rcia ~ec~~~r~d Parcel M~p AG-75-279 reflectinq a lot split located off of FarroY~. Av~ntu~ b~°tw~een E].m Street and Gaynfair Terrace, as requested k~y Herb Ph~,~l~p~ and approved by ~:he PS.anning Coirimission,. with the recommendation ~tYiat a 20~ wide paved seetion and curb, gutter and sidewalks on - Farroll Avenue be r~qui~edo 'The Counc~l discussed the four-parcel lot split in detail, including,,dr~~ra~:g~p „~he. ~.a~k of, conditionS requi.ring underground _ ~ : . e _ utilities and evers~~x~.l c~r,~, . c~,}~~~~' ~ ~x~d .~~.de~aalk , ~nstal,la~,ion t$~ ~riYate;. ~'o~ii ~ A, leading f~°~~ ~'a~°rc~~.~.,_~~ren~se ~o; ~he:frontage..o~ t~ie,-.:~~u~,-,lots.. C,~.ty. Enqineer; , . . . 3 N ~ , , ~ , Garcia st~.#~ed ~ th~.,t, ,b~:~au~~ ca~<_ tl~~ ~nd .s~.ze o~: ~he-, lo~s, ~he questi.on of d~'aip _ _ > ; age was d~;~~rm~,n~c1 ~o~; t~ ]~~..,a. ~~°~bl~~p After C~ur~cil;,discussio~., motl.qn,,t~~s , ~ ~ . , , made by Cauneilm~.n ~S~~,e~~l~.ngs ,.~.~~~-~dle.d , bX C~aaxica.liaan, de L~an anc} , carried, with . ; . Councilman M~~:,3.~s..c1.3~s~r~t~.~g., .^:f~nd~z~g ~,~°~;Spla.t.N~o...75-222, zec;~u~sted.b.y Herb Phillips, as:_ ~e~:ng ; ~~r~~~.~~~.~t; ~ra.tl~ :~he,.Ge~,e~al_, ~1an and ~pA~ovinc~,P sa~d_; ~Sp~.it~ ' . , , , subject to required ~.mpr~vemer~t~ or po~t~r~eJ,,Qf a. sa.t~.sfactor~ bqzid, und~:rgrou~diing _ , _ of utilities, and the ~or~c~~t~on ~r~a~ wY~en the property immediately westerly of the I~ot Split;_. d~~re]..c~p~~,- ~~ia.~.c~x°las, ;,g~attex~s, a}~c~ ;sa.dewal~.s; be in~.talled.;qn the. . _ , . private road le~.dir~g in :f~e~m. Far~oll . Ro~.d, „ . . . , : . ~ ~ , - ~ ~ ~ ~r _ , : APPROVE 1,p . . EA~~NI~~3~' ~~t ~ ~~'T'~r 5~0, .r ~~RA ~1IS.TA". . ~ ~ , ~ , City Engiriee~° ` Ga~e~~~ ` ~~~~~~~i~..= t~ra~ ~~~.~t 55Q-, , "Ce~ri~' Vi~~t~" ; 3~y: F~e~e~.o~~~ : ; ~ ; ; $aker had been approvecl b~r ~h~ Counc~.l ~n Ju3.y"8,~ 1975, st~b~"e~t ~'o ce'rtain; _ C~~d~t~~x~s, uah~c~i ~.~~r~ n~~ be~r~ ~~t~o A~z ~asement for sewers had be~n retained~ b~ : _ the City, howrever,, `~s~iai~ta~.f.~:~~~~~~~~~~~' n~ati` k~e~n` specifi~cl., :!w~~~H has nbw .~_..,n been estab~.~.~sh~do. A~t~~.;~~zn~a,1= das~~z~s_a.c~n., a tnotion wtas made b~ Counca.~man , v , ~ ~~hlegel, se~o~ded :by ~a~t~s~~.~~n~ S~a~e~7.zng and ,un~n~mousl~ carried, a,pprav.ing. a,. ten foot (~.Q! s~~t~~. ~~:sem~r~~:;~,~a~ ~'~~,c~ .550., .".Ce~ro,:Vista'.' as shown on tlie F,in~l _ . ~ . _ ~ _ ~ ,~tap of said :Tract S~F~`M I NUTE.~ CQ~REGT I ON P,aa :70 QQQK 9 . r ~ , . . . ~ . . < a _ 7 PROGRESS R~RQR~ ~,SOII'~'~i,,~1~N ~T~~~. ~&ISP~, GQi7NTY. SANITATIQ~T DISTRZGT, , The monthlyr r~}~rt ~rom the Scau~ San Luis Obispo County Sanitation Dis~Gr3;ct-- - for August, 1975, was rece~~~~l by the Gauncil, reviewed and ordered filed, ~ _ .r. . . ~ ~„r ~ ....vrv_ AUTHOR~Z ;rC(~T~~GT :OF;.OTnt~E~t 1~`~ ; 9 ;3 47, . D ~AVE~e 0~2 .I~'lPROVEMEN'r ~NST TZON , , , , . . . ~ , < _ • . . ~ F . r ~ ~ . ~ . Ac~n~:ni~t~ratt~~ ~3ti~~i~ ~evs:~~d ~lia~ w'Y~~ ~l~e Grand'`~venue Assessm~:nt Dis~Cr~c~ " ` - - , had bee~'~t~rrne~ ~ fo'r' `~:ns~tal3at,iain o~ c'c,ric~e~~ iinprovei~ents' al~ng `tY~e ~en'~ir~' le~gt~'t . r'.° of Grand Avenu~ ~vhe~~' ~i~~~ec~y=- b~~tiv~eri'~a~riett' ~.nd the ~i~sterly ~~~ty I~imi~ts, ~hat;: ` ~ > ~ the property~ at 1"1~°7 '~rarxe~-~p,~i~~ize~ `h~c~ ~eeri `~~li~'ved~ f~^~m =the require~n~ ~he',' . ° year, s~~ ~s ° rio~ ~ ~c~ ~fi~u~. `'s~~~]:~~i~~ °~n ~~~~te a ' ~'1`~e ~+ear d~ferinen~ nc~w `t~aving ' . ; . expired, Di~'e~~~r of "P~~~.~ ~~i~s~k~ `~ac1~~~i~Ya ~~quested ~elirecti~n ~~rom t3i~ Co~h~iY'. . : , ~ ~ e:- ~ . . , , After Cot~?ci1, ',d~S~Lt~~i~nF a in~stix~n w~.s mad~ by` ~~i~e3'l~ri~.rrr S~`si.~~~~ng',` s~~t~iid~~ b~ _ Counci'Z~an de'7G~ori` 'a~c~~txh~n`a.~tou~13~`'ca~rsed,' d'i.~e~~ing ~P~.blic'Warl~s Directn~=-, ° Anderson to contaet °the o~nra~~~ of 1°947 Grand Avenue (NS~S: ~7. E~e~I~) , i'~~forniirig a.~;=~ said owner that th~ ~,r~sta3,lat~on of cux°b~, gutters, sidewalks and driveway apron at 1147 Grand Ave~iu~~ ~.s no~a a~~~u~~ . r . , _ ~ ~ _ . . ~ ~ , . ~ , . ~ ~ - , . . , - A, . ~5~ ro ~ ~ : , ~ . . . ; ACCEPT PRO~QSP,L E°OR: u4~,Ai;IS~lU~ -;~12C?~ ,~,~I~EI3I~NG~, . Q~, STRQ,THER; PARK -.~~OHI~TSON Adminis~r~~ox~`B~t~Ya' ~e~c1 ~a pr~p~~a7L µ~ubmattet~=by~ Je ~Johnson, ~ 198 I~uasna Road, offering t,o imairit~.~~ ~~~a~~l~`e~ Pa~rJc ~ca~``H~~ria Road an~I'harve~t tl~e walr~,uts in 1975 for wrhi~l~ '17e ~nr~~.Y "}~a~r ~ ~ 0 00 o Ai~°~~~"~ar~ncil disctts:~fon, a"m~~~.ora;:zaas ` made by Coun~i:'~.m~n"el~ ~eone s~~'c~n~~cl by Cotx~i~i~:~tan ~p~:erlirig and .unanimou~ly carried, accep~Ci~ac~y'~th.~ `pr~gao~~2'~~~ `~o '~'oh~~o~i;'t198 "Ht~asn~-FZoad, 'fo~ we~d carttrol of Strother ~a~k u~it~l; cle~e5~c~p~c3 ~rid ~~lriut harvcsting in 1:975, for whi~~. Mr. , ; , . ~ : Johnson ~ will ~5~~ tli~" `~~ty $~~0 ~0 00 , ~ , _ , ~ , . ~ . , , , ~ ~ _ ~ . _ ~ ~ , _ ~ . ~ . ~ . . . R ~69 CITY CQLTNCIL SEPTEMBER 23, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE' C~1Tu~~ORl~1~1s, PAGE 5 REFER PREVIOi35IaY DEii~TIED ~~1~,BE°I'~ G~~,'~I~T A1~iNE~T~ON 'YY3 PLANa COMM. & STAFE' FOR STUDY Mayo~ `Pa~.Te~ r~~ie~ed ~h~ ~oun~~~`s cTen~.al at its last meeting, af an anuexat~.on request by Ron ~r~nt ac~°~~ge in ~e Corbett Canyon area, which had a~.so been co~as~.d~~ed as a~~°te i~e~~ an adci.~~~ona~. urater tank reservoir to serve properties at high el,e~at~~~s, t~ ~~o~~ u~~ c~f pressu~e pumps. ~ie inc~icated that any dev~lopm~n°~ mn ~h~ 1~~.,~1 ?~~ren rnri~~n ~txe Cit~ Limits, will require pressu~e gumps as ~tt~~ ~ev~la~per wibY r~~t ~°tfcipate ~n the tank's costs without the annexationo ~'~a~ Ci~y has p~e~riously determined the need of an additiona]. reservoir and c~eve~.op~~ p~.a~t~~ip~~,~,on i~ ~~ection ot same wou~.a relieve some of the costs °tl~a~ w~ss~~d o~herwr~~~ be b~rr~e b~ a11 City ta~spayers. Mayor Talley suggcsted that a~tudy be made ean he~~ rnuch land is needed to make costs of ~he water tank feas~b].~ f~r ~1~~ ~~~r~lopa~~ o After C.~un~il discussion, a a~tian was made Cs~ixric~~.man ~~~~r~,~,ng, ~~~~r~d~d b~ Co~racilman Schleqel anc~ Qn the followinq ro13 ca11 wot~, wa~o ~,~~~o ~~~r~cilnn~s~ Spierl.ing, de Leon, Schlec~el and Mayor ~~lley 1JO~~ e Cou~c~.lm~r~ M~lls ~S~N~ s 1V~rYe the motion carr~.ed ref~~~°ir~g ~he C~rbett Canyon ~nnexation request by Ran Grant to the Plas7nsng Gcr~i~s~~~; ~~d City S~aff for a~u11 stuc~y, ~Q ~nclude how much land w~11 be ne~cied to m~~~ b~x~~c~i~~ af the ~e~essa~cy water tank feasible and equitab~e to ~~tain ~h~ clev~~~~a~~°s ~ participata.ono ADJOURNNIENT On m~tion of Co~:x~~~.lmaxa Sch~ege.I, ~e~onded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carr~.ed, t,~e m~~ti~g ar3j~u~xaec7 a.t 10:50 P.M. until 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, ~~p~ember 3G a' 1975 for a C~.°t~r ~emir~ar at the Sunrise T~~ace Mobile Home Park on V~17.ey R~ad ara X~r~o~rd G~ande . ~ - ATTES T • , • CITY CI,EI~IC MAYOR CITY COUNCTT.f SEPTEMBER 30~ 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CAI~~FORDT~A 7:00 P.M. The City Co~xn~i5~ m~t ~n a xc~g~~ar ac3~ourraed ~ession at the Sunrise Terrace Mob~.le Hoxrre Pa~k's 1~~~~e~~i.~~a ~~13. a Cc~un~~.I,a~~a~ 5pierling, de Leon, Schlegel and Millis were press~t, ~i~t~ A9.~~ro~ Ta~~~ pr~szding. A1sQ in at~endance were City Staff inembers, Comm~.ss~an~~s and f,nte~~s°ted ~itizens, for the purpose of studying municipal issue~. - ZIDJOURNMENT On matzon of Cc~~~~~.maxa ~p~~;~Y~~g~ se~~nded by Councilman de Leon and unani- mously carri~d, the m~~t~n~ ~d~~~:~necl a~ 10000 PoMe ( 11TTEST: =_:%Si~~-~C~~X E~~1~ ~ CIT~ C~ERK MAYOR . :r,..~. . . r~'~