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Minutes 1975-10-27
7s CITSt' ~OLTI~~~~, OCTOBEI2 Z7, 1975 ~,RR05~0 ~F~TVD~ ~ CP.~~~(~~T~~. 4: 0 0 P. M o ~~~an~~~ ~a~~ ~ ~~g~~;~~ ac~y~~°n~~ rn~~~ing ~r~°~h Mayo~ Tal.ley p~c~~~id~ngo tJ~~ ~a~~l~ ~~1~ 9 C~~r~~~~ M~~~s ~p~,~~3i~gy de L~ona Schleg~l and Ni~~.3~.s ~°~~~r°~~d p~e~e~°~o S~tJD~ ~ES~~~TVf m ~'~`P~~~~C3~C~I RO~D ~T~ON ~~~"~S ~e ~~;t~~ ~o~~iY ~~ud~ed t]h~ ~t~g~co~~Y~ I~~~d ~nne~ati~n x°equ~st and various ~n~os~tat~on ~u~°~h ~eie~e~a~e ~o c~st~ ~f ~,i~e anne~~.ti~r~ o Admini~t~°ator Bu°tch reviewed foa~ the ~c~ura~~.l t~~ ~n~~t~~~ o~ °~Ybe req~x~s°tD made ~by R~n ~rarat on beha~,f of some pr~pe~ty o~a~~~ ~Yaa°~ ~~~a o ~~m~,n~~t~~t~~ ~a~°~ch al~c~ ~aax~~~~:z~cl foa~ ~h~ Co~xr~~~~ several repo~ts ~eg~~c~i~g t~~ anr~e~~°~~ony vai°tYa ~~~ti~~~ar ~°t~en~ic~ra ~s~ one r~pearL, from Director of Publi~ Ti~e~~3~~ Ander~on ~aa~°tY~ ~~f~~~~ce to ~nr~ter r~eec~s~ ~ro major points were brough~. out by ]t~ 3 Araclerso~ m One wa~ tYa~~ ~T~~y had o~i~~r~ed a new Hrater system in San Jo~e that ~~u1c~ p~,ss~~~y p~~xn~,~ ~ w~°~~~ ~anls w~thin the City l~.mits o The s~c~nd poi~at, ~h~°t ~~~h ~o~p~~°te clevel~pm~n~ o~ the pre~en~ C~~y limits and with thi~ addi~~onal ~na~~~~~~~r~9 th~ City ~aould n~t use aYl of i°t~ Lopez and well water ~~mm~tme~it o A~~~r d~a~ o~ cl~~cuss~~n? a,~ g~nerally ar~reed that the Council needed rna~~ i~~o~~~t.~.~no ~1-~~ Ccsu~~~l r,u~u~d l~ke ~o kno~r the co~t of the new syst~irc, °the ~e~~~,~ements of o~~~-~i~~nc~ w~°t~r l~,nes, co~t ~f ptunping comparisons o~ t~e ~vao ~}r~°temsD ~nc~ th~ c~~~ ~n ~~°~~~~d~~t~ ~3~stem ~r~rsus a complete systemm 'I'l~~ ~~,tter ~aill b~ ~~~d~e~l ~~r~hez° uvhe~ °~h~~e ~e}aorts are receivedm AD~TOUFt13I~IV`T . On mo~~,on ~~u~c~~~r~ de Leon~ ~econdled ]a~r Co~zr~c~lzn~n Sp~erling and urtar~imo~x~l~ ~~rr~~~, th~ mee~.ing ad~~~nesl a~ ~ 0 20 P oNim .b.°~T~~~° m D7~~'F~I'~ CI~1~ M~SCQR C~TY C(~TJI~C~L ~~0~~~ 28 D 1975 PdRROY~ G~1VD~ ~ CAI,~~C~I~IA Cit~ C~unci~, m~t ~n r~g~l~~ ~ess~,c~n wr~-~h M~yc~r fi'~lle~r p~°esid:~ngo Upon r~ll cal~a C~~~c~~ M~m~e~~ ~~a~~rling~ d~ I~eon? ~cYal~gel and Mill~,s reported pres~nto APPIt0~7~ O~' Ni~IVTJ'~"]E~ ~'h~ min~te~ o~' th~ ~eg~al~r meet~,ng of O~~ober 14, 1975, v~ere apAroved ~s pr~paredo PaP~~OtiAI~ ~F" 4JA~IQZ'~ ~~a m~t~~~a ~f ~c~~~~i~,m~~ cle ~~~n, ~~c~nd~cl Ysy C~r~cilmarz ~pierliaxg and unan~,m~~zsl~r ca~x~~~d~ G~n~~~~ Tn1~~~°an°t~ N~o 3826 °~l~ro~gh No. 3975, ~,r~ the total amo~t $94,5360450 ~,nd Pa~~~l,l War~ant~ ~'~0 5089 through Noo 5167, in the tot~l ~moizra~ $43 ~ S~~ 0 8C, we~e app~o~recT anc3 orcl~r~d paid o ~Nt7~TA~'~OZ~1 ~O P.`4E~~'~~~P~~°~ I~ P, A~ NI~I~R.O ~AY ~ARADE e 3°9 / 15/75 ~~e ~~~~il ~~~~1 ~rs ~z~~~°~a~:~on f~~m t~e I~or~~ ~ay Chamber bf Commerce ~~~~°t~~ag the ~~u~~~,l pa~°~ic~p~~~ in t~e annua~. ~ibx~~~,tar of the i~acific Jub~lee T~~~a~~ or~ No~~rnla~~ ~~°~ha ~~u~~~~~~n w~~l n~~i~y Adinin~.s~trator ~u~ch b~ l~~~re~e~ 7~~ c~~ a~t~a~s~o AP~R~~ 1~Q~TI]~~°T' F°~~:2 ~I~IJ~I~ "~~LT~'Fi ~I~ ~OiTl~F~11~I3`I"° DT~~e 12/~6,17J Q~ ~~i~r~ ~~~~~,~Z'n~x~ I~~on~ secor~cl~el by Cc~uncilman Spier~~.rag and t~rt~~i~nou~l~? ~ar~°~ed, th~ reqt~est by C~overnment Teacher Millis to hold an annual "Yot~~t~ it~ G~v~errun~~~" D~y an De~~mb~r 16, 1975, wa~ approvedo Administrator ~h~~ ~~ra~t~~~ ~a~~ ~t~d~ ~~~~~~q ~n~s ~o ~,pon~or ~h~ luncheon. C~~~~~~m~~ ~i~~~~ ~~~~~~~c~ ~h~t~ ~a~~~~~~ Y~~.~~ ~~~r~ ~~~~~ved fx~om the other South ~~1~ ~~~~~~~~~~~,ra~ ~hi~, and ~k~~~ znuc~x ~o~ ~~i~ ~~~~t9