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Minutes 1975-11-10
84 C~TY C;O~IC~CL NOt7EMBER 10, 1975 ARR0~0 ~1~ANZ7~, ~~~FOI~~~ 7:30 FoI~Io ~~,t~ ~~~nc~~ ~,~a ~~g~~~r ~d~our~~c~ z~~etia~~ ~ith N~~~o~ Talley p~es~eling o i3p~~ ~~]e]L c~.1~ 9 ~d~~e~~ ~p~erls:rsgg c~e ~ec~r~~ ~~Ya~:egel ~~cl ~a~Tl~~ repor~~d p~~ ~ ~~tt o ~'PI~0~1':~ OF° 1~I~Ti7~~ ~a~ m~n~a~~~ °the ~~e~~,~~ ~c~~~~rn~~ ntee°~ir~~ C~~tok~er 27th ar~~ ~~gular m~~°~~~g of Oc°~~}~~~ 2~ e~ 375 p~~r~ ~~a~~~~re~ as p~~p~re~o 1~PPI~O~IIB (~F` 4J~ `I'~ mo°t~.~n o~ ~~un~~..~~~n de I~emn, ~~~~~ne~~c~ b~r C~uric~lman Sp~.er]:ing and uraa~s~ou~Yy ~~~r~~c~g ~n~~~,~ r~~~~~~~s IV~a 3976 ~.Y~~°~ugh N~o 4051 g~;n ~he to°tal ~ao~t of $44II~42~a25 ~$3C~~D0~0 ~be~x~~g ~ ~e~~pos~t~d ~im~ Depo~~.•t~; and Fay~oll Cn1~~ar~t~ Noo 51~9 ~h~~uc~~ riT~o 52~~g ~s~ ~he to~al. am~un°t c~~ $27~511~15, were 'a}~Proveel axad ~~c~~~~ci ~~~do ~EF~E~SENTA~'~~I~ OF° T~I~OW~IV~ aI°~t~~gI~ ~ ~'AZo~Eel ~eAnn ~m~,~T~~ C~~~rr~~~ p~~~ f~~~~r~~~ ~~~s~r~t~d I`Rayor Talle}r v~aeth a F°~rs~ ~l,ac~ ~capl~y f~~° w~~~~~~ tY~~ C~~nt CY~~~ P~tcYa~,ng C~ntest in the Pol~~i~i.ansa D~~~~~,~ny wh~.ch e~rex~t ~~s ~eldl ~.t ~h~ ann~zal Harve~t F~~tival in Sept~e~o R'EQtJE s~° FC~Ft SI~~n7~I~ O~7 1V~I~~O~i ~~,Y~~~.`~ C~unc~l ~e~d ~ l~tter ~m & i~°so G~~~~~ ~~.ta, 317 N~l~~n, ~~~es~~~~ t~~~ ~ie~~w~.~,l~~ t~~~~~a~ ~a~~~~ t~~~ a~~~et p~~~~n~~~ exi~to ~ map w~:~ ~l~~~a~~~~c~ ~~o~~~a~ ~~cl~~ralk~~ and ~rs~~e~e~~~?~~cT p~~p~:r~i~~ on the nor~h tl~e 300 bl.~c~C ~f ~'e~~~~ ar~c1 bc~h ~~s~es ~f ~he 100 b~~a~k o~ ~it~~.ey? t~x~ 1~~~~~ ~~.~~r~g b~~~s ~,x~~5.a~~ed D~~~~°t~a~ af P~li~ ~~a~°~e~ ~,r~~~~~~n to s~o~ tan~~cT~- wall~ecl pr~~~r~~e~ ~ra t~~t ~e~ o ~e~~an~i.l ~~~~u~secl ~h~ ~~t°~~~ ~ ~~~~,~~~~ng ~ah~tl~~~° or no~ t~~~~ ~~t~l~y ~tr~~~ p~op~~~~~ b~s~r~~ u~ed by the County a~e~~~~~ta~on Yard, should b~ ce~i~~,~~~~d ~h~ a~ ~h~y~ ~r~ l~ok~nc~ r~lo~a~~ o I~° o~~ecl l~s o Ricl~areT Schro~clery 509 Ne2:~~z~~ a~le~~ tY~~~ ~~~~wa~lle ins°~~lla~ieaa~ ~e ~eq~a~~e~~ ~t °t~e Co~ty C~~pc~r~~~on Ya~d a~ ~re~~; ~ ~~r ~a~e°ty ~f ~Y~a~ld~es~ 0 1~~ o ~1~ita ;~~~~~n~ ~rsd sta~ed °th~~r p~op~~°t~ ~n ~~Z~~a~ ~;c~mp~~~~d 50~ o~ that ~icle c~f b~~~~~o A~te~ C~~acil di~~u~si~n, ~~o~t~,~n v,a~s m~d~ by ~c~~aa~cilm~rr d~ ~~ox~g ~~~~~nd~~ k~~ ~,~~~~~~a~a~n ~pi~~~~ng andl c~~r~~dF ~o w~~ite ~o ~~a~~~°:~ ~rh~a~~ pr~p~~~~ ci~~~ ~~~~~a~~ sic~~walk ~mpr~~~~~r~~~9 r~~~th ~f IV~~~on ~~~~e°E ~~m N~~~~ ~o °~a~ end of N~lso~, ar~c~ ~.h ~i~~~ ~i~~le~ ~r~m N~b~~r~ x~r~~~l~~x°1~ ~~~~1~D asc~rta~n inte~e~~: fo~ s.n~~~7.1ati~~ ~~,~~w~~~le~ o ~QtTE~T F"~R CY ST~C FI~130~I~ ~LpI~~1T~~t~I ~77C3~~T~°~EFt OF~~1~T~~A'~"~OIQ _ ~e Co~a~~1 ~~ad ~ l~°~te~ f~wan °~ki~ Cy~~~~ Fi}aras~,~ ~ound~a~~~n, regard~.nq a .~ike~T~~~o~a to b~ he~d F'~b~~a~y ~g 19'~Fio ~d~a,a~3.~t~~ti~~ ~~a~~l~ will a~certa~n lwhat type of ~pp~o~~X lbe~ng reque~tec~ b~ the F°~unda~ionm 1°,~`I~TER I~P~~ 'Y~II~DEI~IVE~~ A~ m COY~I~RE~a1~N T.~IGONI~2~I1~T0 T~~ Ca~s~~~.Y ~~acl a let~~r C~ngr~~~tan Lag~mar~ino ~o~w~rcT~,rag a response to him from ~~e F`o~~s~ ~e~~ic~ r~g~.r~~n~ th~ cle~s.gna~gc~n L~p~z ~anyor~ a~ a Wi,YcTern~s~ ~~eao The F°ores~ Serv~.~~e~ 1~tte~ inclic~ted they are in the process of var~.°tingr ~ r~~s~~~ on ~Y~e 1~~11 es°~~}al~.sh~.xig ~h~ Lc~pez t~1~l~clernes~ ~nd that const~.tuents' v~,e~rs w~.~l T~~ ~or~~~,deredo , 2r~r~~~~r~or~ ~o ~~~~~c~~~~~ ~rr c~~~ s~~nvu~r, cx~~~~~ e~ 2j6/7s ~e ~o~rn~il ~°~ce~~~~ an in~~.t~t~,~ra to ex~~er G~~~e~ ~~~y ° s 10th P,rinual' ` ~h~l~~°~~ ° ~ ~h~~ ~°~rnas P~ra~~ ca~n ~e~~~e~ ~ ~ 2975 ~ ancl Cs~,arbc~;3~~n ~.r~d~;cat~c~ th~y wroul.c~. part.~c~ga~°~~ m T2E~P~NSE ~R.Qrii COLTI'~TY ~ o ~TFs~I.~~ ITO~ V~.4~ICG~T~1Y ~QL1E~~ T3~e Coura~~l rea,el ~opy~ o~ a 3,et~~r f~c~~n ~oaa~~y Ex~~ir~~e~ ~rotc~papa~ d~:r~~ted #:o Cla~r•ton B~Y~ling~ 856 ~"ur~u~i~~, ~,n respon~e °t~ x°e~~:~~°~ that ~ walkway-bik~way ~~~~bl~~h~~ ~1~~~ V~TYey ~~°~n ~k~~ tT~ll~~ ~rc~~n~ ~o ~the lz~.gh `acha~l. The Caunty at~dica~ed th~t func~~ fmr t~n~.~ p~ro~ect were na°t ~v~;ilable in this ~~s~a1 y~~x"~ kaudget. 'Th~ C~~ty Cc~unc~~ vri~]. xequ~s~ tka~ County to include thi~ proje~~t in ~~hi ~n7~/ VMJO ( / ~ ~{e~~Mi~~~~4p . 85 C~~°~ ~(~iJ~~~C~ ~~~I~N1BE12 ~ 0 ~ 1975 ~RR~3~C7 ~Ft~~I~'E ~ ~ {~1~~,P~ ~~G~ 2 ~~~~N] C7~ T~i~I~'~'~~`~' ~~~~~1~'~~~~ ~,~;F'~`'~'~' r-~2 ~~"~~s~~k,~ d ~ "I'Y~~ D~~~ ~ ~~~~~~d.='~. ~ ~ ~ n ~ 9 wa~ ~ S~~ ~~e C~~n~ ~nd orc~~~~~ ~~~~~o MU~7~m CODE ~~I~o ~ ~~~i~~ "~~~a~a" vo~~aW~ ~~;~~~~~1D A~3'~o ~~Sm87) ~~x~~~~~;~ ~Y~~ ~m~~~~~~ t~~ 1~t~~,~~p~l C~d~ ~sa ~Y~;~~~~~ ~_~,~,~y ~h~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~°tio~; rr~~.~ macT~ b~ Cour~~i~~n ~~1~~,~~c~~~ ~~~s~r~~:~~ ~~::~~.~„a ~~~~1~~ ~~n~ ~x~~r~~~~~~l~r ~a~~°ied$ ta d~~}~~n~~ ~k~c~ ~~~~,~m~°~ ~~Y~.a,~~~~~o ~a~F~~I~iN~~ t~~ o ~ o ~ o ~ ~~~F ~'I~~1Vl~ F~ ~~'1~~Z"~~I~ ~'~YF"~ ~~u1~~~d~ I~2~ ~'I~~ S~Fa ~R~I~I}~ ~F°E~~~ a~~ ~~~~"~~~l~R~? ~~i`~~~ ~ `T'~I~ 4 O~ ~F~~ 1'~~~~~5°:~~~ '~4~ ~~°~2~A~I~ ~R~~~~k~S~ ~I~ &~8:a ~~LA;.L 'tY~ ~ ~ .'~..~'~Y'~~ `~ZLFlB&tlk1A~~ o . . ~3n ~r~~~~~~u ~~~~r~~ ~~~~a~~~~ ~p~e~°linq ~rad an the follc~w~r~ng ~~1~, ~~~w~~~o~ ~ ~ AY~~ o ~~a~~~i~~ra~~ ~~x. ~~~;e~,~~~ p~~ a~b ~~~~.~e~~~ g Nt~,~3.~s a~c~ Mayo~ ~alley I~Ci~S : 1V~~~~ A~SEI3~ : 1~~~~ ~~i~ ~c~~~g~~r~g C~~d;~~~~~~ ~r~;~ ~a~~~~~ ~c~~~p~,~~ I~~~y~~~~; ~9750 P'IC.TIQ~ ~ ~OD~ 2~1v1~~ o ~C~~~1~1~~~ ~'SC~~'~ o' ~E~'~~~ A` E~~~ ii ~ `~'~I' ~a~ v ~ 1~F2°~~~ ~ ~ ~ 5z~8 ~ ~~a~.~~~~ ~~~c~ ~,~~~~~,~g ~he Mun:~cipal. C~d~ s~ ~o ~~~~~a~ ~~~~~~»r~ ~~c~}~~~~~ y`~=~ ~~~~A ~~~~~~~~~,~a~£ ~ ~~~a~~~ ~ade by Cou~z~il~a~r~ ~~h~~~~~y ~~~~~~l~~r~ ~~~~~~..~,~sg ~~~;~^&~~t~~~~ ~~~~~~cl~ cl~.sp~n~~ w~.,~Y~ ~~~~c~~~g t~U~ ~~.:~=~~a,~~ ~~s,~~~-~~~~~c~o 1~~~ AI3 ~~~l~~al~fL~ ~ ~I+~t~7~~F(~ A ~~~'T~~~ ~~~~~I~T~ "~`~Y~ ~R~IV~~ ~~'~i`~~1~ .e.~~ ~~~~~~~i,~~ ~~0:+~ ~t~~.~~~a ~~E ~ .L~A~'u i'1hJ~d,lb~s~.~~`~ ~'l'a~;d,1'.S~' r~'~U~ 54~~ °~v ~~u'.l~~,iN~ ~~~~~':l~16,~ ~~5~~~'uiF:.t~ ~Atl ~ ~ ~J~' ~a~i<~~1~'~' ~1'~4~~"~; C~r~~ m~°t~~~ ~~ae~;~~~,~a~,~ ~~,u~~~mc~~~ I~~on ~nd o~ t~,e fol~~wr~r~g r~~~ D ~9~~.~ a ~Y~~ m ~~~~a~~;°~~,~~~ ~ ::~a~ 5' ~c~ a ~~~a,~,~~~~ g ~ ~~d ~i~~ra~r Talle~ 1~0~~ : I~~s~~ ~SEI~'~a N~a~~ th~ ~o~eg~~ 8~c1~~,~x~~°~ ~~s~ ~I~~~ ~ 6~1~ 1V~~e~~r, 1975 0 1•1WLtla6 o i~~L,dG L'2A•~••^1~PLd o H'1dClbd~L,iV~dW~-~'in ~!LL°s.y~~~ o~'~<LF.G6P~~L'e B4"",`~t,`'ifik~ YZE..~'~~nh9.~e.A 0.dZ[.d'~Jdl dCdS.~a~~LlV l:a 1dJ4~il 11lJL~l.l . ~~t~~~~~~~ a~~~s~ ~s.~~.~~~~a~~ ~e~d~.n~ ~1~~ rilunie~.pal ~~cl~ la}~ ~ ~~~a,~c~z~ ~~61~r4H ~g~:~~~~;~~~~1 ,~~ese~ve C~~~n~r~g I~~~t~°~~~.~a ~~~~~~~~~~~z~s ~ ~r~~~:~,~~_, tn~,~~ ~~~~~~~rn~n ~~~1~~e1D ~ecan~~d ~y ~~un~i~,man ,.~.~~k~~g~~~~, ~ s ~~,~k~ the balara~~ of th~s o~c~.~r~~.~~~o ~~~~~~~T~~ ~ ,~o ~1I~ ~2~~~I~Y~§.~~;~ ~ ~ ,~'~'s :~~,~~2!;~`~~S G~,~1~`>~ ~1~I~~~1~~ ~~~~'~~t ~ ~ "I'~~ ~F~~~~ 1~f~~:'~i~'~~A~ ~(1~3~ ~`'~~F~~~' S41N ~~d4.1.'~,iJ£ld.~~~:9~.u +C°,IF~'aa~'x~1iA~:~.~H ~zy 98,..,~99 dd.i~.,~.Li~.J6~d. VN~1.LE~btl ~ ~.L.d1L'a `~o.Jl. 1 d~.d0~,~,r~,& 4 1~~~1M.6Jd:e o On moti~~ ~f ~a~~~,~.m~~a~, ~~,~~.a~~D ~,~~~~r~~~~~ ~~r~a~~~~,~.n d~ L~o~ ~r~cl on the ~c~~~~awiaag ~ro~.3, ~a~.Y ~~t~ y wr~:~ ~ ~,~~A ~~u~~~,~,~a~~^~ ~~°~~~~,~~e~~ ~3~ ~~~~~a~~~~ ~a~ ~5~,~~~ ~~11~~. ~~~~s ~~~~~~!R i ~~~~~~3, ~~aP~~; ~i~~ ~~"~5s 86 C~'PY COiJNC~~ 1~C?~~1~E~t 10, 1975 ARROYO GRAI~~ a ~AL~Ft71ZN~1~ ~1~~~ 3 ~LTBL~C I~E~R~1VG F~~~I~ `~~5~89~~ ~AT.~~~~Te a~~-~~sa o~I~_~1ea ~ ~'~25~7~5 ~ 'The Counc~l wr~~ in~~~°m~~l ~1~~t ~~a~l~c ~~~~~r~g Y~~~ b~~a~ fa~~ I~~a~~e~ 25,: 1975 at 8s00 P.Ma t~ consider t~~ ~ec~~ranend~°~~;~n t~~ ~lanr~~,~g ~c~~~,~sfon °to rezora~, f~~m "R_G~~ °~o o~p~-C~~ j ~r~p~~~,~ 354 ~ £ ~~d ? 3`78 ~ncl 3~32 ~~~a~~ ~f~lcyon Road, as req~es°ted by Em ~'enks,ns? ivloDo ~o~ Ko ~~,~~~~ne~e, MeD9 Rr•l.Oi'il•J1altlDA1J6161V FROl•1 .C'°^.1`dLN.JeLVl9 41J1•Jl'i1~~~L,4d1V L7d:~eo J..YJ6V~ta7AV6md! ~LY. IIn~Tmyy~°418. ~J1.~~1~LLY.6.~~1 ~ a` ca sa ~ 'I'1~~ Co~tn~~.~. ~evie~«r~cT report~ ar~d ~°~cc~~~~c1~.t~on from Flan~ing D~.recte~x Gallop and the glann~ng Comm~,ssic~~, r~gaardi~c~ tl~e r~q~e~°t tY~~~ ~nima.ls be allowed on "R-A-~-2" zoned lot~a Ord~rtan~~~ ~f ~s~~g~o~ing c~°~ie~ w~~°e reviera~d ~°egarding th~s matter ~nd °the H~~.l~th D~pa~~m~r~t c~~ ta~~~cl r~~~rd~r~g a~ts ~~quirements . It vaas p~in°ted orxt t~~°~ °'°t~e .~e~oyo ~rande ~~r~~,~~ ~~dinaa~ce a3,l.ov~r~ ar~~zn~ls in "R-A11 distric~s ~n lots of 20,000 sq, fto o~ m~r~ ]by p~rmit p~o~~d~e"o The Cc~uncil discussed the matter and w~s s~ti~~~.~d wit~ ~~p~rts ancl ~e~o~~ncla°t.~on that the presen°t zan~ng is adequate w~.°~h regard to ~r~~in~;~~ ~r~ "R~AmB~~°1 distr~ctso TALI~Y HO E~TATES REZONING QGAI2~NG, E~I~I,~ ~~~1`~~S~I~~LY HEIaD Oil~~ Mayor Tall~y requeste~ ~nd the C~u~~~l. ~~~~~d ~empo~ari~y Y~old over this item un°t~.l °t~e po~ted agerada time ~~.s a~ Y~ar~dm . xESOL v ~D~~°~ ~ -~N~r~rt~ To A~~rv~c~r~ ~~~°~~~~t a~ ~~~~r~~°~ ( ~~~z~ ~°r o , ~~u~~a~ED> o ~ 2/2 ~/7s Adm~nistr~tor Butch ~~ep~rt~d °~1~at ~h~ T~l~~r~in~ C~mnn~ssion has reviewed the request °~Yiat 7~ feet of a pral~~ic uts.l~ty ~xael c~r~~,n~g~ ~a~emen~; b~ al~andcsned in Garden Street, Abandoned, ~nd reco~n~~aded ~ka~~a~~~~m~a~~t b~ ~pp~~vedo Aflter Council. discuss~on, City Attarney ~h.~pse5~ r~~~ ~~~~Le ~~°e~~l~ati~rn of intentior~ °tc~ abanclon a pc~rtian of ~n easeYner~~ ~~~~~,r~g a p~a~~~ hea~a.nq on same' for 8:00 PmMs on D~ceanl~e~° 23, 1975s therea~~~~~ ~ m~°t~o~ was an~d~ by C~~aciZ~an Schlegela ~~cond~cl by ~ouncilman SpierYin~ ~r~c~ ~r~~n~m~~~~.~r ~~~~ie~? t~ d~;sp~nse ~aith reading tY?,~ balanc~ of t.h~.~ ~esolu~tion m RESO~U~'I~N ~IC~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ 1~SOt.TJ`I'IC3I~ OF° TI~E CI'1"~ ~QCJ1~T~2~ OF" ~I°~ C~~°I'X C9~ c°'~12~~~P~ ~~€Fa1V~~ SETTINC~ ~OFtTFI ~'T~ IN`rEDT°I'~(71V ~`O `T~.~AT]E, l~~A1~TDC3N .`~I~TD CIaiS~~ ~ ~OFtT~ON OF THAT CERT~1TnT D~2A~IVAG~ ~~}D ~tJ~L~~ U"I'T~~TX ~A~EN~1~T'~' . II~T THE ABPaNI)ON~U PORT~ON OF° GA12I~E1\T ~~"I~~~ I1V ~°FiE C~`I"3l ~F~.~~(~ GRANDE, AI~tD FIX~I~TG ~'IME ~ND PI~~E F~Ft I-~~RTNG AS P1~~5T~1]~~ ~Y C~Oi7~RNMENT CODE SEC'I'~ON 5Q43~ ~ E'I' ~EQm On mo°tian of Councilman cle Leen, ~e~~r~~~~ b~ ~~~na~c~~lm~r~ ~~ie~I~ng ~nd ~n the follotiring roll call vo~e, °~o vai°to P~YES. Councilmen Spierla~ng, de I~eonp ~~1~~~~~5~~ M~11i~ anc~ ll~iiayor Talley N~~So None ~1BSE1~TTc None the forego~ng icesolutio~ vsas pas~~d ancl ~.d~a~°t~~ 10'~ da~ of ~o~embe~ 1975 m AU`I'HORIZ~ D~LAY C~F S~DEWA~K CON~TFZUCTI~IV ~,C9T SPI~~~ t3I~ 1~RfiI,E Th~ Coxxncil rev~.ewred x°ep~~t~ ~~~m °th~ ~~~~n~r~c~ C~~~~s~c~x~ anc~ D~~ectar of Public Works :~nclerson reg~rd~ng ~ rec~a~st l~e o Dent~~a AeT~ms ~h~t ~he sidea,~a~k install~ti~n, requi~ed in co~j~xnet~nn w~tY~ 1~~.~ ~~}~ro~red T,ot. ~p~.%t riY~o `75-229 ah Myrtl.e ~t~e~te b~ delayed on Lots 1, 3~rad 4 a~~~~l ~h~y ~e~re}~op~d, ~o avoid _ cost~ of teari~g out ~he side~ralk la°te~ ~T~~r~ a~~~~~ tc~ the dev~~opm~n~ ~s determinedo He ~rill ~nstall~ s~de~ralk~ a~ I~~ Y~~~ ~-~~~eler~~e9 a~a~m A map ~iaas disp~ayeel ~hor,~ing th~ ar~a in quest~:eno fil~~ .~~a~~~;a~s~ Co~nissio~ lz~~ ~g~~ro~red `aaivir~g tY~e sider~alk requiremer~ts or~ ~o~,s ~ g 3~a~d 4 u,ri~~l B~i~Lct~a~c~ ~~~it~ a~e issueel to de~~lop the~e p~~ce~s e D~re~to~ ~ti~~k~ P~d~~~e~n, re~a~re~n~nded side~aallcs be requir~c~ now ~n ~~s °6 ~nd 2, 3 axac~ 4 d~l~~red ~n°til building permit~ a~~ obtained fa~° cl~~el~p~en°to M~. Denton Ad~m~ ~,9~~ ~r~sen~ an~ ~~n~~ ~o~~~~ ° ~ go ~rayahex°~ so sic~~wallcs would not be used ~x°t~n~~e~~15~0 Cc~~n~~~ d~..~~u~~~,~~a~ ~ motion was maele by Gounc~lman S,~ier~.~ngy ~e~;oncled by ~~un~~5~~n d~ L~~a~ ~r~cT ~xr~~n~mousl.y carried, approving Denton Acla.msa ~°eques~t to e~empt s~.s~~vu~~.k ~.n~~ta~lat~~n ~n 7~ts 3 and 4, until they are devel,ap~cl, w~.th ~idewalk irasta~~;~,~~.e~n ~r~ b~ requi~ed also on Lc~t 3 when Iacts 3 and 4 are developsd~ if t~ey a~c~ ~~~el~~~s1 fir~~o ----8'7 ~~TR~ ~OYJNC~~, ~~~7`~~~ ~ 0 ~ 1975 P,RROY'b GRAIVDE, CI~II~FOFtIV~~1 4 ~Y~1~R(~i1~ D~1~~1V0'~E S'S~SI°~I~! FOR 976 ~]ENERA~ Nltl~~~~~~~ ~~~~"~'~C~~? Th~ Coun~s.Y ~e~ri~w~~ ~ ~~pca~~ ~Y~~ ~l.erk ~e~a~cl~~~~ ~~~~rn~r~~ ~~r~e~al ~Iun~c~pal ~~~ct~~n e~n Nl~.rch 2, ~9~6, an~l ~~~orr~r~a~n~ing ~~a~ ~~w~ Da°~~~r~~e e~,~~~cior~ sy~°tem~ ~rhi~h w~~ ~ecen°t~,~ a~~p~ec~ ~~~r~~~o T~~ 17~~~~,p~~~ b~~~~~ p~xnch ancl 'saalYest w~:~~ d~s,p~a~~d fo~ °t~~ ~~u~cil a ~~car~~~ Cle~I~ M~,~k~e~,h W~~:~.~n pre~erLt anc~ commen°~~cl fu~~h~~ oa~ the ner~r ~y~temD ~he ~~~~a~~~ r~qu~.~egnen~~, ~~ela~.~~i~C3~ vYi~ C~ur~~y i~ pla.nn~~g ~c~~~a~~ ~~.~izer~s c~n ~Y~~ r~~w ~~r~t~o A~°te~ cl~,~~~~~~;on, a mo~tion ~a~ made b~ ~~s~~ 9~3m~.n d~ ~~on~ se~on~l~dl b~ ~ounc~lm~.n ~pie~1~~~ ~nc~ ur~an~~ ~usly c~rri~d, approving use of th~ Da°ta~~~~ ~~,e~°t~~n ~y~~em }~y the C~~~ ~,~s March 29 1976 gen~ral. Mun~eipal E~.ect~one ~iTy'PRO~ ZOIV'ING ~I~NGE m "RA~3" TO "RA~2", T~Y f-I~ ~~'~"A~~ ~ ~RT3~11~I~T~~~ ~~J~ ~TN~ `~'Y~~ Counc~~, ~ont~nuecl eTi~cu~sicsn ~c~ga~z~;~;~a~ ~he T~liy H~ E~~~t~~ ~c~~s~~~,n~ ~°~que~~ o~ Gar~ng, ~~y~~.a~' ~ P.~socia.~esy In~o ~~om ~~~a~_~m3ee ~~~d~~,~,~~,98 ~~~x°Q~~~ ~rl~ic~ the Pl~nning Commissian ha:d pr~v~~~~l~r ~re~~mm~nde~o s~~ ~ pr~~~ rc~~e°t~.~ag~ the ~ounci]. had es~abl.i~hed a 39-lot ma~innum ~x~ ~1~~ 18 0 7 a~~~~ o N~ l.~.m~,~atiora ha.s ~S~~n se~ on th~ 7~ ac~~ ~tr~p inc~:uded in ~Ya~ ~°~~c~n~xse~ ~.ppla~c~:~~,~a~ an~l ~d}~.cer~~ °to ~am~~ Waya 7.'he Cc~uncil n~w di~c~ssed at le~g~h ~~x~ de~relop~r a s p~~~~~~,p~~~~z~ o~ off-site imp~o~remen~s, i~ ~ny, ~nd the dera~i~~ tc~ u~e~ on °~he' 39 1at devel.opmente City Engineer Ga~cia estim~~t~c~ ~.~.~a~ti~~a~: ve~~~u~~ar ~x~~ r~~ T~:ll~ ~I~ R~ad if 39 or 53 lo°ts ~ere developedo ~,ftex° ~or~~il d~.sc~a~~~~n~ ~~t~~n r,~a~ ~n~.cl~ by Cesunc~~.man sp~~ri~n~D ~e~o~a~a ~~~~~~i~~ l~~~li~ ar~cl an °~h~ fo~lawr~,ng ~°csl7: ~a~l ~0~~ y ~Zt.: . AYES: Coun~ilmen ~}~ie~l~,ng ~nc~ M~3~~~~ NOES c Counc~].men de Leon g Schleg~~ ancl l~i~~~ ~e~ ABSENTe Nori~ the mo~~on ~ailed to hear a~i~st re~ding of ~r~ ~~~~,~~.nc~ ~°e~on~~~~ `~~,T,~,~ I~a ~~~~te~ from "R-~~B-~3'° to "R-A~B-2" raa~t~a a`~D" over~id~ d~~~~~p~e~~ 39 ~.o~~ a:l.lowing c~~~asi~y transfer, with c~eveloper and ~s~~~ p~~~~.c~p~~~~~ ~mp~~~~ Tali~r Ho Roada ~~m `~ayldr, of G~.ring, ~taY o , ~ommen~~d ~gi p~~sz,bl~ rs~~~~~~.~ .;~~~~a~~~~~s~°t ~~quirementso Ray S~.mmon~, ~ 50 Ta~.~y Iio, ~°~~°t~c~ t~i~ ~e~~dler~t~ `~;~~~~s~ ~i~~~ ~i~'~ t~ 1~16ck a11 development of ~the ~.~~ay ~a~a°t me~~l~ tca da~ ~I~~ c~~~~~'~;~ k~~p the rus°t~.c atmosphere aracl hi~ feelin~ ~~~°t t~~ ~e~~~~r~~~ e~~ ~T~e ~~c~ ~~~~a~~~i~~d f~i~ly for t1~e "R-A-B-2" zoning w~°tTi an~al.s allc~r,a~~~ I°t ~ras recomm~nded th~:t if °~he C~~n~i~ ~o~~ ~Y~~ ~~a~irhz~ ard~nance to rezone Tally Hd E~tat~~, tY~at °t~e ~~c~r~c~ ~~ac1~r~~ 1~~ Y~~1;~. r~~a~~ a ~enf.ative Map of devel6pmen°~ re~ri~wecl 1~~ ~h~ ~~~rac~1~ ~1~~ r~~ ~~~~a~~.y tr~r~~~er on ths~s prop~~tyo After further Counc~l disc~~s~on, a mc~~a~e~~ ~as ~~c~~ by ~~ur~~~~~~ ~p~.~~~,ing, s~conded by Couric~.lman d~ ~ec~n ~ncl ~n tlae ~~~l~~a~nc~ rc~ll ~~11 ~a~~D r~~°~e AYES: Councilmen Spier~.ing, de Leor~: ~~c1 i~~~~.~ NOESe Counca:lman Schlegel and ~.yor T~ll~y ABSENTm None motion passed t~ hea.r a~~:rst r~acl~.ng c~~ ~ra e~~°c~~ra~nce ~~~ora~x~~ T~L~~ H~ ~st~tes ~~cam "R-A-B-3" to "R~A~B_2~~ rnritYa ~ ~~D" ~~~r~~c~e t~ ~.im~°~ clevelop~~n~ ~ot~ allowing density transfer, ~ith zaa cle~el~per p~~~~,~~:pa°~~on ~f ~~~~s~~e ~,na~~~we~en~.s ot~er than °the standard req~z~rear?era~~o G~ty ~~~~~ra~y~ Sl~ipse~ °~hera ~~~d ~c~ t~tl~ af an o~dinance, for ~.t~ ~i~~~ ~~ad~ng , am~nd~,ng °~~ae ~~~~rag O~d.~~~n~~ ~e~o~ae ~r~im '°R~A_B-3'" to '°R-A~B-2~~y w~th ~~~D~~ o~er~°~ele, ~~~~.~in p~o~a~r~~r ~n tl~~ C~°ty; thereafte~e y a motion ~ra~ mad~ lay Go~~~lmars ~~h~~c~e~ ~ secondec~ by ~~~~~,l,~n Spierl~ng and unanixnousl:y carried, to di~p~nse ~~~ck~ r~~dix~g °th~ b~l,~~~e t~~~ orda.r~anc~ o Cax°ol Alleny a°tto~ney rep~e~~r~~inc~ ~o~,~ p~~pe~t~ e~~~~~ ~'~.~5.;~r ~I~ Ro~dy que~t~on~d w~he~he~ th~ 3~3 a~ 53 l~~ ~~~~~~n ~r~~~~ ~g~~r~ l~~ ~~c~~~~ t?~me caf the ~econd ?~ead~ng ~f the ~~~ira~~c~o Adm.~~a~~,~~°~~~~ B~~~h ~~a~~~ °~Y~~ ~9 ].o°t ~~~:mum cTems~t~r has no~nr ~e~n es~~bl~ sh~c1 t~~ ~ ~ a ~ ~s~ Fi~ cl~s~u~~eclo Ha,~a~1d Lee, 199 ~ally Hc~ Rc~ad, c~~~~~~~ ~n ~}~~~~a T~n~ a~c~ ~~~~nae~~ ~n regard ~o TaZly Ho Roac~ o -8~ CITSt COUNC~~ NOVEI~7B~R 10, 1975 ARROYO GR~11vDE ~ ~AI,~~'OI~T~A ~AC~E 5 NOTICE ~E" ~LIBT~~~ HEARII~7G ~Ee AP1~E~AT, ~F ~7~R~ANCE ~1~NfiED C51~ L~, ~~Il`fi'~ S~m m~ 1/25/75 ~'l~e Cou;~cil wras ~dvisecl that a publ~.c he~~~r~g Y~as been s~~ 8° 00 ~ oNTo on No~°,emb~~ 25, ~375, ~.o con~id~~ th~ app~~l of N1r~a pa~°rell ~~.~,n~~n c~~ ~1~~ ~l~r~n~,ng Com~nzs~~on deci~~or~ c~ranta.ng a U~iriance (Ca~e No o`~5-5~? a~low ~¢~~~~~~~~r~ of e~isting r~°~aining walls to ~a~ngle car g~r~ges at 50~ ~nd 5~2 Po~~~ S~k~~~to RE`7IE4~T OE° REFORTS & INF°~ o~~.20Nf I,E~1~iJ~ ()F C~11ZIF°ORI~T~A CIT~E~ The C~unc~.l reviewred various repo~t~ f~~m ~h~ Leae~ue C~l~f~rni~: ~a,'t~.e~, including a stunmar3r of the League's pca~a.tior~ ~a~ Go~e~r~ent po~aae~s and ~~zrtd~;ng element of the Preliminary Coastal P1an? h~.ghlic}ht~ of act~on talc~r~ ~y ~tYae I~~ague Board of Direc~o~~ at ~ recent meeting, Task E°orc~ ~~port on Land U~e, and no~~~e of the Channel Counti~s` qu~rterl:y meeting ta be h~~d in Niont~~it~ ~rt Novembe~ 14,1975. DISCUSSION RE. TEMPORARY CLC)SURE OF' WALKWAY TO PARK - GOLDENf rnTE~T PLsACE Administrator Butch re~riewed the background c~~ the ~~ques°t from Go1d~n We~`t Place res~.d~nts that the wal.k~aa~r at the end caf theix~ ~tree°t l~ad~ng to tYae Encinas ~anitas Park, be closedm The matter had be~n referr~d to the Park~ & R~c~ea- tion Comrnission, whose response wa~ no~a r~v~er,~ed by the Gouncil o The Co~a,~~a.on recommer~d~d °Tliat the walk~ray be cTosed °tempor~;r~1~r for ped~~t~ian us~ and '~hat it be reconsidered ~ahen either the City ready to construct ~i p~opert~ l~n~ ~en~e or the adlacent park area is be~ng cleveloped"a Nira Go Hm B~de13~~ 401 Golet~n ~7est Place, rezterated that tempora~y c].osure was begng reque~~eclo C~~y P.ttarrz~y Sh;ipsey indicated he ~ras not familiar ~rith any pr~cecTu~~~ p~a~~.di~g fo~ the temprsrary cl.osure of a public walkway, but waul.d research the matte~a AUTHORIZE NtUSIC SYSTENY ON ~RANCFI ~TREET ~ 1~IERCFiI~NTi' P;~~O~~A°I°~~ti~ The ~ouncil ~evs.ewed a report from the AJC~eoyea G~and~ P~~~~:a~g & Bu~~r~ess Tmprovem~r~~ Area Adviso~°y Soard, going on x°eco~d tcs t~~ ~o~a~~~l th~t ~1~~ Boa~c1 h~s no obje~~~.~ns to the Merchant~' Asso~iat~.on ree~~est ~o re~i~~.~,~~~ ~1~~ ~9as~c ~~~tem 4n B~an~n S~~ee~~ Th~ C~unc~l. gexaerally agreed ~o th~ r~qiae~t~ ~~~r~~va if campl;aints are rece~.ved as to the no~se le~r~la Af°t~r Co~n~~~ cl~~~~s~~~~~~ motion w~~ rnade by Councilman de Leon, s~conded by Coun~~~.~,n Ndill~s ~r~c~ ~~~r~~~u~ly carrieda allowing the V~.llage Mex°chants to ha~~ a m~xsi~ ~ystem on F~~~n~1~ ~~~~~to REVIEW OF° PRELTM~~TARY ACQUI~ITTOIV LIST ~ C~1Ia~~"m CUP,~TP~I, ZO1V~ gI~11~T fiki~ Council received and read le°tter frc~m E"a Ca ~rx~ht~~~ Ex~~~tt~~~ of the Sou°~h Central Coast Regional Co~niss~on fo~a~d~ng a~op~ o~ ~1~~ }~ol~.c~ portion of ~he Coast~Z Plan as fina}~l~r ade~p°tecl by the ~ta~;~ Coa~~; ~~n~ Cc~~mi~~iora, which i~ on file at City Hall for anyone`s ~evier~ro Al~o ~e~r~~w~~cl r~ras ~ pr~l.im~na~~ acquisition list far the Cal~.fornia Goastal Zone Plan, Frl~~c~ ~.nc~,u~d~s ~c~~age at the Dinosaur Caves, Pismo Lake and Oceancs L,ago~no RESOLIJTION ADOPTTON - N~NIE PARK ON I,E POIIVT STa "HOO~~GG~1 1~~1C01 - PI~QZJE ~,'O ~C~.Til~i1~1~ Tl~e Council ~°ead a recomartendation f'rom th~ Parks & Re~re~t~.on C~rnm~~s~on, th~t th~ park on Le Point S~ree~, on wh~ch °th~ hoos~~w a.s l~cated, n~xneel "Hoasgova Par~C" with the spelling ta ex~lud~ the "eP' as ~efle~~tecl on ~ s~,gn ca~~ed years ago and placed on the h~.storica~l builelingm After ~o~zn~il di~~~ss~can, ~ity A~t~~n~~r Sl~~.p~egr read the title of a resolution naming a Ci°ty Park a~cea "Haosgow P~~k"; thereaf°~er, a motion rnras made by Councilman Schlegel, sec~nded b~ Cou~cilman Spie~ling and unani- mousl~ carried, °~o dispense wri°th rea~ing the balanc~ o~ °th~s ~eso1.~°t~.~no RESOLUTION 1V0. 'i 1$8 A RESOLLTTION ~E' THE CI'I'~ COUATC~L OE° Tfi~ C~~'3~ O~' ARROYO GRANDE NAMII~TT~ THE Pg1RK CSIJI LE 1~OINT STREET AS "HOOSGC3H1 PAFtK" o Om m~~ion of Coune~:lm~an d~ ~~r~r~~ ~~concled by C~~a~~ilman S~ri~~~~ng and on tki~ follos~ring ro11 call ~rote, te~ w~~.~: AY~S: Counc~:lmen Spi~rling, de I,eon, Schl.eg~I.a M~~.l~.~ ~:a~c~ 1~~~~° ~'alley NOES: None ABSENT: None the forego~.ng Resolution ~nr~s pa~~~d ~nd adoptec~ tlxis 10th c~~y of N~zr~nla~r a 1975 a ; 89 C~°I'Y COUNC~Ie 1VC~~1N(B~I2 10 , 1975 ~1RROY~ GR~ND~, ~LIFO~7~P, PAG~ ~ '1~~ ~o~e of ~'~.m S~r~~~n~ ~n g~~~.ing ~he 1~~~~~gava re~~~~~~ ~r~c~ p~~k ~~°~ab~ished w~~.~ p~ir~ted ou~ ~.nc1 laudeclo Af~~x° Ca~racil d~se~~~~dn, a m~~i~~ra w~~ made by Ca~nc~.lman Spierl~r~gg se~~nded b~ ~o~ar~~:~l~man Nt~l~,~~ aa~c~ c~~~~m~~sJ.y ca~~ied, that a plaque o~ appreca.~~k~~n b~ prepared t~ hon~r Js~m ~crivan~ ~or h~~ pe~~€;~'~~rance ~n the estalbl~.shmer?~ of Hc~osg~w Parke IJOT~CE E2E o PI~ACEMEN`P OE' ADDT~'IONAL BENG"~i~~ II~T t7IIaI~aGE Th~ Counc~.l ~ev~.ewed a memo~andrzm i~a~rc r~~~~~~ng D~rec°tcar G~.11~~, ~d~ra.~~.~g °~i~t the P~rkir~g &~us~ne~~ :Lmprov~men~ P.re~ 7~d~~.~ory ~~~~d Y~~s app~ov~c~ ~he coris~ru~i~ion of fou~ adcl~.t~.onal benche~ for ~~ar~ch ~~°eet ~nc~ t~ro rec~~r~c~d pi~r~~c °~ables for °'The Village Green" , °~he h~gh s~hoa~ wooclworka~~ag cl.a~s ~a~l,l a:qa~.n ]ae rsquest~d ta make thes~m ~POR~' - REC~NT NiEETZ1~TG (~E' AREA PLANN~NG CCiORD~NATING COU~~I, Councilman Spie~l~.r~g ~eported on tl~~ N~vember 6~h mee~~,ng af ~.he Area P]~~nning ~~ord~.na~ing ~ounc~:l, ~ta~ir~~ that dis~ussion had beer~ held ~eg~~d~ng r~cru~°tm~nt c~f Transporitat~on employee~ and had appro~recT the re~rui°~r?en~t and h~~~.r~g of a`~ransit 1~lanager and T~ar~~portation ~l~nn~rm He clarified ~hat th~ ma~n ~ur~ct~.on of th~ Area Ccsuncil is ~a act as a clea~~ng house fo~° f~deral and ~t~te fyand~ to th~ cerunt~ and ~it~es. REGE~PT OF CO~N~'Y E1~RGENCY 1~~~C~T, ~~PU1~T~E I~IAI~TUAI.s ~ Aclministrator B~xtch ad~ri.sed th~t th~ f~.n~l d~a~t of ~h~ Cou~aty~ ~me~°genc~ Med~.cal R~~por~se Manual has been rec~iv~~. by th~ ~ity anc~ he ~~anar~.z~d ~ame b~zefl~a C~lls for ambular~c~ tr~nspo~t w~~l go ~o a cen°~r~l di~pa°~~~a ~rl~~.ch °th~r~ ~xill call °~he cantracting am}sulance se~rice ~loses~; ~c~ °~1~~ ~~,~~°~~.~s~ ~f n~eda RE~ORT 1~CE1QT ANIMAI, GONTFtC)Ia MEETIN~ Th~ ~~uncil reviewecl a r~part frc~m Police C~aie~ Cl~~k ~~~~~~~r~~ ~e~~r~t ~nimal C~r~t~°ol meeting. Issu~nce ~f 1976 dog l~.cen~es ~~.1~ b~~~r~ D~~~~~° ~~~~6; ~c~~ oa~ has ~een tak~n regarding th~ Gov~a~°t~ Ve~e~~~.a~~~a~~ i~s~,~,x~g a and the An:~mal Control wa.l3. no longex~ ~espond ~o an~xr~~l c~~~al~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ck. 1~ECEIPT OF BIDS & A~n1ARD F`OR PURCHAS~ OF BACKHOE-~,OADER ~ RY.~N ~QLT~PI~I~T~ o . 'The Council reviewed a re~sort ~x°om D~.r~~tor Publ~~ ~n]o~l~~ ~n~~~~~~ r~g~rding bids rec~iv~d and oper~ed a°t 2s00 PeMa an No~emlae~ ~sy 1975 ~~r I~dustr~al Wheel Tra~ctor `aa.~h Iaader and baclch~e o '~he C~°t~ ° s~~~~~nt ~~li~~~l~~1~~~~ Tractor will be traded in far the newr tractor o Th~ ~mo~xn~ o~ 9?~0 0 a~r~ ~ b~.c~~~~~a f~r this item~ Bids rec~ived were as follo~ras: T07'AL P~IC~ '~R~~+E~ ~1V BIDI)EFt ~rICL15, fiA~{ ~LLL?Tn1AI~TG~; 'I'~TA~ ~ i~ALLACE MACEi~1VER5~ CO e P. 0. Box 992, Oxnard, CA 93030 $18,7~8082 ~2y5C10 $~6g258o82 L(3UGEE-MICHAEL EQU~~Tm 427 [nT.Betteravia, S~n.~ta M~.ri~,CA 33454 $23~055a00 $2~500 $20?555a00 FZ.~P,I~] EQUTPI~II>TT CO. 665 WoBetteravia, Santa Maria,C:A 93454 $~~,020000 $39Q25 $14,995e00 Af~ter Council da~scus~~~n, a mot~.oa~ was mae~~ by Cca~sracilma.r~ S~~er]L~;ng9 ~e~onded by Councilman de L~on a~ad unan.imously ca~ried, a~cc~pt~~g ~h~ l.~~r ~~d ~~E Ryan Ee~uipment Company and autY~o~3z~ng purch~~e ~f a l~~cl~hoe-loader f~e~m that in the amount o£ $14, 995 a O4, which incl~tdes t~~~e-~n al~,c~va~nc~ a REP(~FtT RE o PP,~7EEMENT MARI~ING DENtOII~1ST'RA'~~~1V O~ F`ED~~ I~`~ o~~1E'E~ PbC`~ ~ 97-3 C~.ty Engineer Garcia. rev~.~~aaed wit12 the C~~~xc~;1 his le°t~~~ C~LTRANS apply~.ng for funds under the Fed~ral H~ghway Saf~~y Ac°t of 1973o Unc~er th~ p1~e it is hoped tha°t fundinq for placement of ~aa~s~cl pa~em~nt m~~l~~,~g~ ~ra c~~ta~.n ~~~x~ s~reets in the City can be receiveda REPORT - RECEN.T MEETI1dG OF C~UNTY' W11TER RE30URCES ADVISOiT`~ CdNiNISTTE~ ~ DE LEON ~ouncilman de Leor~ re,ported on the NavemY~er 5th meet3.ng a~ ~e C~a~un~ty G~at~x° R~~ources Advi~ory Ccm~nit~ne, ~t~.ting ~at N~.pc~o e~ app],ic~.~ion ~e~~ ~~~°~e~ i~i~~ie~ ~~eT ~ae~ra er~do~~~d and i~~'~~ ha~~ ~p o~~~ i~ ~1~~~ ~1~ll~r d~~.~~l~y~e~ ~~~~t v~~t~r ~~z~pli~q equ~~ne~~o ~~ur~ciX~ax c~~ ~no~ ~1~~ ~~po~t~~ ~ ~~a7~ic ~ea~ir~~ YaeYe~ iz~ ~~ra~t~ ~~i~ ~e~~~c~i~g ~a~.~ of tY~~~ ~~~~a~~`~ ~~~~~~~~,~~a o~ i -90 ~~~r cou~v~~~ ~~c~~~~~, ~ o, ~ ~7s ~R.xa~o c~L~F~~~~ °a ~~li~~~-n~,~ ~r7~~t~~ ~~o~~~t t~ ~o~t Fi~.~l~~ ~s~t~~ i~h~~ ~~~a~~~ s.~ :ir~ ~a~~~ ~Yt~ wrate~ro Fie al~s~ rev~,~eaed ~~port f~~rn ~~~n~ 1~i[~la~~ ~~e~~~c~.~~n~ ~~al~:c h~~~a.ngo ~~p~,c~~ zc~~ s~~~T rro e 75-~ ~ s (n~r~~~~) m w~~,~7~° o~~~~z~ ~~x ~ r~~~ ~~t~r. En~~.m~~~ G~~c~~ re~:~e~aec~: w~sth tYne ~~ur~~~~ P~.~c~T l~~a A~75-~9~ r~fle~ting a].ot s~~.~~ ~n ~Y~~ ~s~st ~~d~ ~f W~lrau°~ ~~ree°t~ ~~dway b~°~~~en A~1~ and l~pl~ S~reets, a~. r~qu~st~d Tay~ M1c~a ~a ~d Dent}~s~e~ ~nd app~eo~~d b~ ~Y~e ~~~~.n~r~~ ~s~~~~~i~r~o- After ~ounc~.~, e~~~~u~~~:on, ~ m~t~.~x~ was ma~e~e la~ C~unc~~m~~ ~p~~r~~.~c~, ~~c~ncle~ by Co~ncil- m~n de Leoxn ~ncT ~~a.n~,in~u~l~ ca~~~.~clg fsnd~ng L~~ Spl~t Ca~~ Noo 3~~2°98 c~ns~.~gent ra~.th ~he G~r~e~~I Flan ancl ~Pprov~~~ ~aid I,~t sh~~a ~r~ P~r~el l~ia.p AG75-213 e ~~ROi~E s~~IT IJQo 7s'-223 ~~1.~~~~~~g - Nr4~ ~~RN~Et dE` OF2(7 S~ ~I~JASZ~ ~it3r: E~as~gne~~ ~arc~.a ~°ev~ew~d wi~kn_ C~uaa~~~. Pa~°~~Y NTap A~°35~43~, . reflec~~rag a lot sp1~,t ora ~h~ nor~tk~w~~t c~rne~ o~ Or~ D~~,~~ ax~d Hua~r~a Ra~ad, as req~~~~~cl b~r Gar~r B~a.~les and appr~vecl 1a3~ °the Plann~r~g ~~~~.~~~or~o A~~~eet de~3~c~~i~n ~~quirec~ at ~l~e c~rn~~ to p~rnna~t ~ns°t~~lat~~n c~~ a~~aradarci c~rb return (~~d~.~x~ onI.y~ o Af~~r ~~~tra~~~ di~cu~si~r~a a mo~~~n ~a~ ma.~le b~ Ci~aax~~~lman" spie~T~n~, se~ondecl l~y Council,mara de Leon ~nc1 un~n~;mousl~r ~ar~aecl8 ~~,nd~ng L~t , ~plit Case N~m `~5-223 corr~~stea~t with ~h~ Gen~~~l, P~~n ar~~ ~pprs~`r~n~ sa~d Lot Sp1~~ sho~rn on l~arcel Map AG75~3° in~T~di~ng ~~~ep~~r~ce for ~°treet pt~pose~ the corner cu°t-ot~ o9~f~~~cl ~or c~~d~~a~~onD ~k~ich w~~l ~a~ re~l~c°ted csr~ s~~.d ~arcel, Ni~p o ; . : ~,]~P~tOVE ~1~~' SPL~T N~ 0 75~23~ ~SA~~JA~.`41~I~ ~~1D~~~~N°~ Tr1E~"I~FtI~S~ ~O 40 ~ G~~T~ C~ty ~~gir~ee~ G~~c~a r~~r~e~aec~ ~a~~h ~k~~ ~~un~~l P~~~el ~.p ~G75~368y ~~i~l~c~~ng a l~t split th~ s~uth s~,de o~ G~and A~~~~~~ ~.ciyace~t ~te~~e~1.y to 401 ~rean~ ~~e~.ue D~~ r~q~ze~teel by ~~~n~ ~aru~r~°ta~i ~racl ~~p~~~r~c~ b~ t~ae F~lann~.ng Commis~~~r~o Af~.~r Cour~cil di~cu~s~one ~ mo°tiora ~as inacl~ bg~ C~~~°~~ax~ Sp~,~~l~ngq ~e~onde~ b~ ~ca~sncilm~n M311i~ ar2d ixnan~,in~u~l~ ~c~~°ri~ds ~~x~~~,ng I~~ ~p~~.t No. 75-23~ ~ons~s~ter~t r~rith th~ ~erieral Pla.a~ aricl appr~~~~g ~aicl ~,ot ~~3~,~ a~ sho~vn e~r~ ~arcel Ntap ~1G"~5-3~i8 0 , _ - SET S~YJDY ~Es~~C~l~ ~ RECON~TDER~,°IBI~r1 OF° STAGE~OACH 12D~ A~Xo 1~QLT1~~`~°o ~ 0~'~9~a~°~5,4Pot~io Aclm~~a~5tra°tor,: Bu°t~h + reco~¢ner~ded an~l the CounciY ~~reecl, to s~~ ~~'~~~3~r ~e~sion~ a~ 4 PoMm ~n ~Io~~mlaer 24, ~975, ~,o dis~~ss ~~th~s~ ~e~~r~~~d~~-~t~~,°~~a ~ae Stagecc~ach Itoad annexati~n requ~s°to PROGRES~ REPOR'~ - SOU'.TH ~ANf IeLT~S O~~~PO COUI~]~ ~~1I~TI1~'i'~~N DI~~'R~C~ , ~'he ~~~c~l,rec~~,ved, ~e~r~eea~d and o~dl.~r~cl ~~.~.~cl ~ p~ogre~s ~epe~r~ f~~m ~lars°t ~peratar 1vi~,chael Rl~oacle~ ~~ga~d~ng ~~~~h ~~.n I,~is Obispa Co~anty Sara~.t~- tson D~st~~.cto > : Adm~.nist~atar ~z~te~a ~o~nen~ecl , th~t ~he t~eated e~flta~rat ~h~ clear~st :~e l~as e~r~r ~e~n a.ta _ D~RE~T AT3'~RNEY ; T~ Tn7RITE' L~TT~R RE o'~ TD~T~7AI~I~ IN~TP~I~,~'I(~1V T?~°T' 4~ G1~I~TI3 o M~yo~° ~a1~~~r ~~q~~sted ~h~ s°~~°t~.~ ~f ~~c~~~al~ ~a~~~~.Tla°~~~n at ~ ~ 47 ~rax~d _ A~r~n~ae~ wh~ch the c~nly port~~r~ r~o~ ~~de~r~lk~dl as~c~ th~ p~~}~~rty or~er wa~ ~~que~t~cl° to ~oxnply wr~th ~e ~equirement sev~~al mo~~~ ag~ o A~ni~n~~~~a~~r ~xx°~ch adv~.~eel tl~at ~~e~t~r hacT b~~~ ~t~~,~~en to th~ p~o~ser~y ~s~tne~a ~~o Y~~~ ~nd~.~~teci ~r~ ~act~n~~.on: of ta~.riae woulcl be z°~quested in wr~tingy wl~ich h~~ no~ b~er~ ~~~e~vedo ~~°te~ Counci~: d~.~eusss.on, ~~ty .~t~orne~ Ship~eyr ~~s el~recteel to ~~~te ~n adlcli~~on~.1 le°tter ~o. ~the p~op~~t~ o~~r of ~ 947 ~r~rad A~~nu~, aeT~~~~ng °tY~~~ ~ie~~~~~~e- ~ra~tall~~i~rn ~s ~~quired writ,~ira ~~~t~ day~ o ADJOiTI~N1~I~T~' ~n yncat~~n o~ ~c~ur~c~Ym~,r~ S~~~r}~ingy ~~«~rarad~~. b~ ~e~~an~~l~an ~.xad u~ara~,m~~~ly ~ax°~~edg °~he m~et~n~ ac~ j~u~°r~ec~ a~ 7 0 o u~ ~ol~Ym ~ar~~.~l ~ o Oa P ol~~ ~r~ No~re~er 24 ~ 1375 m , _ ATT~STs~ . . ~/.q+T~f*q!~w~n! r/~v p~ r ~ - ~qy~qy/~ . . . 4iii 4~.M . 1'LLZi'ld~ . . . ~