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Minutes 1975-11-24
~---~i C~~Y C~LT1V~~~ I~IC~VEM$ER 24, 1975 A~2lEt0~i~ ~~iVD~ H~X3~,~ ~'~RN~ P, 4 e O U P. Ni m ~~~y v~~~~T ~,n ~~g~z~~r a~~e~u~n~d se~s:ic~r~ vy~°~~ i~yor ~a]:ley ~~e~~d~n~ o Y~7p~~ ~~~,5 ~a~~ e C~~r~~~~ 1v1I~~e~~ ~p~i~~cT~:~ag, I~~~~ ~~cl~~~ge3 and M~,~.~:~~ r~p~~°~~el p~~~~~~~ iaZ~~~7~~~C~ri~ ~E~ ~~'A~C~~1~FI k.~~~a A1~I~~~~°~~1V PEZOPa~A~ ~~~a~a~~~:, ~~r~~~.n~a~~ ~~~~~r p~°~p~~~el St~~~~o~rh 1?e>~d .~~tr~ex~tiean and va~~e~ ~~r~~ric~ ~k~~ ~ ~~~~~i~ ~~c~~,~ed and ~~~ri~w~cT ~ ~~~•r~ f~c~m Directcs~ ~~Y~~ C~T~;~-~~ ~~~~~~~n cl~~~ci r1~~; 2 ~ , ~ 975, ~n~~t.l~d '"W~°~e~ Repc~rt on ~ ~ ~ ~ro~~c~~c~ ~Ta~~~ F~~q~~~°~m~~a,~~ ~r~e~ ~~~~~c~ a.n~a N~~s P~°e~~axz°~ ~or~e°° m Af~er a great c1e~Y ~f c~i~~~.~~~,~~ e~ z?ao~t~~~a w~r~~ rc~~d~ by C~unci~.man Sc~ileg~l ~~e~ondeeT b~ Caunci].rnara ~pie~°~ ~ng ~.n~l ~~dr~imc~~~~.y H~~~.t °~he Ci~~? Council. ~ro~~cT be in fa~roY° caf ~°ec~aras~~~d~~~~n ~~~g~ 3~~ ~~,~,e ~~~ec~o~ ~f F;xbl~c tnlo~ks° l~ep~r~ dated i1/21/75), ~n~sc~.~~~c~ t~~.~ d~~~~,~~~~~ ~ra~°~~x ~°t Te~cra d~ O~°o b~ b~.s~c~ ~ra a reservoa.r ~~~,~~d~ ~~ie ~~~y w~.~~ p~p~ °~Y~e a~zi t~a~ the ~~tg~ ~uou~s3 pa~t~ci~ate in ~~e ~m~~.~~ $aa~,~(~Q ~~d ~~~~~.o~~r~ va~~ld ~~~ea:ved th~ $30Q c~~.st~ibutic~n css~t e~~~~~ °t~Z~ ~a~~~~ °~he p~°o~ect, ~~om ~tYa~s~ ~~mc~s ~n tYie d~s~~ic~ ~~~.t ~~~e~ ~~,R.a~an~a~~ ~'~~+m th~ ~a~~~r s~~~er~o S~~~e~o~~h R~~e3 ~~r~~xat~.or~ pro,~osa~ raas a~:sa d~.sca~s~~d at ~.erag~ho Fif~~~ Ce~r~ra~~T c~~~~u~~~~~g ~ mca~..~~srs caa~ n~acle b~ ~o~anc~lm~n ~pi.e~ling, ~~conded i~3v ~~~a~~~,~~,~ ~T~ I~~~~ arad ~n t~~ ~~Tl~sr~a~a~~ ~c~l~ c~.l~ vo~t~, ~o w~°~e A~~~~ ~~~~~~.I~~~ ~~~e~l~rgD d~ ~eon~ ~~h~,eg~~ and Ni~yc~~ ~all.ey ~~E~ o ~~~~n~~:~,n~~~ M~~~ A~~F'N~a N~~~ ~e ~~~r~;~d D to ~~.~c~~~~~~h Road an~~~a~t:~~a~ ~°~~~ne~~ tc~ ~he ~l~x~r~~a~g ~~~an.~s~~~n ~.t~ ~~~a~~d~~~~~.c~n and ~e~~~z~z~~~.~i~~~ o- D~RECT~dAtS ~ ~I~"`Y R~PR:E~E~~°.~`~~~ F~"e ~Q~~~ ~A~°ER COI3~'~~~° ~P~~R~~~tT~ ~~~a~c~~zr`~r~ ~}~~~r~~n~D ~:Y~e ~~.~,~r°~ ~ep~esemt~~~.v~ o~a ~Y~~ S~ra ~uis ~~~,~p~ GJ~te~ ~eq~~~°~~c1 cl~r~ctian f~~aYri °~n~ ~es~~~°~~ ~eg~xc~~ng ~0~~~3~ ~or ~~rp~.rx~ T~c~~a~~; o g~r~~~al cor~~en~~~ °t~~ ~c~i~~c~,~. r,~~.~ th~t ~~a~ €~~u~c~ s~~.~ w~'~~~° ~z~ ~ y~~~° v~ar ba~~s? bu~ wca~.~~: ~~st aai~ cafit~ I~op~~ co~~~~~n~ c~~ ~.~~~e ~a~~r r~~ ~he w~~~~ o I~IS~OgJRb1~1~~ C2~ a~~~~~r~ of Co~~~ ~.z~~a~ ~~a~~~l4rag~ ~~~e~ncled by ~~~~~n~~lin~.ra ril~~l:~~ ~nd ~a~~,r~~.~o~~~,~ ~~~~i~d, zn~~~~.~~ ~s~~~a~n~cl ~ m 30 PaNi~ ~T~E~"Tm ~ ol t ~ ~ . 17EP~3°1~ ~I~~~ MAY~1~ ~pg~N~~~ NC~~I]ENiBER 25, '~975 ~RI~OIpCa G~A~iL)~s ~~~~"C~~1\f~~i '1"1z~ a ~°~~~~ar ane~~,ang ~a~;~h MI~~~~ ~a~ley pr~siding. Li~ox~ rc~~~. caY~a G~~.~cil ~I ~ ~r~ ~p~~x~~:~nc~s d~ I~~or~g S~hl~~~l a.~d M~~l~s ~~pc~art~c~ p~~s~a~~ ~ ~r~~~~~~rr~~ ~nt~ ~;rt~c~~~~~~~ 1~2~yca~ ~'~~~~3~ ~~d ~t~~ ~~:ed~e ~f ~~.~.~gi~a~c~ ta ~ur' ~'l~g; ~nd i~mrn~c~~~.~~l~r ~h~~~a~~~~a ~~~nr~s.l~~~ ~I~4~,~~ d~~~~°e~~~Y ~Y~~ a~a~~ro~a°t~~nm A:PP~~~7F~, ~F' T~Y~~J°~°E~ m~r~~~~~ ~k~~ ~~e~x~ ~c~~~r~aa~d. zn~~~~.n~ c~~ ~I~~~~znla~ 10 , 19'75 , ~rer~ a~~~~~~d as p~e~~~~~. A~i~~O~TA~ i~'~~12AN°S'~ _ (~r~~~o~~.o~ of Co~xra~~,lx~a~,_c1~.,~~r~~D ~~ce~nc~ed,b~ C~tznci~~n ~ps.erl~.ng and unaraa.m~u~l~ _c.~rr~.ed, Gen~~~: Wa~c:r~z°t~ N~9 4Q52 through Noo ,~1Y~; ira t~~ total asnount of $47, 24,7 e 52:r and Pa~r~°~11 ~ax~e~ara~~ I~« s<5238 thrr~u,gh N~ e 5~36 ~ in the to~al amaunt $3(~ ~~~a:48 m ~2,3 v~c~d ~p~~~r~r~~ ~~~~~~a~ p~~.ele .