Minutes 1975-12-09 9~ CT'TY COUNC~~, DECEMBER 9, 1975 P,RRO"YO GRP,1Vb~, ~ALI~t3RN~~ TY~e Ci~y ~o~r~~~~ m~~ .ir~ ~~g~x~a~ ~~~a~~n ~r~~~. l~aycsr m~~.l~~r p~esidir~go Upon roll call, Counc~l ~I~~~~~ ~p~~rling, d~ L~on, ~eh~.egel. ar~d Ni~l~is ~eported present. PLEDGE OF AIeI~EG~AI~TCE AI~IIJ ~IV~IUCA'T~UN M~yor T~ll~y lecl t1~~ Pleds~e raf Allegian~e ~o our ~`lag; ar~d immediately there- af'ter, Counc:~lm~n NT~~1~.~ d~l~verecl °~~e invoc~ti.or~o APPR.O~IAL dF M~NU`~ES T~~ mir~u~tes of th~ ~~gula~ ~dj~~~ned me~~ing No~r~mkae~ 24t~ and ~he regular meeting o~ Nove~e~ 25, ~975, core~e app~~ved a~ pre~sar~do :1PPROVAL OE' WARR~1I~t"I"~ On mo~ion o~ Cc~~~c~~man dle I~~oaa, ~~~onc~~d by Council~€~r~ Sp~erling and unani- mously ca~ried, Gener~l Wa~~an~s Nom 41ry1 ~h~ougYa Noo 4773, in the ~otal ~mount of $49,235m95, and Pa~rol~ in7a~~an~s Nom 5337 through Noe 5413, ir~ ~he ~otal amount of $26,~89066, wer~ apg~nv~d a~e~ ~~de~ed pa~d~ PRESENfiATIOI~I OF" C~Ft°I"~~'~GI1T~ A1~~~CIA'~IOIV 1~ ~ BEI~7'CI~ ~ONS~"RI7CT~O1V - Ra HUGFiES Ma~ror `~~,7Lley pr~sen~~d ~ plaque, be~~~.r~g a C~~~.ifi~~~e o~ Appreciation, to Rob~~t Hugh~s? ~n~~~~zc°Lo~ ~f G~r~s~~u~~~or~ Te~~n~~~gy o~ Arro~o Grande High School, for the l~en~h~~ he Y~ad st~acl~n~s ma.l~e ~o~ p1a~~ment ~r~ tk~~ cen~~aZ business clistr~.ct o SUPPORT CONT~NiJATION OF FED~F~I~ E2E~I~IQUE SHAFt~NG PRC3G~1vI ~'Ya~ ~oun~~l ~~v~.ewed 1~~~e~~ ~rca~ Bo~~d ~up~~vi~e~~° ~hai~m~n, IC~ejsa and Congr~s~m~~ ~~~.~o~t~t a~zd I~~g~m~~s~n~, r~g~~r~~ng prog:r~~~ ~~:c~~~a7~ R~venue Sharing ~~~le '~he leg~~la~~c~~ ~.s ~~alYed in t~ae ~n~~rg~vea~nm~~~~~ R~la~.ions Committee and Supe~2~='...~o~ I~ej ~a ~t~gge~~ed I~ett~~~~ o~ support fo~ 't~~ B~.~~ be ~~°i~tt~n to members of that ~~mm~~°~~eo A~°~e~ d~~c~xss~c~r~H ~he Coun~~l d.i~e~t~d t1~at ~e~~~~~ b~ wr~,tten to the Ir~tergov~~nn~~r~~~l ~el.~~~or~~ C~~~~~,e~ mem~~~°~y u~~~ng ti~d~~~r x~r~.~~°~~~ ~a~ ~he fed~ral Re~r~n~,e ~h~~ing ~~l~m xEQU~~T As~z~t~~i~~v~ oF ~~~~r ~c~~~~o~ orr z~~~°~~c ca~~ ~~c~r~s~t~cz~ The ~~un~il ~~~d a le°t~~a~ ~~~zn I~t~e°s. Ch~rl~s Fo Coms~cs~~p l~~K~n~ey ~treet, request~ng the C~~3~ t;o aba~d~n ~ po~~~an a~ ~~~eet on Tr~~fi~ Way ~e~~~~ex~°t to 407 Traffic ~ay owrbecl b3r he~°? ~rh~~~ p~~~~.an had pr~v~,~u~~.y b~~n a~qu~~ed b~ ~he Ci.ty before Highv,~~y ~01 wa~ cor~~~.~~~tec~ in ~ts p~e~~nt loca~iona ~'l~e por~ion being requested i~ now e~~ess ~igl~~ w~~rm A~°epc~r~ an th~ ma~t~~ by D~re~'tor of Publ~c Works And~r~on was ~ev~e~,ved, ~rhi~,h o~°~l~ned pr~~~~ct~es ~.hat have alre~dy been relinquished in ex~~~nge fnr c~~b, gu~t~~ ~r~d sidewalk irastall~t.~ono He stated that lett~rs h~.v~ beea~ w~it~~n ~,c~ p~op~.r~~ ~~~~°s on t~a~ b~ock with e~c~ess C~ty righ~t of ~ray fron!tage, tc~ a~~e~ta~n '~l~e%~ inl~e~est in ~omplet~ng ~his po~t~on r~owo A response fram Norma C. Iia~°lo~, 4~7 °T~a~~ic Way was ~e~r~~~~d., c~T~~~l~ ~°ecyue~~~d ~l~ar~fication nf property owne~ ~e~por~s~bil,a.ty ~n ~eg~rcT t~s tY~~ ~el~nqui~3~m~n~o The Cotxric~3 c~~~cv~~~~c~ ma~~t~~ and a~-~~~d ~ha~ ~~e ~eq~xi~~m~nt of curb, gutter and sidewalk ~ns°~~~la~~an b~ '~he p~ap~~t~ ~wn~r ~a~ ~ea~onable in exchange ~~r t~e ~~ces~ p~ap~rty, ~nc~ D~a~e~~o~ o~' ~ulal~c V~~~°ks ~c~~~so~ vJ~.s dire~~ed to so inform t~e prop~~t~ ~wner~o NOTICE 1~fi~S'~ I~OL~CE 0~`~"~C~Ft 543~~E~~R, CHC7SEIQ OUTS'T~ND~NG 0~"~`ICER OF~ THE ~EAR Th~ L~u~~~.~ ~eacl ~~aa~,~c~ ~~~~n Pc~J_i~e C~ ~ef C~a~;k ~dva.siz~g ~k~at Po~.ice Officer Denn~s Se~i~~~~ ~,r~s ~~o~~ra ~h~ ~u~~~~ndir~g O~f~ce~ of ~he ~ea~ ~rom '~he C~ty of Arroya~ ~~ande ~b~ E`~ve C:i~.~.~~~Oce~r~o ~~dg~e Aft~r ~~~n~~.l discussion, a motion w~s marle by ~~~r~~~m~ra Sp~~~l~ng, ~e~o~d~d by Goun~ilman de Leon and unan~.- mously c~.~~ieeT, ~h~,~ ~ 1~~~~~ o~ ~~ng~~~uYa~~.o~~ ~r~d ~asnmendati~n b~ ~ent ~o Office~° Swish~~ b~~~c~ ~ho~e~ t~~~~~at~cl~r~g the ~~a~ ~.ram ~~,e ~ity o~ Arroyo Grande. RECE~~T OF DEPARTMEN'I"~L ~~C?~"I° ~°C9R 1~T~VENIBER, ~ 975 The Council receivedg reviecaed and orc~ered filed t1~e monthly D~partmental Report for November, 1975a 99 C~TY COUNC~~ D~~EN1B~1~ 9p 1975 ARI2dY0 GR7~ND~ ~ ~P,L~~~O~Vf~P, PAGE 2 MUN~ o~ODFy" ~.INE;NI7 a a''.3'~ ~~7~I~CE; ADCj~`~ ~ R~.~'~OIV~ ~~~~8~ U"1~G" `1'C7__ev~~" n~~ m H71I.~GYORT RD m ~~°to~n~~ ~~a~.p~~~r a~~~dl c~' ~r~ ~~c~~rsan~~ ~~re~~c~~.~g t~h~ Mus~~.c~pal. Cc~d~ s~ ~~~~~~x~ ~~a~p~~~~ ~n C~~~; ~.Y~~~~a~~~~, ~ mo~~~n w~~ made by Cnur~~~.5~gna.n M~~~L~~, ~~~~~~~cl ~~~r~~~~..m~.r~ de I~ean ~:nc~ u~animou~~~a ~a~~~.ed, ~o dis}aense;: ~,r~th re~.d~.r°x~} ~1~~ ~~~,~r~~~ ~f ~~~.~r~an~~~ C~~3~1~~N~~ N0 ~ ~ 3~ ~ o ~31~T ~F~D~NI~1N~~ :~E~~ (7~' ~C:3~t~ ~ND~: ~N~I~ID~I~TG A ~GR°T~C~IQ ~;F' ,~H~, Z~I~T'~~G P~P ~k~ aI'I'ii~ ~~'~'1' OF ARFFt0Y0 GF2T~I~1I?~ l~r E~2RED eT"C~ S~~'I°~C~I~I G 2 9 n ~I~APT~R 4 OF ' _ 1vigTl~t~~~~AI~ ~C} t~~ 'I~'.~ ~~~OI~T~ CER`rATN PROPE}.Z~'~ IN ' , `~HE ~~TY ~1,~2~1'~ < ~~IQ~3~ . moti~r°~ c,~ ~our~~ ~~m~r d~ ~~e~r~ e~~~~r~d~d b~r-' Cau~~ ~lman ~p~erlirag and on the follouring' ~oY i c~~l v~~~ 9'tra ca~~ : _ ° AYES: C~un~~~m~n ~p2e~~,i~sgy ~e~n, ~~hl~ge~~ N~iT~,~s ~nd l~ta~rcar Ta11Ley NOES: Non~ , , ~BSENI' . I~~~~ _ _ the for~go~nc~ C~~d~r~a~~e w~~ p~~~~c~ ~z~d ~d~pt~c~ °~i~~,~ 9~~ clay ~f D~c~mber, 1975, D~SCtJSSTOI~T Et~ m~~7A~'E C3~ P~~tEA PI.,F~1~T, ~JOE2~INA'I"~IVG '~G~LIN~~L' S~TO~N`~ POWERS AGRE~MENT `The ~oun~~1 ~e~~a~~~d and ~e~~~~~d p~opo~~d ~~v~~~~~s °~he ~r~~ P~anr~~,ng Coo~din.a~ir~g Coun~il"~ ~~~r°~~ P~we~s.7~~~~~~~~ ~nd ~am~~n~~ ~her~s~n ~~o~ri Nl~~°x°o Bay Cit}~: Adminis~~a~c~~ Mu~~~y 4v~~d~rxu Nt~~ycs~ T~11.~~ ~u~g~~t~cl t~i~~ a~.echnica~ ~dvi~o~~r . commit~~e be up t~ ~~t~~y °t1~~ ~g~~~mento ~our~~~,~.mar~ Sp~.e~l~n~~ Ch~~~man of the A~~a Cc~une~l, ~~~~~d ~~~ta~n a~eas t.~a~t ~~~ar~~~~ B~~~sp~n~~la~~~~ty need ~o be rede~~n~d w~~l a~ ~~t.abla~~hxn~~,~ r~~~~ ~~x~ ~~~a~ty a~~i~ C~ti~s the ~sea Council, ~~'~er ~oun~i~ d~~~u~~~~~~ ~ m~°t~o~ ~~.s made ~i~ Counc~~.m~r~ Spi~~~.~ng, seconcl~cl ~~un~~l.~ar~ i~~,~li~ ~~d ~z~~~k~ns~~~~y ~~~~~edl, ~~zp~~~~ng tY~~ ~°~~~z~tenda'tion tha't T~c,~~~c~~ ~1c~v~~ory: C~mm~°c~~~ b~ es°~~~Y.~~hed t.o ~~~c~y ~h~ ~Te~~~~ P~~r~~s Agree- , m~nt ~f t~a~ 7~~ea Plan~z~.r~g ~o~~cl~.na~:'~rzg ~~~n~~1, ~~~.d C~mmitte~ b~ ~rzad~ one Coun~~l Mem~ber ~°~p~e~~n~t~°~~~~ ~~o~ ~~~~°t~ ~ ~ ~i~~;~s ~ ~wr~ ~~p~ ~~~~~~~~~res - from th~ B~a~d c~f ~up~~~~~~~~, ~1~~ po~s~,b~y ~ne ~~-o~~~c~~ m~m~~~~ ' ~~~:e~.. ~ ~QD~'~i ~~~i" m ~D~i' ~i' ~~'i ~ ~~~~~~a - ~ j ~ ~~~o~~~~.x ~..5 y ~ ~ ~Zo~',~~, ~2 ~a1`J~ ~ , . As ~~qu~~~ed by C~;~~ A~~~~rae~r ~Y~~~s~~e ~ muna~~~,p~~ ~~d~ ~m~~dn~~rr.~ ~~~~~ncl Ghap~~~ 5 s~~ T~~1~ C, ~~g~~c~~ng ~Ious~za~ '~~°a.~I~~~~ w12.z~~ ~an~~~~~~ ~r~~~ ~~r~~r~g O~c~iriance, ~ra~ ~eld ~v~~ 1~~~ ~~a~~he~ ~~ud}ya RESOLUTIOI~T ADOPT~ON - IN~~IV'I° "I'~ ~EMP o~Ia~S~ V~A~KWAY °~C5 PAFcK - C~O~;AEN WES°r PLA~E v~~y ~~tto~~~~ ~hi~se~ ~~~~1 ~12~ ti~~~ of a ~e~o~u°cian of ~r~~~r~~~o~b ~o tempo~~ri~~ close a~~.~k~~,y ~~~d~ng ~c~ Er~~inas ~~~~,t~~ Parlc f~om C~old~r~ We~~ Pl~ce, and s~tt~ng ~ pu}~~~~ l~e~r~,~g ~~,e~eon Jan~a~~ ~3, ~9?~ S;QO 1~eril~, t~e~eafte~, a moti~ora was mad~ ~a~ G~u~i~~lm~n Scl~lee~~~ y~~co~ad~d b~ C~~un~~~inar~ Spier~~nq ar~d una.nimously ca~a~i~de t~a cl~spen~~ ~r~~Ya r~ad~ng ba~~n~e of °~h~s ~e~olu~~ono ~ ~SO£~t7~'~OI~T NO~a ~ ~ 91 ~1' ~.Z~SC?~U~IOI~T C3F` ~1V'I`~I~`T'IU1~T ~C3 ~`~NIP~RP,R~~,~ ~~d~E TIiE ~niP~~IZWI~Y Z'0 EI~TC~NA5 ~OL~t~'~3-15 PA~C ~i~I "~H~ GIT~ O~° AR~ZOYC3 ~RANI3E ~TD F~X~NC~ °I°H~ °T~~'IE ~3D PLAC~E F°OR fiEAR~NG I~a PROV3DED FOF2 BY S`r17EE'I` i & I~I~fi1~,i~S~~ ,CC)D~ ~"ECTTOk~ ~~~C~, ~"I' ~EQm' , ar~ mca~~on, a~ Co~~c~Ym~n d~ ~,~c~~e ~~~c~~d~d Ia~ Coun~i7L~~n Spi~r~ing a~ad on the fo~low~ng s~all c~1~ ~~~,~y ~rc~ ~r~.te AYESe C~unc~7.mm~n. ~~.~.~~1~~~? d~ ~e~~~ S~i~~~s~~l~ I~I~~~~~ a~d Ni~yor T~l~ey 2~10ES . None _ ABSEN"~ : 1Ve~~~~ : . th~ f~regoi~g ~~~~a~~~~~z~ ~~~~~~i ~nd ac~~p~~r~ ~~h c~~.y ~f De~~~e~, ~9Z5e RECC7GNIBI'TON 0~' .7C~~ MOOF2E ~~~e~ B~C;3~CeL~ aA~`~"I'S~ T9~e~G~M ~'he -~aunail ,~~ad ~~t~e~ fr~om ~~~~CS Di.~°~c~tor Gallap s~tata.ng fi.ha~ the Parks & , , _ Rec~eation Commis~ian h~c~, a°~ ~~s ~~s~ m~~~~.r~g, ~~~coc~ni~ed ~o~ Mo~~,e ° s efforts, .in . de~e5~~p~r~e~ ~~i~ ~i~,~i~ ~~~y~~c ~~~~~~~m, ~r~dt ~°~~~~~~i~~es~ 1b~ ~i~t~r~ b~ the C~ty Ct~une~l ~ ~'he C~a~i~s~i~.' ~g~~~rt ~Ix~t ~~rle~ & R~~r~~~~on C~iiit~~~~i.~ne~ l~ao~e has dnne ~ ccsmm~nc~~b~~ ~~b ~ra~~h t~~ ,p~~g.~a~r+ ~r~~ a, r~~~iua~ ~ra~ made ~y Caun~i~.m~.n Spie~ling, seco~id~d by ~~~rz~~~.,~nara Ni~,~.~~s ~a~~ ~xrn~r~a.~+c~~~1,~ ~~.~r~~~, ~~~~gra~z~.ng and commer~d~ng ,,~oe N~~sr~r~' ~ l~~.c~~~~~hip ~rzd ~f~~~i~~ ~,r~ th~ C'~.ty' ~ Bi.~~~l;~ Safet~r P~°ogs~a~• ~~~o CITY COUN~TL DECEMBER 9, "1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CP,L~FO~iN~A ~AGE 3 DISCU~SIOI~T FtE m S~DE[ni:~,;EC ~1Va''I'~1~L~A°I~~ON ~iN I~1E~~ON ~ V3~i~'Z'EL~St' The Counc~.Z ~~~d ~ ~epart ~~°or~ D~.ze~~~~ o~ P~~1~.~ ~a~~~~ ~~zc~~r~on ~egarding the ~esp~nse~ h~ ~a~ r~~~~.~~cl tcs ~.e~~~r~ ~~rat ~rope~ty ~~e~~ ~n p~~~~~n~ of Nelson and Wh~tel~y Stx~e~t~ ~s pr~~~c~~~~y di~~u~~~dm T~~ ~e~id~rats ~rs 4,TYai~e~ey ~.:~d nat f~el sscTevaa~.llc~ we.re n~c~~~~~y ar~ ~Yae~r dead~~n~3 blo~l~o Th~ County ha~ z~~t y'et respon~lede A l~~~e~ ~rom i~s. Si~a T~n~~~~~ ~~r~~a, owne~ ~f th~ un~id~~r~~k~d propert~ mn ~h~ nc~r~.l~ ~~d~ c~ th~ 300 bld~k c~~ N~l~ony ~ndi~~.~ed she dicT na~ ~avor puttir~g in sid~~aalk's o D~~°ecto~ nf F~lic Gl~~k~ ~nc~~~son f~lt ~ic~ewa~,~~ a~e n~~e~- sary c~n N~lson~ bu't n~~ on Wti;i~~l.eym C~t,y Er~~~s~~~~ ~~~c~,~ es~a~m~'t~d ~h~ cost~ of putting ~n side~r~l}cs ~n po~°°t~ora o~ I~~~sar~ n~ed by Mrso Si~a Gar~~a cQUld run from $800 to $°~,000, ~he Cot~ncil d~s~~~~ed th~ m~°tt~~°, g~ne~°a~l}r ag~e~ing it d~d nat wan°~ ~tc~ place ~~inancs,a~ burde~ on NLrso Garc~a~ but ~lz~d ~ish ~o see t'Y~~s portion of Ne~~on s~.dewallted~ ~he C~un~il c~ir~~~~d ~ublic Works D~~~ctor Anderson ~to write l~se Sila Tonasc~a ~arci~ ~o a~~erta.~,n ~the~he~ she would ~ons~der instal.la- t~on of sid~w~lks ~~ong her pr~pe~~y w~th °th~ help o~ the C~ty ~~,nan~ing prog~ama P,U'!'HORIZE S~GNING OE° LE,A~E-PUf2~HP,~E A~REEI~N`I' FOFt "ANDERSC7I~T" F~Rt3P~R~Y The Coun~il ~evie~ec~ ~ report f~~m the Par~Cing & Bus~n~~s ~mp~°ov~ment Ar~~ Adviso~y Baax•cl, ~~qrxes~ing tY~~~ ~he Ci~~ s~gn th~ I,ease Pu~ch~.se ~lgreem~nt fo~ ~he "Anderson° p~operty ~d~~cen~ ~o the a~.ley~~~ F~~~~een ~h~~°~ ~t~°~e°~ and Bridge Street, fo~° ~.he expans~ori of ~1~~ ~en~~a~ Bus~ness D~.s~~ic~ p~ali~ p~rking ~rea~ Afte~ Council d:is~uss~~n, a m~tion wa~ mad~ b~ Co~anc~.lm~n I~Iilli~, ~~~ond~d by Councilman Spi~rling and unanimou~ly ~ar~ied~ ac~ep~ing ~ Le~s~ Pur~~~se Agr~~men~ b~~rae~r~ Dav~cl H, and Clauclia Co ~oomis, Drm ~7m0~ ~nd ~~~aldine P~ncee Ar~d~ew & Ma~garet David; Che~ter Dm & F'~ggy T~o Po~t~~; and R~}ae~~ HE ~ C~~~~yn H~~~y9 T~~sso~~, and the City ~f .1~~~o}r~ G~ar~c1~, ~~~~ee, ar~d au~ho~i~z~.r~g the M~y~~ ar~~ ~~~~r ~~~~k ~o sign saicl Agr~~m~nt on ~ieh~.l~ e~f ~1~~ ~~~y~ ~~r ~h~ pr~~~~~~~ o~ ~11 ea~ ar~c~ portions of Lots 4y 5y 6 ar~d 8~f the 1Vevada T~a~~ ~n ~he To~ o~ A~~~yc~ ~~a~d~e ~a~th ~h~ temt o~ saici Agreemer~~ be~ng f~om Aug°u~°~ ~ 9, ~ 975 Nlay ~ 98 ~ ~ RECE~PT 0~ CAL9IFORN~A G07~~'I`AI~ PI~I~T ~'ROI~I ~'FiE C1~T~IE`. COASTAT.o Z~I~TE C~'~I~~EliVA~~ ~CJ~']MI~SION ~dm~,ni~tr~tor Bu~,~h d~~~~.ibu~~d to t,he ~o~~~~ cap~~:~ t~~ ~~;k~°~a Coastal Flan ~rom 'the Cali~o~n~a ~~~sf~l Zone ~onse~°vat~on Ca~i~~~~r~ D a:~,~ ~~~e~~.y~ reviewed ~he portion pe~~ain~r~g ~he ~en~~a~ Caas~a ~t wa~ ann~~~~~c~ ~opi,es of ~h~ P.lan can be pur~has~d f~om ~~e Do~~xn~n~~ and Publicat~or~ B~~~c~ ~~,~~aagnen°to for $4m50. REPORT - RE~ENT ~N~N1A~ ~ONTFZ~Z; MEETIN~ °~he Cdunci~ ~ev~ew~d ~ ~~pc~~+~ f~om ~o~i~~ C~ie~ ~l~~k ~~r~a~°e1~.ng a re~~~~ Ar~imal Cor~t~ol m~et;~ng. App1~c~.°~~~ns fo~ ~ 376 c~~g l~~en~~~ ~~e be~~g ma~,led ~to persons ~nrho purchased 1975 ].~~emse~ a~d nume~°ou~ rabi~s ~lira~c~ have beer~ ~~heduled throu~ho~tt the Co~zr~ty ~n Jan~~~y ~ Q, 'S 376 m The Goun~~I bra~~fl~ cl~,~~u~~~d ar~zma~. ~c~ntrol ar~d ~ugg~st~d th~t ~ su~ima~izat~~n of th~ ~~~y" ~ An~.m~I C~rt~c~i O~d~raarace be ~n~luded ~n a futux~e Ne~rslet~e~ and °~~a~ ~r~te~ ~i3~lings ~0 9~e ~~n~: ~oward the end of th~ ~ear ~n~Iud~ a~~~mp a~e~~ing a~e~ c1~ag owa~e~~ ~f th~ 5,~cer~s~ng ~°equirem~r~~s ~ RESOLm ADOP`To-~QtJ~~`T BOARD OF SIJP~F~i~~~C7~S 'I°0 PEf~Nt~`T SER~7~CES R~m IJIt7I~T~o ~ZEC~~C7IV ~ity At~~arne~r ~h~p~ey ~~~d ~h~ t~,°tle a r~~olu~~orz req~e~~~..~g ~h~ Cou~~y Ba~x°d caf ~uperv~.s~~s p~~m.i~ °~h~ C~un'~y Cle~k- ~o ~°~r~c~~~ sp~c~~~ed se~~ra,~~~ relat~ng to ~he g~ne~~.l gnur~~~ip~l ~~,e~tion, ~.h~~~af~~~ y a mo°~~on wa~ ~acl~ 1~~ Counc~.lman Schieg~l,, s~c~~dec1 b~r Counc~l~nan d~ ~,eon and u~an~mously ~~~ried, 'to dis}aense t~i.th r~acl~ng °th~ balaa~c~ o~ ~h~~ ~~so~utior~a 1~SC~~„LT~~Olv ~TC)a ~ ~~~2 A R~~OT,i7TION OF" ~IE ~I'~~ C~~V~~L O~` ~'H~ CF I~RRc'~~O G1~NDE REQUE~2'ING `.PHE B~ARD C~~" SiJPERt7T~C5R~ C3~° 'TIiE ~Otl'I~T~'S~ OF ~P,1~I Is[T~S f~B~~PC7 `I'O ~EF2M~`T' ~I°I~~ ~(~~T~ C~ERx t~l ~AI.D CC~i7Iv~~" 'T'47 RE1~D~~ S~~C~~~ET~ 5~1~~T~~~a "~'t~ ~'Ei]E ~I~.R~~O ~1~~I~B~ F~S~'~'~IQ~ ~ aI'HF CQNDUC`T OF` A GENERP~Ig Nl~~~~PI~I~ ~~EC"I"~~~ TO B~ EiELD ~IQ ~~~I3 CI~'Y ON 1~RCH 2, ro 9'~6 0 On motion of Ccauncilman Schlegel, seconded by Counc~.lm~n Spierl~.ng and on the following roll call v~t~e~ ~c~ w~.~.; AYES : Coune,°~1.m~~ ~~~~~~~.~aC~ g c~~ ~d~~r~, w~~iL.~~g"~~ y M~~~,~ ~~zac~ 1~~y°~r T~~.~,~y N~~S : ~1one P~BSEl~'fT: No~~ ~he for~go~ng ~t~~~Zu~t~~~ ~r~~ ;p~~~~c~ ~~e~ ~e~~~a~~r~ ~h~~ 9~ e~~~ D~~~m1a~~, ~ 975 ~ ---1Q1 CITY COUNCI~ DECEMBER 9, 1975 ARROYO ~RAND~, ~A~2FORN~A FAGE 4 R~~OL'U'T~ON 7~D(~F"~7CON -~7~~If~I~TG I~ItJIV[~~~~'I~L ES.;ECT~GI~T OI~T 1KARCH 2 g ~ 9'7~i Cit~ A~to~ne~ Ships~y r~ad th~ ~~~1~ c~f ~~e~clu~~~n c~llirig ~ Niur~ic~pal Ele~tian t~ held on Mar~h 2, ~976; ~~ereaft~r, a moti~x~ ~ras macT~ b~ Councilman S~hl~g~l, ~e~ond~d by C~un~~lm~n d~ I~~~~ ~nd unarss~mnousl,y c~~°~ied, t,~ d~sp~nse ~,rith readinq the ba~ar°hce of ~h~~ resolu~io~~ ~~O~,iJTrON NO m ~ ~ 93 A RE~OIeUTIC3N OF` TH~ C~~~ ~OITNC~~ OF° `TFiE ~~Tly OE° ARROYO ~RAI~TDE, CAIe~F°ORNIA, CALT~~NG ~1~TD ~~~T~NG NC3TIG~ OE` ~HE HOLDIIQG OF A ~ENERI~I~ ~'fUN~CIF~I, EL~C'I°~CSI~] ~'0 BE Fi~I~D ~I~7 aA2? ~~'1'SC ON TUESDI~Y ~ THE 2ND DAY 0~° l~1ARCH~ °f ~iC ~ FOR ~'FiE ~~EC~`ION OF CERTAII~I OF`F°ICERS OF SA~D CITY A~ REQUIREI~ BY THE PFtOV~S~ONS OF° '~HE LAWS OF' THE STA'~'E ~F° CAL~F`ORI~~.°~. I~LI~TII~1G TO GENEI~P,L ~;ACn~ C~TTES o On mo~ion of Councilman d.e L~on~ ~~conded by Cauncilm~n Spierl~ng and on the following rol~ call vot~, to ~nri~: AYES: Counc~lmera Sp~~r~~,ng, c~e I;eon, S~hlegel, M~ll~s and Mayo~ Tall,~~r NOESe N~in~ ABSENT e N~rie i~~e foregoing Reso~uti~n wa~ pa~~~cl and a.c~op~~~. ~,h~~ 9~Ya da~ o~ Dec~mb~~°, 1975m NOTICE RE e APP(;~N~'ME1~TT OE` PI~ANN~.I4G COI~'I~S~~OI~IERS TO AGm PFtESEFt~7E COMM~TTEE As a mat~er af in~orm~~i~n, ~h~ C~unc.~1 w~.~ ~dvi~ed tha~, Planr~~ng Commissa.on~~s Gene Moo~s ~:ncl ~~Yen R~e~ c~~re a}~pca~n'eed ~o ~he Ag~~~urtu~~l P~ese~e Comm~.t~ee m RECETPT OF° NOt7EMBER °9 2TH MEE~`~1~TG M~NUTE~ OE` H~N REI~~IC~N~ ~O1~II~~~OI~T ~h~ ~c~uncil ~ece~:vedD r~~iewed anct o~d~~ed ~~Zed, ~Yz~ ~h~ I~~v~mber 12th m~e°t~~~ of t~e Hizman Re~ations Commi~~~~n o~ ~outh Sar~ 5~~:~.~ ~b~v;~~a ~~ur~tyo ~t was no°~~d ~~~~t °tY~~ ~omm~ss.ion be~omi~g m~~~ ~nd mo~e ~x~~~1~r~c~ a~,~. s~o~ur~~~~ drrent~dm APPROVE LOZ` SPLIT N6a 75-229 ~ 1~IYR°~T~E STR~ET - AD.~1~ City Engineer Ga~~~~ ~~v~e~reci ~r~tl~ °~~e Cauracil Parcel IKa~ ~~°J~-°3~~~ r~fl.~ct:~ng a four par~~T lo~ spli~ ~r~ ~he r~~~°~h ~ide of My~t~e ~~re~~ vic~ni~.y cf Noguera Pla~e, a~ reques~~d b~r Der~~or~ Adam~ ar~d ap~~~ved Planning Comm~ssione A pa~~el. o~ 21,500 ~q~za~e f~e~ ~n ~1~e ~~e~~C ~~cl ss b~~~a~ o~te~ed to t~e Ci~y toge~the~ ~it~ 0 f~ot f~,ac~d ~or~~.~ol ~x~d ~~°~ek ]aarak m~ir~t~na~~e e~sement alon.g the cr~~lc m Al so a or~~ ~~o~ ~t~~e~ ~edica~iora c~n My~~t~e is be~ng r~quired ~y th~ ~i~y to accomodat~ a s~x f~~~ s~dewal}ca Mx~o AcTe.m~ ~aas pastec~ a cash bond for the sidewallc ~,nst~l,la~iona ~afte~ Co~anc~l dis~u~~~~r~, a m~ta.on was made by Coun~ilman Sp~ex°l~ng~ ~e~or~c~ed b~ C~~snc~~m~n Millis and unanimously ~~rried, finda.nq I~ot ~pl~..~ C~~e Nc~o 75~~29 c~n~i~~ten~ wa,th th~ Gerae.~°a~ Plan a~d Zoning Ord~nance of tne Ca~t~; ~pp~ov~ng ~aid Lo~ Sp~i~ as show~ c~n ~a~cel Map AG75m388, and a~cepts,ng o~ beha~~ o~ ~~e C~t~ ~ne foo~ ~~~ee~ d~cl~.~~~t~on clena~.ed as Pa~°~el ~~B~~ , the 10 f~ot flc~od ~c~r~trol ~rad ~~~e3~ m~inf~r~an~e ~as~n~n~, and the cree~C area denot~d as Par~el ,°A" ? a.1 ~~s ~~.c~s~ on ~aid P~~c~l l~p o In ans~re~ ~:o a Cn~xnc~lm~n" s que~~~~r~, ~~~~r Er~gin~~~ G~~~~.~ ~ta~ed t1~a~ ~he 10 foo°t easement along th~ c~e~~C ~s ~h~~ per the Pa~ceY Ma~o Di~cus~.~o~a was held, but nc~ conclusi~rn a~~ived a~ ~~g~~d~r~g ~~~;~n°~~,on of an e~~emen~ a~ong this p~~~t~on of ~~eek, ~houl~ it~ ~~~ation ~~ar~q~ ~y na~u~al causesm REPORT - RECEI~TT C(7UNTY V~]~TEI2 FZE~O~IftCE~ FiDV~SORY ~OMMIT`I°EE MEE"~I1VG Co~ancilma~ de I~eon ~~poa~t~d on ~he T3e~~mb~~ 3~d mee~~ng af ~k~e ~~unt~ Cnla~te~ ~ R~sour~~s AcT~ri~o~°y Comm~..°t°~e~o H~ Y~~ci ~~~n ~n~bl~ ~sr ~~~enc1 °th~ mee~~ng, ~aut he had as~ertain~d tha~ the O~e~n~ test w~11 had be~n ~eport~d on, as ~r~ll as a~eport b}~ Rob S~rong regarciing ~rog~~~~ of th~ ~,~1~~'orni~ Wate~ Pro~~cto ACCEFT PA~MENT TOWARD OF'F-~~REET PARICIN~ REQU~F2EMENT ~I~ ~ ol~ o D o - POI~II~T Ae ~°ee~mmerad~d ~y Plarana~r~g D~~°~c~a~ Gallop, a mats,on wa~ macle by Counca.lman Spierling, second~d by Councilman de T~eon and unan~:mous~.y carried, accepting $2,000 from Martin Polin, 1026 Cho~~o 5t~eet, San Luis Obispo, in payment ~ov~ard off-street p~r~~.r~~ ~ec~ui~ed. °e'he ~u~.~.~i~a~ he owr~~ ~r~ ~~5~ 1~~~~.ing ~~i~e~~~ne~~ D'let~~.~~ at 103 Bridge Street, and auth~~izing th~ ~iayor and Cit~ Glerk to s~gn ~~e Acknowledge- ment of said paymen~ ~nd caff-str~~~ pa~lt~ng ~redito Y~.o~ CITY CQUN~~L DECEMBER 9, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA PAGE 5 NOT~CE RE. TNTEN'T °TO ~NTOVE 12EDWOOD TREE ON [~TALNU"I' ~TREET The Coun~il reviewed, as a matter of information, a repor~ from D~rector of Public Works Ander~son ~cegarding the necessarSr remo~ral of a r~dwood tree a~ 249 and 251 Waln~xt s~ree~, v~nieh is distrx~°birig the dri~r~~aay and side~ra~k ~here, causing a public hazarda The property owner, Frank Lewis, owner of th~ property on wh~ch a portion of the tree is loc~.ted, has signed a statement ~cequesting ~emnval of said treeo D~.scussion ~ras held by the C~uncil regarding ~he removal, and it was determined that in this case there is no alternative in alleviating the hazard. NOTICE RE. OPENING OF SOCZ~ SECURITY OFFICE IN CITY Administrator Butch adv~.sed that a Social Se~ur~t~ Office w~ll, b~ open~ng in the City-owned Sho~t Street bu~lding after th~ first of the yeax~. ADJOURNNIENT On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded b~r Councilman Milla.s and unanimously carried, the meet~ng adjourned at 8:37 PaM, ATTESTm ~ CITY CLERK MAYOR