Minutes 1976-01-13 ~ 10~~7 C~~TY ~Gx~7N~~"L ~A~U.°4R~ i 3, 1976 AFtFtC31~C~i G~IrTD~, CAT,,:~~'~~R4~~, The ~a~~nv~~ t~~~ ~~g~Y~~ ~~~~~o~ ~r~~~i i~~s~r ~'al~.~~ ~~°es~d~~~ a LTp~n ~~~.1 ~~~1, ~~~~c~~ M~xr;~~~~ ~p~~~~Y~r~~~ cl~ Le~n, ~cY~7~~~~1 ~r~~ Ni~ll~s ~°~~~~~~d ~r~~~ntq ~~]EDGE ~F A~,I~~~~I~1VC~ ~3~I~3 ~I~~~~T~C~11~I l~y~~ ~k~~ F~~~~g~ s~~ ~~l~~i~n~e °t~ ~~x~ ~~~g a ~ndl ~e~l.~a~el~ ~the~°e- ~~~~r, C~~r~~~.?~~ra M~,~,~~~ ~~~~,~,r~~-~~. ~Y~~ ~ra~w~~~~~no AP1~~OVAId OF Nlr~i7~."~~ `~'he m.~~~a~~~ ~~~~ine~ ~~e~~~~~ 23p ~975, v~~~e ~~p~oved as p~ep~.~~d m ~F'R(7~P,L (~F' CnT.~R~,l~'~~ C~n m~~t~~r~ ~~~x~~~~~r~~ ~~~r~, ~ec~~cl~d b~r Co~cilm~r~ ~,~~.e.~l,~ng ~nd ~znani- m~u~l~r ~~~~~~cl c~~~ '~'~~~°~a~ts 1~~ a- 5521 ~l~o~~n No m 571 ~1, ~a~ °~l~e ~Q~al a:mount of $59?944~92; aa~d ~en~~~~ G~~.r~°~,~~~ i~~. 4~~3 t~~ugh N~e 4268, in the to~,al amaunt af. $9, 670 0 35 , w~~e ~pp~~+~~cl ar?d o~d~r~e~ p~~d e T~TTER ~F' A~PRE~~.~I'.L~1~T ~°F~C3~i ~ a~3. C o I~ ~~OUNCIIa REP1~~aE1V~A'~I~lV - D~ ~E(~1V T'he ~o~un~~Y a. ~~~~er ~f apprec~at~.on f~om ~he Bc~ard of Dire~°tors o~ °the ~~onc~m~c Op~or~~r~i,~~ ~~~am~~~~Un o~ S~.n ~~~.s Ob~~}~~ Coun~~, reg~~ding Counc~:lman de ~~~n° ~ decl~.~~~~~. ~~r~~e~~ °~ha~ bc~a~d du~~ng ~Y~~s C~~y ° ~ °term of ~ep~e~entat~or~. ~u~rx~~~z~ ~~~~,~c ~~~~o~~s ~~~-~~~rr~oz~ c~~~ : 2/a~76 Th~ ~m~~c:.~, ~~~i~~ae~ I~~~~z~~ f~~om Cystic F°ibr~sis Fo~zndl~t~.c~n ~°eques~~ng ~p~rr-s~~l ~oz° a ~Y~e-~-~'h~r ~a~~y~ a~ ~ ~~nd rai~ing ~cren~ ~o~ °the F'otand~.tiano - A~r~~ of ~.k~e pr~~o~e~ ~~u~~ ~r~~ ~e~i~~re~g w1~a~~h w~l~ us~ c~ty ~~~~~°~s between the 7~Ele~~n ~r~ °~h~ ~~a~~:, I~ ya~~.ic~ ~~~.i~1~ ~iY.l 3e~d ~Y~~e }a~ls~~~ ~tl~~'o~agh towno ~.~a~~e C:h~~:f C~.~~l~ h~~ -~~~c~~~r~ded ~ppra~~l c~f ~hi~ ~~egues~o ~f~~~ C~urb~i3 discus- ~io~, a me~~~n ~a~ ma~cl~ b~ ~~t~r~:c~,~~an d~ Les~n, secor~d~d lay ~o~xn~~lznar~ Sp~erl~ng and unanimau~~.~ ~:~~~s.~ci, ~~°~:s~'t~ng ~~~~d~ ~~rm~~ ta tl~e ~~s°~s;~ E`ika~~~~~ ~`~undation ~or ~ B~.~c~-A-~'l~~z~ t.~~ ~r~ F`e~~~x~~°y 8, ~976 frorn 9.00 A.Ma t~ 5:~0 ~eMo r,E~'~'ERS ~~C~R'~' ~~,.~T T:~~t~~ Ii~~3C+1~ IJ~V~~C)~~1VT gRC~~E~T 'Phe Ca~~~~~1 ~~~d ~ Te~~~~ fic~~ °~he Avila Va~l~~r A~~~~~ry :~~~~xe~~~ng ~up~~~t t~a~~ ~~y° cn~~~~c ci~~~~~~~a~rr~n~ ~t ~o~°~ ~an ~e put ~h~ v~~~ ~°~'~~~~ns ~ri~t~~,n t~he H~la~~ ~3~~~re~~~~ ~ ~~~te~ ~nsl ~n~~~nea°t~~n wer~: ~~~s~ ~~~e~~r~e~ ~r~~i ~~ard ~f Cc~~nm~,~~i~ra~~s ~a~~ ~~t~~ Fi~~bo~ Dis~~ic°t, r~ga~cl~r~g k~~vaa t~s~; ~~:~j~c~ pl~.ns wr~re ~le~e~eped ~ur~a~~r~c~ ~~e p~a~e~°~o T~e ~~uza~~~ d~~~~n~d ~o t~e ~~t~oxa ~n °~h~~ m~~~~~~ ~''~'~['EFt i~ . C~~T`T`~1'~UA7C~~llE7 t5E' 1~`~EftT~T~ ~IT~Ft~NG PRt3GF~AM - SEN~`~~~ ~T~TS'TOI~ ~'he Co~r~~a~. ~°e~d ~ l~°~t~~ f~c~m ~en~~G~r C~~nst~r~ ~it~.n~ h~,~ ~uppo~~ ~o~ the ~~z~~~r~tz~~~~an ~f ~k~~ ~°~c~~~~l l~~~enu~ ~k~~~i.~g P~og~°~mm A ScY~~dule l~st~r~g en~t.itZe- ~~n~~ ~~~e~.vee~ ~1~~~ kay ~~e ~~~zr~~y S~n ab~~po ~.rad ~r~.th~;ra ~.t wa~ a~~a ~°e~~~~r~d ~nc~ ~~~~~~~cl~ ~IVF0~2M~TT~N R~o ~I~I)1`~I~~ ~~~Tr~T AC'~° - Du1~o`~ t~E°E~~C~ C~~~r ~ti~~;~~~~.,~ ~~i.~~~~ ~°e~~~~r~d ~~°kh ~1~~ ~~axr~~~~ ~ m~n~~~rrd~ ~~om San L~x.i~ ~ba~~p~ G~~zn~~ I~~~t~~~t ~'~~.~t~~ ~~~~~~~ng am~nc~ie~t~ t~ae ~~~wrr~ relat~~.n~ p~~~icul~r~~ ~tcs Fxeeu~~~;~ Sev;~~.~r~~e ~~.~c~ ~a~rzclmen~s l~~~r~g ~~~e~~~~~ ~~r~~a~y 1, 19"16a ~'RE~~I~TTA`.P~~N R~o X~NZ~, ~~E~~"~~t7I~4 R~ic,I~TE`~~I°~~I`I' ~~"~E1~3~ M~s ~~7~~°~e~a~ y~~z~i.~~~~ ~~m1a~r o~ ~T~~~ ~rea ~o~ th~ J~an B~t~~i~ta d~ Anza Exped~~~~n reen~~~m~xa~~ p~~~~~~ ~ncl b~~~~'l.y re~ri~wa~d °~h~ ~cau~c~ c~~ ~the exped~.- tio~ ~.neT hc~~ c~s~~~s ~r~e~ cr~~rr°~~~~ ~.~r~ p~~~~c~~~°t~, ~r~t~~h ~he u~g~d~ TYne ~ouncil ayr~ed ~o ~e~ ~~C~ ~~~ed~~e~~n ~~a~~~ Grarad ~~en~~ ~f ~k~~y ~s~ de~ired, ~r~d ~,~o k~~~,te ~ p~~q~x~ ~~~~~y ~~,~zn ~l~i~ ~~~y~ D~P~R~I~;~t~~~ ~~~~i~"~ Ia~~~i~E~, ~ 9~5 T~~ D~p~~trn~~~~l ~~p~~~ D~~em~e~b ~9'7"a~ wa~ ~~~~~~~d la~ ~~xe ~auneil, ~e~ie~aec~ ~~c~ ~;~c~~~~c~ ~~l~c~m ~ ~r~~ ~~p~~~~d ~h~~. ~~i~ ~~~~~°~~~~rn~ °tk~e high s~hool ~c.ennz~ couz~~ b~~~ ~~a~i ~he~ in us~ ~no~ni~ngo FUR7CHE]R DYSCU~~~OIIeII F~ ~~~DE~F,~ REQi7E~~' ONN ~n1fi~~EI.~S~ AI~TD ~~SC)~T MAT~'E~2 StJSPENDED Directo~ o~ ~~x]bl:~c W~~ks And~~~~z~ repo~°ted tYaa°~ a~°~~pa~~~ in ~egard to sid~- w~~lk~ ~he C~~~~y Y~~c1 ~e'~ N~l~~r~ a~~d Whi~+~lu~y ~a~d ir~di.oa~ted they have ~n fu~d~ bud~e~~d f~ ~~u~'~ w~u~c1 ~~~.~~.de~ it ~or thi~ nex~ ~~.~~al yea~° budge`t. S, Mo ~'a~~~~~~ C~~~~;~.~,, ~f ~Y~~ ~n~iel~walk~~ prap~r~~r om Ne~.sc~n l~~tvaeen Wh~,~~l.e~ ~~ac~ M~s~~a, h~~ ~,nc~~~~~~c~ ~c~ ~~~~~~~t in~t~~l. ~~dew~lks ev~n with th~ ~~~y~~ ~i~n~~~~.~~ ~~c~ ~s~~s~~~~¢ ~~e~~° t1~i~d H~ fu,z°~:h~~° pesinted ~ut to the Coizr~~a.1 °~1~~°~ ~f ~h~ ~r~~~~ll~~~.~~ ~ra~~d c~~a~akal~ ~°equ~r~d un~~~ an impro~rem~nt di5tx°ict. ~c~unAi~ cla..~~.i~~~:~i~z~, ~a~~ ~~n~~~Y~y ~g~eedl ~te~ c~rc~~a ~h~ mat~er "or rtovr and review %t when ~.h~ c.c,~r~~~r ~ s ~.c~.rps~rat.~rar~ }r~°c~ an~~e~ ~nd °~Y~~ a~~~ ~mp~~~red~ ~"JJ C~TY CdTJN'CIL JANLT~RY 13, 1976 ARRUYO GRAND~, ~A~,~~"~I~t~r~ PAGE 2 PUBLIC ~IEAR,II~T~ - C~C9~LT~~ O~" ~i1~I~K~n7AY °.~Cy ENCY1~fAS B~I~YTTA~ I~ARK - E~~O~bT"I"ION ADC7P~'ED Admi~is't~at~~° ~~~;~h bx~.~f~.~ ~e~~~~sed ~he bacskg~oaand to a r~quest tkaat the ten foca~ w~.lkwra~r f~~om ~ld~x~ i~~~t P~ t~ E~ac~raa~ Bc~rai~~s Pa~lc b~ c~.ca~ed ~to ped~st~ian traff~.~4 The P~~k~ aracl ~~~~°~~~~.c~n Coznmmz.~~~~n Ysa~ appx~ved ~t~mp~o~~.ry abandonm~n~ of t~i~ walk~r~:~r a u~ZC~sa k~~ia~~ ~~~ez~~c1 by ~he Ci.~~ Gle~ck tha~ all rec~,ui,r~m~nts ~s pa~ovided b~ 1aw ~egar.d~ng ~xo~kif~~~~or~ e~:E ~a~a~~ng l~~v~ b~~n ~~r~pla.ed wi~Y~, M~yo~ Tal.ley declared ~he h~a~~ne~ ~per~ ~nd ~,1.1 ,}~e~~c~z~~ w~~z~.d naw b~ hea~cl ~o~ ar again.st tla~s aJ~~ndonment. N7~a G4 I~~ l~~d~~~, 40 s~~c~~ra t~~~~ F~~.~c~, ~pc~l~~ in favor caf ~.k~~ ~ez~por~.ry ~losrare a ~her~ b~~rsr~ r~o i~u~~th~~° p~~.~.~ ~:i~cu~s~csn ora ~Yaiy matt~r, 1May~r Talley declared ~he h~ax~inc~ ~~.es~~d. Afte~° ~~arar~~il dxs~uss%o~, C~ty Attcsrney Ships~y rcead the title of a re~oltzt.~ora ca~c~e~ir~e~ the t~znpa~ary ab~:ndonment of a walkway ira ~.he City; there- afl:era a mio~iora w~~ made by ~oun~~lman ~chlegel, second~d by Councilman M~.llis and unanimously ca~~°iec~, ~o dispesa~~ ~r~.th reading tFie ba~lance of this resolutionm R~S~LiJTION NOm 1196 A RE~O~U'~~(~1Q TH~ ~Y'I~ COUNCTLe OF' `I°HE CITY OF A~2Et0`S~0 ' GRANI7~ ~'7CI~TD~1~Y~ 1~1VD DI~TEI~NT~I~I~NG TI3AT TFiE CER°I'AIN WALKWAY 'T'U ENC~NA~ BC1V~T'1~S P~',FZTC Y~ UT~TI~TECEa sAR3~ ~'OI~ PRESENT STREET PLJR~~ sE~ 1~.I~TD OF2I9~FZII~TC~ 7N~ TEl'2~OE~R"i' CIat)SiJFtE O~ SAII) WAL,KWA3C . On rro~a~~r~ ~ounc~~ma~ c~~ ~,~one seconcled by Cauncilman Sp~.erlirsg and on °tTze follo~ring ~ol~ ~al.l ~o~e ? ~o ~~,t e .~YESe ~~aaxg~~l~ra~a; ~~Sie~~~,~,s~, de ~eony ~c~1~geY, Niil:~.i~ ~nd Niay~r Talley NOES e 1~1or~e ABSENT: Nane the ~oregoinc~ R~s~alu~~.~x~ ~as p~s~ec1 and ad~}~°t~d '~hi~ ~~th da~y o~ ~'~ra~ar}r, 1976. EXCEiANGE O~' E~CE~~ PI~~PE13~'i' 7E`~~ IIKPROVEI~NTS (T~E°~C V~~1Y) ~ R~F`EE~ 1~IIeANNYNG CO1~IMo Aclministra~o~ But~h rev3,~~~~ °the reque~~ previously re~~~.~e~ frcam l~°s o C~tarles F'e Comstock for e~c~~s C~.ty rigl~~ o~ way or~ Tra~~ic [M11ay, ~nc1 th~ Co~a~cil o s d~~t~xmina- tion ~h~t ~.mp~ov~m~n~~ ~aos~lc~ b~ ~°~q~a~red sn ex~harag~ for t~se p~op~~~y~ i~~ti.~~~~or of Publie Trdorks Ander~c~n st~~~dl t~~~ l~tter~ maa.7Lec3 t~ o~h~r p~°o~s~r~~ f~~z~~iraq on ~a~cess City ~~~ht of c~a~r or~ Tr~ff~c Way, hacT r~a~t ~ncli~at~d ~n~ ~~~~~~s:'= t~ included in a d~.~~r~ct t~ ~~c~mpYis~a the p~rsper~y ~xcl~,ane~e f~r °the w~laa~e ~,t one tim~ o C~.ty A~t~rn~~t ~~ip~ey ~~tat~~i tl~~t a r~sol~tion wzaulcl ha~~ t~ ~a~ adc~p~~d calling a public hea~a~ng the ~att~~, after w~i~h th~ e~ch~r~ge ~aa~ la~ m~:cle wh~r~- ever improv~mer~ts ar~ p~t ~.ny ~~qu~~ed, After C~uncil dis~~ssion, a m~ti~ra was made by Ce~tanca~lm~n ~p~~r~i~~D ~~~ond~dl b~ C~aunc~lmar~ de Leon ~nd un~~~srac~rxsly car~~.e~, z°eferring the reques~ o~ I~so Cl~a~~~s ~°m Comst~ck fo~° the ~:band~nan~nt of ~ port~.~n Af Tra~fic Way, to th~ PY~.r~r~~,n~ ~~~~~~s~~n ~o~ i~~ c~a~s~der~°tion and recomm~nclata.ons. PRESENTATION FZEe AIVIMAL ~~UI.,~T~'C7N ~OII~ITFt~1~~' - ~IIaVA M7r o Georg~ ~il~a e D~r~c°~~r ~f' tl~e Coun~ty An~mal Reg~l~°tio~k D~par~ment, ? reviesnr~d wi~th tl~~ Counc~l th~ p~~po~~el ~~ntra~t f~~ An~mal Cont~ol. :e~v~.ces for 1976~7~, wYtx~Y~ l~a~ b~~n r~vi~~d f~om tY~e current ~~ntracto Fie rev~ewed recornmenda-- tions he Yaad ma~e to I3c~~.r~1 0~ ~tz~~~v~~or~ and th~ ~~~°t~ o~ the p~og~am to the Cit~r thi~ y~~a~° ~r~d c~asts p~~~ec;~~d fo~° ~th~ ~o;mira~ ~E~.s~~1 yeara The Caur~cil di~c~zssed °~he p~°og~am a~ leng~.l~ ~aith ~ir o~il~ra, including the proposed Count~r ~im~~ C~n°t~ol. ~a~~~~~y; tYae ~eass.bila,ty af sulamstat~oxas r and the pr~jected co~~s to e~;~~a rs~ ~~a~ ~~~~e~ ~nd ~he cou~ty for ~Y~e ~nimal control servic~es. Pr~jected o~rerall ~o~t t~ A~°r~~c~ ~~~~ac~e ~.rs~l~z~ing ~°e~~rxu~ prs~j~ct~or~ ~S,SOOo The p~~jec~ed c~~~~a~.l ~r~~..~1 ~c~nt~°ol ~t~d~~°~ t3~e raex~ fis~~:l ~ea~° is $~95,000, w~hich is ~tric°~ly c~pe~~.~~~s~a~~ ~nel do~~ ~ia~~ ~r~~~~d~ c~~~t~l ~:mpr~vemer~°t~o ~°he current budget i~ $222,Q~Oa W~~d~ H~~rc~~e ~~c~e°~y ~a~.3d $55,000 ye~r~.y fc~~ use c~f ~.~s fac~litieso ~,~t~~ ~~v~ric~~. d~scr~~~~~~a~ s.t Hra~ ag~~~d tk~a~ fu~the~ ~;n~c~rmat~on and stud~r of th~ an~m~~ c:~a~t~a~~ proa~r~ ne~~~~~~e R~iTIEW OF' LP,'I~~°P I~EG~~r,7~~~~1E BC1LIn~~~tN~ - T~EA~LT~ C7F' C7~L~~`O1~TTA ~'~`2`~~~ _ ~~~.~~r~~ ~~g-~i~~~~~ ~~ii~~~~s f~~~ ~a~g~~ o~ C~~~~~~~i~; ~i~i~~~ ~~~~t~~~~~~ i~ p~~~f,~u~~~ t~k~e ~~llo~w~s~g ~rop~~~~ legi~l~~ios~s 14C1~71, ~~q~~~~~q ~ ~jo~ ~~~c ~°~~o~m ;p~o~o~~~r ~r~d P~ 331 ~:eg~~dir~g I~.bo~e R;elati~na. i09. ~~~'3~ ~OUIIC~I, JAI~1[7AR3C ~ 3, 1976 ARR05lO ~IZP,IVDE, CA~T~'~£~~~3 PAGE 3 ~SOLZJ'TYO1~I AD~~°I'~C7I~T ~ ~1~1V1~1~1~`~ OF E~I~~~~S ~ FiC~Ia~I~AY ~~OT~~IJ"I`~~1~T Aclministrat~or B~x~~l~ ~epc~r~ed 'eY~~t d~,scu~sior~s with City ~mp1~~e~s ~ad r~vealed tl~e~ are ~r~ f~w-c~i. ~f tr~.d~.r~c~ ~the bi-an~xual ~rimar}~ ~:n~ Gen~~al Election Day holiday~ fo~ ~1~~ ~~~~1~;~ Th~r~ksg~.~i~c~a k~~ ~ur°~h~~ ~~~~a~x~~ac~~c~ t~.a~ ~ox~ this year ~nly, F~i.d~y~ r~~~°az~~y 13th ~e°tweer~ Lin~oln B s ~nd TnTa~~t~ng~eora B~x°thdays, be p~rmitted one of °~h~ ~~ad~ng l~ol~.day~o In additiane °the ~~s~lu~t~c~n amending the hrliela~ ~;~h~c3~].e ~~~~~c~ ~ba~eq wou~.cl r~-~~t~.b3Lish ~7~~~r~.ra~ ~~y~ a~ Novemb~r ~1~h, Aft~~ ~~~~~i~ da~~cussionD C~~y A~tto~n~y ~hipsey rea~ ~he t~tle of a ~~~olut~.c~r~ ~ep~a~.~.rag R~~c~~~ti~ri N~e 9~7 ~nd ~.d~~t~.~g a new he~lida~y sch~dul,e f4r C~~y emp°!oyees; th~re~.~'terD ~ ~!~°t~,~~ wa~ ~de ~~r ~~unc~.lgn~n ~ch~~gel, ~~crsrad~d by Councilman de LEOr~ ~nd u~an.irno~x~I~ ~arri~d~ tc~ d~sp~n~~ ~i°t~~ re~dinc~ ~1~~ b~la.nce of this resolutiono ~ 7~~c77GT3°~~O~i I~~ m a 197 P. ~,~4)I~tJr'I'~0~] °~'I~E ~~~'Y CC3L71~i~~L OF` THE ~ITS~ CJF' ARR~Yt3 GRANL~~ ~1~~;~~1~'~ 1~~C~~,LT°1rI~OI~T NO o 917 AND ADOPTTIVG ~ FiE4I,IDA~ ~CI~iED~ F'OR ~°FiE ~1N1~'L~YEES dF TI~E ~TTY OF° ARRO~.'O GRANDE BY ~1I~tEI~TI3II~TTi~ ~~GTI~N i, RULE X OF RESOLUTION NO, 606 a ~n mesti~n a~ Ce~un~~lm~r~ M~,~l~s, seconded ~y Coran~xlman Spi~~cling and on tl~e falloraing ~°oll c~.l~ ~ote y ~n ~+r~,~ . AYES c Cour~~~.lm~n ~p~~c~~lir~g y d~ I~eor~ ~ Sch~e~el, M~.lli~ and Mayor Talley NOES e I~Tor1e ABSEI~TT: Ndr~e the fox°egoing It~s~3.ut~.e~n ~aa~ p~s~ea~ and ad~p~ed ~his 13th da}~ af ~T~~u~~y, 1976, RECEIPT OF ~U?~I.s 1~P~FZ`T ~i~OX~f ~ a~ m O o C~ o& C~TIES AE2E~1 PIsX~I3N~NG COUkDINAT~IVG COUATCIL ° - : The Counci~ receiv~d arad x°e~r~eraed the ~nrzual repo~~ f~om ~ar~ Luis Obispo Courity and ~~t~e~ A~~a Planr.i~~c~ Co~rdinating Co~an~i19 li~t~.ng i~ts ~~complishm~nts for 1975m76o RES2GNATI~N (3F D~tnT1~tTQCnmt ~A~~I~TG AI3V~SGRY BOP.E2D l~1ENIBER m I~~P : On mo~ti~n nf Corznca~~,ma~ ~ch~ege? , seconded by~ Co~xnc~~,iraan ~~c~~ ~.~ci unanimousZy car~~.~d, the ~~~igna°t~~r~ of D~na3d I~app ~~om tY~e Ik9uyn~~~a~. Advisory Bo~:~d was a~~~pt~cl ~nr~~Y~ r~gre~s 9 effe~~eive ~arau~~y 1, ~ 9~6 m~d ?~~~.r~~.s°tratar Butch was c~irect~d ta var~~~ ~~.et~er tYaaralc~ a~acl ~pp~~c~~t~o~ Dt~ ~~r h~.s service to the C~t~o APPROiTE ~RIDGE ~AINfi~l~~ ~ ~1~~T~ ~~EANI~T~ PR~JE~'r BY H~G~Y ~~I3(30L ~T~T~E1~T~~ The Council rec~~.evaed a~eport f~om Director o~ Public Work~ Anc~er~on regarding a request lay h~,gY~ ~~Y~e~~l y~~azths to clean ~d rep~~.n'~ th~ s~wing~,ng briclge and clean the c~eek in the ~~~a of ~the bridge, ~.s c~~n~ last ~e~rm A~te~ ~ouncil discussiam, a motion ~ras m~.d~ hy Councilman de Leon, se~ondecl b~r Cov.ncilma.n Spi~rling and unanim~au~1~ ~a~riecl, appr~vsng the swiragang b~°idge p~~nt~r~g and cr~ek cleaninc~ proje~~ b~ ~a~,~~i s~~:~cal ~tudents ~n ~ar~~x~.~y 24th and 25tk~, Januar~ ` 3~ st and February 1~~0 ~`h~ C~~~r l~a~ a perma.t t~am th~ Departmerat of Fish" a~d Game ~or creek eleaninga A~PROVE CL~AN~I~TG d~` C~~I~ B`iy ~iJ~~TA COI~TS~RiTA°I°~OI~ C~IZPS The Crsun~~.~. ~°e~r~.er~r~d ~ 2n~m~~r~nd~m from D~.r~cto~ csfie Ptablbc W~rk~ ~ndexson, r~garding his contact o~ ~h~ C~es°ta Cc~r~~~~~vation Cor~~ fo~° po~~~:]~le ~lean up of the Arroyo Grande ~~e~k b~r °~i~~m9 ~rom the are~ o~ the Stanley Avenue ~gaugir~g` station to the sc~uth City I~~mi~~o M~~~.~~ wpr~ to be don~ wo;xld g~r~erally c~r~~~~t of cle~ring ap~ro~~.mat~l~r 2~ ° o~ ~~a~r~el, i~ the bottom of ~th~ creek, of a3~1 ~a~.llo~as ar~d t~ees ~nd possib~.y ~c~me ~,r~rk on th~ Taanks ~~th appro~ral ~nd p~~na:~sion of ~c1j~~~n~ p~operty owners , Estima°ted cos~~ ~or ~he c~~~7c r,~~uld not e~ceecl S 3~ 0 Q 0 e _ After Council discus~~~ny ~ n~~~i~r~ ~r~.~ mad~ b~ Counc~5,man ~pie~lzng, '~~~e~racled by Co~n~~l- man Mills,s and unan~.m~~s~y ~~rrieel, app~ra~rzr~q th~ ~orm~.ng af ~~c~ra~~act ~rith th~ C~zesta Con~~r~r~tiora ~c~~°~~ ~le~:n ~111~ Ar~o~~ Granele ~r~~ f~gm th~ ~~an~~y Avenue gauging s°tat~.on t~ the ~~~x~Y~ ~i~y ~,~m~ts, a°t a~~st s~o~ ~o ex~~ed $3,000, RESOLUTIQN P,DC~PTION - E°~RMA~~Q~3 OE` rP~RO~~~Q~`. DIS~'m,~HC9RT ~911 ACT~~Om I~P,~,~YON) The Council r~view~d a- re,port frc~m ~irect~r of Publ~.c G~~rlcs Anderson, requesting p~rma.~sion ~o presceed writh a a 911 Act Imprc~vem~nt &~~.~trict, Short Fo~m' a~ ~he ~+rid~~alk~~ ~ars~°~i~r~a nf ~e~~u~h ~Y+~lc~r~ ~taa~d, e?s ~~11~~r~ a ~r~.e~ ~~.ds' of ~auth Halayon Raad fx°~zn~ ~~a~d A~~ra~~ °~o Park Wa~r; P~rk Wa~ t~ Dod~mn G~ay; and I)adsczn Way to Fair O~k~ A~tenr~~; ~.~ad w~~~ ~~.de ~f. ao~`th Hal~yan Rcpad frram: ~and Averaue to Dodsor~ Wt~~r; a~nd ~~so~. W~~r ~`~i~ Aalc~ P,venu~, Nic~re than 5Q~ s~~ side~alks are already ins~~;~~~d ~1~~~~ ~f~ter Co~x~~il d~scu~~ion, ~a.ty Atta~n~y Shipsey xead ~h~ titl~ of ~~~~~~,~z~~~ar~ i~~~~cu~~a~~g th.e Superintenden°t. ~f ~~treet~~ to order ~ ~~O CITSt COtJ1~CI~ JA1.V~7P,R"~ 3, 1976 ARROY(i GRAN`DE, ~~1I,~lE"(71~1~F~ I~AGE 4 ~the constru~t~;~n ~~cl~~s~~1~~a ~he~e~fte~? ~ rn~~~on w~s ma.c3~ ~oun~~~:m~n S~hlegei, seconded by C~unc~~,mar~ M~]L].~~ ~.nd ura~r~~.anous3y c~~~iec~, to c~~s~~r~~e ~rz.~h x°eading the b~lance of this reso~~t~~rao 1~~OI;U`T~ON NO o 1 198 A 1~~Oi~tJ`~~~~1 t~F" 'I"I~E ~~TY CUUNCIL OF° TH~ ~2~.'3~ C7E° A1~CJY0 GR~II~ID~ ~IQ~~'RbJC~'~1V~ 'I'Fi~ SUPERINTENI3~N~' O~` ~~REETS TCJ O~DEFt ~~II~T~`~'F2~7CT'IO1V 0~ CONCRETE ~~DEWALK~ 1 P,1\TD I1~Ft.~VENI~I~T~°S ~(3f~ 'TIi~ PkC3P~R ~"UNCTION~N~ OF TFiE IN~TAL~ED s~~~wA~,x~, ~ x~~xw~~s s~cT~or~ ss7a9 ~~r ~~~a ~ (3n mot~c~ra ~a~~n~~~m~n ~pi~~l~~g, ~e~oncled b~ Coun~~.lm~n de I~eon a~d on the folla~ring r~Y7~ Tl ~r~t~ g°~o r,~~.°t o AYES: Counc~l~~n ~~ie~rlirag, de Le~n, ~~hlegel, MiYlis ancl ~y~~ Tal,ley NOES: None ABSEN'~ : I~~rae t:he forego~.ng Re~o~~zt~~n wa~ p~~~~d and adc~p°ted this 13th day of ~anuaz°Sr, 1976, NOTICE O7~ P~BL,IC FiEFiR~I~~~ ~Z~NfE 75-90' iTALL~Y ~OAD' "FFAB3" ~'O '°A-p° - 1/27/76 The Coun~il ~aa~ in~~mt~cl th~f; a publ~c hea~ing k~as been set fo~° Sanuar~r 27, 1976 at 8sQ0 PoMo to c~~~id~~ tk~e reco~nend~t~an of t~e Plannir~g Commission to rezone, from "R-A-B~~" ~o '"A~~"~ property ~:~t app~ox~ma°tely 66~ Vall~y Road, as requested by TYaoma~ 1~~xn~Y~, ~lo N~TICE OF PI7BLIC HEA.I~T1~Ga ~Z~NE 75~91,G~A~Yi &~RANCH M~IeL RD~a~'~P," ~O "Amp~~ TYae Cour~crl uras ir~f~rmee~ tiza.t ~~ubl~,c h~aring l~~en s~~ f~r January 27, 1976 at 8:00 ~oNio t~ coras~,ele~r tl~~ r~~oiranendation o~' °the P~~nnir~g ~ommission to rezone a~~°om ~~A"` t~ ""A-~`~ a p~op~rty ~.t ~~ach and I~r~nch M~11 ~~ds ~~s z°equested by Hil~ F°ucTii~r~.ki o eorrs~DEZ~°~~~~v o~° ~°x~~c~~c~ ~oA~ ~r~~~~oN - xE~D ov~~z Ds~ctx~sion th~ ~ecazc~~nclat~~on f~°o-m the Plann:~ng Cr~r~i~~~~~ °t~a~~ the proposecl ~t~,gecoa~h l~oad ~n~xa°tion reques~ be app~oved, ~r~~ h~lc~ c~~r~~° ~~~dir~g ~~ceipt nf ~ legal eles~~iptior~ ~r~m p~opon~n°t~ ~f the area ~r~~olved.e RECEIPT ~F WIIVTER 12EC12~.~~'~OIoT ~CHEI~t?IeE The Councs:~l ~e~~~vecl arad re~i~wed °~he 4~T~rst~r Recr~~ti~~ 5~h~c1~s3,e o ~d~n~n~stra- tar Butch ad~ri~edl tha°t a m~e°t~ng vvill b~ h~ld a~'t~r Jan~ary ~ 8 th r,~i.tl~ ~~n~,~~c Cit~zens regarding th~~~ ~e~uest for a s~.udy on fa~~,li~~es f~r °~he~~ act~vi~ies> RECEIP`l,' OE' LOPE~ Cn1ATEF2 CC1N~I"I~A~'~' BILIaI1VG - F'~S~AL S~EAR ~ 97~-77 The Council rev~.ewed a bill~.ng foz the I~cspez Water Cor~~ra~t fe~r t~~ f~.scal year 1976-?7, d~.tec~ De~embe~e 23, ~ 975, and ~n amend~d billing da°ted ~'anuar~r 8, . 1976. The first b~lling ~ave er~da,t~ in the ~o~.~l. amorzrit esf $14 , 740 m 95 due ~to savi.ngs on °the 1974~75 opera~~c~r~ and maintenance ~~s°~s, howe~er, ~these funds were designated by the ~orae ~~dvi~~ry Cc~~nittee ~o~ tl~~ ~epl~:cement ~f the Lopez reservoa.~ cover o Ther~~o~e, tY~~ ~xnen~ed b~lling~ ~.re $179,178 0 66 due on July 1, 1976 ancl $179 8178 e Fi5 du~ c~n ~~nt~~ry 1 e 1977 a APPR(~~lE API~L~CATI~I~T FO~ ~iAT~FFY WEL~ (P~ARWi7~D .`~V~I~TUE) - LENYOI~I The Council revietired a rep~rt ~rom Director of Public Works Ancler~on regarding an aAp~,fcat~on ~a~ a~v~fi~r vael~, ta b~ u~ed ~or irr~g~tic~n purposes, submitted b~ R~~ha~d l~o I~~m~n ~n proper°ty at the nor~h ~nd of Pearr~ood A~r~nueo He recommencled approva]. cs~ th~ ~p~lica°~~;on subj~ct to ce~ta~n concl~t~.on~o After Council discussi~~a a mo~iors ~r~s ntad~: b~ Coux~c~lm~ri de I,ern, ~e~ond~d b~ Gouncil- man Spierling and ur~animot~~~y carrisd, app~°ca~r~ing the appl~cation o~ Richard Do Lemon for a water ~re~,l, ~tx~ay~~~ to °th~ fol~.~a~ing conditions z 1} 1~a~~f~:~~a preventic~n dev~ces will be ~equs~cecl ~n c¢~njunct~on w~th ~esident~~l development; 2) that plans be presentedy for any str~x~~~re~ ancl s~reenin~ prop~sed, f~r can~~c~er~.ti~n by the Architectural Revxe~a Boa~°do 3) ~~at th~ drill~.nc~ oper~t~on ~e re~r~~wed and approved by the Public V~orks Dep~r~~raen°t prio~ to ~tar~~r~g: ~ac~rk; ~nd 4) ~hat ~he well be used anly €or irrigation pu~p~s~sm DISCUSSION RE. WA~ER LTNE EXTENSION C!N ~L CA,MTNO REAL - FtJRT1~ER STUIIX RE UESTED e Counc 1 r~vi~aee~ r~p~r°t ~ram rector esf Piablic ~i~~~s Arider~on r~garding r~~ues~ fo~ ~~ra°~~~ nt~i~ ~~ct~ra~i~n ~r~ E]L Camina Real betw~en Rob7.es R+~ac3- and Qak Par]t 8oul~varcl, most ~~~~h~ ~s out~ide t~e Gity l~.mitse 4~ate~ to these prop~rties is served f~e~m me~ters on ~~:~lt~n ~°t~e~~ as a spec~.al wate~ ~e~v~ce area, The Council .discu~sed th~ ~~cattttnen~~c~ 12" wa°~~~ 7ins in~t~2lation ~nd ~m~ts c~f ~ame, generalZy ii~ CI TY COUNC~ I, a7~tiT~iFt~ ~ 3, t 9'7 6 ARROYO GRAI~IDE, C~~I~C7RN~:~1 PP,GE 5 ~gr~eeing th~t ~h~ $C, 000 w~a~~~d ~~~t ~i~y e~~~r~~~,~ra °t~~ c~stl~ for an are~ orxtsa~d~ ~f' ~h~ ~nel righ°t n~~ in~~7.~~r~~ ~~w peop~~o ~e ~ouncil requested ~urtY~~r ~~.udy ~~d ~nf~rma°t~c~~a on ~he matte~ f~ain °t~~ C~°~y ~t~ff~ AFHROVE LOT aPTeI'~ Iv~ ~~5~22 9 0`~1 ~`~~k~ OAICS AVENi7E -[~TTOODRLT~'F" City Eng~:rseer ~~~i~ re~xi~Hted r,~a~th ~Ya~ Cauncil Fareel hlap AG-75-3`~4, refle'cting a lot split on t~~ ~out~~~~~e~°l~r ~o~ner af Pecan S°t~eet ~nd ~air 0ak~ ~~~nue, as requested by Thom~~ Tm tn~o~dr~a~f a~nd approved by °th~ Plann~ng Commi~sior~o A~ter Council dis~ussion, a m~t~c~ri w~~ m~e1e b}r Councilm~n Spierling, seconded by Co~xncilman de Leon and un~n~e?~~~~~ ~~~°~~~d, ~~rsda:ng Lo°t Spl~t Noo 75~221 cons~~~en~ writh the General Plan and ~~a~r~n~ Z~~;~rag O~d~nance, and apps°c~ving s~id Lc~t Spli~ as shown on Parcel M~p A~75-374~ REPORT - R~CENT COUT~TTS~ [~1I~T~Tt ~~Oi71TC~~ ADVI~OFtY CODSMITTEE MEETTI~T~ No repo~~ w~s he~~d on ~he ~°eaent me~~~ng a~ the County Wat~r Res~urces Advisory Comm.~°~te~ the C~°~y B s r~presentativ~, Councilm~.n de Lec~n, v,ras unable to attencl ~hat me~°t~r~g clu~ ~llnes~ o REQUEST F'qA RELIEF° FROM IaOfi ~~I~~T 75~-225 REQUIR~IN~NTS - SH7CGEN~IKA ~he ~ounc~l rea~d lette~ f~om 8ob Shig~r~~lca, owner of a prc~posed f~ur- proper~ty lo~°`split ~Nc~o 75-225) ~t th~ we~~erly end of the Ash Stx°eet extension and Spruce Stre~to E3e requ~~t~d p~5emi~sic~x~ °t~ ~ns°tall curb, gu°tt~~ ancl sideeaalk improvements on an~y ~th~ ~ne 70a ~ront~:g~ lo~ crn °the exten~~.on of Ash ~treet which he plan~ to clevelop ~t th~,s °t~m~ and b~ r~l~eved of th~ cc~ncx°~~~ ~mprec~vement require- ment on ~he remaind~~ A~h ~t~~et extens~.on un~i~ °those lo~ts ~~e developed, as now no schoal c~ildren trav~~ ~.]Le~ng th~re and the ~igh laank alang: th~ ea~~:~rly property line woul,d reqrx~re a. r~tainin~ w~all, which wc~uld ~S~.ac~ a~inancial bu~den on him at tY~is tizne o The ~„~ap~o~~m~n°t~ wr~l7l ~e ~n~tall~d on Spruee ~°tre~~t f~~n°t~.g~~ ~ The ~~rzncil also ~°e~riew~c~ ~ ~~part ~rom Di~°~c~~r ~f Publ~~ "~r~r1~~ Ander~on ~n the ma,tt~~, s~a°tirz~ ~.ha°t t~ai~ e~e~en~ion of Ash Stxee~ has r~~~rer b~ez~ a~cep°~ed into the City s~~eet sy~tem ~nd w~.~ created on C~,~ty prop~rt}r f~r acce~~ ~,w the C~rpox°a~.e Yard o H~ sta~,ed ~~aa~ th~ ~mp~°~screments should be pu~ ir~ as r~qu~.~~~ b~r ~~ie Mseno?~ Subdivis~on Comm~t~e~ ~rhen'th~y apprc~ved this Lot Spli~o 7.'l~e Council d~.s~~s~~el t~e m~.°tter with D~rec~.or of F~ubl~c W~rle~ ~~e~~~n and . C~ty Engineer Garc~a, g~~~~al~.g~ ag~e~~ng that all im,p~ovements b~ ~~x~ ~,s~~ ~c~w as required, to avoid ~rvb~~m~ of compl~,ance in the €utur~m Mre 5h~c~~n~s~ ~r~~ p~esent and asked whe~the~° the City wo~~d cut ~he bank ~nd put in the reta~n~~g ~r~~~: ~.f he put in all the r~qu~r~c~ ~u~b~ ~~t°te~ and sidewalk ~gnprovem~ntsa Di~ecto~° oi~ Publia Works Anderson also sta~tec~ ~.hat p~vem~nt of the ~~re~°~ be°tvae~n the gut~er and ~~cisting stree~ would be rec~u~red °the T;~t Split appl~.cant, and onc~ ~hi~ ]~ack sec~tion of Ash is d~~eloped he we~uld ~r~~ommencT ~.~t be accep~ed ~r~to °the C~t~'s st~ee°t systemm After further ~ouncil cli~~aa~~~orx, ~t ~aas agr~~d th~t the matte~ be ~tud~ed further by City Staff and la~a~g~t°~ b~~lt tY~~ Cauncil aga~n, APPROVE KE~t CI~iJ~ PRO~iECel` Cy~+" ~iOIJSE NUPIBERING Or] CiJRBS The Council r~acl a letter of z°equest fx°om r~pre~entat~.ves a~ °the Keywranette and ICey C1~~, r~qu~st~ng ~pp~o;;al of ~ p~cspos~cl funcl r~is~.ng projecto After Council discus~~~n, ~ Yn~~~oa~ ~a~s m~d~ 1~~ Counc~lm~ d~ Leon, se~c~nded by Councilman Spierling and unan~m~u~ly ~a~~i~~, °the p~c-c~po~ec~ p~o~ec~t o~ the Ke~~ranette and Key Clubs to paint h~use n~~~~ on c~rb~ a~ permitted by prap~~°ty mwmers, for a cY~arge of $1.50 per each add~e~~m ADJOURNNIENT On mot~~ra ~f Cc~~~i~~~m~~, S~a~;erl~ng, ~~canded b~r Counc~,l~oan M~,11~~ and unanimously ~a~ri~~., tl~~ rn~~~~ng acl3o~x~°necl ~.t ~Q:10 I~eNia ~ ~ ATTEST. C