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Minutes 1976-01-27
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' . , i~ .,i?s^,.k _....a )qZi f~~~31~.~.. ~ , r'.4 . , ,.~D1..,:~ W` ~ :~?S n`~~~ e,~ . , , ?r „r , ~ _ , 4 ^i-i~`2 ~~4i "~n~ it~~~~ ~~x3~: ~'k Mor~ x. ~ i ~ ~ ~n, ~h.e a~.di~r~~e ncs~r k~b~t va~ x ~ °L-~a~ ~x~ ~'~laru~a~y 10th a , - .r.C~ICi1.I'~.~~~'~t~'~~.~` ~ ~"..~~1 ~t~V'1S~t~ +:~r,r.~°; ~!?Y"„ ri?`a':~Y`~= ~r.i~`~ a~~s.~i1~ .;.~ev...t~''..`~~':~'.C~ ~~7LJLA~ '~:r115 a~~c1 ~F~~.l ~~~irt~~ t.i.~ cr.a,,~~r~~ akR~ ~:ts ~:,~r ~ ;;t L •~;,;,,d~.:~~ C~~.,.".~r~. ~riv~ ~rr~.~~~ ~ub~ni.~ ~~~rn ~s~ ia~ =tc~~nre~~_ ?~z~a~°~ w~~ ;~?~~..r,::.. ~~nr~.~._m~r~ ~.h~.~~ v~~~r-~r~~ ~~aa~ soi~1 ~~mples ~a~ t,~;.l~~r~ f~c~m ~h~ ~tz~a~~~W° Q..rt~~d _ ~1~~~ c~~c~~ A~z~~~ ~~~~°o~r~~ ~AC~ ~ ~~c~r~tr~~~~r ~~~~~°e -~~rr.~~rr To s~z~ ~xc~ss C~~Y ~~op~R~ - pula~z~ r~z: 2/24f76 « ~,~n,~.~trato~e Butch brief l~r ~~v~.ewed ~xe requ~~t p~rev~~.caa~sl,;~ ~~~ai~ted ~rom I~;.~: s. ~~m~~~~~ ~n~t ~~e exce~s C~ty ri~n~ o~ ~ay mn raa~r be ~anc~ane~ ~na ~etux~ea °t~ ad~acent p~~pe~ty owx~~r~m The mat~er ~ad been cmns~.dered by ~h~ Piaxxinn~ng Ccam~nissa:on, ~r~~,~h ~e~~mm~nd~cl proceedinq ~nr~:tY~ °the ~andonmentd 'I'he Gauxic~l d~.scu~~ed th~ m~tter, ~~ne~al].~r ~gx°eeing ~t~a~t ab~ndmnm~n~ p~o~eedings include t1a~ ex~~~~ pa~ion~ m~' ~~c~ht o~ ~ra;~ remaira~ng, Aft~r ~ounc~,3, diseus~~on,. City At~~rn~y Sh~psey reac~ ~he ~i~l~ o~ a~esolu°~ion o~ ~.ntenta.on ~o s~11. r~al: prc~pe~°~~r anci settir~g a pub~.~c lhe~~inq ~th~re~n ~~r ~'~brtxary 24, 1976 8:-00 ~~Mo o thereaf~~~, a motioa~ w~~ mac~~ by Co~zn~~lm~rri ~~hl~ge],, ~~.conded b~r CQUncilman Mi.l7.is and unanimousZg carried, ~e di~p~n~e ~nr~th ~°~ading th,e bal~.n~~ c~~ this resolutione RESOT,I7TION N0. 1199 p, RE~O~tJ~'ION OF ~"HE CITY COtIJ1~iCII, OF THE CITY OF ARROYO ~~NDE SETTING FORTH ITS INTENTION TO SELL REAL PROPE~TY A~TyJ SETTING A DATE FOR H~,RING THEREON. ~ mm~~:on of Councilman Spie~ling, seconc~ed b~ Councilman d~ Leon ~nd on ~h~ fol~.~w~.ng ro~l ~a11 vote, ~to wit. ~Y~S: Councilrnen Sp~.erling, de Leon9 Schlegel8 Milla,s argd Mayor Talley N~~S: None ~,SE~T~' : None ~h~ ~'o~~ga~,r~g ~~olu~ion was pas~ed and adopted this 27th day of January, 1976d ACCE~~~TC~ U~" ~ID FUR EXCESS CTTY PROPERTY' ON LE POINT - WYNNE ~he Gour~~il revi~wed a r~eport from Direc~o~c of Pub~.ic Works Anderson ~ec~tt~d~~g ~he bid oper~~ng held on Jarauary 22, 1976 at 2:E~0 PeMv for the sale of I~o~~ 5~~i~: 6~f Beck~t~'s Addition on Le I~ointn No w~i~ten bid~ had been ~'e~ei~~d. s~raZ bid was made by Earl & Dianna Guido~ti, Box 395, Arroyo Grande, ~n~ ~~ra~,m~n ~f $3, 225 per lot> An Ox~al bid taas th~n rece~.sr~d from ~Teranie Wynne, ~115 ~~~~o~~L Av~nue, A~roya Grande, of $3,,275 fca~ each l:ot, f~r ~ to~a1 of $6,550, Ca~h~~~~~ Ch~ck in the ~noun~t of' S655o00 was submi~ted by Mz°sm Wy~nne to ~~e' City ~~e~~C ~i~~i~n th~ ~ime ~.11Ow@d.: A,fter C~Uricil e1~.SCUS~~.on, a mo~~,.on was mac1~' 1ay ' ~a~~ncil~,n e~~ S~eon, se~ond~d by Counci]:~nnan ~pi~rl~.ng ancl ura~nimousl~ ~~r~,~r~.,, ~~~~,~~ing ~i~ bid af° ~7'erinie Wynne in th~ ~otal amount of S6, 550 o OQ ~c~~ ~¢~~w ~c~ 6 ~f ~~~~s~°~~ ° ~ ~c~d~°~ior~; ~nd au~hoz~.~~r~c} ~he Mayor ancl Ci~y ~l~rk to ~i~ ~~~in~ D~~cZ ~o M~~a W~rxixa~ for ~aa.d lots upon rece~p~ of full, pa~nne~a~, ~ri~,~fia~ ~5 ~.av~o ~~~p~~~~~o~ m~ ~ur~ds ~eceived frcxn ~his sa}.e wall b~ di~cus~ed 1~ ~s~ ~~aara~~,~, ~t~ r~~a~~ ~~~u~~~ tn~e~i,r~g. ~,~~~~E ~F~E OF SU~PY~US EQUIPMENT - FEBRUARY 7,, 1976 - ~,s~n~~i~~x~ato~ Se~tch ~evi~wed a listing of ~ surplus i~ems acaumulated ox nr~ ~,onc~~~ ~~~cl by Ci~y and praposed for sal~ o After Counc~l. disc~ssi:on, a mc~~~.~r~ ~ wr~~ m~d~ ~a~ t°~~ilm~n c1e L~~n, ~econded by Cc~~xnc~.Iman Spier~ing and unani~ra~ly~ ~~~~~.~d, d~~1~~3;r~q th~ foll~nring li~ted item~ as surplu~ and authori~ing a~a].e o~ ~h~m ~k~~ ~.ity'~ Corparate ~tard on Satu~day, February ~n 1976. ~~~1~ MII~TIMUM BTD , ~,~~a Dd~k Mim~~gr~ph ~a~h~~,e #4~8 ~~ooeoo NC~ ~~~kk~~ping m~chines $250a00 B~°~v~~ (~~~c~~t Modat' Camera $100.00 E~~~~3ti~ Developer (quantlt.y-2) $ 25d00 ~ach Rr~y~9 El~ctrte Typewriter (HE-R~), 1~+" carriage $ 20eQ0 Les~~ae~x Gas Neater (Forc~cl Atr-No<~3b9A) ~ 25o0a G&~ S Nat a Gas He~ter°sMc~del 80., 64, ~00 output $ 25 0 00 B7~ Dodge 4~daor, Ser.DK41N1D213835 No M~nemum B~d Ross 10~-~p~ed, 27", bl~e/white $ 20000 ~~cy~1e (unk~~wn type) $ 10>00 B~cycle tea~~ wdrim ~ handle bao°s $ 1000 Y~~ ~ow St~.s~gt°ay b~~ycle $ 10o0f~ Muffy~ or~rrge bicyc~~, Sero 726g3H792 $ 2Sa0(3 Pkgn a~seaa~~~d ~~othing $ 1~~A ~Backetg btue~s°ed nylon $ 025 Hack~a~? $ 425 Y.ady ° s wh ~ t~ bo~vl s ng sfio~s. $ , 50 Red Eba~nit~ bowling bal"1 $ 2.~0 Wmst~pn~ield sl~~p~ng b~~s 42) $ 5Q00 Pltla~w~ C~) S a50 5~t o~ b~~~~l~ h~r~d~~ b~r~ $ 025 ~z~~ ~~~~~~a~ ._~"q','... . . p.,,, . . ~ di ? ~~`I~:" `;.C3I~`~R~,`~~ ~7~1~~.AT~°~C ~7 y 137Fi 115. a~~.~~1L`~ ~s~.~~}~'~, y ~~~~~i4.a"r.:F,cj, ~ ~'"~~~~'°4~ aa~''~~`'~~~.a~.~t"~4i%'"".. .f `.f f ..k;.,i.~`*Y~.- t!°~~.~ ~s~'`.~'.~~ ~.~ai..C~3~1.~ ~~~~~"'.~`s ~'~~;~~.c~.zl x,~,~ b~.~~~~.~ ":~°~~~t~ ~~c~~.~~~,~,~.~r~ ~tixl~.~~a.r~~ ~~°or~ th~ :L~~~gu~ ca~' ~;~.~.~~~°~°~a~~ ~:~~y_~~~ ~~~~:~eh~~ ~..~.t.z~~.~e,~~:~.~ ~°c~r~b~;~~°~~~ ~a~e~~s. ~ 337, wk~i~~ w~.1~. ~~~e a~a~~ ~~~:a~r~a~ ~:~~~~~u~ a ~ ~.;..r~t,.F~ ~~z~~TY~.:~~s~~x~~; ~ i~~:~a~° ~~1,1~y ~aill cal.I ~.s~~ncblymara N~z~~ ~c~ u. q~ r~~~.~,:n~~t~ y. s_,, ~:>,k ~~~r~.~,~,~~~~:~~~e~ Bu~ch adv3s~;~1 ~ha~ tYae ~i,ll ~r~~~rc~%n~° ~::~~~n~~.~~~~~r:~ ~.~~~zc~~~r,~~ > 5.,;~~~~:~.~.i~~a ~S~s~~i.~~: ~~~1 ~~,~~m~r~ h~.s ~a~~n ~e~eatedo A~.~~~ c~i~~~~~~~ ~rr~~ ~:n~~ ~3~~~ ~~~~~.~..~c~ f~~ ~~°~~c~a~~ ~'~nu~~y 3~1~t~ i~ Ni~nl~ F~~°l~ ~~~.i;~. '~~,a~.~:~~ ~ , , =r~;.,,~.~.~;~~.;~~~ p~a~~,l~ s~~d3~ m~d~ ~f °~hi~ ~~~~o ~~~r~~-~.`~, ~,~,u.,~ ~ra~s~~°~ ~r~c~ ~~~~~~~zra~r~°~ ~i~~ads svil~. b~ ~~ter~d~.ng ~that 1i~£~~~~,~ sk~'l~ `~5~,~ ~s,~,~-a."~'i?.7~ ?a ~ e ; ~1 ~t~5:_P°'~S.,G~Z"S ~;r~' 'r..°~4,~ ~'~~7~T1~~'~°u o ~1s~vI~T".Cc~'~a~'``~` E3'~'' ~°'J~~N'~'~~C:i''th+'i1 ~ *a~. ua'~?4=; ~,d~`'~3'?S43R~ ~~A.k~.'11 P~a'~+"~R. " BURI~'r Gra m~~k~~..c~r~ ~a~° r~~ t ~c ~ gr~+~ ;~~~z~~a ~~~c~a~3.~s~ ~auncilman Spi~rlinc~ ax~d ~~,~.z~~m~r~~~y g,!C~~ ~s ~~'~~av~ ~~~a~:~~ ~f °t~~ ~~r~~~~~~r~ M~n"s S'hop at 201~ ~3r~.dge ~°~~~~i e~~ - ~~~c~~a~ , r: ,,1R,r ~~~~~C~z~e~ ~~~r~.~~~~r ~oard, as recc~m~rn~ncied ~;y ~a~'k.i'1,`ia~' ~1Ja`'~:5.:"x!n-'~°a" ; ry~ ~~`~r~ ~i~`~~.~~~°~ ~~i~'a~'C~ s3T1C~ Ms3~0Y° rt1'~.1.~.°~o ~7~5 t~Y~CI s~f s,~:~ ~ ~ ~,x R;F ~ , ~ ~'~~S ~Y~~~tzc~~ ~°d~~au~c~ ~a 31 , 1979 m ~]k`L'~I~~,~3~ kc~;~'~i:~'~ ~ ~ae'.:~' ~If ~FJ.~~'I`l~ e::C9~S~k2~i~°~°I<3I~T G~RP~e T~~~ ~~a~~~d~~, W~.~~~ ~..~~a~ dca~a.z°~~~ x°~~c~r~ ~~~i~7 ~~r_~~.~to~ of Pubi,~c tnic~r~s r~~~xct~~~~y~ w_;.z:s:~ t~?~,~ t;~c~~~~ ~~~~~~v°atic~n Corp~m A Pxz~cha~e ~~cl~r r~b«~~~. ~~e~~~~ ~ s;, ~ a rz4:TF ~~~;~~A i~~~.~a t.:~ ~Y~~ t~~;~z~~s°va~i.cn C~arps fl ~`hey w~.Il ~t~rt °~cs ~~~°J~ ~ r`~ ~ ~i.~~~~ z~f ~a~t~~;~ ~~en receiv~d~ wYa~.~h T~uTa~i~; [~~~ic~ i.r~ a t ~ r~~~:~~~:~~~.~~ z~~: ,~~l~v~. in ~h.e audien:~~ as~Ced wha~ `~i~1 dea~~~ ~~u~:~ ~ v$~ c~~m~ ~a~ rr~~~~~ ~ir~c~or af ~ub~,~c Wa~k~ ~r~d~~°~~x~ ~~~~~~.d ~ ~~o~.t.;~~ ~~..~:I~ ~'a.~h and ~ame 1?~parirmen~. 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C~~~' ~;~~',t°~~~~14~~~.~°E l°~T~~.S[ .F~$~ S~:~i0~3i II~O~"~A`I"~C~N l~~~R'I"~ ~n~ ~~~:~,u~~~~ ~°~~~~~rec~ ~d ~e~a~~~a°~d an~l~r~is ax~d ~~~je~t~~r~ ~~p~~~~~a~~ ~~~~°~~*~.8 ~~~~a~~ ~n~~~~ ~ ~°~~5~~~ oi~ ~~~ident el~ni~z~tar~r ~cho~~ ~n~~~.~mer~°~ e~t~.imat~d a~ ~~~t~.~.~r~A 9 ~'a~ o ~~~ar~aoi~. ~~zs~m~r~e~ed PY~~~.r~q Dir~~~~~° G~~1~~ ~c~~ ~~°~p~.~~~~.~r~ ~f :~~~~a~.~.~:~:~~a~ R~~a~x~~ and c~~d~rr~d ~Y~2 ~~p~r~ fil~d~ ~ ~~?"~~~'~~f"I~ ~~s~~3~~~ ~~~'~:~I3~,'~'~~ ~EiP~~Ft I~~TC~IE~I~ - 2/26~7~ ~i. ~~~~I a ~~~n~ ~k~~ I~~r~yo ~~~r~de ~k~a~ber ~f C:o~~~ :e ~ h,~~~~~~.>;~~ c~~~~d~te~ a~.~~n~ ~.a~c~ sp~a~ a~ a 1.un~Ya~~n h~~.~ at ~~w ~ .°r ~ ` ~ ~i~~ ~sra ~"~~a~~~~ ~ ~ 6 a ~ 9°~6 a~t r~¢~~~~ ~ 1~~~'~~,"~ ~~~t~~'!~~'1'9~:I~T`~"~t3 Fsa~~ 1~~Cy~3Ft~~S ~~~L ~~I~~~k~~'7~T~~1~1 ~7C~~.~~~I' ~ x~h~~ ;.~.~~~i~~~~ ~~~:~i°~~c~ ~ ~~~°t~~° ~~~ari the Bo~~d o~ ~~ap~~~~~~~~se ~t~t~r~~ tl~a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5~ ~ ~~e ~~~°~e°~~y ~a~~ b~e~i °~em~~r~~~ ~.y a~g~~~.~~e~l ~o ~h~ ~°~°~yc~ C~~~;~e~~= ~~il~~i~~°~s~:~~ ~~~^n~a~~°~r~~~~~a~ D~~~~°~~~g ~n~a.~ m~m~~~ Ke~ ~`al.~~~° ~.s ~1,~ ~~~°j`p~T~= ~~~~~z~ r~ r•. ~y3~~'a7 L~ ~ S~rX'4 L'ibVl' ~~4~..,IUL"Yb:eLV~i~ 1f~9 ~.4.61 r n7 ~ ~e•,~w7L1 ' `~YV ~ ~.d4U'Ntl~L9~ ~a~~z~n~~.l ~eacl a~..~t~~~ from Carlos Mv Crowell 5~0 ~~.er~~ D~isr~ 9 ~~c~~~~~~r~~ ~ "'~ag.~,~~~~ ~~~t~m~r~t fr~~a ~f~.~ ~~ttmrr~~~" ~s ~aY~et~~r Y~~ ~raterad~~ t~~ ~~~y~~ ~~wd ;~s~y ~t~o~~~y sh~p~~~ ~~w~~~ea °~~a~ ~tt~'~~~~~ ~~~,~a~g ~ ~i~l~tian ~,~~s1~ la~~ an~ howr ~~.~~t ~~~~4~ ~~~1 ~ ~w ~1~,~~~e~~ ~'~~~~~n~ 2fl~ F~.~~ Vi~w, w~~~~ ~ ~ ~1~~ l~~ ~ar? ~h~ ka~ca~~a ~i.~y ~~~1,~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~3~~~i~, ~~1~~ zr~k~ ~~r~~e r~~ th~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i~ CITY COUNCIL JANUAR`~ 27, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORN]CA PAGE 7 CITIZENS URGED TO INTERilE1QE WTTH ~IANDAL,I~M t7F CITY PE2CDFERTY - SPIERLTNG Councilma.n Spierlix~g displayed 2-h~ur P~l~~.ng sigxs w xc e ad found lying in the street during dayl.ighta He indi~~.'tec~ had not been removed from its ,post a short time earli~rm Ir~ an~w~r tm his que~t~on, City Engin~:er Garcia replied th~ signs cost appre~ximately $25000 ~achm Councilman Sp~.erling urged citizens to intervene if they eee vanda~.i~m ~ccurring against City property. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION - JACICSON Elizabeth Jackson, 208 E°aia~ V~~w, rec~ue~ted that a copy of this evening's Council minutes be sent t~ h~r whem availab~~~ and ~°e~uested fuZler details from City Engineer Garcia regarding ~tl~e Itaz~Y~ ~n Way A~~e~~ment District. CITIZENS URCED TO PURCHASE HOOSGOTn, PARK DE~ICATION COMMEMORAT~iIE BUTTONS-SCRIVANI Jim Scrivani, Cha~rmman of the Beauta~~Eicat~~n Ce~~nittee and force behind the development of the Hoosgow Park, ~ras presentm Previous actions by the Council in regard to the dedication of ~kie pa~k w~r~ x~e~~.ewed for him. He encauraged support of and participati~n %n th~ ~Foo~gr~w Par~c dedication an~ urged everyone to purchase the Coar¢r?emorative Buttoras~ which ;h~ d~.spla.yede Said buttons were designed by Ken Johnson and are being ~¢a~.d fe~r 50~0 ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilmara S,pier~.iraz~, ~econcYecl by Counci].man de Leon and unanimously carried, the meeting ad~o~a~~z~~ at ~Oe~~ PoMm ATTEST ~ G~ ~ CITY CLERK 1~YOEt CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 2~ 1976 ARROYO G12ANDE~ CALIFORNIA 4:OQ P>Ma The Citg~ Council m~t in spe~ial ~e~~ia~s~ wri~h Mayo~ Talley pr~s~d~ng, Upon roll call, Council Members Sp~.erling, de Leo~, ~~hlegel and Millis reported presento RESOLUTI~N ADOFTION - NOT~CE OF CENTRA~, Bp,7Gi~OT COUI~iTING PIaA~E RE m MARCH 2ND ELECTION Administrator Butch reu~e~red a paroposed re~o7.utbr~n with the Council, stating that under the Ele~tion Cade it mus~ b~ ~da,pt~d }ay th~ Counc~,l traenty-five days before the Electionm Sa~.d resoYution sets f~rth tha~ the ballots voted at the March 2nd general municipal elec~ion wig~. be count~d £car a11 consolidated precinats at the County Data P~°oces~ing C~nter9 by camputere After Council dis- cussion, Administrator Butch read a re~oluticsn in full concerning the aforesaid matter. Y2ESOIaUTYOl~i N~. 1200 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COi]NCIL OF TH~ CITY O~' ARR(~YO GRANDE COIVCERNIATC~ EI~EC'I'ION CA1V~7A~~ I~T A CENTRAL PLACE (ELECTION CODE SEC`~ION °97056~m On motion of Councilman Sp~~r1~.s~g, sece~nded b,r Ccsuncilman d~ Leon and on the following ro~l call vote, to witm AYESe Councilmen Spie~rling? e1e L~on, S~:hlegeY, Millis and Mayor Talley NOE5: None ABSENT: _N~ne the foreqoirsg Resolution was passecl anc~ ~dea~~ed ~~a~.~ 2rad da;y c~f Febru~.ry, 1976 0 ADJOURNMENT On mo~imn of Counci].man S~hYegelg ~~canded by Counc~.lm~n Spierling and unani- mouely carxied, the mee~ing acl~ourned ~t 4:13 ~a~t. A~'~'~d~' i CITY CLERpC N1A'Y'OR ~