Minutes 1976-02-24 - -~~`z5 CITY COUNCIZ FEBRUARY 23, ~97'b ARROYO GRANDE~ CAI,IFORN~A 4:00 PoMm '3'1~e City Council met in ~°egular adjou~n~d meeting in a joint session with the Citi~~~s' AdvisQry C~mi~~ee on a Civic ~enter Need Studyo May~r Tailey ancl ~3uncilrnen S~ier:~ing, d~ ~eon, Sch]:~gel and 1~illi~ wer~ presen~t9 ADJOURNMENT dn motion c~.€ ~e~~ci~.man de Leon, se~c~~ded b~ C~unCilman €pa.~r~.inq anz~ unani~usly carried, t`he ~e~t~.ng adjt~urned at 5 e 30 P oM. , , . A~'T£aST : ~~_3/ 1.~., ~j ~ ~ , ; ~,•3_~:_L.<~ , ~ D~ TX G~~Y CLERK MAY 12 CI'~.'Y Ct)[JNGIL ~'~.BRTJARY 2~, 197~ AR~tOYO G12A1JDE, CALI~'QRirTZA Z'13E C~ty ~oux~cil me~ in ~egular session r,s~.~th i~a.yor ik~n T~~l.~y pr~;s~:ii~:z~~: U;pon ~°oll call, Cou~ea~7. Men~bers A1 ~pierii~g, Gabe d~ i,eon, Cal~a.n S~hieqe~. ~.nd Mark M~il.is reportecl pre~ent. PLEDGE OF ALi,,FsC3ANCE AI+fi~3 ii+iVOCATION ~Ia~or '~a3.ley led ~he Pledr~e of Aileg~a:nce to our ~'iag; a~nt~ ~:mmed~.atelyr . thereaft~r, Reverend DurY~am of the ~'irst Sout~ern Bapt~.s~. Ci~urc~ in G~°~v°er C~'ty del~ve~ed t3~e ~.nvoca~t3or~o ~VA~, OF ~NUTES ~:'he ;~inutes of th:e regular ~n~~tir~g of ~'ebruar~ 'I0, °E9~5, ~r~ approve~ as ~~°~~e~. ~ ~ n~ wA~,rr~s fln~ ~itian of' Ccar~c~.~man d~ Leon, sect~nd~d b~r Councili~,n ~p%er~i~g and #~f~a~3i~to~s3~r carri~i„ Gen~ral Warran~s idoo 44b2 through i~om 453~,, a.n t~~e t~ta3. exno~t c~f $24,965afi4; and ~ayroli Warrants Nom 5911 thraugi~ Noa ~~9~, ~rs t'~e tc~tal ~o~nt of $25, 759 0 5D, ~er~ appro~red and o~°dered paiele ~~iA'fAT:CO~? -"AN~RTCAN F~FLD SERV~CE WEEIC~~ - 1~1RCI3 '9 - 6, 1976 A~a3~or Talley read a proc~:amat~:~n and p~oc].a~ed the week zaf ~I~~eh 1~~arr~~qh Mar~h 6, 1976, as °Amer~~an Field Se~vice Week" in ti~~ Ci~y o~ ~i~~o~ ~rand~. Re,present~tives of the St~den~ CY~~p°~~~° of AFS i,r~~e p~°ese~a~ and o~ ~i~alf of t~ie Adult and Student Ck~apter~ t~ankecl the Counc~.l f~r the prdclama~3tsne ~TTEI`t ~2E'. FEDERAL RE~~ S~iAR'C1dC - LA~OMARSZND Tl~e Cr~uncil read a letter fro~ Congressman Lagomars~.n~ a.a~~ica~ing iais suppo~°t for t3~e cr~nt~nuanc~ c~~ th~ Federal ~tevenue Sha~ing Program and ~i~ cc~sponsarship of HaRe 82~`~ whxc3~ ext~nds tl~e prog~am fo~ another 5-3/4 years; in~~eases ~.~nding ~y '150 mil~.~.an dolla~°s per year~ and permits ai7:ocation ~f funds ta~.~ fe~a r~estricti~n~. He encouraged letters be ~rrit~en ~o ~he Inte~°governmental Relatica~s Su~oominittee expressi.a~r~ the ~ity's ~oncern fo~° con~kinuation of th~ p~°~g~°am. i+~a3~or ~'a11Qy an~ Cattnciiman Spierling :st~ted they had received sim~:Zar l~tter~ .arfd alr~ad~ respc~nded to H.L. Fountain, Chair~nan of' the Subcomanittee on Interc~o~aer~me~;~al Relat~.ons an~ Human Ress~urc~s. ~30MINATION OF'' MEIHB~R '1'O R~EG~ONAI.,' PLAI~INING BOP,RD OF ~R~MIN~1L ~U5'i'I~E Pip~iNli~G-SCH3~~E~, ~ex a letter of reqia,est from the Of~ice of Crim~.nal J~stic~e Plan~~.ng, a mot~.on was made by ~ouncs.lman Mi~lis, sec~nded by C~unc~3.m.an d~ ~ec~~ a~~i us~ani~usly c~.rri.ed, submitting the n~te of C~un~ilman Calv~n Schlegel fc~r t.~ae po~~tion or~ t~e Reg~.onal ~lann~ng Board ~f the ~ffice of Criminal J~zstice P1anr~~ng, R~g~.on PRt7GRESS REFORT - PROPOSED CONTRACT FOR AN~MAT~ CONTROZ SERVICES WTTH Ct~~iTY The Council reviewed a report f~om Fo3:ice ~~aief Clark regarding his atten- dance of the Ee~ruary 19th Animal Ccantrol meet.~ng m Severa3. cY~anges to th~ prclpr~sed Animal Gontro3~ Ccsnt~a~t had l~een adr~p~ed hy the Cc~mmittee,. includ~.rzg pro'v~s3ans ~o~ handlinc} of large a~imals, partscularly livestack, by the Animal Control officers. ~ Suggestions made by the Council prev~.ous2y £or substations.and weekend cr~verage, : will be considered duxing Caunty bud~et preparati~nse ~~zs CITY COUNCIL FEBRUAR~ 24~ 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFQRNIA PAGE 2 RECEIPT OF MINUTES - HiJMAN RELI~TI41~: CONIMISSION MEET~N~ The Couneil received and rev~~~ed the minute~ of the January 14, 1976 meeting of the Human Relations Commission of South San Lu~:s Obispo County. RECEIPT OF AI3NUAL REPOF2T - AoGo POI~TCE DEPARTMENT -'~975 The Council received ~the annual report f~om the Arroyo Grande Police Department for the yea~ 1975a The ~ncreased act~.~~t~~s eae~e noted and the Department commended by the ~o~.n~~l for its d~dic~ted serv~ice ta the City. RECEIPT OF ANI~TLTA~ REPOR"~ - A.Gm POLICE DEPARTMEidT RESERVES - 1975 The Co~ncil rev~ewed the annual ~°epor~t for 1975 from Serg~ant of Reserves, Ted Ao Gibbs, of the Arroyo Grande Police Depar~tmenta The Council commended the ou~standing prog~am and perforcnance of the ~es~rves and unan~mou~ly agreed that a letter be sent to Sergeant of Reserves Ted Gib}~s arrd members of the Palice Reserve, commending them for their se~vice and ded~cation to the City. RECEIPT OF FINAL DRAFT - EMERGENGY MEDICAL RESPONSE MANUAL F`OR S.LoO. COUNTY The Council reviewed comments made by Fire Chief Marsalek om the ravised final draft of the Emergency Medical Response Manual for San Luis Obispo County prepared by the Emergency I~Iedical Care Committee e Tne Plan ~r~ i7. standarelize emergency mediaa~ care• tie ~nto the 911 eme~gency numb~r, etc., and the Fire Chi~ supparts the concept presented. A copy o~ the 1~I~nua1 is on file at City Ha1T for anyone's rev~.ew. REPORT & REiTIEW OF CITY'S NEGATIVE EIR PROCEDURE Administrator Butch re~fewed that in response to a Ietter from Mrso Honeycutt, a review had been made af the City's Negative Environmental ~mpact Report procedures. ~ A report on a study made by Planning Direc~tor Ga~:lcap o~ how other ~itaes handle this functi~n indicated that this City's procedure i~ generally along the same lines followed by other agenc~ese An additional negative environment assessment report to be included wY~en filing EIR's is being worked one Negotiat~.ons are .~n progress to contract Dr. Harraw, the Coun~t~ En~rironmental ~oordinator, to prep~re thess documents for the ~ityo The C~uncil agreed an impa.rts,a~ person shoui~i be con~~°ac~ed t~ prepare the Ci°t~r's EIR's and/or Negat~ve statementsy but th~t a planner a~~~ b~ Yu.red by the City exclus~vel.~r fur t~is: purpose m PUBLIC HEARTNG - SALE OF SUR~Lt7S CTTY PR;O~PER`~Y ~TRAF°F`IC WAY RZGH`I' OF tnTAY) -RE~OLoADOPT. Administrator Butch reviewrecl ~~e background of this matter whe~ein prope~°ty~ ~ owners ad3acent to six~°plus City r~ght of way on Tx~affi~ Way could ~btaiz~ s~id excess property in e~chans~e fo~ putting in conc~ete eurkas, gutters and szdewalks, along with payment for propor°~ionate costs of s~rvey and desc~°iption. A letter was read from Norma Harloe, 4~7 T~affic inlay, wherein she declared no desire to purchase the excess property adjacent to herso Upon being assured b~r the City Clerk that all requirements as prov~ded by law regarding notif~ca~ion of hearing have been complied with, Mayor Talley de~l~red the hea.ring open and a11 persons would now be heard on the matterm ' , E°red Steele, 1598 Hillcrest, que~tioned whether the required improvements conform w~tYr the General Plarao Director of Publ~c Works Anderson stated the "H-S" Distriet does confa~m tirith th~ General Plan and 8' sid~walks wo~xld the~e€ore be requiredm There be~.ng no furth~r dis~ussi~n on this ma~tter, Mayor Talley declared the h~aring closed, The Counc~:l discussed the mati~e~t~ w~th Mre Steele commenting further~ along with City At~orney Shipsey, regarding ~the presen~ residential use in the "H-S" District and required improvements when tl~e adjacent propex°ty ow~er wishes ta make the ex~hanqe for tne excess righ~. o~ ~ayo After Councii discrxss~c~a~, a motion wa.s made by Coua-aci2man Sp~erlinq, se~onded by Coun~ilman Schleqe}. ai~d u~anzmously carr~.ed? fi.nding this s:ale of s~pl.us prope~~r ~n Traftic Way to be in conformance with the Gene~al Plan. City Attarney ~Y~ipsey then read the title af a resolution authorizing the sale o£ surplus p~ap~rty, whereafter a mo~ion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman 5pie~ls.ng and unanimousl~ carr~ed, to dispense v~ith reading the balance of ~his resolutiona RES OLUTIOi~I NO e °R 2 0 2 A FtESOLUT]CON OF THE CTTY COLTNCIL OF TIfE CSTY ~5E' ARROXO GEtANDE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF SURPLUS PROPE&TY ~`OLLOtn1IPTG PUBLIC HEAR:CN(3 CC~~ERNi~NT CODE BECTIqN 3?420 SEQ s~ ~ ~ i . _ . . . _ . .r , . ,u w.v. kr..~d'kM£.~ ~ _ . , . iz~ CITY COiJNC~I~ ~EBFtUAR"~ 24, 1976 ARROYO GRFIND~, ~AL~F"~l~].V~P, I~AC~E 3 On mot~~r~ of ~o~zn~illm~.n cT~ L~~z~, ~~s~,~r;d~d ~y ~~~ra~i~Yzre~~ ~~~e~l~rae~ and on the follow~nc~ r~o~~ c~~;~. ~~te, ~.o w~~: AYES : Ccauxaci~m~~a ~pi.ea~:~~..~~, dl~ I~e~~a ~~~~a~,~g~~. p M~,~~,i~ ~nd M~,~rc~~ Talley NOE~: N~~e P,BSENT r I~~n~ the fo~°egoing I~~~c~l~s~~.~x~ ~~s p~s~~~ ~n~T ~c~~p~~e~ ~~~i~ ~4~~. d,~.~ c~f E'ebruary, 197Fi, RESOLUTION .~,DO~'TIO1V - O~DER ~LERK TC7 ~AiV~t.~,~ ~~Tv M~JIV~d E~~~'~~~11~1 OF 3/2/76 City At~o~z~ey ~hipse~ re~d °th~ ~t~t~~ ~f ~ ~~~~n~utiora c~rdera.n~ °~h~ City Clerk to canva~s ~th~ Gener~l Mun.~~~.p~~ E~ec~ion~ `the~c~~fte~, a mot~on wa~ mad~_ by Councilman ~cY~3~g~lg ~e~onde~3 by ~~un~~.Ym~~ ~p~.~~°~.i~.g and unana.mously carried:, to dispense w,i°~h ~e~clin~ t~he bal~nce ~f ~h~.s ~~solut~.c~n. 1~ESC9~UT~~N NO o ~ 203 F1 RE~OIaIIT~C51r1 C~~ `L'HE C~~I`I~ ~is~)N~~~ OF ~'HE ~~'I'3~ P~RR0~0 C~RA2~TDE, C~Ie~E°ORN.T~,B Q~R.I~E1~~1VC; T'Fi~ ~11Ti7~~~ ~F 'T'FiE GEI~T~1~A~ N:it~'I~T~~SPA~ E~EC'1'~C~1J T`t~ E~E ~d~~ IZIQ aI°~E ~I~TIr ~'i~.`Y X~RC~9 °Y9~6, "I'Q BE I~DE ~`S~ '~FT~ C~~ ~LEFZK C)E~ '~H~ ~I~'~I C~~ A~~OI'C~ GFtP~TiL7E o an mo°~ic~r~ C~~r~~i~m~r~ ~p~erli~g, ~ec~nd~d }ay~ C~tsn~~lm~n d~ Leon and on the ~ollo~~ng ~c~~l v~~e, r~r~t: AStESm ~oun~~lzn~n ~}~i~~~i~g, d~ I~~~a~g ~chl~~~~,, ~2~.lli~ ~~d D~ayor Talley 1VOES e 1V~n~ A~SEN'~L" < l~iort~ the f~reg~~~g i~s~1~u°ti~r~ ~~s ~~.s~e~l ~rad adop~~d ~Ya~s ~~~~i d~~ ~°~~~~~~°y~ 19'76. , NOTI~E OF ~C7~~ ~I~Re Ft~ZGNE 7~~93~ "A~" "~O ".~,Po` ~m CH~R12~ EX~„ & ~~:I~~Fi l~Y~~I~(DI~ON) ~'kpe Cour~c~l r~ce~~r~d no~~~~e ~h~~ ~ ~ubl~~ ~ea~°i.ng h~~ be~r~ ~e°~ Ma:~°~h 9, 1'976 8v0~ ~aM~ t~ ~on~~d~~ ~t~~ ~e~~mmerac~~~~o~ ~h~ P~~~r~~r?g Gommissi~n t~ re~~r~e fre~m ~~P,a` ~ez ~~~~P,~ y ~rope~~~ ~t, °the ~a~~. ~k~~~r~ S~t~~~~t ~x~ten- sion and ~r~n~h Mill l~ad ~ a~ ~eq~~~°ted 3~~ W~ ~.r~a pa~~~~ o REVIETai OF I~TES~ ~~G~~~°I'~~ ~~L~~~N~ ~"~.2~I`![ I~~~~ C5~ ~~1T:~F°~~TIP~, C~`T~E> TY~e ~~iin~~~: ~e~~ew~el ~he 1La°~~~~ I~~~i~lat~~e ~ul~~°~~r~~ ~e~~~~ed f~~zn ~l~e League of Ca~ifo~r~ia C~,~~~~ e REVIEtnT OF' TENT~~C~~7E ~tJ~D~Vz 1N~~, ~F~C°~ 453 ~1~P,I~TCH~ T~7~, BI~.1~tA1~T~A) p TA~I:e`S~ ~U I~Do Admir~~s~tra~tc~ But~~a ~~~i~w~d °~h~t ~,he C~u~c~:~. $~~:d p~~v~o~~l:y h~ard a first _ read~ngq ~n N~~r~mb~~ ~0, ~975, o~d~rua~ce t~ ~~z~~~ an ~~f Ta].ly Ho Road; f~am ~~R-A-B-3~~ 'o~t-~-33~2~~ wi~l~ a~~D,~ ~~r~~r~~~ t~ l~mi~ ~e~rel~pm~nt to 39 lo~s allowing d~ns~~y tx~~~~e~o A~~rx~a~~.~r~ zr~~ ~o~ ~l~~.s ~ea, n~~r kn~~n as Tx~a~t No. 453 r Ran~ha La ~~.x°~ar~~a ~~~~mei~l~ ~'~.~.ly ~i~ ~~~ate~~ vaas ~~nside~~d b~ the Stzbdiv~- sion Re~~ew Bo~rc~ ~nd P~ann~~~ Com~n~;~s~.~r~~ ~~e ~a°~t~r e~f v~l~~~l~ r~c~sz~s~ec~ the de~eloper to si~bm~t a su}~}aY~m~r~~~1. E~R ~a~ ~r~e~v of ~Y~~ ~i~~~g~~ ~horar~ on the tent~tive m~,po ~e ~u~~~n~ pl~n c~e~se ~,~a~n ~h~ p~e~~ously submi°tted` prapo~al o ~he C~u~nci~ ~e~ri~wr~c~ ~1~e ~a,~~i~~,~~,~~ R~~~~v~ ~oa~d a~ r~~~~enda~~ons o' Mrs m ~~a~ons ~ ~ 50 ~~:~,~~r ~Ic~, ~~am.~~~ed, °to ~o~r~c~~: ~~p~e~ the N~gativ~ Decla~a°t~~r~ ~~~,g~ra~~,Y;~ ~~~ed ~a~ ~F~e p~c~~~c~ de~~lop~ento H~x° naat~~ions o~ th~ng~ ~h~ ~~i~ ~~~e ir~~e~u~.~~~,~~~~ a~~~~ or~ ~k~e ~~pa,es~ Dis~u~s~.~n of the Neg~ti~e I2ec~~r~t~~~p ~~~9,xi~~~ ~u~pl~m~~~~.1 ~~R ~n~l ~e~ bac~C~ ~f ~o~s ~n the tract ~nrere dis~~~sec1 ~t ~~n~~l~ ks~ ~i~e C~~r~~~~~o ~,~~~r ~~°~r~~°~,~ ~i~c~x~~~any ~ Yno~:~on wras made b~r Cc~u~~~lm~r~ Nii~~~~y ~~~~r~ci~cl ~oa~.r~c~l~~ ~~~ra ~rac~ ~zz~an~an~u~l~ ~~~r~ect,, to holci off a~~i~~~ ~r~ ~'~a~t a 453 y~~~?,~1~~ ~~~~~n~~ ~ pea~~~~g ~Y~~ f~.~~ng of the" iupplem~nt~~ I~~g~~ive D~~~~~~~;~~s~ ~~°~~~~~x~~~~~~ ~m}~~~~ F~~p~~t }ay th~ d~vel:~per.. 1~'~ o ~1~~ I~or~~~~tx~~ ~ 5F Cr ~~~c ~Y ~~~d. ~ f~~~;sxig ~tl~e N~e~~- tive De~~a~a~~or~ f~~~cT ~~~.g~a~~~.:~~r ~c~~ °t~e ~~e~. ur~c~~.~ ~~.~~u~s~,~ra~°t~~n ~Cr~own a.~ 'I`rac~ N~~.o 560 ~~cT Sb~~ ~x~ e~~~~ ~~cl I~~~o ~~icagr.~~~~ p~~~~r~~a~~e~r~ o~ d~t~ b~inc}s: tY~is ~o i~he ~~~n,ci~B~ a~~~n~~~no ~k~e ~~~h~~ ~~~.~,~ed ~.h~.~ ~12~ puka~~,~ had no~ been not~.f~ed o~ ~he ~~id~.~~,~~.o~ R~~r~.e~r ~s~~°cld~ ~~~~~,ng wl~~~ .~t ~ar~~~dered Tract No e 453 e C~.ty A~torney Sh~~ssey ~~~~ed h~ wca~~cl ~~~e~r~h tY~e appli~a.b~.:lity of th~ Review BoarcT u~der °the pr~~s.sio~~ ~f t~ae ~~ro~ra Acto The Co~n~il ~e~a~~~a~d aracl c~a~~~c~~~~d a~ T~~g~t:ka tl~~ ~~~ta ~°~c~ived f~om Mrs. Simmons wiith her ancl ~Ta~ Ci~~ ~~,~f ~ m ~a~~ ~equ~s~~c~ th~°~ ~.ra ~,he f~tur~ d~t~ . suoh as ~h~t p~~s~n~~d th3~ ~~~r~~ttas~ l~y~ M~~a ~~mm~~a~ b~ ~u~m~,t~ed tc~ tkae Counail prior t~ i~s rneet~.ng~ °~c~ ~r~~k~3~~ ~~~i~~r ~~ne~ ~~~c~~rn ~2~ CITSt C~tJ1V~~~ F'EBRTJAi3~t 24, 1976 ARROYt3 G~17~, ~I~~E°~RT~I~~ p.`~~E 4 STDEWI-1I~K ~n13I3~~ ~]DT I~Y~~~1~ ~~~~~-1~I~ ~~~~~"aI~1~T`~' ~~~"I~~~'P ~~2.~~C'.C ~e C~txri~~;l ~ D~:~~~~:~~~ ~y~7L~~ ~'~rlt~ .`~der~on, which ra~s pr~~a~~r~ pt~~~~~~a~ ~.~a~ ~~~~xc~~;~. ~ ~ ~~~e~~,~~~ ~egu~~~ ine~ta.ng. The report ~um~~~~,z~c~ ~~~~~.ia~~ ~m~~~~~zr~~rn~~ ~a~ ~~~~c;~~~ ~~.dew,ra~k P,sse~sment Distri~t~ kse°~~~~~ ~r~n~ ~~~x~~x~ ~~sd ,~~ven~~o ~,ft~~ ~~unc~i ci~~c~zss~dn, a motion was mae~~ ~r~~~~~~~r~~~ ,~~~,;~~~~~~y- ~~~~~~ed ~a~ ~oa~~~~5~~r~~n de L~~n and unani- mously ~arr~~cl, ~ett~.a~~ t~~ ~.~;d~w~~~ ~~.d~l~ ~~~~~w~~~.ked pr~gert~es on South Halc~or~ l~adl9 }~e~w~~a~ ~~~a~~ ~.~~ra~;~ ~a~~ ~°a~:~ ~~~v ~~~r~~z~ g ~e~~n fee°t (7' } with no parkway, PROGRESS R~~OFt~° - Ft~J~Fi 7ANl~ ~,~~~~~I~I3°!~ C~t~ Exa~ira~~~ ~a~~~~ ~~~v~,~~~cl ~°~~ra~a°~s,~~ .~~F~e~.a~au.~ ~~r progress of the Ruth Ann Way Ass~~~m~xa~t l~i~°~~~~r~a ~va.~~ c~~.~, t~ b~ ~~compl~i~hed Nla.rch 23, 1976 and Ap~~7L 2~~h t~~ ~~n~~,~~, ~a~r~ b~ ~~r~~cleclo REMINDElT - Tn1ATE~. 11SSO~IA`~~f~N N~E`~~1~~ m F~E~R.U~R~ 26 d6 . Coax~~~:~rnan ~pi~r~.ira~ ~zra~~d ~~a~n~~~, ~Y~~,~a~~s °t~ ~,~~~r~~ ~tY~e 4~ater Association meeting or~ ~5~~:'UId`$~"~ g ~ J ~ ~ g GJ~I~.~aB ~ ~om,~~.~~e :~~p~~t waYl. be ga.ven regarding tl~~ ~r~d~~c~~~a~d s~f" ~h~ Ar~¢~ym Grar~de wa~°te~ basin. , REPORT REo PROE~OS~I~ ~~K~ I~A,~TE A~CJrTD ~Y~~G~T m~AL ~R~TS C~.t~r Eng~.ra~~~ ~a~~~~ ~~pc~ar~~d t,h~t, ~la~ ~a1La~E~~~a~~ D~par~m~nt of Transporta- ~ tivn has seY~~~t~cY ki~.c~h~~.~r 22`~ ~g¢s~.ng~ ~.~~~d ~~~~a I~~.1~: a b~.ke lane project locationa By ~.~~r~ 2~ ~13 32~ m~~t; Fa~ ~~~an~ ~a~ b~lce baneso Cost of the proj~ct is ~st~ma`t~dl ~p~s~,°~~~~~~~~~.~s $~~,0~~ ~g~~ ~.~,g~ °ta~ be reque~ted to partic~pate i~ ~~a~ c:~~~ ~f ~z~~~~~~~.,~~~ ~~~~~e ~m~~s~°t ~.~~s thaaa 50~ whi~h is su#~3~ct t~ neg2a~i~k~.~~o REP012T ~ ZO1V~ ~ A~~Y~~~~S~ CC~Nl~i~C~"~'EE P~~~~~G -~Ft~~X~ C~t~r Ena~~~~~~° x~p~~~fi~~d ~ar~ F~~~~aar~~ ~9~h ~e~°~~.~~ ~f ~tYae Zone 3 Advi~ory Cca~si~~.~e g~~~~~w~r~~ ~k~~ m~~at~~' y~ rep~~ts ~~~rem fo~ ~e~~Y~es and Parks by Mra Sh~x°~ri:~a ara~l t~ae W~;~~:~ ~~°~atane~a~ ~~,~.r~~ ~°~}~aa~°~ ~iv~rn l~~ L~e~~,l W~~t~~sm Further d~.scu~~~~ra v~a~ Y~~~d ~°~~~.~d~,~au~ ~h~ ~,~v~ ~~~~~wo.~~ c~~r~~m A~Fa~~ry ~ra howr the caver ~ra~ ~acp~,~.irn~c~ o ~~a~~~~. ~i~ °~Y~~ ~~r~e 3 ~~u~ l~iaa~ b~r ~~ae Cc~unty Lab has I~e~n r~~a~~z~d, ~s~tfl~ ~a~~ara~~ t~ p~.y~ ~~r~~ rr~c~nt~~.~ ~°~nt~l f~~ $14A. PRC)GRESS ~TE~ORT.' - ~C7iJ°I'~I ~AN ~~T~~ ~~~~PC~ ~°O~T1~T~ ~~,N~°~A.~~OI~ D~~TRICT Adm~.rais°kr~.~u~' $ta~~Y~ ~°~~s~~'°k.~el ~h~t p~s~l.~.~ ~1~~~.~r~,g c~sts ~:he E~12 ~o~ °the outfall ].~ra~ S~u~;h ~~r~ ~b~.~p~ ~~?,~r~°~y~ Saa~:~~~°t~.~r~ I~i~~~°ic°t, w~i~.l be held on MarcF~, 3~ g 976 U l~r; ~h~ ~y.~~~~.~~, ° s Ba~~~~ R~~~o APPROVE REPA'~MEN~' C9F TnIA"I"E~ &~~G~R ."~~1~tE ~X~~NS3~I~ C~S°~~-~`RAC~ 550-~CHO~NFFELDER ` ~~~an~~.~. x°~~~.~~~~ ~ .~~pc~r°t ~~r~~:, C.a~~~v ~~s~dtr~~~re Caa~~~~.~ re~o~nending repayment t~ Nir, '~A ~m S~h,c~~ra~'~~d.~:~ 0~9 ~~~~e ~.A~~~y~ G~ancle e anonies co].lecteel from Tract Nao 550 ~~~ve~ ~~cT vs~~~~ ~,~m~ ~~ct~z~~y,~r~~ pu~. in b~r M~m Schoenfelder, as followss ~ ~Y~~~~ ~.e~s~.ym~n~ $ ~ e~E~i~ o ~ ~ ~~~re~ l~~p~y~ar~~~~ ~~R y 5~ ti o 63 °~C9~'A~ 3A2~~,~~ Aft~~r ~'esur~c:s~7L ~~:,~~~~~~,~.vg ~ m¢~~a~ra r~~~ l~~r ~rr~sac~~~rn~n d~ Le~n, seconded by ~~~anc~.Ya~r~ Spi~~°:~~~r~e~ ~nc~ u~.amimm~~Yy ~a~r~.~c1D ap,~ro~*~ra~ paysnent to W. G. Schoenfeldl~~ ~,n ithe t~~~.~ ~~~r~~ ~i~ $3 p 2 ti Fl m 22 f~~° ~~~~.ym~r~t wat~r and sewer line ~~~~~~~,~r~ ~~~t~ ~~~a°~ 4~~~~ L~~ae~ ~~~m cl~~~~~pm~~~ Tract 550. REPORT - T~UR : ~F' i7A1V~~I~TBE~2.G ~ ~ ~~IU~`~L~ s1~~~RId~'t~TC~ C~ur~ci ~p~.~~?~~~~ ~~~~r°t~~ ~r~ ~ Ya~ p~~ti~~,pated ~n of Vandenbe~°g Air .f~ ~~ga~°c~ t~ tl~~ ~~a~~~ ~~u~~~L~ ~o b~ ~~~~tec1 ~here, . which shoul,d be ~}aei~~.t~or~~ by ~ ~82 ~ CONfPLAINT RE o WP,°I'ER BILI~~l+Tf~~ ICUB~~IIC Wendy ICsx~bi~.l~~ 4~~ G~~9.~,~~.~, ~~m,~~La~~~e3 ~~~a~e1~~g ~tl~.~ Ya~~~a~~~ of water bi~ls, the dates ~n ~h~m, and ~h~~ °t~i~ p~~.g~ Y~~~l ~a~°~ ~~~~a .~~~~~~me~ ~la~~t the problems regarding °t1~e )a~Ylirag~ m Adzn~,~~.~°~~°a°~~~~ ~~t~~ amd ~'~,rr;~r~~e Da~rec°~or ~sengren ~xpla~~~dl ~~~kr~~~€~ ~r~;~ ~~~~~~1 a~~~~~ ~c~ ~~~~~~e1 t~~~ ~d~qu~te fu~de are being ~o~~,~~~~d °tk~a~ r~~~~ ~a~~r~~g ~~~r f~s~~n~~~~ p~~blema. AD~7aURN~NT : On m~s~.ie~x~ o~ C~~,n::~ ~an~n ~p.i.~~~.~..ng, ~r~~~racl~d by Cs~~un,cb~ms~ra d~ Leon and _ unanimou~ly ~~.r~°i~d, ~th~ sne~~:~ra~ ~d~~~n~ra~d 9 e 59 L~ ~1Mm ATTEST z L'~ l , CI~"7C ;.~L~RI~ MA~QEt ,