Minutes 1976-03-09 _ - izs CTTX COYJNCIL MAR~'H 9, 1~76 ARROYO GRAND~, CALT~'ORN~A 'i'he City ~ounail met in a cotnb~r~~d ~~gula~ ~e~sion ~xad s~~~ion as ~~c~uire~ by the E1ec~~.4r~ Codes of the State of Cala.fornia y~aith PKayc~r pon Talley p~°esid~nqa Upon roll call, Gouncil Membe~s A]. Spberling, G~b~ de Leon, Ga1~rAn ~chle~el and - Mark M~.llis reported p~°esento ' PLEDG$ OF AL~EGIANCE AND IATVOCATION Mayor '~alley led the Pledge of Allegiance to ou~° F'lag; and ~.mm~diate].y thereafter, Reverend ,7ohn W. Germain~ vf the Fi.rst Pr~byst~rian!~h~~~h in Ax°z~oy~ Grarsde, delivered th~ ~.nvocation. RESOLUTION ADOPTION - RECITING FACT OE° THE GEN~RAL 1~Si3N~C~PX~L ELECT~~JN ~ 3 2/'76 City Attorney Shipsey read the ~itle of a resolut~.on ~ecst nr~; th:e faCt of . th~ March 2, 1976 general munic~.pal election; thereaftex, a motior~ ~ras made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman de I,~on and umanimausly ~arr~ed, to d~.~pen~e wit,h ~eading the balance of ~his r~so].utian. ~ _ 130 CITY COUNCIL MARCH 9, 1g76 ARROYO GRANDE, CQ~LIFQRNIA PAGE 2 RESOLUTIOtd N0. 12d4 A RESQLUTIQN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 7"HE CITY pF' ARRpYO GRANDE, GAL,IFQRNIA,~ R~CITiNG,THE FACT QF' TME GEN~RAL MUNtCtPAL EEECTIQN . HELD ,I N SA l D~ f TY O.F ARROYQ GRANDE ON THE 2N~p DA~Y OF hi~1~CH, 1976, ' DECLARING TME RESULT THEREAF AND SUCH (1THER MATT€R:S:AS ARf ' ~ PROVIDED BY LAW. ~ WHEREAS, a,,re~~ul~r genera~i municipa~l ~l~~ect,~on~~~~was he~d~ arrd canducted ir"r~~ the C i ty of ArroyQ Grande, .Coun.~~ of, San t.~~ i s:Ob,i spo, ,5tate af >Ca i~a forn'ra; on Tuesday, the 2nii day of March, 1976, as required by law; ~nd - WHEREAS, noti~~-pf said election was duly andyJreg~aarlyz.~iven in t~irre =f;o.rm and man.ne,r,a~~ pr.~z~vid~d';by Taw,:"~f°ha~ vq'ting Prec~tncts ~.we~re pr.oper~y establ::isFi~d~; that ele4tion.of~icer,s were appo,inted.,:a~d that in.al,l respects said;election was held and canducted and. the. votes „~ast, Xher~at:,.; received ae?d canvassed and the ' returns made and declared in time,,tfortn and manaer.as r~quired'by..the provisians of the Elections Code of the State af Califmrnia for the holding af electia~s in cities; and WH~REAS, pursuant to Resal ut ion No. 1203_~dopted ~Fte_ 2_4_th ..dayo uf_ _ . February, tg76, the City C1erk of the C~ity of Arroyo Grande canvassed the returns of said election and has certiFied the resuats ta thts City Council, said results are received, attached and made a part hereof as "Exhibit A." NOW, THEREFORE, THE CiTY COUNCIL OF 3HE COTY 4F ARROYO GRANOE, CAIIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE,AS FOILOWS: SECTII~N 1. That there were four (4) voting pr~cincCs establisF~ed for the purpose of holding said election consisting of con~oiidations of the regular election precincts~'tn the City of Arroyo Grande as established for the holding of state and county etec~ions. SEC710N 2. That said regular general municipat election was held for the purpose of electing the fo~lowing office~s s~f said CEty as required by th~ la~rs retating ta cities in ths State of Catifornia, to wit: Three (3) Members of the'Ctty Council ~f said City for the fuii ~er°rr: af four (4} years; A City Clerk of s~id City for`th~ fuli term of fs~ur years; A City Treasurer of said City for the fu#1 t~rm of four years. SECTION 3. That the whole number of votes cast in said City (~xcept absent voter baliots) was One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-~our (1,654). Shat the whole number af absent voter ballots cast in said City was Twenty-Six (26), making a total of One Thousand.Six Hundred and Eighty (t,680) votes cast in said City. SECTION 4. That the names of persons'voted for at said election for i~ember af the City Council of said City are as follows: Chester N. Clark R~arl I. Coie Robert Lackey Gabe d~ Leon Carol K. Alten Mark M. tAittis John Sandoval Matth~w P. Galiagher, Jr. That ~h~ narnss gf th~ persons voted for at said ~lection for City Clerk of satd City are as fc~ilows: - Ines l~. del Campo That th~ nams~ of the persons voted ~or at said election for City Tr~asurer~ af said C1ty are as follaws; Urville M. 5chultz (3/76) i31 : ~CIT`d~ GOUNCIL ~ ~ ~ As~#~RCH:9,~,~i.9~.76 : ARROYO . GR(~NQE s.: .CAI. I F(3RN,1 A - RAGE 3 Th~a~;~~~.,~~~r~~e~_..of ~o~~s g~,~~~ ~et~. ~aci~. pr_~~~r~ct~ ~a~nd ~f~~ n~~~E~er~ af <v~ea~es ~,;9kv~n irr .th~ C~ty~,:za eaci~ +of,;s~~h~.per~,~n~:aabove nar~d`.far ~~~.re~p~r~~.E~ve :s~-~~',i~e:rs .for, ~v~h E ch. sa i d:: -per:~crns ~;wer~ _~a.r~d,i:da~:~s.~Yv~rere~ ;as 1-i~~ t~d :i r~ ;~xF~ ~ t~i ~ ;;';A" ;:~;t~~~ptied ~ ~~FsCT'¢ON:.5. y'The'::G~i.tX. CQur~c'i D..~~es._d~~-~a.re ~nd;~d~>x-~r~nin~;~~tat: . I~RI€1.M. ~1t.IRL•`:1S-~a~-~1~cted:as,.M~mber::of.t~h~ G~r,ty_~ow~~tl.;c~f, saic~=G~ty for the fu1 };::term ,of~ four .y~~ar:s; .=GA~~~ z~e _LEON e.lec:ted as .,Me~e~,'bf,::t~e. ~~i{t~/ ,~aurt~:i ~fi~:.sa?id.:C,ity ° .:~or.=~~~°Efui 1.:::~~rm:. of ;~o~ur :y~ars; , e~~~tA}"~~'~fW P.: G~t~LAG#~ERr9~J,R. was. ~el~ec4ted~-a~~-_~i~ber..•:of- ;~;h~°sCF,t~.~-GQw.r~~i }~:of ~ •-said ~~i;.ty-.~or ~~,h~ .~ul ~:;°t~r~.~~-~ouw ~a~°:s; ~;~:N~9 ,A...: ~det. C~MfO;a~ras:,~l~c:t~ed ~C,i;,t~ :~~~rk<~,v€..,~axid:=Gi,t~`;~~r~,~~e r~ull. ;t~•rm ` ~'f~.;~QUr :'y,~d3°.5, , :.;~R1~t LLE3 .M.. SCHI~LTZ.,-was; e..l~.~;t~d. ~C i•ty =Tr-east~re~.>crfw.~sa:i d` C~f,ty'-~or-~ ~h~~ .f~c~1 ] . ~~~rm ;vf° fr~ur. •-year:s ; ~.~SE~T.lON 6 ~'he ~C:tty Gl~rk,~~~~31: .e~;ter: on'~~e d~re:~c~rds~ af ,~~#~e ~~.f4~y .C~~rn~i 1 . o~.sa.id :Gi~ty, a, st.a:~~n~ of•r;~he ,~es.ul~•ta~-sa'id ~,,l.er~~on,:,`~~f~aw,r;~~rgr . t <C=1) .~~he wF~Q~le.-nu~E~er: ;of.vate~-.:cast~.:ir~ t~~,=~.~;:~y; ~:2) -!~~~e~.~~ ;o~:.~h~,;.{~~ns~ns~°~c~k~d.;~or; .~3) .For v,rhat a~~.i::~ek=s~ch .p~.~~o~kfw~~.,=~r~ted ~f~r; ~(~4) ,'fhe nur~ber of,~~c~;~~s egi~vsrt. a~:~e.~c~, p~recirtcfi:~~xa~:~~ch;.p~.r~an,:~,-:~hd . - :(:S) The nu~ber..;of. ~~a~~~<;~i;~v~r~==frr.~.h~`:>City:.ta,~~~h..#~e:o°s~n. ,SEGT.(OM 7. -'~hat t~he ~G:i.ty ~:ieri~ s~~a.11'=i~ec~i.ae~ly~-~aMie~.,,ahd~:.~pvr~.~~n~~.~~r~s T~y t.he. p~rso~s ~l~e~ed w€th,~-F~e p,r.av.i:s~ions, of .~e~t~.~ar~ 1•i;~St~,~nd,~e~~;~or~ f.`~'=~~~ ~oF ,:;t~he:~l~c~EOns:C~sie of the. Stat~:a~_~alrfcra~r~,i.,a~:,~sh~l~'.de~-i.~rer-.tc~,.:.~~~.b~~~€: ~~a~~.:~.rsc~ns ;~:so exl~~.~~~~. a ~erti.~Ei=cate o~ ~:}e:~t~~~r~.7s:e$~adr°~~~:~her::and~.~~t~=~~i~~~ti~~a~~d, ~th.at. ~he t ~~11 :a<ksa:~~+~~t~ni>~fier .to each;;:p~rsoet.. ~1:~~-ed, . ~rhe <~lath~ °of ~f_~_.i;+~~~ .:p~-.~~ri~~d : i n tfie ~,:~ta:te Can;~~p.~~it•ion~ °~~he_ Stat~ ~f:.C~ls"~~a~rrtia:: a~?d.:s~?al t::~~~er~:;~fi~ra:,s.~tbscr~-i~b~~ ~h~~r~tcr ahd';_f.i 1~:~~ ~ame,,in ~~er ,~f'f:i~e ~.~;:4/~~re~t~~n,~::~~ch;a~d~:~11 o~;<~sai+~:<~~~r'.s~s::so .e te~~ed s~~l Fbe ;%~.due>~e~ . i~nto ~h~°,~.r.:espee:Gt;i-ve; o~f:~ ce~, xa ;'wt~:ich : ~hey~:#~~a. ~bee~ e.~ e~.ted . S.~'CT~tON.: ,8 ~l~at th~ C.i t~ :G~~etrk ;~al l.:cer.~~i fy ,tc~'th~ ,pa~~.~r~g~.~ainct}:~do~tt ion . ;ofi. ~~h~i s ~~al_t~t;k~n;: ~~ha•t l :~xer.`~~#~~ -.~~tn~ ;;i m~~-he,<,book ~of~ or~r`,gi:r~a t:.~~f~~tai~c~ns~:of ,~aa d'. ~G:~~ty ~;rar~cl; s~Fta l i ..:~na~Ce: ~?;.i rtv.t~. 'of =~fi~::~ra;~sagea~: ~nd ~ ~:d~p~~i-ort :~..~ofi ~:i rt• ~ the ~~::r.,,.ecc~~d~.-zof~<~°~he~~pr.o~~~d.~~gs. af.-~~e. C:i,t~° C~rcil. o~._~:~a.id.tC.i.ty,' ln~s~~~ha?~s'rn~~.rt:u_t~s:~o~F,~~e ~:~~~~~ng. ~a~w~h~tch ~he.: ~.~aane ~i s; =p:as~~d~ and ~:dapted. ` Or~ €raa~;,ion of Courtci tm~n. de .~:~on, ,s~~~~d~ed:;by ~Gr~~attc~-iman Spi;e~~~:t~g;;~~d ~4k;on ~~~ehe .f.~oi~-1,a+~ing r~ai 1-:~al l.:~ate, .to~aai.t: ~ ~ ~ ~Y~S:::C~unci°.r~r~n 5pi~rTing; de =4eon, ,~~ta~:~e1 ~~=M:i;ifk:is;:and~~l~~or~`r~T~al=~:ey NO:ES K: NQne :~AB~;E-NT: ~fone : ~he:.:forego,tng<Rssc~~utior~,~wras =passed a~nd a-d~pt~d,.this ~th d~y 'of Mareh,;i;9.76. ; l hlsyor of 'the ,C t~r o Ar,~a~r. .:G an e ~;A~1`EST: C F ty C lerk :o the :G i ty a P~~ ayo Grande ' ~ 2 ~ v~ 3~ CITY COUNCIL MARCH 9, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 ~EXHIBIT "A" ~ ~ ~ CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF CANVAS$ ' I, Ines A. de1 Campo, Cfty Clerk of the City of Arroyo GranBe, County of San Lu~s Obispo, State of Cal~tfornfa, dulg author3zed bg Resolutfon No. 1203, adopted by the City Counc.il of said City on the 24th day of February, 1976, do hereby cert~fy that I have canvassed the returns of the regular general marutc~paZ elect.io» 1Je1d fn safd City on the 2nd day of March, 1976, and fibd that the number of votes g~ven at each precinct and the number of votes given jn the City to persor~s voted for, ttie respective off.ices for which said persans were candidates, were as follows: Li~4TED: March 5, I976 Citg C1erk of the Citg of rogo Grande For NEMBfR of the PRECINCT TOTAI VOTES CITY COUNCIL Np. 1 N0. 2 N0. 3 N0. 4 TOTAL ABSENTEE CAST Ch~ster N. Clark 58 43 59 84 244 3 247 Pq~rl I. Cole 135 126 131 14Q 532 0 532 Robert L. Lackey 79 75 75 71 300 2 302 Gabe de Leon 271 206 227 212 916 17 933 Carol K. Al1en 173 106 129 112 520 6 526 Ma~Ck M. Millis 354 267 270 2~7 1128 16 1144 Jo1ut Sandoval 83 90 87 75 335 6 341 l~3tthew P. Gallagher,J~. 240 185 176 109 710 16 726 far ClTY CLERK IA~s A. del Campo 336 291 306 278 1211 19 1230 For CITY TREASURER Orville M. Schultz 348 292 329 296 1265 19 1284 TOTAL VOTES CAST 2077 1681 1789 1614 7161 104 7265 AT PRECINCT TOTAL BALLOTS vOTED 499 390 405 36o i6sa 26 i6eo AT PRECINCT I, Inea A. de,e Campa, Ci,ty C,e¢~cF~ o~ .the C,i.ty o~ Mr~wyo Grcande, Caunty o~ San Lcai,a OEu.apo, Sxa.te os Ca.P.i.~on?~.ia, do heh.eby c¢h.t,i,~y ~haat #h¢ ~onegv.i.ng Reao.ewti,on No. 1204 .i.s a fiii.u.e, ~u.~ and cavi.ee,t copy o~ da.i.d Res a.~c+.t,i.on pad~ ed and adap~ed 6 y~he C.i,t y Counc.i.L a~.the Ci,t y a~ Nvw yo G~arcde cct a negu,~a~c me¢,ti,ng a~ sa.i,d Coun~i.L h¢,~d on ~h:e 9zli' day o~ Ma~cceh., ~ 916. GlITN~SS my hand ccnd ~he Sea.e a~ ~he Ci.ty a~ Awcaya G~cande a~~.i,xed ~h.i,a ~ 9~h. day a~ Manc.h, 1976. ~t.Qi ~ p ~ y a e a ya e ISEAL) ~3w 133 CITY COUNC~~ 1~RCFi 9, 1976 ARROYO GR~ND~, C~,L~F~R1~1~A PA~~ 5 ADMTNYS~°RA~'~a!N ~F OA~Fi Q~"F'~CE TO C~'I"~ ~Ia~RIC &~~°I'S~ ~OiJ1~TC~S~ I~1~tBERS Maya~ Talley admae~n~tered ~he Oath o~ Office t~o City Cle~]~ ~nes de7. C~npoe City Clerl~ ciel. Caxr?pa admin~~t~reel th~ O~.~h ~f (5~fic~ ta Ci°t~ C~uuricil Niembers Mark Mo M~llis9 Gabriel de I~e~a~; ~nd N!a°tthew Po ~a].~,aghe~, ~ra ~z~d s~gned and delivered to each a Certif~.~a°te ~f E~ec~~or~o COMMENTS BY ~'~~~NG 1~YOR TALL~EY Retiring N~ayor por~ Tall~y ~°t~ted h~ had }aeen p~--~ud to wrc~rk ~r~t.Yi th~ Counc~l and City S~a~f ~nel vJ~~ tharilcful for ~he opport~xni°ty ~o t~a~~ ~~rved t~e Ci°ty as Mayox~ and C~,ty ~ounc~,l Member m fie rem~nded the ne~r ~ounc~l to study tYie issues and then mall~e a decision fo~ °th~ g~o~ of all of the people in the Ci~yo ~ a; Mayor T~lley ~nvited the n~tivly electecl Council Members ~o assume their place~ witY~ the Council a~ he stepped down, and °turra~el °the m~~tir~g ove~° to the . City Clerko ELECTTON OF° MAYOR ALJD MA3~OR PRO I'~M City Clerlc del Camp~ ;pl,aced ~11 ~ouncil Nl~mbers on an ~qual basis ancl stated nominat~ons for May~or were nova openeelo Gounc~.lm~n Gallaghe~8 Jro nominated Gabe de Leon ~or l~ia~r~~ and Cour~c~lman Millis seconded the nom~,rnationo Councilman : Spierling nominated Calvira ~chlegel f~r Niayo~ and Counc~lman de Leon seconded.the nominationo C~uncilman de Leon zn~~ed tl~at nc~r~inations be elased and Council:man _ Millis ~econc~ed the motian< Coaar~cilm~.n de Leon requested the vot~nq be done by secret ballot, ~,rhereupan th~ ~ity Clerl~ d~.s°tril~uted printed bal].o~.~ to each Council. Ni~mbero The ballots we~~ t,al7.i~c1 ]~~r the C~,t3r C~~~l~ upan x°e~eipt of same, , showing the results to b~ three (3) to twm (2) electing Gala~ d~ L~on as Mayora May~r de Leon a~s~ed tY~e ~hai~ and de~l~.recl no~n~nat.i~ns May~r Pro `Tem s~" : were naw openedo Councilrnan Gallagher, J~o nom~nated M~k riYo l~i~ll~s ~o~ l~yor Pro Tem and C~un~ilman Spie~°ling s~conded the xaomination~ ~a~nn~ill?aan ~~hlegel nominated ~1 ~p~erl~.ng for Mayor P~°o Tem and Coun~~lm~n i~.l~~~ ~~~ond~d °~he nomina°ti~~x~ Prin.ted laal~o°t~ ~r~r~ d~;s°tra~but~cl to each C~un~~l lvt~zr~~~o The ballot~ ~rer~e talla~ecl by the City ~le~k upon r~~~~pt o~ sam~, ~ho~t~.n~ °~he r~~u~.t~ -to.;be four {4~ to on~ (1) elec~ing Ma~l~ Nia M~.l~.is for Ma~ror P~o T~m, COMNlENTS BY N~TrtiIaY EL,EC°I°ED COUNCII~ NIEMB~~ Counc~.lma.n l~iillis stated he ~a~~ haP.Py tiv~,th the ~lect~on r~s~z~ ~or ~n open, hone~t Ci~y govex°nment o Eie further con~mernted on °~1~~ Rezoninq not kaeing wan°ted }a}r the people, °t~at he feels °tY~e l~yo~ sk~o~~.d ~~~~~~a~ by the people; and tYt~t a nera Planraing Direct~r should be h~~eclm Councilma.n Gallagher, J~o °than}ced °tho~e ~ho l~elped him attair~ °t~.~,s officeo He st~ted th~~t farming i~ Arroyo Gramde' s nt~nla~r one empl~~rment; emphasized' citizen part~cip~teion ira governmen~; and urg~el b~~tter planr~bng e~f~x°ts ~by the C~.t~ Planners. H~ thanlced Don °P~].ley for hi~ c~urtesy and commended lz~m ~or his serv~.~~ to the C~:ty m : . Niayoz° c~e Leon thanked Doxa Ta11e~ fc~r 1~~.~ serv~ce t~ the ~ity ~d help to h~, al~ca ~~at~ng he ha~ learn~d mu~h unc3er the M~y~rship~ of Cal Schlegel arad Don Tall~ym He tharilce~ the ~~un~il fo~° ~°ts ~rc~t~ ~onf~d~n~~ ~d u~g~ed ~Yae C~un~~~ raorlc together cooperat~vely anc~ in cons°truc~~,ve harm~ny. Mayor de Leon then presented Doa~ Talley vaith a g~.ft and a Flaque Appre~~.ation in recogn~tion of h~s ~ervice to i:he City as Mayor from Ntarch, 1974 to 1Karch, ~ 97Fi, a~ Counc~,lman from Septe~nber, 1969 to March, 1976; and as Parks arad Recreat~on Commi~s~,~ne~ ~~eam July, 1966 °to ~~}~teml~e~°, 19~9o T~o T~lley cong~atulated Mayor de Leon ~n ~t~,~ ~l~cti~x~ l~iay~~o APPROVAL OF M~1~IiJ~E5 On motian o~ Couraca~lman Spierl~a~g, s~c~n~l~d by Cou~~il~n I~ll~s and uri~ni~ morxsly carr~,ed,' ~the minu°te~ th~ regula~° ael~~urn~d meetiz~g a~ E°ebrua~y 23 an~ ~~qul~~ ~~~~i~~ o~ ~~b~~~~ ~4, 1~~~, ~d, ~p~~V~~, C9~" t~~ ~'~s On mot on ~ Coe~~i~il:~ian ~~,1.1is, ~~cc~nclec~ b~ C~urac~.lnt~rn ~ailagl~~~°, Jro anc~ unana.mou~ly carri~c~, ~~ra~r~.l Wa~rcarats Noo 4533 thrmugh Nao 45~~, ~.n ~~e tot~.l amouxat o~ $1 270 m 64; ~nd P~.~~~~1 W~r~°ar~ts l~c~ 0 5994 '~h~°o~ngh l~o 0 610 0, in tkae total amount o~ $31 , 46 ~ m 43 9 wa~~~ ~,,~px°~~r~d ~n~ a~~d~~~~ p~acl m ~34 CITY~ COUNC~L MARCH 9, 1976 A;FtI20Y0 GRANDE, CAIo~E'ORN~A PAGE 6 MAYOR'S APPOINTMEN~~ OF CC91~T~TTEE AS~~GNMENTS TO COUT~1CILo MENI~ERS HET.aD QVER Mayo~° c1e Leon requested a~d the Council agreed to holc3 of~ appointments of Commi~~ee a~~ignmen~~ to Cou~cil Members, ~nt~.l t~e next regula~ meetingo RECEIPT QF ' 76 I~LLOCP.TION RE o IJNDERGROLTNDING OF UT~I~TT3~ LTNES - P o Ge & E m The Courac~ 1 re~rie~red a lette~ from ~huck I~ m Rfchmond y Manager of Pacific Gas and Electri~ Comparay, advising that the 1976 allc~cation for the conversion of overhead electric lines to underg~ound ~n Arroyo Grande is $15,400o0Uo The total amount ava~,lable now f~r conver~ion pro~ects .~n ~he C~t~ ~s $4,445000, ~aith $10,955099 having been overe~p~nded on the Branch St~eet undergrounding project. ADMINTST~TION O~° OATH OF OFF~CE ~°O C~TY ~°RE~S~R Mra Schultz nowr being present, City Clerk de1 Campo admin~stered the 0ath of Office to C~t~r 'Treasurer Orville I~Io Schultz and signed and delzverecl to him a Certificate of Elec°tiono PUBLIC HEARING ~ REZONE #~76-93,1°~1" ~'O "AP", BRANCH MII,L RDa (DIXON)-ORI3o 1ST READING Administ~ator Butch ~°eportecl that the Plann~ng Comm~ssion has adopted a resolu~ion recommeradir~g that approa~~mately 40 acres lying northerly and easterly of Branch Mi11 Road and southerly c~f the easte~ly extensior~ of Cherry Avenue, be rezoned f~°om "P,10 Agr~,cultur~.l Di~trict, to "A-P" , Agricu].~ural Preser~re, as requested by Mrso Wilma D~xsono Upon being a~sured by the C~ty Clerk that all xequirements as provicl~d by~ law rega~dir~g natification of hearing hav~ been complied with, Mayor cle Leon decla~ed the hearinq open and all persons would now be heard for ar aga~n~~t this rezoning. Donald Talley, 844 Virginia Dr~.ve, spoke ~n favor of the rezoninga TYiere being no ~~zrth~r publ~c d~scussion on this matte~, Niayor de Leon declared the hearing closedo Afte~ Counc~l discussion, Ci~y Atto~ney Shipsey read, for its f~~~t reading, the t~.tl~ of an ordinance amending tY~e Zoning Map so as to rezone f~om "A° to "A-P", cert~.in property in th~ C~,ty; tY~ereaft~r, a. mot~,on was made by C~~nc~lman SchS.ege1, sec~nded by Councilman Spi~rla.ng and unanimously carried, t~ d~.spense w~~ read~ra~ the balance of t1~~s ord~nariceo REGISTER COMPI~INT TO F" o C m C o RE o~OOR tK~CROWAVE TR~IINSMIS~IOII~TS - CABI~ ~CJ The Counc~I reviewed a resolu~ion from ~tiae Cit~ o~ i~io~ro Bay, being ~ complaint °~o the Federal Commun~,ca~~ons Commis~ion C~CC) regarding poor qu~li~y of microwave tran~rnission to Cent~al C~lifornia Cozn~nunications Corpo~°at~on (CCCC), which is the franchise holder for Cable 7"V in portions of San Luis Ob~spo County. The Council agreed that the tra.nsmis~ion ser~rice has been poor, also real~zing that the mi~rc~~,rave relay se~vice ~s raot con°tr~ll~d directly by CCCC o After Council discu~~fon, a mat~,on was ma~e b3r Counc~.lxnar~ ~pierlir~g, sec~nded by Council- man Gallagher, Sro and unanimous].y carried, to jo~n ~r~th the Gity of Niorro Bay in registering a compla~,nt w~.th the FCC b~ let~e~°, regard~ng poor micro~aave service by Microwave Transmis~ion Co~ps~~a~ion, a common carrier p~aviding microwave relay service of distant televi~ion broadcast signals °to i°ts custome~°, Central California ~ommunications Corpora°tiorao RECEIPT OF ~ 97s I~NNUAI, REPORT OF° ~1 o Gm RESOLTRC]E CUNSEIZVAT~ON DISTRTCT The Council reviewed the annua~ report, for 1975, from the Arroyo Grande Resource Conse~°vat~on Dis°~ra.ct o DECLARATION OF MA3~, 197C, ,AS "P,NTI-LITTER I~IONTH" ~l~i TFiE CIT7t OF ARROYO GRANDE The Counc~.]. r~va.~w~c1 a req~ae~t from the California Arati-Litter League that the month of ~y be de~l~r~d "~°t~-Litter 1tilonth" and ~ged partici,pation by everyone to m~ke CaT~~~r~ia the cle~:ne~°t State in,t~he nat~ono After Council dis- cussion, a mot~on c~a~ made by Goun~~lman IJt~.l.lis, seconded by Councilman SpierTing and unanimousl~r c~°raecT, requestirag ~he ~r~oyo Grancle Beautificat~on Committee to ' work with`the I~1ni°t-L~tter I~agueo Thereafter, ~yor de Leon dec3ared May, 1976, as "Anti-Litter Mor~th" a:n the Ci~~r of A~°x~oyo Grande a GRANT FEE EXENlPT BUSINE~S T~ICENSE F~J~i' CRAFTS SALE - UNITED METFi o CHURCH CAMPGROUNA ~r~ znotio~s~ o£ Gouz~~ilman Millia A~aconded by Counc~lman Spierling and unani- mc~usly carried, a f~e exempt l~u~iness license wras ~ranted to the Arroyo Grande ~IEited Methodist Church Campc~~ound to hold a~ne ~~me only sale of arts and crafts at the Campground ~sn Apri.1 4? 197~i, as requested b~ Jack Be].lot, Chairman of the Camp Commissiono `i 35 C~TY COtT1~C~~ 1~RCI~ 3, 1976 ARROYO ~~DE, ~~1~~~`~~~ P.`~GE 7 LE~TER OF' ~,P~~C~~"I"IfJrT E~~Ia~~~ ii~5~F2~1~~ &~~"L°~. ~~B~~ - Ae~~ Fi~Gfi ~CIi00L TYae ~~~aac~.l re~.dl ~ ~.~t~~~ c~~.~~~t~d ~~s P~~~~~ ~~~.e~ ~1~~°l~ ~~cat~ Princ~.p~l Hitchen ~~d V~c~ ~~~ra~~~a~1 ~~~e ~i th~ ~~~~o G~~nc~e ~igY~ ~~ho~l , ~K~~~~~ixag th~ir ~.pg~~:~~~~~~~,~~ j~~ o~ ~~gY~ ~c~~~~L p~l~,c~ ~~p~~.~~~e~n °t~a~t Res~r~~ Serge~a~x°t T'~cl G~b~~ and t~~ 1~0 ~o ` 1~~~.~,~~ R~~~~~~~ h~~~ cTon~ ~h~ scho~l. TYie, Counc~.l ~g~~~ ~~m~e~~~~ tl~~ ~~~~e~~~ ~a~d T~cT ~~~~5~ ~or t~~i~e p~~~~s~~ora~lism and continuecl ~a~a~~ of p~~~e t~ tl~~ ~~~~ro RECEIP`I° UF` DE~~`T1~T~~ T2EP~ft'P ~E"~~ ~EB1~.iJ7~12Y, ~ 975 The C¢~~r~~il ~~~r.~ew~c~ ~Yae mon~~l3r D~pa~~i~r~~~1 ~tept~~et for F~~~~:ary, 19760 Discussion w~~ l~~~e~Y.y h~~e~ ~e~~~d~ng ~h~ d~~d~i~e ~~~a~ne~ ~xp ~n Oc~m}~ea~ 26, 1976, for hook-up ~h~ sew~~ ~y~~~~ ~~,~~e a~~ ~~ra~,~.~~s~~ ~s~th~,n 250 f~e~t of tYie ~earest p~op~~et~ ~Yne c~~ ~~at w~h~~~ 3~~xi~,c~~r~g ~s ~ocat~elm I~ answr~~ ta Mayor cTe I,~onB~ ~~~g~s~~~~y 7~dtrrc~~~.~~~°a~~~ ~~xt~~ ~~~~~e1 i~t°te~°s ~re planned = fc~r seneling °~o ~~~p~rt~ ~r,s~a~~~ ~~t ~~t ~~~~~d6up °t~ ~h~ ~~we~ sy~~~m, to notify them , of the deacil~~~ m PRESEII~tTP,T~~N FFEo- E~F'teS ~1Vr3 ~~I~Ft~~ SLJBDI~T~~~CSI~ D~~~LTS~IOI~T ~ fI~IeT? OFF TEMPORARZLY As °~he C~un~~l wa~ ~a~~l ah~~d e~~ the ~ches~uled ~genc~a °t:~,mes, ~ presentation. by, Dr> I~a~~ow ~~cl e~iscr~~~~on ~~~~~el~ne~ ~l~e La ~a~~~.n~a ~~ds,~~~~on, ~ras t~mporarily h~1d off un°t~~, ~he ~~~~~ral o~ ~~e H[~,r~~wo : NOTICE O~' I~LT~'o T~P,Ft~N~o l~Z~li~ °76~94g "A~" ~'O "~B2" t te~l~oa, BF~7CH M~I~I~ ~2Do e 3/23/76 The C~~c~~ ~~ce.~~~el n~~~~~ ~~u~~L~~ h~aring has la~en se~ f~r Ma~ch 23, 1976 at 8<OQ F~oNio to con~~.d~~ ~a~ ~~~~m~u~~~T~~~~r~ ~f ~Y~e ~~annir~g Co~ran~,ssion to rezone from ~~A~~ ~to ~~~t_,~~~m2~o ~na~ ~"~_P~B ~ p~o~er~ty ox~ ~~~rncYa ~.Y]~ ~~.d and eas°terl.y of Green- wood Nta.nor a as r~e~~xe~ted by NI~ ~ Ch~~l~s ~~~~n~r~~d a In ar~~wr~~ t~ a qu~~~~~~ ~y ~`~esl 4~~~fg 540 ~~~r~~~~;~ ~~~~~c~~ C~t~r Attorney° Ship~ey ~~~~~d t~~~ ~t ~~k~~ ~ Yn~yor~,t~ ~~te t~ ~a~~ ~ ~°~c~n~~nd~~~~a~m Councilman Millis ~t~t~~ h~~ ur~derst~nd~a~~q ~h~°~ a p~l~~ ~Zea~~sng ~n m~tter sk~otxld not b8 , set a~ th~ p~op~~ ~re~~~clur~ }~r.~~~ ~c~ ~~°~s~rat ~e~e~~.m~cia~~r~~ ~~~m ~e Planning Commis~i~x~ ~r~~ ~o~.~~waecl, ~h~~ tl~~ C~uri~~~. hac~ b~~3t ~c~ ~~a~ Pl:araning Com~ . ` m~.~siora n~r ~oa~~~.el~~ ~Y~i~Y~ the ~~~n~.~~~~a~ ~a~ ~~~~.~a~ 1~~~ ~,~~~ead conside~~d ~.evJ ~~zor~~~g ~pp~li~~~~~n by NI~o G~~~r~~xroocl f~~ ~kn~ s~~ ~}e~e~a~ ~~eam Counc~lm~n Ga~.l~~~~~ al~~ ~~~n~n°~ecl orn the meet~,~~ he~d lsy ~k~~ ~:~~.r2~~~g ~~~um~~s~on at which the n~va ~~z~xa~ng ~~~~,~~~°~~~n h~cl b~~~ ~on~~.de~~do .~t+~o~r~~~ ~l~~psey s~tec~-he ~roazld ~°~~~e~ ~Y~e ~S~~cecT~e~ a~nc~ e~i~e ~~,e C~,t?~ an o~a~r~~~n ~5a~ the ~ma°ttex~ on Wedne~~ay rncs~n~ne~a P~Iar~~ ~O~hg w~~~~er ~ pul~l~~ h~~~r~:r~g b~~m~°~ ~;he ~o~n~~l c~n be legally ~~t sche~~~~do ~xESEN~~~°~o~v ~o ~~~~D~t~~ ~ ~~,o ota ! D~ o Dav~c~ Fiaa~~~~s~ s~n c7~~~p~ Co~za~~y ~~a~~.r~~~~~~~ ~~~d~na°to~ y~ras pres~nt ~ncl ~evi~w~~c1 ~he ~es~~~a~~,~~.~~~~e~ ~f h~~ ~ss~..~~s~a~ ~n prepar~ng Nega°tive Declar~t~ons ~nc~ En~~~°~nm~nta~, ~m.p~ct l~~~x~rt~ p~~jec~~ ~n °th~ ~c1~xr~`tyo He stated that his ~~~~ew t~~~ C~~~r~~ ~~dle~i~~~ ~~epa~°~~i~a~ af ~h~se reports showed ~tha~e t~e~ c~~p~~ wr~~~ t~h~ ~~Yii~~n~~ ~r~~~~~r~en°t~l o ~e C~tya s iinpleme~°ta°t~,~n d~ f~~~~n°~ s~u~. h~ ~~~t~d °th~~ ~~~~~~:1 c~~ u~~,qtxe fram how ~i~~ ~a~~~i~s ~c~ a~~~~~~~ ~r~ ~A~~cl~~z~~ m~°~~~~°m Fie ~~~e~~ed tY~a°~ ~dequat~ public ~om~nen~ ~~a~~l~ b~ ~Y~e~w~~c~ ~a~~ t~k~~ ~~.cl ~~~g~a~,de~ to o ~I~ s't~.~t~d that con- Siderati~n o~ ~~~c°~ ~~p~~~~ aa~~ ~~g~l~z~e~ p~~~,~ ~,~~rin~~ and need no~ be publ~shed ~o~c no°t~ce, bu°t °t~~ }~~zla~.~,~ m~x~t be ~~~~n ~n opp~rtun~~y t~ speak on the ` reports i~ ~t so w~v~~he~ o He ~~r~he~ ~ta~~cl that h~~ ~~b d.~~a:ne and recommend, bu°t not p~'~ a~ pe~~~r~~~, ~,~a~r~~~r~~o H~ mu~t be ola~~~~~~~o H~ ~l~c~ ~~~e~sed that decision m~l~~~~ xnr~~t b~ ~~~r~ ~h~~~ e~~~~~n~a~~,~~a ~a~~r a el~c~~~~n c~me to be m, He review~ed S~~a~~~ ~i]Ll 502 r~~~r b~~i~r~ t]~~ ~;~~~..~~at~x~~ 9~rka~:~h vv~~ autl~ored because of use ~nc~ ~rci~~~e e~f E~L~' ~ o H~ ~~~a~~~~~d a~n ~~i~ ~~Yl ~n ~e~~ox~ ,:~o l~s o 8~11 Lanc~ro~°~l~y" ~ y P~~~ie~ ~~c~ue~°~ c~~ ~c~o ~it~t~~l ~h~ b~~~ ~~1 mal~e some . s~.gn~.fi~an°~ ~ev~~~~~~ ~~~.~~'~~~i~ ~n~~ Q~~~~ A~°~ c~f 1970 bye 1) revising ~'ind~ng~ & ~~c~,a~a~,~~n~ e °t~- ~e~~~~n~ ~I~~~ ~Cmpa~t R~p~~~~ ~~iou~d ~ie addressed to; ancl 2~ ~n ~e~zns ~f c~i~~Yeng~~g ~e accu~~c~ of the Iinpa.et ~teport, it , will reqrxa~r~ a~,vri~t~r~ ~x~d~~~~k~,r~z~ ~~~~g a leg~~. ~~a1,7.~ng~ and mm~~~ wi7.1 have to be put up by th~ chall~raq~~c ar~ Smp~,c~k Repcxt, ~o a,~~ur~ ~tkaat the ehalleng~ is not used as a e~ela~rir~g t~~t~.c ~g~~.aa~~ tk~~ p~~posed p~oj~c~o I~~ ~t~t~d rao knowledgE , as ~o when th~~ bi~.~, m~.gh°~ p~~s~~a Admin~.~~~a~c~~ ~r~~~h ~~~a~~~~e~ ~~i~~t ~~a~~ ha~ b~~~ ~t~~.~t~n~ t~ the Cesuztty: regarding ~o~s ~hi~y Ne~~~~,~°~ D~~~~~~~~,~~~ ~r~e~ ~~Rr ~nc~ ~h~~ nega~iatio~s ; to contr~.~~ D~n ii~.~ar~~r ~ca~ p~°ey~~~~~:~~n c~~ °~la~~~ ~~a~m~ f~a~ ~Ya~ C~.~~~ ne~~ing compl~tian, wti.t'h th~ :~c~~~~rnc~ ~~~~a~c1 ~s~ w~~rl~~ra~ ~~.~Y~ ~~a l~~rr~wa ~ ~3s C~Z'Y Ct7t7N~~~ 1KA1~~H 9, 1976 ARROYO C~R~l7~ ~ ~;F~T~~E°~9F.1~V~~ ~ACa~ ~ DI~CtT5~~~iQ R~ o ~l. ~i ~~T17C~7 y ~~1~T~ ~ ~~°~~I~ ~X1~'~ `T~ ~~1~T~1~~ CC3N1A3~SSION ~,dm~n~,~~.~~.°~~~ 8~~~~ ~~°s~~~~~~ b~~~sa~~~~;m~~: ~~a~.~ ~~z~~~,m~ ~°~que~t by Garing, Taylo~° ~ ~~c 1~~~,~~~ ~ ~-:h~~~~~ ~~~~ru~~~y ~Ca~~~~ as Tally Ho Estate~T o I~~ ~~~~,~~~c~ ~~SS~ ~~~~1~~~t~~~ f~~ this develcsp- m~nt, v~rh~~h ~r~~ ~}~~a~ea~~~~ ~~k~ ~~~~~~;~~~i~:o ~a~ ~~~~~~c~ a~~n:~~~y li.mita- tior~ pl~~~~d ~n t~-~a~~ d~~z~~.~~~~~i~ ~ ~3~~;~ ~~~~~~~a~~ b~ ~.ncluded, but th~~ ~1~~ ~~~~a~~~a~~£ ~~i,~~~"~ ~,~~~~~~v~ ~~5~~~~~r,~~~ ~a.~ ~r~~~~ ~~.~~s;~~x3~o ~°red Wolf, 540 G~yn~~~,.~ ~ ~es~~~~~~~ ~~r~ ~ ~~~3~ ~~~~~r~~~d ~~a~n~~.lir?an G~.~.l~gh~~, ~~m ~ ~t~~~x~~~ ~a ~~~-a~a~~ ~~~~b~~~ ~~~~~~~d ~~~~a ~he F"~.sh & Game D~}a~~°trc~~r?'~ ~o~ c~~~~v,~~~~ ~~~in ~~,~~~~v~m~~s~ ~h~ ~a~~~~o ~~~3~ ~ng~n~~~ Garc:~~. ~~~F~~~ ~~y~~.~r,~~x~di~ ~r~,~~~a ~f~ ~~,~~~~~a ~~~~~~~1~ }~~~.~~~"'~~~i~~ d~~.~nage to the~ cre~ko ~'h~~ c~~~~~'~~~~ ~~~,T ~e~ ~.i~~ ~h~~°t t~e cl~~~~~.g~ ~ri11 v~rcark in~ a, ,~a~'~ m~~~~. ~r~~~r,~~~ C~~x~c~~~~~ M~~L~,~~° ~~~~Lag1~~~cg ~~o a~ q~est~on regarcl~n~ an~ ~e~ ~a~~~~ ~~~ir~~~~ e ~a,~ector of Public Work~ ~~de~~~n ~~.~~~el ~,e~~;~ ~ 1~~~~:~ s ~ 598 H~~~.~~c~~°~, raised concerr~ wh~~he~ cl~w~,~,~~~~ ~~~a.r~ i~~~~~~ ~rsd °~fl~~ ~~~~e~~~~ ~~d~~is~ons together woulcl ~aus~ ~ G~~~~,~. ~~~}~~,~~r~~~ d~~r~~~pm~rat~ ~°e required to r~t~,~c1 °t~~ c~.~~~r~ag~ ~~~s~~~ y~~~ m~~~ o M~~ o Langr~rorthy, Print~ I~~ac~, q~~~~~,~~~~~ ~~~z~ Y~~~ d~~~~~n a~d ~~plana~ions, and t~ra~ an~w~~~cY a ~~~}~~x~~~ ~~m~~~~~~ ~~d~ ~~A ~~~U~~~~~~D ~i~a ~ ~~acla Fred 4~1mIf, ~40 Gaynf~~~g ~~cT ~~b~~~~g u~~~~~ ~w~~~~~~~ 9 ~~g~~~~,~~ *T~~ ~~.~r~a~,ng Co~nmiss~on's eonsicT~r~t~~~ ~~h~~ ~1~~~~°,~~~ k~~~~~~~~~~~n 2~~ ~~~s~~ ~a~~~me~t~ng, a motion was mac1~ b~ Cc~~xxa~~;~m~~~ b, ~~~~a~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~rm~~ NI~11~,~ ~r~d ~~rried, to sencl ~c~n~~c~~~~t~~~h ~~~x~~°r~~,~ °~c~ ~~,~~~a ~or public ~u°t on l~T~~~t~~~ d~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~D pu~l~~ ~a~s~~d ~is bppor°tun~~~ w~~~ ~~~t~~~ aru~~~~ ~~~a~ m~ar~~ °~l~e l~~ar~ning ~omm~:ss~~~,e ~~b G~,~~~~~ ~~3~~' f~,~ ~~5~s:s~g ~°~~~°~~1 a~l~~~ ~~a~~ ~rs~~ter has been before th~ ~~~~r~~~~a~ ~~~~.~~~,~~s ~~c~ ~~~n~~~~ ~.~~ee~.dy, and there ha~ ~~v~a~~ ~~~°~.~ti~~ k;~~~~~~~~ ~ 1+tOTICE CR~ ~TJF3~.~CC I~~~~l~~, LT~1~~`~~ ~ ~il~"~:~~ll~f~ e~F° ~,~T~ ~.T~~ ~~~l~I~~'o ~~~3 ~ ~~e ~~~x~~~~L ~~~~~~~di a~~~~,~~ ~Y~~~ ~ y~~~ ~~~~~a~ ~ ~ o~te on l~arch 23 e ~ 9`76 H ~i~ ~p~~~~ ~~a~r,a~ ~T~~ ~~~m~~~ of the G~neral F~l~r~, ~~~~;~r~~~~i~~ ~h~ ~~~~,~r,a~~~ ~~~a~~~~~r~~,-o R~PORT ~ o I~TO`~~~~ ~ ~LT~~a~~ ~~~~t' ~~"~'1~:1~1~~ ~~~f2 ~1~~Yn7~ ~~~5~ A~°~~~~~~ ~k~~~~~~r~ ~~~s~ '~Y~.c. °~~~~na~~ saicl ~h~~ ~~~~a,r~~~ ~a~~~ ~~~~~.~~~~~ks s~ ~~>k~y~' ~~a~ ~~Y~~~ ~a~~~~~~,~ comn~itt~~~, ~~~~~d b~ ~~~~~,~c~ ~~a~v~~~~~,~~ ~°~~~ed that i~ tY~~se ~d~~,~e~~~~ ~~~~~c~~°~~ ~~~~~~~5;~ ~a~~~~,~,.:~~ ~s~;~Y~ ~h~ ~~aa~~~~~ then no spe~~~~ r~~t~~~s ~~~d ~~~a~~ ~,ti ~~°,~~~a ~-u~~~ the Boardo ~+.dmi,m~st~~t~r ~~~~~Y~ ~k~~~ ~e~a~~~ ~~~~~~~r ~nn~~ a~~ ~ ~~ga~l~~ ~ s~hedtzl~ qf ineetin~~ , ~a~~ ~r~~7~~ a~~~°~~ ~Y~~~ ~a~~~ ~ Fi~ ~r.~ a~~~~~~r ~atter ~nd ~ome }aa~~ ~r~.°~~ ~~~ra~ c~~ .~c~~~~ r~~~~,~~~ o LET`I'EI~ ~S~:~iV~~~~I~ ~ ~'~~'~~~1'~~ ~ C~~z~°n~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~b~,~~~o ~a ~,o '°K~~~L~~a~ C~~h~~n, ~ effecti~~ Nl~~~~ 3g hi9~~y ~s~ ~u~~.~~~ ~~~~r~ ~~~~~o ~~°~a~~~l d~~~a~ssion, on mo°~s,~r~ ~~~r~~~~~~~ ~~,~~~~~~~,a ~~~~u,~~~Y~~~ ~~~~~°~~~g ~n~ ~~ra~,mously carriecl, th~ ~°~~~~n~~;a~,~~ ~~~L~~ ~~~T~~~~ ~~~~ir~ C~~~s~~~~n ~aas accepted w~°th r~g~~t~s ~~acl ~c~Yn~~~~~~~~°~~r° ~u~t~~ ~s~~ ~~~~~~,c~~ r~r~~,~~ ~ ~,~tt~~° ~hanks and aPA~e~~~t~.~~z c~~ ~~`~~^~~c~~ ~~a~x~~~~~.~ ~~a ~~~~o DEI~IY ~~~NI A~~I~T~~ ~~C~`~' ~ ~~11~,~~'F~3~~ ~a~ ~ri~~~~~ ~~~~a,~u~~~~~:~~ ~~,~~~~~~~a~& ~~~~~~~~~c~ °~a~~~~~,~rsa~ ~~~~~s~~~ and car~iecl, °~Y~~ ~ ~N;~~ ~~~~1~~~ ~sas,~~~ b~~~~~ Dar~ie]. Bargf~°e~e b d~~.~ag D~~~~~" ~ ~ ~.~~:~~~n~mkcl~d by ~Yae Ci,~y'~ ~,~i~u~~,X~c~ ~~~~~~~Q 1~°I~~~~ 1~,~~~ d~4 ~~~b,,~,,;~~ ~~de of the ~ri~~~~~e C~~~ A~°~~~~~~ ~~x~~~~~ ~~~~~e~ ~~3~ ~~~~~~~g~~~1~~ ~nt~~,~~t~d 'tki~ ~llegatior~~ ~o ~r~n~ ~ RECEIP~' OF' ~NFC3 m~~ DE~D~~1V~ °~O FiAC~~'~' ~~~~~~C~" ~~T°~~I~~~' COI~E m P e F e C a °~h~ C~ax~a~i~ ~°~~~~w~~c~ ~n :~z~f¢~~~~~,~?a~ ~Z~ca~Y~~~°~ ~~~~a ~l~e ~~~t~~ c~~ C~~.~.fornia Fa~.r Pe~lx~~.~~,1 ~ ~~~~~r~ ~~~~~~~~a~ ,~~°~~p~a~°~~~,~~, ~~r~,~s~~~a~ ~nd adop~iorn o~ ~~~~~.~~it , ~~n~ ~:~~y~ D ~s~~~Y~ z~~~~ ~e~~p~~a~ ~nd in effe~t i~ ~Y~~.~ ~~,~~5 ~Sy ~~~at,~,~~~ ~ y 11 ~ ~ ~u~~~~~ ~~za~~.~,~~, ~f ~Cn~°t~~~~~ C~de pr~parecl lay ~~i~ 5~~~~~x~ ~'~~,if~a~z~~~ ~;1~~ ~~~c~.~ fo~ its revi~~ra J ~ . . . . _ i-. _ ' , 1~7 CITY COUNCIL N~P,RCH 9 i 1 Q76 ARROYO GRANDE, ~,LTE`OR1JI.'~ PAGE g RECEIPT OF" LATE~T ~EG~SIaATIilE BYJ~7.~T~ll~i~ ~`R~~t T4~AGU~ ~~I~ORN~A CITI~S The Cmuncil. ~e~eived anet r~vi~~ed the ~,at~~t Legs~latitr~` ~ull~t,ins provided , bY the 7league of Californi~ C~~~,e~ o A~~o ~ead ~r~,~ ~n urg~~acy 1~~~~r fr~m , Kersneth EmanuelsF L~gisl~~i~e Rep~e~entati~~ th~ League, u~c~ing ~that eYt~.es contact $enator Gruri~ky~ ~r~d po.~n~ out to h~m 1~ss ~c~~~~~ae t1~i~ Cit~ w~Tl expe~°ience' ~f SB 1500 i~ pa~,eda Tlae b~ll ~~g~~e1~ r~organ~.z~t~~~ af °~h~ ~~rurts ~nci 50~ r~ductions i~ City fin~s and fo~feat~xr~~ ~ Basecl or~ ~ 974-75 f~.gixr~s, thi~ Cit~r would lose $8,$1~ ~:n ~evenues the fir~t ye~. A~t~~ Council diseussionn a motion s!~as made by Ce~urac~.lman Sp~~rlirag, ~econcled by Caunci~man GallagY~er, Jro and unani- ~mously carried,. tk~at Sena°~or ~~un~ky of the Senate Jud~c~.ar;~ Cc~m~nittee be contaeted ~~o:inform him of this Citya~ oppo~i~~on t~ SB '85000 Notice t~as also re~eived of a~,eadership ~~m~nar to b~ ~e1d in Coronadp:on ' :~pri1 21st thrpt~+g~ 23rda Administratc~r But~h ~ec~,u~e~~e~ ~hease Ct~u~cil.men:wishing to f,~ttenc3, to le~ k~~.~n know. ;$tE TJEST OF P~RI~S & REC o CONtMISSIOIU F°~R k°UNDa F°R(~R3 S~E OF SURPI.~U$ REAL PRQPERTY _i The 41an~ .'1 read a memoranclum' from the P~rks & Recreat~.oi~ Camxnissican, :~dvising that at its 3.ast meet~g, the ~om~nission laad, by mQtion~ request~d the ~QUncil's apprQVa}. that monie~ from the sale of t~ae City'~ surplu~ r~al property qn Le Point Stree~ (Lots 5& 6 of Becleett~ ~~;dd~.taon} be used t~~aard the p~xrchase ~f the streamb~d area of the Anderson Prope~tyo Administra~or Butch recommended ~,nd the Counc~,~. ac~re~d th~t ~ decxs~c~ra ora ~this x~~quest be held ssff untsl }~udget ~tudy sessionso ' ~ ~PORT - RE~EN~' ~qUTH ~QUNT'~ Tn1ATER ASSOC~AT~ON 1~ETTNG SPIERL~1~3~ _ Counci m~tr~ Spierling reported on th~ Feb~r~~.ry 26th meeti~aa~ o~ t.lie Sou~h ~unty Water A~soceiation o A r~port had been given ar~ th~ two ~~7.~ drilli.ngs on ~~he :beache W~~e~ had been four~d, which is no~ r~p~aceab].e, b~xt ~the water has a ~~iqh:salt contsn~ and would take ex~~nsive treatm~nt ~or hu~an c~an~~xnptione The ..~?roundwater ba~i~~ appear t~ be larg~r than ~~,rc~~ tYa~ught, ~xad ~~uld su~sp].~ the <~resent populatio~ with vs~t~~° fcar a couple hur~dr~d ye~r~ o ~ ¢~P;PORT - WAT~~, R~$OURCES ADVIS~ORY CC3MM3TTEE MEE~~N~ ~ DE LE~31~1 ; Mayor de I~eox~ reported c~n ~he March 3rd meet~.~ag of the Wat~re i~~~~~~es Advisory C~aitt~e, at which ~ repor~ had also been ~neard on ~th~e rael.~, d~~~Y.~n~~ on ~he Oceano Beacho ,~E2ECEIPT OF MINUTES - RECENT MEETING OI~ C(~UNT3t-C~~°5~ ~aQL~D Tn1ASTE Nlp,NAGEI~NT` CONlMIZ'TEE City Engineer Garcia reported on the F~br~a~~y 13th meeting~ o:f th~ Cc~unty- ~ity Solide Wast~ Management Cesmanitteem Cap~e~ a~f thc~ Solid w~~t~ Management Plan ~iave been requ~ated for revi~wro Th~ plan will hav~ ta b~ appr~~*ec~ l~y the magority ~af aities representing a major~.ty of the pmp~x~.~.~~.c~n ~.n the Count~rD fc~r adoptiox~e ~?reliminary ~doption of the p~.an by the c~:ties ~aa~ b~er~ reqtx~ste~ ~r~en ~opies of K: ~ame are receivede Niandatory g~bag~ c~slle~tiom ~n the Coiaraty ~s ~.n the -Plano ~rief discussicn rqas held ~egard~ng the defea~ c~f mar~da~ory garbags eollection in ~his City , so~te years back, va~~a~ this ~.~sue wa~ put b~~'ore ~.he vot~rs o E`red Niolf ~tated that a~a~{ple publi~ op~.n~.on could be gotten wi~hout goa.ng ~o ~eferendumo ~e 8uggest~d tha~ requ~~t~ ~'c~r apin~.~n~ b~ ~~nt ~ri~l~ wrat~r b~ll.ing$ o ~UTHORIZT CALL FOF'~ B~DS ON SItIP ~OADER, BUDG~~D Y~'EM,- BID OFEI~IN~o -4/22 76 The;Ccu~c l reyiewed a r~port frcm City Eragineer ~arci~', ~~questing pe~mis- ~ion to call ~tar bids for the prxrchas~ ef a n~~a die~e]. drive~, .four°wheel, 1~ yard ~ucket loadex~4 TY~is item was bucle~eted orae-h~lf ix~ ~his year's budg~t and one-l~alf ~n last year's buc~get for a tota~. nf $32y750o00o A~t~r Cmunci3.'d~~cuss~on, a motia~ i'~?as m~de by Gaun,cil.man Spierlingq secondedl ~y Gow,~c:~lm~ Ga11.ag~a,~r, Jra aa~d unani:- usly carrisd, authorizing; a call. fmr b~.ds fo~ ~~.~r~ c~s.es~l. d~~.w~~ra ~our~wheel` ~.oader, with bfd ~pening sgt fcar Apr~l 22 9 19°~~, a _ ~ _ ~+SOTICE OF PLTB~LTC IiEARING B3t CHP..N13E~ C6)YJNTYES kiEPaT~~fY ~IrANN~rTG CO'CTI~IC~~: 3/11/76 Admini~t~ator Butch ~dvised ~h~ Corzncil tl~at a pu}~l~c Ys~aring wi]:3. be held ' ~t 2:00 PoM9 on ~arch 17, 1976 in the Ar~royo Gr~~nd~ Ci~y C~tanc~;1 Ch~ambers, by the ~3an Luia Ok~it~pp Cpunty 1451 ~view ~on¢ttitt~a o£ t~a~a Ch~xnxtal CQwnti~~ Ccrm,px~hen~iv~ Health Planning C~unci:T to cc~n~ider appli~at~~n~ f~s~~ the. Snuth County Conva:}:e~cent .Center.and Arrayo Grande Community Hc~pital, farc ~xp~nsi~r~ a~ fa~i].ities and additional l~eds for the caxe' cf p~ti~r~t~ m _ 13~ CIT`Y COUNCIL MARCH 9, °I976 ARROY'O GRANDE~ CALIFORN~A PAGE ~d SMOKING BANNED IN CC3UNCIL CHAMBEItS' DURING MEET~NGS Councilman Schlegel sugges~ed that smoking ~e banned in the Ce,'~ncil Chambers dur~nq meetings. After Council discussion, a moti~n v~ras made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unaraimously c~.rri~dD to ban smoking in the Council Chambex~s during meetings held there. MAYOR'S REQUEST FOR COOPERA'TTON Mayor de Leon st~.ted that the position of Mayor ~.s new to him, as well as a surpriseo He stated he would l,ike tc~ have ~the cooperation ~f the peopl,e and Counc~.l and hoped all could work together ~.n harmonyo ADJOURNIKEN°1' On motion of Councilman M:i.11is, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, tl~e meeting adjourned at 9s40 P.Mo ATTEST : , ~ J~-s r,~~,~ G~`-~ CITY CLERK MAYOR ~